aurora university staff directory

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aurora university staff directory

Andrew Carr Assistant Professor; Chair of Undergraduate Business and Finance; Graduate Business Director Business and Finance 2016 MBA, University of Chicago. Having these kinds of relationships make even the most stressful and challenging times fun! Education Background: I graduated from Aurora University with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology in May 2017. If I had to choose one it would be, "Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts. What advice would you give to a first-year or prospective student? University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2 Maps and directions 1-800-432-1960 (North America) Emergency: 204-474-9341 Emergency Information. Board Member. Getting together with friends on campus to hang out or study. Education Background: Bachelor's in General Studies with Health and Teaching degree, Illinois State University 2019; Master of Arts in School Counseling degree, Lewis University 2021. P.O. Aurora, Illinois Network with anyone and everyone you can while in college because those are the people who help you find opportunities in the future. Phone:630-844-5465Email: Staff Directory | Rowland Unified School District Rocky Bettar Director Email Rocky Bettar. I love the Outdoors! The PDF will include all information unique to this page. 2011-2021. 903.813.2630. Favorite Quote: Everything happens for a reason. Words you would use to describe AU: Beautiful, Inspiring, Home, 347 S. Gladstone Ave. 02) Hilary Rantisi (AU '93) Myron J. Resnick MaryMargaret Sharp-Pucci (GWC '82) Ann Sheets (GWC 77) John D. Simms, Jr. Michelle P. Simms Brian Stading (AU '85) Thomas T. Stuhley Odie Washington (AU 72) Linnea Windel (AU 96) Dr. Rebecca L. Sherrick, James E. Benson David R. Bergman Donald A. Churchill (AU 68, 85) Farrell Frentress (GWC 64, 71) Joanne Hansen Michael K. Keefe Dr. Donald E. Kieso (AU 58, Hon. 2022 Aurora University 347 S. Gladstone Ave, Aurora, IL 60506-4892 Athletics: 630-844-5110 Email: Admissions: 800-742-5281 Terms of Service Privacy Policy Ad Blocker Detected Thanks for visiting! Master of Fine Arts in Poetry, Antioch University, Los Angeles, Links of offices, documents, and other resources useful to GWC faculty and staff. A PDF of the entire Undergraduate catalog. Aurora, Illinois AU Online. 03) John F. McKee Ruth Mendius (AU 67) Dr. Calvin R. Myers (AU '64) Thomas R. Scott (GWC 61, 63) Frank K. Voris, Rebecca L. Sherrick, PhD President Rebecca Flaminio, Senior Executive Assistant to the President/Board Professional, J. Andrew Prall, PhD Vice President for Academic Affairs Mary Tarling, PhD Dean of Academic Administration Sarah McHone-Chase, Director of Phillips Library, Academic Affairs, Educational Areas Brenda Barnwell, DSW Dean, College of Education and Social Work and Education Sarah Radtke, EdD Dean, College of Health and Sciences Pegeen Reichert Powell, PhD Interim Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Business Kara Fenne, Interim Chief Nursing Officers, Margaret Howes, Senior Vice President for Advancement, Therese Tomaszkiewicz, Senior Vice President for Alumni Relations and Career Services, Sharon Maxwell, Senior Vice President for Business and Finance Heather Granart, Associate Vice President of Student Financial Services, Lisa Waters, Assistant Vice President for Community Relations Natasha Ritsma, PhD Director of the Schingoethe Center, Ann Chan, Vice President for Human Resources, Jeffrey King, EdD Chief Operating Officer Hurstel Howard, Assistant Vice President / Chief Information Officer William Davis, Interim Chief and Director of Campus Public Safety, Jennifer Buckley, EdD Senior Vice President for Student Success Amy Gray, PhD Vice President for Student Life Brynn Landwehr-Speh, Dean of Student Success, Donna Liljegren, EdD Dean of Online and Graduate Studies, Kate Herrick, PhD Vice President for Academic and Student Life, GWC Kailley Harmon, Assistant Vice President GWC Yvette Howard, Vice President for Operations, GWC, Catherine Peterson, Dean of Woodstock Center, Faith Agostinone Professor Education 2002 EdD, Oklahoma State University, Alison Arendt Associate Professor; Director of SocialWork Social Work 2014 MSW, Aurora University, Susan Baird Assistant Professor Nursing - GWC 2020 DNP, Chatham University, Bridgitte Barclay Associate Professor; Chair of English English 2011 PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, Jack Barshinger University Professor Education 2014 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Elissa Belcher Assistant Professor Nursing 2018 MSN, University of Phoenix, Marianne Benedek Lecturer Social Work 2020 MSW, Loyola University Chicago, Richard Boniak Associate Professor; Assistant Academic Dean - GWC; Assistant Chair of Biology Environmental and General Science 2010 PhD, Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale, Christina Bruhn Associate Professor; Co-Director of Assessment Social Work 2009 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Gerald Butters Professor History 1999 PhD, University of Kansas, Andrew Carr Assistant Professor; Chair of UndergraduateBusiness and Finance; Graduate Business Director Business and Finance 2016 MBA, University of Chicago, Chih-Chiun Chen Assistant Professor Biology 2016 PhD, University of Illinois atChicago, Christina Cicero Assistant Professor Nursing 2021 MSN, Chamberlain University, Juan Colon Santana Assistant Professor Physics 2016 PhD, University of Nebraska, Margaret Conneely Assistant Professor Accounting 2021 MST, Northern Illinois University, Eugenie Cook Assistant Professor Nursing - GWC 2018 MSN, Olivet Nazarene University, Matthew Dabros Assistant Professor; Chair Public Policy andAdministration; MPA Director Political Science and Public Policy 2016 PhD, Purdue University, Samantha Dahlberg Senior Lecturer Mathematics 2021 PhD, Michigan State University, Jane Davis Professor; Chair of Human Animal Studies Biology 2006 DVM,MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Jennifer Davis Assistant Professor Nursing 2017 MSN, Northern Illinois University, Laura Donavon Visiting Assistant Professor; Coordinatorof Addictions and Forensics Graduate Social Work 2011 MSW, Aurora University, Christopher Donnelly Assistant Professor Biology - GWC 2021 DC, National University of Health Sciences, Patrick Dunn Associate Professor English 2006 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Sue Durkin Assistant Professor Nursing 2019 DNP, Lewis University, Therrin Eber Theatre Technical Director/Senior Lecturer Theatre 2020 MFA, The University of Alabama, Sara Elliott Associate Professor English 2002 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Julie Ellis Assistant Professor Nursing 2018 MSN, Benedictine University, Libby Escobedo Associate Professor Art History 2007 PhD, Bryn Mawr College, Carlos Estrada Assistant Professor Exercise Science 2019 PhD, Oklahoma State University, Kara Fenne Assistant Professor Nursing 2016 MSN, Clarke University, Melinda Finch Assistant Professor Nursing 2019 MSN, Loyola University, New Orleans, Valerie Flynn Professor; Co-Director of Assessment Psychology 1989 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Carolyn Foor Lecturer Business and Communication 2021 MA, Northern Illinois University, Kimberly Fowler Assistant Professor Nursing - GWC 2017 MSN, Olivet Nazarene University, Renae Franiuk Professor Psychology 2005 PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Lisa Fredenburgh Parolini Distinguished Associate Professor of Music; Director of Choral; Chair of Music Music 2010 DMA, University of Arizona, Lani Gardner Assistant Professor Athletic Training 2021 DAT, Indiana State University, Sara Gerend Associate Professor English 2008 PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara, Michele Gill Assistant Professor Business - GWC 2021 MBA, Aurora University, Gregory Goalwin Assistant Professor; Chair of Sociology Sociology 2018 PhD, University ofCalifornia-Santa Barbara, Janice Gont Assistant Professor Business - GWC 2021 MBA, Aurora University, Cornelius F. Gorman III Assistant Professor Social Work 2016 DSW, Aurora University, Elizabeth Grabowski Assistant Professor Marketing 2019 MBA, Northwestern University, Kendra Graham Assistant Professor Undergraduate SocialWork 2015 MSW, Aurora University, Shawn Green Haase Distinguished Professor of Marketing Marketing 1991 PhD, Union Institute, Janice Gries Assistant Dean Nursing - GWC 2013 DNP, University of Illinois at Chicago, Gopal Gupta Associate Professor, Joe Dunham Distinguished Professorship in Ethics Ethics 2021 PhD, University of Oxford, Donovan Gwinner Associate Professor English 2004 PhD, University of Arizona, Stacie Haen-Darden Lecturer Criminal Justice 2021 PhD, University of the Cumberlands, Marissa Happ Associate Professor; Coordinator MSW Health CareSpecializations Social Work 2013 MSW, AuroraUniversity, Ashley Harris Assistant Professor; Clinical Education Coordinator AthleticTraining 2017 PhD, Oklahoma State University, Meredith Harvey Associate Professor English - GWC 2010 PhD, Idaho State University, Denise L. Hatcher Professor; Chair of Foreign Languages Spanish 2002 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Mariem Hathout Lecturer Health Science 2021 MD, Mohammed V University Medical School, Jennifer Hayden Assistant Professor Nursing 2018 MSN, Aurora University, Elbert Hearon Assistant Professor Business Analytics 2018 MS, DePaul University, Steven Henry Lecturer Computer Science 2021 MBA, Northwestern University, Keith Herrmann Visiting Assistant Professor Physical Education 2005 MAT, Aurora University, Lindsey Hill Senior Lecturer Mathematics 2021 PhD, Purdue University, Daniel Hipp Professor English 1999 PhD, Vanderbilt University, Julie Hipp Associate Professor; Director of Faculty Development English 2011 PhD, Vanderbilt University, Denise Hobbs Assistant Professor Education 2015 EdD, Loyola UniversityChicago, Edward Howerton Associate Professor Education 2015 EdD, Aurora University, Willie Jackson Assistant Professor Social Work 2020 PhD, Loyola University Chicago, Charmaine Jake-Matthews Lecturer Psychology 2021 DFT, Amridge University, Meghan Jarpe Assistant Professor Graduate Social Work 2019 MSW, University of Pittsburgh, Ami Johanson Assistant Professor Chemistry 2018 PhD, Northwestern University, Kristen Johnson Assistant Professor; Chair of Therapeutic Recreation and Autism Studies Therapeutic Recreation 2017 MS, Aurora University, Sara Johnson Associate Professor; Assistant Chair of Psychology Psychology - GWC 2013 PhD, Northern Illinois University, James Kao Assistant Professor Art 2013 MFA, School of the Art Institute ofChicago, Renae Kaspar Assistant Professor Nursing - GWC 2021 DNP, Capella University, Ruby Kaur Assistant Professor Health Science 2021 EdD Aurora University, Kelly Kellen Assistant Professor Marketing 2021 MBA, Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, Kenneth King Associate Professor; Chair of Elementary Education Education 2019 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Matthew Kneller Associate Professor; Director of GeneralEducation; Chair of General Education Communication 2003 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Jennifer L. Kohnke Associate Professor Education 2008 EdD, Roosevelt University, Brandon Kooi Professor Criminal Justice 2006 PhD, Michigan StateUniversity, Michelle Korir Assistant Professor Biology 2020 PhD, Michigan StateUniversity, Thomas Kunstbeck Assistant Professor Nursing 2019 MSN, Western Governors University, David Lash Assistant Professor Computer Science 2017 PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology, Martin Lave Assistant Professor Parks and Recreation 2021 MBA, Aurora University, Caleb Lewis Assistant Professor Economics 2018 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Ariana Carlson Maggio Assistant Professor; Chair of Undergraduate Social Work Social Work 2020 MSW, Aurora University, Georgine Maisch Assistant Professor; Simulation Lab Coordinator Nursing 2015 MSN, Kaplan University, William Martin Assistant Professor Biology 2016 PhD, University ofWisconsin-Madison, John McCormack Assistant Professor Religion 2016 PhD, University of Notre Dame, Kyle McElhoney Associate Professor Chemistry 2014 PhD, Tufts University, Felix Medina-Gonzalez Senior Lecturer ESL/Bilingual 2021 EdD, Aurora University, Shaun Neitzel Assistant Professor Sport Management 2020 EdD, Creighton University, Tiffany Nelson Assistant Professor Social Work 2021 DSW, Aurora University, Margaret Obermann Assistant Professor Nursing GWC 2019 MSN, Northern Illinois University, Joseph Oleck Lecturer Social Work 2021 MSW, Dominican University, Marguerite Page Lecturer Communication 2021 PhD, Southern Illinois University, Meredith Paskert Assistant Professor Exercise Science 2021 PhD, Kent State University, Cristian Pastorello Associate Professor Music/Theory and Keyboard 2011 DMA, The University of Connecticut, Chetna Patel Professor; Smith Distinguished Chair of Biology and Physical Science Chemistry 1996 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Melissa Pertl Assistant Professor Nursing 2015 MSN, Lewis University, Mark Petersen Assistant Professor; Adm/Director of Dunham Scholars Public Policy and Administration 2017 PhD, Purdue University, James Petkus Assistant Professor Computer Science andMathematics 2016 MS, Northern Illinois University, Donald W. Phelps Professor Social Work 2001 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Austin Pickup Assistant Professor Education 2014 PhD, The Universityof Alabama, Mark Plummer Associate Professor Music 2009 DA, University of NorthernColorado, Regina Rahn Associate Professor; Chair of Mathematics Mathematics 2011 PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alma Rodriguez Estrada Associate Professor Biology 2013 PhD, Pennsylvania State University, David Rudek Professor; Chair of Psychology Psychology 2007 PhD, Loyola UniversityChicago, Stacy Searle-Gulli Associate Professor; Chair of Theatre Theatre 2014 MFA, The University of Alabama, Wendy Seerup Assistant Professor UndergraduateSocial Work - GWC 2017 MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Eva Serrano Associate Professor; Emeritus Dean of Latino/a Initiatives Foreign Languages 2019 EdD, 2009, Northern Illinois University, Jay Shahed Senior Lecturer Health Science 2021 MBA, Robert Morris College, Terry Shapiro Associate Professor Psychology 2009 PhD, University of Iowa, Sharon Sillitti Assistant Professor Nursing 2017 MSN, Aurora University, Valerie Simpson Assistant Professor Nursing - GWC 2021 MS, Northern Illinois University, Mark Soderstrom Associate Professor; Chair of History History 2011 PhD,Ohio State University, Aubrey B. Southall Assistant Professor; Chair of SecondaryEducation and ESL/Bilingual Education 2016 PhD, Georgia State University, Caroline St. Clair Professor Computer and Data Science 2021 PhD, DePaul University, Deborah Stevens-Marchigiani Professor; Chair of Initial Licensure Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, and Special Education ESL/Bilingual Education 2001 PhD, Loyola University Chicago, Tracey Stilley Assistant Professor Nursing 2021 MSN, St. Xavier University, David B. Taylor Visiting Assistant Professor Education-Principal Endorsement 2016 MEL, Aurora University, Jerald Thomas Professor Education 2003 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Laura Vargas Assistant Professor; Coordinator of Child Welfare Specialization Social Work 2019 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Giulia Visconti Lecturer Social Work 2021 MSW, Aurora University, Mark Walter Associate Professor Philosophy 2006 PhD, DePaul University, Kelsey Walters Lecturer Mathematics 2021 BS, Wheaton College, Steven Webber Lecturer Business 2021 MS, Indiana Wesleyan University, Christopher Wells Associate Professor; Chair of Sport Management and Parksand Recreation Leadership Parks and Recreation 2008 MS, AuroraUniversity, Lynn White Kieso Distinguished Professor of Accounting Accounting 2018 PhD, University of Illinois, Chicago, Stephanie Whitus Professor Criminal Justice 2007 PhD, Sam Houston StateUniversity, Pamela Wicks Associate Professor Communication 2011 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Lisa Woods Assistant Professor Education 2021 EdD, Aurora University, Sebastian Wyman Associate Professor Mathematics 2013 PhD, University ofFlorida, Stephanie Yelton Assistant Professor Nursing 2018 MSN, Benedictine University, David Young Assistant Professor Criminal Justice 2021 MA, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Haley Zimmerman Assistant Professor, Clinical Education Coordinator of Athletic Training Athletic Training 2021 MS, Northern Illinois University, Scott Zinzer Assistant Professor Mathematics 2017 PhD, Arizona State University, Sandra Alcorn Dean Emeritus - GWC; Dean of the School of Social Work and Professor of Social Work, 1986-2003 GWC 2003 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Joan K. Arteberry Professor Emeritus of Nursing and Communication;Professor of Nursing and Communication,1979-2002 Nursing and Communication 2002 PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Rayonia A. Babel Associate Professor Emeritus, Phillips Library; Reference Librarian, Phillips Library, (Associate Professor), 1971-2000 University Library 2001 MA, Northern Illinois University, Ronald Banaszak Professor Emeritus ofEducation; Professor of Education, 2000-2013 Education 2013 PhD, Indiana University, Ronald G. Benson Dean Emeritus, John and Judy Dunham School of Business and Professional Studies; Dean, John and Judy Dunham School of Business and Professional Studies, Professor of Management, 1999-2001 John and Judy Dunham School of Business and Professional Studies 2001 PhD, University of Iowa, Roald O. Berg Associate Professor Emeritus;Associate Professor of Mathematics and Education, 1967-1999; Mathematics 1999 MEd, Universityof Florida, Henry Boer Professor Emeritus of Education;Professor of Education, 2001-2016; Education 2016 PhD, Southern Illinois University, Sara E. Bonkowski Professor Emeritus ofSocial Work;Professor of Social Work, 1986-2001 Social Work 2001 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Deborah Brotcke Professor Emeritus ofEducation;Professor of Education, 1992-2016 Education 2016 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Raymond S. Christiansen Associate Professor Emeritus, University Library;Head of Media Services, Phillips Library; AssociateProfessor, 1977-2003 University Library 2003 MSEd, Northern Illinois University, Laurel Church Professor Emeritus of Communication;Poetry Artist in Residence, Professor of Communication, 1985-2003 Communication 2001 PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Carol D. Crane Professor Emeritus of Biology; Associate Professor of Biology, 1968-1971, 1978-2006 Biology 2006 MA, University of NorthCarolina, Robert A. Dillon ProfessorEmeritus of Mathematics; Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1977-2006 Mathematics 2006 MA, Ball State University, Willam B. Duncan Senior Vice President Emeritus - GWC; Vice President and Chief Academic Officer GWC; Assistant Professor of Recreation Administration, 1970-2011 GWC 2011 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Carol R. Dunn Vice President for Enrollment Emeritus; Vice President for Enrollment, 2000-2009; Director of Adult andContinuing Education, 1982-1985 Enrollment 2009 EdD, Northern IllinoisUniversity, Marvin Edwards Professor Emeritus ofEducation; Professor of Education, 2002-2017 Education 2017 EdD, Northern IllinoisUniversity, Joan Fee Professor Emeritus ofEducation; Professor of Education; Chair EdD Program, 2003-2016 Education 2016 PhD, University of Chicago, David Frost Professor Emeritus ofBusiness; Associate Professor of Business, 2006-2016 Business 2016 MBA, Harvard University, Donald A. Fuller Professor Emeritus of English; Professor of English, 1963-1999 English 1999 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Mary Glenn Associate ProfessorEmeritus, School of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing, 1984-2004 Nursing 2004 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, John Gudenas Professor Emeritus ofComputer Science; Professor of Computer Science, 1991-2010 Computer Science 2010 PhD, Illinois Institute of Technology, Crystal R. Janaskie Professor Emerita ofEconomics and Business; Assistant Dean, Director of Academic Advisement andAssociate Professor of Economics and Business, 1959-1977 Economics and Business 1977 MBA, University ofChicago, Gary D. Jewel Dean Emeritus, College of Education; Director, Graduate Programs, 1994-1996; Dean, College ofEducation 1996-2003; Executive Director, Institute for Collaboration, 2003-2005; Part-Time Instructor, 2005-2012 Education 2012 MS, Illinois State University, Christina Krause AssociateProfessor Emeritus of Psychology; Associate Professor of Psychology, 1996-2016 Psychology 2016 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Steven R. Lay Professor Emeritus ofMathematics; Professor of Mathematics, 1971-1990 Mathematics 1990 PhD, University of California-Los Angeles, J. Kenneth Leask Professor Emeritus ofPsychology; Professor of Psychology, 1966-2001 Psychology 2001 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Maryanne Locklin Associate Professor and Director Emeritus, School of Nursing; Director, School of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing,1995-2006 Nursing 2006 DNS, Rush University, Barbara Lockwood AssociateProfessor Emeritus of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing, 2003-2016 Nursing 2016 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Stephen P. Lowery Professor Emeritus of Art; Professor of Art, 1986-2013 Art 2013 MFA, Tulane University, John J. Melles Professor Emeritus of Physics; Professor of Physics and Engineering Science, 1974-2006 Physics 2006 PhD, University of Missouri, Mary A. Harper Miller Dean Emeritus, School of Nursing; Dean, School of Nursing; Professor of Nursing,1996-2001 Nursing 2001 PhD, University of Colorado, John Morrison Professor Emeritus of SocialWork; Professor of Social Work, 1987-2008 Social Work 2008 DSW, Hunter College, City University of New York, Carolyn Mull Professor Emeritus of Nursing; Professor of Nursing, 1987-2003 Nursing 2003 PhD, University of Illinois at Chicago, Kay Nelson Associate Professor Emeritus of English; Associate Professor of English and Communication, 1991-2003 English 2003 PhD, University of Chicago, Linda Olbinski Dean Emeritus - GWC; Dean, School of Professional Studies - GWC, 2002-2010; Director of Continuing Education, 2010-2012 GWC 2012 PhD, Marquette University, Kenneth A. Olenik ProfessorEmeritus of Sociology; Associate Professor of Sociology, 1966-1996 Sociology 1996 MDiv, TrinityEvangelical Divinity School, Susan L. Palmer Professor Emeritus of History; Professor of History; Curator of Jenks Collection, 1973-2010 History 2010 PhD, Northern Illinois University, Charlotte G. Peichl AssociateProfessor Emeritus of Music; Associate Professor of Music, 1974-1994 Music 1994 MM, Northwestern University, Marianne Piet AssociateProfessor Emeritus of Social Work; Associate Professor of Social Work, 1996-2006 Social Work 2007 DSW, Loyola University Chicago, Ronald Ramer Associate Professor Emeritus; Associate Professor of Philosophy/Interdisciplinary Studies,1991-2010 Philosophy/Interdiscipinary Studies 2010 PhD, Syracuse University, Susan Ross Professor Emeritus of SocialWork; Professor of Social Work, 1995-2010 Social Work 2010 EdD, Northern Illinois University, Michael Sawdey Professor Emeritus of FineArts; Professor of Fine Arts, 1985-2011 Fine Arts 2011 PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Sonja Scarseth Associate Professor Emeritus, University Library; Catalog Librarian, Phillips Library, (Associate Professor),1964-1998 University Library 1998 MLS, University of Michigan, Harold Schrage Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BSW Program Director, 1987-1991; Field Coordinator of FieldPlacement, 1991-1992 Social Work 1994 PhD, University ofMinnesota, Deanna Sommers Associate ProfessorEmeritus of Nursing; Associate Professor of Nursing, 2006-2016 Nursing 2016 MSN, Wayne State University, Hanni U. Taylor Professor Emeritus of English; Professor of English, 1978-2006 English 2006 PhD, Northern Illinois University, John G. Vanko Associate ProfessorEmeritus of Education; Associate Professor of Education, 1996-2008 Education 2008 EdD, Loyola University Chicago, Richard F. Westphal Professor Emeritus ofEnglish; Professor of English, 1971-2010 English 2010 DA, Illinois State University, Rita Yerkes Dean Emeritus, School of Experiential Leadership; Dean, School of Experiential Leadership; Professor of Leisure Studies,1987-2008 Experiential Leadership 2008 EdD, Northern IllinoisUniversity, Craig A. Zimmerman Professor Emeritus ofBiology; Professor of Biology, 1975-2000 Biology 2000 PhD, University of Michigan, 347 S. Gladstone Ave. University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada, R3T 2N2 Maps and directions (! Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I 'd have the facts first-year or prospective student directions 1-800-432-1960 North... 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