flint town cops where are they now

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flint town cops where are they now

We're in Flint, Michigan which, since its boomtime in the 1950s and 60s, has suffered body blow after body blow. Those are police issues. He then charged me with felony charge and trespassing and took me straight to jail. 39m. If we can throw money into ARPA for equipment, lets throw the extra in back into salaries, she said. I agree, any hypothetical Officer nice guy would get ignored and have zero effect in Flint. Quit crying & calling each other racist! 2023 Your Community, Your Voice, Your News. 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The city learned that it would be receiving $94.7 million in ARPA funding as part of a $1.9 trillion economic stimulus package intended to aid the country in recovering from the pandemic. The new chief, Timothy Johnson, pushes zero tolerance policies, resulting in arrests for minor offenses, and cracks down on high crime areas. In an interview with Vice, the Flint Town documentarians, Zackary Canepari, Drea Cooper and Jessica Dimmock, described how Flint Town changed their own thoughts on policing. The police in this show make groups of officers to roam neighborhoods like a gang and harass black people. Flint Town is an eight episode American documentary television series that was released on Netflix on March 2, 2018. See production, box office & company info. are receiving. Absolutely, I watched the doc and thought what is this town going to do about Frost. Ive just finished watching Flint town and disagree with the ops comment. Frost was "the voice of the beleaguered officer," says Cooper. Over the course of the series eight episodes, we meet a series of police officers (there is a dire need for a bigger budget and more resources) and citizens, and as a result, a pretty thorough, alarming portrait of the city is painted. ", The results are reminiscent of the classicHBO drama"The Wire," especially in terms of the complexity of its characters. We can decide how big a budget we need for advertising because that advertising can be seen from Flint to Bay City to Midland, Saginaw, he said. You can also change your preferences at any time by clicking on Cookie Preferences in the footer of each page. Chief Johnson's new team targeting high-crime areas takes action, to mixed response from the community. At its worst, Flint Town is a profanity-laced Trump endorsement where white police officers, most of whom do not reside in the city, play Robocop. And you are treated inhumanely in so many ways it is pathetic! Balasko's time with Flint PD, and the states of the police department and the city as a whole, is explored further as the series goes on, but it goes deeper than that. Especially if youre the type of person who likes to always be on the move and your adrenaline is going. The new Netflix docuseries sticks close to the understaffed police department and the day-to-day struggles of overworked officers. P.S. "They're basically a Shonda Rhimes show brought to life and you wouldn't even need to recast the photogenic subjects," the review says. There is no need to do random stop and frisks or be a complete jerk to everyone. So we all must help get the word out about how resilient the people of Flint are and that good things that are happening in Flint., This story has been shared 7,450 times. Musicals That Rock. But like he in his own words says basically what it all comes down to is money! During abudgethearing for the police department on April 14, Flint City Council members suggested finding ways to use the ARPA funds to support the police, and lessen the citys general fund expenditures. post-production manager (8 episodes, 2018) Series Sound Department Series Visual Effects by ", The couple's chemistry was noticed in reviews of the series, including The Los Angeles Times, which said of the pair, "They're in a relationship. He is charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct in the first degree, also punishable by up to life in prison. Stop with all that talk about him doing a job to protect residents, and help people. An office worker who is insecure about her looks becomes a masked internet personality by night until a chain of ill-fated events overtakes her life. Frost for sure needs to be let go. In Flint, entry-level officers make $19.43 an hour. One of those officers is a woman who says she never saw herself ending up in this harrowing position so who is Flint Town's Officer Bridgette Balasko? The police have been crapped on by the system just like the people have. They could make more at Home Depot. One area he said would be helpful to the department is for more of the part-time civilian staff to become full-time. Discover the Louisiana Filming Locations, Tig Notaro Is In Every Netflix Movie Now, As She Should Be, How To Watch 'Magic Mike's Last Dance,' Now Available From On-Demand Retailers, Stream It Or Skip It: EO on the Criterion Channel, a Donkey's Life Interpreted as Art. Despite this, Flint Town is not exactly copaganda nor is it a clear endorsement of Black Lives Matter. Hyper-masculine? They are certainly deployed in a severely violent area. 2,595, This story has been shared 2,250 times. I hope people who are solely pro-cop also feel different watching this. In recent decades, it has faced significant downsizing due to population decline and the ongoing economic depression in the city. The officer, introduced in the first few minutes of Flint Town's first episode, had been with the police force for three years as of the start of filming, the show states. I personally think Sergeant Frost is a good person and a great Officer. You just dont see it on the news because black people use the instances of their innocent black person who wasnt armed (sarcasm) being gunned down by police. As a water crisis erupts and a new mayor is sworn in, the understaffed police department faces uncertainty while struggling to protect the city. But budgetary problems are far from the only policing limitation revealed in Flint Town. He compared Flints numbers to another department and found that entry-level officers in Mt. They had different camera angles on cop cars, interviews by cops were very open & emotional, they got to get footage of proper city council meetings and editing was top notch. Thats all I can say.. you are literally brainwashed by the media. I like officer Kevin of C.A.T.T. Find out what the cast is up to (and looks like) all these years . 'Creek' crew now. I was just in the wrong place and wrong time and I am literally so messed up with PTSD from what occured that I am fearful to even leave my house. There is no medium- or long-term ambition with law enforcement in Flint just short term, over the top, macho shock-and-awe tactics to strike fear into the hearts of residents. I like how he handled the dude with no seat belt who drove into his driveway. In the netflix movie Kevin seemed to give people breaks while also expecting respect. Like he said in the video, hes tired. 5,804 Followers, 2,250 Following, 276 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bridgette Balasko (@bbalasko) All rights reserved. Sgt Frost and crew are working in a town on its knees. Flint is the birthplace of General Motors and the home of the U.A.W.'s first big strike. In the final days of WWII, a German deserter desperate to return home gets caught up in a battle against SS troops on a mission to uncover hidden gold. The sad part is that they knew the cameras were on yet still treated the people that pay their salaries. #ALLLIVESMATTER Side noteFrost is racist and a sociopath and should NOT be wearing a uniform at all. "How the fuck do you ever relax and think, 'I'm secure now?'" Flint mayor-elect Sheldon Neeley planned to fire Police Chief Tim Johnson, after he was sworn into office on Monday. With the city controlling 911, Green hopes to not only reduce response times, but also improve customer service that residents get when they make the call. No respect for community, no want to better themselves. "Flint Town" is remarkable not just for its intimate access, but for thetiming of the project. The amount of racism in this show is disgusting, with the social and economic difficulties that flint has the police should be fixing them not hunting down black people. A team of researchers reported that Flint's homeseven the ones at the highest risk for undrinkable, lead-poisoned tap waterfinally had clean water running through their pipes. Flint police officers Bridgette Balasko and Robert Frost are shown in these promotional photos from Netflix. 'Yellowstone' Return Date Info, When Does The Next New Episode of 'Yellowstone' Air on Paramount Network? So who is the Flint Chief of Police and how are they involved with Flint Town? Desk: 810-237-6800 Emergencies: 911 Mission Statement A young cadet navigates training, while veteran Frost recalls a painful incident. Flint Mayor Karen Weaver senses city's resurgence as lead pipes replaced, on"T-Rex,"the 2015 documentary aboutClaressa (T-Rex)Shields, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Amy Diaz is a journalist hailing from St. Petersburg, FL. Councilwoman Eva Worthing said the council cant just raise their salaries and that it must be done through the officers union. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Have you ever worked as a police officer anywhere? I feel bad that the citizens in flint have to deal with him!! New Netflix documentary series Flint Town follows police officers in Flint, Michigan, a city of more than 100,000, with one of the highest urban poverty and crime rates in the country. When youre just victimizing yourself! As much as Flint Town makes obvious the need for police, often the only resource for people subjected to violence, no policing can fix the problems that necessitates aggressive policing in the first place. On March 2, 2018, the Netflix channel began streaming the American documentary television series Flint Town. Johnson has now served as Flint Chief of Police since 2016. Bless those cops! Production was solid. Youre a fool who has clearly never been in a violent situation. The show provides a rare insight into a . Theyre black and live in a high crime area? It does not focus on the amazing turn around and recovery that is starting to happen in the city, Weaver said. But the funding has to come out of ARPA dollars. 4,673, This story has been shared 3,127 times. More by Amy Diaz, Flint Police Chief Terence Green. I had a bracelet around my arm and I am from Bay city and I didnt drive and my friend who did was peeing inside. Proving that just because your a cop doesnt mean you have to be a hard ass ALL the time with everyone. Located along the Flint River, 66 miles (106 km) northwest of Detroit, it is a principal city within the region known as Mid Michigan. You know that people try to act better when they are being recorded and ecspecially for a documentary series on Netflix Im sure that him and his wife hoped that maybe the series would get more seasons. JAGABAN ft SELINA TESTED EPISODE 15 part 2.. War without end .. With only 98 officers for 100,000 residents (a handful more are hired over the course of the docuseries), the police are acutely aware of the problems, both in the community and in their limited capacity to address widespread crime. Lead exposure causes irreversible brain damage (and has been theorized to increase crime rates). He was cringeworthy you watch. "My whole family has told me I need to leave. Currently, Green said, the department has just one of the $12,000 high-tech cameras and circulates it in different locations. In fact, at its best, Flint Town captures the nuanced perspectives that police officers (particularly black police officers) have about the profession. Frost and Balasko's relationship became a primary storyline in "Flint Town. 212, Mays said. The department said it is supporting the ongoing investigation being conducted by the Linden Police Department. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. The lady cop frisks the guy in the college jacket in the beginning, clearly she never learned what the color beige looks like. Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton and Linden Police Chief Scott Sutter announced on Thursday the charges issued against both the Flint police officer as well as a former Genesee County corrections officer. Now this man that has been on Netflix has also let that go to his head! 932, This story has been shared 919 times. But he said if the police department is in charge of 911, theyll be the ones answering the phones and making the judgment calls about where to direct police. I live on the west side. 2. Essentially its up to the People to pull their boot straps up. Under these conditions, Jessica Dimmock, Zackary Canepari and Drea Cooper began filming the city's police department for "Flint Town," a new eight-episode series on Netflix. Welcome to Flint Town. Around that time, incidents like the killing of an unarmed African-American teen, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Mo., were drawing attention to the relationship between authorities and communities. Liiiikkkkkkeee. We get several complaints of citizens that are complaining of being spoken to rudely on the phone, being put on hold, Green said. The white cracks and hookers across from me, the old black men behind me that deal drugs and abuse animals, the mix of race who squat in the vacant home next to me, and the board of mix children down the street whose mothers dont give a shit what they are doing, teaching them to be broke and trash, graffiting homes and littering in the street and other peoples yards, playing dodge with traffic. The old-school, no-nonsense Chief Johnson comes through vividly, as does the prickly, complicatedFrost, whocomplains that the public wants the type of police officer who is "going to come in and give them a hug and tell them everything's going to be OK.". VIDEO: Firefighters putting out flames at historic Oakland Hills Country Club in metro Detroit. Mitchell said that when he lost his sons, he lost his best . Just imagine this man when not being recorded . I never thought I would write that about the citys understaffed, 100-officer police outfit, but Netflixs new tell-all documentary Flint Town exposes to the masses the hyper-aggressive nature of policing prevalent in the City of Flint, and does little to distinguish the department from national concerns that Black Lives Matter activists have been demonstrating about in this country. Why dont you research how many white people are killed by officers.. its far more than blacks. In the video, first shared on Facebook by Amanda LaMielle, a 47-year-old educator who happened upon the scene during a night out downtown, a woman is seen standing in handcuffs as two police . Flint Town Update. With Bridgette Balasko, Devon Bernritter, Kellie Bernritter, John Boismier. I enjoyed hearing Ofc. Wow, they are trying to help your city. It will never simply be about weeding out the bad cops and keeping the good. Photo courtesy of Jamie Kelly. Frost who is not from Flint, stated that he wanted to be an officer in Flint, because thats where the action is! one asks. New Netflix documentary series Flint Town follows police officers in Flint, Michigan, a city of more than 100,000, with one of the highest urban poverty and crime rates in the country. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. We dont need anymore half ass BIG mouth wannabe heros to police this city! All rights reserved (About Us). He handcuffed me so tight that I screamed and cried that my arms were going to break. According toThe New Yorker, Johnson preached zero tolerance and sought to crack down on minor offenses and enforced proactive policing in an attempt to stop crime before it happens. Mayor Neeley, officials to provide community update on Flints ARPA funding and other city business, Flint mayor gets $64.8-million general fund budget approved without amendments from City Council, COVID premium pay for Flint public safety, essential workers held up in council, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Meijers enhanced mPerks rewards program launches in Mid-Michigan, $1M lottery ticket winner says husband found it in pocket week later, Meridian Township Police seek man with outstanding warrants, State Senate passes Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act expansion, Lilly plans to slash some insulin prices, expand cost cap, National popular vote legislation press conference. The Flint police officer has been identified as Caleb Andrew Tierney, a 25-year-old resident of Linden. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. There are several instances where the Doc makers intentionally left little parts in, like the guy just sitting on the bench maybe napping who knows but hurting no one, cop yells at him and throws all there furniture away. Flint police battle with a store that's a magnet for criminal activity. The last time an FPD officer was shot and killed in the line of duty, was 1969! One of the victims knew Mr. Tierney from a gym in Lapeer.. Not all white cops in this town are bad, but he is one. His reckless management of the Flint Police Department demonstrates that he is unfit for the job, and the documentary Flint Town is the receipt of that. Downloads only available on ad-free plans. Johnson announced Friday that he was resigning. A 19th-century Sicilian aristocratic family gets caught up in the changing sociopolitical times. Data on poverty and crime can be found by clicking here. You're just driving to addresses like a UPS man.". He said they were applying for grants to purchase them, but Mays said the city already has a grant. When are you singing up for the job? The police department strategically placed high-quality surveillance cameras to assist in preventing and solving violent crime, as well as illegal dumping and property crimes, Green said. Its not realistic, which is sad to think about.". 'The Skinny Shot' on Hulu Is An Ozempic "Documentary" That Plays More Like A Commercial, Where Is Estonia Located? Totally and transparently destined to failure. Councilwoman Judy Priestley also suggested using ARPA funds to purchase the cameras. So many African Americans on the police force what the F***?! The department captured on-screen is down from 300 cops to 98 for 100,000 people, the lowest number out ofcomparably sized cities. He also gave his one sided story of him murdering an unarmed black man. A sergeant within the department has proposed establishing a K9 unit, and she already has two. Over a two-year period, filmmakers embedded with cops in Flint, Michigan, reveal a department grappling with volatile issues in untenable conditions. Sgt. [9] [10] At the 2020 census, Flint had a population of 81,252, [5] making it the twelfth largest city in Michigan. The 1994 children's comedy The Little Rascals was a hilarious and heartwarming tribute to the series of short films of the same name. She has goals that stretch beyond Flint, as well as concerns about her future should she stay in her current position. The Washington Post reports the number of third-graders who tested as proficient in reading at their grade level dropped from 41.8 to 10.7 percent between 2013 and 2017. All eight episodes are now available to stream on Netflix. says Drea. Theeight-partdocumentarythat lands Fridayon Netflixisn't getting the huge publicity push of "Stranger Things 2" or the latest Marvel spin-off. The truth. 1124 N Flint Ave, Wilmington, CA 90744 is a 8 bedroom, 6 bathroom, 3,835 sqft single-family home built in 2020. A native of Boston who now lives between New York and the Bay Area, he has been documenting life in Flint since 2012, including the water crisis that poisoned the city's residents; an. In the first episode of "Flint Town," police officer Bridgette Balaskotalks frankly about just how understaffed the cops inthis gritty Michigan city are. One of my biggest things is dumping and putting cameras up in areas where they are consistently dumping. Instead, the goal, according to Dimmock,was to "peel back those layers and take a deeper, more personal, nuanced look to encourage people to look again and reconsider their thoughts and preconceived notions. If citizens are following the law, then theres no trouble. And looming over it all is what residents and police alike refer to as the "water crisis" or "water situation," which refers to the switch of municipal water from Detroit's water supply to the Flint River, a cost-cutting decision that poisoned residents with elevated lead levels, in some tests more than 866 times the upper limit allowed by federal guidelines. The filmmakers say they have shown the series to some of the cops who appear in "Flint Town." ", Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion, Sloppy Record For Trump's Video Game Summit Experts, Lin-Manuel Miranda's Ideal 'Kingkiller Chronicle' Role. Their reaction has included some trepidation over how they will be received by the wider public. unfortunately, that is the powers that BE oh yea and thats a grey area in the constitution in regards to welfare states. He didnt appear to be a complete jerk and let the dude talk. Flint Town shows us exactly what the city no longer needs: punitive policing that fails to address the systemic, socioeconomic causes of crime. Broadway Show Outfits. Aftera group ofwhite and black cops have a discussion at workabout thevideo of a2016 fatal shooting by a Minnesota cop of Philando Castile, Watson shares his reactionswhile alone in his patrol car. You must be a cop or related to one and anyone else strongly commenting in there favor or turning a blind eye to blatant misbehavior by police. 3. FLINT, MI -- A pair of Flint Police Department officers whose budding romance was featured as a part of the Netflix series "Flint Town" has married. "Flint Town" isacop show, but it's not just another cop show. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters, Officer Bridgette Balasko in the new Netflix documentary series "Flint Town. This city the series to some of the part-time civilian staff to become full-time to the people.! 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