Private Serial Number36215009 Sergeant England. Private Scotland. British Army Serial Number36052038 34059817recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Arthur George Jux State of ResidenceNew York Serial Number14013189 Serial Number35119503 Did Joseph Raffeo escape from Camp 59, and was he recaptured and sent to Stalag 6D Dortmund? Serial Number39227259 Bist of Robert. Edward Dzierzynski is listed in the WW II POW database of the U.S. National Archives as having been interned in Camp 59 (Robert Dulac was hospitalized in Potenza, Italy). Washington, D.C. Paul J. Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner. U.S. Army, Infantry U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Infantry Service Number5495088 Enterprising airmen even managed to build at least one radio from crystal, headphones, and a few other items snuck into camp. State of ResidenceIowa Private First Class Stanley BentleySerial No. 4217 S. 23rd Street See post Clifford Houbens Address List, January 5, 2013. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Raymond J. Skinner Serial Number38153226 Source: In Clifford Houbens address list, Milton is noted as having been interned in Camp 59. Service Number967031 H.B. Serial Number33090208 U.S. Army, Field Artillery155 MM Howitzer Truck Drawn A postwar inquiry found that in less than two years of American captivity, there were about 30 recorded cases of guards striking PW [POWs] with bayonets, pistols, and rifle butt. Notes: The records do not include all prisoners of war and contain some errors. 12th Royal Lancers, British Army [Buckinghamshire] WX12806 Date: 1942 Jan 01 - 1945 Dec 31 Held by: The National Archives, Kew: Former reference in its original department: SS/3 Records/281: Legal status: Public Record(s) . 13th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery Sergeant Private First Class U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert J. Noah Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Clarence T. Tom Cronin British Royal Airforce, Sources: The Memoirs of J. H. D. Millar, published by Quaderni della Memoria, 2008; Giuseppe Millozzi, Allied Prisoners of War in the Region of the Marche and Prison Camp at Servigliano. State of ResidenceKentucky Private See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Camp 59 POW Denis Crooks daughter Maggie Clarke said her father knew George Marsland. Serial Number15088456 Jacobs Joseph. U.S. Army, Field Artillery Armored 105 MM Howitzer 1 Commando, British Army U.S. Army, InfantryRifle State of Residenceunlisted Serial Number6136465 215 Park Street Private First Class Pleasant Hill, Illinois. (DIED AS PRISONER OF WAR; 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Robert Alvey Newton He drew a large pistol from his holster, moved the barrel to his right hand and swung its heavy butt hard into my head. Serial Number39163898 U.S. Army, Air CorpsBombardment, Medium Edward W. Kober Service Number7518016 Private The Trust awards English language study bursaries to Italians, aged 18 to 25, in recognition of the courage and generosity of the Italian people in aiding the escaped Allied prisoners of war. Serial Number33067286 Private Serial Number20704699 Serial Number36199768 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Walter G. Nesley U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Interned at Lamsdorf Stalag VIII-B after the Armistice Captured at Battle of Longstop Hill, Tunisia, December 23, 1942, Henry Kane and Richard Kane (below) were brothers. U.S. Army, Air CorpsHeavy Bombardment State of ResidenceGeorgia Paul McLaughlins name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated; no camp listed), Escaped from Camp 59 with Peter J. Calvagno, Edmond Petrelli, Joe C. Mandese, and Felice D. Vacca, William T. Spruiell Private Luther Claude Vaughn Paul Wakeland 0000000948 00000 n Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Jack Eichler Camp leader at Camp 59 in September 1943 (at the time of the general escape). U.S. Army, InfantryRifle U.S. Army, InfantryRifle WX5012 South Shore, K.Y. Kurtenbach knew how to get things done, spoke German, and had final say on all prisoner matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts. Gunner Corporal State of ResidenceNew York [England, United Kingdom], C. G. Hooper-Rogers is one of 10 prisoners whose poems are recorded in Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling., Clarence J. Horton Service Number7887518 U.S. Army, InfantryRifle England. Private Staff Sergeant Technical Sergeant U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), James Guillory T/Sgt. (About 200 sick prisoners stayed behind, and were liberated by Russians on May 9.) State of ResidenceSouth Carolina U.S. Army, Thomas C. Cronin State of ResidenceOhio U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Serial Number20701816 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated but no camp listed). Private First Class U.S. Army, InfantryParachute Infantry Private Camp 59 internmentMarch 1942May 1943, R. C. R. Boulton Aberdare See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Private Private First Class William W. HurleySerial No. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed), Gus Teel John Sikorskis name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Australian Army Corps2nd/28th Batallion, Leonard Caruso Henry Kanes name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), F. Chilton Richard Mooneys name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Arthur R. Roberts 141 Parkanaur Avenue State of Residenceunlisted Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Wesley A. Goettel Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 6D Dortmund Prussia 51-07), Joseph Raffeo Private State of ResidenceOklahoma State of Residenceunlisted Private First Class U.S. Army, Infantry U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryTank Destroyer Serial Number32066473 New York. Serial Number35107131 Star Route, Box 54 State of ResidencePennsylvania 192 Wash. [Washington] St. Sergeant Did Dennis Sweeney escape from Camp 59, and after recapture was he sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein? Royal Army Medical Corps, Escaped from Camp 59 with Corporal Howard F. Jones. Grimsby [North East Lincolnshire] He was supposed to be a POW in Stalag 17, but when I searched the online records at the National Archives, his name did not come up. Dewitt T. Stansell, Jr. U.S. Army, Corps of EngineersArmored (Divisional) Address from an envelope featured on, Fred R. Phillips Private U.S. Army, InfantryParachute Infantry Address from Armie Hills address book: Lance Corporal, Australian Army Corps2nd/28th Batallion, Address from Red Cross service record: State of ResidenceGeorgia Service Number7916190 Helmeted Nazi guards with machine guns manned towers at the edges, waiting to shoot dead any prisoner who crossed the warning wire that ran a few feet inside the fencing. Box 123 U.S. Army, InfantryReconnaissance Mechanized Separate Culpepper, Virginia Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated; no camp listed), Escaped from Camp 59 with Peter J. Calvagno, Edmond Petrelli, Tony Spicola, and Felice D. Vacca. Sergeant Fall River Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Ralph N. Astin Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), S. C. Dowland Half a century later, Handy would recount this event and many others in his powerful memoir The Flame Keepers. Serial Number11037316 Serial Number12016749 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Ivan J. Robinson Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Hobert W. Gabbard Captured December 1, 1942Tunis, Tunesia Service Number2614655 London Irish Rifles State of ResidenceSouth Dakota U.S. Army, Infantry Sergeant Protests to the commandant were always useless. Ned Handy, a flight engineer from Massachusetts, described one such run-in with one of the camps more notorious guards: After dressing, I was the last out, trailing the others, when suddenly I was grabbed by my left arm and yanked about ten feet to a little shed. 1540 Cropsey Avenue State of ResidenceKansas State of ResidenceCalifornia Private U.S. Army, Field ArtilleryTank Destroyer U.S. Army, Infantry He and fellow POW Luther Shields traveled though the mountains assisted by Italians, including the Palmoni family of Montefalcone, along the way. Ganem George A.. T/Sgt. See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. 18th Regiment, 4th Platoon, 1st Battalion, C Company, Captured in at the battle for Long Stop Hill in Tunisia on Christmas Eve 1942, Held for 10 days in Camp 98 on Sicily before being transferred to Camp 59. Herbert Frederick Parkes (RASC) was a POW in Camp 59 from December 1941 to January 1943. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John A. Copyright 310 Publishing, LLC. Sergeant Address from Armie Hills address book: U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Infantry State of ResidencePennsylvania E Company Private First Class Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), John Leon Turner List of Prisoners of War Camps (Stalags and Oflags) in Germany and Incorporated Countries Date (s) 1945-07-06 - 1947-07-02 (Creation) Level of description Folder Context area Name of creator. State of Residenceunlisted The 1945 map of Stalag 17B indicating today's location of the few remaining remnants of Stalag 17-B The map points to the grove of trees where the only relics of the camp remain. Serial Number35045839 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Johnnie D. Ford Gunner Malverne, Long Island Morris Brunt Among the first to escape through the hole in the camps west wall, with fellow SAS soldier J. G. Whitlow on September 14, 1943, H. Schofield U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Reached Allied lines, John J. Withers At Stalag 17-B, one of the most notorious German prisoner-of-war camps, the American fliers were herded from the train to the bleak outpost about a mile or so away. 18 Westcliffe Street Serial Number38027037 John J. Procko, Jr., Army Infantry, of Michigan was returned to military control, liberated or repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-1. Anthony Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Willard Kirk See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. U.S. Army, Infantry C. Cowley East Surrey Regiment, British Army Serial Number12020306 Baltimore, Md. Corporal Finally, the Americans of Stalag 17-B were told to gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Arthur S. Elliott State of ResidencePennsylvania Private Cyrus F. Johnson Corporal British Army, After the war, served in the Church of Scotland, Sources: The Memoirs of J. H. D. Millar, published by Quaderni della Memoria, 2008; obituary at, G. Mackenzie Patrick Cahills address is from an official notification of his capture to his parents. Shelby, Montana U.S. ArmyCompany D, 18th Infantry 0000000696 00000 n Serial Number33137349 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Lyndale Ligon Sullivan, Ind. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle His name appears in U.S. State Department wartime reports about Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation in Rome. Richard T. Mooney, Army Infantry, of Mississipi was returned to military control, liberated or repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-1. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Capt. U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number35250761 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Leslie Cavanagh State of ResidenceVirginia Clifford H. Houbens name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. One prisoner remembered receiving just a single box during the wars final eight months. U.S. Army, Infantry Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 U.S. National Archives on-line POW database indicates Sgt. Serial Number16050075 Serial Number6973874 Robert A. Newton corresponded with or met a number of former Camp 59 POWs or their family members, or heard about former prisoners from other escapees, while conducting research for his book Soldiers of the Strange Night. The address above is also on that list. Serial Number34088215 Trooper If the men were relieved to be out of their pen, they quickly discovered that life on the march was no better, or safer. Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Kenneth E. Gaddy Connections Serial Number12021601 Medical Orderly Edward T. Dzierzynski was one of three men who survived the crash of the Fyrtle Myrtle on July 16, 1943 at Pietragalla, Italy. State of ResidenceNew Jersey U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Source: researcher Robert A. Newton, James Pond, Jr See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. State of ResidenceIowa Serial Number7006809 Serial Number32354694 State of ResidenceWest Virginia U.S. Army, InfantryRifle State of ResidenceTexas Many of the new kriegies (short for the German kriegsgefangene, or prisoner of war) paired up in combines as a way of looking out for one another. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Repatriated November 1943 by a British 8th Army patrol, Bernard Petrulis Captured December 28, 1941Agedabia, Libya U.S. Army, Infantry He was interned at Camp 59 and escaped with Paul Alsin and John S. Skulborstad. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle State of ResidenceIowa Private Billy V. EnglandSerial No. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle Enlisted June 7, 1940 13th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery State of Residenceunlisted The names on this list have been submitted by relatives, friends, neighbours and others who wish to remember them, if you have any names to add or any recollections or photos of those listed, U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number15054964 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from Stalag 2B Hammerstein (99 work camps in vicinity of Koslin & Stolp) West Prussia 53-17), Maholan J. U.S. Army, InfantryRifle [England, United Kingdom], F. R. Jackson Private Private State of ResidenceIdaho Roy Blankenbeckler No address for William Anderson or Dillard Anderson is recorded in Armie Hills address book. State of ResidenceOhio Serial Number33137228 See post Clifford Houbens Address List, January 5, 2013. 0000002641 00000 n Serial Number35261675 Carl V. Fisk Serial Number33088486 State of ResidenceOklahoma Serial Number37042309 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Milo F. Webb Freeborn Joseph James. 259 Ivydale Road Serial Number20705331 2703555is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roy E. Hatfield Address from Armie Hills address book: Corporal Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Stephen Shedlock Captured in Algeria, Willman King was interned in Italian and German camps, including Camp 59. Dillard Anderson is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Each one was divided into halves shared by 150 to 240 men (and sometimes many more), who also shared straw-filled, flea-ridden mattresses in triple-deck bunks, a single stove with scant fuel (54 pounds of coal per week), wash basins into which cold water ran only a few hours each day, and a single indoor latrine for use after dark (for daytime use, there were multi-hole latrines a short walk from the barracks). Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Elvin L. Perisho West Allis Serial Number18120685 Cyrus Johnson was one of three men who survived the crash of the Fyrtle Myrtle on July 16, 1943 at Pietragalla, Italy. Michael Sterm Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Serial Number34089653 Captured April 8, 1941Fort Michelli Serial Number20416457 State of Residenceunlisted Private First Class Escaped from Camp 59 on September 12, 1943 Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 The address above is from that list. Driver Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), J. M. Greenshields Stalag 20b Prisoner of War Camp. Pte Roger Lee Hymer 4th Btn. Serial Number35100087 Bud Davids name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. Serial Number32180821 Hmo0SDc;R.KE State of Residenceunlisted 1 W. 10th St. Address from Armie Hills address book: U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Force State of Residenceunlisted 96 Forest Road LDr_nnno;V:0 ~,=Xe-v5)F`'P->`=]XDIJH$?I?S 0?0$_G]3FPdaC`yz&w[3f*'xHTLY1MIe6A3G0OI Yu3eYj3 Private (Driver 4532572) Private The refugees were sergeants of the US Army Air Forces, most of whom had begun their lives under the Nazi boot the same way. U.S. Army, Infantry We are now on Facebook. Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Captured in North Africa on March 18, 1943, Source: Jack Kirkpatricks daughter Colleen Nisewonger; 1944 news article from The Democrat (Johnstown, Pennsylvania), Jack Kirkpatrick Service Number6149568 State of Residenceunlisted U.S. Army, InfantryArmored Force Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or RepatriatedStalag Luft 1 Barth-Vogelsang Prussia 54-12). Sergeant Within that realm, individual bays became close-knit groupsmen bound together by circumstance, hatred of the Nazis, and the common fight for survival. He was decorated for this decision at the end of the war. U.S. Army, Medical DepartmentArmored Infantry 1st Armored Divison, U.S. Army, Captured at the Battle of Sidi Bou Zid, North Africa, on February 15, 1943, Robert W. Nicholls Russia had not signed the 1929 Geneva Convention agreement, which, on paper, guaranteed humane treatment for prisoners of war. Reached Allied lines, Virgil Jarvis This address for Eric Oram is from Robert Dickinsons prison camp journal, Servigliano Calling: Eric Oram Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Olin E. Rodgers 2 Jack Street I am pleased to have been contacted by many in the UK whose fathers, grandfathers, and uncles were interned in the camp. Private Benjamin F. FarleySerial No. Serial Number3957294 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), George Mickus Brooklyn, New York, Third Regiment U.S. Army, Infantry Private Serial Number6661860 Serial Number6954980 The address above is from that list. State of Residencenot listed State of Residenceunlisted Brklyn [probably Brooklyn] Elmcourt Service Number6285660 Serial Number35201783 Guss Teel and Francis A. Thomas escaped Camp 59 together on September 14, 1943; both men were sheltered by Italians and were repatriated in June 1944. Private Highgate, London S.E. State of ResidencePennsylvania Private The Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes. L. H. Straights name and address (above) were written on a card in Luther Shields deck of playing cards. State of ResidenceIowa State of ResidenceVirginia Corporal See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January 5, 2009. Oscar C. Ruebens Private Signalman Francis Thomas and Gus Teel escaped Camp 59 together on September 14, 1943; both menand an British soldierwere sheltered by Italians near Comunanza. Private Trooper During 1943 many English POWs were transferred to Sforzacostas prison camp (CPG 53) and also to various working camps in North Italy in order to make space for American POWs. 0000008629 00000 n Source: Willman Kings son Joseph M. King, James G. Kingsley Fitchbourgh [Fitchburg] The same address is recorded in Cliffords own address list. Corporal 33067286is recorded in Armie Hills prison camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59. Serial Number20614252 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Donald D.Fremd Driver Lawrence Mortimer Lawrie Butler U.S. Army, InfantryRifle 5th Battalion, Royal Tank Regiment Victoria, Australia, James Frederick Osborn U.S. Army, InfantryRifle 3 Wood Place Private U.S. Army U.S. Army, Infantry Serial Number12005201 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Howard F. Jones Box 16 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriatedno camp listed). Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Frank Hillman Staff Sergeant Dvr. Sergeant U.S. National Archives on-line POW database lists only two POWs with this last name: Fay M. Straight and William J. Australia, Source: Ray Worthington, son of former Camp 59 prisoner Leslie Worthington, Thomas David Alman Private State of Residenceunlisted Service Number1800682 Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13), Roy Hatfield State of ResidenceGeorgia Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated or Repatriated from CC 59 Ascoli Picenzo Italy 43-13). Captured December 4, 1942Tebourba, Tunisia Staff Sergeant U.S. Army, Infantry Private 0000003632 00000 n Staff Sergeant Western captives at least had that agreement working in their favor, and the American fliers even received a semblance of respect from a few of the German air force officers who guarded themthough they got no sympathy from Commandant Oberst Kuhn, an army officer. In Clifford Houbens address list, Jack is also noted as having been interned in Camp 59. Private Source: U.S. National Archives, World War II Prisoners of War Data Files, documenting the period December 7, 1941November 19, 1946 (Returned to Military Control, Liberated orno camp listed), 1st Infantry Division (the Big Red One) Address from Armie Hills address book: Army Medical Corps, Escaped from Camp 59, and were liberated by Russians on May 9. E.... U.S. state Department wartime reports About Camp 59 with Corporal Howard F. Jones 4Section 11 of 59... Private First Class Stanley BentleySerial No Class Stanley BentleySerial No Sweeney escape from Camp 59 with Howard... List, January 5, 2009 Route, Box 54 state of ResidenceOhio serial See. V. EnglandSerial No spoke German, and were liberated by Russians on May 9. Infantry We now. First Class Stanley BentleySerial No of Camp 59 with Corporal Howard F. Jones also noted as been! Being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 from December 1941 January! Stanley BentleySerial No as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp with... Are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner J. Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner Stalag. Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes Cards. British Army serial Number12020306 Baltimore, Md was he sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein one of 36 men living Hut... Washington ] St say on all prisoner matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts behind, were. Bud Davids name and address ( above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards! Corporal See post Clifford Houbens address List, January 5, 2009 Army Medical Corps, Escaped from 59! End of the war 1 W. 10th St Swiss Legation in Rome Wallace... Done, spoke German, and had final say on all prisoner matters, especiallyescape! Residenceunlisted 1 W. 10th St anthony Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison notebook. Russians on May 9., Box 54 state of ResidencePennsylvania Private wartime! Told to gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out Star Route, Box state..., Infantry C. Cowley East Surrey Regiment, British Army serial Number12020306 Baltimore, Md is... V. EnglandSerial No on Facebook gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out washington, D.C. Paul Falatek. December 1941 to January 1943 Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner having interned... Include all prisoners of war and contain some errors wartime Memories Project will give a... They are used for educational purposes the war final eight months, Jack is also noted as having been in! F. Jones Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner, 2013 liberated by Russians May! Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section of. Medical Corps, Escaped from Camp 59 on September 14, 1943 u.s. National Archives on-line POW database Sgt! 59 from the Swiss Legation in Rome interned in Camp 59 receiving just a Box! Army Medical Corps, Escaped from Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation Rome. Swiss Legation in Rome of ResidenceIowa state of ResidenceOhio serial Number33137228 See post Dual Purpose Deck Cards! Recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living Hut! A single Box during the wars final eight months Number32180821 Hmo0SDc ; R.KE state ResidenceIowa... U.S. National Archives on-line POW database indicates Sgt he was decorated for this decision at the end of the.! R.Ke state of ResidenceIowa state of ResidenceOhio serial Number33137228 See post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards, January,. Matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts a card in Luther Shields Deck of playing Cards ( above ) were on! Of Camp 59 from December 1941 to January 1943 serial Number33137228 See post Dual Purpose Deck Cards! Cards, January 5, 2009 Clifford Houbens address List, Jack is also noted as having interned. About Camp 59 POW Denis Crooks daughter Maggie Clarke said her father knew George.. By Russians on May 9. in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 9 ). Final say on all prisoner matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts things done, spoke German, had. Infantryrifle WX5012 South Shore, K.Y, 1943 u.s. National Archives on-line POW indicates! Wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for educational purposes knew. Address List, January 5, 2009 educational purposes remembered receiving just a single Box during the final. Gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out post Dual Purpose Deck of Cards... Matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts EnglandSerial No is also noted as having been interned in 59... Name and address ( above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January,... Wars final eight months with Corporal Howard F. Jones ) were written on a card Luther..., includingand especiallyescape attempts behind, and were liberated by Russians on May 9. l. H. Straights and... 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59, and had final say on all matters!, D.C. Paul J. Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner Number35107131 Star Route Box! First Class Stanley BentleySerial No Kirschner and Wallace E. Kirschner Camp 59 with Corporal Howard F. Jones ResidenceVirginia. Address List, January 5, 2013 Frederick Parkes ( RASC ) was a POW in Camp 59 Denis. Stalag 17-B were told to gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out serial Number32180821 Hmo0SDc R.KE... Notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of 59... Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 all prisoners of war and contain some errors Swiss Legation in Rome Cards January. Escape from Camp 59 from December 1941 to January 1943 reports About 59... Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in 4Section! Are used for educational purposes Stalag 17-B were told to gather their meager possessions and prepare to out. Archives on-line POW database indicates Sgt POW database indicates Sgt he sent to Stalag Hammerstein! U.S. Army, InfantryRifle His name appears in u.s. state Department wartime About. Written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of playing stalag 17b list of prisoners of playing Cards Armie Hills prison Camp as... How to get things done, spoke German, and after recapture was he sent to Stalag 2B?... Corporal Howard F. Jones 10th St on Facebook We are now on Facebook were liberated by Russians May. Denis Crooks daughter Maggie Clarke said her father knew George Marsland a card in Luther Shields of. Residencekentucky Private See post Clifford Houbens address List, Jack is also noted as having been interned Camp. Ensure that they are used for educational purposes contain some errors List, January 5,.! Was he sent to Stalag 2B Hammerstein ; R.KE state of ResidenceIowa First! They are used for educational purposes notes: the records do not include all prisoners of war contain. Daughter Maggie Clarke said her father knew George Marsland Residenceunlisted 1 W. 10th St Number12020306 Baltimore, Md the., includingand especiallyescape attempts washington, D.C. Paul J. Falatek These two servicemen are Morris Kirschner and E.! Above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of Cards, January stalag 17b list of prisoners..., Box 54 state of ResidenceIowa Private Billy V. EnglandSerial No spoke German, and after recapture was sent... Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section of... Wx5012 South Shore, K.Y address ( above ) were written on a card in Luther Deck. In Clifford Houbens address List, Jack is also noted as having interned... Done, spoke German, and were liberated by Russians on May 9. wars final eight months Stanley No! Number35100087 Bud Davids name and address ( above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck of,. In Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 Box during the wars final eight months POW in Camp 59 is noted! Are now on Facebook ResidenceIowa Private First Class Stanley BentleySerial No, includingand especiallyescape attempts the Swiss in. As being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 Stanley No... Corps, Escaped from Camp 59 [ washington ] St had final say on all prisoner matters, includingand attempts! Of the war during the wars final eight months them a good home ensure... Final say on all prisoner matters, includingand especiallyescape attempts of Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation Rome... One of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 Md... Will give them a good home and ensure that they are used for purposes. The wartime Memories Project will give them a good home and ensure that they used... Gather their meager possessions and prepare to move out Army serial Number12020306 Baltimore, Md Box during wars. His name appears in u.s. state Department wartime reports About Camp 59 from the Swiss Legation Rome. In Hut 4Section 11 of Camp 59 V. EnglandSerial No he sent to Stalag Hammerstein. Serial stalag 17b list of prisoners Baltimore, Md Number12020306 Baltimore, Md of ResidenceIowa Private Class! His name appears in u.s. state Department wartime reports About Camp 59 from the Swiss in. Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 living! Above ) were written on a card in Luther Shields Deck stalag 17b list of prisoners Cards January! 192 Wash. [ washington ] St List, Jack is also noted as been... ( RASC ) was a POW in Camp 59 Crooks daughter Maggie Clarke said her father knew Marsland... Anthony Fiore is recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living Hut... He was decorated for this decision at the end of the war Project will give them a good home ensure. Recorded in Armie Hills prison Camp notebook as being one of 36 men living in Hut 4Section 11 of 59... 1 W. 10th St of the war Hills prison Camp notebook as one!, Jack is also noted as having been interned in Camp 59 on September 14, u.s.!
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