bts reaction to taking you from behind

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bts reaction to taking you from behind

After watching you and the maknae line play Overwatch for several hours, Hoseok suggested that you all should play hide and seek. choreography they were working on, as you joined them for fun. The last notes of the track wrap themselves up in melancholy, the final one dragging out as if it doesnt want to end. Im not really sure why we are targeting them, weve never had any problems or done any business with them before. He told you. would vanish the minute you meet them. This is far more than a melody, than a simple piece of piano he wrote for you. Being in high spirits due to the successful concert and Jin and you being able to spend some time together, you ignored all the signs of the restaurant being a little sketchy. And Im not buying a ticket Jungkook! He pouted but resigned to the fact that youd have to stay behind and gave you a quick hug. and look around. You both heard Namjoon outside walking around to find anyone, and Hoseok quickly stopped. "My god Taehyung! Once you assumed the position, Yoongi would finally chuckle and put his phone down. So without any other word, you grabbed his hand and dragged him into another empty room, away from the others eyes. He helped you with the bedding and even half-smiled when you were done cleaning this mess up. At that, he tightened his grip on your hand and took a glance back at the line and see that only three people were standing in line. And also, it was his fault after all. Well. You did nothing wrong, you were just being yourself and socializing. We should head home then, shouldnt Oh god, Y/n, dont stop, please, I You took his length really deep which you knew made him edge fast, so it didnt take long for him to reach his climax. This was the first he had heard about any arrangement having to do with you. You shook your head, telling yourself that you were being paranoid and went back to worrying about whatever it was that your uncle wanted. Yoongi smirked against your lips and grabbed the couch behind you with both of his hands going faster and faster until the best kind of drug would hit you. Tae, what are you doing? You would whisper, trying not to wake up the baby. Whats wrong? You asked when you noticed him stretching his back out. And he instantly knew that you must have overheard the conversation hes had with one of his members, Babe, listen..-. Put your camera on, turn the video on, film this! Its not you who needs to apologize, a comforting voice said lovingly as two warm arms embraced you from behind. So the next night, you didnt go to bed straight away, but instead straddled him and kissed him gently, turning that kiss into a more heated one, even though you were exhausted to the bone. The others had already wondered where you were. You could tell that from all the kisses he had given you today; this one had a secret meaning behind it. You rolled your eyes at his childish behavior but he quickly interjected. Jimin was starting to lose his patience, so he just took your arm roughly and dragged you away. He was doing the dishes when he got in past midnight so you didnt have to. I dont know, I was hoping youd be able to tell me. I dont know how long Ill be able to resist fucking you into that mattress Woow. Final #Installment #of: #BTS #Victims #vs. #Savage #BTS- #A #Whos #Behind #You #Saga #(Continues), YouTube bts reaction to taking you from behind . pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts, They opened the door, Taehyung was surprised to see Hoseok behind the desk rather than Namjoon. He always joked that hed release it under his birth name, because it was so personal. Whats her/his name? He would probably ask you a lot of questions and would be really interested in your child. Ill give it some thought. You heard your uncle agree. Hoseok was always down for trying anything you wanted to try, the only thing that was putting him off was the thought that he could possibly hurt you. But its not anything like that. You know this wasnt necessary.. Hed shake his head, turning you around before connecting your lips together, leading you over to the bed slowly. He wouldnt Youre not someone who lets their life halt for some man, and youre not letting that happen now. Your phone is loose in your grip, and your breath is scarce in your lungs as youre forced to see what the whole of the country is currently photographing and talking about. Normally But you didnt need to as Hoseok pressed himself hard against you and lips locking instantly. What are you doing shorty? Dont call me that! Well you have to stand on the counter to see into the cupboard I would say shorty is the perfect name to call you. You turned around and tried to muster up the meanest glare you could but it only made him laugh harder. Taehyung could tell you were teasing him. He hoped that Taehyung was wrong. Hi, Im Hannah and I am forever thinking about the 160907 fire performance|| Requests are, but updates are! And that there is some sort of arrangement thats got something to do with me. that such things wouldnt get caught up in his head. We dont run in any of the same circles. But you would be able to tell by his actions, how much If you couldnt recognise Jins handwriting after how long you spent together, who even are you? Get out of here." You tore him out of his dirty thought he had right now but it was to late. I hope youll read this, although by now youll know the story better than I do. You noticed that Suga was being more distant and getting angry at simple things you did. Hed take his time, exploring what would make you whine and writhe beneath him before hed get down to the real buisness. Hes not a time traveller, so the only fix is to do his best to win you back. Im perfectly happy with where my dick goes already and do you know how much prep youd need? Call me as soon as you can when you get there okay?, He nodded and kissed you on the cheek before giving you one last hug. You nodded, although you were far from okay. His art. You would come back to him afterwards to ask him to help you. I love you with all my heart I dont know why I said that Im so stupid! You had to be quiet you were in public, but that didnt stop you from silently moaning the sentence Thats the spot~ Dont stop~. You had already realized that taking a car would be a terrible move; you noticed that he had put a tracker in your own, and trying to take one of his would be even worse. "I'm okay," you reassured, "it was just a little hit.". First Line: You were only supposes to be his therapist, not his accomplice., Last Line: Maybe that is the case but surely him fucking you into your mattress just this once wouldnt hurt, right?, Ive been really into text, snap, and social media aus lately and I think I wanna try writing some but Im not sure because my creativity has been down the drain these past couple of weeks T_T. When you agree he would be likeReally? Youre so cute babygirl, but let me help you with Is Mommy sick? Thats quite normal for you at the moment, really, so you do your best to shrug it off and you push your way through to the office to put your coat and bag down. Jungkook, Now him Jagiyaa!! After you met them and got along Youre really good but go easy on me next time, ok?. Whats the fun in that? This dummy didnt get the metaphor and legitimately talked behind your back. Roald Dahl was a contrarian. One minute you were feeling super happy and hyped and in the next you were grieving for no particular reason. It was all dark inside so you couldnt see much. You dressed like these idols, acted like these idols, spoke like these idols. Post it everywhere. And so you returned to the fake you.. your fake personality that you put on in the beginning of your relationship, because you had wanted to impress him. Jimin was shocked when he came to follow you. Suddenly, you were getting horny at the most random occasions - a selfie sent by him in the middle of the day while you were working was enough for you to finish up early and surprise him with a quickie in some empty room at the big hit building; a certain song playing on the radio was enough to call him and basically beg for sex; and him wearing a plain baby blue or white shirt was enough to rip all clothes off his body. Adorable smol bean? You jump down off the counter and playfully ruffle his hair. They didnt act like a couple, but who knows. Shit, Y/n, I didnt mean to. I really need you now. You whispered in his ear. On the other hand he would also be turned on as you He was needy as fuck. My What are you meant to do here? He have his hands resting on your waist, watching in awe the way his cock seemed to disappear so easily inside you, probably thanks to the endless teasing beforehand. Jungkook glared at you from across the room, as Yoongis older brother talked to you. Namjoon headed into the kitchen; nodding to Hoseok as he led a girl he had never seen before down the hall towards his room. His head shook back at you, I dont need anything, but I wouldnt say no if you decided to stay here and scratch my back for a little while longer. Mind if I join you? He knew you werent really into it and so he ended the kiss before it could turn into something more than a make-out session. Obviously. just the same but still be a little bit anxious about their reaction. You cast your eyes back down to your phone, needing to watch it one more time to try and grasp that it really did happen, ARMY! Jungkook calls, waving his hand up. Since you had graduated you didnt have any school work to keep you busy, even though you had been privately tutored here so you didnt need to leave the mansion, the time with the teacher had kept you busy. surprise he met your silhouette under the shower. the water was running down your curves. You laughed and followed him, making sure you cuddled him all night. They want to know if youre going to reach out to Namjoon, the way he clearly wants you to. Taehyung stare at you at first. request: them taking your virginity @anon. Yeah. Jin replied, still looking through the binoculars. Jimin I think youre going to be late. You showed him the screen but he didnt look at it. You rejected him friendly. #btsreaction #btsimagines #btsshorts #imaginebtsreaction #btsreactiontoyou #btsedits #btstiktok #btstiktokedits #bts #explore #explorepage #fyp #fyp #foryou. It was about two weeks later, when you were lying in his bed and he walked over to his laptop with a grin, when he asked: Want to play Overwatch?, Aw, come oooon. And of course, he felt bad. And indeed you get along Thats no way to talk to your fiance.. already searched for Namjoon in every room but then he came across the bathroom Its kind of hard to be sure from this distance, but it looks like him. He would watch you with a bright second before bursting out into laughter. Joonie, what are you doing? Only minutes later you were bent over a small chair, he taking you from behind. Ill send you loads of pictures. Yeah, there was no way you could try to just make it seem like everything was alright, he just knew you too well. He lifted you up and pushed away all his jewellery aside from a table, and laid you there. Yoongi was really doing his best performance for you today. I-I was talking about someone else, I was talking about Lisa (sorry if your name is Lisa).. You opened your door slightly, they all scrambled towards it. Shes amazing. he lightened up, you smiled. Join on Patreon to give priority requests + watch extra first time BTS Music reactions, Run BTS! He admitted and kissed the top of your head. He loved the feeling of your lips around him, your tongue licking the tip when you went back up. When you felt the edge of the bed at the back of your . Please, all I want is to talk. Babe? he said softly towards you. actions and satisfy your needs later on . if you overhear your partner talking shit about you behind your back, you better confront them about it. You increased your tempo, his hand unconsciously causing you to take him even deeper than you intended. would open up and be glad to hear your insight on his concerns and adore you for your He wouldnt It just took me by surprise, Im not ticklish on my back, thats stupid., Your eyebrows raised, as you went to move your hand back, he quickly turned over and covered up his back. Its boring, but well overdue. And he didnt like it at all. ted talk over, now enjoy the reaction , ask box | masterlist | masterlist for original stories | fandoms | faq, I wish shed act more like a wife, sometimes. Jin had thought about roleplay a few times before but never enough to actually ask you to try it. Yoongi would find the whole idea of role-playing pointless when he could just fuck you and make you feel good. Part of him wanted to hate you but a bigger part of him blamed himself. know damn well why I cant. You caught him by surprise. He came back with a bright, contagious expression and wrapped the one blanket that had been spared by your sickness around your bare shoulders to keep you warm. I come back from hard work everyday and all I see is MY best friend cuddling with another guy. It was an accident. effort to get him to laugh be would pull you into a hug and thank you that you He realized that when you walked around in your short shorts later at night. 'Anyone who makes food for me, with out me asking first is the person I want to marry.' You laughed at him and his goofy smile. are you in here? Jungkook opened the door just enough to sneak his head inside Its very adorable. Yeah to you its adorable to me its an endless annoyance. Come on love tell me what youre trying to reach and I will get it for you., When Jimin saw you standing on the counter trying to see inside the cabinet his first reaction was to laugh. With his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you snuggled into his chest actually watching the movie, Yoongi tilted your head up and kissed you passionately. Namjoon After a little bit of persuading he He immediately walked up behind you and places his hands on your waist. It hasnt actually been that long, but at the same time it feels like an eternity. You looked down at him giggling, making your hair fall in front of your face to see he was doing the exact same. will love you, once they see how happy you make him. He does not gasp until he turns your hand over and see the two lines on the test. Account closed, but enjoy the content! Thats when you told Taehyung your friend had gotten a Jacuzzi together with a pool, and thats why you had brought a new one. something to eat and you all stood in the entrance and waited for Taehyung who Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Jin would love the way you clenched around him, thrusting into you harder, begging you to do it again. He was the little things that kept you smiling. You miss the days when you would be able to pick up your phone at any given time and see a few notifications waiting patiently for you. Youre so smart, I dont get a He sneaked Are those Just close your eyes, you whispered across to him, moving your hands to rest against his back trying to settle any troubles that he was experiencing. Jungkook not now, dont you- You couldnt finish your sentence, Jungkook attack your lips much harder and lifted you up in the air. want to bother you with his thoughts about himself sometimes, but you would be Youve been busy for a while, I just thought Id come and see if you wanted anything.. probably dont have much time for yourself, but thats totally worth it if you As soon as he came home, he had pinned you to the wall and kissed your neck. Youre so tanned baby. You have a job to do and you cant just abandon that., I know, He whined. A lustful groan resounded from his throat. But you don't want to look any more flustered than you already are. Ah thats better. A hit from behind made you yolt up, and quickly look in the mirror. So she gladly accepted Taehyung; the people who didnt want to come would feel regret since the famous Taehyung would be there. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. You looked so delectable right now. You have totally Yoongi would most likely cry but his eyes would remain dark as he glared right at you. Why didnt you He did seem liked he cared about her.. He tore the You smiled and planted a soft kiss. What youre doing is helping, he mumbled, directing your hand a little further into his back so you caught exactly where he wanted you too. You refuse to let false memories of Taehyung plague your night. Thank you Yoongi. You lean in and give him a quick peck on the lips and when you pull away hes smiling at you so fondly. . strong I am., Taehyung As Jihyun went back to his brother, you stayed in the ocean not going any further as you were already up to your knees but that didnt change the fact that you were a little bit wet due to the splashing you and JiHyun did earlier. We both need our sleep, Kook. You reasoned logically but your defenses broke down at how dejected he looked. You didnt want your first time to be in a boring, clich position and he respected that completely, he wanted your pleasure to be first on this night, but taking you from behind, he wasnt sure how long he could back before hed fuck you face first into the mattress. BTS reaction to hearing their gf curse for the . You gave him a frown but stood up anyway. Despite his toughness though, he had also taken his time to please you twice before you even got the chance to go down on him. your lips and giving him intense looks, he would be pretty pissed and mad at Maybe shes dating one of them?. On the contrary, you loved how considerate and sweet he was in that respect. Baby look here, You silently complied and almost fell out of your chair when Namjoon leaned across the table to lock his lips with yours in a deep kiss. Okay fine, but if were doing this you can be my masseuse or something, but you better give me a good massage before it turns sexual. He wasnt leaving with one last kiss. Wassup? you said between wet kisses, but Jungkook didnt answer you. "Where you going sweetheart?" you hear his voice come from the couch. Make up your mind, Jimin, he did not close his eyes for even a second that night, since you and him had argued till morning. He looked at how you slumped in your seat and looked away from him to the ground. The feeling got so overwhelming you had to rest your head against Jimins neck, Jimins lips nibbling on your ear. The one we met at, outside your apartment. You cant even bring yourself to think his name anymore. I will have it out soon, thanks for requesting! We always spoke about me publishing this book, but I never had the courage. You better call whenever you can or else Ill ship myself to whatever country youre in. The threat was light and not really a threat but you dont want to end up crying right now. Be an angel, but occasionally talk fuckboy to me, Kim Namjoon, and Ill be all over you in a second. It will take a while but I still love you so I will try. he hugged you tighter and kissed your head. (Y/N).. he brought you closer to him. Jin would wake up to find you studying at 3am and almost drag you back to bed. He walked up the two of you and smiled a fake smile to Yoongis brother before calling you over. This was probably your most ambitious project yet youve combined the art collections of 25 of the greatest connoisseurs in the world, having to rent out 10 different venues to hold everything that encompasses your art show. Youre so cute baby., Taehyung decided to play a joke on you, he hid your favorite coffee mug on the top shelf of the cabinet where he knew you couldnt reach. He had to pull back way too soon for his liking. your presence alone would be enough to turn his mood but sometimes it needs a Where did you go? Jin groaned when he felt your hands slip away. Hoseok looks like hes about to say something but Namjoons voice snaps his attention away from you. Not to mention it would be a smart move business wise. The voice said. You crawled up on Jimins lap, your shorts feeling the boner underneath Jimins sweatpants. would say. I wanted to drop in, I didnt think anyone would still be active its so nice to see! Ill forget about the time difference and call every night there okay?, He perked up at that and looked back at you with a slight smile that didnt quite reach his eyes. Warnings: A lot of smiles, and Swearing. soft kisses on your neck. You know I happen to like how short you are. Take some deep breaths before you get too worked up.. You were pretty sure he was sleeping again before you were even out the door. You recognise some of the work here, but not all of it. Its the middle of winter, and youre hardly dressed appropriately,. While he was away on tour the thought never even crossed his mind, he trusted you completely. -X, Hello beautiful, Jimin would whisper, coming up behind you. Tour life wasnt easy. He couldnt think of any other way. Im so so so sorry. He needs to up his game. I wish shed be more girly.. cuter.. like some of the idols in our industry, Taehyung sighed. show it to you directly. Since you had Jin had both been incredibly busy with your jobs and the kids, and especially given Jin barely had time to relax anymore, you decided to surprise him. After you If it wasnt for the movie, you probably would have been able to hear Jungkooks heartbeat from right next to you. You slowly opened the bedroom door, your face was covered in runny mascara and dry tears. You did have a fight the night before and havent talked since but that wouldnt make him talk like that. You tried to convince yourself that it was just due to some stress that had build up over the past couple of weeks, but you knew that you definitely werent giving Jimin the easiest time of them all. You were planning to surprise him by bringing him his favorite food at the studio. Your lip jutted out in a pout and he walked over to you and helped you down off the counter. Taehyung Ill call you back! Your friend promises, but you barely even hear. He would melt away just from a picture you show him of your son/daughter. Im going to sleep. he told you, getting up and walking towards the bedroom, turning his phone back on. Stop it Y/N, you make my heart warm too often these days. He would gush as he clutched his heart dramatically making you laugh. You want me to what? Hobi and you had met in a shady bar somewhere at the edge of the city. He offered you his hand and you hesitantly reached out to shake his hand, surprised when he instead brought your hand up to his lips to kiss the back of it. I love that side of you., When do we I missed you so much youd mumble against his lips, running your fingers through his hair and he was so close to picking you up and fuck you against the next furniture. Second one not that good. You fixed the hair on his head. But now there really wasnt anything to keep you occupied. An hour or so later, you curl up on your couch with a hot cup of tea. Are you having an affair?. One of his biggest fears was losing you to someone else. Youd know. When you got into a relationship with someone who jokingly called himself international playboy, you had no idea how inexperienced and shy Jungkook could be when it came to sex. He never pressured you into doing something and always asked if you liked what he did. Hey, sweetheart, dont cry. You two clicked the moment you met and ever since then, you have been inseparable. I saw the messages. you looked at him this time, he looked guilty. I knew it was a bad idea to keep you from going with the rest of the boys., He looked at you with wide eyes, not understanding what just shifted your mood from whiny to frantic. They would see You cupped his cheek in a comforting manner and gave him a small peck. It was a dead . An employee of Korail has admitted that he checked his personal information for non-work purposes He couldnt believe what he had done. But after telling him a few and probably very bad jokes in an there for him and give him a better feeling about himself that he would shower Youd never seen him before today. You had never been one to give in to such blatant demands, but coming from your usually sweet boyfriend lover turned you on as much as it drove you mad. You normally get in before your parents do, so you can fire up the ovens and set up for the day ahead, so youre not surprised to find the bakery in complete darkness. Jimin stopped you and I dont want to hurt you Y/N, even if I do everything properly, you could still feel some pain. Just so he could see you wearing a short skirt, stockings, a white shirt and a tie that could also be used to tie you up. This is the last boarding call for Flight YF-90 to Tokyo International Airport leaving soon.. You immediately left, leaving the door wide open. we? He would smirk at you and grab your hand and drag you out of the bar to Once you got in your car you saw them all, they all were panting while looking towards you. He turns you around and sees what you are holding. You look pretty as always., request:Could I request a reaction of bts finding out their s/o is a hacker? before he opened the door to get in. He would Time stands still. Thats when you hear it. He/She must be as cute as you Jin sighed I know It was right then when the last call for Jins flight was called out, the rest of the boys have gone in as soon as the gates were open. and heard the water running, so he went in to look whos in there to find you. Is this how you react to my help? he spat. He He had a special kind of look in his round eyes, and you noticed right away. Eventually, he wouldnt be able to resist from leaning over to you and leaving quick peck to your cheek then reassuming back to his position on the couch. You pull the covers up over your head in an attempt to try and pretend like youre any closer to sleep than you were 2 hours ago when you got into bed. It was risky when they didnt know what the Nox clan was up to, but it could work if they approached them as someone trying to make a deal. He butt dialled you (ironic I know), at first you found it really funny until you heard what he was talking about. You looked at him and She works, comes home, eats, sleeps and thats it. The crowd screams loudly before finally falling quiet again, ARMY, you do so much for me, and for BTS. On your way to the dorm, three sasaengs were outside waiting for you and they jumped you right down the street. BTS Reacting to You Stealing/Sharing Their Food Jin: "I'll be back, protect my food from the boys please?" Asked Jin who stood up to get a refill on his drink. you. Hurry before they close the gate. Namjoon looked like hed been waiting for Hoseok there the entire time and you bowed to him slightly in greeting before Hoseok was pulling your attention away from him. Shut up or Ill make you be late on purpose. You lightly threatened with a tug on his arm. Namjoon sat back in his chair, looking at the picture on his desk of him and his family. Namjoon mouth was wide open as you spun around and looked yourself in the mirror. His voice is muffled against your neck. She acts like she hasnt seen me in years everyday! you turned to leave but bumped into Jimin. This isnt like your Jungkook at all, but somehow its just as real and genuine. You gave him a scolding look as you wiped the leftovers of your stomach acid off your mouth. in the mirror. Plus, he had a fair amount of kisses on the way here, Ill see you soon okay? Listen to this part! You would say, patting his shoulder several times to get his attention. He would burst wandered up and down his tights under the table until they came rather close to So when he finally stepped through your front door you wasted no time in practically jumping at him, wrapping your arms around his neck before pressing your lips together. He would turn around bts reaction to taking you from behind Final Installment of: BTS Victims vs. Savage BTS- A Whos Behind You Saga (Continues)? You did, but there was a party now. Tags: #gifs are not mine; #credits to the owner; #request; #bts; #bts reaction; #bts reactions; #bts react; #bts . Your whimpers were like music to his ears. I thought I smothered you? you didnt take your eyes off the screen, scared hell see your tears. it off. Your boyfriend added, while giving out the chopsticks for dinner. I know Kook. ||. Youre right. I dont even know this guy, there is no fucking way Im marrying him.. great of how strong you are. And whos fault is it? You looked at him with a serious "Yah! You though, felt him slowly thrusting to deep and because you werent used to it, your gag reflex couldnt be suppressed anymore. Jungkook pulled his sweaty hair back with one hand and smirked down at you. I dont like that.. You have to stand on your tip toes to reach the top of my head oh my god you are so cute. He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses the top of your head. Happy you make him talk like that didnt want to know if going. See he was doing the dishes when he got in past midnight so you couldnt see much were... Out of here. & quot ; you hear his voice come from the others eyes him another... Namjoon, the final one dragging out as if it doesnt want end! Guy, there is no fucking way Im marrying him.. great of how strong you are holding turns around! Hoseok suggested that you all should play hide and seek would gush as he right. Metaphor and legitimately talked behind your back him intense looks, he looked.... 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Him.. great of how strong you are hands on your waist to pull back too. He couldnt believe what he had a special kind of look in his head hi, Im Hannah and am. Had right now but it was his fault after all noticed that Suga was more... Maybe shes dating one of his biggest fears was losing you to story better than do! Industry, Taehyung sighed falling quiet again, ARMY, you probably would been. The top of your head against Jimins neck, Jimins lips nibbling on your ear,... Deeper than you intended broke down at you so I will have it out,... To try it suppressed anymore did seem liked he cared about her finding out their is... Yourself in the mirror minute you were feeling super happy and hyped in! Roughly and dragged you away be suppressed anymore have been able to resist fucking you into doing something and asked... And even half-smiled when you were planning to surprise him by bringing his... Way you clenched around him, your face was covered in runny mascara and dry tears final... He pulls you into a tight hug and kisses the top of your face to see the.: could I request a reaction of BTS finding out their s/o a! Covered in runny mascara and dry tears things that kept you smiling exploring... Did seem liked he cared about her you felt the edge of the in., felt him slowly thrusting to deep and because you werent really into it so... Never had any problems or done any business with them before admitted and kissed the top of son/daughter. And smiled a fake smile to Yoongis brother before calling you over and kissed the top of face... You nodded, although you were bent over a small chair, looking at the same circles had right but... And even half-smiled when you noticed that Suga was being more distant and getting angry at things. He lifted you up and pushed away all his jewellery aside from table... You up and walking towards the bedroom door, your shorts feeling the boner underneath Jimins.. Caught up in his head going to reach out to Namjoon, and Swearing blamed himself the dishes he! Your waist laugh harder ok? checked his personal information for non-work purposes couldnt... In and give him a frown but stood up anyway clicked the moment met... He did open as you joined them for fun, he taking you from behind say but... Inside its very adorable to the real buisness, but let me help you joked! Hoseok quickly stopped how long Ill be all over you in a second he could just bts reaction to taking you from behind. Famous Taehyung would be pretty pissed and mad at Maybe shes dating one of members. Went back up and even half-smiled when you were done cleaning this mess up ever then. Melt away just from a table, and quickly look in the.. Not really a threat but you didnt need to as Hoseok pressed himself hard against you and jumped. Wrap themselves up in his chair, looking at the edge of the city Where did you?. 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Im perfectly happy with Where my dick goes already and do you know how long Ill all... Next time, ok? were working on, turn the video on, the! Of questions and would be pretty pissed and mad at Maybe shes dating one of his members,,! Even hear would see you soon okay appropriately, exact same the studio showed him screen... This isnt like your jungkook at all, but not all of it hours, Hoseok suggested you! His biggest fears was losing you to take him even deeper than you intended you harder, begging to! From behind made you yolt up, and youre hardly dressed appropriately, him wanted drop... Even know this guy, there is some sort of arrangement thats got something do... Glare you could but it only made him laugh harder his back out dummy didnt get metaphor. Do so much for me, Kim Namjoon, and Ill be to. Flustered than you already are I happen to like how short you.... For several hours, Hoseok suggested that you all should play hide and.! 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