asheville art museum board of directors

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asheville art museum board of directors

Olin emphasizes that we are in constant state of motion and discovery. But behind. Lewis said that Myers told her, Now is not the time, but did not say when she would be available to speak. It was just very upsetting to me., Saenger said in the meeting, If youve read Lindsays report or spoken to others, I think its clear this was grossly inappropriate behavior by a trustee And this was in the midst of an event for members in the atrium of the museum., Asheville Watchdog requested the report Saenger referenced and any videotape of the incident. Saenger responded, We do not believe it would be appropriate to share incident reports or security videos., Sarah Reincke, president of the Docents Association before Weitzman and a former trustee, said she believes the board was trying to find any excuse to rid themselves of a Trustee who consistently voiced valid opinions the Executive Committee refused to consider., Reincke said Weitzman was not the person who reprimanded Pam at the party, and she is not responsible for how another person expresses an opinion., The board used the actions of a third party as cause for Michelles dismissal, further proof, Reincke said, of the museums dysfunctional leadership., In a statement to Asheville Watchdog, Saenger wrote that the museum does not comment on trustees who leave the organization., If the board feels it necessary to ask a trustee to step down before the end of their normal term, it is not a matter we take lightly, but with the best interest of the museum in mind, Saenger wrote. I cautioned you on direct contact with staff, Saenger wrote. An outspoken member of the Asheville Art Museums board, the only current trustee to speak publicly about employee complaints of mistreatment, was ousted from the board Tuesday and removed as a museum volunteer. It is common knowledge among museum experts that museum stores and restaurants have become much needed sources of additional revenue; leadership at Asheville Art Museum, however, treats the store and cafe as unimportant after thoughts, refusing to provide the resources and support they need in order to be profitable. Those that dont agree to play that game will be made irrelevant or removed entirely. Im hopeful you will stand up and see that while your efforts are to you for the good of the museum, they are proving counterproductive. Its not even just about the people who work there who were hurt by someones tactics and approach, Krider said. I wrote recommendations, and I was dismissed, so I went through proper channels before putting my name and my reputation in the public view, Weitzman said. In that time has there been any kind of official response from the organization, its board or director? Myers, the museum's executive director for 27 years, declined to be interviewed by Asheville Watchdog. "We wanted the building to be . You may get billed for that. This has led Hill to incorporate the idea of Olinthe Nahuatl word for the natural rhythms of the universein Aztec cosmology in her work. Being good at one thing (raising money) does not mean you are good at everything. David Menconi. It just makes me livid., And the board is closing ranks, Bleakney said, instead of responding with possibly a community roundtable or a community forum, a way to open up and connect and talk about these issues.. As a Member, you will enjoy a wide range of benefits while providing vital support for the Museums engaging education programs and innovative exhibitions. Hamill said she was unmoved by the employee complaints detailed by Asheville Watchdog. The Museum invites you to explore our outstanding Collection of American art of the 20th and 21st centuries and to discover the richness of Western North Carolinas unique artistic history. Trustees who have attempted to redress the toxic culture fostered by Myers have been shut . Employee complaints have been a source of discord on the museum board. If so, I havent seen it. and so it will be with Ms. Myers and her now rapidly unraveling tenure of abuse there at the Asheville Art Museum. Yeah were not talking about Pam being harsh and demanding with staff who werent doing a good job. Were talking about witnessing our colleagues get told they are whiny babies when they are sexually harassed at work; were talking about being denied access to vital tools to do our jobs and then get yelled at when we are not able to do that job properly; were talking about consistently being ignored when we ask questions so that we can simply do our jobs better; were talking about being asked to work overtime for weeks on end and then not receive a proper break or compensation, only then to be told were not working hard enough; were talking about being subjected to a colleague who watched pornography in his office for years on end but no one wanted to report it because they were afraid Pam wouldnt believe them, then once finally reported he remained at AAM for weeks more; were talking about being told we are fucking idiots during public events when Pam didnt like where a table or garbage bin was placed; were talking about having no access to Human Resources or even a policy manual (!!) Capes constructed of mylar burst with energy and rustle with subtle sound, the shining material a signifier of care, awareness, displacement, and presence. The Asheville Art Museum is better than ever thanks to a $24 million-renovation and expansion. Phone (828) 254-7162 Email Participating member of the North Carolina Grassroots Science Museums collaborative with education funding by the North Carolina General Assembly. I love when TheRump ends with that you always know more bad news is inevitably on the way. Krider said she asked Myers about the Watchdog story, and Myers declined to discuss it, saying, according to Krider, Youre in my house.. One person objected to something to do with the theatre-how many did not object? The Asheville Art Museum is a regional affiliate partner of the annual Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, hosting an annual juried competition for students in grades 712 from all across Western North Carolina. Based on these articles, the museum board is composed and operating based on a friends and family and buddy system style approach that ensures most if not all members will agree to self protect each other and fend off critiques. Last week, the letters in the museums sign were altered from Asheville Art Museum to A Hell Art Museum. Asheville Police spokeswoman Samantha Booth said Wednesday she could not locate a police report on the vandalism. The board has stood by Myers, 65, largely crediting her with raising $30 million in a capital campaign that spanned well over a decade. Every request was honored, Krider said. This should be more a group effort.. Thank you for registering!Please visit My Account to verify and manage your account. This exhibition combines Hills use of mylar safety blankets alongside recent drawings. The comments section is here to provide a platform for civil dialogue on the issues we face together as a local community. This is what was decided seven years ago, and it is the same today.. Saenger then polled the trustees. Artists for Asheville started this petition Two recent articles in the Asheville Watchdog have exposed how Pam Myers, Executive Director of the Asheville Art Museum, has routinely mistreated Museum staff during her tenure, creating a culture of fear, retaliation, and high attrition that has twice been brought to the Museum's Board of Trustees. It is not leadership. After the meeting, she sent an email to the docents, writing that she had been removed as a result of standing up for museum staff for the last year, within the Board of Trustees and most recently on record with the article., Nancy Ferguson, a 30-year museum volunteer and former trustee, told Asheville Watchdog, I was appalled to learn of Ms. Weitzmans dismissal. We share your inclination to get the whole story. He said an Asheville Watchdog investigative story last week, in which Weitzman was quoted supporting ex-employees who complained of a toxic workplace, had tainted the image of the museum., As a final straw, Saenger said, Pamela Myers, the museums executive director, and a couple of others were threatened at a museum party the night of Nov. 10. 120 College St, Asheville . It is time for us, artists and arts professionals of Asheville and surrounding regions, to do what the Board of Trustees has been unable to accomplish as a body: collectively and publicly voice our care for the Museum staff, advocate for them and the Museums future, and call for the removal of Pam Myers as Executive Director.. Real answer: "When the Asheville Art Museum reopened in November 2019, we were able to offer the 'First Wednesday' program through funding received from a private foundation," museum . Open Thursdays 11am9pm | Reserve tickets now. Inappropriate behavior? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Grace is a 2021 participant in the McKinsey Black Leadership Academy Management Accelerator and a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory. I hardly said anything. North Carolina museum exhibiting 20th century American art. For as little as $5 a month the cost of a craft beer or kombucha you can help keep local journalism strong. The Best of Asheville: Private 2.5-hour Walking Tour By Travel Curious - Asheville City Tours 2-3 hours Experience all that Asheville has to offer with a private 2.5-hour highlights tour led by an experienced local guide who Free cancellation from $170.00 per adult Reserve Travelers talk about " permanent collection " (10 reviews) " black mountain David Huff, one of five museum board members who resigned in the spring, said the trustees were doubling down by removing Weitzman. She returned to the group, and Lewis approached Myers. The board may be putting itself at risk by not taking more concrete action given that what has been done so far appears to be ineffective, nice words but little effect. In my view that is balanced reporting two opposite actions in response to one issue. Much like their reaccreditation, grants, and other projects they are constantly asking for extensions. I think they felt threatened anyway, physically, and they were verbally attacked., Saenger allowed Weitzman an opportunity to respond at the board meeting before she was banished. Emails provided by Weitzman show she raised employee concerns beginning in March 2022. New models of board governance have been introduced. So California Woke values complainer got the boot for causing problems. I was responsible for applying for the solicitation license, in my years long career as a grants manager I was never responsible for that. Ms. Myers just doesnt seem to be very interested in finding out what that problem is, or correcting it. Not the museum itself, just the board. North Carolina museum exhibiting 20th century American art. 200,000+ Visitors. Evolution Sofia, Sofia City, Bulgaria2 weeks agoBe among the first 25 applicantsSee who Evolution has hired for this roleNo longer accepting applications. 2 segundos ago . Tickets are non-refundable. Furthermore, Hamills ignorant comments about gift shops being extraneous just goes to show that leadership and the people they surround themselves with do not understand how museums work. [1] Gary Cooper, Treasurer. Pam Myers - Executive Director - Asheville Art Museum | LinkedIn Pam Myers Executive Director at Asheville Art Museum Asheville, North Carolina, United States 489 followers 483. None responded by our deadline Tuesday. Open daily 11am6pm. Troy, New York But some trustees felt the board should do more, such as hire an administrator to run the day-to-day operations and free Myers to focus on fundraising and larger issues. Inappropriate behavior? Please contact the developer of this form processor to improve this message. A majority of the museums board has remained steadfast to Myers, the museums director since 1995, despite complaints by former employees in 2015 and again in 2021. Xpress editors are determined to moderate comments to ensure a constructive interchange is maintained. Its just troublemakers.. People must stand up to workplace bullies from the start. The museum held a member appreciation party Nov. 10, the day after the Watchdog story appeared. But the culture of fear in employees, the morale and the attrition is horrendous., In ticking off Weitzmans pattern of disruptive behavior at Tuesdays board meeting, Saenger, the chair, said, I dont see in any way how this benefits anyone or anything about the museum.. Weitzman was the only current trustee who agreed to be interviewed for the Watchdoginvestigative story and was quoted saying the museum looks really pretty on the outside. Saenger responded in an Aug. 9 email that while it is important that trustees are informed as to staffing needs, etc., personal details are restricted by state and federal policy.. But behind the facade, it gets ugly, an Asheville Watchdog investigation found. The governing body for both the museum and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, this group of highly dedicated individuals bring their wide-ranging expertise to ensure the institution as a whole remains responsible and vital to those it serves. Committees of the board include executive, finance, audit, and human resources. This sounds like unbalanced reporting to me for which this Watchdog should be shamed. Contact - Asheville Art Museum Home > Contact Contact Use the form below for general questions, or scroll down to connect with us for more specific inquiries. Yeah, were not talking about typos or lending a hand. Youre focusing on me and refusing to focus on the problem, Pams leadership inability, Weitzman said. What are the next steps, people? Board of Directors - American Alliance of Museums Skip to content The following menu has 3 levels. Every request was honored, Krider said. She described the board as hand-picked and curated supporters of Myers, who has been director of the museum for 27 years. As of 7 a.m. Wednesday, the petition had 227 signatures. Saenger told Asheville Watchdog that as far as he knew, the museum, established in 1948, had never removed a trustee. The Board of Trustees meets regularly throughout the year and hosts the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Annual Meeting which presents the institution's goals and showcases its accomplishments to stakeholders, members, and the community. It does appear there is a campaign in the community to keep this story alive, so how does remaining silent help? In all of my life, Ive never been in a situation where there was such hostility, and I actually felt physically threatened, Benites said. I look at her as a hero, said Judy Hamill, a museum donor. becoming a Museum Member, renewing your membership early, or upgrading your current membership. She noted that Myers came from the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Asheville Art Museum Art Exhibit: RAUSCHENBERG: A Gift in Your Pocket Mar 1 @ 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center Asheville Gallery of Art "Awakenings" Group Show Mar 1 @ 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Asheville Gallery of Art Luzene Hill: Revelate Mar 1 @ 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Asheville Art Museum I dont do this lightly, said Paul Saenger, chair of the museums Board of Trustees, according to a recording of the board meeting obtained by Asheville Watchdog. where is the house in the carvana commercial. We invite you to join us! What is it with people these days? The 68,000-square-foot museum features 20th and 21st century American art. Weitzman, who until Tuesday had also been a volunteer docent leading tours of the museum, engaged in a pattern of disruptive behavior, Saenger said in the meeting. Asked for comment, Benites wrote that after significant discussion the board had decided to have all communications be with the chair.. Was an intern at the museum a few years back, the toxic work culture permeates all the way down. I think this is horrible., Zahler added that he was supposed to be making the motion to remove Weitzman, but obviously I got on a little too late I would like to second that motion.. Revelate builds upon Hills investigation of pre-contact cultures. Asheville Art Museum 114 Literary, Art & Music Tours Art Museums Downtown Asheville By carriemjax The permanent collection had a broad variety, Jasper Jones to local Appalachian artists. Apologies! Youre focusing on me and refusing to focus on the problem, Pams leadership inability, Weitzman said. It wasnt just pam unfortunately. My experience was traumatic. Weitzman said at the meeting she was being punished for standing up against the mistreatment of employees. As a 501c3 organization isnt the Asheville Art Museum supposed to update its North Carolina solicitation license, reporting tax information etc. (251) 208-7508, 111 South Royal St, Mobile, AL 36602 Mobile Museum of Art (251)208-5200, 4850 Museum Drive, Mobile, AL Troy Pioneer Museum of Alabama (334)566-3597, 248 Highway 231 N, Troy, AL Tuscaloosa Children's Hands-On Museum (205)349-4239, 2213 University Blvd., Tuscaloosa, AL Paul W. Bryant Museum I liken this behavior to what the vandals are doing defacing the museum, Saenger said. This is not a game to me, Weitzman said, adding that she had raised concerns about employee mistreatment with Saenger; with the previous chair, Herbert Butch Patrick Jr.; and with board vice chair Kevin Click, the chair of the human resources committee. We have never censored or disciplined a trustee for expressing differing views or opinions. An enrolled member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Luzene Hill advocates for Indigenous sovereigntylinguistically, culturally, and individually. Do we only care about rectifying injustices from long ago? The Adult Studio program was popular as all of my classes were filled to overflowing. Balanced reporting would detract from your outrageous reporting which is the goal of the Watchdog. The museum's collection of 5,000 objects and art pieces are displayed in beautiful galleries throughout the three-floor . Shall I bring my dull wit writ upon signage to the entrance to the museum to start protesting? Good luck. Thank you, and stay well! On this page, you will find ways to experience art and performance, learn more about Black Mountain College and its artists, and even participate in virtual events. While I am sure the attorneys may approve of such an approach, it leaves a great deal open to conjecture. She said that former employees had told her, unsolicited, that they were still experiencing nightmares, PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and continual therapy from their experience working at the museum. Weitzman and the group moved to the first floor, where Myers was standing with trustee Bob Benites. To be balanced, the reporter quoted two museum donors, one who defended the museum and gave her reasons, and one who stopped supporting the museum and gave his reasons. It only takes a moment. Xpress is committed to offering this platform for all voices, but when the tone of the discussion gets nasty or strays off topic, we believe many people choose not to participate. The work environment is beyond toxic, Huff and Green wrote in a 2021 summary. All comments judged not to be in keeping with the spirit of civil discourse will be removed and repeat violators will be banned. As for the lovely donor Ms. Hamill Ill let her own -nauseously entitled, and completely out of touch with reality- words speak for themselves and they speak volumes. Open Thursdays 11am9pm | Reserve tickets now. The board has stood by Myers, 65, largely crediting her with raising $30 million in a capital campaign that spanned well over a decade. Clear enough? do koalas have poisonous claws. Weitzman said a museum patron, Monica Krider, had wanted to share her thoughts with Pam about the Watchdog story. There are laws and responsibilities that any board has, especially a board of a not-for-profit entity. The Asheville Art Museums vision is to transform lives through art, and we welcome all visitors without discrimination. Please note that items in the second level of these menus can open a page and also expand submenus. Never miss an update by signing up for our free Watchdog News Alerts, delivered directly to your inbox. Contact her at It was just very upsetting to me., Saenger said in the meeting, If youve read Lindsays report or spoken to others, I think its clear this was grossly inappropriate behavior by a trustee And this was in the midst of an event for members in the atrium of the museum., Asheville Watchdog requested the report Saenger referenced and any videotape of the incident. 120 College Street Asheville, NC 28801 828-350-8484 To schedule a group tour please contact us at Our Mission Statement The Black Mountain College Museum + Arts Center (BMCM+AC) preserves and continues the legacy of educational and artistic innovation of Black Mountain College (BMC). Phone (828) 254-7162 Email Participating member of the North Carolina Grassroots Science Museums collaborative with education funding by the North Carolina General Assembly. The Museum acknowledges that it is situated upon the ancient, southern Appalachian ancestral homeland of the Cherokee Tribe and that this region is still the home of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians today. For immediate assistance or general inquiries, please call 828.253.3227. Asheville, NC 28801. It is a cornerstone in this art-rich town that we can all be very proud of.. Check out the best museums in Asheville to visit in 2023. And Im sorry to say, Michelle, youre no longer on the board. Something needs to be done now. The museum's permanent collection also explores regional contributions in three areas: The Museum is located on the center square of downtown Asheville, 2 South Pack Square at Pack Place. I will ask for your dismissal as a board member and museum volunteer.. Artworks from the 21st century elucidate contemporary perspectives on the employment of pattern to inform visual vocabularies and investigations of diverse themes in the present day. Weitzman responded that she attempted a group effort and failed. I never heard anyone speak with such divine right, Krider said. Christine Del Re seems to be taking a rather defensive posture, and an unbalanced one at that, while distracting from the problems at the museum. One of the only free art museums in Asheville, the Black Mountain College Museum is small and donation-based. Sally Kestin is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Email [emailprotected]. Its also about what it looks like for Asheville, all of us.. 2023 Officers Jamie Winderbaum FernandezChair Cathy GrantVice Chair Penny VinikVice Chair Tom HochhauslerTreasurer Kenneth PagesSecretary Dianne JacobPast Chair 2023 Board of Trustees Allison Casper Adams Belinda Alexander Pat Carter Sandra [] Boca Raton Museum of Art prides itself on our excellent, diverse, staff of talented professionals. The word used by three former staff is traumatic. , Kevin Click, the board vice-chair and a former human resources executive, said in a written response to questions from Asheville Watchdog that Myers has been very positive about the coaching and feedback she is receiving.. The work environment is beyond toxic, Huff and Green wrote in a 2021 summary. Never had any direct interaction with her but this article helps make more sense of why it seemed like such an unhappy place. Monica Krider, a realtor, attended as a guest of Gretchen Lewis, who is also a realtor and a museum member. The Asheville Art Museum's vision is to transform lives through art. A renovated and expanded museum opened in 2019 in a glass building that is now a landmark downtown, and the museum has an endowment of more than $6 million. This should be more a group effort.. DIGITAL EXHIBITION: Dear Lorna, Love Ray features letters written by Ray Johnson to Lorna Blaine Halper while Johnson was a student at Black Mountain College. He said the controversy over Myers has been brewing for decades. After the meeting, Weitzman told Asheville Watchdog she believed her removal was retribution for challenging the museums leadership. This is what was decided seven years ago, and it is the same today.. They said Asheville represents itself as a progressive and inclusive city for LGBTQ artists, but the museum caters to a particular demographic that is no longer actually inclusive or representative of folks in the broader community here. Weitzman pressed on after Saenger became the chair, asking for more information on employee complaints, staff exit interviews, and the executive coach that had been brought in for Myers and senior leaders, emails show. Get a code sent to your email to sign in, or sign in using a password. But Zahler also referenced all the good work.. She has served in leadership roles on numerous professional committees and currently serves as a member of the Executive Committee for the Metal Museum Board of Directors. Late-night Thursdays until 9pm; closed Tuesdays. Advertising no longer pays the whole cost. I do think people who are involved in extraneous things like the gift shop, if theyre truly unhappy, Im not sure I care.. . They orchestrated it all., Weitzman had volunteered at the museum since 2016 and held a seat on the board as president of the Docents Association. The most recent dates shown on the N.C. Sec of State site is 2020. This success can be attributed to the great work the staff did in marketing and administration. Why some people in the public would do this, she said, I think they have no standing. Asheville Watchdog is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Asheville Watchdog is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County. Board of Trustees. Join Us This Sunday for a Traditional Game Day. Boca Raton Museum of Art is an Equal Opportunity Employer that does not discriminate on the basis of actual or perceived race, religion, color, marital status, national origin, citizenship, creed, gender, pregnancy, sex, sexual orientation and/or gender identity, age, veteran status, mental or . I will ask for your dismissal as a board member and museum volunteer.. Median Annual Salary: More than $86,480 ($41.58/hour) Top 10% Annual Salary: More than $53,780 ($25.86/hour) Bottom 10% Annual Salary: More than $27,190 ($13.07/hour) Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2017. Randy Shull, a prominent Asheville artist who served on the museums board for about 10 years, said he and his wife stopped donating to the museum over Myerss handling of a dispute around 2014 with the Diana Wortham Theater over space the two organizations shared in a cultural center called Pack Place. Krider said that she was disturbed by what she had read in the Watchdog story. The Asheville Art Museum, glistening through its glass exterior in the downtown heart of Pack Square, earns acclaim for its prized collection of American and Appalachian artwork. The museum held a member appreciation party Nov. 10, the day after the Watchdogstory appeared. Pre-purchased online tickets are encouraged; walk-in tickets are also available. Gillian Maurer, a transgender artist who grew up in Asheville, said a donor gave them free access to the museum while they were a student studying fine art at the University of North Carolina Asheville. This is the inevitable -but alas very predictable- retribution for the curtain being pulled aside by the Asheville Watchdog expose. Thats absurd, Krider said. She gives off a very let them eat cake! vibe. Watchdog is giving the Museum every opportunity to share their side. This is a great example of how privilege protects itself. Noted that Myers told her, Now is not the time, but did not say when she be... Myers just doesnt seem to be example of how privilege protects itself, a and. Expressing differing views or opinions why some people in the second level of these can... Saenger then polled the trustees am sure the attorneys may approve of such an place... ( raising money ) does not asheville art museum board of directors you are good at one thing ( raising money ) does mean... New York inability, Weitzman said at the Asheville Art museum 's vision is transform... 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