For that reason, your raid should aim to kill the Shadowfiends ASAP. Phase 5 Illidan will Enrage temporarily, greatly increasing I will not be touched by rabble such as you! Each phase transition is a threat reset, so be sure to keep cooldowns and ANY raid member is more than 25 yards away from either Blade of Azzinoth, Protection Paladins and Protection Warriors both make good Fire Resistance tanks. Illidan has many abilities with which he will attempt to kill your raid. on each phase down below. Illidan cannot cast other spells while casting Dark Barrage. Odd as it may seem, Illidan is actually one of the easier solo encounters in Black Temple, being little more than a normal DPS race. Illidan Stormrage is the final boss of the Black Temple. The tank needs to drag Illidan towards the trap, click to activate it, and position Illidan on top of it. Typically a 158K subscribers in the SanJose community. face them away from the raid at all times. San Jose's largest recycling hauler is suing the city, claiming the city profits from contract violations and discriminates against the company because of its owners' ethnicity. They will follow Flame Blast up with Blaze, spawning a patch of green flames on the ground which deal very high damage. It will be a good idea to have a player assigned to keeping up a healing reduction effect (Mortal Strike / Wound Poison / Aimed Shot, with Mortal Strike being the best option if your raid has an Arms Warrior) on Illidan at all times, reducing the amount of healing he receives from Draw Soul significantly. Illidan will cast Shadow Blast on his highest-threat target, Re: Illidan - warlock & Flames of Azzinoth tanks.. With the nerf, you can tank the elemental almost nude, and /dance on the fire. A majority of that damage will be of the Shadow school, so having a Priest using his Prayer of Shadow Protection on your raid will also help a lot. While the damage of this ability isnt too bad, the healing component is absolutely massive, and should thus be avoided at all costs. The Inferno Hardened leather gear sold by Geras in Shattrath on its own will net you 232 Fire Resistance when enchanted. Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. Resistable spells Hunter: Explosive Trap, Immolation Trap Mage: Blast Wave, Fire Blast, Fireball, Flamestrike, Pyroblast, Dragon's Breath The time has come to face Illidan, . (2) Set: Your melee attacks have a chance to increase your haste by 180 for 10 sec. High Warlord Naj'entus Therefore, the Flame of Azzinoth tanks will need to make sure that the Flames are always facing away from the raid, so the only person getting hit by this ability is the tank tanking the Flame that used it. After 60 seconds of Phase 4, Illidan will revert back to Phase 3 or Phase 5, whichever phase he was in before. tank with full Shadow Resistance gear, usually a Illidan Warlock tank overview. Both tanks and melee need to be aware and avoid the Eye Blasts If anyone dies, they should wait until both Flames of Azzinoth are dead before being resurrected by Rebirth, Soulstone Resurrection or Reincarnation, otherwise the Flames will charge and kill them right away, wasting the res. The catch however is that Maiev isnt very smart; she tries to prioritize placing the trap nearby Illidan, but may place it elsewhere instead, occasionally placing itvery awkward spots. Warlocks tanking Illidan's Demon Phase will have a slightly easier time gathering the Shadow Resistance gear necessary to tank him, as a lot of this gear is going to be necessary for the Mother Shahraz fight anyway. Your melee DPS should be stacked up on top of each other, similar to the other groups. Shadow Demons at his feet. now continue to alternate between Phase Four and Phase Five until Illidan is Illidan jumps high in the air and comes crashing down, dealing 925 to 1075 Fire damage to every player within 10 yards of his original location, and then summoning a 10-yard radius patch of blue flame on the ground, lasting 2 minutes. 40 to 45 seconds into Phase 5, Illidan will enrage, increasing ALL of his damage done by 50% and his attack speed by 30% for 20 seconds. They are level 70 Demons and only have 21k HP, so they can be defeated fairly easily, fortunately. healing on the tank early on. Eye Beam has only four possible paths, each intersects one of the Blades and tangentially touches the inner circle (either north or south). That damage starts off relatively weak, at 1200 damage every 5 seconds, but increases by 1200 every 3 ticks causing the last 3 ticks to deal 4800 damage each. a while, so be sure to conserve Mana as much as possible. This makes him significantly more dangerous, as your tank will now take a lot more damage, while your raid healers will need to heal a lot more, with Parasitic Shadowfiend and Agonizing Flames both dealing 50% more damage. Inferno Hardened Gloves: 52 stamina, 40 fire resistance. Illidan is not a gear dependent fight, it's possible to beat him even with Tier 5 or badge vendor gear on most of the raid, only the tanks really need good gear. tanks time to pick the boss up before continuing DPS. Note that both of your Fire Resistance tanks should be crit immune in their Fire Resistance sets the Flame of Azzinoth hit hard. Your main tank will need to be very careful while moving him: deal with Shear as normal, never let Illidan attack your back, and never have him face the raid, as Draw Soul can ruin your day. Illidan Stormrage, the Betrayer, needs no introduction, being arguably the most famous character in the entire Warcraft franchise, next to the other big bad, Arthas, the Lich King. Maiev Shadowsong joins the fight to help the raid defeat Illidan. One plan is to use [Shield Wall] on the first enrage, and [Last Stand] plus trinkets on the second. Your tanks and melee DPS need to be aware of this ability and move out of its path, else they will die. After Illidan is trapped, they can help DPS with Wrath, Smite & Lightning Bolt. Phase Five starts when Illidan reaches 30%. make sure to top the raid up quickly and continue watching the tanks as these This is why Protection Warriors have a slight edge over Protection Paladins when it comes to main tanking Illidan their Shield Wall makes handling Enrage significantly easier. (10 Min Cooldown). This is why positioning mirrors Phase 1, except ranged players are spread out, to avoid having multiple players all get hit by the same Agonizing Flames. The fight consists of five phases, good positioning is the key to success. By standing as far away from Illidan as possible, your raid will maximize their travel time, and they can also be slowed, giving your players some extra time to defeat them before they kill their target. The way to avoid the enrage will be to have the raid stay around the circular grate in the middle of the room, between the 2 glaives. Even if you get lucky and she picks a spot near Illidan, its important to remember that hes still using some of his scary abilities, like Shear and Draw Soul. It otherwise works exactly the same as Phase 3, with Illidan using the same abilities in the same way, but with the addition of 2 new, mostly not too important abilities. into the floor and spawns Flame of Azzinoth at the location of each The Flame of Azzinoth enrages, gaining 500% increased attack speed and 200% increased movement speed indefinitely. The main difficulty in this phase will be the very high raid damage. Maiev then makes a dramatic entrance, informing Illidan that she is angrier than us, and then the fight resumes, slightly more angrily than before. Your healers should all be using +healing consumables for this fight, such as Elixir of Healing Power and Golden Fish Sticks, as well as mana regen consumables, such as Super Mana Potions and Dark Runes. Illidan cannot cast any of his other spells while channeling Eye Blast. There is no trash in his arena whatsoever, and he will not aggro, so your raid can freely move into his arena and buff up, regenerate mana, use consumables and prepare in whatever way you need to before taking on Illidan. There is one catch here: Illidan will transition to Phase 4 after 60 seconds, which is one of the hardest phases in this fight. Killing A subreddit dedicated to San Jos, California, the heart of the Silicon Valley. Thus it will be extremely important that every player in your raid is at more than 5 yards away from every other player during Phase 4, so nobody gets hit twice. They should avoid being near any of the other groups as much as possible, but it is inevitable that they will occasionally be near groups 2 & 3 in the picture above for short periods of time. This fight can last A four group setup leaves away the center group. The first major complication of this phase will come ~40 seconds in, when Illidan stops casting Fireball temporarily, casting his powerful Eye Blast instead. The actual AoE is about 2 yards wider than the graphic. But they lacked vision. want to avoid being hit by Shear, tanks and melee should avoid patches Additionally, Maiev Shadowsong enters the battle. Illidan will then remain untargetable & airborne during this phase, firing a barrage of spells at your raid, until both Flames of Azzinoth are defeated. The second fight tanks will want a full set of Fire resistance gear for is Illidan Stormrage in the Black Temple. You will need to have a single ranged DPS player assigned to tanking Illidans Demon Form during Phase 4, using Shadow Resistance gear. If you are a Warlock that has taken on this responsibility, we have created Equip: If your target is below 50% health, your direct healing spells will cause your target to be healed for an additional 95 health. Additionally, many raids will additionally require a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear in order to tank Illidans Demon Form, known as Phase 4, but this requirement can be bypassed by raids with decent damage output and 3-4 Shamans using Heroism / Bloodlust at the same time. 9 Healers are recommended, but the encounter can be completed with only 8. . Using the demon trap is dangerous, because it may severely disturb positioning, and incur other complications like raid members taking extra damage from Agonizing Flames, loose Parasites, or the tank turning his back to Illidan and taking Shear. From that point on, you could choose to use Nights End enchanted with Enchant Cloak Greater Shadow Resistance, or Medallion of Karabor along with an old helmet with the Glyph of Shadow Warding enchant; those combinations give you to 291 and 296 Shadow Resistance respectively, or 361 / 366 after the Prayer of Shadow Protection buff, with the cap being 365. He will use Dark Barrage every 90 seconds, so itll help a lot if your raid has enough DPS to kill the Flames of Azzinoth before the second one comes out, as they are very lethal. I included the gems, enchants and for the FR gear its source. Agonizing Flames makes Phase 3 slightly different to Phase 1. The fight will With the need for a fire resist tank for 2nd boss in MH and the Illidan fight requiring 2 max fire resistance tanks, I'm putting up this post with the gear I've acquired. While in Demon Form, Leotheras's primary attack is Chaos Blast, an AoE spell which deals 1675 base fire damage and applies a stacking debuff that increases fire damage taken by 1675 per stack. Fire Resistance gear. Remember you can always swap targets if you are high on Illidan can be considered a difficult boss, as he has For this reason, it's safest to assign the melee damage dealers to one group and keep them at their place, only attacking a Flame when it moves close enough. At 65% HP, Illidan will fly up @SJFD. If it doesnt look like youre going to skip Phase 4, your Warlock tank should move to their designated position and start spamming Searing Pain on Illidan for threat. Illidan will recall his warglaives and enter the fight once again, after a ~10 second delay. Season of Mastery Realms Permanently Closing! Ideally, only use it on your ranged DPS groups, as your melee DPS have a low uptime, and save at least 1-2 Heroism / Bloodlust for Phase 3 if possible. available on these if they get too close to any raid members. In Stage Two, be quick to grab the attention of the Flames of Azzinoth. During Phase 2, melee DPS need to be mindful of all fire on the ground, as Furthermore, the beam will leave a trail of blue flames with a radius of 8 yards in its wake, lasting 75 seconds. threat. Illidan will stay in Phase 5 for 60 seconds, then transform into his Demon Form, starting Phase 4, before transitioning back to Phase 5 60 seconds later. They are Demon type enemies with 1.15 million HP each, and their attacks deal 8-10k Fire damage each, which is why you will need tanks with capped Fire Resistance to tank them regular tanks will simply die in 2 hits. Only one form of tracking can be active at a time. Each blade spawns a Flame of Azzinoth, when both flames are dead, Illidan lands and Phase 3 starts. And a temporal discombobulator! 2. Congratulations on besting Illidan! Bosses in grey were redesigned in a later expansion or removed from the game. Players inside the flames will take 5000 Fire damage every 2 seconds. Illidan and Akama will talk smack to each other for ~45 seconds, before Illidan says his iconic line, You are not prepared! and finally becomes attackable. dealing very high Shadow damage to his target and anyone within 20 yards of the phases have very high healing requirements. This is the main thing you will have to worry about during Phase 2. Illidan targets a random player in the raid, and after a 3 second cast, applies a debuff to them for 10 seconds. This is the beginning of Phase 4. Theyll need to follow the Flame your raid is currently focusing down, avoiding the fire. prioritized to, see the links below. very high consistent shadow damage to his highest aggro target. boss. The program was shut down in less than a year due to concerns of safety and lack of participation. 2 second cast, Illidan will constantly spam this spell throughout Phase 4. As a few of the phases are very similar and use the After a 1.5 second cast, Illidan applies a debuff to his current target, reducing their maximum HP by 60% for 7 seconds. Watch my live streams on out my MASTER LINKTREE: you enjoy this production, consider supportin. This phase will be tough on your healers, as the tank & raid damage coming out is massive. Phase 5 is virtually identical to Phase 3, so positioning will be the same. Melee damage dealers can try to follow one of the flames, but this incurs the danger of "bridging" two groups, so that the Fireballs again deal more damage than necessary. throughout the entire fight. member and dealing splash damage to any allies standing near each other. Having said that, it is common-sense that your Feral Druids should be assigned to this task they cannot main tank Illidan anyway, while they can still do respectable DPS after Phase 2 by using Wolfshead Helm, where Warriors & Paladins are practically useless in their Fire Resistance gear. begin. wrong side. than usual. Gurtogg Bloodboil Strategy Guide in Black Temple, High Warlord Naj'entus Strategy Guide in Black Temple, Shade of Akama Strategy Guide in Black Temple, 2. This ability is always cast at the same time as Flame Blast, so your tanks should start moving the moment they see the frontal fire animation. If you have good ranged DPS, killing them wont be too hard as they are level 70 and only have 21k HP. Make sure to To maximize the effectiveness of [Chain Heal] and [Circle of Healing], it's a good idea to set up in several tightly clustered groups. Your tank will need to use major defensive cooldowns to survive this Enrage. Note that Illidan is a demon, so anti-demon items, such as Mark of the Champion and Elixir of Demonslaying will be super effective against him. Your raid should assume the following positions in that time: Phase 3 is basically Phase 1 with the addition of just one new ability, Agonizing Flames, a powerful DoT that gets applied to every player within 5 yards of Illidans randomly picked target. However, it will still be a good idea to have one if your DPS is not good enough to skip Phase 4, you will very likely be unable to kill Illidan without a Shadow Resistance tank. Leotheras Fire Resistance Guide. If either of these rules are violated, the Flames will enrage (Uncaged Wrath) and wipe your raid. Almost every phase change comes with a threat reset, so be sure to allow the Players who stay inside the green flames will take 5000 Fire damage per second, which will kill everyone but the Fire Resistance tanks in 2 seconds. While Illidan is stunned, he will take double damage. Warlock is used for this job. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. Since theres an aggro reset when Phase 4 starts, your main tank should also stay in and keep dealing threat but they should quickly move out if Illidan transforms into his Demon Form, as Illidan will 1-shot them. We will Illidan will swap from phase three to phase four. Your healers will need to heal your tank even more while theyre moving, to heal off any unfortunate crits or extra attacks generated by parry haste. only used in a certain phase. The encounter is started by talking with Akama, who can be found Players should be ready to use their Master Healthstone to survive minor positioning accidents. Firefighters are on scene of a 2-alarm residential structure fire in the 400 block of Madison Drive in South SJ. After about 1 minute, Illidan will transition from However, Illidan will transition to Phase 5 if you get him down to 30% HP before that, allowing you to skip Phase 4 altogether. raid damage during this fight, it is very easy to run out of Mana early on. The only thing that matters is that they can reach the Fire Resistance cap (365) while buffed by Fire Resistance Totem / Fire Resistance Aura, while remaining crit immune, as the Flames of Azzinoth can kill them with unlucky crits. At the beginning of the encounter with Illidan Stormrage, you will walk out to the the circular space where he is RPing with Akama. However, if the demons target your ranged DPS players or your ranged DPS isnt the best, your melee DPS will have to step in as the demons approach their target, which can get very messy, particularly if Illidan decides to cast Flame Burst at a bad time. After 60 seconds (three Flame Bursts), he kneels down again and turns back into a Night elf, starting another Phase 3. About every minute, The two off-tanks each pick up one of the flames. However, it is possible to skip Phase 4 if your raid has decent DPS, so in practice the Shadow Resistance tank may not be needed though it will always be a good idea to have one just in case. Aim to keep up either Have 3 healers on your main tank this should be your Holy Paladins & Restoration Druids, as well as a single Restoration Shaman if possible using Chain Heal on the MT for the Ancestral Fortitude buff & healing the melee. Phase 3 can transition into 2 different phases: Illidan targets a random player in the raid. At 30% health, Maiev arrives to assist in handling the Betrayer's final efforts to overpower his foes. After getting this far, only one question remains: are you prepared? If the main tank receives the parasite debuff, the melee group must move away. Illidan channels a blue beam from his eyes, targeting the ground. Yes, Bears and Moonkin give Auras. (2 Min Cooldown). Flame Crash - Illidan jumps up high and lands in a patch of blue flame directly underneath his current position. Typing /range 10 with a boss addon like DBM enabled will allow you to see if youre standing too close to other groups. Illidan still switches to Phase 4 every 60 seconds, but from now on, Phase 5 replaces Phase 3. It's easy to stack fire. Illidan Stormrage is the final boss of the Black Temple. Since the HP reduction in Patch 3.0.2, it is possible to kill Illidan without him ever switching to demon form (Phase 4). Allow the tank time to pickup the boss after the stun wears out and be ready to In my free time I play Switch games, particularly JRPGs. Illidan is immune to all attacks while flying. to avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once. Illidan is one of the harder-hitting bosses in the game, dealing high damage Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. This mechanic is why players are ideally standing at their maximum range away from Illidan, forcing the demons to cover a larger distance before killing their target. If you handled Phase 2 successfully, Phase 3 will be an absolute breeze. Supremus Ranged DPS should be Phase 4 plays completely differently to every other phase, and your raid will have to position as follows: There is a threat reset at the start of this phase to facilitate the necessity of switching a tank. There is a catch however: this ability is a regular physical attack, and can be completely mitigated by dodge, parry and block. At the start of Phase Two, Illidan throws his warglaives should be used as soon as the tanks have solid aggro on the Flames. Avoid being in front of the boss at all times as the Draw Soul of fire, and anyone debuffed by Parasitic Shadowfiend will run to the Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! The city funded two more locations at Roosevelt and Southside community centers, which closed in 2021 when a contract with LifeMoves expired.In November 2021, a temporary safe parking program in . The main thing you need to do is make sure you have sufficient Shadow resistance to be able to tank him as Illidan continually blasts you with heavy Shadow damage. The main tank picks Illidan up by simply standing closest to him. these should be the number one priority for DPS players, as these will instantly When below 30%, he switches between Phases 5 and 4. After some short RP, Illidan will become Mobikon-atiesh February 19, 2021, 10:02pm #17 Here's what the Moonkin Form ability reads: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form. If you move Illidan to the trap, he will get stunned and take double damage for 15 seconds a huge boon for your raid. Your ranged DPS & healers will need to split up into 3 groups of 5-6 people and stack up on top of each other in the north, west and east ends of the grate. 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