Benton PUD Communications Intern (Summer 2023) in Kennewick, Washington. KENNEWICK, Wash. -- The 64th annual Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo drew more than 120,000 people to the five-day event. 0000087212 00000 n Table 2. But it comes at a price, Good grub at the Benton Franklin Fair? 37087, Physical Address: 187 Natchez Trace Street. 0000002571 00000 n Benton Franklin Health District Programs & Services Clinics Immunization Clinic. Shelbyville, Tn. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. 38583, Terri KimbelP.O. "It looks like we're close to last year's attendance without (transit figures)," Lancaster said. The Stoney Lonesome Band will perform after the auction. Box 6514Sevierville, Tenn. 37864Day Phone: (865) 453-0770Night Phone: (865) 712-4925FAX: N/ACell: (865) 712-4925Email:seviercountyfairtn@gmail.comWebsite:www.seviercountyfair.org2020 Attendance: 21,6592021 Fair Dates: Aug. 31-Sept. 6Carnival: Primetime AmusementsPhysical Address: 754 Old Knoxville HwySevierville, Tn. We were not part of the conversation and were just as surprised as you all at the news., Ben Franklin Transit announced they were canceling all bus shuttles to the fair, Shuttle buses, elephant ear booth canceled at Benton Franklin Fair due to COVID worries, Check out these three new rides at the Benton Franklin Fair, Ben Franklin Transit cancels all bus rides to Tri-Cities fair over COVID concerns, Heres what you wont see at the Benton Franklin Fair this week, Readers voted this restaurant as the best Tri-Cities spot to get breakfast, Murder charges dropped against 74-year-old. It's just seems to be historically the weekend day is the day for people," says Lancaster. Peeks of sunshine later. High 48F. 0 Box 198Carthage, Tenn. 37030Day Phone: (615) 683-7869Night Phone: (615) 683-7869FAX: N/ACell: (615) 683-7869Email: wpher@twlakes.netWebsite: www.smithcountyfairtn.net2020 Attendance: 3,8132020 Fair Dates: June 28 July 3Carnival: James Gang AmusementsPhysical Address: 159 Ag Center LaneCarthage, Tn. The fair management estimates around thirty-two thousand people will attend the fair on Saturday. 37914, Kathy AtwoodP.O. Full-Time. Contestants must not be younger than 17 years of age as of the date of application (September 30, 2019) nor turn 23 during the year of reign (October 2019-October 2020). "That concert was fantastic," Lancaster said of Foreigner's performance. O. Immunization Clinic. The Challenge. Queen was Mary Jane Mullineaux.. We were not part of the conversation and were just as surprised as you all at the news.. 0000010742 00000 n You have permission to edit this article. That's just under one third of the total attendance over the five days of the fair. 0000004041 00000 n Sign up to get breaking news, weather forecasts, and more in your email inbox. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. var hostname = ""; 37015, Ronnie SealsP.O. More than 11,834 entries were brought to the fair, everything from vegetables to animals to crafts. Box 269Manchester, Tenn. 37349Day Phone: (931) 212-4505Night Phone: (931) 212-4505FAX: N/ACell: (931) 212-4505Email:ccfairboard@gmail.comWebsite:www.coffeecountyfairtn.org2020 Attendance: 21,0002021 Fair Dates: Sept. 18-25Carnival: Kissel EntertainmentPhysical Address: 99 Lakeview DriveManchester, Tn. 2020 Attendance: N/A 2021 Fair Dates: July 19-24 Carnival: Primetime Amusements Physical Address: 2119 Midland Rd. The Best Week of Summer has many moving pieces from year to year, including new events and changes that affect each days outcomes. Submit a photo to replace . Their weeklong affair is jam-packed with concerts, rodeo competitions and dozens of other exciting events, which makes advertising and marketing a little daunting. 0000007224 00000 n Because Fair week is comprised of many events and has been a staple of summer fun for a generation, it means different things to different people. 0000103533 00000 n CM Smoke of Basin City took top prize in the BBQ Cook-Off, winning $500, a new Louisiana BBQ and half a beef. With great sponsor involvement and a community that cherishes this hometown pastime, the Fair & Rodeo will continue to be Tri-Cities most treasured event. 37343, Sondra ThorneP.O. Skip Sidebar Navigation. "Lemonade and ice cream did well, because we were close to hot," Lancaster said. Event Calendar; 2023 American Red Cross Blood Drive; Info. 0000001585 00000 n Low 33F. hb```U" cc`a83i U3221 0000000916 00000 n Box 8218Gray, Tenn. 37615Day Phone: (423) 477-3211Night Phone: (423) 341-2381FAX: (423) 477-3853Cell: (423) 341-2381Email:Phil@appalachianfair.comWebsite:www.appalachianfair.com2020 Attendance: Fair Cancelled2021 Fair Dates: August 23-28Carnival: Drew ExpositionPhysical Address: 100 Lakeview St.Gray, Tn. The Benton Franklin fair is the most popular event that takes place at this venue and brings in hundreds of patrons every year. Home Fair. Box 402Wartburg, Tenn. 37887Day Phone: (423) 346-6847Night Phone: (423) 346-6847FAX: N/ACell: (423) 215-4026Email:pspotter21@hotmail.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: 5002021 Fair Dates: July 26 31Carnival:Fox Creek AmusementsPhysical Address: 5943 Morgan County HighwayLancing, Tn. 0000004157 00000 n 38570, Joyce StaffordP.O. Everyone wants to eat, everyone wants to come to the rodeo, the concert, see the animals. 2022 Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo Queen Application Packet ~ Page 1 BENTON FRANKLIN FAIR & RODEO QUEEN SCHOLARSHIP PAGEANT CONTESTANT ELIGIBILITY 1. FestivalNet is not the event & does not book the participants; we provide contact info to save you time in event research. 9. In fun and excitement? Box 6066Knoxville, Tenn. 37914Day Phone: (865) 215-1477Night Phone: (865) 806-0182FAX: N/ACell: (865) 806-0182Email:Scotts@tnvalleyfair.orgWebsite:www.tnvalleyfair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept 10-19Carnival: Wade ShowsPhysical Address: 3301 E. Magnolia AveKnoxville, Tn. 37770, Beth McManusP.O. 38351, Deneicia GregsonP.O. 0000001315 00000 n This venue also has a rich history and strives to keep its agricultural heritage. 37307, John A. Allen2290 West Broad St.Cookeville, Tenn. 38501Day Phone: (931) 252-2755Night Phone: (931) 252-2755FAX: N/ACell: (931) 252-2755Email:j.allen1345@charter.netWebsite:www.putnamcountyfair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: July 29 Aug 7Carnival: James Gang AmusementsPhysical Address: 200 W. Veterans DriveCookeville, Tn. All Rights Reserved. The Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo invites you to attend our annual Fundraiser Thursday, July 14, at 6 p.m. at Goose Ridge Winery. HRN07dhj;E Fe&JA*6H>|~c~*T-$mEtg:+QJYr\!0N! Hours of Operation Box 97Viola, Tenn. 37394Day Phone: (931) 607-7141Night Phone: (931) 635-2474FAX: N/ACell: (931) 607-7141Email:wcfair@blomand.netWebsite:www.warrencountyalfair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: September 10-18Carnival: Kissel EntertainmentPhysical Address: 194 Fairgrounds Rd.McMinnville, Tn. 96 0 obj <> endobj 38024, Cindy SmithP.O. Box 305Ashland City, Tenn. 37015Day Phone: (615) 477-1092Night Phone: (615) 477-1092FAX: N/ACell: (615) 477-1092Email: dandreaflowers@yahoo.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: July 27-31Carnival: Primetime AmusementsPhysical Address: 807 Fairgrounds RoadAshland City, Tn. We combined these items into intricate collages for promotional collateral, tying it all together with a bit of western flair and panache. 38261, Donita WilsonP.O. Box 563Lawrenceburg, Tenn. 38464Day Phone: (931) 629-8119Night Phone: (931) 629-8119FAX: N/ACell: (931) 629-8119Email:mtdf2011@att.netWebsite:www.mtdfair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 27 Oct 3Carnival: W. G. Wade ShowsPhysical Address: 927 North Military Ave.Lawrenceburg, Tn. 0000001648 00000 n While were extremely disappointed by that decision and that it came just days before the fair opens we will be ready for the Best Week of Summer, the fair association wrote on social media. Any sale proceeds shall be retained by the Benton Franklin Fair and applied to costs of repossession and/or foreclosure including attorney fees, storing and selling the property, and the unpaid rental due from Vendor . Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. Box 647Huntingdon, Tenn. 38344Day Phone: (731) 986-4444Night Phone: (731) 616-0911FAX: N/ACell: (731) 616-0911Email:carrollcotnfair@gmail.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: 2,8042021 Fair Dates: Sept. 20-25Carnival: TBDPhysical Address: 201 Mustang DriveHuntingdon, Tn. Box 1203Lebanon, Tenn. 37088Day Phone: (615) 443-2626Night Phone: (615) 286-2148FAX: N/ACell: (615) 812-8148Email: helen@wilsoncountyfair.netWebsite:www.wilsoncountyfair.net2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Aug. 12-21Carnival: Reithoffer ShowsPhysical Address: 945 E. Baddour PkwyLebanon, Tn. Box 329Franklin, Tenn. 37065Day Phone: (615) 794-4386Night Phone: (615) 557-3777FAX: N/ACell: (615) 557-3777Email:terri@williamsoncountyfair.orgWebsite:www.williamsoncountyfair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Aug. 6-14Carnival: Drew ExpositionPhysical Address: 4215 Long LnFranklin, Tn. 0000005013 00000 n When the last bull had been ridden and cotton candy devoured, the folks at the Fair & Rodeo reported record numbers in attendance and social media engagement, as well as reaching over a million dollars in their market stock sales for the first time in the Fairs history. This is a default category photo and may not represent the actual event. 37841, Linda G. JohnsonP.O. One young exhibitor raised $6,500 for the Tri-Cities Cancer Center through the sale of her rabbit. The market stock sale - where 4-H and FFA members sell their animals - raised $718,913 for the young exhibitors. Box 2404Jasper, Tenn. 37347Day Phone: N/ANight Phone: (423) 942-6649FAX: N/ACell: (423) 488-0771Email: samsan2010@att.netWebsite: marioncountyfair.com2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates:TBDCarnival:TBDPhysical Address: 1 Dairy Queen DriveJasper, Tn. The Fair will offer two $2,500 scholarships for seniors who participated in the Benton Franklin Fair as a 4-H or FFA exhibitor. All Rights Reserved. 37061, Melinda Bradford234 W. Blue Creek RdWaverly, Tenn. 37185Day Phone: (931) 296-3442Night Phone: (931) 296-3442FAX: N/ACell: N/AEmail:Humphreysagcenter@gmail.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: 3,0002021 Fair Dates: September 1-4Carnival: Amusement AttractionsPhysical Address: 234 W. Blue Creek RdWaverly, Tn. But with the fair and rodeo continuing as planned this week, health officials offered some advice. Other Activities: rodeo, parade, carnival Attendance: 120,000 # Food Booths: tba # of Exhibitors: 150 Juried: no Box 205Hartsville, Tenn. 37074Day Phone: (615) 374-0907Night Phone: (615) 374-8157FAX: N/ACell: (615) 374-8157Email:Trousdalecountyfair@gmail.comWebsite:https://www.trousdalecountyfair.org2020 Attendance: 2002021 Fair Dates: Aug 6-7Carnival: N/APhysical Address: 262 West McMurry BlvdHartsville, Tn. Our office:7535 W Kennewick Ave, Ste DKennewick, WA 99336, Media research, planning, buying and reconciliation, Graphic design of print and web collateral. The Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo in Kennewick, Washington invites you to join us August 22-26, 2023 to celebrate our community. O. The Benton Franklin Health District recommended last week that large events be canceled. Box 582Greeneville, Tenn. 37744Day Phone: (423) 638-2521Night Phone: 423) 638-2521FAX: F/ACell: (423) 329-4210Email:info@greenecountyfair.comWebsite:www.greenecountyfair.com2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: July 26 31Carnival: Belle City AmusementsPhysical Address: 123 Fairgrounds CircleGreeneville, Tn. Box 186Decatur, Tenn. 37322Day Phone: (423) 618-2406Night Phone: (423) 618-2406FAX: N/ACell: (423) 618-2406Email:wwcthouse@aol.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: August 3-7Carnival: Fox Creek AmusementsPhysical Address: 564 N. Main StDecatur, Tn. We sent a reporter to see whats back & whats new, Photos | Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo opens with some roping, sheep and corndogs, Photo gallery | Thousands watch the 2022 Benton Franklin Fair Parade, What to know before heading to the 2022 Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo, Next big thing in Banda music coming to the Tri-Cities this summer, Its not over until this 80s powerhouse rocks the Benton Franklin Fair. That bodes. Box 1113Dyersburg, Tenn. 38025Day Phone: (731) 287-4280Night Phone: (731) 676-7225FAX: N/ACell: (731) 676-7225Email:gjackson@firstcnb.comWebsite:www.dyercofair.com2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 6-11Carnival: Amusement AttractionsPhysical Address: 296 James Rice Road Dyersburg, Tn. Children younger than 6 are free. That meant there were few heat-related health incidents, and people weren't discouraged about spending the day outside. Hes the 1st to announce, Exclusive: Tri-Cities judge will avoid jail time after 2nd DUI. 509.460.4200. 38401, Clare Nell BreedenP.O. Hes the 1st to announce, Exclusive: Tri-Cities judge will avoid jail time after 2nd DUI. Online Access for this fair is currently disabled. Other popular events attracting people were the tattoo competition and Cowgirl College. Carnival wristbands for unlimited rides are $38. The reinstated mask mandate started Monday across Washington state. WA The Benton Franklin Fair: Community Impact; Donation Request; Get Updates; Events. 37030, Rob Inman659 W. Main St.Hohenwald, Tenn. 38462Day Phone: (931) 306-8378Night Phone: (931) 306-8378FAX: N/ACell: (931) 306-8378Email:robgiman@yahoo.comWebsite:www.scafair.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 1-5Carnival: Kissel EntertainmentPhysical Address: 505 E. Main StreetHohenwald, Tn. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph. startxref n1N`XhxC:LyLg223b``\P O!! Box 1334Hixson, Tenn. 37343Day Phone: (423) 209-8888Night Phone: N/AFAX: N/ACell: N/AEmail: tlamb@hamiltontn.govWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 25-26Carnival: N/APhysical Address: 7987 Causeway RoadHixson, Tn. How do you accurately measure the success of a weeklong series of events? Box 1431Paris, Tenn. 38242Day Phone: (731) 336-2391Night Phone: (731) 336-2391FAX: N/ACell: (731) 336-2391Email:Deneicia.gregson@gmail.comWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Aug. 7-14Carnival: Belle City AmusementsPhysical Address: 517 Royal Oak DriveParis, Tn. marketplace | privacypolicy | contactus, Event promoter has not updated for this year, last year's event was August 23 - 27, 2022. the fair has become one of the best in the Northwest. We look forward to celebrating these milestones with you during the Best Week of Summer. Box 208Jefferson City, Tenn. 37760Day Phone: N/ANight Phone: (865) 475-7887FAX: N/ACell: (865) 898-2112Email:tnjeffersonfair@gmail.comWebsite:www.jeffersoncountyfair.com2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates:Aug. 10-14Carnival: James Gang AmusementsPhysical Address: 1503 Universal RdJefferson City, Tn. The Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo in Kennewick, Washington invites you to join us August 22-26, 2023 to celebrate our community. 2022 Focal Point Marketing LLC. This is an exciting opportunity for a college enrolled student interested in a path geared towards . 0000077499 00000 n @_.Z H3 q 37110, Kelly BroadwayP.O. "Saturday, it's the only weekend day that we have in a five day fair so everyone comes out. Reserved seating already is sold out, but you can take in the vibes with the free general admission seating. 1584 14 Box 555Lexington, Tenn. 38351Day Phone: (731) 614-0080Night Phone: (731) 614-0080FAX: N/ACell: (731) 614-0080Email: mark@oakhavenliving.netWebsite: N/A2020 Attendance: 65,0002021 Fair Dates: TBDCarnival: Arnolds AmusementsPhysical Address: 101 First StreetLexington, Tn. . Attendance for the concluded Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo is expected to be close to last year's 120,000 visitors. 0000000016 00000 n Box 921Springfield, Tenn. 37172Day Phone: (615) 382-1007Night Phone: (615) 382-1007FAX: N/ACell: N/AEmail: cjustice@hollingsworthcompanies.comWebsite:www.robertsoncountyfair.com2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 7-11Carnival: Kissel EntertainmentPhysical Address: 4635 Hwy 41 NSpringfield, Tn. 38478, Rick ClarkP.O. 126 0 obj <>stream 0000002017 00000 n They said everyone should wear masks even outdoors when distancing from other people is impossible such as in close quarters at the animal barns or in line for food or carnival rides. What days are Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo open? 0000006670 00000 n The fair instead suggests that fairgoers carpool, and it has created an express lane where passengers can be dropped off. 37332, Chad GregoryP.O. ~8+xAF#,OK. Low 33F. The array of food, the thrilling rides, getting lost in an electric performance from your favorite band, the drama of a rider holding on for dear life needless to say, we had a lot of material to work with. Enter the email address you used when you joined. That's just under one third of the total attendance over the five days of the fair. 37185, Sam ThompsonP.O. Their weeklong affair is jam-packed with concerts, rodeo competitions and dozens of other exciting events, which makes advertising and marketing a little daunting. KENNEWICK, Wash. -- The 64th annual Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo drew more than 120,000 people to the five-day event. Because Fair week is comprised of many events and has been a staple of summer fun for a generation, it means different things to different people. var username = "info"; 0000005943 00000 n 37398, Zach MarbreyP.O. 0000001969 00000 n 37760, Susan Worlds123 S. Jefferson StreetRipley, Tenn. 38063Day Phone: (731) 413-9541Night Phone: (731) 413-9541FAX: N/ACell: (731) 413-9541Email: sworlds@lauderdalecountytn.orgWebsite: www.lauderdalecountytn.org2020 Attendance: N/A2021 Fair Dates: Sept. 15th Sept. 18thCarnival: Sonshine AmusementsPhysical Address: 794 Co-op DriveHalls, Tn 38040, Dale KentP. This 1456 square foot single family home has 3 bedrooms and 1.0 bathrooms. The Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo opens Tuesday in Kennewick for a five-day run though it may look a little different with the recent surge in COVID-19 cases in the Tri-Cities. endstream endobj 1596 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[105 1479]/Length 57/Size 1584/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream A third $2,500 scholarship will be for high school rodeo . Animals purchased at previous Market Stock sales are ineligible to show or sell. As a non-profit, the Benton Franklin Fair & Rodeo exists to provide opportunities for our regions youth and to connect our community through the power of entertainment. Become a Sponsor > Sponsor Thank You; Sell items at . 38551, Libby Strange743 W. Hwy. Saturday is the busiest day at the Benton Franklin Fair and Rodeo, Washington House unanimously passes bill addressing food insecurity after SNAP ends, TRAFFIC ALERT: I-82 closed near Sunnyside due to deadly collision, WSP on scene of multiple crashes on SR 240 in Benton County, UPDATE: Power restored in Kennewick after car crashes into pole, Stephanie Vigil to leave KHQ after 25 years, Washington State Senate passes bill requiring inclusive learning standards, School delays and closures for February 23, Road conditions close I-84 between Pendleton and Ontario, Washington House passes bill clarifying family burial ground rights, How to maintain fire safety around DIY chicken coops, Dam operator guilty of field turf pellet pollution, Afternoon news update February 28: WA legislative session update, dam operator guilty of polluting Puyallup River and more. Represent the actual event & gt ; Sponsor Thank you ; sell items at this,... 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Into intricate collages for promotional collateral, tying benton franklin fair attendance all together with bit! And more in your email inbox everyone wants to come to the Fair instead suggests that fairgoers carpool and! Will offer two $ 2,500 scholarships for seniors who participated in the palm of your hand,. Username = `` '' ; 0000005943 00000 n this venue and brings in hundreds patrons... Admission seating it 's the only weekend day that we have in a path geared towards last... Many moving pieces from year to year, including new events and changes that affect each outcomes.
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