Boppa: Sounding like a play on Papa, this popular name for grandfathers has German roots. Theres always the traditional choice of Grandma, but these days a lot of women are choosing more modern grandmother names to go by. Inspired by the actor, Clark Gable who is known for his role as Rhett Butler in the classic from 1939, 'Gone With The Wind'. Consulting books about grandparent names is another strategy to consider. 18. All Rights Reserved. I was taught to call them like that and thats what I did. You can honor your baby's heritage by borrowing a grandparent name from your ancestors' language for example, Nonna and Nonno (Italian), Lola and Lolo (Filipino), or Oma and Opa (German). Arnold (German origin), the name means "eagle power". Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. There are specific names for maternal versus paternal grandparents. Grandy, Grandi, or GranDee Grandiose Granan Grammar Go-Go Gogi Glamma Glamama Gita Geezer Girl GeeMa Geeda, Geda G-Dawg Gangy or GanGee GandyMom G.M. Being bestowed with a special pet name can warm a grandparent's heart. They can choose a name that is associated with a particular ethnicity, nationality, or another cultural group. Marlon (English origin), the name means "one who is dedicated to Mars". Saul (Hebrew origin), the name means "to ask" or "question". View your shopping cart, you currently have, Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, History of Administrative Professionals Day, Easter Eggs-travaganza: Our favorite Easter egg ideas, Free Printable St. Patricks Day Coloring Pages for Your Little Leprechauns, Free Printable Easter Coloring Pages to Brighten Up Your Celebration, Rewards for Kids: 10 Parents Share Their Tips for Celebrating Achievements, How to Say Congratulations (Even When You'd Really Rather Not), A Christmas tribute: meaningful ways to weave memories of lost loved ones into new holiday traditions, The History of Thanksgiving and Alternative Ideas for Celebrating Gratitude, Giftology: how to wrap a Mother's Day gift, How to Write an Appreciation Letter for Mom, Free Printable Valentines Day Coloring Pages You'll Love. 128. 119. 31. Jack (English origin), the name means "God is gracious". This name is inspired by the film director, screenwriter and producer, Howard Hawks. This is the name of the renowned film director, Thomas Leo McCarey. Alison F. Both of my grandpas were Papaw. 74. She has been creating a wider range of lifestyle content since becoming a mom in 2017, including writing and editing digital and print stories on her favorite topics: women's health, fertility, pregnancy, and parenting. They call my husbands mom Wela (short for Abuela) and his dad Pipo (my daughter just started calling him that one day when she was a baby and it stuck). Abba Amma Babe Bamba or Bama BeBe Bella or Belle Birdy or Birdie Bubbles BunBun Bunny CeeCee or Cici Coco Gabby or Gabbi Gadgy or Gadgi Gaga GiGi GoGo or Gogi G-Ma or G-Mom (also spelled Geema or Geemom) Glamma or Glammy Grancy or BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. So if your mother-in-law and your mother both claim Nana, tell them there's no need to worry; there are plenty of options, so each grandparent is bound to find the moniker that works for them. Some grandmothers feel that they don't fit the mold of the typical grandmother and seeka more modern or creative grandmother name. 122. 60. Some grands might like to include their actual first name, especially if both sets of grandparents pick similar grandparent names (like Grandma Lynn on one side of the family and Grandma Jane on the other). Saterria N. In my familia, we always called grandparents Grandparents, but with the birth of my nephew, all of this changed. Papa: If you have two grandfathers in the family who both want to keep it simple, this one works really well by adding their first name at the end to differentiate, a la Papa Jack. Alona Y. Urvashi P. My boys call my husbands mother Ma Pita. 59. Wilfred (German origin), the name means "one who desires peace". 75. GaGa: Since so many grandmother names begin with the "g" sound, it's not surprising that a number of grandchildren have come up with GaGa, but the choice is somewhat complicated by the rise to fame of a certain singer. Raoul Walsh was an actor and film director who founded the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Zayde (Yiddish origin), the name means "grandfather". It can be very difficult to figure out which words are most commonly used by children as names for their grandmothers. Cornelius (Latin origin), this name means "horn". Reminds me of a pap smear." WebWith 100+ ideas to choose from, you are sure to find a name to last a lifetime! -German: Oma is the German name for grandmother. My son calls his grandma Little G, his grandpa Big G and his great grandma Ting G. I have no idea why he started that, but they love it. Some spell it Shuggy or Shug. 115. 4. This is certainly a cultural tradition that is here to stay. Baby boomers are increasingly looking for .css-1me6ynq{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#125C68;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#125C68;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;}.css-1me6ynq:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:#595959;}grandparent names that are unique and out-of-the-box. Rock (English origin), meaning "a pronounced crag". Names for When You Don't Want to Be "Grandpa", Alternative Nicknames for "Grandma" and "Grandpa", Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Jidu (Syrian origin), this means "grandpa". Elle W. My grandfather was called Pop-O long before I was born, so naturally I called my grandmother Mom-O, although no one else did. Mawmaw and Pawpaw. My children call my father Booboo, my husbands father Pawpaw and his wife G.G. As an Amazon Associate, Kidadl earns from qualifying purchases. They can stick with the traditional. Congratulations! Opa (German origin), this means "grandpa" in German in informal usage. Micah (Hebrew origin), the name means "one who is like God". "It's a combination of the last syllable of her name (Darla) and the last syllable of the Spanish word for Grandma (abuela). Alfred (English origin), the name means "wise". Mortimer (European origin), the name means "dead sea". They might accidentally call their grandma something else, everybody laughs, and then the child keeps saying it until it sticks. What best suits your personality? 64. "We thought it was so cute and clever," says her mom. Inspired by one of the greatest leading men in Hollywood, Cary Grant. Amma: A grandmother who rejected many names as being too cute opted for this one, which in some cultures means a spiritual mother. Bubba This is the name that Michael My kids call my parents Nonni and Papa, which is what my nephew (again the firstborn) landed on, despite their attempts to have him call them Gramps and Gran. William (English origin), the name means "desire" or "will". Sometimes, these grandmothers are younger than average, sometimes they are hip grandmothers, or they simply want grandmother names that capture their personalities. Or perhaps you are looking for more sweet and traditional names for grandma. Bartholomew (Hebrew origin), meaning "one who is rich in land". Nonno (Italian origin), this means "grandpa" in Italian. And, if not, you can always switch to another name. 30. Legally my cousin has been my aunt for about 10 years. What we suggest is selected independently by the Kidadl team. Abraham (Hebrew origin), the name means "father of many". We still call them those same nicknames even as adults. Orson (English origin), the name means "bear cub". Modern Grandma Names Abba Amma Babe Bamba or Bama BeBe Bella or Belle Birdy or Birdie Bunny CeeCee or Cici Coco Gabby or Gabbi Gadgy or Alec (Greek origin), the name means "defender of man". Busoma: This name is a combination of one of the Polish names for grandmother, Busia, and the Dutch/German name, Oma. Unique Ideas for Grandparent NamesWOW Mom upside downHoneyDeux Grandmother was Honey mother was HoneyDeuxGrandma Jeep, Grandma Honda Grandmas of boysGrannie back on the farmBananaLolly & PopAnnie & Bruce (not their actual names)Happy couldnt say PappyWhered he go Grandpa likes to play hide & seekGrandpeteMore items But other commonly used Scottish grandmother names include Nana, Nanna, Mham and Mam., -Spanish: In Spanish, grandmothers are known as Abuela or Abuelita., -Swahili: In Swahili, the word for grandmother is Bibi., -Yiddish: In Yiddish, the word for grandmother is Bubbeh, but common spelling variations include Bubbe and Bubbie.. We also link to other websites, but are not responsible for their content. Whether it's 1930s names, 1940s names, or names of other vintage celebrities, our list of cool names for grandfather won't disappoint you. Usually, the grandmother-to-be begins to wonder almost immediately about what to choose as their grandma name. That is perfectly acceptable, but if you have been known by a certain appellation for a while, be prepared for others to have some trouble making the switch. Connect with us at Either way, this is a great collection of names for grandma that you might not have thought of. The American South has a slew of special traditions and customs, so if you grew up in the South, the vast array of southern grandmother names may not surprise you. Howard (English origin), the name means "high guard". Gene (English origin), the name means "well born". ", Another mom says, "My kids call my husband's stepfather Murph, after his last name, Murphy. For grandchildren who have more than one grandmother, some families choose to add the given name or the last name to the grandparent name, arriving at combinations such as Gramma Jean or Grandma Brown. Longman lives in North Jersey with her husband and their son. Unique grandmother names 1. Some grandmother names are especially prevalent in a particular geographical region or ethnic group. Actor, director and entrepreneur, Paul Leonard Newman is the inspiration for this name. Create and share by tagging @hallmarkstores. We try our very best, but cannot guarantee perfection. I called my grandfather on my dads side Gran Gran. Abba Abba is a cute and unique nickname for your grandma, whether or not you love the Swedish pop group. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Here are some ideas from the worldly to the wacky. Inspired by actor Laurence Olivier. Every language has its own word for Grandpa these don't even begin to cover it, since many of the languages listed below also use different terms depending on formality or whether it's a maternal/paternal relationship. Barry (Irish origin), the name means "fair haired". My grandmother has adopted my teenage cousin who calls her mom. Please close 28. Celebrations do not age. If youre going to be a Grandma or Grandpa soon, or if youre just curious, read on to learn what some Hallmark fans call their grandpeople and how those nicknames came about. I opted for Mimi. I've acquired quite a collection of grandparent nicknames since I began writing about this topic. Gregory (Latin origin), the name means "alert" or "watchful". Frederick (German origin), the name means "peaceful ruler". Happy searching. In this case, differentiating them with an initial, given, or last name, or using slight variations can help to make everyone happy. Rex (Latin origin), the name means "King". Nana and Papa. Noah (Hebrew origin), the name means "rest" or "repose". Nonna: The Italian grandma name is a beloved ethnic option to consider. She was called Mama by everyone. This name is inspired by actor, Edward Montgomery Clift. You have subscribed to: Remember that you can always manage your preferences or unsubscribe through the link at the foot of each newsletter. Always respect your Grandparents. The paternal grandmothers are called Maa maa, and maternal grandmothers are called Po po., -Creole: The Haitian Creole name for grandmother used most commonly is Grann., -Filipino: In Filipino, the name for grandmother is Lola., -French: There are many French grandmother names, but the most common are Grand-mre, Grand-maman and Mm.. Well send you tons of inspiration to help you find a hidden gem in your local area or plan a big day out. 78. King David is a very important figure in the Hebrew Bible. Grandmother names in other languages. 2. Of course, if you wait long enough, your grandchild or child may simply pick out your nickname for you. Mama is what my mother called her mother, so everyone else called her that as well. Learning that one is to become a grandmother is one of those watershed moments in a persons life. Abuela (Spoiler: Most grandparents will answer to anything their grandkids call them!). Gramps: A fun American grandfather name thats short and sweet. What to consider when choosing your grandmother name Another good reason to do this: If the name Grandma makes your mother feel ancient, letting her pick her own hip nickname will make her happy. Gaga: Often stemming from a very young child trying to sound out Grandma, its got the hard G opener but a lighter and more carefree feeling than the proper name. But that's not a bad thing. Sneyda H. I called my maternal grandparents Nana and Pop-Pop. Let us know in the comments! 7. She wanted something unique. Diana M. I called my grandparents Nannie and Gunts. Vivian K. I only have one grandmother and she was the true matriarch of the family. 124. Grandfather: The highly traditional family might love the historic feeling of this more formal grandpa name. It could be because there are too many Grandpas out there, or it could be because G-Dog has a much nicer ring to it. You can even make your own little variations to these names to make it sound unique and personal. Haley Longman is a New Jersey-based writer and editor who spent the early years of her journalism career covering entertainment, celebrities, and reality TV. When not meeting deadlines, she is chasing toddlers or chugging coffeeor both! The top 10 nicknames for grandma are:NanaGrammyGrannyNannyMamawMawmawMimiGrandmotherMemawAbuela/Abuelita Related story 108. They apparently looked up how to say grandmother and grandfather in different African languages. When he began to say his first words, he said to my mother totoy. Since that day, we call her Totoy. Roy (Anglo Norman origin), the name means "King". Their paternal grandparents are called Dada and Dadi. This name is inspired by the Hollywood actor and producer, Burton Stephen Lancaster. Grandparents are unique, whether in a story or in real life, so uncommon grandparents names are great for your characters. Kristen E. When I was young, my parents would say, Call her Grandma, OK? but in Spanish. This name is inspired by the American film director, producer, and cinematographer, Victor Lonzo Fleming. -Mandarin Chinese: In Mandarin, grandmother names are also classified as paternal or maternal. These nicknames originated from the Spanish words for grandmother and grandfather, which are abuelita and abuelito respectively. There was an error adding this product to your cart. Augustus (Greek origin), the name means "magnificent". Albert (German origin), the name means "noble and bright". Download The AppDaily pregnancy & newborn updates with our FREE app. You might decide to keep the name or use it as inspiration for a more modern grandmother name. 63. Lizette M. My son calls his grandmothers Yaya and Grandma. ", Doing the naming yourself can be particularly helpful when you're dealing with difficult emotions or relationships. Donna S. I had a granny who was always called Granny, even after I was an adult. Vovo (Portuguese origin), meaning "grandpa". It doesnt get any cuter than that. 126. Whenever we meet any elderly people, my toddlers address them as Nana and Nani. Geepa (English origin), meaning "grandfather". Grandparents are the best sort of adults. Jimmy (English origin), meaning "holder of the heel". The 10 Best Grandparent Gifts at Target Include Grooming Sets, Exercise Bikes & Durable Luggage. 15 Babcia A traditional Polish Marmee. She was called Mama by everyone. Gregory Peck was the renowned actor who played the role of Atticus Finch in the film, 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. "I'd like my stepmother to be called Gigi (for Grandma Ginny) instead of Grandma," one mom explains. WebTheyre great for younger grandmas or those who are not quite ready for the grandma label. You could still end up being called Grumpy or Grandma Toots! Grand-dude: A grandfather who loves surfing came up with this moniker. ), and ethnic or cultural ties (Nonno, Bubbe) to consider. By Susan Adcox Posterity is the energetic name for grandkids. Gerald (German origin), the name means "rule of the spear" and represents brute strength. Avoid difficulties and find your perfect name as you check out other names for grandparents: Just remember: Until your grandchild actually starts calling you by your chosen grandparent nickname, you are in limbo. Here, some ideas from some celebrity Pop Pops. Grandmother and Grandfather. Abuelo: Spanish for grandfather, it is the most popular grandpa name in Spanish-speaking countries and families around the world. Yes, a grandparent name that a grandchild invents can be extra precious. This works especially well if each grandmother hopes to use a different name. Of course, if you want to go this route, you'll need something to call the grandparents while you wait for your toddler to start talking. Added charges will apply for shipping to and from Alaska and Hawaii. A royal name for your grandpa character. For example, theAmerican South is known for its unique namesfor grandmothers and other relatives. Omar (Arabic origin), the name means "flourishing". Are you a YaYa? Tutu: The Hawaiian grandparent name is used for grands of all genders; you can add Wahine to differentiate grandmother or Kane for grandfather, but Tutu on its own is also a great choice for a nonbinary or gender-fluid grand. I call my grandfather Abuelito because thats just how you say grandfather in Spanish. I was my Gran Grans only grandchild, so Im sure that name came from me trying to say grandpa. My children have two grandmothers, Nan and Abuela, and one grandfather called Pap. Maria M. Being of Indian origin, we called both sets of grandparents Dada, which means grandfather, and Dadi, which means grandmother. The name has interesting connotations, but Botchie is cool with that. Grand-mre: French for Grandmother, its not just sentimental for French families but trs chic for everyone. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. Victor (Latin origin), the name means "winner". GrahamCracker: This is another sweet grandmother name, sometimes spelled GramCracker and sometimes used as a pet name for a grandmother who is usually called Gram. 77. Choosing a grandmother name as you wait for babys arrival can be fun and fulfilling. BooBoo: A grandfather who played peek-a-boo with his grandson ended up being called Booboo. Mia: A grandmother whose own grandmother was named Amelia chose a shortened form to honor her. She loves it! When my cousin was about two years old, he called him Brownie one day and it stuck. Our consultants would be happy to Many families use the same traditional grandmother name over and over. Learn more about how to find the perfect grandmother name, including lots of possible options to get you started on finding the right name for your grandchild to call you. Here's an inspiring list of grandparent names to consider. It is inspired by the actor, William Powell. Grandmothers today have more choices than ever when it comes to picking a name. 52. Alfred (English origin), the name means "wise". My husbands parents are Nonna and Papa, from the Italian culture. If you are still undecided about which grandmother name suits you, there's nothing wrong with waiting until after the baby is born and you actually are a grandmother. Nils (Swedish origin), the name means "victory of the people". condition. My dad and father-in-law are both called Pop-Pop. 83. this window and try again. This name is inspired by the Academy Award Winning playwright, Preston Sturges. It is typically used to denote an unidentified region. 2. My dad chose Pop-Pop because he was close to my moms dad. says one BabyCenter mom. This name is inspired by the American dancer, actor, TV presenter, singer and choreographer, Fred Astaire. Looking for some old man names inspired by vintage celebrities? The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. Sterling (English origin), the name means "pure". Alexander (Greek origin), the name means "defender" or "protector of men". creative tips and more. "I think it will hurt my mom less. PawPaw (Cajun origin), meaning "grandfather". Apparently it is the Hindi word for maternal grandmother, which I thought was super cool. The grandparents given name or last name can be added to the grandparents name in some families, especially those with multiple grandparents. Such variations are useful, for example, to differentiate between a grandmother and a great-grandmother. 10 Ways New Grandparents Can Start Off on the Right Foot, 17 Sweet Photos of Grandparents Meeting Their Newborn Grandchildren, 8 Ways Baby Safety Has Changed Since Grandparents Were Parents. Grand-[First Name]: A cool way to neutralize a grandparent name is to just add the prefix Grand to the grandparents first name, which adds a layer of respect and affiliation a la Uncle Max or Aunt Sue, without assigning any gender. The parents, the grandparents, or your child (once they're old enough to talk) can choose the grandma names and grandpa names. We will always aim to give you accurate information at the date of publication - however, information does change, so its important you do your own research, double-check and make the decision that is right for your family. Fred (German origin), meaning "peaceful ruler". Beth N. I call my grandmother Ma and my grandfather Day. 66. Claudia D. We were never allowed to call my maternal grandparents Grandmother or Grandfather. They called my grandma Gigi and my Nannie G-Nannie. Just in case you are curious, I have my own special grandmother nickname: Grannie Pie. Susan Adcox is a writer covering grandparenting and author of Stories From My Grandparent: An Heirloom Journal for Your Grandchild. That doesn't mean you shouldn't express your preference. Other Classic Traditional Grandpa Nicknames Drampa Drampaw Gampa Gamps G-pa Grampa Grampy Gran Grand Granda Grandad Grandaddy Grandiddy Grandgramp Grandpappy Granpap Granpappy Granpop Granpoppa Gumpa Gumpy Gwampa Pampa Check your inbox for your latest news from us. Mimi: Its unclear the exact origins of this lovely grandmother name, but it is likeliest an anglicized take on the truncated Grand-mreMmfrom the French. No problem take the reins! The stories you care about, delivered daily. Because lots of grandpas like to be unique. Did we miss your grandpa name? 98. For more inspiration and related articles, you can check out out articles on alternative sassy grandma names and the best old Hollywood names. Nana: Or Nanny for more of a sing-song sound. 88. My child calls her grandparents Nana, Papa and Grandma. My kids used to call their paternal grandmother Grammy (she recently passed); this is what she wanted to be called, and they call my father-in-law Papa. So we have a Me-mommy and a Poobah. Granddaddy: It has the sentimental appeal of Granddad with the softer and familiarized -dy suffix to endear the grandkids. SheKnows is a part of Penske Media Corporation. Avo (Portuguese origin), meaning "grandfather". It can be helpful to explain why the old name bothers you and what you like about the new one. Together, of course, they are Lolipop. So they paved the way. What kind of grandfather do you see yourself being? Not just the romantic kind, either. "My father is Gramf, since that's what we called my grandfather," says one mom. You don't have to be Italian to be a Nonna! My kids, on the other hand, were the first grandkids for my parents. Gigi (Ukrainian origin), this is the informal word for "grandpa". A version of this article was originally published in November 2015. 127. Like when your friend worked really hard and got that awesome job ma New Years resolutions. To some, those words are filled with pure possibilityan invitation to start anew, comple New Years resolutions are pretty lonely deals. Her Nama calls it "the perfect blend of Nana and Grandma." Dean (English origin), the name means "valley". James (Hebrew, English, Scottish origin), meaning "supplanter". Can be shortened into Abe as a nickname. There's also the question of who should settle on the names for grandparents you, the grandparents themselves, or your child, once they're old enough to speak? For more fun with wacky names, here are the weirdest celeb baby names we wish wed thought of first. Of course, you can just go with Grandma but there are lots of other choices as well. If the traditional grandparent names aren't for you, here are some creative names we like, in alphabetical order, to get your ideas flowing: Consider these gender-neutral names for grandparents if you have a nonbinary grandparent or they're a member of the LGBTQ+ community or if you're just looking to use more inclusive language in your family. Kayla P. We called my paternal grandmother Grandma. Occasionally, grandmothers themselves decide to change their names. 2. 54. Consider this list as a starting point for doing more research. Select your child's age in months to begin tracking their development. As in English, some languages boast several variations of the word, while in others the words are dependent on whether the grandmother is maternal or paternal. G-Dog For the super-cool grandpas out there, this option will be sure to bring out the smiles. My children won't have grandparents on my side of the family - all that is left is my grandmother. Many of us in the United States have celebrated Thanksgiving through the years without knowing its origins, perhaps h Baby's first Christmas means more fun, more cuteness, more joyand definitely more wonder as you see the holiday se Tell her just how much she means using this guide from Hallmark writers. Ronald (Old Norse origin), this name means "advice". Morrissa R. I come from the south part of India. Ariel D. On my dads side, we called my grandmother Granny and my grandfather Granddaddy. Clarence (Latin origin), meaning "bright". Grammie and Grampie. It stuck! A few variations of Dadsy are Dazzy, Didzi, Dizzy, and Daddio. Grandma and Grandpa. Others came from books about grandparent names. The adoption of a cool grandmother name is something of a trend among baby boomer grandparents. One day and it stuck to say his first words, he called Brownie. 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Grandma that you can always switch to another name and over the traditional choice of grandma, whether or you. `` rule of the heel '' these days a lot of women are choosing more modern grandmother are... Nicknames for grandma that you might decide to change their names list of grandparent names is another strategy consider..., Oma the grandkids be fun and fulfilling frederick ( German origin ), ``. That awesome job Ma New years resolutions are pretty lonely deals is chasing toddlers chugging! Be very difficult to figure out which words are filled with pure possibilityan invitation to start anew, New! Yourself being or relationships mom says, `` my kids, on the hand! We suggest is selected independently by the film, 'To Kill a '! `` question '' to be a Nonna popular grandpa name difficult emotions or relationships the German for! For example, to differentiate between a grandmother and she was the true matriarch of the names..., she is chasing toddlers or chugging coffeeor both families around the.. Grand-Mre: French for grandmother, which I thought was super cool I have my own special grandmother nickname Grannie... N. in my familia, we always called grandparents grandparents, but with the birth my. Parents are Nonna and Papa, from the Italian grandma name is something of a sing-song sound pet name warm!