I like your train of thought in the beginning, until you mention that young children dont really need art instruction. Probably not. http://www.artedguru.com/home/naea-webinar-recap. Whether you become a fine artist or an engineer, a solid art education teaches students how to see clearly and how to give form to their ideas. Arts programs were the first victims. The rest of his case, however, is anecdotal. And they cannot be assessed on a standardized test. At-risk students who take art are significantly more likely to stay in school and ultimately to get college degrees. Your email address will not be published. However, socializing between children is a good thing, it helps them learn to interact with peers and build healthy relationships. STEAM: Science, Tech, ART, Engineering, Math!! Through a visual creative process, art therapy focuses on developing personal coping habits involving the physical, mental, and emotional qualities of an individual. I feel like I get half way then get blocked. 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102, Unit #313 We all know the value of art for our students. Even as a person who loves art, my high school art class was mainly stuff like drawing bowls of fruit, which I did not enjoy. Every now and then, I read an idea like this one. The arts are valuable. It also widens the gap between the wealthy institutions and the poor ones. The debate has been whether or not art will be available in schools and is it worth my money and time? Creative Education is a good idea, but I think it must include those foundational projects that many people see visually as kids just making pretty pictures. Theres is so much more learning that occurs in the process of creating these art projects and afterward when many teachers have students reflect on the process and self-assess on the outcome not just on the final product but on what was LEARNED in the process. Children who are not passionate about visual art could get involved in local theatres, orchestras, and band groups. Art can save lives.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'theartbay_com-box-4','ezslot_6',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-theartbay_com-box-4-0'); The next reason that art education is not important is this one. They havent drunk the water of student choice yet. Why are we so stupidly believing everything said about what is or is not needed in schools. I think that art programs in schools need to encourage creativity in an experimental way. Its also not a freakshow of self-indulgent divas and losers. Common Arguments that Art Education Advocates Face Classroom time spent on Visual Arts is wasted, because Art can be integrated into other core subjects. Arts programs are being stripped from schools, especially schools serving our most vulnerable neighborhoods, because those schools are choosing, in response to a variety of policy decisions, to spend more time on subjects more likely to raise scores on standardized tests. They should be an important element in any well-rounded education. This article will discuss reasons why art education is not important, and why it is not necessary. Im happy to report that none live in their parents basements. However, there is also something to be said for teaching basic use of materials and skills. When we create illustrations for storieswe learn about literature. This is a generalization.not my experience with K-12 learning groups at all. Teaching these sorts of skills and encouraging full throttle, no-holds-barred creative thinking dont have to be mutually exclusive. In Texas, we are already moving towards process. Instead of being defensive about art, instead of talking about culture and self-expression, we have to focus on the power of creativity and the skills required to develop it. Surely it is in everyones best interest to focus on that? If we got rid of our band and drama department you would lose 500 kids. My school allowed me to work on my project during lunch and eat at the same time. We use art and technology as motivation and as ways of communicating our learning. What is worse is that the media, schools and politicians are telling children that they will have no future if the study arts in higher education. [1] The ballot measure was approved . When you think of all of the problems in Society, how much better would things be, if only: Ethics; Logic and Creative Thinking were emphasized a bit more? What we need to do better is educate the public, and the administrations as to how that works. 1. Art can be part of any curriculum! Im proud to say my science students were the best art students in the school. If not, how can you break it down to separate classes? I dont consider myself to be an artist, or an art teacher. How are thinking and feeling related? In the written language we use certain tools to communicate grammar and punctuation to arrange words into sentences and then arrange those sentences into paragraphs in a logical order in order to clearly communicate our thoughts, ideas and emotions in an overall effective composition. If students arent taught the basics first, how can they inmplement principles of art and creative thinking elsewhere? These definitions lend themselves to exactly what this site is about. Everyone and anyone can become a lawyer. By and large these dont do better in life, and are often a lot more cynical and depressed. I would love to be a part of this kind of school that was briefly described but the reality is that this article is more about the maker movement, (which is also a big deal and should be included in education) than the arts education. [] students with the creativity to employ in other areas like STEM to solve world issues. Its shadow reflected on the table. . A decade ago, the No Child Left Behind and Common Core programs prioritizedscience and math over other subjects. The obvious truth is that we as a society and as a government simply are not providing for the free education of our children, despite our constitutional and legal commitments to the right to adequate schooling. Arts education is needed as an impetus for change, challenging old perspectives from fresh angles of vision, or offering original interpretations of familiar ideas. How many homeless amputees can there be? Studio based classes where students are presented a challenge and then rewarded for different outcomes is the expectation. Creativity is about helping to solve the worlds manyproblems. [MAIL ONLY ADDRESS] When art students analyze an artwork, they use art vocabulary to express their ideas. My band consists of at least 200 kids and the drama department al least 200. Yes,I know that there are high-school video classes and art computer labs, but they need to be turned into engines for creativity and usefulness, not abstract, high falutin artsiness based on some 1970s concepts of self-expression. How do you make the best decision when there are no correct decisions? It comes down to necessity and welfare, rather than an argument of extra intelligential enrichment. Unfortunately, although my Admin knew that I was already incorporating the engineering process of STEAM in my classroom, the trainer herself knew I was advanced, I still have not gotten their respect and understanding this school year. This article has upset me greatly, and the thought that so many people agree is disturbing. We also have a huge focus on Inquiry learning. Tragic. Creativity is not a ghetto, not a clique, not something to be exercised alone in a garret. A great artist is also a problem solver, a presenter, an entrepreneur, a fabricator, and more. In these meetings, Ihear leaders encourageteachers to hit the higher levels of Blooms Taxonomy in their lesson plans. Im fully in support of this article and the concepts presented. Fine arts in schools are vital to the students demonstration of creativity because they are a way of expressing individuality in the things they do. I am a 15-year-old visual arts student at Northwest School Of The Arts and I will just start by saying that i have reviewed an incredible education from my art school; which is overflowing with brilliant minds or as you put it a handful of teens in eyeliner and black clothing whose parents worry theyll never move out of the basement. Us artists who where born with our gifts are also sometimes born with some problems or develop them overtime but art is almost always our outlet because its something we know well always have. (Source: ChatGPT3.5) Im so glad you are getting the message out to others. Although, I think for music, its a lot harder to find a community ensemble. She was so busy trying to make sure that regular Ed teachers understood the Engineering Process They struggled and complained. Then you get to your lead; that we ought to teach Creativity. Specifically, the following arguments support arts education: 1. Surely this should be encouraged. One of the biggest argument for art education is that it results in better test scores and higher grades. I find that when you have a creative art space, the students learn that they can open and share their thoughts in a safe environment and the art teachers (who usually know hundreds if not thousands of different forms, and mediums of art, artists, history, methods, techniques, & skills), hone in on each students interests to help them grow that spark of curiosity (and we also advocate for sketchbooks), that will transform into creativity! Children arrive at school with a creative mindset. I agree although one problem remains, money. This puts an even greater burden on the school board. List of the Pros of Cutting Art Programs in Schools 1. I wish I had either. Commercial culture has functioned as a sleight of hand, obscuring the distinction between creator and consumer, seducing us into an acceptance of conformity and loss of identity, and handing us the politics of the day. Yes, we can do that in a math or science class if the student is allowed to be open and share their ideas. Too many wrong judgements in your article to address. It is the perfect storm. We arrange these elements of art using the principles of design variety, balance, pattern, emphasis, etc in order to create an overall effective composition in order to communicate our thoughts, ideas and emotions. Imagine that you are a parent and, due to funding cuts, you have to choose whether your child will learn art or math in school. However, parents want more opportunities and choices . In Glen Rock High School, a student is required to take a certain number of art classes, which can be taking valuable time away from other, more enriching courses, or option time which can be extremely beneficial to those taking a high number of AP or Honors courses. Period. I really like how you pointed out that children can get involved in the arts elsewhere! Anne-Marie Slinkman, an elementary school art educator, is a former AOEU Writer. Its about being brave, its not what school wants to teach you at all it wants you to function in a system. In some cases, proponents for the removal of art from schools have been influential in implementing technology-based programs in the place of art programs in schools. What is that word? She explained, It all started out with a shiny piece. Don't waste your time, go to college, earn your degree, become a lawyer, and then move on. In my schools music and art classes, we are encouraged to be creative and follow our artistic passions. All of these comments are very insightful. Even preschool is becoming task oriented. While I agree that an art class should be a center of exploration for a student, to remove the acquisition of the skill leaves the world with teenagers in dark eyeliner. Those supporting the removal of art from schools often point at the prevalence of out-of-school art programs, which could be supplemented for in-school art classes. Art does matter in the classroom, delivering a wide range of advantages for students. And, they they can re-arrange them. https://silenttreatmentblog.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/an-open-letter-to-those-who-find-music-in-the-public-school-system-irrelevant/. While it is true that students who take art classes generally have higher GPAs, that is not proof that art classes are the cause of that difference. Im sorry to say this, but we would have to change the entire public school system in order to have it be a mecca of creative thinkers in every room, teacher, & student in our schools. We need tocommunicate this value to our stakeholders. In this climate, art educators need to justify our programs more than ever before. Music is needed in all schools! You need to convince them the value of free thinking. When we write about artwe strengthen these skills. A project thats sole purpose is to teach specific principles of art is far more valuable to creative development than something as vague as convey an idea through a sketch. Why should students who are disinterested in the arts be forced to take an art course simply so they can acquire the credits? Its EQUALLY important, but not MORE important. Your new curriculum title has just revolutionized education. That does not matter to you. Well spoken. All comments are subject to approval by The Glen Echo's staff adviser. I dont know what schools you visited, but Ive seen up close the amazing, thoughtful, skillful, interdisciplinary and socially involved work that youth (many from low income, disenfranchised backgrounds) at our local arts center do. I do, however, know quite a few people that were interested in Art but were forced, often by their parents, to study advertising instead, so that they have a secure job, supposedly. But it doesnt mean we knowwhythat connection is there. As a community of creative persons it can be hard for us to break out and be proactive when we are so overwhelmed already. If we want to build a better world, we should provide the best art education. In a visual language, the tools we use to communicate are the elements of art and principles of design. Art is a valuable commodity. Integrating art with other disciplines reaches students who might not otherwise be engaged in classwork. This is reality for many families. The success can be attributed to a number of factors, such as the fact that students with lower GPAs may not be at liberty to take more art classes. Technically correct, however, doesnt necessarily mean creativeor even interesting. If the classes are considered essential due to their positive impact on grades, then perhaps that time spent on art should just be allocated to other courses or more free time that allow students to manage their workload in a better way. I took additional STEM training this past summer (STEM because my district and admin is years behind in recognizing the art component as valuable) and the instructor said that I was already advanced, was already doing this in my classroom, and sort of ignored me during her training. If you are not interested in teaching other people about art, then you should not be an artist. Any attempt at prevention is usually a good idea. In LA County alone, 1/3 of the arts teachers were let go between 2008 and 2012 and, for half of K-5 students, artwas cut all together. US Movie Scores and More, Here's How to Get More Clients as a Hairstylist, How To Start The Process Of Building A House. Musical notes can be arranged into a much larger piece. After the recession of 2008, 80% of schools had their budget cut further. Art teaches students to step out of their comfort zones and explore new horizons in self-expression and creativity, which in turn, will allow for greater advancements in society. An entrepreneurial argument, on the other hand, sees possibility and opportunity. A good teacher works to make the projects fun and to turn those lessons into life skills. I have taught K-12 and college level art as well as college level rhetoric and composition and there is a great deal of overlap between the two as well as many other interdisciplinary connections. It has a name Teaching for Artistic Behaviors (http://teachingforartisticbehavior.org/) Changing the name for what we do would be possibly a good idea, like a new start. Yes, the standardized testing has crushed our extra-curricular classes (also the homec, shop, and some sports have been cut), in our school systems in the USA. Yes, you have a point on the creativity idea but Id like to say that is it werent for all of my elementary art classes and quirky art teachers, I wouldnt have discovered my talents as soon as I did and i wouldnt be the person that i am today. Imagine how the U.S. looks to hundreds of millions of people around the world whose only sources of information about us are commercial or propaganda television, Hollywood movies, and pop music. But dont stop with children Danny, this goes all the way to the top. Who will want to give any brilliant idea you may have the attention it deserves when it looks like 100 pictures of chicken scratch? Author Daniel Pink in his book A Whole New Mind proposes that the future of global business belongs to the right-brainers. I grew up in Philadelphia in the 90s and I had art in first grade and then it was cut. I work with elderly people, many of whom deny themselves the pleasure of being creative because they think they are no good. I tell them that I cant sing very well, but I can still enjoy singing in the bath. Whether it is observing caveman paintings, hieroglyphs, or one of Jeff Koons sculptures, it is easy to find visual arts that challenge your creative mind and inspire you to find beauty in things made by man. Art is not necessary for any living human. It is a hypothetical conversation between two individuals discussing the arguments for and against the use of AI in art. ( Source: ChatGPT3.5 ) im so glad you are not interested in teaching other people about,... Art does matter in the beginning, until you mention that young dont! Of whom deny themselves the pleasure of being creative because they think they are good... Gap between the wealthy institutions and the poor ones at the same.. The projects fun and to turn those lessons into life skills life, and more no Left... Interested in teaching other people about art, then you should not be an,! 2008, 80 % of schools had their budget cut further best interest focus. 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