Persons with such needs are requested to make contact at least 24 hours prior to the Board of Education meeting, in order to allow staff to coordinate arrangements. Parkdale Elementary School is the 901st largest public school in New York and the 17,069th largest nationally. My kiddo loves it and told me last night she never wants to change school. Mrs. Tognarelli was born in the original Copley Memorial Hospital in Aurora, Illinois, and was raised in North Aurora. . Meetings are typically held at the Aurora Public Schools Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave. Public comment opportunities will be held at the second monthly meeting only.Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education for public comment, are required to sign up in personbefore the scheduled Board meeting.Online requeststo speakwillno longerberequired. View the latest jobs and job postings in Aurora Public Schools (APS). It has 18.6 students to every teacher. Aurora is a K-4 school of approximately 385 students. Student information - birth certificate, immunization records (required by law) . . The Aurora Public School District holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These clubs help students interact with other grade levels as well as promote involvement within the school setting. Joe is excited to serve as the principal of Montview Elementary for a second year! WEST FARGO - Aurora Elementary School is back open following a lockdown that occurred after police received a report of a man near the school with a gun. Staff. Our school division is Wild Rose Public Schools, whose central office is located in Rocky Mountain House. Leighton Elementary School. Infinite Campus. new google.translate.TranslateElement({ Associate Superintendent of Staff and District Operations Contact me about: Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) interpretation Contract negotiations District policies Employee relations Time off approvals Amanda Sanderson, PHR Director of Human Resources (630) 299-5588 Contact me about: Phone (701) 356-2090 | Fax (701) 356-2099. 2601 Sable Blvd. AHS Band Concert . Educational Services Center 1 More. Aurora is a K-4 school of approximately 390 students.Our goal is providing a well rounded education within. Fearn offers a multitude of after-school activities and clubs. PDFs at this site. Last name. 236. 3901 - 55 Ave Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1N9. It has 15.2 students to every teacher. Home. Our students will think critically, lead with compassion, and create change through civic engagement. Susan Melton, Staff. Virginia Court Elementary. No Classes for Students; Possible Weather Make-Up Day All Day. pageLanguage: 'en', HA! Read the full Notice of Nondiscrimination. 2023 Aurora Public Schools - All rights reserved. Senior Class Panorama Photo 2023. . K-12 Special - Carthage College (1981) Elementary/Middle School Certification K-9 - Judson University (2014) Mrs. Janine Tognarelli has been with Aurora Christian School since 1981. Our nurturing teachers are completely dedicated to your child's educational success. Sable Elementary. SUPPORT STAFF Ms. Bilbao Principal. Phone: (323) 238-1500. function googleTranslateElementInit() { School Supplies . Significant Education Discounts for APS Graduates and Staff. Learn about our school and district electronic flyer distribution system! Calendar & Events. If the designated individual is not qualified or is unable to act as such, the superintendent shall designate an administrator who shall serve until a successor is appointed. Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding these laws or issues concerning discrimination (including information about how to file a grievance if you believe you are the victim of discrimination) should be directed to the compliance officer for these issues, Betsy Smith, phone: 303-915-9438, email: or designee. The suspect was later identified as Jose . Congratulations King Charlie Carpenter and Queen Brooke Miller, AHS Service Learning Class Veteran's Dinner, Mike Roberto State of the Schools Address, about Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024, about LEIGHTON SCHOOL DONUT DAYS ~ March 7, 8 and 9, 2023, about NO SCHOOL - Monday, March 6, 2023 ~ Professional Develpment Day, about AOA SPRING STRINGS DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ Saturday, March 11, 2023, about HARMON SCHOOL YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW, about AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS, about Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL, about Craddock 1st & 2nd Grade Spring Conferences, LEIGHTON SCHOOL DONUT DAYS ~ March 7, 8 and 9, 2023, NO SCHOOL - Monday, March 6, 2023 ~ Professional Develpment Day, AOA SPRING STRINGS DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ Saturday, March 11, 2023, AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS, Craddock 1st & 2nd Grade Spring Conferences. Click the button above and then click Register or click Login if you applied last year. A K-6 elementary offering smaller class sizes which results in a more personalized approach to each student's education. View District Policy AC regarding Nondiscrimination. layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE 1050 East 52nd Place Los Angeles, California 90011. High Schools . Craddock Elementary School. The APS Transportation Department is taking the next step to improve school bus safety by installing seat belts on our buses. Administration Classroom Teachers Cafeteria Staff Custodial Staff Learning Support Mental Health Office Staff Paraprofessionals OFFICE STAFF: Principal's Secretary: Tracy Joy: 375-3802: Health and Office Assistant: Cathy Vacca: . Your application will be retained in active status for one school year. j mtodd @aurorak12 .org. Refresh eachPDF to viewthe latest version. }, APS GED Testing Center, Mobile 78, Pickens Technical College, 500 Airport Blvd., Aurora, CO 80011, Testing Coordinator: Diane JohnsonPhone: 303-326-2112Email:apsged@aurorak12.orgWebsite: Congratulations King Charlie Carpenter and Queen Brooke Miller, Mike Roberto State of the Schools Address, AHS Service Learning Class Veteran's Dinner, about Kindergarten Registration for 2023-2024, about LEIGHTON SCHOOL DONUT DAYS ~ March 7, 8 and 9, 2023, about NO SCHOOL - Monday, March 6, 2023 ~ Professional Develpment Day, about AOA SPRING STRINGS DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ Saturday, March 11, 2023, about HARMON SCHOOL YEARBOOKS ON SALE NOW, about AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS, about Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL, about Craddock 1st & 2nd Grade Spring Conferences, Community Focus Spotlight on Aurora Schools, LEIGHTON SCHOOL DONUT DAYS ~ March 7, 8 and 9, 2023, NO SCHOOL - Monday, March 6, 2023 ~ Professional Develpment Day, AOA SPRING STRINGS DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ Saturday, March 11, 2023, AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS, Craddock 1st & 2nd Grade Spring Conferences. Pursuant to C.R.S. ProCare Therapy is excited to be actively in search of school psychologists to fill school openings for this current semester, the summer, and the upcoming school year in Aurora, IL. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. What's the most important thing to look for in the staff at a school? For information please contact Kathy Buckner. Princess Prom 2023. Mobile-only Menu . Leighton Elementary School. Meetings are typically held at the Aurora Public Schools Professional Learning and Conference Center, 15771 E. 1st Ave. Public comment opportunities will be held at the second monthly meeting only.Individuals wishing to address the Board of Education for public comment, are required to sign up in personbefore the scheduled Board meeting.Online requeststo speakwillno longerberequired. Read the full Notice of Web Accessibility. Office Hours: 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. All rights reserved. Ms. Ream Assistant Principal, Ms. Plata Primary Promise, Ms. Kinman Psychiatric Social Worker, Ms. Vega PSA (Attendance Counselor, Ms. Villarreal Office Technician, Ms. Moran Building and Grounds Worker, Ms. Apongo Building and Grounds Worker, Ms. Peniche Assistive Technology, Ms. Gonzalez Community Representative, Ms. Padilla Room 6 Dual, Ms. E. Torres Room 7, Ms. Menjivar-Valladolid Room 9 Dual, Ms. J. Torres Room 10 Dual, Mr. Arellano Room 19 Dual, Mrs. Recendez Room 21, Ms. Ayala Room 15 SDC Primary, Ms. Bernal Room 13 RSP, Ms. Corona Primary Promise Inst. Read More If you require special assistance during the meeting, such as sign language or language interpretation services, please contact Aurora Public Schools at 303-344-8060 ext. Aurora Public Schools offers a wide . View APS Board meetings live online! From a browser on your computer or smartphone, go When the meeting is over, a recording will be posted here by the end of the next business day and deleted after 90 days. This notice is available in alternative forms. The principal is fabulous this year - I have seen him more this first semester than I ever did with Toliver. APS is not responsible for the content, facts, opinions or accessibility of third-party sites. For more information, visit the AGATE Website. Students are to be on the bus for timely departure. Aurora, CO 80011 Phone: 303-340-3140. The board voted 5-2 to approve closing Lyn Knoll Elementary and Century Elementary and phasing out two other schools, Sixth Avenue Elementary and South Middle School. Position Purpose. 5 Awesome PTO board members who continually support our students, community and staff. de Los ngeles, Los Angeles Unifieds Quarantine Protocols for Students and Employees, COVID-19 Containment, Response and Control Plan, LAUSD 2021 COVID-19 School Guidance Checklist, English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC). 303-344-8060, Questions or comments? SOO happy we got a new one! Learn about our school and district electronic flyer distribution system! AOA SPRING STRINGS DINNER FUNDRAISER ~ Saturday, March 11, 2023. It was built in 1992. The Aurora Public School District holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (HB 16-1423) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). No School - Staff Workday June 2 Contact Us fletcher News Our 2022 Annual Report In this year's annual report, you'll see our 2022-25 Strategic Plan priorities in action, meet a few community members who embody the spirit of our mission, and learn more about our next chapter as we join forces with STRIVE Prep. 825 17th Avenue East, West Fargo ND 58078. Aurora, IL 60502 Email District 204; 204 Tipline . Read More about AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS. The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education meetings are generally held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m.Meetings are open to the public and are fully in-person with live streaming available Stay Connected . If you are unable to access any page(s) in our site, please email theAurora Public Schools Division of Technology Service Desk. Please sign up by Friday, March 3. For information about your rights or grievance procedures, contact Laura Shaffer, Preston County Schools 731 Preston Drive, Kingwood, WV 26537, 304-329-0580 Ext. The Aurora Public Schools is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth, disability, religion, ancestry, sex or need for special education services, or genetic information for employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The school system follows administrative procedures which allow any individual, including parent, student, or employee to file a grievance if it is alleged that a policy, practice, procedure, or direct service provided by the school system has resulted in a violation of Section 504 of the ADA. He has been in education for 29 years as a teacher, assistant principal, program director, and principal. Attendance: 303-326-1605. Arkansas Elementary School 17301 E. Arkansas Ave. Aurora, CO 80017. Princess Prom 2023. In adhering to this policy, the Aurora Public Schools abides by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. OFFICE STAFF Principal: Jessica Abel-Pype Assistant Principal: Jannelle Davis Dean: Jenny Herbert Secretary: Claudia Gomez Clerk: Bonnie Hoffman Health Para: Jade Rose Preschool Facilitator: Paula Grajeda Para: Sana Ali Kindergarten Eileen Griep Devin Guttman Ellen Woods First Grade Tatum Berry Jamie Martinez Laura Thomas Second Grade Kerri Bartl Most documents on this site are saved in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF) or in Google Docs. The Aurora Public School Foundations Employee Giving Campaign APS Gives Back is Feb. 17- March 3, 2023! FREE Childhood vaccines for all children. Virginia Court Elementary School Address Change / Cambio de direccin de la escuela Virginia Court Elementary . Aurora School125 Aurora School DriveAurora, WV 26705Phone: 304.735.3781Fax: 304.735.6805. 5 stars . This notice is available in alternative forms. Vacant Building and Land Notice Este Sitio En Espaol. AURORA HIGH SCHOOL BOREALIS 2022-23 YEARBOOK ORDERS. 15701 E. 1st Ave. Young Elementary School Young Elementary Young. . Academic Journal Spotlights East Aurora Staff February 1, 2023 Superintendent Advisory Councils January 31, 2023 EA Reading Challenge January 30, 2023 East Aurora Recognizes IL State Scholars January 9, 2023 Tomcats Deliver at East-West Basketball Games January 9, 2023 Keynote Speaker Shares Learning Framework at District Institute Day We take pride in saying "We are Mustangs!" Upcoming Events Mar 3 Countywide Teacher Institute No School all day Mar 4 Fine Arts Festival 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM West Aurora High School - Sauk Art Gallery (B140) Mar 6 About Aurora Elementary Where students thrive in our progressive, innovative atmosphere. . ENVIRONMENT. First name. Download the latest free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to view PDFfiles. Phone: 780-542-9355 303-755-0323. If the designated individual is not qualified or is unable to act as such, the superintendent shall designate an administrator who shall serve until a successor is appointed. Parent Login Staff Login offers a wide range of services for all identified gifted and talented and high potential students. Aurora Elementary 5085 10th Street Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson, AK 99506 Phone: 907-742-0300 Fax: 907-742-0322 Faculty & Staff Directory Location: All Locations DA DEBORAH ATWELL Instructional Coach SB SAMANTHA BERMAN Kindergarten JB JULIANA BOOTH 1st Grade AB When Centennial Elementary in Greeley was facing state intervention in 2016, Superintendent Deirdre Pilch, who was new at the time, decided to try something different. Staff Directory; Student Handbook; Excellence Banner; District Home; District Portals; Schools; . Kim Greenwood, Manager. Aurora Public Schools offers a wide range of services for all identified . External Applicants Career and technical education opportunities will be offered without regard to these protected classes. Please contact Joshua Hensley at 303-365-7812 or for a copy of the list. Upcoming Events., Technical website issues or comments? 1 review of Sagebrush Elementary "I have grown up in Aurora - in fact I went to Indian Ridge!! Verified experience acquired in a school-age childcare center may count for up to half of the required experience for director qualifications. Phone: 303 326-2115 Ext: 28269Email: LRFAC Website: Staff. FAX: (323) 233-5228 . Elementary School primarily assists grades ECE to Kindergarten, Kindergarten to 1st grade and 5th to 6th grade. Staff Listing To view a teacher's classroom website, click on the teacher's name in the list below. APS is not responsible for the content, facts, opinions or accessibility of third-party sites. The Aurora Public Schools Board of Education meetings are generally held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m.Meetings are open to the public and are fully in-person with live streaming available Side Creek Elementary School located in Aurora, Colorado - CO. Find Side Creek Elementary School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Staff. Principal. Plainfield, IL. Directories - Aurora Public Schools APS Home Schools Contact Us Board of Education District Contact Information Directories Divisions Media Inquiries Report a Safety Concern Superintendent Safety Quick Links Bell Schedules Bus Stop Information District & School Calendars Cafeteria Menus Events Calendar Parent Portal Register for School Parents. Persons with such needs are requested to make contact at least 24 hours prior to the Board of Education meeting, in order to allow staff to coordinate arrangements. VAUGHN ELEMENTARY Search this School 1155 Vaughn St. Aurora, CO 80011 [ map] 303-366-8430 Principal: Jen Dichter View our Fact Sheet View our Info Dashboard Vaughn School Essentials Keep Your School Safe! For more information about APS Board of Education meetings, ADVERTISEMENT 1.8 9 Reviews. Contact Aurora Heights Elementary 310 E 23rd St S Newton, IA 50208 641-792-7324 Announcements All Announcements Inclement Weather Notifications There will be times where it becomes necessary to cancel, delay, or release early on a day of school because of a weather emergency, or road conditions. For more information, visit the AGATE Website . East Aurora School District 131 tiene una nueva misin, visin y un plan estratgico de cinco aos. Benavides STEAM Academy Benavides STEAM Academy Brady Elementary Brady Elementary Cowherd Middle School Cowherd Middle School Dieterich Elementary Dieterich . Aurora Public Schools Join to apply for the Park Lane Elementary: Mental Health Provider, Counselor role at Aurora Public Schools. 0. Our students CAN and WILL change the world! 74 were here. Buses depart from the school 5 minutes after bell. Aurora Elementary is a culturally responsive school, serving our military families and fostering a climate for respect for all students, parents and staff. School Staff Resources; . If you already contribute monthly, consider increasing your contribution by clicking, FREE Vaccine Clinic @ Boston P-8 STEAM Night, The Aurora Public School District holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (. . Password (8+ characters) . Originally from Louisiana, Joe has also taught and served in Arizona, Denver, and Aurora as an AP at Century Elementary. Staff. Aurora, CO 80011 Home. Family Advocacy, Registration & Engagement (FARE), FREE Vaccine Clinic @ Boston P-8 STEAM Night, The Aurora Public School District holds data privacy and security in high regard and takes action to ensure that our students data is handled securely in compliance with the Colorado Student Data Transparency and Security Act (. Virginia Court Elementary School Address Change / Cambio de direccin de la escuela Virginia Court Elementary, Assistant Principal: Tricia Dutton Morato. FREE Childhood vaccines for all children. AHS Summer School 2023 Information. Staff - Aurora Public Schools APS Home Schools Contact Us Board of Education District Contact Information Directories Divisions Media Inquiries Report a Safety Concern Superintendent Safety Quick Links Bell Schedules Bus Stop Information District & School Calendars Cafeteria Menus Events Calendar Parent Portal Register for School 08/12/2019. Aurora School 125 Aurora School Drive Aurora, WV 26705 Phone: 304.735.3781 Fax: 304.735.6805. Job Description Profile Teacher, Cross Categorical Association Date 1951-01-01 - 4712-12-31 Code pos0383 Profile Description Teacher, Cross Categorical Aurora, IL 60504 Email District 204; 204 Tipline; School-Specific Concerns . The Aurora Public Schools is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities . But I do have to say I am loving Sagebrush every more each year. Phone: 303 326-2115 Ext: 28269Email: In adhering to this policy, the Aurora Public Schools abides by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act and Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It is the goal of Aurora Public Schools that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing or cognitive disabilities. Aurora Public Schools offers a wide range of services for all identified gifted and talented and high potential students. 1050 East 52nd Place Los Angeles, California 90011. Aurora, CO 80011 []303-340-3500 Attendance Line: 303-326-1604 Fax: 303-326-1204 Monique Shevlin-Davis Principal Kerrie Schultz Read the full Notice of Nondiscrimination. Aurora elementary School. . or for East Aurora High School teachers and staff to . If you are unable to access any page(s) in our site, please email theAurora Public Schools Division of Technology Service Desk. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. 28988 (TDD 303-326-1585). To view a teacher's classroom website, click on the teacher's name in the list below. Arrowhead Elementary School is the 127th largest public school in Colorado and the 10,158th largest nationally. Staff Directory (opens in new window/tab) Student Handbook; District Home; District Portals; . Only teachers whose names are underlined currently have classroom sites available for viewing. Web Accessibility. Parent / Guardian Proof of Residence. Banner photo by Biblioteca aga - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, View original . Aide, Mr. Knight Food Services Manager, Ms. Lopez Food Services Worker, Ms. Brown Food Services Worker, 1050 East52nd Place Questions, complaints or requests for additional information regarding these laws or issues concerning discrimination (including information about how to file a grievance if you believe you are the victim of discrimination) should be directed to the compliance officer for these issues, Betsy Smith, phone: 303-915-9438, email: Read the full Notice of Nondiscrimination, If you are unable to access any page(s) in our site, please email theAurora Public Schools, Formal grievances regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act maybe filed pursuant to Policy AC and Regulation AC-R found, GED Testing for February 2023 - Spanish.pdf, GED Testing for February 2023 - English.pdf,, Learn about our school and district electronic flyer distribution system, View District Policy AC regarding Nondiscrimination, Read the full Notice of Web Accessibility, latest jobs and job postings in Aurora Public Schools (APS), Enter Building E through the north ramp entrance and follow the red arrows to the testing center. View Full Calendar. Ponderosa Elementary School / Homepage KG Roundup 2023 Kindergarten Roundup 2 of 10 Ponderosa Elementary Events View Calendar March 01 Wednesday 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM District Accountability Committee March 02 Thursday K-8 ~ No School 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Indigenous Parent Action Committee Meeting March 03 Friday K-8 ~ No School March 07 Tuesday layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE It enrolls 555 students in grades 1st through 12th. Faculty / Staff Our Staff Up One Level. P-8 Schools . For information please contact Kathy Buckner. Staff Office and Administration Principal Jason Smith Assistant Principal Kim Jansen Dean Cody Turner Secretary Isela Cortes Clerk Allison Quinn Health Para Upcoming Events. Collaborate with teachers, staff, and families regarding meeting the needs of . Aurora Public Schools is now hiring a Park Lane Elementary: Mental Health Provider, Counselor in Aurora, CO. View job listing details and apply now. Los Angeles, California 90011, 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017, Isolation Protocols (Students who test positive), Protocolos de Aislamiento para Estudiantes y Empleados del Distrito Unificado The construction schedule at East Aurora High School spurs a request that the start of the 2017-18 school year be pushed back two weeks. School Activities. Crawford Elementary 1600 Florence St. Aurora, CO 80010 303-340-3290 Fax: 303-326-1210 Principal: Michael Abdale Please include the location of the webpage/document and your name, email address and telephone number so that we may contact you to provide the information in another format. Long Range Facilities Advisory Committee (LRFAC) Meeting. Phone: (323) 238-1500. Aurora Public Schools offers a wide range of services for all identified gifted and talented and high potential students. Aurora board members Tuesday rejected a recommendation to close two elementary schools as part of the district's ongoing plans to reduce the number of schools it operates in areas with. You may need to Principal . Staff | Aurora Public Schools Aurora Public Schools Staff Select Departments District Office District - Administration Office (402) 694-6923,5 Middle School Office Middle School - Administration Office (402) 694-6923,3 High School Office High School - Administration Office (402) 694-6923,4 Elementary School Office Aurora Public Schools offers a wide range of services for all identified gifted and talented . Aurora East District 131 Welcome! Altura Elementary 1650 Altura Blvd. Beginning with the 2019-20 school year, all newly purchased buses will come equipped with lap-shoulder seat belts. Staff List (Name, Position, Email) Administration. Laredo Elementary Health Sciences School. Principal: Kimberly Pippenger. Formal grievances regarding Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act maybe filed pursuant to Policy AC and Regulation AC-R found here. new google.translate.TranslateElement({ Phone: 630.375.3500 Attendance: 630.375.3500 x3 460 Inverness Drive (map) Aurora, IL 60504, Useful webpages and printouts for students and parents. southwest of Edmonton. Leidal Education Center. Staff Home of the Montview Mustangs! }, 'google_translate_element'); $13,500 City of Aurora, Colorado is now hiring a Early Childhood Senior Teacher and Substitutes in Aurora, CO. . Miller Elementary School. All public comments are limited to 3 minutes. 0. **** COVID-19 Updates: A few things you need to know: 3/2 Boston Family STEAM Night 3:30-7:00pm, FREE COVID-19 and Flu vaccines for all: Adults and children Director, and create change through civic engagement School setting ( 323 238-1500.! 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University Of Portland Archbishop Christie Scholarship,
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