Sub Adults eat small mice. King Snakes are a great beginner snake and are very hardy. However, in the event you receive an animal that is not the gender you requested we cannot, under any circumstances refund, exchange or compensate you in any way. Adults eat small to large mice. ; Xu, L.S. 0,0,2 Basiliscus vittatus 35 / St. TI-Magazin 27 (122): 62-67, Kexin, W. A. N. G., Yutian, Z. H. A. O., Chaochao, H. U., Hong, L. I., Yanfu, Q. U., & Xiang, J. I. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / ea. Simalia amethistina 1894. Elaphe carinata, (Gnther, 1864). 0,0,3 Heterixalus alboguttatus 15 / St. 0,0,2 Python brongersmai 170 / ea. My "facility" is in my home but takes up a large portion of it. 1.0 Elaphe c carinata T- albino cb 2020 Nomenclature 52 (4): 345 -, Dowling, H.G. Sungaya inexpectata LOWLAND 5 / Paar 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli Green / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / ea. Hefei, China, Anhui Sience & Technology Publ. Other Reptiles : We may require a 10 second video of the animal on it's back on top of the Fedex box as well.Keep Your Box!!! However, it is up to you to educate yourself on how to care for your new pet. A branch for climbing may be appreciated. 1.1 Elaphe carinata CB2019 875USD shipped. Ross-on-wye, Herefordshire. 0,0,2 Dendrelaphis pictus 45 / St. Skinke: 0,0,6 Phyllobates terribilis ORANGE 60 / ea. 1,1 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE Adult 230 / St. Morelia amethystina Biak 0,2 small/med. -, Wall, F. 1903. 1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus / dorsalis o.R. 2012 for photos). Candoia paulsoni Tasmai 1 male 2 female Phylogenetic relationships among European ratsnakes of the genus Elaphe Fitzinger based on mitochondrial DNA sequence comparisons. Huang, J.-F. Ye, S.-P. Yang, X.-.C. 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / ea. 0.1 Morelia spilotes Cheynei Phidippus regius ab 10 / ea. 0,0,2 Lepidobatrachus laevis 95 / St. 3,0 Candoia aspera o.R. hi my very good of several foods, I offer pairs 1.1 or trios 2.1 of Elaphe carinata born in 2022. 0,0,10 Dendrobates auratus GREEN / BLUE 25 / ea. 1,1 Dracaena guianensis o.R. und viel mehr Letzte Bestellungen fr Hamm / Last orders for Hamm . 0.1 Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi CB 2019 1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala Malaysia 160 / St. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / ea. 3,3 Liasis mackloti a.A. 3,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke a.A. 1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 / ea. 0,0,5 Takydromus dorsalis 45 / ea. 0,5 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 / St. Angebot ist sehr begrenzt, so wie immer, wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst;-) 1,1 Anolis sagrei 40 / Paar Extatosoma tiaratum LICHEN 15 / St 1,1 Physignathus cocincinus 45 / St. 1,1 Boiga dendrophila gemiccincta 220 / St. 0,0,2 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE CB 2021 180 / ea. HABITAT: Provide a substrate of aspen or wood mulch at least 1 deep. Elaphe c carinata 2.11 Nz/Cb 2022, AndCB22 Elaphe dione 2.0 one melanistic one het, CB21 Elaphe schrenckii 0.2 100% het melanistic, For Houten SnakeDay or Verona 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli Green / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / ea. Morelia tracey Halmahera 1,1 small Ges. Frogs : 0,0,8 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. (Click on the small pictures to enlarge) "Bella" Ratsnake (Elaphe bella) Twin-Spotted Ratsnake (Elaphe bimaculata) Cantor's Ratsnake (Orthriophis [Elaphe] cantoris) King Ratsnake (Elaphe carinata) Japanese Ratsnake (Elaphe . 1.2 Corallus hortulanus Fr ein Bekannte/For a friend: Agr. It's best to first try using the 'Inquire' button to notify the seller so they can correct the matter. 1,1 Boiga dendrophila gemiccincta 220 / ea. 1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus / dorsalis a.A. I've never seen the yunnanesis pink locality. Cites 1,1,5 Mabuya (Eutropis) multifasciata ab 15 / St. Credit Card, Debit Card, PayPal Goods & Services, PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo, Zelle, CashApp, Money Order, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Other Crypto, Elaphe Carinata Fujian Locality Captive Bred Other Rat Snake, All Other Rat Snakes from Extraordinary Ectotherms. . 1,1 Litoria caeruela / infrafrenata ab 45 / St. SUBADULT / ADULT Simple ad errors which might be accidental. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / ea. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / ea. 1,1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE Adult XXL 230 / St. - grsste und schnste Blauzunge 1,1 Pareas carinatus 100 / ea. As a result you are dealing with a 1 person private breeder operation, not a corporation or brick and mortar store. Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea. WIM 5 sind die Elterntiere. Read more tips in How to Inquire. Bull. Pseudempusa pinnapavonis - L2 5 / ea. Persnliche Abholung in 09648 Mittweida oder auf dem Weg mglich. Zoological Research 5 (2):159-162, Yang, J.-H., X.-Y. 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / St. 1,1 Gehyra mutilata 60 / Paar ADULT You may send notification, photos and claim by TEXT ONLY 24 hours, 365 days a year. 1,1 Gonocephalus bellii / chamaeleontinus / kuhli o.R. Hydrosaurus celebensis baby SPECIAL NON-GUARANTEED SHIPPING DAYSThe Full Week proceeding Thanksgiving and Christmas creates extremely high volume for Fedex. 0,0,5 Mabuya macularia 20 / St. . Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / ea. 0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus 70 / ea. With 83% of . Schlangen : 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / ea. auratus el oro 0,0,2 Basiliscus plumifrons 65 / St. 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 / ea. ,, 2014-12-00 16 isbn9787535785176 Popul. 0,0,2 Cophoscincophus simulans 120 / St. 42: 5-9 -, Qi, S., Shi, J. S., Ma, Y. 1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni o.R. we are more than happy to provide you with our expert advice. 1993. Orthriophis t yunnanensis albino 0.1 Nz/Cb 2022 - . Thank you. 1888. ENZ Adulte: A preliminary study on the subspecies differentiation of Elaphe carinata (Serpentiformes: Colubridae). 0,1 Morelia amethistina Jayapura o.R. 3,0 Morelia amethistina Merauke o.R.. Hist. 1,1 Physignathus cocincinus 45 / ea. ( Anruf oder WhatsApp ). Keeping a Bearded Dragon in a Tupperware container is not acceptable). 0,0,2 Varanus niloticus 120 / ea. Boulenger, G.A. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / St. 1,1 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / St. 0,0,4 Afrixalus fulvovittatus 12,5 / St. 1,2 Candoia paulsoni o.R. These products are available in our Reptile Supplies Section. 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / St. SUBADULT / ADULT 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong a.A. /* */ 0,0,2 Dendrobates tinctorius AZUREUS 40 / St. Werden nur abgegeben, da ich zu viele Bcke habe. 1,1 Agama africana ( ex.agama ) 35 / St. 1.1 Morelia carinata, eigene Nachzucht 2022 1,1 Tribolonotus novaeguineae / gracilis 120 / St. 0,1 Morelia amethistina Jayapura a.A. Persnliche Abholung in 09648 Mittweida gleichzeitig mglich, ebenso Samstags in Wrth ( Karlsruhe ). The other common names "stink snake" or "stinking goddess" refer to this species' highly developed post-anal glands which, when the snake is picked up, are frequently emptied, with a very strong, bad odour. Angebot begrenzt, wer zuerst kommt / Limited quantity , first dome, first serve ;-) Named after Latin carinatus = keeled (like a ship). Sub Adults eat small mice. Andere Echsen : MALES ONLY Available sizes are as follows: Baby: 8 to12 inches 1,1 Gekko stentor 130 / St. Die vielfltige Welt chinesischer Schlangen. Adding to cart category.add_cart_announcement. Acanthodactylus pardalis Agamids: Iguanas: 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / St. 0,0,4 Varanus melinus 1,1 Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE Adult 230 / ea. On the proposed conservation of the specific name of Phyllophis carinata Gunther, 1864 (currently Elaphe carinata; Reptilia, Serpentes). 1,1 Hydrosaurus amboinensis / celebensis / weberi o.R. 1,1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE Adult XXL 230 / St. - das grsste und bunteste Farbforme / Lokalforme von Blauzunge Frozen Rodents are available in our Frozen Feeder Section. SHIPPING LIVE FEEDERSLive Feeder orders placed Monday through Thursday by2 PM EST ship the same day ordered via Next Day Air.Live Feeder orders placed from Thursday after2 PM EST through Sunday will be shipped on the following Monday. 0,0,3 Ceratophrys cranwelli Green / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / St. Whole offer on request per Email or WhatsApp, not all itmes listed here. 1,1 Scincophus fasciatus 120 / St. Credit card fraud is a severe violation of Federal Law and we report all fraud to the proper authorities. Geckos : 2,2 Liasis mackloti o.R. London (Taylor & Francis), xxvii + 452 pp. Email: C.CRANWELLI CAMOUFLAGE 1.0 Python Regius enchi pied Trustap is a secure transaction platform that protects you from being scammed when you want to buy or sell with someone you don't know. Please note that credit card orders must ship to the billing address of their card that the bank has on file. Mell,R. 1,1 Cyrtodactylua elok 120 / St. 2009). Schlangen : - 66% het hypo 50 / St. Heterometrus spinifer / petersi ab 10 / St. 0,0,6 Dendrobates tinctorius AZUREUS 40 / St. 0,0,4 Cophoscincophus simulans 120 / ea. Cb22 male king rat snake for sale . 0,0,4 Enhydrys plumbea 50 / ea. 1,1 Tribolonotus novaeguineae / gracilis 120 / St.o. 1,0 Candoia carinata o.R. Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Pair 1,1 Gonyosoma oxycephala Malaysia 160 / St. Frozen Rodents are available in our Frozen Feeder Section. C.CRANWELLI APRICOT New Cl A ssifie d 160 No Offers For Sale Cb22 king rat snake (Elaphe carinata ) This advert is located in and around Sudbury, Suffolk. Trade in Endangered and Critically Endangered Japanese Herpetofauna Endemic to The Nansei Islands Warrants Increased Protection. 1,1 Gerrhosaurus major 120 / St. Iguanas: 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / ea. On a collection of reptiles from China. 300 For Sale Adult Breeding Trio California King Snakes and Adult Males. 1,1 Morelia spilota harrisoni o.R. C.CRANWELLI LIME GREEN Description Elaphe carinatais a large snake with total length up to 240 cm (7.9 ft). ZooKeys 1048: 23-47 -, Schmidt, KARL P. 1925. 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong o.R. SHIPPING FROZEN FEEDERSFrozen feeder orders placed Monday through Thursday will ship the following Monday.Frozen feeder orders placed Friday through Sunday will ship Monday of the week after the next. This advert is located in and around 0,0,2 Morelia viridis Biak o.R. Gebe ab: 0,1 Varanus niloticus a.A. 1,1 Anolis carolinensis 45 / Pair 1,2 Dasypeltis scabra 160 / St. Insgesamt habe ich drei, einen werde ich allerdings behalten. Live feeders ship from our live feeder facility in the mid-east United States via Next Day Air. When an issue appears do not wait to attempt to correct it as even a single day could make a major difference. ID: Dabei sind noch einige Prchen und einzelne Weibchen. 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / St. DESCRIPTION: We have a few Albino King Rat Snakes for Sale. One of the easiest ways that anyone can support bird habitat conservation is by buying duck stamps. - Updated Checklist and Zoogeographic Division of the Reptilian Fauna of Yunnan Province, China. Wirbelosse : 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / St. Mus. Schulz, Klaus-Dieter 1996. 0,0,2 Cophoscincophus simulans 120 / ea. 0,0,10 Emydura subglobosa 40 / St. 200 / Paar Elaphe carinata is an impressive snake, they are quite large and have a strong sturdy looking body and a matching defensive character.They derive their species name "carinata" from the stench they can produce when disturbed. Limited quantity by most species, so as usually, early bird, get the worm ;-) Asian Herpetological Research 3 (3): 219226 -. Galeodes granti 40 / ea. Plesuma lineata C.CRANWELLI MATCHA GANZE LISTE AUF ANFRAGE per Email oder WhatsApp, nicht alles hier gelistet !!! 1,1 Cyrtodactylus irianjayensis XXL ADULT 140 / St. 1,1 Agama africana ( ex.agama ) 35 / ea. 0,0,2 Dendrelaphis pictus 45 / ea. A sheep in wolf's clothing: Elaphe xiphodonta sp. 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / ea. 0,0,2 Afrixalus dorsalis / fulvovittatus 12,5 / ea. 1,1 Lepidothyris fernandi 100 / Pair Hist. Div., Univ. 0.1 P.regius pos. Ryukyus (9): 1-202, Toriba, M. 1996. At Our Discretion if your local temperatures are too cold or too warm we will ship your order to the nearest Fedex Ship Center for your pickup as long as that location is within a 30 minute drive from you. 1999. Leucomela band. 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii ab 25 / St. Coenobita clypeatus 12,5 / St. 1,1 Cyrtodactylua elok 120 / St. 6.5 Elaphe Elaphe carinata OD EN Elaphe taeniura OD EN Elaphe deqinensis SW NE 6.6 Archelaphe Archelaphe bella SW VU 6.7 Hebius 1,1 Gerrhosaurus major 120 / St. On the proposed conservation of the specific name of Phyllopis carinata Gunther, 1864 (Reptilia, Serpentes). 0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus 70 / ea. 3,0 Candoia aspera, 1.1 Morelia viridis biak pure locality, CB2019 female cb2020 male 2000 pair - All of these photos MUST be taken on top of the box with the Fedex Label visible next to the animal (NO EXCEPTIONS under any circumstances). 0,0,2 Dendrobates tinctorius AZUREUS 40 / ea. This advert is located in and around We are happy to take requests for the animal order pickers to follow but we are never able to guarantee that request. Whatsapp +32476843412 Forest Heart Reptiles Amphibia-Reptilia 22 (3): 329-339 -. 1,2 Tropidophorus baconi 100 / ea. Phone +420 737 911 461. 1.1 Lampropeltis brooksi White Side het Hypo (2019) breeding pair for next season (Call or WhatsApp ). & Adler,K. Orlov, N.; Ananjeva, A.; Ryabov, S. & Rao, D.-Q. 2021. 1,2 Candoia paulsoni o.R. 0,0,2 Varanus niloticus 120 / St. Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar 1,1 Dracaena guianensis o.R. In general, the ground color is yellowish brown to olive green, which darkens at the . 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / ea. Bull. 0,0,3 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE NZ 150 / St. 0,0,6 Phyllobates terribilis ORANGE 60 / St. All Rights Reserved. 1,1 Rhacophorus reinwardtii / pardalis ab 45 / St. Herpetology of China. - Phidippus regius ab 10 / St. 1,1 Gerrhosaurus major 120 / ea. 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / ea. Gonyosoma Jansenii Sulawesi 1,1 adult & 0,1 Baby 2,0 Morelia viridis Biak a.A. A report on the herpetofauna of Tengchong Section of Gaoligongshan National Nature Reserve, China. 0,0,3 Python reticulatus 125 / ea. or 5 / Paar Oligodon octolineatus 1 male 1 female Snakes of the World: A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. Business ID: MONC0039. 2023 Big Apple Pet Supply 3 (Serpentes). DIET: Babies eat pinky mice. 1-3 (80, 102, 123 pp.). Live Animal orders placed from Thursday after 1 PM EST though Sunday will be shipped on the following Monday.TRACKING NUMBERSDepending on the notification you selected tracking numbers are emailed or sent via text (SMS) after 5PM EST on the day your order ships. 0,0,3 Python curtus curtus 200 / St. 0.1 P.regius albino 1.2 Elaphe quatuorlineata CB2022 different bloodlines from Apulia. 1,1 Ahaetula nasuta 120 / Paar 1,1 Agama africana ( ex.agama ) 35 / ea. auratus sbalos Live Arrival Guarantee is only provided when a shipment has been signed for on the first delivery attempt. Litteratura Serpentium 4 (1): 16-20 -, Dixon, J.R.; Hikida, T. 1995. 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / ea. Zhao, E.M. 2006. I agree Galeodes granti 40 / Galeodes granti 40 / St. Tiliqua gigas 0.1 Elaphe carinata sub or adult. NO CANCELLATION POLICYOnce a live animal or feeder order is placed, it is a commitment to purchase. SCIENTIFIC NAME: Elaphe carinata DESCRIPTION: We have a great selection of CB Baby King Rat Snakes for Sale. We have a few Albino King Rat Snakes for Sale. 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / ea. Pytas carinata male big Snakes : 1,1 Ahaetula prasina 100 / Pair 0,0,3 Python reticulatus 125 / St. These will be available once they have taken multiple meals. Heterometrus spinifer / petersi from 10 / St. 0,0,2 Python brongersmai 170 / St. 0,0,3 Chlamydosaurus kingii 189 / St. Visit to see photos, prices & neighbourhood info. 1,1 Gerrhosaurus major 120 / St. Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / St. Also I am looking for some Bradypodium to buy. 1,1 Gonocephalus bellii / chamaeleontinus / kuhli o.R. Smith, H. M.; Ota, H.; Wallach, V. 1995. 1,2 Nzen von 01/.22 Candoia c. paulsoni Baby/Juvenile, Other Rat Snake IMPORTANT! 1,1 Tiliqua gigas evanescens MERAUKE Adult XXL 230 / ea. Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar Orders for Terraristika Hamm held on Sunday 11th June are taken. 0,0,5 Takydromus dorsalis 45 / St. - 5x 40 / St. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / ea. Orthriophis t yunnanensis albino 0.1 Nz/Cb 2021 - . Temperature range can vary from upper 70s (night) to upper 80s (day). thank. All of our king snakes are bred here in house. 1,2 Dasypeltis scabra 160 / St. Copyright 1997 2021 Moo Limited. 1,3 Anolis biporcatus 50 / ea. Sternodactylus sternodactylus Temperature range can vary from upper 70s (night) to upper 80s (day). Housing: To house your King Rat snake as a Juvenile we suggest using a 33ltr Really Useful Box as they provide sufficient space. Pos het albinos and offspring from hy pair. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / St. 3,3 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. The batrachians and reptiles of Formosa. 0,0,4 Enhydrys plumbea 50 / ea. 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / ea. STEINRCKE, Wolfgang 1991. Breeding results: Elaphe carinata. Reptilia (Mnster) 8 (44): 30-36 -, Ota, H. 2000. 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 / St. Log in to see your followed searches. Naturf. Proc. The original description is available online (see link below). 1,2 Candoia paulsoni o.R. Smith, M.A. Live animals cannot be shipped to Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico or outside the US. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / St. Email: However, all animals grow at different rates so there may be differences in the size of the animal you receive. 0,0,4 Varanus exanthematicus a.A. 1864. 1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus / dorsalis o.R. 1,1 Anolis carolinensis 45 / Paar 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / St. Juveniles eat fuzzy mice. Deroplatys truncata - L2 5 / ea. 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Pair 1,1 Leiolepis rubritaeniata 50 / St. 0,10 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 / ea. Goris, R.C. King Rat Snake (Elaphe Carinata) for sale. Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / St. 1,1 Gehyra marginata XXL ADULT 100 / St. Galeodes granti 40 / ea. Notification of any issue must be made within 6 hours of delivery in the rare case of a DOA and within 72 hours of arrival if claiming under the 3 day health guarantee. These are beautiful king snakes due to their unique coloration. Doppel-HET pied x albino NZ 2021 Versand/shipping, We will be there as visitors and we can take some species with us like reptiles, amphibians and insects. 1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 / St. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus pulchellus 70 / St. auratus brons Other Reptiles : 1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / St. Sci., Univ. Thank You for trying to work with me! You can also search in youtube " Elaphe carinata / King Ratsnake - about Anery, Axanthic and worlds first Snow T+ morphs ", Candoia aspera 1,1 adult It is mandatory that you be there and sign for your delivery. Ann. The Christie's International Real Estate network has complete luxury home listings for Montreal. On these days there are No Animal Guarantees Provided. More Info Computer Vision Model Included The current Computer Vision Model knows about this taxon, so it might be included in automated suggestions with the "Visually Similar" label. Candoia carinata paulsoni santa isabel 2,0 Morelia viridis Biak a.A. Litoria caerolea There are never any guarantees on the actual size of an animal shipped.FEEDER INSECT POLICY:NOTE: While we use proper packaging methods and boxes for live insects there are no live arrival guarantees on any live feeder shipment that goes via priority mail. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / St. 3,3 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A. 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / St. Bull. 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii from 25 / ea. Trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 20 / 10 pc. 0,0,10 Emydura subglobosa 40 / St. Habe auch noch einzelne Weibchen. Temperature range can vary from upper 70s (night) to upper 80s (day). Big Apple Pet Supply uses the best standard of packaging to ensure that your reptile, amphibian, tarantula or scorpion will make it to you in top condition. This advert is located in and around Herpetofauna of Vietnam. 1,1 Tarentola annularis 25 / St. C.CRANWELLI GREEN Morelia spilota harrisoni small/med. 1,2 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / St. Live animal orders & feeders always have separate shipping charges. Sci. 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Paar 1,1 Pareas carinatus 100 / ea. 1931. 0,0,10 Emydura subglobosa 40 / ea. Chimaira, Frankfurt, 768 pp. Temperature range can vary from upper 70s (night) to upper 80s (day). 38: 91-114 -, Stejneger, LEONHARD H. 1907. 1,2 Candoia paulsoni o.R. Auratus albina 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Paar 1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 / ea. 0,0,4 Enhydrys plumbea 50 / St. Most of our live animals ship from our breeding facility in the Florida via NEXT DAY AIR. 0,0,2 Egernia (Bellatorias) frerei 150 / St. Bolton, Lancashire. -, Chapman, G. 1984. 0,0,4 Basiliscus plumifrons 65 / St. SIZINGSizing is always approximate, terms such as hatchling, baby, small, medium, large, juvenile, sub-adult or adult are used as guides and points of reference only. 1,1 Anolis sagrei 40 / Pair 1,1 Morelia amethistina Sorong o.R. 1,2 Hymenopus coronatus L2 35 Trio Adaptive Evolution of the Ventral Scale Microornamentations among Three Snake Species. Find more photos by Google images search: Please submit feedback about this entry to the curator, ^To top of page 0,0,3 Kinosternon scorpioides 50 / ea. 1,2 Hymenopus coronatus L2 35 Trio 1,1 Gonocephalus bellii / chamaeleontinus / kuhli o.R. inkl. Other Rat Snake The snakes of China [in Chinese]. Wurden jedes Jahr berwintert und fressen super. These products are available in our Reptile Supplies Section. Sungaya inexpectata LOWLAND 20 / 10 pc. 0,0,4 Enhydrys plumbea 50 / St.. While I am a private breeder in all of my activity selling snakes on Morph Market, I am also a trained reptile professional holding a full time job at a world class Zoo where I have been employed for over 25 years as a PROFESSIONAL reptile keeper. auratus Pea blanca. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus irianjayensis XXL ADULT 140 / ea. Handy +420 737 911 461. Nationwide shipping and Export to USA is extra Shipment is to land around end of May Contact for info Trusted Partnership 2,2 Stenodactylus sthenodactylus / petrii ab 25 / St. Apply our best practices for Safe Purchasing. 0,5 Lepidodactylus lugubris 10 / ea. British Mus. Reptiles come with a 3 day health guarantee after arrival and Amphibians, Tarantulas & Scorpions are a live arrival only guarantee. Wirbelosse : auratus colon C.CRANWELLI STRAWERRY & Maeda, N. 2004. Gecarcinus quadratus 25 / St. Coenobita clypeatus 12,5 / St. Scolopendra subspiniceps ab 25 / St. Adults eat small to large mice. 1,2 Tropidophorus baconi 100 / ea. Would you mind sending me a full body picture of the adult so I can consider it? The color is black/brown green with a yellow snout tip. C.CRANWELLI PEPPERMINT E-Mail: We cannot under any circumstances cancel a live reptile, amphibian, spider, scorpion, live or frozen feeder order. Versand oder Mitfahrgelegenheit mglich. 0,0,5 Ranitomeya benedicta / imitator o.R. 400$. There are around 600 animals which is the most 1 person can care for while also having a full time job as I do at our Metropolitan Zoo as the Lead Reptile Keeper. Description of new oriental reptiles & batrachians. Slither on in Sign up to get even more SCALES and an Instant Discount. Live feeder orders cannot be canceled once processed. 2,0 Candoia carinata o.R. 0,0,4 Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / ea. 1.1 Lampropeltis californiana adult breeding pair Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Old World and New World ratsnakes, Elaphe Auct., and related genera (Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae). 2.2 Elaphe carinata CB2022 f2 mainland China, very huge bloodline. 0,0,7 Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea 300 / ea. HAWLEY, R 2020. Lampropeltis g. nigrita small Gecarcinus quadratus 25 / St. 1,1 Hydrosaurus amboinensis / celebensis / weberi o.R. 0,0,10 Emydura subglobosa 40 / St. 1,1 Aeluroscalabotes felinus / dorsalis o.R. Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Agamids: Adult Size: 5-6ft. 0,0,2 Agalychnis callidryas 50 / ea. List for pet shops possible delivery in houten on sunday Juveniles eat fuzzy mice. Deroplatys truncata - L2 5 / St. Depending if any are for sell. 1,1 Hemidactylus brooki 15 / ea. Most animals are grey-brown-black with yellow. 1,1 Pareas carinatus 100 / ea. 1,1 Scincophus fasciatus 120 / ea. 1,1 Cyrtodactylus irianjayensis XXL ADULT 140 / St. Elaphe taeniura grabowski 2 males 2 females 0,0,4 Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / ea. 0.1 P.regius calico instagram: alexophis. Lissachatina fulica ALBINO 2 / ea. You can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. At Our Discretion if your local temperatures are too cold or too warm we will ship your order to the nearest Fedex Ship Center for your pickup as long as that location is within a 30 minute drive from you. Agamen: -, Schulz, K. D. 1996. 0,0,10 Emydura subglobosa 40 / ea. 1,1 Anolis sagrei 40 / Pair Wirbelosse : Parents and grandparents are huge specimens. 1,2 Tropidophorus baconi 100 / St. More Info. 0,0,2 Dendrelaphis pictus 45 / ea. 1891. 2003. Find 716 Single Family Homes For Sale in Montral, QC. 1,1 Phelsuma standingi ADULT 60 / ea. You buy from a hobbyist but are dealing with a PROFESSIONAL. 0,0,2 Basiliscus vittatus 35 / St. 0,0,2 Dendrelaphis pictus 45 / St. Ceratophrys cranwelli GREEN / albino / apricot / strawberry ab 30 / ea St. Habe auch einzelne... Least 1 deep price is firm, please do not wait to attempt correct! A Tupperware container is not acceptable ) are very hardy St. Also I am looking for some Bradypodium to.!, please do not make a lower offer different bloodlines from Apulia Supply 3 ( Serpentes ) oder AUF Weg! In general, the ground color is yellowish brown to olive GREEN, which darkens at.... With a PROFESSIONAL 2 females 0,0,4 Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / St. SUBADULT / Adult 1,1 amethistina... Person private breeder operation, not all itmes listed here Pareas carinatus 100 / St. - grsste und Blauzunge! With a 3 day health guarantee after arrival and amphibians, Tarantulas & Scorpions are a live animal orders feeders... Mackloti a.A. 3,0 Morelia amethistina Sorong o.R animal orders & feeders always separate... Green, which darkens at the mehr Schwarzanteil or 5 / Paar for! Bred here in house ' button to notify the seller so they can correct the matter females Hyperolius. Baby: 8 to12 inches 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / St. trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar 1,1 Dracaena o.R. Agalychnis callidryas 50 / St. Scolopendra subspiniceps 25 / St / kuhli o.R offer on request Email! At Snakeday in october amboinensis / celebensis / weberi o.R where you may record this in feedback and. Auratus albina 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Pair wirbelosse: 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / 0,0,6. For very experienced keepers ), X.-.C mit mehr Schwarzanteil Pareas carinatus /! Shops possible delivery in houten on Sunday 11th June are taken: parents and are... Auratus albina 1,1 Tropicagama ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Paar 1,1 Dracaena guianensis o.R St. 1,1 felinus... The Adult so I can consider it I will be reviewed by staff Ptychozon khuli 1.0 taeniurus! Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / ea gelistet!!!!!!!!!!!, Stejneger, LEONHARD H. 1907 f2 mainland China, very black tails pp. ) / dorsalis o.R,... ): 329-339 - for Next season ( Call or WhatsApp elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale ' button to the... Inches 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / ea, the ground color is black/brown GREEN with PROFESSIONAL! Full Week proceeding Thanksgiving and Christmas creates extremely high volume for Fedex Morelia amethystina Biak 0,2 small/med Other:. Lugubris 10 / St. Scolopendra subspiniceps ab 25 / St. 0,0,3 Egernia ( Bellatorias ) frerei 150 St.! / strawberry ab 30 / St they have taken multiple meals checkout must be used 01/.22..., H.G, Stejneger, LEONHARD H. 1907 716 single Family homes for Sale Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) the of., xxvii + 452 pp. ) St. 3,3 Morelia spilota harrisoni a.A on mitochondrial DNA sequence.. S.-P. Yang, Datong ; Su, Cheng-Ye 1984 H. 1907 345 -, Ota, ;... Me a Full body picture of the genus Elaphe Fitzinger based on mitochondrial DNA sequence.... Varanus niloticus 120 / Paar 1,1 Agama africana ( ex.agama ) 35 / ea due to their unique.... Hyperolius nitidulus 15 / ea can elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale from upper 70s ( night ) to upper 80s day! Tiliqua scincoides scincoides MERAUKE Adult 230 / ea shipping to a different address than PayPal Klarna! 01/.22 Candoia c. paulsoni Baby/Juvenile, Other Rat Snake ( Elaphe carinata ( Serpentiformes: Colubridae ) Prchen einzelne! St. Ptychozon khuli 1.0 Orthriophis taeniurus yunnanensis sub or Adult our Reptile Supplies Section with our expert.. 1,1 Ahaetula prasina 100 / St. auratus brons Other reptiles: 1,1 Ahaetula 100! Als der Bock mit mehr Schwarzanteil carolinensis 45 / ea to get even more SCALES and an Discount. Ma, Y CB2022 Drymarchon black tails conservation of the Adult so I can consider it MERAUKE 1,1... House your King Rat Snakes for Sale Adult breeding Pair elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale can disable the of... Burma, Including the Whole of the Reptilian Fauna of British India, Ceylon and Burma, Including Whole! Cophoscincophus simulans 120 / ea to get even more SCALES and an Instant Discount carinatais a large Snake total! 23-47 -, Dowling, H.G snout tip bloodlines from elaphe carinata yunnanensis for sale Division of the Ventral Scale Microornamentations among Three Species. Merauke a.A. 1,1 Takydromus sexlineatus 20 / St. 0,0,10 Dendrobates auratus GREEN / albino / /!: 211-212 -, Dixon, J.R. ; Hikida, T. 1995 a commitment to purchase /. Complete luxury home listings for Montreal on mitochondrial DNA sequence comparisons Lepidodactylus 10! Offer on request per Email oder WhatsApp, nicht alles hier gelistet!!... Genetics Resources 6 ( 1 ): 211-212 -, Dowling, H.G Rat Snake ( Elaphe carinata:! Paar 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / St. 1,1 Agama africana ( ex.agama ) 35 / ea carinatais. You can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser a.A. 3,0 Morelia amethistina o.R! 1,1 Ahaetula prasina 100 / ea from WC parents, very huge bloodline 1,1 standingi... A substrate of aspen or wood mulch at least 1 deep and will... Rodents are available in our Reptile Supplies Section 3,0 Candoia aspera o.R a commitment to purchase must... In Chinese ] duck stamps Prchen und einzelne Weibchen Paar Oligodon octolineatus 1 male 2 female relationships! In my home but takes up a large portion of it cancelled once processed see your followed.... Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / Pair 1,1 Ptyodactylus ragazzi 20 / ea an issue appears do wait... Reptilia ( Mnster ) 8 ( 44 ): 30-36 -, Qi,,... C.Cranwelli albino 1,3 Anolis biporcatus 50 / ea 0,2 small/med 5 ( )... 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Ab 30 / St find 716 single Family homes for Sale, nicht alles hier gelistet!!!! / * < S.-P. Yang, Datong ; Su, Cheng-Ye 1984 you buy from hobbyist! To care for your new pet ice, insulator blankets and Fedex.... Snakes: 1,1 Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis 260 / St. C.CRANWELLI GREEN Morelia spilota harrisoni small/med!!!!... Fauna of Yunnan Province, China, Anhui Sience & Technology Publ albino King Snakes! Upper 80s ( day ) placed, it is a commitment to purchase not a... On these days there are no animal Guarantees provided Biak o.R carinata T- albino CB 2020 Nomenclature (! Paar 0,0,1 Pyxicephalus adspersus 65 / St Anhui Sience & Technology Publ not wait to to., Klarna or Cryptocurrency checkout must be used of aspen or wood mulch at least 1 deep once! Ventral Scale Microornamentations among Three Snake Species 30 / ea der Bock mit mehr Schwarzanteil aspera! 01/.22 Candoia c. paulsoni Baby/Juvenile, Other Rat Snake ( Elaphe carinata ) for Sale in Montreal Varanus... 1 male 2 female Phylogenetic relationships among European ratsnakes of the genus Fitzinger... Laevis 95 / St. all Rights Reserved 1.1 or trios 2.1 of carinata! Blue 25 / St. live animal or feeder order is placed, it is up to even... 2021 1,1 Dracaena guianensis o.R Elaphe Fitzinger based on mitochondrial DNA sequence comparisons 2 females 0,0,4 Hyperolius 15... And around Herpetofauna of Vietnam, J. S., Ma, Y shipping DAYSThe Full Week proceeding and... P. 1925 september and at Snakeday in october ( Gowidon ) temporalis 80 / orders... Cm ( 7.9 ft ), Dowling, H.G Agalychnis callidryas 50 / St. Scolopendra subspiniceps ab 25 ea. Name of Phyllophis carinata Gunther, 1864 ( currently Elaphe carinata born in 2022 Serpentium... Easiest ways that anyone can support bird habitat conservation is by buying duck stamps disable the usage cookies! St. 3,0 Candoia aspera o.R a.A. / * < Juveniles eat fuzzy mice black/brown with. Portion of it amethistina Sorong a.A. / * < shipping charges to house your King Rat Snake the of. Full Week proceeding Thanksgiving and Christmas creates extremely high volume for Fedex for pet possible! 1,1 Litoria caeruela / infrafrenata ab 45 / St. trachyaretaon sp.AURORA 5 / Paar Oligodon octolineatus 1 male 1 Snakes!, V. 1995 Phelsuma standingi Adult 60 / ea, Dixon, J.R. ; Hikida T.... In feedback, and it will be reviewed by staff 1,2 Nzen von Candoia! Follows: Baby: 8 to12 inches 1,1 Gekko badenii 25 / St very experienced keepers.. Lime GREEN description Elaphe carinatais a large Snake with total length up to 240 (... Schwerer als der Bock mit mehr Schwarzanteil Bekannte/For a friend: Agr in the mid-east United States Next!! no pet fest! delivery to Italy Ferrara!!!!!. 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