The plan is in its conceptual stages, and Weiberg said the athletic department decided to . If youre in charge of handling the affairs for a recently deceased loved one, this guide offers a helpful checklist. That's really what facilities are for now," Gundy said. However, she had other gifts that some may not have known about. by Obits February 18, 2023. Oklahoma State: The Cowboys had allowed at least 85 points in its previous three games and allowed 49% shooting in this one. Stadium seats will replace some sections of benches and additional aisles and handrails will be added the north side will be ready for the 2023 season and the south side for 2024. "But at the same time, we love how that feels there. Updated Nov 5, 2022. You irst 48 Lucky Customers Can Get Lovely Ball-ringed Hobnail CASH YOUR CHECKS AT PENNEY'S Manawa bwiib jm laBHiiwui w wtwww-j Ready foryou at this amazing low price! Oops, we were unable to send the email. 7 Baylor held off Oklahoma State for a 74-68 victory on Monday night. Send your deepest condolences with fresh flowers. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent to the e-mail address listed on your account. The second: The Cowboys were climbing up the Big 12 standings just two weeks ago. Place an Obituary; Subscribe. Weiberg said the goal for the new softball stadium is to add more capacity without diluting the energetic atmosphere of the existing Cowgirl Stadium. Use the 'Report' link on Their defense will need to step up, or they might not make the NCAA Tournament. The Stillwater County News is a weekly newspaper published every Thursday. She was a master instructor in ceramics and she enjoyed making jewelry. I had heard talk about the new rules, but wasnt sure what they were. Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Try again later. Dave Smith, Director of Track & Field and Cross Country, said the plan shows a commitment to the program. These games usually come down to the last four minutes, and the team that executes the best, gets the best shots, is connected defensively, finishes plays with rebounds and makes free throws, usually wins. Just not to panic because things were going left, Cryer said. The upgrades will cost an estimated $55 million in debt service, and Weiberg said his goal is to fund the remaining $270 million without taking on additional debt. Fredia was born July 21, 1937, in Wellington, Kan., to Clyde Martin and Reva (Harris) Martin. 14 Kansas State, Oklahoma State University unveils plans for state-of-the-art human performance research facility, Woman sentenced for operating fraudulent marijuana grow, trafficking operation in Yale, Stillwater business owner plans new restaurant for corner of Seventh and Main, Prom-It Forward is back: Stillwater YMCA prepares for free prom dress event, PHOTO GALLERY: Stillwater wins state title, Hughes becomes four-time state champ, PHOTO GALLERY: Stillwater High wrestling sends eight wrestlers to Saturday's finals, PHOTO GALLERY: Cowgirl basketball knocks off No. Family members linked to this person will appear here. This is where we are, this is what weve done, this is what we have in front of us, Boynton said. Partly cloudy skies. Elaine, who lived in Cape Coral, was born Aug. 2, 1947 in New Kensington, PA.. Be Proactive. racist or sexually-oriented language. Saint Joseph, MO (64501) Today. Buy To-Day On Easy To Pay Lay-Away SAVINGS OR YOU! To use this feature, use a newer browser. "Jim" Etheridge, Jr. of Stillwater; one daughter, Carol Jean Lambertz and her husband Jerry of Cleveland, Mo. The proposed practice facility, which would be an addition to the south end of the arena, would change that, men's coach Mike Boynton said. chiefly in making a fish survey Poole obtained his bachelors degree in wildlife at A&M in June 1947 then began his advanced wjrk for a masters degree in wildlife conservation He had a scholar- City Briefs Smith Services Held uneral services were conducted Saturday afternoon at Strode uneral home by Rev V A Doty for Ralph Roy Smith 64 Payne county resident who died Thursday Burial was in airlawn cem--etery SwE your Rawleigh products dealer at 1502 Perkins Road (adv) Marriage License Marriage license issued was to: Sherman E Smith 25 of Lindsay and Mary rances Hoke 22 of Stillwater DRINK KIST ORANGE Refreshing nutritious Made in Stillwater (adv) ALTERATIONS and sewing service Mrs Rogers McKees Sewing Machine Exchange Phone 811 (adv) Divorce Charge iled A petition for divorce has been filed by Dois Ruth Hooper from E C Hooper on the grounds of extreme cruelty by S J Berton attorney for the plaintiff 0 MRS GEORGE KERR has her piano studio located at 211 Husband now and has a few openings for pupils Phone 2136 (adv) PERSONAL LOANS or loans on furniture autos any good security are available at Local inance That's our business We do it cheaply and quickly Phone 114 (adv) ship provided by Andy Anderson Writ Is Asked Oklahoma City sporting goods An application dealer -I habeas corpus for a writ in behalf of of Poole has been active several years in circles of the Izaak Walton league He was president of the Sanborn memorial chapter in Stillwater in 1947 and a state division vice president Martha Ledbetter has been tiled by E O Cabbage attorney for the plaintiff The action filed by the mother whom it is reported resides in ort Worth Texas concerns the custody of minor children Until Poole finds a place to live in Kansas City His wife and small son will remain -in Stillwater at the home of his parents- Mr and Mrs Mert Poole 229 Lowry street City Calendar Monday Junior chamber of commercenoon Monday Smith's cafe City commissioners 7:30 p m Monday Municipal building Stillwater Encampment No 31 8 pm Monday IOO hall Tuesday Stillwater Safety Council' noon Tuesday (Smith's cafe Stillwater Ladies Golf club 1 p m Tuesday Lakeside park PTA council and civic club picnic 6:15 p m Tuesday lawn west of college auditorium Judge Kelley lecture 7:30 pm College auditorium Veterans of oreign Wars 7:30 P m Tuesday VW hall Wednesday Sales Day commencing 10 a m Wednesday fair grounds Quarterbacks 6:15 p m Wednesday Lewis stadium press box St John's commandry No 8 Knights Templar 7:30 p m Wednesday VW (hall Thursday American Legion 6:30 p m Thursday Legion hall Exchange club 630 p m Thursday Smiths cafe IOO lodge No 14 7:30 p m Thursday IOO hall DeMolay 7:30 p m Thursday VW hall riday Chamber of commerce 6:30 p m riday Smiths cafe LOOR POLISHER for rent double brush type Hamiltons Phone 2140 (adv) ANNIVERSARY GITS Personalized napkins matenes cards and sets from entons Peerless (adv) x Pinkston Hearing Asked A petition for a hearing to determine the life estate of Ben A Pinkston deceased has been filed for Goldie L Pinkston by W H Wilcox attorney for the plaintiff Tlte records show the action is filed to clarify j-the title to Payne county property - LAUNDERETTE Self-service Wet wash or dried 20 Bendix machines Open 7 am to 7 pm 505 Washington (adv) MRS DOROTHY LYNCH ANNOUNCESTHE OPENING O ALL CLASSES IN DANCINGBALLET TAP TOE CHARAC TER AND RHYTMS AGES 4 THRU 15 PHONE 2072 (adv) Safety Council to Meet The Stillwater Safety Council will hold its regular: monthly meeting at Smiths cafe Tuesday noon DeWitt Hunt" chairman urged all members to be present in order that the fall program may get underway Pair In Accident 1 Reva Laughlin of Veterans Village and orrest E McClung of South Veterans- Village were drivers of cars involved in an accident riday afternoon at Washington and Athletic Drive ' Brake Waives Preliminary Thomas Brake of Stillwater arraigned Thursday in 'justice of the peace court on a charge of child abandonment riday waived a preliminary hearing He was bound over to district court by O C Whipple justice of the ptace I YOUR DAILY is not delivered please Phone 311 before 7:00 pm weekdays and between 8-9 am Sunday and your copy will be delivered promptly (adv) City Man In Accident Boyd Sasser of Perkins and' James Swan 1201 Main were drivers of vehicles involved in an accident Saturday morning at 14 and Perkins Road Property damage- "'as estimated at $85 51 GENU-NE MAYTAG parts service by ractory trained service men letcher's 902 Main (adv) reshmen Sponsor Delbert Rutledge new assistant of physics at Central State college at Edmond this fall has been named co-sponsor of the freshman class Receiving his masters degree at Oklahoma A&M college' Rutledge formerly taught at Ed-' mond and Rush Springs high schools I YOUR DAILY is not delivered please Phone 311 before 7:00 pm weekdays and between 8-9 am Sunday and your copy will be delivered promptly (adv) our Reserves Assigned Col William H Craig senior instructor for'Oklahoma organized reserves has announced the assignment of four reservists to the 436th composite group Stillwater: MSgt Billy O Davis A-Res 510 N Monroe MjSgt Joe W Stump MD-Res 202 Park Drive Cpl Mames R Coffee AGD-Res 812 East Moses St Cushing and Pfc Thomas L Chitwood A-Res route 2 Ralston ' BUNDLES of old newspapers for sale 10-lbs ten cents News-Press Office (adv) NEW sTeel buildings CRANES AND RUNWAYS Economy Steel Buildings are guaranteed to conform with your local building codes and regulations ECONOMY COMPANY INC 49 Vanderbilt Ave New Yc-rlc N Y Telephone MUrray Hill 4-1616 J H GRIMSLEY LOOR COVERING 210 No Main ( e Cork Linoleum Desk Top Linoleum Linoleum of all Kinds Rubber TUa Saws iled Scissors Sharpened CALL OR REE ESTIMATES AN INVITATION t cvo WE RENT NEW & USED PIANOS ' 623 MAIN STILLWATER K L RANDOLPH Phone 3418-J 606 JEERSON Deep Or Shallow COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE Cleaning repairing Ws have genuine Harrison cores See Jack Cabe WARD BUICK CO 9tb & Husband 1210 WITH AUTOMATIC "$PIN-RINS SEE AMAZING DEMONSTRATION TODAY We invite all our Stillwater friends to visit our Venetian Blind display booth booth at the Tulsa State air (Booth is located south of 'the Brown-Dunlin display) fOUOW Hospital Notes AniNICIPAL HOSPITAL Admissions - Mrs J S Noble 2336 N Duncan Mrs William R Groves 9 Logan Village Toby Moody 711 W 8 Michael McGuire roule 1 Ripley Mrs Burton Dicks 104 Orchard Lane Don K Thomas' 1005 W 9 Mrs Grover Bastion 516 W 8 Birth r Mr and Mrs Bill Looft Myers 10 Logan Village are the parents of a son born September 17 at 10:30 pm weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces Dismissals f Airs Leo Reeh and son 6 A La Rue Midi Village Mrs N S Hop-kns 5106 Duck Dennis I ash 13B La Rue Midi Village Wurlitzer presents the pianos you've been waiting for Completely NEW In every detail NEW beauty of deilgn NEW richness of tone NEW delight in playing performance PLUS NEW advanced features developed through careful laboratory research WATER WELL DRILLING ANYWHERE Willis Engineering 8 MIg Co Stillwater actory Tulsa actory ' East 6th 502 S Xanthus Phone 1601 Phone 5-9568 ' Itl H 1 J : r I k uiRl S 1 rwffir EASY h i i i ' I II ErarasnsKsS PEN 9 ANNIVERSARY PRICED 700 1 1 $ Who Ever Heard of a 31k Lb All-Wool or So Little 20x26 Duck w s $ 1 1 ANNIVERSARY P Who ever heard of a blanket value like this? 14 Kansas State rallies in second half, Pioneers ride bevy of pins to top of team standings after first day of state tourney, Cowboys aim to get back on track against No. Winter returns, snowpack holds steady. I 'LAA CROWDS O THRITY SHOPPERS! You dont know whose family member passed away. You had a wonderful Mom and wife and I know you will be so sad not to have her with you. Memorial services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Church of Christ in Stillwater with Ministers Dean Bryce This page shows only the 20 most recent obituaries in Stillwater, Oklahoma. Stillwater NewsPress Obituaries by Publication Year 4/2/1989 2A Olmstead Kenneth Eugene "Rick" 4/2/1989 2A Flood Mary Ann Parker 4/2/1989 2A Mattocks Irene Richardson 4/3/1989 2 McConnell Henry James 4/3/1989 2 Gates Forrest E 4/3/1989 2 Collins Fay 4/4/1989 2 Pulliam Esther Haggar 4/4/1989 2 Criner Vivian I Owensby 4/4/1989 2 Traver William W 4/5/1989 2 Frye E Moses 4/6/1989 2 Ransom Dorcas Blouin 4/6/1989 2 Leen William John 4/7/1989 2 Schad Gregory E 4/7/1989 2 James Robert Francis 4/9/1989 2A Cubbage Dennis Sr O 4/9/1989 2A Hillerman Jessie Blanche Human 4/9/1989 2A Kint Roxie Mae Watson 4/9/1989 2A Sallee Edna Mae Hope 4/10/1989 2 Smith Leila Marie Eaton 4/10/1989 2 Ford Carl Albert 4/10/1989 2 Cashion Opal Leona Burke 4/11/1989 2 Cordell Frederick Ewing 4/11/1989 2 Sager Ruth Mary Welsh 4/11/1989 2 Choate Virginia Lee Matlock 4/11/1989 2 Prough Andrew John 4/12/1989 2 Williams Helen Katherine Schatz 4/14/1989 2 Davis Sylvia Bickell 4/14/1989 2 Casey William C 4/16/1989 2A Thurman W L 4/16/1989 2A Bohm Goldie Luree Pierce 4/16/1989 2A Shelton Babe Huston 4/16/1989 2A Booth Annie Elizabeth Hughes 4/16/1989 2A Whitmore Minnie Belle Dawson 4/17/1989 2 Brown Jason Edward 4/18/1989 2 Wells Laura Lou Boatright 4/18/1989 2 Carson Mildred 4/18/1989 2 Thomas Carl Walter 4/19/1989 2 Bragg Phyliss Anne Fitzgerald 4/19/1989 2 Winget Mary Bland "Mollie" Long 4/20/1989 2 Talbott Jack 4/21/1989 2 Feller Myrtle 4/23/1989 2A Enix Alma Frances Hodges 4/23/1989 2A Pancoast Paul 4/23/1989 2A Cook Gladys P 4/23/1989 2A Rossiter Loren Elwood 4/23/1989 2A Schwager Dorothy Ruby Boyles, Stillwater NewsPress Obituaries by Publication Year 4/23/1989 2A Coffman Leighton W 4/23/1989 2A Hesser Harvey D 4/23/1989 2A Orr Myrtle A Howard 4/24/1989 2 Heath Robert Sr Ray 4/24/1989 2 Morton J Brown J B" 4/24/1989 2 Rose Georgia Beth Runty 4/24/1989 2 Aichele Gladys Reed 4/25/1989 2 Spradlin Jack Leon 4/25/1989 2 Focht Charlie Griffin 4/25/1989 2 Ellington Betty Evans 4/25/1989 2 Lay Elva E Williams 4/25/1989 2 Warkention Frances Rice 4/26/1989 2 Stratton DR Michael L 4/26/1989 2 Welde Kenneth F 4/27/1989 2 Gershon Morris L 4/28/1989 2 Robinson Lillie 4/30/1989 2A Stephens William Harvie 4/30/1989 2A Wilson Mary Margaret Reed 5/2/1989 2 Gambill Billy Earl 5/2/1989 2 White Cora Leeper Mead 5/3/1989 2 Davies Frank Frantz 5/3/1989 2 Reynolds Mabel Bass Creech 5/4/1989 2 Parker Edison Jr Earl 5/4/1989 2 Haws Edithola Dobson 5/4/1989 2 Dodge Ann Cooley 5/4/1989 2 Lambert lloyd W 5/5/1989 2 Hunt Sheilla Renee 5/5/1989 2 Grimes Marvin Elmer 5/7/1989 2A Lowry Ruth Francis Nickels 5/7/1989 2A Carhart Ruth Anne Simon 5/8/1989 2 Foster Lance Storie 5/8/1989 2 Reece Omah Hankins 5/8/1989 2 Wilson Willie 5/9/1989 2 Price Justin Ray 5/9/1989 2 Hicks Michael Hartley 5/10/1989 2 Scott Alpha Lee Sherman 5/10/1989 2 Holland William Katherine 5/10/1989 2 Mirchell Carl Eldon 5/10/1989 2 Johnson Leo Sr 5/11/1989 2 Hunble Bonnie Potts 5/11/1989 2 Linzy Harvey D 5/11/1989 2 Puckett Curtis Elishaba 5/12/1989 2 Sharp Rhea Lyleth Nickelson 5/12/1989 2 Owensby Zeffie Gooch 5/12/1989 2 Smith Doris Mary George 5/14/1989 2A Sapp homer. With the Bears losing two frontcourt starters to fouls in the final minutes, Cryer said it was up to the guards to take charge. Age 76, of Stillwater, MN Passed away February 7, 2023 Born on May 1, 1946 in Slayton, MN. That makes heaven all the sweeter as you know you will see her again. Despite this, the indoor women's team won its first Big 12 title on Saturday. All rights reserved. Add to your scrapbook. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. Dont Arrest Me, The Medias Silly First Draft of Historic, about The Medias Silly First Draft of Historic. An email message containing instructions on how to reset your password has been sent the!, 1947 in new Kensington, PA.. be Proactive weeks ago this one decide... ; one daughter, Carol Jean Lambertz and her husband Jerry of Cleveland, Mo what we in. Its conceptual stages, and Weiberg said the athletic department decided to allowed at 85. 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