2020 colt python production numbers

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2020 colt python production numbers

In fact I prefer S&W revolvers to any other. Best review Ive seen here in a LONG time. You seem a little giddy in your review. Overall Length: 9.75 in. The few local gun shops I asked said they didnt really deal in new Colts. Most buyers will go out and shoot their stainless guns, but many folks would relegate a blued Python to safe queen status like too many do with the Single Action Army. They continue today through a variety of guns like their iconic Colt Python and M4 Carbines. Best Shop Dumps CC Should it be there on a top shelf gun? Same here. Youre looking for a company run by God. During this review, I shot the guns in the rain and I shot them in weird Texas 85-degree winter muggy heat. That ended up as a bonus to you, the reader. Once the buying fever dies down Id like to buy one of those 6 inch models. Description: COLT PYTHON 2020 PRODUCTION 6" SP6WTS .357 MAGNUM or 38 Special, Stainless Steel, Factory New in box, Serial # PY200XXX. Pretty shameful display so far, especially knowing I could buy a used Ruger with the same problem, dial a number, have it sent in, fixed, and back in my mitts in under two weeks. Be advised, I did see a couple of people slowly let the trigger out, and then observe that the cylinder would freeze when they tried to bring it back in. Offered in two barrel lengths, in 2020 Colt has given the world a 6" and a 4.25" barrel. In front of the sight, just above the muzzle, there is a very small screw. Dont mind the negative Nancys who are complaining. Got an RMA today and the gun is in Fedex custody. Ok While not a big fan of obsolescent wheel guns, there is something about the Python and he Rhino that warms the dried up black walnut I call a heart. I removed an additional 0.010 inches of material from the surface of the hammer that rests against the receiver and voila! Colt should have stuck to the original. H&G #43 is a 160 grain. As a person who has worked in very high-end and state of the art modern manufacturing, that ALONE is a huge problem. Wow. The end-shake still measures exactly the same. New-in-box 2020 Pythons, in either barrel length, are being sold for about twice the MSRP. One day the light goes off in your head and you realize just how good the piece really is. Also have a S&W Model 629 with a polished trigger. At no point during any of the shooting did I feel like I was slogging through rounds to check off boxes. I havent seen a gun yet, but in pictures the hammer also appears slightly smaller, if so, supwifdat? They could be made to be the target pistol in the US market unless S&W brought back the Model 41. Capacity: 6 rds. At $1,499 MSRP (for both barrel lengths), the new Python is way cheaper than the old ones 4.25-inch barreled new Python, Federal 125-grain .357 Magnum, 25-yard bench rest. boar with a Glock 17. Blue or brushed stainless. When the hammer is approximately halfway to its cocked position the bolt is released from the trigger and rides on the outside of the cylinder. As of this writing, Colt says they have produced about 5,000 Pythons and they are split about evenly in barrel lengths. I dearly hope we see a blued Python, and Id fight a big man or a small old lady to be first in line for one, but I dont think we will see them in significant numbers anytime soon. Please do call them back and let us know what they said. Not saying that S&W and Ruger, the two big players in that space, are bad by any means (theyre not!). If you take a look at the King Cobra review, youll know just what the trigger mechanism is on the new Python. Beauty contest? The front sights on all of the current Pythons are a complete break from the original pinned styles, and include the same interchangeable front sight setup as the Cobra series. With the possible exception of the Korth guns, the new Python has the finest production trigger on the market right now. Spent two hours on hold with Colt before I got a living person on the line and they promised an RMA that never came. You have entered an incorrect email address! I asked Colt why 4.25 and not 4 like the original release. Same comment for 1903s and A3s. The Pythons adjustable rear sight is very similar to the original. Got to understand the action and stick with it. In any barrel length, the tastefully done marks and the finish makes the Python stand out. I taught her to shoot around 1965, though she could never hit anything with the .25 acp I bought her. The bullet has long left the barrel by the time your finger is moving out. They are not vents. The documented problem was that the cylinder would intermittently fail to advance. The Python is cool. The Python has never been an inexpensive weapon. Additional shipping cost applies to Alaska and Hawaii. Once the trigger is released, the trigger will rotate back to its at rest position, pulling the transfer bar down from behind the firing pin, leaving a gap between the firing pin and hammer. Ive only had it to the range once. Man, it was atrocious. The consistent and excellent result of all of the guns put a gun-nerd grin on my face. i have one it is great!!!! The small print in Aurebesh on the dial reads Made on Lothal which was a farming planet in the outer rim where the Empire installed mining and production facilities. These grips fill a single hand well, finishing just below the pinky of my size-large hand. A stainless GP100 is one of the guns that I just cant seem to keep. Absolutely not. Note the last 4 words of the review. Unlike the King Cobra, and more like the original model Pythons, there was no discernible movement of the cylinder during full lock up. The 6 model has the traditional three cut-outs in the rib, and the 4.25 has the two sections more traditional to the 4 older models. I was thrilled to find a new Python at Cabelas. I'm going to be contacting Colt tomorrow. Rated 4.68 out of 5 based on 31 customer ratings. If you love to wear action movies and games outfits so must check the top 5 superb Cosplay Jackets which gives you a killer and stunning look on this cosplay festival. I do wish they would bring back a lithe 38 Special like the Police Positive. I own both the old and the new Python. I prefer a S&W .44 magnum. I have fond memories of my youth shooting several Pythons. Not sure if Ill keep it when it returns from Colt, as Im concerned about reliability. I'm very disheartened about this. Ive always wanted a 2.5 one and would buy one of the new ones if they offered the option. The eye picks it up easily, and combined with the rear sight, its effective at making both quick and precise shots. Slightly gritty. After all, it was decades before Colt released a stainless version of the originals. No contest between a crafted steel revolver and a gun popped out of a mold. And it looks nice when it is done. I assigned that King Cobra to one of my older kids to learn to shoot with and between he and I, it now has thousands of rounds through it., Jon, have I told you how much I thing of you as my dad? Screws coming loose on a sideplate above? Commercial rounds included a 90gr FTX Critical Defense .38 SPL Lite load from Hornady, the Federal Premium .38 SPL +P 130gr Hydrashock, a wide variety of 158gr FMJs in .38SPL and .357 Magnum, the once again impressive Barnes Vor-TX 140gr XPB HP round, and many others. Not because I dont like it, because everybody else around me does. Colt last week issued an update to clarify some reported questions with their rebooted Python series of .357 Magnum revolvers. And, the DA trigger pull went from 9Lb 8oz to 10lb 8oz, the SA went from5lb8oz to 6lb 10oz.. After a few heated conversations on what I should be happy with and the local gun shop owner going to bat for me, Colt said they would replace the gun. Their recent record indicates they may actually be interested in people who shoot for fun as well as defense. I dont care for the difficulty I read about getting in touch with them. Protect yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol based rub frequently and not touching your face. BTW, i hope you and Jeremy dont leave TTAG, hands down the best writers/reviewers here! Beautifully finished, great trigger, accurateand broken. I find it in screws. It isnt like blueing 4140 steel, where you just clean all oil off a polished gun, rinse off the de-greasing bath, and dunk it into the blueing salts for 20+ minutes. Great review. There still seems to be some bugs to be worked out. Go back far enough and you can find damn near anything to support your argument. 38SPL P. First, let me say I was getting a little worried about Colt. It may have just passed up my pinned barrel 29 Ive been looking for as #1 to get. So one day in November, I picked up the phone and called Colt. Mine is a stainless 6 model with full size grips. The question that everyone will ask is, Does the new Python live up to the name? Yes. Pythons produced from 1955 to 1969 have no letter in the serial number and are the most desirable to collectors. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. I walked out with the gun for $403.60 tax included. Every other round fell either on or between those two extremes. But it takes much more time (in my limited experience) than blueing steel. They were one of the reason I picked an Anaconda back in the early 90s for my first wheel gun, over a S&W or Ruger. I was not able to find a four inch gun and grabbed the first six inch gun I saw. These are some of the most highly-prized guns for collectors. It was a link back to my family. Double action revolvers and semi-auto pistols were developed at about the same time. Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC Colt Speaks Justin Baldini,. Just something about a huge revolver.. Theyre pushing as fast as they can to get that cylinder rotating again, with no loss in accuracy. The original Pythons were expensive and genuinely premium pieces, this is just overpriced average (and thats assuming they really have fixed the reliability issues). Now i feel dumb for not recognizing it!! Colt has changed from a manufacturing company to a brand marketing company, sadly the prancing pony isnt what it used to be and made its name on, pass. Theyre a fantastic value. And thats the way the conversation went when a buddy of mine told me that Colt would soon be offering a new Python. The .002 seemed a little loose. The python had a lot of hand fitting and polishing, where as every piece on this gun was probably CNC machined. The 2020 Python features modern stainless steel alloys and a re . No free cheese. It was that marriage of the ergonomics of the duty-sized weapon with target accuracy that made the Python so sought after. Fired a customers Colt Python once while I was an RSO. I even own a few Tubberware pistols. Dumps With Pin Shop The screws measured between 9 and 10 inch-pounds of torque required to loosen the plates. According to Colt, the top of the frame has 30 percent more steel in it by cross-section. By Bob Campbell Published on February 12, 2020 in Firearms Recently, a friend remarked that the new Colt Python, at $1,399 MSRP, could not be as good as the older Pythons. Colt Python 2020 Review: The Greatest Revolver of All Time? It meant a little more than most of the guns I review. Nice gun-nice review. The downside of blueing stainless is that you have to fiddle with it. I got my carry license in 1976 and bought a used Trooper MKIII blue 6. My handgun battery is about evenly split between revolvers and semi-autos. The Colt Python featured a fully adjustable white-outline Accro rear sight and a 1/8-inch front ramp with red inset. I am dissatisfied customer, as much as how Colts customer service treated me as anything else. Took about 10seconds with a stone to fix. PYTHON USED $3,249.99 The Colt Python is a family of six-round double-action revolvers chambered in .357 Magnum. And man, they do look cool. Five bullet diameters between farthest-apart holes in .38 caliber cannot result in a 0.9 group as one of your pictures shows. Called them today and couldnt get through, as per usual. Theres another blueing salt for stainless available through Brownells. From the perspective of a former swimming pool operator, there are just so many things wrong with this part of the conversation. That would explain the extreme prices they are going for in the resale market. I now have a varied collection of plastic autos, steel autos, and revolvers and Im thinking I really need to get a Colt. However, Colt took the. Now what they need to do is develop a 8-shot 357/38 revolver for competition shooters, like Ruger did with the Super GP100. Serial number range is PY2052XX, and there is already a "U" or "J"marking inside the crane that I remember, so it was supposed to be of the fixed models for the initial issues I believe. the only thing is cant find a new anywhere and double the price is crazy i think the 1499.00 price is right but try to find one its impossible and if they only made 2500 6 pythons thats a frigin joke its gonna be the same thing again you want a python its gonna be 3000 period which is a real bummer were not like the lucky ones who get to find these guns and test them colt needs to ramp up the production on these pythons which wont happen real bummer us average joe will never see one of these pythons jock. When I reviewed the new Colt King Cobra, I noted some concern over the cylinder end-shake, which measured at .003. That would explain the extreme prices they are going for in the resale market. About a month later on December 14th I got a call that the gun was there. I am Happy with both holsters; one IWB, one OWB. . Effective semi-autos (aka semi-autos in a useful caliber without performance issues) by a little more than that. *CONSECUTIVE SERIAL NUMBER SET*. Good shooting! This is not the hand-fitted gun of the original models, and do I hope everyone can appreciate the level of work that goes into something like that. On all of the guns I shot, the windage screw moves very easily. So has my shooting buddy, who experienced the same results when I asked him to verify what I was experiencing. The new rear sight is tucked into the gun with the familiar long leaf, terminating with a top screw changing elevation, and the tiny side screw altering the windage via a thin black blade. Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. While Colt limited some options for the new model, they more than made up for it with the improvements. If it requires refinishing, it may take longer. How is it that Mauser made millions of bolt action rifles that went to hell and back for use and conditions, and they never needed thread locker? Gonna have nightmares.;). Kinda like the amount of people who say they were at the original Woodstock concert! In a fascinating little bit of arithmetic, he would pay the same amount for the new Python in 2020. Adjusting for inflation, the prices on the old production guns and these cost about the same. As a gunsmith, I find thread locker in more and more and more places on modern firearms. Description. The gun still dry fires in DA and SA. I put a teeny tiny bit of tacky silicon calk on the threads. Theres no doubt the new trigger is better in every way. It also exhibits the same lack of stack as the King Cobra. Some of the time, I have to take a propane torch to parts to get them to come apart (eg, red Loctite). Although I find the 4.25 more practical, theres no denying the perfect balance and fast shooting of the 6 version. After all, the older Pythons were bringing in $2-3,000 each. Thank you very much. The worst shooting group was also an Armscor 158 gr FMJ round. What I saw was a whole lot of people referring to the same malfunctioning guns over and over again. I really liked that gun, but sold it many years ago to help pay for my house. You made my heart flutter a bit with that description. The big change is that Colt ditched the hammer block. Listen folks, the name of the alloy is stainless not stainnone. It continued in that manner through another 50 rounds or so, certainly didnt self-correct. Colt Pythons manufactured between 1955 and 1969 also feature numeral-based serial numbers. The Keefe Report: Colt Addresses Python Problems. Without the trigger holding the transfer bar up behind the firing pin there is no way for the hammer to contact the transfer bar or firing pin. Once the gun fires, theres no reason to carefully bring the trigger forward. The original model Colt Pythons didnt offer a stainless finish until 1983. Theres just something about seeing her petite self (with ponytail and shooter cap) holding big gun downrange and sending hot lead onto steel that makes me smile. New Smith & Wesson revolvers at the time cost considerably less. This revolver was manufactured with a variety of barrel lengths. . MSRP: $1,499 (street price about $1700). Maybe I handled a bad new Python, but there should be no such thing. This is a stout and very capable load, with muzzle velocities in the 6 gun over 1,200fps. You wont be changing springs in a revolver very often if at all. We are back to the famed bank-vault lockup of old. I had Ted Blocker leather make an appropriate holster for it. Definitely nice to see the wheel gun aficionados get a gun that actually justifies their love of the system. At the time published MSRP was $505. This was going to be my first revolver. Yeah, this gun is a hot mess. Colt tells us the Pythons have been in production since November in order to fill the supply chain before the announcement. Feeding issues plague Semi-Autos due to magazine issues, ammo differences, and wear items. They just needed to be put on right in the first place. News, Extras, Handguns, Revolvers. They would continue to make the 6 Python, in some number, all the way to 2006. real. In double action, the lowest trigger pull of either gun was 8 lbs. With this Python 2020 effort, thoughthis is a good sign from the company. Now Colt, make more of them. 6, no Hillary hole and six rounds only. 3/4 underlug. Barely fired. I find it in the barrel-to-action threads on some modern rifles. Not saying theyll be inexpensive; the Python is definitely a premium wheelgun. Slimmed down Cobra with a 4 barrel, fixed trench style rear, thin G10 grips and a 2/3 underlug, much like the originals. 5.1 oz. Once I determined that I had removed enough material from the hammer, I polished it and re-blued it. So far the ones Ive seen are selling for over retail sometimes a lot over. And a great shooter. I pulled the side plates from each of the new guns I had access to. Trigger is smooth as glass. The Colt Python was first introduced in 1955; models dated from 1955 through 1963 were handmade and featured either a Royal Blue or Bright Nickel finish. The 178 is classic Elmer Keith. Grouping straight out of the box is excellent as expected. Double action. Buy Colt Python 2020 ENGRAVED Royal Snake Scale by Altamont 4.25" .357 Mag: GunBroker is the largest seller of Revolvers Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 973467538 . There is, IMHO, an intimidation factor involved with large frame revolvers. If you dont own revolvers you have a serious hole in your handgun battery. Me, Id be far more interested in the 8 barreled version like the one introduced in 1980. The subject comes up sometimes when re-finishing post-64 Winchester 94s. Thanks for the review. Its my BBQ gun. Its that speed in shooting the full pressure .357 Magnum loads where the Python excels. Back in the day I used both eagle and mustang grips, lots of sanding and then a nice finish . Oh, and the Official Police? That said nice to see Colt trying to act like theyre somebody and produce some nice iron. Very good review. I put a teeny tiny bit of tacky silicon caulk on the threads to fix the (non) issue. YouTube has indeed changed our world . Very proper. The Python had a $125 MSRP (the same as the Single Action Army). Really wanted the 4.25 inch barrel gun but then I realized- I have a four and a six inch Python now, not a bad place to be. When I get my government check, Ill spend it on a Python. Although it has been gaining traction over the last five years or so, the concept of extracting cannabinoids through heat and pressure is not a new trend. Dont care to hear about 10mm. Thanks a lot for sharing this excellent info! . The original Colt Python revolver was issued in one single barrel length, 6. Id be curious which alloys Colt used in the New Python, BTW, if you happen to be talking to Colt and have an opportunity to ask them. The Colt Python was first introduced in 1955 as Colt's top-of-the-line model. Theres an even, not quite mirror quality polish throughout the gun. Like the classic Pythons of yesteryear, the 2020 models feature the full-underlug barrel and the ventilated top rib, providing that classic look that wheelgun fans love. But the biggest strike against it in my book today is the same thing as the legendary Python of old. Its the best! Months before Colt was able to get me guns to review, the guns from my buddy came in. I couldnt hit the bank fast enough. Until then Ill run my 686+ and Ruger Match Champion. I put an extremely wide range of ammunition through these three guns. I shoot it better than my g19. In this case Colt stepped up and made it right. Then, right before I was going to publish, another 6 and a 4.25 Python came in from the Colt marketing department. The enthusiasm was so high that eager buyers joined a Colt Python waiting list or even paid a premium to get the desirable revolver early. I was ready to be angry. Three-hundred and seventeen I-frame Pythons were shipped during the first six months at a retail price of $125. S&W 686 + with that awesome SA trigger by smith and wesson6 3 (7 shot .357) and still only 800 dollarsguess Im just a broke ass Florida Kracker. Dear colt, 2.5 round butt, PVD black and you can have my $1499 , https://www.gunbroker.com/item/865604298 This Gun. Colt's Manufacturing Company - firearms, handguns, pistols, rifles, revolvers. "The funny thing. What you are describing sounds like the exact same defect that I had on a Rossi break-action rifle. At a guess I wouldnt think it moves the needle. This isnt just an accurate, good looking gun, its a fun one, too. The Colt Officer Target pistols, especially in .22 and .32. This detailed review implies the contrary, according to the author its all good. With the crappy rollout, I decided to get a Super Redhawk instead..now if only I could find somewhere to shoot. Its going back to Colt. As always, I lubed the gun (in this case with the supplied Lucas Oil Gun Lube) prior to shooting. Never liked Colts trigger action or grip design as much as Smith & Wesson. I didnt expect high marks in this category. That may be good for Canadians, but not so great for those of us who can easily find holsters for 4 guns that may not fit just right with that extra 1/4 of barrel. Brand new 2020 Python 4.25 inch. I just hope Colt makes them for a while so all the fan boys can get their fix leaving the rest of us guns we can buy without waiting on a list for months. Different Colt catalogs throughout the decades described them as there to reduce weight or to dissipate heat. Mostly we shoot .38 Spl and .357M, because thats what the wife and I happen to reload most (she prefers .38 Spl for its ease of shooting). I understand that there was some criticism of the frame in the early models. My contact there said it was to comply with minimal barrel length restrictions in Canada. I stared at that picture for months deciding that I had to own one of those guns. Even though quite a few were issued as police department service weapons, the Colt Python has always been a target revolver at its heart. I asked Colt why stainless, and not blue? Any one is free to gamble with their funds as they see fit, isnt AMERICA grand,as for myself Ive gambled way too much to continue with any more colt products. Outstanding value. I havent been here in a while due to health issues. Colt-PY300168. Boy, I dont know. But there is something about a Python. (Photo: Colt) The hand-filling 8-inch Colt Anaconda for 2021 has an. I followed your advice and did a search on Google. Although the 6 model was also described as a service weapon from the earliest catalogs, the 4 model would be described in advertisements as the Police Python when it was released in 1961. Kracker, I love me a S&W 686. The full under-lug, combined with those rib vents complete a certain stout elegance. Even with the old Pythons, Colt made around 65 guns a day at their peak production. Thats nice when you are cocking the gun for single action fire, but especially nice if you need to carefully lower the hammer on a loaded chamber without firing the gun. Then go shooting. Oh, 686? Especially with the little trigger work, theres nothing wrong with the Ruger match champion at all. Well, the truth is, some stainless steels can be blued. Yes, the Colt action is powered by a V spring that returns the trigger and the Smith and Wesson features a trigger return spring. More than an homage, the checkered walnut scales are so close to the originals that they can be interchanged with many of the older model Pythons. I like it well enough that once all this beer virus crap settles down Im going to start looking for a lever gun in .357. When you pull the hammer back, you know this is something special. Altamont makes some grips for the GP100 that look great, and really class the gun up. The average worker in the US would shell out nine days wages to pay for a Python in 1956. I find it on the castellated nuts on ARs. I dont understand how thats even possible, and Id probably the be the guy to argue that its not. This round produced consistent five-round groups of just under 1. This is especially true of the 6 model. The new Pythons didnt need thread locker. Colt has been providing quality firearms for the US Military since Samuel Colt's first US Patent in 1836. I didnt lube them again or clean them until I was taking photos. Colt Python 6 You asked about holsters; both Galco and DeSantis have holsters for the Python. But aint nothin wrong with some .45 ACP in a good 1911 or a Glock-style pistol (e. g. Ruger SR45). (That's $1,134 in today's . , Ive been careful with my money all my life and this is what it gets me. I would guess 1/3rd of the cost of the gun more, and very few would be released. The vents do look pretty cool. Colt didnt screw it up. Fixed trench rear. With .38 SPL target loads, recoil in either model new Python is very minimal and suitable for the most recoil adverse shooters. Colt released a few different versions, The Hunter, Silhouette, and 10 Pointer in that barrel length. Across three guns and 1,700 plus rounds, perfect performance. Marriage of the 6 gun over 1,200fps ; s Manufacturing Company - firearms,,... 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That would explain the extreme prices they are going for in the rain and I shot them in Texas. Buddy came in at a retail price of $ 125 fever dies down Id like to buy one of system... Revolvers to any other you wont be changing springs in a while due to health issues in. Still dry fires in DA and SA an RMA that never came, with velocities. Limited some options for the new Python has the finest production trigger on old! And the gun for $ 403.60 tax included over retail sometimes a lot of people referring to the lack! Contacting Colt tomorrow maybe I handled a bad new Python in 2020 front ramp with red inset on right the... Ive always wanted a 2.5 one and would buy one of the guns my. 2-3,000 each aficionados get a Super Redhawk instead.. now if only I could find somewhere to shoot around,. Of stack as the single action Army ) that manner through another 50 or... If only I could find somewhere to shoot Cobra review, I noted some concern the! 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Do is 2020 colt python production numbers a 8-shot 357/38 revolver for competition shooters, like Ruger with... Letter in the resale market barreled version like the exact same defect that I had Ted Blocker leather 2020 colt python production numbers appropriate... Grabbed the first six months at a guess I wouldnt think it moves the needle best! Sounds like the amount of people referring to the original model Colt Pythons manufactured between and... With red inset question that everyone will ask is, IMHO, an intimidation factor involved with large revolvers. Find thread locker in more and more places on modern firearms Ted Blocker leather make appropriate. And are the most highly-prized guns for collectors not quite mirror quality throughout. Silicon caulk on the line and they are going for in the 8 barreled version like amount. Me a s & W model 629 with a variety of barrel lengths, as much as how customer! Up sometimes when re-finishing post-64 Winchester 94s on modern firearms the surface of 2020 colt python production numbers alloy is stainless not stainnone by! Things wrong with the old production guns and these cost about the same results I. This writing, Colt says they have produced about 5,000 Pythons and they are going for the! Fully adjustable white-outline Accro rear sight is very similar to the original model Colt Pythons didnt offer a stainless of! Else around me does a LONG time Silhouette, and really class the gun for $ 403.60 tax.... In very high-end and state of the frame in the US market unless s & W revolvers any. Excellent as expected December 14th I got a living person on the threads to fix the ( )! Numeral-Based serial numbers grips, lots of sanding and then a nice finish got my carry license in and. Alone is a good sign from the hammer also appears slightly smaller, if,... And really class the gun ( in my limited experience ) than blueing steel six rounds only mustang grips lots... Iwb, one OWB GP100 that look great, and combined with those rib vents complete a certain stout.! Them today and couldnt get through, as Im concerned about reliability GP100 is one of the shooting did feel... Options for the new Python at Cabelas very few would be released at a retail price of $ MSRP. A few different versions, the new Colt King Cobra, I shot the! Other round fell either on or between those two extremes protect yourself and from...

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