Mrs. Dribb | ". Contents 1 Jean-Claude played Count Dooku in Star Wars (BobandLarryFan Style) 2 Jean-Claude played Percival C. McLeach in The Rescuers Down Under (BobandLarryFan Style) 3 Jean-Claude played Hades in Jascules 4 Jean-Claude played Rothbart in The Opossum Princess After hearing that Mr. Yamaguchi valued an employee with strong ties to children, Coco claimed to be engaged to a man with a child, pleasing him. English Commander | As Coco runs off and crying in defeat while Spike chase off Jean-Claude for trying to hurt the babies. Karen Plankton | She despises children and constantly lies and screams to get whatever she wants. Coco LaBouche is a very wicked, cruel, heartless, child-hating, arrogant, cold-hearted, hateful, selfish, greedy, diabolical, manipulative and extremely shorted and ill-tempered woman. George McHale | Meanwhile, Coco is being impatient if the archdeacon don't pronounce marriages, which she furiously throws the Bible at him. Dr. Powell | THIS IS THE LAST TIME YOU WILL SEE COCO OR HER UNDERPANTS!!! Echidna Tribe (Pachacamac) | Les Grossman | She despises children and constantly lies and screams to get whatever she wants. Ellis DeWald | At the Reptar show's premiere, Angelica informs Coco of Chuckie's wish to have the princess for his mother, prompting Coco to infiltrate the show disguised as the princess. Wart-Faced Man | Albert Ganz | Plankton | The Puppets (Blade, Jester, Pinhead, Tunneler & Leech Woman) | Several days later, the wedding is being prepared at the Cathedral of Notre Dame. Assef | Agent Jack Burns | Lynn Loud Jr. | Robo-Snail - Godzilla. Texan Thugs | On August 29, 2017, Rugrats in Paris was re-released on DVD. Lola Loud | The Smile Entity, Animated Television Coco LaBouche is the main antagonist in Rugrats in Paris: The Movie. Rev-9 | However, Coco fires her on the spot and kicks her out of the limo before driving away. Coco LaBouche is EURO-REPTAR!Coco showing her temper after being fired for her cruel actions. As Coco leaves and criticizes everyone to take pictures, several spectators started taking pictures of her lingerie with their cameras, much to her anger and humiliation. Troy and Griffin | Hair Ramses | Jean-Claude locks the children in the warehouse where the show's robots are kept. Kira then returns Wawa to Chuckie before falling in love with Chas, and they eventually get married back home in North America, allowing Chuckie to finally get a loving stepmother and for Kira's daughter Kimi to earn a loving stepfather. Coco LaBouche is the main villain in Chipmunks Tunes Babies & All-Stars' Adventures of Rugrats in Paris: The Movie, where she'll team up with Team Rocket (Jezzie, James, and Meowth,) the Big Bad Wolf, Judge Claude Frollo, Lord Rothbart, Cruella De Vil, and the villains. She is the wicked, babies-hating head of EuroReptarland wishing to be head of the company and former reptar president. Mabel | Marius Wistrom | Angelica retaliated by stepping on Coco's dress as she stormed off, causing it to rip and reveal her underwear. Makunga | This was the final Rugrats film to feature Christine Cavanaugh, who retired from being a full-time voice actor in 2001 and died in 2014. Count Olaf | Hearing this, Chuckie decides he wants the park's animatronic princess to be his mother and goes in search of her along with the babies and Kira's daughter Kimi. [3] Rugrats in Paris: The Movie was more well-received than its predecessor and grossed over $103 million worldwide against a production budget of $30 million. Dag | Chas called off the wedding and Mr. Yamaguchi fired Coco, angering her. Lindsay Marlings | When Yamaguchi tells her his successor must love children, she lies and tells him she is engaged to a man with a child. Sala | White-Faced Women | To date, Coco LaBouche is Susan Sarandon's only G-rated role, villain or not. She tries to get Chas Finster to love and marry her just so she can get promoted, which leads her to become Chuckie's arch-nemesis. Not long after this, Coco learned from her boss Mr. Yamaguchi that she was under consideration for a promotion to head of the Reptar franchise. Where did those filthy little bookends come from! Swiper the Fox | Pam | That Stu Pickles! Before her wedding and seventh appearance, she wears a pink bathrobe and a pink towel on her head. Queen Narissa is a combination of several Disney villains, notably the Evil Queen and Maleficent. ", "Paramount to Release 'The Rugrats Trilogy Movie Collection' on Blu-ray on March 8",, "Rugrats In Paris Movie Review (2000) | Roger Ebert", "Rugrats in Paris: The Movie | Movie Review", "Box Office: Grinch Steals Holiday Hearts",, "Chuckie Chan (Martial Arts Expert of Reptarland)", Marlene Mituko, Darrel Kunitomi and Goh Misawa as the Villagers of the "Princess Spectacular" Show, Paul DeMeyer as the Street Cleaner and Dog Catcher, Phillip Simon as the Animatronic Bus Driver, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 15:07. Aaron Stampler | The vase nearly falls on top of Dil, but Tommy saves his brother from it. Coco begins pursuing Chas with the help of her put-upon but kindhearted assistant, Kira Watanabe, who tells the babies how Reptar was a feared monster before his gentler side was revealed by a princess. The Frogfish | This kicked off the plot of the movie, as Stu brought along his family and friends to the trip as well. Archbishop Richard Rushman | Furious, Coco yanks her gown and knocks them downward, causing the three babies to fall in front of everyone, much to their families' shock and Angelica's horror. The Loud House and The Casagrandes Villains, The Loud House Villains and The Casagrandes Villains, Villains who aren't revealed to be bad at first, Coco's design and characteristics resemble. Beadle Bamford | When the babies deliberately stood on her long wedding dress, Coco pulled it out from under them, knocking them over. Nora Beady | Juno Skinner (True Lies) - Last Edited: 2022-05-26. Realizing that he and his son miss that presence in their lives, Chas Finster starts thinking of re-marrying. The film was released in the United States on November 17, 2000, almost two years after the release of The Rugrats Movie in 1998. Harold Attinger | Ignore that unemployed fool! Lady Mayhem | But Chas, now finally realizing an evil liar Coco truly is, angrily calls off the wedding. Nickelodeon Movies Villains | Queen Narissa is the main antagonist of Disney's Enchanted. Pedro | Ed Bighead | Church | Coco LaBouche is the main antagonist in Rugrats in Paris: The Movie. Felix Reyes-Torrena | Ohga | She played Lady Tremaine in Robynrella, Aurorella, and Crystarella She is Cinderella's wicked stepmother She played Gingerbread Witch in Isabella and Simba She is a witch She played Jafar in Ballerinaladdin She played Captain Chantel DeBois in Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted (Disney and Sega Style) Squidward Tentacles | I love the sound of panicked scurrying feet in the morning. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie: Coco LaBouche | Jean-Claude | Robosnail | Angelica Pickles Chipmunks tunes babies & all-stars's adventures series Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Alphonse Perrier du von Scheck | Krang |, Live-Action Films Orrin Sanderson | Ren Hek | Coco LaBouche will return to get her revenge on Pooh and the gang by joining forces with Alejandro during Chipmunks Tunes . Sloan Blackburn | Gustavo Rocque | Coco is extremely abusive and cruel to her employees, such as to her right-hand man Jean-Claude and to her assistant Kira. Humpty Alexander Dumpty | An outraged Angelica furiously declares that only she is allowed to pick on the babies and would not allow anybody else to do so. Avatar Villains | Coco sits in her office and awaits to watch Stu arrive before demanding him to repair the Reptar robot. Singh Brotherhood (The Great Kabai Sengh, The Evil Kabai Sengh & Kabai Sengh) | Coco LaBouche (Rugrats In Paris: The Movie) - Last Edited: 2022-09-04. Felix Cortez | Shatter | Castor Troy | Powell | Hawk | Former President of ReptarFounder and CEO of Anti-Babies Troopers in EuroRaptarland Scar Snout | Caitlin O'Leary | Big Black Jack Latimore | King Poseidon | Hook-Handed Man | The babies are quite confused at first until she admits her involvement in Coco's plan, much to their shock. Squidward Tentacles | As Chas apologizes to Chuckie for everything Coco put them both through, Kira arrives and apologizes to him for not speaking up sooner. Tommy Pickles' father Stu is then summoned to EuroReptarland, a Japanese amusement park in Paris, to fix a malfunctioning Reptar robot he designed for the park's stage show. Chuckie is shocked at this revelations and an outraged Dil starts to call out Angelica for her actions, to which Tommy agrees with Dil and angrily criticized her. Avatar Villains | Nana | Coco LaBouche is a very wicked, cruel, heartless, child-hating, arrogant, cold-hearted, hateful, selfish, greedy, diabolical, manipulative and extremely shorted and ill-tempered woman. One day she learns that if she wants. TMNT Villains | General James Harkness | Rugrats Villains | Henchfrogs | Jimmy Neurton Villains | Aristides Silk | Meeting up with Chas during dinner with the Pickles and their closest friends, Coco (with the help of a reluctant Kira) woos him for the next several days. The entire Pickles, Finster and DeVille families travel to EuroReptarland, run by the ill tempered and child-hating Coco LaBouche, who is hoping to succeed her boss, Mr. Yamaguchi, as president of the Reptar corporation. Philip Tattaglia | Maybelle | The Godfather | Red Scavengers | She learns from Angelica that Chuckie is enchanted by the princess character who befriends Reptar of the Reptar franchise, and wishes that the princess could be his new mommy. [14], Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars, stating, "The point is, adults can attend this movie with a fair degree of pleasure. Avengers Villains | Norbit Villains | Beavis and Butt-Head Villains | Another time, during her date with Mr. Finster, she wears a strange purple turban and a dress with pointed shoulders, flared sleeves, and a pair of purple platform shoes. After the call ended, Coco revealed her plan to seduce a man with a "brat of his own" to earn the promotion when she realized that Angelica Pickles had eavesdropped on the entire conversation. Contents 1 Description 2 Personality 3 Appearance 4 Gallery Description Sex Antonin Dovchenko | Stubbs | Noticing Chuckie holding his teddy bear Wawa, Coco grabs it out of his hands, causing the babies to collide the stand which accidentally break a vase before it nearly falls on top of Dil, which Tommy save his brother. Baroness | Willie Hickok | Ishmael | Marilla Ledgard | Victor Maitland | Mr. Krabs | Indiana Jones Villains | Robert Pataki | Spirit of the West's rehabilitation. Norbit's Parents | WHY?! Mulgarath | Moriarty | Both are unlikely, as she was fired by Mr. Yamaguchi, which would mean she wouldn't be able to get a job through all of EuroReptarland, which is more likely than she working at the Parfum de P.U. Bull Dog. Lord Cotys | Don Fanucci | Jerry Bruckheimer Villains | Viper | Bald Man | Status Helga Pataki | Rattlesnake Jake | Pitch Black | Malcolm Price | Later on, Coco has a video call with her boss Mr. Yamaguchi, who plans to step down as President of Yamaguchi Industries (the main sponsor of EuroReptarland). Transformers Reboot Films Villains | Chantel DuBois | She constantly insults Jean-Claude and treats Kira even worse, such as demanding her to throw away Chuckie's precious teddy bear. Charles Meachum | The pandemonium breaks out in Paris as the babies make their way to the cathedral, including being swing around mid-air by Robosnail and rocketing up the side of the Eiffel Tower. Danny Phantom Villains | Cactus Pete | Francesco Ciccio | She tries to get Chaz Finster to love her and marry her just so she can get promoted. Boat Jacker | Now, get to work!Coco screaming at Stu to not make her angry. Coco backed out of the church during a breakdown, causing several tourists to photograph her as she ran away in embarrassment. Bogdan Anasenko | This act was witnessed by a horrified Kira, who's then ordered by Coco to destroy Wawa after Jean-Claude escort the babies to the warehouse. King Poseidon | Curtis Taylor, Jr. | Tai Lung | MARRY US NOW!!! Goblins | Hector Savage | Mayor Humdinger | Beverly Hills Cop Villains | Coco LaBouche is the main antagonist of Nickelodeon's 5th animated feature film. Zandar | Coco berates Jean-Claude for this, but inadvertently nearly revealing her plans out loud in front of everyone, who are bewildered by this before she makes a pathetic excuse and continues the wedding. There may even be some moms who insist that the kids need to see this movie. Jean-Claude follows, unintentionally revealing Coco's true nature, and Chas calls off the wedding in disgust. Coco then orders a still-horrified Kira to throw out Wawa before slamming the door, revealing her true colors. Therman Murch | WHY?! Dennis | King Eurystheus | John Musgrave | Archbishop Gilday | Lord Shen | Film Actor's Guild (Alec Baldwin) | Mrs. Grendel | An angry Coco attempts to have Angelica locked up in jail, but Angelica, having overheard everything and wanting to avoid Coco's wrath, admits that Stu's best friend Chas Finster is looking for a woman to date in hopes of getting a loving stepmother for his son Chuckie. Dr. Mann | She also plans to kidnap the babies because she hates kids. Frank | Gallaxhar | Knowing the truth, Chuckie rallies the others to stop the wedding and they hurry to Notre Dame in the Reptar robot, picking up Kimi along the way. Ramses | Richard and Jay | Foot Clan (Eric Sacks, Karai, Baxter Stockman & Bebop and Rocksteady) | She despises children and constantly lies and screams to get whatever she wants. The Thug Tug Gang | Harry Houlihan | Her employer tells her that she must learn to love children first, to which she lies by saying she's engaged. Coco LaBouche is the main villain in Rugrats in Paris: The Movie . Ren Belloq | Kurt Hendricks | However, Coco learns that Chas is very much smitten with her, until she has trouble trying to earn affection from Chuckie, who doesn't like her at all. , who also played Queen Narissa in Enchanted. She always wears a pair of triangle-shaped earrings (somewhat similar to the pair that Didi usually wears) that double as a communicator and wears a purplish lipstick with purple eyeshadow. White Widow | After the massive robotic Reptar's head falls off and damages the audience seats from a short-circuit, Coco angrily orders her secretary, Kira Watanabe, to bring the designer, Stu Pickles, out to Paris for their massive robotic Reptar to be repaired within 24 hours immediately. Pooh's Adventures Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. But moments later, Jean-Claude bursts in and accidentally reveals out loud that their kidnapping plot has failed. Katahdin | Assassins (Moras) | Coco tries to tell everyone to ignore Jean-Claude by calling him an "unemployed fool". I WILL NOT HAVE THEM RUINING MY WEDDING DAY! Virgil Sollozzo | Husband: Jean-Claude Jack and Jill | Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine | Red Rackham | Dennis Cooley | Hulu Villains | Burke | White-Faced Women | Quintessa | She is also the archenemy of Chuckie Finster. Lady Van Tassel | Timmy Baterman | Jean-Claude | Coco LaBouche is the main antagonist of Rugrats in Paris: The Movie. Perfect | Angelica steps on her dress,causing it to rip,revealing her underwear in front of everyone, even with cameras, It is unknown what happens to her then. Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Gordon Gekko | Red Cap | Jim Phelps | Badge. Coco LaBouche (Susan Sarandon) is the main villainess of the 2000 Nickelodeon film Rugrats In Paris: The Movie (based off the animated TV series Rugrats). Cutter | Al Neri | She despises children and constantly lies and screams to get whatever she wants. Roger Stubblefield | View Mobile Site Kurt Bozwell | Dennis Peck | Coco LaBouche runs the amusement park EuroReptarland, a Japanese theme park located in Paris, France. Coco, also aided by Kira (who was unaware at the time of Coco's true intentions), began successfully seducing Chas--while unsuccessfully trying to win over the infant protagonists. Teetsi | Angelica Pickles overhears their conversation and, when discovered eavesdropping, saves herself by telling Coco about Chas. Bebop & Rocksteady | Vincent | Billy Maxwell. Anna Ivers | Friedberg and Seltzer Villains | Noticing Chuckie holding his teddy bear Wawa, Coco forcefully grabs and yanks Wawa out of his hands, causing the babies to collide with a stand, which knocks a vase off. Tempest Shadow. Sean Ambrose | Her employer tells her that she must learn to love children first, to which she lies by saying she's engaged. Lila Cantrow | Julianna Gianni | Viktor Tupolev | When her plans got discovered, her wedding gets called off and her boss fires her, much to her humiliation. Movie Villains Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Vincent | This causes Chas to decide right then to marry Coco, despite the babies' dismay. She is the cold-hearted, child-hating head of EuroReptarland, who wishes to be head of Yamaguchi Industries (the parent company for the Reptar franchise). Tricia Albright | Poultra | Richard Ganz | Have enough of the babies' antics, Coco orders Jean-Claude to lock them away inside the warehouse until the wedding is over, even betraying Angelica by having her locked up with them, revealing that she never intended to give Angelica a float or ponies for the matter. She is voiced by Susan Sarandon who later played Queen Narissa. Rattlesnake Jake and Tortoise John 's defeat. Coco sits in her office and watches Stu arrive before demanding him to fix the Reptar mecha. The film grossed $76.5 million in North America and $26.8 million in other territories for a worldwide total of $103.3 million, against a $30 million budget. Lao Che | Black Knights | Lord Shen's Wolf Army (Boss Wolf) | He was the original Autobots leader before Optimus Prime. "[12] Metacritic gave a film a weighted average score of 62 out of 100 based, on 25 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". 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Articles C