advantages of shark culling

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advantages of shark culling

Legal shark culling is mainly practiced in four locations: New South Wales (Australia), Queensland (Australia), KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), and Reunion Waters (France). CONS: Trial was abandoned in two locations in northern New South Wales because the barriers could not withstand rough conditions and surfers were concerned the barriers would pose a risk to their safety by snagging and trapping them underwater. For example, cattle with health and fertility issues, poor milk or meat quality, or age effects are usually eliminated. A drum line consists of a large, baited hook suspended from a large plastic float, which in turn is anchored to the sea bed. A drumline trap is made up of a large baited hook attached to a floating object that is then anchored to the seabed. The shark population has, d significantly in the number over the past few decades in Australia. The giant nets are also problematic because other small creatures get trapped and are then killed. But they are also in danger with overfishing, climate change and government-run culling programs threatening their . Should Shark Culling Be Banned? That list can include any act that further endangers already threatened species, or adversely affects two or more listed threatened species. [81] Sharksavers estimates that in total 50 million sharks are caught unintentionally each year as bycatch by the commercial fishing industry. [10], Shark culling mainly occurs in four locations: New South Wales, Queensland, KwaZulu-Natal and Runion. Alternative ways of dealing with this problem should be established. 501(c)(3) Non-Profit, Tax ID#: 82-1646340, The Truth about Shark Culling & the Devastating Environmental Impacts, According to the National Geographic estimates, we have already wiped out 90% of the worlds sharks. Humans kill an estimated 100 million sharks a year. PROS: Less likely to make wearer look like a seal. This took a lot of manpower to clean. [20] Between September 2017 and April 2018, more than 403 animals were killed in the nets in New South Wales, including 10 critically endangered grey nurse sharks, seven dolphins, seven green sea turtles and 14 great white sharks. Shark exclusion nets and drumlines or traps are used to lure, entangle and kill sharks and other animals that pass near them. Some are suffocated in plastic bags, while others are electrocuted. has been looking into available options to minimize the risk of shark attacks. The balance between the shark vs. human attacks has been shockingly disturbed by shark culling. Hawaii shark control programs of the 1960s and 1970s, for example, were not . But in KwaZulu-Natal, hundreds of harmless sharks - as well as turtles, dolphins and rays - still meet an untimely death every year as a result of the 28 kilometers of shark nets installed by KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board (KZNSB). They are used throughout Western Australia where they are typically fixed at a depth of about 6 meters and run just under 200 meters long. [50][51] Some Native Hawaiians are against shark culling because of the significance of sharks in Hawaiian culture (sharks are viewed as aumakua, or personal-family gods). For example, in Texas, scientists discovered that breeding among bucks with superior antler quality improved the antler quality of subsequent generations. Some trials of the technology have taken place, with another trial due to begin this year at Port Stephens. PROS: Ability to sight sharks from the air and potentially give warning to water-goers through the use of sirens or signals. of opposition from the community. Dr Daniel Bucher from Southern Cross University told the ABC: "Great whites are a threatened species and the existing population is already low. [31] From 2001 to 2018, a total of 10,480 sharks were killed on lethal drum lines in Queensland. . Its just not true. [17][11] The current net program in New South Wales has been described as being "extremely destructive" to marine life, including sharks. The nets are submerged near high-population areas and are designed to trap, entangle, and kill the shark. But scientists argue that while such hunts may quench the public's desire for vengeance after a [shark] attack, they do little to reduce the likelihood of another one. This led to the termination of the three-year program afteronly three months. Fin-mounted satellite tags are also commonly used. Culling is the process of selective elimination of animals based on traits or factors such as health, appearance, and sex. The statement, however, was twisted by a local newspaper writer as the lives of sharks are more important than humans. In the three decades since nets were installed, there have been no fatal attacks at those beaches and only four resulting in serious injury. Whats more, 65% of the shark attacks that occurred in New South Wales were at beaches that had nets installed. Its a knee-jerk reactionpeople get bitten, people die, the government starts killing sharks. The program did not change the rate of shark attacks in the waters of Hawaii. One such shark culling program, billed as a shark control program, in Hawaii which operated between 1959 and 1976 resulted in killing 4,668 sharks over an 18-year period. But the question is, do shark culling programs help save human lives? Acoustic pulses from tags are detected by underwater receivers also known as listening stations but sharks need to swim close (typically within 500 metres) to a listening station for its acoustic tag to be detected. According to a spokesperson for WA's Fisheries Minister Ken Baston, in September 2014 the WA Government withdrew its proposal for the operation of drum lines for a further three years because the WA Environmental Protection Authority found there to be a: "high degree of scientific uncertainty about impacts [of drum lines] on the south-western white shark population". "[15], Jane Williamson, an associate professor in marine ecology at Macquarie University, says "There is no scientific support for the concept that culling sharks in a particular area will lead to a decrease in shark attacks and increase ocean safety. What Is The Purpose Of Shark Culling? Posted on Last updated: November 18, 2022. More than 84,000 marine animals have been ensnared by drum-lines and shark nets since the program began in 1962 [] Nearly 27,000 marine mammals have been snared. [81] Tuna and swordfish longline fishing off the coast of South Africa reported 39,000 to 43,000 sharks killed each year between 1995 and 2005. CONS: No more swimming/surfing/kayaking etc. As northern New South Wales residents continue to debate the best way to deal with shark attacks in the region, we take a look at the pros and cons of the most popular options available to protect people from ocean predators. [67][51][66][79] The Sea Shepherd group says, "private investors are trialing various programs such as electronic deterrents, drones, the Eco Shark Barrier at a local beach in Perth, and smart phone applications which use social media to advise the community of where sharks are spotted". The Canadian seal hunt is another example. We need them for healthy oceans. If these animals are left unchecked, they will completely alter or destroy the habitat they live in. This leads to an explosion in population because the older ones are not there to chase away or kill the younger ones. [44][45] In 2013, 24 sharks were killed in Runion. [1], In Recife, Brazil, the number of shark attacks was reduced by 97% when long lines and drum lines were deployedin the Recife program, some of the sharks were caught on drum lines and then moved away from the shoreline. Before culling is done, it is important to consider the economic benefits of the exercise. Lifetime cow studies were conducted at a USDA experiment station in Montana. These large species of animals have low reproduction rates and take very long to mature. [21], There are also reports of shark attack survivors being harassed and abused on social media, presumably by extreme environmentalists. Culling also helps to manage animals without natural predators. This is evident in the poultry industry, where almost half of the chickens that hatch are usually male. Apps [12][42][13] Shark Angels states, "It is hard to believe with all we know about sharks, including their dwindling numbers, their critical role in our oceans, and the small risk they actually pose to us, that the archaic process of killing these animals for bather protection still exists. The unsuccessful trial in Lennox Head resulted in debris from the half-built barriers polluting the area and the estimated cost of the unsuccessful trial was $2.6 million. Well, heres a detailed list of all the benefits and drawbacks that come with this practice. [62], Environmentalists, conservationists, scientists, animal rights activists and shark experts oppose shark culling. [68] Michael Levenson of the Boston Globe said the following about shark culls: "Traditionally, shark hunts, or culls, have been the first and perhaps most primal response to shark attacks worldwide. ", "Surfer Shark Attack On Reunion Island Leaves Man Without Arm And Foot", "Shark Cull Announced By France Follows Second Fatal Attack Off Runion Island This Year", "Another Fatal Shark Attack On Runion Island Bodyboarder And Trained Shark-spotter Is Ninth Death In Six Years", "Dunedin shark-nets film 'positive environmental story', "Here's How Communities Around The World Are Trying To Prevent Shark Attacks (, "Alternatives to Shark Nets and Drumlines", "Australia: More than 170 sharks caught under controversial cull program", "WA Abandons Shark Culling Program, But Reserves Right To Kill Again", "Premier Mark McGowan's Shark Plan Not Enough To Protect Us", "Sharks To Be Caught On SMART Drum Lines Off WA's South West After Labor U-turn", "Environmental activists demand shark drum line trial be abandoned", "EPA determines SMART drumline proposal would have minimal impact", "QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT RESPONSE TO SENATE REFFERRED[sic] INQUIRY INTO THE EFFICACY AND REGULATION OF SHARK MITIGATION AND DETERRENT MEASURES", "Surfing Australia submission to the Senate Enquiry into the Efficacy and Regulation of Shark Deterrent Measures", "Inside La Runion's Shark Cull: Why the Locals Want Them Dead", "Beyond the panic: the facts about shark nets", "HISTORY OF PROTECTION AGAINST SHARK ATTACK IN KZN",, "The Importance of Sharks In the Ecosystem", "Western Australia's shark cull faces legal challenge from conservationists", "Media Statements - WA to conduct scientific trial of SMART drumlines",, "Mike Baird is right, culling sharks doesn't work here's what we can do instead", "Call to classify shark culling and drum lines as threats to endangered species",, "How to swim with sharks and not get eaten", "Shark attack survivor and drumline contractor say conservation group supporters harass them", "Wiley: Humane Strategy Reduces Shark Attacks", "A Review of the Biology and Status of White Sharks in Australian Waters", "Shark Bycatch in Commercial Fisheries: A Global Perspective",, This page was last edited on 30 January 2023, at 15:59. "[64] "Similarly, between 1943 and 1951 the South African city of Durban experienced seven fatal attacks but there have been none since nets were introduced in 1952. For example, breeders can invest in technologies that can establish if an embryo is male or female before the eggs hatch. But even with the best-laid plans, the culling of animals still has both advantages and disadvantages. In case of an outbreak of HPAI, one way of controlling the spread of the disease is through the culling of infected poultry. A smart drum line is based on the traditional drumline design, but includes technology that can alert rangers to the capture of marine life and they can then attend the device if sea conditions permit. 426 Words; 2 Pages; Decent Essays. Sharks hold a economic and cultural significance to many communities. Their practices show no respect for these beautiful animals at all. The program is based largely on claims by the WA government that the cull will a) increase ocean safety, b) not. Natalie Banks, testified the statement saying that the use of shark hooks has never proven to work. [21] The New South Wales government prohibits people from rescuing entangled animalsthis prohibition has been called "heartless and cruel". Even if an animal is released, it may not survive. First introduced in the 1930s at a time when we didn't know much about biodiversity, shark behaviour or sharks' vital role in ocean ecosystems. A Brief Look at Shark Culling. [39][41] Environmental groups criticized the cull; Shark Conservation Australia called the killings a "disgusting knee-jerk reaction" and said it was "a very shameful day here in Australia". CONS: Nets float above the sea floor and are placed in sections, so do not provide an enclosed area or barrier between people and sharks. As a result, they were classified as pests, and the government initiated efforts to cull them. Across the Pacific Islands, sharks hold important cultural value. "[1][65] A more recent analysis highlighted that there were three shark attacks, none fatal, at KwaZulu-Natal's "controlled" beaches between 1990 and 2011, while at unprotected beaches nearby there were 20 fatal attacks in the same period. the effectiveness of SMART drumlines were in question, Is Deep Blue The Largest Great White Shark, Sharks and Surfers: Risks, Tips, and More, Yum Yum Yellow, Surfing, Surfboards & Sharks, The Best Surfing Movies From The 80s, 90s & 2000s. So, is culling animals good? These economic considerations of culling animals need to be based on current scientific data. One of the best examples of this took place in China. [11] In the first 11 months of 2013, 633 sharks were captured in Queenslandmore than 95% of those sharks were killed. Sea Shepherd is calling on the Western Australian Government to do the following: - To put an immediate end to this proposal of increasing shark takes by the commercial fishing sector or culling sharks as it . However, it was later discovered that the major transmitters of the virus were daytime mosquitos, meaning they had been killing the wrong species. Also, as the culling of elephants continues in South Africa, many East African nations are struggling to increase their herds, many of which were killed in the 1980s. Sharks captured using SMART drumlines are tagged and released into the wild where they can be studies further. sharks, causes a . Professor Colin Buxton of the University of Tasmania told the ABC: "the use of shark nets and drum lines is a proven way of reducing shark attack, however the public need to understand and acknowledge that this works by killing sharks". As a result, the population of cats increased significantly. Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia, the French Overseas Department of Runion, "Can governments protect people from killer sharks? [11][29][3][6][21] Queensland's shark-killing program has been called "outdated, cruel and ineffective". They believe that we should protect the danger and put sharks before humans. . The WA Fisheries minister highlighted the need to concentrate and invest in new and emerging technologies that offer real protection for the people who are most at risk, i.e., surfers and swimmers. There has been strong opposition to the policy, including from one man who vandalised Premier Colin Barnetts office. [11] More than 5,000 marine turtles have been caught on the nets. [8][9] The impact of culling is also minor compared to bycatch with 50 million sharks caught each year by the commercial fishing industry. Put simply, shark culling is a deliberate government action to kill and reduce the numbers of sharks in our oceans, which is usually an unthoughtful, knee-jerk reaction to a shark attack. Any contact with animals should always be humane. [6] In addition, Western Australia Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly said "there is currently no scientific evidence to show that drumlines reduce the risk of a [shark] attack". The following was said about Queensland's use of lethal drum lines: "Lethal drum lines in Queensland are used to catch and kill sharks. But contrary to what you might think, shark attacks are incredibly rare. Baited Drumlines How Do They Kill Sharks? The feral cats of Tasmania are a case in point. Intensively farmed animals like poultry and pigs also play a big role in the growth of virulent diseases like swine flu and avian influenza (H5N1). [15][52], In 2014, a shark cull in Western Australia killed dozens of sharks (mostly tiger sharks) using drum lines,[53] until it was canceled after public protests and a decision by the Western Australia EPA; from 2014 to 2017, there was an "imminent threat" policy in Western Australia in which sharks that "threatened" humans in the ocean were shot and killed. Culling these heifers immediately after pregnancy checking serves three very useful purposes: Identifying and culling open heifers early will remove sub-fertile females from the herd. Depending on government policy, dangerous sharks can be euthanased or transported out to sea, while other non-target marine life can be released. Before we take a closer look at shark culling, lets address the prevalence of shark attacks. The New South Wales Government believes shark nets are worth trialling and plans to install shark nets in a trial off the north coast before the end of the year. to reach maturity. Top on this list of pros and cons of culling animals are the economic benefits from culling. Share Envoy: Shark Cull with your family and friends and start a conversation about how we portray sharks and how they need our empathy and . The use of nets and baited drum lines is an outdated and ineffective approach against shark attacks. The same happens in North America, where tourists pay as much as 500 dollars to hunt White-tail deer. Environmentalists have proposed the banning of shark culling and the use of drum lines because they are threats to endangered species. But is it necessary, and is it ever morally just to willfully kill an animal just for what it might do? The KZNSB also states that there were seven fatal attacks at Durban from 1943 until the installation of shark nets in 1952, and that no fatalities or incidents resulting in serious injury have occurred since nets were installed. A range of brightly coloured and striped wetsuits are currently being marketed as shark deterring outfits. Shark sightings and reports from the public as well as from government and emergency services are recorded, with alerts sent out to user's smart phones and via social media. This should serve as a warning to those culling elephants. Evident in the number over the past few decades in Australia alternative ways of dealing with this practice of,... One man who vandalised Premier Colin Barnetts office Western Australia, the population of increased! With the best-laid plans, the government starts killing sharks its a knee-jerk reactionpeople get bitten, people die the! Shark attacks to water-goers through the culling of animals have low reproduction rates and take long. The use of shark attacks superior antler quality of subsequent generations, animal rights activists and experts... These beautiful animals at all may not survive the statement, however, was twisted by a newspaper... 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