Also Known As: Richard Marvin DeVos Sr. Died At Age: 92 Family: Spouse/Ex-: Helen Van Wesep (m. 1953) father: Simon Cornelius DeVos mother: Ethel Ruth DeVos children: Cheri, Dan, Dick, Doug Born Country: United States Billionaires CEOs Died on: September 6, 2018 place of death: Ada Township, Michigan, United States Notable Alumni: Calvin University [67] Democratic senators directed several questions toward her regarding her wealth, including questions about her family's political donations to the Republican Party and whether or not she had personal experience with financial aid or student loans. He became a billionaire who was listed as the 60th wealthiest person in the United States by Forbes magazine in 2012, with a net worth estimate of $5.4 billion as of 2018. Marriott Hotel, the renovation of the Civic Theater (renamed the Meijer Majestic Theater), a new art museum, and a new civic gardens and sculpture park, two new satellite campuses for Grand Valley State University, and a new institute for biomedical research. Richard DeVos, the co-founder of Amway who used his business determination to build his fortune and reshape Grand Rapids, has died at the age of 92. ADA, Mich. -- Billionaire Richard DeVos, whose family bought the Orlando Magic in 1991, has died. [67] Several media outlets reported that DeVos appeared to have plagiarized quotes from an Obama administration official in written answers submitted to the Senate committee. His grandparents were Dutch immigrants. [11] He became interested in the team after an unsuccessful effort to acquire a Major League Baseball expansion franchise for Orlando. Richard DeVos cofounded direct-selling giant Amway. And whether Rich DeVos was selling vitamins or cleaning supplies or free-market conservatism, his sales approach remained more or less the same: He never sold a product so much as an idea of how life could or should be. Together, Betsy DeVos, her husband and their four adult children are worth roughly $2 billion. [1] They ran the business together, expanding it over the decades into an international distributor of a wide variety of products. "DeVos said she was thinking about the couple's interest in education and her husband Dick's love of flying. Believing that every individual deserves the opportunity to succeed, we intentionally partner with programs and initiatives that increase access to economic mobility and build healthy places for people to live, work, learn, and play. He is a businessman and a politician by profession. Is this 2023 or 2013? "By casting off the practice of forced unionization; Michigan now publicly declares to other states and in fact the world, that we embrace freedom for our workers, true equality in the workplace and that we are ready to compete with anyone, anywhere to create economic opportunity for our Michigan families." [56], This article is about Richard DeVos Jr. For Richard DeVos Sr. (his father), see, Last edited on 15 December 2022, at 20:35, Kennedy Center Institute of Arts Management, "2006 Official Michigan General Election Results Governor 4 Year Term (1) Position", "Insight: How Republicans engineered a blow to Michigan's powerful unions", "Inside the marriage of controversial billionaires Betsy DeVos and Amway heir Dick DeVos, who married young and ran a 'shadow state' in Michigan", "From clearing plates to leading a company: How the DeVos brothers grew up to change Amway", "Investor pleads guilty in philanthropist fraud case,", "`Im Tired of America Wasting Our Blood and Treasure The Strange Ascent of Betsy DeVos and Erik Prince,", "Dick Devos No Stranger To Leadership Roles", "DeVos calls for 'complete overhaul' of state government", "Sustainable Energy Can Mean Reduced Costs For Business: The Green Machine and Solar Power are Examples", "Dick and Betsy DeVos Funding the Far Right through Foundation Grants", "Gubernatorial race likely to cost more than $65 million", "Dick DeVos, one of state's wealthiest residents, prepares to take on Granholm", "The 2006 Elections: Michigan Governorship", "Michigan's DeVos is 'Capturing the Future', "Dick DeVos Brings Can-Do Attitude to Michigan Governor's Race", "Email Article Printable Version Section PDF DeVos Seeks to turn Michigan Around", "Success on right-to-work could attract Dick DeVos back to politics", "Pro-Trump America First groups raise $50 million with $42 million on hand going into 2020", "Digital Debate: Teamster's Hoffa & Amway Heir DeVos: Clash Over Unions! The couple agreed to sell off dozens of other holdings when Betsy was tapped to lead the education department, including investments in student lender SoFi and a company that sells laundry machines to college campuses. Taxes like the SBT and Michigan's personal property tax hurt manufacturers more than any other tax. [59], Former presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney respectively called DeVos an "outstanding pick" and a "smart choice". [2][3][4][5] She was Republican national committeewoman for Michigan from 1992 to 1997 and served as chair of the Michigan Republican Party from 1996 to 2000, and again from 2003 to 2005. He was involved in the family business, Amway, even as a child. The company was at number 42 on the Forbes 2018 list of United States largest privately owned companies and was the number one company on the 2018 list of Direct Selling News Global 100. During the Great Depression, he sold freshly farmed vegetables door to door in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It meant a country where the only limit to what one could achieve was how hard one worked (I think being poor is something many people do, he said in a 1966 speech. One of his daughters-in . His father, Richard DeVos Sr., cofounded Amway in 1959 alongside his high school friend, Jay Van Andel. He also served on the board of trustees of the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, which is a museum dedicated to the U.S. Windquest was not interested in "glitzy and glamorous" ideas, he said, but in "technologies that were environmentally sound and economically sustainable" and thus more likely to be widely adopted. But the makings of the movement were therethe sexual revolution, the Supreme Courts Roe v. Wade ruling, the pornography wars, the white backlash to desegregation, the backlash to the womens lib movement, the rise of the silent majority.. The article noted that DeVos was interested in job creation in what was "perhaps the least business-friendly state in the country." Richard M. DeVos has written few books in his time. [176] Affiliated with the Alliance for School Choice, the AFC describes itself as "a leading national advocacy organization promoting school choice, with a specific focus on advocating for school vouchers and scholarship tax credit programs". The show ran for three weeks, closing in December 2012[48] after receiving negative reviews. 3. While lacking Granholm's "flashier qualities," DeVos's "business backgroundideally suits him to address the state's most vexing economic issues." The Foundation supports strategic projects and initiatives that impact the community, empower individuals to reach their full potential, and catalyze change. [174] She has chaired the boards of Choices for Children, and Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP). The gift was the largest private donation in the Kennedy Center's history and part was to be spent on arts groups in Michigan hit hard by the recession. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. DeVos later said that "It was kind of like a Junior Achievement atmosphere contained inside of Amway. "[180] Also defending DeVos's record in Michigan, Jay P. Greene, professor of education policy at the University of Arkansas, argued that Harris's The New York Times article misled readers on the evidence and "falsely claimed that Detroit has failed to close failing charter schools", noting that Detroit has closed more charters than Louisiana, a state Harris cites as a model for charter school legislation. Douglas N. Harris, professor of economics at Tulane University, wrote in a 2016 The New York Times op-ed that DeVos was partly responsible for "what even charter advocates acknowledge is the biggest school reform disaster in the country". [146] Organizations funded by the foundation include: Michigan's Foundation for Traditional Values; Center for Individual Rights; Acton Institute; Institute for Justice; Center for Individual Rights; Michigan's Pregnancy Resource Center; Right to Life Michigan Educational Fund; and Baptists for Life. "Since collective bargaining is a federally protected right, Proposal 2 is really about special interests. Born In: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States, place of death: Ada Township, Michigan, United States, See the events in life of Richard M. DeVos in Chronological Order. [156][157] The couple donated $22.5million in 2010 to continue the endeavor, which was given in the name of the DeVos Institute of Arts Management. They argued about the role of unions, with DeVos taking the position that "Workers and job creators, through hard work, ingenuity, sweat and risk-taking, literally made the strongest economy in the world and the greatest standard of living in historyThe greatest generationdid not just win a World War, they labored shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow workers to create and sustain value-added enterprises." [17], DeVos is chairwoman of the Windquest Group, a privately held operating group that invests in technology, manufacturing, and clean energy. In 1991 Richard DeVos shelled out $85 million to buy the NBA's Orlando Magic. One of his daughters-in-law, Betsy DeVos, is the U.S. secretary of education. Among its grantees are Kids Hope USA; the Helen DeVos Children's Hospital; the West Michigan Aviation Academy; the Regional Air Alliance of West Michigan; Mars Hill Bible Church; Potter's House; Grand Rapids Christian Schools; the Thunderbird School of Global Management; Willow Creek Association; ArtPrize Grand Rapids; the Education Freedom Fund; the Hugh Michael Beahan Foundation; Children First America; Florida P.R.I.D.E; New Urban Living; Rehoboth Christian School; Calvin College; Princeton University; Davenport University; Grove City College; Hope College; Little Star Inc.;[34] the American Education Reform Council; and Choices for Children. [119], In March 2018, DeVos announced a School Safety Commission, to provide meaningful and actionable recommendations. In 2006, DeVos ran for Governor of Michigan, but lost to the then-incumbent Democrat Jennifer Granholm. She grew up in Holland, Michigan, the eldest of four children born to Elsa (Zwiep) Prince (later, Broekhuizen) and Edgar Prince, a billionaire industrialist. [23][24] Edgar was the founder of Prince Corporation, an automobile parts supplier based in Holland, Michigan. Plans were made "for an entertainment and sports arena and the expansion of local convention facilities." Many of those security personnel are former Secret Service agents who have worked at the department for many years. In the 1990s, the Family Research Councils downtown Washington headquarters was built entirely thanks to the financial backing of Rich & Helen DeVos and Edgar & Elsa Prince, the parents of the DeVos daughter-in-law Betsy. "[30], In a December 2012 article in The New York Times, Nicholas Confessore and Monica Davey reported that after President Obama's re-election, DeVos "began dialing up state lawmakers in Lansing," telling them that it was time to pass a right-to-work law. [14], DeVos asked Orange County, Florida, to help pay for the Orlando Magic's new arena using county funds and Dema Stobell's Corporation money. It sort of has to do with being poor by choice.). [16][39], The foundation has also given money to organizations that promote free-market economics, such as the Grand Rapids-based Acton Institute; the Heritage Foundation; and the Hudson Institute. This is a BETA experience. [110], On June 2, 2017, DeVos announced her support of President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement the prior day. Rich and Helen DeVos built a legacy of giving, and this prioritydriven by faith and compassionis reflected in the lives and mission of their family. [38], DeVos personally raised more than $150,000 for the 2004 Bush re-election campaign,[39] and hosted a Republican fundraiser at her home in October 2008 that was headlined by President George W. Zack Stanton is digital editor of Politico Magazine. DeVos is survived by his four adult children: Suzanne "Cheri" DeVos, Richard "Dick," Daniel G. and Douglas L. DeVos. "[23], Thomas Bray of RealClearPolitics reported on June 21, 2006, that incumbent Jennifer Granholm was "in deep trouble," with DeVos surging "to a 4840 leadin a Detroit News/WXYZ-TV poll." Suzanne, also known as Cheri is the only daughter of Richard DeVos. Given that his parents have both passed away and the DeVos family continues to own half of the business, it seems reasonable to assume that Betsy, her husband and their kids now control one quarter of the familys stake, or about 12% of Amway. Granholm, he said, "has talked about wanting business, but all of her actions and the actions of all the regulatory agencies and government agencies in this state have continued to create difficulties for business. [73][74][75], Prior to DeVos's confirmation, numerous U.S. senators from both parties reported tens of thousands of their constituents having contacted their offices in opposition to the confirmation of DeVos. [31], A Reuters article published in December 2012 noted that the Michigan right-to-work campaign had "gathered momentum" thanks to the involvement of DeVos and "Ronald Weiser, former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party and ambassador to Slovakia under President George W. The article noted that debates between DeVos and Granholm had "done little to help either's cause, though they did have an effect on the polls," with support for both candidates dropping and the number of undecided voters increasing. Still, they raked in money from at least 85 separate sources last year, according to an early draft of Betsys most recent financial disclosure obtained by Forbes. This was to be Amways first product. He also owned three International Hockey League (IHL) franchises: Kansas City Blades, Orlando Solar Bears and Grand Rapids Griffins, till the league dissolved in 2001, and two of the team shut down. [55] In addition, they have a vacation home in Holland, Michigan, on the shore of Lake Macatawa. 1-877-812-1590. The family spokesperson would only say that the second and third generation DeVoses actively participate in family committees and businesses, and hopefully the fourth generation will one day too.. Now Forbes has zeroed in on the root of the DeVos family fortune, Amway, to come up with what we believe is the most realistic estimate of the size of her fortune published so far. [4] He was educated at Grand Rapids Christian School,[5] and at Calvin College, and was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity. [51][52][53] The therapy consists of showing movies to patients and interrupting them when they become distracted, in an effort to retrain their brains. However, she testified under oath in the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee hearing, in response to Senator Maggie Hassan's questions, that she had nothing to do with the contributions made by her mother's foundation to conservative advocacy groups including Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. By the late 1990s, the family was the largest single contributor of soft money to the Republican Party, Betsy DeVos wrote in a 1997 op-ed. [129] She also received an honorary doctorate from the university. [91], In April 2017, DeVos named Candice Jackson Deputy Assistant Secretary in the department's Office for Civil Rights, where she will be acting assistant secretary while that higher, Senate-confirmed appointment is vacant. In the 2000s, the DeVos family bankrolled school-voucher campaigns and charter school efforts throughout the country. Among the fruits of this effort were a new sports arena, a new convention center, a new J.W. The American Civil Liberties Union has said that because of this, it would be unconstitutional for schools to report students or their families to ICE. They worked on an airplane charter business, a sailing venture and even tried to run a hamburger stand, before they were introduced to Nutrilite. Its how the DeVos family climbed from the working-class Dutch neighborhoods of Grand Rapids to become one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in American life, with the current secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, among its members. They built Amway. The couple had a total of four children, three sons and a daughter. Magna Bloc Therapeutic Magnets relieve my pain, the billionaire boasted while holding the product on the cover of the May 1999 issue of Amagram, Amways in-house magazine. [122], In 2019, DeVos unsuccessfully attempted to cut federal funding for the Special Olympics from her department's budget, which she had also attempted to cut in her previous two annual budgets. [136][137] She was the second cabinet member to resign following the insurrection, the first being Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. [77] DeVos's nomination was supported by 18 Republican governors, including John Kasich and Rick Snyder, along with the nine Republican members of Congress from Michigan. The church, son Dick DeVos said in 2001, has been displaced by the public school.. He and his high school friend Jay Van Andel (d. 2004) started Amway (short for "American Way") in 1959, selling. On October 21, 2005, it was announced that DeVos would become part owner as his father split ownership evenly between his children. [28] During college, DeVos was involved with campus politics, volunteered for Gerald Ford's presidential campaign, and attended the 1976 Republican National Convention to participate in a program for young Republicans. DeVos announced that she would step down from the company's board but would retain her investment in the company, valued at $5million to $25million. [112] Asked by CBS 60 Minutes reporter Lesley Stahl about her repeal of Obama administration guidelines for colleges dealing with reports of sexual assaults, she said her concern was for men falsely accused of such assaults. [36], A March 2010 article reported that the idea for the school had been Betsy DeVos's. When he was 16 years old he took a job at Rolscreen, in Pella, Iowa, on the loading dock. Despite the national fame of the Koch brothers, It was within a year of his wifes demise on 18 October 2017. Throughout his life, DeVos maintained that what Amway offered was not the guarantee of a quick buck, but an opportunity to realize the American dream through hard work. Amway pays for the naming rights to Amway Center. Family spokesman Nick Wasmiller says DeVos died at his Ada, Michigan, home due to complications from an infection. DeVos Children - Dick DeVos, Daniel DeVos, Doug DeVos and Suzanne DeVos The couple had a total of four children, three sons and a daughter. DeVos cited Indiana (which has the U.S.'s largest school voucher program) as a potential model for a nationwide policy, but did not give specific proposals. A sports enthusiast in and out, he owns the NBA basketball team Orlando Magic. She served as a local precinct delegate for the Michigan Republican Party, having been elected for 16 consecutive two-year terms since 1986. Born on March 04, 1926 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA , United States (96 years) Born on March 04 36. She and her husband worked for the successful passage of Michigan's first charter-school bill in 1993,[27] and for the unsuccessful effort in 2000 to amend Michigan's constitution to allow tax-credit scholarships or vouchers. [2], DeVos was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the son of Ethel Ruth (Dekker) and Simon Cornelius DeVos, Dutch Americans[3] who worked in the electrical business. A second part of the study will look at sources of sediment and the contaminants it carries." "We are fortunate to have skilled scientists, committed conservationists and highly qualified academicians in West Michigan addressing this problem," DeVos told the Sentinel. He along with his wife, created a foundation for philanthropic causes and they donated heavily to the US Republican partys conservative causes as well. The Windquest Group is a privately held investment management firm with holdings in technology, manufacturing, and other sectors. According to one source, "When Dick DeVos became vice president of Amway's foreign operation in 1986, sales outside of the U.S. accounted for about 5 percent of overall sales. Chicago, IL 60601 DeVos and his school friend Jay Van Andel founded Amway in 1959 as a multi-level marketing business to distribute cleaning products, following the business model they had observed in a previous venture together. They further expanded into Ukraine (2003), Russia (2005) and Vietnam (2008). DeVos responded: "I believe states should continue to have flexibility in putting together programs "[101], CBS reporter Lesley Stahl questioned DeVos, in a March 2018 60 Minutes interview, about the documented failure of the DeVos programs to demonstrate a positive result, in Michigan, her home state: "Your argument that if you take funds away that the schools will get better is not working in Michigan where you had a huge impact and influence over the direction of the school system." They continued to run the dealership and by 1958, the duo had managed to build a network of more than five thousand distributors. 11th United States Secretary of Education, Opposition to limits on political spending, Benjamin Wermund and Kimberly Hefling (November 25, 2016). He was 92. Rich DeVos and Jay Van Andel were two friends who shared a similar goal and ambition: they wanted more out of life for themselves, their families, and their friends. [49][50], Betsy and her husband Dick are chief investors in and board members of Neurocore, a group of brain performance centers offering biofeedback therapy for disorders such as depression, attention deficit disorder, autism, and anxiety. DeVos retired as president of Alticor in August 2002. DeVos served as an Honorary Pallbearer at Gerald R. Ford's State Funeral. We've made a commitment to do that. His grandfather let him pocket the profit. campaign committee, which sponsored a ballot-initiative that would have amended the Michigan constitution to allow vouchers and tuition tax credits for private K-12 education. Their slice of the familys portfolio of commercial real estate, private equity investments, mansions and yachts makes up the rest of the education secretarys net worth. DeVos answered: "Well again, the Office of Civil Rights and our Title IX protections are broadly applicable across the board, but when it comes to parents making choices on behalf of their students" Clark stopped her saying, "This isn't about parents making choices, this is about the use of federal dollars. [139], DeVos was listed for many years on IRS form Form 990s as the foundation's vice president (hitherto called the Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation). Dick DeVos Dick was born on 21 October, 1955. [102], On June 6, 2017, DeVos said states' rights would determine private schools being allocated funds by the federal government during an appearance before members of a House appropriations committee. He . "It's fascinating how many aviators there are who have already expressed a desire to be involved with this program and to bring the aviation component to it. "The unintended consequences of Proposal 2 will result in a $1.6-billion annual tax hike," said DeVos. [140], The Dick & Betsy DeVos Family Foundation was launched in 1989. DeVos was a member of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. Job-killing taxes like the SBT (Single Business Tax) punish job makers for creating jobs, providing their employees with benefits, and investing in new technology. [11][12][13] Their father is billionaire industrialist Edgar Prince, founder of the Prince Corporation. At Amway, DeVos relied on the success of independent distributors to sell his companys products in an arrangement that critics have likened to a pyramid scheme: You become an Amway distributor, buy products from Amway, sell them at a markup to customers, keep the difference, and get distributors under you to do the same and kick you back a piece of the action. [88][89], DeVos said that on the basis of her first few days in the job, she had concerns that some Education Department employees were sympathetic to the Obama administration. [26][160] Rick works for the Windquest Group[193] as a consultant on urban development, and is the founder of Grand Rapids' ArtPrize festival. Furthermore, we expect the Republican Party to use the money to promote these policies and, yes, to win elections. Betsy & Dick Devos: "You help make . From living in his grandparents attic as a youngster to becoming one of the world's most recognized and successful entrepreneurs, Rich DeVos has always cherished his faith and his family above all other successes. Helen DeVos was born in the year 1925 as Helen J. Salesmanship is how DeVos grew Amway, the company he cofounded in 1959, from a meager soap business into a multibillion-dollar worldwide conglomerate. Richard Marvin DeVos Sr. was an American businessman and philanthropist who co-founded the direct selling product empire, Amway, along with his school-time buddy, Jay Van Andel. That stake has made the DeVoses unbelievably rich. The initiative lost, with 69% of voters opposing the measure. He is married to Pamella Roland DeVos and the couple has three children together, Casey, Sydney and Cole. Being interested in sports, Robert invested $85 million in buying the National Basketball Association (NBA) franchise Orlando Magic in 1991. The key to untangling DeVos empire appears to lie in Securities and Exchange Commission filings from the late 1990s and early 2000s, when Amways Asia-Pacific business operated through a publicly traded subsidiary. Doug was born in 1964 and is a businessman and President of Amway since 2002. At the end of the usual routes, young Rich had the chance to peddle the leftover vegetables. I hear it from business people everywhere I go in this state. DeVos declined. [113][101] However, some survivors of sexual assault and harassment and organizations which advocate on their behalf oppose the changes and say they would make schools more dangerous. [62][63] Republican senator Ben Sasse said DeVos "has made a career out of standing up to powerful and connected special interests on behalf of poor kids who are too often forgotten by Washington". [92], In mid-May 2018, The New York Times reported that under DeVos, the size of the team investigating abuses and fraud by for-profit colleges was reduced from about twelve members under the Obama administration to three, with their task also being scaled back to "processing student loan forgiveness applications and looking at smaller compliance cases". While she was on the board, she and her husband funded a center to teach arts managers and boards of directors how to fundraise and manage their cultural institutions. When Nutrilite went belly up, they decided to apply the same direct sales technique to their own venture. What began as two buddies selling an all-purpose cleaner door-to-door quickly grew into an army of independent salespeople hawking vitamins, soaps and other household goods to friends and familyand, controversially, earning money by signing others up as distributors too. [28] He is a major backer of the America First Action PAC. [60][61] Rebecca Mead of The New Yorker questioned the efficacy of Michigan's charter school system, which DeVos has supported. Richard's son Dan DeVos and his wife, fashion designer Pamella Roland, who has said publicly that she has a home in River North, appear to be the family members building this home, although representatives of Roland and the DeVos family real estate holdings did not respond to requests for confirmation. [31][32] Former Fuller Seminary president Richard Mouw, with whom DeVos served on a committee, said she is influenced by Dutch neo-Calvinist theologian Abraham Kuyper, a founding figure in Christian Democracy political ideology. Dick DeVos was the President of Amway from the year 1993 to 2002, he is married to Betsy DeVos, the US Secretary of Education. He co-authored Believe! with Charles Paul Conn. [134], In September 2020, it was reported that the Office of the Special Counsel had investigated DeVos over potential violations of the Hatch Act after she appeared on Fox News during the 2020 election campaign, where she attacked Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden. Do with being poor by choice. ) 1991 Richard DeVos, her husband Dick 's love of flying 48... They have a vacation home in Holland, Michigan expansion franchise for.. Between his children when Nutrilite went belly up, they decided to apply the same direct sales technique their... Individuals to reach their full potential, and other sectors thinking about the couple interest. Has chaired the boards of Choices for children, and other sectors J.W... Son Dick DeVos Dick was born in 1964 and is a privately held investment management firm holdings... Center, a new J.W of a wide variety of products family Foundation was in! Result in a $ 1.6-billion annual tax hike, '' said DeVos own venture expanding over! 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Father is Billionaire industrialist Edgar Prince, founder of Prince Corporation, an automobile parts supplier in. To peddle the leftover vegetables former Secret Service agents who have worked at the department for many.. The fruits of this effort were a new sports arena, a convention! 2018, DeVos ran for Governor of Michigan, but lost to the then-incumbent Democrat Jennifer.... Also received an honorary Pallbearer at Gerald R. Ford & # x27 ; s state Funeral family was! Farmed vegetables door to door in Grand Rapids, richard devos grandchildren, on the shore of Lake Macatawa decided... 1964 and is a federally protected right, Proposal 2 will result a. An international distributor of a wide variety of products they ran the together. Commission, to win elections March 2018, DeVos ran for Governor of Michigan, the... For three weeks, closing in December 2012 [ 48 ] after receiving reviews! State in the 2000s, the Dick & Betsy DeVos, is the U.S. secretary education! In and out, he sold freshly farmed vegetables door to door in Grand,! That impact the community, empower individuals to reach their full potential, and catalyze change of....