metallic dragon names

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metallic dragon names

Numbering more than a few thousand, they are all ready to march out of their swamps into the northern lands of the soft-skins, as they like to call them. There once lived a dragon, with golden scales that shimmered as majestically as the most beautiful gem in the whole world. the old man sitting by the fire said as four children gathered around to listen. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Ziselaer Meaning champion of the black., Antoinette French, meaning priceless one.. They will often aid those who need it for a reasonable cost. This name means wide meadow., For a dragon with more artistic tastes, this name means musician., This dragon name means lord of the fire.. 4e Brass and Bronze dragons often consort with the neutral gods. Usually Lawful neutral, often lawful good After the infamous wizard in the King Arthur myth. Brinsop The name of a small hamlet north-west of Hereford, England. Their liking for human beings also made them change their form to humans and get mixed among us to enjoy our lifestyle and way of living our days. They prefer live victims they can torture ruthlessly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Game materials and content are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publishers and its licensors.All rights reserved. They do not serve anyone but themselves. After what could be a long time of courting, Golden dragons can have one or more mates during their lifetime. Wise, just, proud, and acting out of goodness and righteousness, Golden Dragons are the epitome of fighting evil and are worthy allies. They had many long spines surrounding their faces, which gave the appearance of hair. Greetings, Im Alex an expert in the art of naming teams, groups or brands, and businesses. They are skilled at using magic, using it for deception in battle. Perfect for an evil dragon, this name means poison.. And against the stereotypes of the people, it actually needs a lot of time and effort. Creating characters, dialogues, plots, and stories are some of my passions and I'm very happy being able to share some of them here, at Codex Nomina. There is also a major point behind giving them a metallic name. Unaligned Whether it has to do something with magic, or simply his will alone, he has remained quiet for more than a century now. Drakes: Ambush Black firedrake Dragonne Elemental (Earth Fire Ice Magma Ooze Smoke Water) Felldrake (Crested Spitting) Greater Guard Mind Portal Rage Space Storm Vulture, Dragonbloods: Draconic creature Dragonborn of Bahamut Dragonspawn Drow-dragon (shadow) Drow-dragon (deep) Half-dragon Kobold (Dragonwrought Urd) Weredragon Zar'ithra Zekyl They are ordered to stay out of the world when Takhisis is forced out, to preserve balance. Etoirir Meaning champion of the blue.. From the 1996 fantasy action-adventure film Dragonheart. Steel Dragons have wings as if they were made out of overlapping feathers, while the scales on their body look like steel shields. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. An ancient white wyrm, so old that her powers have started to stagnate. They live in any condition in stone domains. This put steel dragons at odds with other kinds of metallic dragons that used their power and experience to justify their actions, specially bronze dragons and gold dragons; this also made them bitter enemies of chromatic dragons. After the character in The Brothers Lionheart by Astrid Lindgren. Protecting their treasure hoard is something all of them do and to come near their lair spells doom for all but a few lucky ones. As we have previously mentioned, naming is a task that needs dedication and effort. Subtype(s) According to the Dragonlance Campaign Setting, the metallic dragons serve Paladine until his departure, and the Gods of Good in general. Chumana Native American meaning snake maiden., Chusi From Hopi meaning dragon flower.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Game materials and content are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publishers and its licensors.All rights reserved. . According to Hindi mythology, this name comes from the king of the serpents. This is another name for fire drakes in the Middle Earth world created by J.R.R. Most of her hoard remains there, guarded by multiple magical traps and other dangers. Maybe nothing is more suitable than this kind of a name, right? This dragon name means the imperial man., In Greek, this name means many-headed dragon., This dragon name means reflecting serpent king., In Japanese, this name means little dragon.. Perfect for the ultimate dragon, this name means the dragon lord., Originating in Greek mythology, this name means serpent lady.. They are fearless and honorable, loyal to their riders and mates. Please, tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Dragon name. Copper dragons enjoy practical jokes and the like, as well as collecting treasure. Feilong means "flying dragon". An interesting dynamic is happening, where those very same dragons just might decide to keep working together. Please, tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Bronze Dragon name. They rarely fight honorably, instead using their cunning to win and retreating if they cannot. This is why this dragon species is considered to be very friendly towards human beings and have a good relationship with them. This site is not affiliated with the game publishers. [2] Fenjong means "harvest dragon". They rarely engage in combat, preferring to use magic to trap foes and then torture them. Apep Egyptian meaning to slither. According to myths, he is the evil giant snake or serpent dragon that was the enemy of the sun god. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Miscellaneous dragons: Cobra Dzalmus Mist Rattelyr Song Vishap, Linnorms: Corpse tearer Dread Stygian Or maybe you want your little girl to grow up as calmly strong and regal as the Mother of Dragons, Game of Thrones Khaleesi. They polymorph into the same human until the body ages and they need to use another. And a name that refers to metal is obviously representing strength and thus doing both the work of impressing people and frightening enemies together. We are sure there are also other important works related to a character set-up that you have to also do and put the same kind of effort into. Currently living as a noblemans wife, a duchess in fact, where she manipulates her husband into her own plans and strategies. Chromatic dragons are evil creatures, known for their greed, envy, and pride, while the Metalic dragons tend to be more good-natured, willing to protect others rather than attack. Are you thinking of a name that will shine out among other names? Living his life fully as a soon-to-be-famous pirate captain, he commandeers a ship secretly hardened by his magic, and a die-hard crew of unquestionable morale and loyalty. The 4th Editon Draconomicon raised the adamantines, cobalts, irons, mercuries, mithrals, oriums, and steels to metallic dragon status. From the catchy folk songPuff, the Magic Dragonby Peter, Paul, and Mary. In some cases, multiple areas are provided. They are wise, lawful good foes of evil and injustice. Though not against evil that much, they can fight for human beings whenever they feel a threat coming towards them. Uwibami Japanese, meaning python or boa constrictor.. Gold Dragons are usually the so-called beacons of light, having a major role in the politics and dealings of the lands they live in. Steel Dragon Traits . As you have seen, our first paragraphs that give you a study about what silver dragons really are. After the villain in Disneys Dragonslayer. The lucky ones that did, swear on their mothers grave that he shines more than the brightest angel there is. And we are sure the same is the case for you. After the lovable dark dragon with celery green eyes in How to Train Your Dragon. Hyperion In Greek mythology, this name means the high one. Hyperion is the name of one of the 12 titans, the children of Gaia and Uranus. With years of experience as a consultant for some of the most recognized companies out there, I want to pass on my knowledge and share tips that will help you craft an unforgettable name for your project through TeamGroupNames.Com! Your email address will not be published. They use appropriate names depending on who they live as, though some of their true names are Memrayr, Zorarth, Dotheg, and Rathonth. Everyone seems to be thriving and shes loved by all. These dragons are mainly metallic. Required fields are marked *. The silver dragon was regal and statuesque. Copyright 2019-2022 All rights reserved. From the river spirit in the 2001 film Spirited Away. Please, tell us some of your favorite names in the comments and share your own methods of coming up with a Gold Dragon name. Challenge rating Whenever they make something their business, they make sure its done properly. In French, this name means the priceless one.. They would rather spend their time among human cultures than in their own true forms. [8], Steel dragons liked the company of humans, elves, half-elves and dwarves, and they usually supported adventurers that opposed tyrants. They live in dry and sunny regions and talk to anyone they see. Origin This little help will never hurt your level of satisfaction but actually can increase it by helping you have thoughts of better and actually best names. This fun dragon name comes from the tiny, hilarious sidekick in Disneys Mulan. Hydra Greek meaning many-headed dragon.. Type It is the name used to describe a wingless, fire-breathing, trickster dragon, also known as The Deceiver and Father of Dragons. According to legend, Trin slew him. This dragon name means the leading one.. They revere Takhisis, and serve her out of that reverence. After the title character in Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster. Here we collect these collections of best and creative silver dragon names. Did you enjoy this guide? These metallic dragons are also very strong and powerful, just like metals. Whatever your reasoning for considering a dragon-themed baby name, know that youre not alone. Metal Dragon 1940, 2000 Chinese Zodiac - Metal Dragon Years of the Metal Dragon People born in the year of 1940 (Feb. 09, 1940 - Jan. 26, 1941) or 2000 (Feb. 05, 2000 - Jan. 23, 2001) which is Geng Chen Year are members of the Metal Dragon. Guillotine Variation of the word guillotine. From the Japanese filmRebirth of Mothra II. 21. This Native American name means the snake.. 3e They are graceful and magical, and can even polymorph into a humanoid creature, hiding their presence. Shes so good, she had to use magic to make it seem like shes been cut a few times during a duel to make it seems more natural. As a young dragon, he saved a merchant caravan from a dozen bandits, getting almost fatally injured in the process. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Creating characters, dialogues, plots, and stories are some of my passions and I'm very happy being able to share some of them here, at Codex Nomina. After the lovable green dragon from Petes Dragon. Mate to the current King of Justice, she is known by all of her race, no matter where they might live. After the green aniseed-flavored alcoholic spirit. Augustine Latin, meaning to increase.. In Greek, this name means serpent bearer., In Aztec mythology, this name means fire serpent., In Japanese, this name means big snake., Also the name of the famous Greek philosopher, Pythagoras means python market., This dragon name means bearer of light., In Greek mythology, this name means the high one., This dragon name means feathered serpent.. Dragons are essentially magical winged reptiles of great power. Taking some help will put you in a better place without even giving you mental stress about this process of naming and only good memories about this. They are small in stature and have a transparent look. They prefer not to spend their energy and prefer ambushes in combat. Even looking at their lifespan, we can also call them durable. Why do we love dragons? They are evil and work under the direction of Takhisis before her departure from the world. And if you're still scouring the skies for the perfect name, the rest of the Internet's got you covered. [1] Apsu is the god of good dragons. You can have even more fun with these names since they dont have specific meanings. They take good care of their children and the role of a mother is very important. Almost a deafening sound. Tolkien. Metallic dragons were a type of dragon distinguished typically by the color and composition of their scales, that was like that of various metals, hence the name. While there are actually tons of weird and wild dragon names out there, these are the ones we think sound the most reasonable. Weve added in a few more uncommon or head-turning ones, though, for all our line-steppers. The dragon's primary name, and most relevant aliases. Gold dragon names - Dungeons & Dragons . Here are some catchy and unique names for silver dragon. In combat, they avoided melee and instead relied on their magical spells. ? the old dwarf stopped in his tracks, turning around to his pupils with an almost horrifying look on his face. Feel free to use all of the names that this dragon name generator provides. They had scales that shone like burnished steel as adults and usually smelled like wet metal. The first and most powerful Ferrous Dragon (which include Iron, Chromium, cobalt, etc. They prefer to live in swamps and marshes. Never has anyone seen such shiny golden scales as he possesses. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). If youre searching for dragon character names, this dragon character name generator was built to be a starting point for you. Camelot This legendary name comes from the story of King Arthur and his castle. Also, people who will notice this kind of name will know that you have not given a random name that came to your mind. You should also know their powers and especially mention them so that the enemies get afraid even before fighting by only seeing your characters name. Archion A chief magistrate in ancient Athens. Contents 1 Dragons 1.1 Chromatic Dragons 1.2 Metallic Dragons 1.3 Other dragons 2 Draconians 2.1 Baaz 2.2 Kapak 2.3 Aurak 2.4 Bozak 2.5 Sivak 2.6 Proto-draconian: Traag 3 Humans 3.1 Civilized humans 3.2 Nomads 4 Elves 4.1 Silvanesti elves Female dragons are equally strong to the males and, depending on the type, they are the ones to guard the eggs most of the time. Brantley In German, this dragon name means "fire." 46.. At first glance, a silver dragon appeared very similar to a white dragon. Shes living a life of a master swordsman, participating in duels and other tournaments, earning gold and glory as she travels across the kingdom. Steel (scales) Natural And we already know dinos exist. Curious and inquisitive, they possessed a strong sense of justice and did not tolerate any form of cruelty. So, you can get creative, discover your own definitions, and switch up the titles to your liking. This name means battle, combat, fight, or duel in German. Tolkiens The Hobbit. These metallic dragons are also very strong and powerful, just like metals. They use appropriate names depending on who they live as, though some of their true names are Memrayr, Zorarth, Dotheg, and Rathonth. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Gold dragons aid in any just cause. Think Of a Name Related To Metal. They live near lakes or oceans, where they can eat fish and water plants. Cat-like formExpressive face, surrounded by hair-like spines They are relentless enemies of evil that they pursue until destroyed. Temperate They are respected by the Solamnic Knights for their work with the ancient hero Huma Dragonbane. However, some are known to prefer to be the power behind the throne, working from the shadows and the unknown. Alignment Distinctions A gold dragon's head was . [8], Similar to brass dragons, most steel dragons would rather talk than fight, yet like all dragons, they could be formidable opponents. After Rorix Bladewing, a legendary dragon from Magic: The Gathering. Graceful and wise, they were relentless and dedicated foes of evil, injustice, and foul play. Chandra Meaning moon in Sanskrit, Hindi. Sirrush The dragon depicted on the reconstructed Ishtar Gate of Babylon. Green dragons are known for their tempers and their cruelty. Over 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them. This dragon name comes from the adorable Pokmon! Here are some of our other favorite dragon name generators on the web: Or if you think that generators are fun and all but that youd rather create your own dragon name? Silver dragons are friendly with humans and commonly interact with them, even taking their shapes for long periods of time. Check out our package on Disney character names, vampire names, creepy names, witch names, wolf names, mermaid names, fairy names, and Wiccan names, among others. For those born before Feb. 09, 1940 or Feb. 05, 2000, they belong to the zodiac animal of Earth Rabbit. This German name means dragon and would be perfect for a female dragon. They live in places such as mountains where they can store their hoard. Enjoy! [9], The city of Waterdeep was known to be home to at least three steel dragons:[5], In addition, a female steel dragon named Razylymingeir lived in Darmshall, and one named Zundaerazylym dwelt in Neverwinter. As DM and a Storyteller, I very much enjoy all of the aspects of D&D. Black dragons are malevolent, tricky, and self serving. Metallic dragons are true dragons, usually of good alignments, as opposed to evil-aligned chromatic dragons. They love humanoid creatures and even take our form to mingle in our world and stay with us out of love for this. Fryrvys - The Dark Xylryrth - The Creep Onnass - The Dragonlord Murrysdiess - The Magnificent Ighycrem - The Warm Ekenti - The Life Giver Fyghinti - The Puny Koveg - The Dead Zargy - Gentleheart Forge Your Own Name: Discover Our Name Suggestions & Backstories Ozren Kalember Last update: June 13, 2020 Be the First to Comment Table of Contents Gold dragons are the most powerful metallic dragons, second only to platinum dragons, and they use this power in a relentless pursuit of evil whenever possible. In this setting metallic dragons are of good alignment. 2e A hot tip for gamers, Dungeons and Dragons lovers, or Skyrim fans who happened to land on this page while looking for the perfect name for their characters: These are great dragon name options for you as well! His performances inspire, his words instill hope, and his music fills the soul. All Golden Dragons, fall into the same group with a King (or sometimes a Queen) of Justice, the very top of their hierarchy. This dragon name refers to a water dragon in Old English. Did you enjoy this guide? This dragon name refers to a fallen angel, who is also the archangel of poison and death. The sense of adventure that comes with those tales is unparalleled. However, they all equally possess and like their own treasure hoards. After all, fire-breathing is the thing dragons are most known for, right? Godzilla Name of the lizard monster in the 1954 film. Drachenstein A wingless firedrake that comes from German mythology. The dragon had four large horns on each side of their heads . Catastrophic dragons: Earthquake Volcanic 45. From the uplifting story in How To Train Your Dragon to the scaly appearances they make in the Harry Potter series all the way back to the ancient tales of knights and dragons we read as kids, dragon stories are ingrained in our brains. Gem dragons: Amethyst Beljuril Emerald Sapphire Topaz Crystal Obsidian RubyNeutral dragons: Amber Jacinth Moonstone Pearl Powerful in magic, they have an interest in magical items. For dragons that are dead or destroyed, the year of death is provided if known. No matter what the reason might be, they are usually known far and wide, even across the continents. I have chosen you, and you only, to be my soulmate, my ever-lasting friend, who I can find in this life and the ones that lie ahead.. They even like our system of dining and thus even change form to enjoy feasts. So let them have a name that is also notable. They are commonly chosen as mounts for dragon riders. So we can well estimate their love for us, human beings, in total. Want to a breakdown of some of the best dragon names? Most befitting for a Dragonborn with a bronze or blue dragon type. As the lesser races wage their wars, hes yet to decide whether he wants to get involved and how. These dragons live in clans together and take the full responsibility of protecting each other. This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the gold dragons of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Ayndierth the Stubborn, Dotheg the White, Raidoalth the Warm, Ivreonut, Lord of Fireall are dragons Ive seen with my own eyes! he exclaimed, though truth be told, not everyone seemed to believe him. 3rd Edition Statistics[3] Prior to the War of the Lance, Takhisis steals their eggs as ransom to prevent them from entering into the world and interfering. Bullet The metal weapon that shoots out of a gun. This dragon name comes from the two-headed fire-breathing dragon in the film Willow. Each of them is unique in their own way, possessing extraordinary strength and magical power. Abilities Combat Society Connections Description In French, this name means horse goddess., In Hebrew, this name means stone of help., In Latin, this dragon name means to sprout., In German, this name means house or home., With Greek roots, this name means amber.. All dragons may also have a nickname, one which could've been given to them by both allies and enemies alike. Catastrophic dragons: Earthquake Volcanic Despite being polymorphed into a human, they still possess some powers, including strength and resilience. Baalmelgart (Phoenician origin) - means 'God (baal) of storms (melgart)'. Now, lets cut your wait short and go through this amazing list of beautiful and worthy name ideas without wasting any more time. Dragon [3] They usually worshiped Bahamut, whom they regarded as their king. Air Now, you do not have to worry anymore as we are here to help you by suggesting to you some amazing names that you can have for your silver dragon. Be sure to tell us the success story at! Spelljamming dragons: Moon/lunar Radiant Though they are not known to have wars just to eliminate evil from the world, they do so when these evil are harming them as a species. You're in luck. While respected for their fairness and knowledge, they were also grim and reserved, and usually avoided casual contact with other dragons. Examples of good Dragon names are Fraygiephoarth, Roirrayss, and Odhossyn. [7], According to Elminster steel dragons were also called "Greyhawk dragons", and according to Mordenkainen, that was the proper name of the species. Enter your email or get started with a social account. They live in mountainous lands, stashing their hordes in caverns and caves. One of the five members of an adventuring group, known mostly for their ability to venture into forgotten caves and temples, always returning alive with what they came for. Required fields are marked *. Lung dragons: Chiang lung Li lung Lung wang Pan lung Shen lung T'ien lung Tun mi lung Yu lung Great Head to this post, which is all about naming a character. Here are some amazing silver dragon names and name ideas. A cunning and sadistic black dragon, shes has all of the lizardfolk under her spell by now. They can be the epitome of goodness or evil, and all possess a true name. They serve Takhisis out of loyalty and respect. Despite their relatively benign nature, metallic dragons were also aggressive when threatened or challenged. Epic dragons: Force Prismatic That means you can rest assured knowing that your kiddos name might be unique but probably wont garner any eye rolls. About humans, they also like the human dining system and even attend feasts by changing forms. So, a species that is so fond of humans and even protects us from dangers should also have a name that satisfies these qualities. They are valiant in battle and retreat rarely. Nidhogg slept at the base of the tree and gnawed its roots. No way. Note the following changes: The damage dealt by breath weapons has increased. Even their human skin is impervious to normal weapons. They would gladly spend the day gossiping. Such cases demand Vaulting, a memory cleansing process where they put aside all they lived through, and prepare their minds for the new experiences ahead. Moreover, as you are reading this part of the article, we assume that you have chosen to name your silver dragon all by yourself. In Norse mythology, this name comes from a serpent who gnaws at the roots of the world tree Yggdrasill. Magical beast Again the most interesting thing about the silver dragon is they are very much like human beings and as many human features. "Pregnancy Nose" Videos Are Taking Over TikTok How Common Is It? In place of their draconic breath weapons, they have unique magical abilities. Time of courting, golden dragons can have even more fun with names! 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