city of kenedy city manager

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city of kenedy city manager

endstream endobj 151 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields[]>>/Lang(en-US)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 16 0 R/Pages 148 0 R/StructTreeRoot 35 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 152 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 148 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 153 0 obj <>stream Unfortunately, upon taking the wheel, I slammed the pedal to the floor and moved at warp speed, many of you were not prepared for this and it caused you discomfort and anguish. Everything we do here is important and its my ongoing commitment to serve the community.. I was an interim city manager for a few cities, he said. Mail Stop 605 All fields will be synthetic turf and an underground drainage system will take care of any excess water from rainstorms. Chandler'sparks, pools, museums, art galleries, hotels, resorts, golf courses, restaurants and ample shopping opportunities make this one of Arizona's great cities to live, play and work. Newly appointed Interim City Manager in Kenedy, Deck Shaver, was sworn in during a special city council meeting Jan. 26. I will strive to keep operations running and providing good customer service to the people of Kenedy. In open session council unanimously approved gathering more data from the city attorney and city engineers.. 303 W. Main Street . The new Larry Kiesling Youth Sports Complex will have five playing fields and a central concession and rest rooms. ", Email Erin Fillmore, Sr. Management Assistant to the City Manager's Office, About Deputy City Manager, Rosa Inchausti Government Engineering and Transportation Engineering, Deputy Engineering & Transportation Director/City Engineer, Jennifer Svetichan, Engineering Services Manager - 480-350-8150, Right Of Way Management, Land Services and Dry Utility, Bashir Hassan P.E., Principal Civil Engineer - 480-350-8520, Capital Improvement Program - Design, Floodplain Management, Gregg Kent, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer - 480-350-2738, Capital Improvement Program - Construction, Barrett Jurgemeyer, P.E., Principal Civil Engineer - 480-350-8852, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. It will be open year around and the city is looking to bring in weekend tournaments that will be a boost to the local economy. Chandler, AZ 85244-4008. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.. Overcast. I will learn to know the city council priorities and long-term capital goals. % The best thing about the complex is that it will not cost the citizens a dime. On Thursday, Jan. 23, the interim city manager selected withdrew due to scheduling conflicts, Sutton said. Shaver will be a full-time employee, but on a temporary basis. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Member Type: Member City Webpage: Region: 07-Alamo Region-San Antonio Area County: Karnes Address: 303 W Main St Kenedy, TX 78119-2721 Phone: (830) 583-2230 Fax: (830) 583-2063 Council Date: (2 TU 6 P.M.) Year Incorporated: 1910 Fiscal Year Start: 10/01 Population: 3,626 Government Type: General Law Type A Civil Service: "It's difficult to talk about the 505 issue since it may be going to litigation . Sealed & Marked: City Attorney Services . endobj Title Location Company Posted Building Official & Code Compliance. Once hired, the city manager assumes the day-to-day responsibilities of overseeing the administrative needs . Listen. The new Larry Kiesling Youth Sports Complex is more than a field of dreams; it is and will be a reality for Kenedy. Kenedy is a small town with big opportunitiesthe perfect place to live and do business. I again, failed you the residents on this by failing to utilize tact at times and preserving decorum. 0 Uh oh. As we enter the final year of my contract with the City as your City Manager, please know that I will always cherish my time here in Kenedy and will only take fond memories away with me. The City Managers Office provides the overarching organizational support necessary to implement Council-approved programs and policies. KENEDY Build it and they will come. The iconic phrase from the movie Field of Dreams could be the mantra of the city of Kenedy for the next few months. It will create new jobs and it will pay for itself in a very short time, Sutton said. Project Manager: San Antonio River Authority The cost of the complex is to be $7 million with $1.3 million of that for the underground drainage and $1 million for the parking areas at the complex. The complex will be a compliment to the parkway and help draw people to it, Sutton said. William Linn, CPM, CFE City Manager. Box 839980 I will continue to move forward with the original direction of the Council that hired me to fulfill the mandates they charged me with until my final day in the Cityexcept, I will certainly parse back the speed and slow down. Bashir Hassan P.E., Principal Civil Engineer - 480-350-8520. The City Manager is one of four positions appointed by the City Council. There will be a walkway built between the sports complex and the Escondido Creek Parkway, linking the two new city attractions. Jennifer Svetichan, Engineering Services Manager - 480-350-8150. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. 956-423-7409, 1700 North Congress Avenue, Austin, TX 78701TEL: 512-463-7847 / FAX: 512-475-2053, Asset Management Program for Small Systems, State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT), Guidance & References for Online Loan Application, State Water Implementation Fund for Texas, 6th Planning Cycle Information (2026 RWPs), 2021 Regional Water Plans & Previous Plans, Regional Water Planning Data Entry Application (RWP22) Training, District Information (O-Z and Other Districts), Extended Naturalize Flow and Reservoir Evaporation, Flood Planning Useful Links and Resources, Drought Response and Financial Assistance, Water Conservation Plan ~ Utility Profile, Historical Water Loss Audit and Conservation Annual Report Data, Industrial, Commercial & Institutional (ICI), Phase I: Preliminary Engineering Assessment, Kenedy Brackish Desalination Plant, Karnes County, Texas, Kenedy Brackish Desalination Plant: Historical Data Review and Performance Evaluation,Karnes County, Texas, Notice of Nondiscrimination and Reasonable Accommodation, Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS), Texas Water Infrastructure Coordination Committee (TWICC), Announcement of Request for Statement of Interest in Texas Register, Project engineer selected by City of Kenedy/SARA. d0 }e) Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. On Jan. 6 former Interim City Manager Chris Bratton submitted his "notice of end of interim city manager position" with the city of Kenedy, according to Kenedy Mayor James Sutton. Discussion of water/wastewater service extension, simple taps and pertaining ordinances begin in public and was moved to closed session at request of the city attorney for legal opinion, Sutton said. 830-583-2230, San Antonio River Authority Funding Recipients: City of Kenedy City Administrator City of Kenedy 303 W. Main Street Kenedy, TX 78119 830-583-2230. Texas Water Development Board works best with JavaScript enabled. Policy decisions that may or may not require increased allocations of assets are then implemented and their effects measured (as directly as possible) in the analysis of subsequent crash data. %%EOF Kenedy, TX 78119. endstream endobj startxref You have permission to edit this article. 175 S. Arizona Ave., We use data to improve the quality of life for our residents from the quality of pavement on our streets to our ADA transition plan. He previously was Deputy City Manager for the City of Tacoma, Washington, responsible for an array of city departments that provided services to that communitys residents and businesses. I want to give the highest possible customer service to the citizens. Commercial building means a building located in a commercial district. When reached for comment, Linn responded, explaining he would not be commenting on his letter to the residents of Kenedy at this time. A city manager is a public official who serves as the chief executive of the city government. endobj P.O. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. City of Kenedy average salary is 14 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 4 percent lower than USA median. Nov 6, 2019 KENEDY - Four out of five Kenedy City Council members, along with the mayor, have complaints against them by City of Kenedy employees after a special meeting was held Oct. 28. Conversely, discussion regarding water and wastewater service extensions, simple service taps, city ordinances pertaining to the application and permit of such, and TCEQ requirements for private lift sanctions went into closed session during the meeting, according to Sutton. Take a day and enjoy our newly renovated park that includes a basketball court, baseball diamonds, sand volleyball court, walking trail, picnic area, playground, and veterans memorial. 164 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<57495F96A735A248A881E95B98A3E004>]/Index[150 32]/Info 149 0 R/Length 77/Prev 119099/Root 151 0 R/Size 182/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Some new ideas are also being kicked around for use of the park during the weekdays, according to the mayor. City Manager ; City Secretary ; Boards & Commissions ; Code of Ordinances ; Employment Opportunities ; Transparency . Harlingen, TX 78551 City Manager William Linn, CPM, CFE . <>/Length 65/Root 543 0 R /Info 538 0 R /ID[]>>stream Prior to Wickenburg, Wright worked at the Town of Marana, Arizona, from 2006 to 2011 in a variety of . Chandler City Manager's Office As stewards of the public trust, we manage the day-to-day operations of the city to ensure fiscal responsibility, create a dynamic leaderful organization, and proactively serve the needs of our residents, community stakeholders and region. The complex will be a great investment in our citys future. 21-19, enacted December 14, 2021. Dave Kennedy City Manager Email Dave Kennedy Phone: 513-707-1454 Cory Wright Assistant City Manager Email Cory Wright Phone: 513-583-3020 City Manager's Office Physical Address 120 W Loveland Avenue Loveland, OH 45140 Phone: 513-683-0150 Fax: 513-585-3040 Clerk of Council City Manager's Weekly Updates Proposed Downtown Parking Facility Andy Bass was named Deputy City Manager in January 2022 to assist the City Manager in the day-do-day operations of the City. First page; Previous; 1; There was a problem saving your notification. Kenedy, TX 78119 The city is currently looking for a permanent city manager, Shaver said. The server is misbehaving. He also served as the town manager of Wickenburg, Arizona, from 2011 to 2017. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Community Development Project Assistance Team, About Deputy City Manager, Rosa Inchausti, Three streets, four parks set for renaming vote in March, City Hall, 31 E. 5th St., Tempe, AZ 85281. Additionally, it was my duty to ensure that our meetings each month were conducted in a professional manner and decorum maintained. The city has contracted to build a new youth sports complex that will be state of the art and provide for the Kenedy High School baseball and softball teams for many years to come. Lang has served as the City of Chandlers Management Services Director since January 2012 and continues to oversee the budget, accounting, payroll, purchasing, central supply, utility billing services, as well as tax and licensing, and environmental management compliance. <> 541 0 obj Using the Vision Zero initiative as an example, we can delve more deeply into the citys use of data to address important issues. Phone: (830) 583-2230. Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Community Development Project Assistance Team, RFQ Holders List - Storm Drain Improvements - Roosevelt Street, Project No. 2023 City of Kenedy. Kenedy Interim City Manager Chris Bratton mentioned that many variables play a role in regards to this particular subject. The money comes from the 4B board and the oil and gas revenue the city has received," said Kenedy City Manager Barbara Shaw. Highest salary at City of Kenedy in year 2021 was $100,000. You can try refreshing the page, and if you're still having problems, just try again later. There was a problem saving your notification. Deputy Engineering & Transportation Director/City Engineer. Then, Kenedy City Council held a special called meeting for Jan. 20 at 3 p.m. at City Hall regarding available options for the provision of interim city manager and city manager search services where council unanimously approved a professional service agreement with Strategic Government Resources for the provisions of interim city manager to begin Jan. 27, according to Sutton. High near 90F. hb```f`` @ tPMp@A&T L30`!A!!U?1^ `7 nv . I want to thank each of you, the Council, and the Mayor for permitting me to serve as your City Manager and for tolerating my inadequaciesagain, it has been a privilege and an honor.. The City Manager and Assistant City Managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the City and for carrying out the policies that are adopted by the City Council. In other matters, the possible action regarding all fees, including mileage, submitted by Max Westbrook from Sept. 2019 to date was tabled until a later meeting. The Council authorizes the City Manager, or his/her designee, to negotiate and enter into one or more joint election agreements with other governmental organizations in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Election Code in such form as shall be approved by the City Manager, or his/her designee. The apologetic statement also mentioned possible strife between him an endstream Contact Information: Phone: (830) 583-2230 Fax: (830) 583- 2063 Office: 303 W. Main St Kenedy TX 78119 No raise in taxes, no extra charges at all. City Council established a hiring process for selecting a city manager with intent to fill position in 45-60 days. Note: Any correspondence, such as email or letters, sent to City officials or staff becomes public record and is available for public/media review upon request. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. %PDF-1.7 An itemization of all fees paid will be presented to city council at the February meeting for review, Sutton said. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. 0 For example, before the end of fiscal year 2019-20, city staff will propose the reduction of speed limits in targeted areas throughout the city as one way to reduce the severity of crashes in those areas. San Antonio River Authority P.O. P.O. San Antonio, TX 78283 Mar 2014 - Jun 20173 years 4 months. Come meet Mayor Kevin Hartke and the members of the City Council. Kenedy, TX 78119. Number of employees at City of Kenedy in year 2021 was 55. Sorry, there are no recent results for popular commented articles. Esegui il download di questa immagine stock: Calcio Calcio - Premier League - Newcastle United vs Swansea City - St James' Park, Newcastle, Britain - 13 gennaio 2018 il manager di Swansea City Carlos Carvalhal e Jordan Ayew scuotono le mani dopo la partita SOLO PER USO EDITORIALE REUTERS/Scott Heppell. xc`. For several years now, the city of Kenedy, and its citizens, have been under water restrictions and City Manager Barbara Shaw and council members have come up with a plan to drill up to seven water wells into the Evangeline aquifer off of Farm-to-Market Road 743 in eastern Karnes County near the Goliad County line. Kenedy City Council City Attorney City Auditor City Manager Public Works Director Assistant Public Works Director Water . City of Kenedy . CODE OF ORDINANCES City of KENEDY, TEXAS Codified through Ordinance No. Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High near 90F. 1 - 2 Results of 2. Wille is a graduate of Brigham Young University with a masters degree in public administration and a bachelors degree in history. Manage Business Assistance, Adaptive Reuse, and neighborhood revitalization programs; coordinate and support infrastructure and . 31 E. Fifth St. Powered by Drewa Designs. William Linn, the city manager of Kenedy, posted a statement to the citys Facebook page on Friday, March 11, hinting at the possibility of not seeking a renewal to his contract. City Manager, City of Kenedy, Texas : 11/06/2017 to 04/24/2019 : City Administrator, City of Leonard, Texas : 10/01/2015 . Address: hVmo6+]&l 0[2$kH]u30|7=O4a' CQ00f0fDIMa$)dZ(gYXp' %8T 3(N%H$@`xRFW{G;t_z1']S[zK+[ULKg3aj?8(wWZ?$$L.6#RESLc(Qrf~WTz\U(A/%]o Yj]]l;/;|G~l}yUax*kFnrbq\@?}u. All rights reserved. Tempe, AZ 85281, Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Average annual salary was $40,165 and median salary was $41,788. Ground will be broke on the project in August with completion set for January 2020, just in time for next seasons baseball and softball practice for the Lions and Leopards. With a background in construction, Shaver is eager to dig in as interim city manager. 568 0 obj When the City Council brought me in to be your City Manager back in 2020, they asked me to take the wheel and move the City forwardand that is what has transpired. The apologetic statement also mentioned possible strife between him and some residents of Kenedy. Ms. Melissa A. Bryant, P.E. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph.. Overcast. Chandler, AZ 85225, Mailing Address She has been an active member of the Kiwanis Club since 2011, including service as a past president in Chandler and past lieutenant governor of its southwest district. High near 90F. Previously, he served as the City of Chandler's Assistant City Manager since May 2017. SAN ANTONIO FOOD BANK DISTRIBUTION NOVEMBER 21,2022, February 2, 2023 Planning & Zoning Board Agenda, Kenedy Economic Development Corporation (4B) Website Launches. Working with the multi-national Vision Zero Network, the citys Transportation staff members develop strategies to address the causes of these incidents and reduce both categories to zero. The baseball and softball fields will be built with the latest and greatest technology, according to Kenedy Mayor James Sutton. The hills come alive in the spring with beautiful displays of wildflowers, Kenedy Market Days is the third Saturday of every month with booths from local farmers and artisans. It was never the intention to create hostility due to progress and I apologize to each of for this and for not pulling back and taking it slower. Bratton was the interim Kenedy police chief last year before the KPD hired current Chief Richard Ashe. The city tested the waters for the complex as far back as 2011 and 2012. Administrative Assistant . City of Kenedy "?] %&0L` \ dU8T> 1 , You all are a special and wonderful people and Kenedys future is certainly a very bright oneGod has been good to Kenedy these past two years. - Contract Manager 1700 N. Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78711 512-475-3003. P.O. $43 million granted by Texas GLO for historic disaster mitigation projects in Karnes County Funds to improve water infrastructure approved for the city of Kenedy Contact: Brittany Eck (512) 463-5708 PDF Version PRESS RELEASE May 21, 2021 Salaries. Originally from Channelview, Shaver will focus on his task at hand in Kenedy. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. We use data to help save lives from our Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities, to our fight to end the opioid abuse epidemic. Although political in nature, a city manager does not earn their position through an election. Phone: (830) 583-2230 SUBMITTAL ADDRESS: William Linn City of Kenedy. Prior to Wickenburg, Wright worked at the Town of Marana, Arizona, from 2006 to 2011 in a variety of roles, including assistant to the town manager and director of strategic initiatives. The Kenedy City Council approved the appointment of Derek Shaver as the new interim city manager after a special meeting Jan. 26. Being a data driven city allows us to better deliver critical services that improves the lives of all of our residents. Annually, strategies are perfected and included in the budget-development process to specifically target positive movement toward this performance measure, using 2016 data as a baseline. Box 2544 An air-conditioned area off the concession stand will seat 35 or so seeking to cool off from the Texas heat. xcb & 3Z 1700 N. Congress Avenue The apologetic statement also mentioned possible strife between him and some residents of Kenedy. We invite you to take in all that Kenedy has to offer, from our newly renovated park and walking trail to the rolling hills that come alive in the spring with beautiful displays of wildflowers. You have permission to edit this article. City of Kenedy Kenedy, TX, United States (on-site) 10 days ago Senior Accountant. He previously served in a similar job with the City of Reno, Nevada, and worked as a parks and recreation director for communities in Colorado and Texas. The Kenedy City Council approved the appointment of Derek Shaver as the new interim city manager after a special meeting Jan. 26. Jorge A. Arroyo, P.E. Previously, he served as the City of Chandler's Assistant City Manager since May 2017. Derek Shaver confirmed as temporary city manager, Coastal Bend Publishing's 2022 FOOTBALL SUPER TEAM, Coastal Bend Publishing's 2022 Volleyball Super Team, PSA: Texas 2023 Warrant Roundup in effect, Taft man turns passion for barbecute into business, Hundreds celebrate life of local champion, Beeville boys battle out a win over West Oso. Chandler City Manager's Office It will be comprised of five fields, one baseball, two softball and two multi-purpose fields. 181 0 obj <>stream City Manager . Contact Information:Phone: (830) 583-2230Fax: (830) 583- 2063Office: 303 W. Main StKenedy TX, City Facebook Page Karnes County Appraisal District Kenedy EDC (4B). On Jan. 14, the City Council unanimously approved the appointment of an interim city manager to begin on Monday Jan. 27, Sutton said. The next scheduled meeting is set for Feb. 11 at the Kenedy City Hall. He also served as the town manager of Wickenburg, Arizona, from 2011 to 2017. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. We want Kenedy to be a destination point. I would like for each of you to know that it has been my privilege to be your City Manager over the past two years and that I have been blessed to get to know many of you during that time, Linn said at the beginning of his statement. City manager means the city manager of the City of Kenedy or any duly authorized representative of the city manager. Low 68F. City of Kenedy Kenedy, TX, United States (on-site) 30+ days ago Upload My Resume Let employers find you! Joshua Wright was named City Manager in August 2021. No. Every business in town will benefit. The average Sports Physical Therapist salary in Kenedy, Texas is $81,993 as of January 26, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $75,843 and $88,592. City of Kenedy 303 West Main Street Kenedy, TX 78119 Map & Directions (830) 583-2230 (830) 780-3931 (after-hours emergency) As stewards of the public trust, we manage the day-to-day operations of the city to ensure fiscal responsibility, create a dynamic leaderful organization, and proactively serve the needs of our residents, community stakeholders and region." About City Manager, Andrew Ching. Return to search results Email: Member Classification: TCMA Full Member Since: March 10, 2016 Region: South Central Texas . %PDF-1.5 % While we have accomplished a lot throughout that time, I have also failed you as well. He holds a masters degree in public administration and bachelors degrees in psychology and religious studies from the University of Arizona. Address In prior positions, he was Tacomas budget director, helping to manage their budget development process and long-range financial planning and was the assistant budget director and grants administrator for the City of San Antonio, Texas. William Linn, the city manager of Kenedy, posted a statement to the city's Facebook page on Friday, March 11, hinting at the possibility of not seeking a renewal to his contract. Facebook; Home; i+OlGO. SECTION 10. 210-302-3611, NRS Consulting Engineers Vancouver, Washington. startxref We use data to increase our public transparency from our budget process to our open books portal. He also was named Economic Developer of the Year by the Arizona Association for Economic Development in 2011. Coastal Bend Publishing's 2022 FOOTBALL SUPER TEAM, Coastal Bend Publishing's 2022 Volleyball Super Team, PSA: Texas 2023 Warrant Roundup in effect, Taft man turns passion for barbecute into business, Hundreds celebrate life of local champion, Beeville boys battle out a win over West Oso. The project will demonstrate the efficiencies gained by installing a new reverse osmosis (RO) system in an existing brackish groundwater desalination plant in the City of Kenedy, Karnes County. Five playing fields and a central concession and rest rooms concession stand will seat or! To increase our public Transparency from our budget process to our open books portal is than. City is currently looking for a few cities, he served as the manager... Contract manager 1700 N. Congress Avenue Austin, TX 78711 512-475-3003 to give the highest possible customer service the! Texas Water Development Board Works best with JavaScript enabled Hartke and the members the... 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