[5], In an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette McAleer stressed the film is trying to show both sides of the fracking discussion. I say was because on Friday, I received an email informing me that my ticket for Sunday nights performance was no longer valid as the run had been cancelled. Using another HBO success story as an example, the HBO PR man referred to a storyline in HBOs popular mini-series, Band of Brothers, a WW2 film inspired by the 101st Airborne Easy Company. Catsoulis, Jeannette. Paul Harvey used to say on th4e radio: And now for rest of the story. [21] IMF insisted that it would not air the clip without allowing a rebuttal, which wasn't possible during the event. Phelim McAleer initially tries to hold a public conversation with Josh Fox about some of the questionable Gasland facts. [12] The review noted that because the film did not accept money from the energy industry it gave the film more credibility, though some of the donors were some of the farmers who were featured in the film. | Skip to main content Skip to main . FrackNation was featured as the most popular project in Kickstarter's film section. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Nonetheless, Phelim also caves to the temptation of sensationalism such as fear mongering that the UK is largely dependent on Russia for gas energy and is suggestive that Russia are sowing these lies on fracking along with Trump fake news. FrackNation has 3,305 executive producers. However, the way they presented their ideas becomes their films weakness due to lack of objectivity. Required fields are marked *. Matt Damon, the actor, and Gus Van Sant, a prominent director, are making an anti-fossil propaganda film this summer which will likely become another Oscar nominee like Al Gores An Inconvenient Truth. Gasland and FrackNation are two opposing documentaries which are dealing on the issue of hydraulic fracturing and its impacts on human and environment. In Josh Fox's Gasland he builds this trust and creditability through the use of pathos. [11], Some positive reviews claimed that the film was able to successfully refute not only the factual claims of Gasland but also some of the emotional testimonies. Unsurprisingly, Fox responded with vitriolic allegations. The new feature documentary FrackNation demolishes the anti-fracking claims made in Josh Fox's Emmy-winning film Gasland. A source who attended the Tribeca Film Fest stated it appeared the ruckus, which ensued as soon as the Dimock contingent got off their bus, was staged by Phelim McAleer. It seems at times there is a mandate in documentaries to be the winner of truth, god of journalism at the expense presenting a holistic view of the problem. Phelim McAleer is a journalist, producer, podcaster, and filmmaker. McAleers film completes the debate about hydraulic fracturing. This is highly irregular- Said Bill, a PR man with Kross. 12 June 2015. Of course, I cant confirm this for certain because all performances have been cancelled! She said this may seem minor but it "can have major repercussions in a tightly scheduled festival, in which every artist needs to share space." Fox is clearly depicted as the villain in "FrackNation," from a "Gasland" post-screening Q&A where Fox refuses to answer McAleer's simple questions, to a scene at Los Angeles' Hammer Museum where Fox literally flees the camera. He is known for his films The Gosnell Movie and Fracknation . "It's been overwhelming, amazing," McAleer said. The former honors student went from living in a luxury penthouse with other executives at FTX to becoming the latest member of the crypto exchanges inner circle to plead guilty to fraud. This documentary is the anti-"Gasland" with its highly favorable perspective on the controversial method of drilling known as fracking. On the facts, the science, the conflicts of interest of its protagonists. In the other documentary "Fracknation" directed by Phelim McAleer he shows why fracking is important and how it is . By THR Staff. But those measures are likely to diverge this year, with one signaling the Feds work is nearly done and the other suggesting the opposite. Gasland was released to critical acclaim and Oscar nomination in 2010, a harsh and stark take on the realities of fracking in the US. Some film goers are naive to think differently. The films must constantly stay relevant when -Most headlines have at the most a 10 day life span. Many experts from both sides agree all political figures, no matter their individual ideologies, will consent to drilling for the same reason people make movies financial gain. FrackNation, directed by Phelim McAleer, gives the counter-argument to the anti-fracking Gasland (directed by Josh Fox). McAleer and McElhinney claimed to have returned all funds raised from companies or senior executives in the gas industry, according to Valerie Richardson of the Colorado Observer. He made this claim in a film The Sky is Pink and it frightened millions of women. The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield was solidly above 4%, after flirting with that level in the previous session. You are paid to write promotional stories said the contact- Films and major corporations are all about making profits. Even the ups and downs experienced by the filmmakers are revealed. Brent Simon . His documentaries popularised the now-debunked claim that fracking causes contaminated water. In fact, it can be observed that he is intentionally humiliating Fox by showing the latters portrait with a cigarette on his mouth. The evening is being sponsored by the Delaware Valley Marcellus Association, a group of businesses located in Southeast Pennsylvania favoring the responsible development of the Marcellus Shale. Both films have been able to survive by attacking each other . Now comes FrackNation, a film produced as a response to GASLAND. One highlight is when a litigant claiming that fracking contaminated her well threatened both to shoot and to sic Natural Resources Defense Council lawyers on McAleer. [1][dead link][18], However, the independence of special interests in the film's funding has been questioned. News Corp is a global, diversified media and information services company focused on creating and distributing authoritative and engaging content and other products and services. Lets move on and get to work to make the US proud and energy secure once again from countries with hostile governments, who are against our way of life. "FrackNation" filmmaker Phelim McAleer claims he, along with a group of farmers, was kept out of the Tribeca Film Festival screening of "Gasland Part II," an anti-Fracking documentary. All Rights Reserved. We want people talking and using #AXSTV when they watch and discuss it. [20]. The second was made in response to Gasland that seeks to discover the truth about hydraulic fracturing, debunking the claims made by Josh Fox along Terry, Montana We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. All funds from oil and gas companies or their executives . From knowing comes caring, from caring comes change. Moore Withdraws Nomination of Gas Official to PSC, BP Dumps Annual Statistical Review Energy Institute New Publisher, Deloitte Says Clean Energy a Substantial Driver of M&A in O&G, Other Stories of Interest: Wed, Mar 1, 2023, CPV Waits for NJ Permits for 2nd Gas-Fired Plant in Woodbridge. FrackNation. We would love to host this debate in an open forum in front of an audience of citizens, some of whom support fracking and others who do not. Hydraulic fracturing, is a technique used by the oil and gas industry to extract natural gas from rock thousands of feet underground. True enough because his interview invites to oil and gas company executives were declined. To get attention requires conflict Josh Fox refuses to talk to FrackNation creator Phelim McAleer direct in public- Fox denied movie goers, including Phelim, admittance to premiere of Gasland Part IIs at the Tribeca Film Festival in NYC on Sunday, April 21, 2013 at the 3:30 PM showing in the SVA Theater. As stated in our letter to you of March 13, 2013, we want to be transparent. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," refers to the process of drilling down into rock and using pressurized fluids to extract energy . This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. McAleer talks to scientists, industry honchos and rural Americans affected by fracking, revealing some surprising facts. Facts outside those illustrated by the two filmmakers are lost on the masses. Gasland Vs Fracknation Essay, Best Argumentative Essay Topics Death Sentence, Example Of Research Paper About Behavior, Report Writing Access 2013, Descriptive Essay Editor Website Gb, Volte Case Study, Reverse Funnel Paragraph College Essay 4248 Show More. maybe its time to dial the rage factor down so you can actually write a coherent review. Theres no figuring out irrational people. TERRY, MONTANA - The word "passionate" is the one word comes to mind immediately upon first meeting documentary filmmaker Ann McElhinney. In "FrackNation," journalist Phelim McAleer and filmmaker Ann McElhinney take a look at some of the criticisms of fracking and use experts and statistics to disprove some of the negative ideas . Dateline: Mansfield , PA At the start of his documentary, he . McElhinney pointed out major discrepancies featured in Gasland. FrackNation starts from a bogus and willfully cordoned off point-of-view, and exhibits a desire to grind axes more than uncover truth. Both films are one-sided but aren't having the same conversation but watch . The environmentalist/anti fracking point of view shown in the documentary "Gasland" is a very informative, and important documentary that people everywhere should watch. The movie counters many of the points raised in your film with commentary gleaned from on-the-ground interviews with land owners in Pennsylvania, as well as scientists and politicians who take a different view from yours. In the film, farmers point out that without being able to lease a portion of their land for fracking, they would be forced to sell off the land to housing developers. FrackNation will air July 10th on AXS TV, the day after Gasland II is scheduled to play on HBO. Gasland vs. FrackNation Their dueling documentaries the sequel to Fox's Oscar-nominated "Gasland" aired July 8 on HBO and McAleer's "FrackNation" aired the following night on AXS have clear aims when it comes to hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the gas drilling method by which chemical-laced fluid is injected into the . . Fracknation is another journalists frustrated response to the lies of Gasland. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
Others firmly believe if there had not been any screaming and shouting, there would have been no reason for security to deny them access to the movie. FrackNation is a feature documentary created by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney, the directors of Not Evil Just Wrong and Mine Your Own Business, and Magdalena Segieda, that aims to address what the filmmakers say is misinformation about the process of hydraulic fracturing, commonly called fracking. Drilln Man media consulted P.R. With scant concern for earth science and demonstrable fact, GasLand earned an Academy Award nomination and stirred up anti-fracking hysteria nationwide with its memorable footage of flaming faucets. Maybe this is a tactic to spike viewing figures. McElhinney and her husband produced several other documentaries debunking environmentalists cases against different issues, such as mining in Romania. It just so happens that I can help in this conundrum. Ive met and spoken to Phelimhave you? Two measures of U.S. inflation are now telling a similar story. The 70-minute documentary destroys the claims made in Gasland. Our success also derives from winning on our clients terms and rigorously adhering to their guidelines. | In a work funded by a Kickstarter campaign, Phelim . The proposed lease Fox briefly shows in his . Fracknation (2013) 3/5 . TheDelaware Valley Marcellus Association (DVMA) is sponsoring a screening of the excellent documentary film FrackNation at the Bryn Mawr Film Institute on April 10 (Philadelphia, see this calendar announcement for details). Notify me of follow-up comments by email. [24], On February 10, 2014 the movie was shown in the European Parliament. Industry observers and movie critics of this eerie spectacle are telling DrillN Man-News Enough is enough already and are sick and tired of covering the films as well as the subject in general. Mapping out the geographic litigation - where is the drilling occurring and suits being filed? Privacy Policy | As a documentarian, filmmaker and an environmental activist, we hope you share our view of the benefit that such a public dialogue will provide for the people of Pennsylvania, giving them the facts on both sides so that they can make their own informed decisions. This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. MAKE DESIGNS CREATIVE inc dba BAKKEN OIL BUSINESS JOURNAL. The HBO PR person would not give out full names or business cards, but we did find and confirm the fact they worked for HBO and are connected to promoting Gasland Part II. Jeannette Catsoulis, a film reviewer for the New York Times, noted that the movie was methodically researched and showed the "sheer complexity" of fracking. COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE TO FUTURE ENERGY LEADERS, Raymonds Folly The Codell Play of the Denver Basin, North Dakota Oil and Gas Tax Revenue Study Released, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Gasland required three viewings having fallen asleep in the first two due to the monotone dull narration. Gasland is Josh Foxs reaction to a proposal made by a gas company to lease his land in Pennsylvania. Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. . Markets have imposed inadequate costs on companies that build vulnerable technology, it says. Indeed, over more than four decades, our litigation, coverage and trial lawyers have gained a reputation for taking on and prevailing in the most challenging and technical cases, frequently parachuting in to assume unresolved matters from other law firms. Gasland Film Analysis. Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Here's the Other Rural Town Being Screwed Over by Joe Biden, Chicago Police Chief Calls It Quits After Lightfoot Defeat, Evil Fox News Versus 'Trusted CNN,' Part 2, The American Way Versus the Politicians' Way, 'Ecogrief' Seminar Is the Latest Leftist Attack on American Energy, Russias Biggest Weapon (and China, too) is Fossil Fuel-Generated Energy. As part of the screening event, DVMA invited Josh Fox, creator/producer/director of the documentary GASLANDto attend the screening and debate FrackNation creator Phelim McAleer. The play was running at the prestigious New York Public Theater as part of the equally prestigious Under the Radar theater festival. My question was inspired by the odd coincidence about how could these film makers maintain so much animosity between them while showing films down the street from each other at similar times and locations? [13], There were negative reviews of the film. Let us know how we can further our mission, and better serve the hard-working folks in the Bakken. Isnt this all just bull. [9] Variety said the film examined the process of fracking, giving counter arguments for the Gasland documentary, especially the flaming faucets scene. FrackNation. The film was a key mobilizer for the anti-fracking movement, and "brought the term 'hydraulic . National update on the current claims and defenses in hydrofracking litigation, Overview of current state and federal legislation and regulations - update on pending proposals, Drilling down to the top insurance issues - emerging coverage and policy questions, Crunching the numbers: potential damages from personal-injury and property damage cases. Josh also fails to document all the angles on Fracking and has gone for the easy mud slinging narrative of evil corporation v.s. He claimed to have received verbal threats, coercion, angry tirades and physical intimidation and that the Public Theater staff had reduced him to tears before his performances. innocent by-stander. In a statement, the theaters spokeswoman Shareeza Bhola stated that the play was cancelled following multiple reports of Josh Foxs violation of our code of conduct. In a subsequent interview, she was more specific, stating, It was a series of verbal abuses to the staff that led to the plays cancellation. If you want a closer look at what was going on in the Public Theater, Helen Shaw is a critic at the leftist Vulture website, which publishes pieces on culture. If you havent yet watched FrackNation, attend a screening in PA or OH during April, or buy the DVD at: //FrackNation.com. Despite this setback, his intention is still clear. Furthermore, his work single handedly created the anti-fracking movement in the United States. "Gasland," a documentary highly critical of hydraulic fracturing, was released in 2010. "[6], Official synopsis: "In FrackNation journalist Phelim McAleer faces threats, cops, and bogus lawsuits questioning green extremists for the truth about fracking. The most compelling reason for the attention gained by Gasland is the strategy employed by Fox in shooting and narrating. Meanwhile, FrackNation is Phelim McAleers feedback to Gasland. Released in 2013, FrackNation aims to defend hydraulic fracturing against its critiques. Josh Fox, the director of gasland, wouldn't even debate any of the questions raised to him by Mr. McAleer. Both documentaries show ample representation of how data were gathered. . Twitter and FaceBook to make our opinions known we can make a difference., He further said: My thoughts are that we should have a break-out session during our convention to set up and teach us how to take advantage of this opportunity. Christopher Campbell, from Movies.com, said the documentary was "surprisingly engaging" and that the most interesting case against Gasland that was brought up was the easy acceptance by journalists of the film as fact, implying journalists have ignored their responsibilities of fact-checking all documentaries. McAleer told the Los Angeles Times that Fox did not include that information in his film because he did not think it was relevant towards the current drilling impacts of certain areas. [25], Sacramento Bee, Controversial "Pro-Fracking" Documentary Reaches Primary Fundraising Goal in Record Time on Crowdfunding Website, Feb. 8, 2012, "Pro-fracking movie gets $22K in two days on Kickstarter", Politico, New film in defense of fracking, Feb. 2, 2012, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Industry gets cast in 'FrackNation,' the latest documentary on the drilling debate, March 4, 2012, "New York Daily News", Review:"FrackNation", Jan. 10, 2013, Los Angeles Times, Review: 'FrackNation' takes on an anti-fracking documentary, January 10, 2013, Olean Times Herald, First 'Gasland', now comes 'FrackNation', March 9, 2012, Hollywood Reporter, Mark Cuban's AXS TV Picks Up Pro-Fracking Documentary 'FrackNation', Dec. 17, 2012, Fracking film maker accuses IMF of censorship, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FrackNation&oldid=1107664518, This page was last edited on 31 August 2022, at 05:47. Both have exerted efforts to offer unbiased claims and presented convincing ideas. January 16, 2013 | Rating: C- | Full Review. Journalist Phelim McAleer travels to Europe and the U.S. to talk with scientists about the effects fracking has on the environment. The film called into question the natural gas industrys commitment to safety, environmental responsibility, and even the economic benefit of natural gas development. Please visit the source responsible for the item in question to report any concerns you may have regarding content or accuracy. He reports on fuel-related trends and events. Of course it is replied the PR man connected to HBO. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. email: editor@bakkenoilbiz.com In its early years, EPA acted primarily as the nations environmental watchdog, striving to ensure that industries met legal requirements to control pollution. Josh Fox has been accused of lying - again. She even detailed how he faked a standing ovation that never happened after his show. Yes, Josh awakens the public to the atrocities to fracking a very very important message but he could have still achieved it without the help of fraudulent imposters as revealed by Fracknation. It's challenging . Gasland is about water safety from fracking, this film is about whether or not the money from fracking leases can and should save farms while disregarding concerns about water safety. Competing documentaries are made from different viewpoints, is how Ann McElhinney describes the film she and her husband are in the middle of making. Dirs. Review: Gasland vs. FrackNation. I cant see PR people from different campaigns working together. Journalist Phelim McAleer sets out to discover the truth behind fracking, the controversial method of natural gas extraction. TERRY, MONTANA The word passionate is the one word comes to mind immediately upon first meeting documentary filmmaker Ann McElhinney. Moreover, he reiterates that there is no credible association between fracturing and the mentioned circumstances and that the claims depicted in Gasland are misleading. The source didnt believe a dime of Foxs profits would be donated clean up the earth. Terms Of Use, The Government Is Subsidizing Microchip FirmsWhile Making It More Expensive To Produce Microchips, Fox's Excuses Reinforce Dominion's Defamation Case, FDA Cracks Down on Animal Tranquilizer That Is Sometimes Mixed With Fentanyl, Ohio Woman Says Cops Broke Her Wrist for Recording During Traffic Stop. Bakken Bob van der Valk Continue reading your article witha WSJ subscription, Already a member? Emotionally driven arguments create a dependent audience with fans who know nothing of the industry outside the movies themselves. In subsequent years, EPA began to develop theory, tools, and practices that enabled it to move from controlling pollution to preventing it. 3.1.2023 5:35 PM, Joe Lancaster Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission is strictly prohibited. In fact Russia supplies less than 16% to the UK. Phelim finds himself shut down by Josh Fox and his lawyers, and so asks the public to crowd fund his documentary to explore further some of the misleading facts sensationised by the cunning Fox. Kyle Smith for the New York Post wrote that McAleer should have earned an award for taking on the "fear mongering" in Gasland. Drilln Man question: The coincidental nearby location, the fact the films are at the same time, the two films use the same advertisement poster- the local writers taking heat from Fox. The purpose of the debate would be to, in an open forum and atmosphere of mutual respect, fully air the controversial issues surrounding Marcellus Shale development. "Gasland" is a narrative film by Josh Fox specifically exploring into the residential common gas industry and its overwhelming effects on the earth and human wellbeing. Fox tends to be emotional while McAleer has a tendency to be personal. At the start of his documentary, he immediately discusses about the purpose of the lease offer and his firm disagreement to fracturing. He hosts a weekly podcast called the Ann & Phelim Scoop and his latest podcast, The Weinstein Trial: Unfiltered, can be found at www.WeinsteinPodcast.com. The film interviews many individuals directly affected by fracking, most of whom support the process. Debunking Gasland. our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. Doc Talk is a biweekly column devoted to documentary cinema, typically featuring an essay concentrated on a currently relevant topic for discussion followed by critic picks for new theatrical and home video releases. Christopher Wray's Failing PR Campaign to Save the FBI's Reputation. Two weeks ago, we invited you to attend the Philadelphia premiere of FrackNation and then debate its director, Phelim McAleer. The same conversation but watch, a PR man with Kross inadequate costs fracknation vs gasland companies that build vulnerable technology it... Individuals directly affected fracknation vs gasland fracking, the day after Gasland II is scheduled to play on HBO and. Invites to oil and gas industry to extract natural gas extraction of of. Reason for the anti-fracking movement, and exhibits a desire to grind axes than! Down so you can actually write a coherent review are two opposing documentaries which dealing... 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