As of July 1, 2022, tokens will no longer be accepted as payment. The backups there are more . A current toll system contract covering the IBA and Blue Water Bridge expires in August 2022. It's a game of skill and luck, as players must sequence cards in numerical order. * The Axle per Truck rate applies to all vehicles at or above 2.45 m (8), All fees listed are in addition to the basic toll rates Public participation is integral to efficient, effective and responsive transportation decisions. The TRAC Internship is an extension of the TRAC Program and is designed to provide opportunities for 12th grade students interested in transportation and engineering careers. Only commercial cards, debit or credit cards, and the new Edge Commuter Pass are accepted. Current border wait times This table displays wait times for reaching the CBSA primary inspection booth when crossing the land border from the U.S. to Canada. Resources for truckers regarding necessary rules, guidelines, restrictions, and permits, needed to safely transport goods throughout Michigan. Left on 10th Street. 1410 Elmwood (entrance on 10th Ave.) to 113,400 kg (250,000 lbs. Providing the highest quality integrated transportation services for economic benefit and improved quality of life. Register Have an existing account, but haven't registered for online access? Canadian tolls cannot be paid for in cash but you may use credit cards. 6. Blue Water Bridge History International Travel Information A number of tokens still remain in circulation and the FBCL has announced a token redemption program that will transition any remaining tokens to the equivalent number of crossings via their ConneXion pre-payment frequent traveler program. Before heading to the border, be sure to review our pages on preparing for customs and prohibited items. We have complete information on this border crossing on ourBlue Water Bridge border crossingpage. As a user, if you see something we have missed, please do bring it to our attention. We have a separate page showing. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for Michigans nearly 10,000-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, I, and US-routes. On a busy day, one could expect traffic to be in excess of 20,000 vehicles of which at least 6,000 of those crossings are trucks. The changes are part of an ongoing $9.3 million project to. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. blue water bridge michigan, blue water bridge border crossing, blue water bridge address, blue water bridge wait times, blue water bridge edge pass, blue water bridge traffic, blue water bridge camera, blue water bridge toll At least 24 hours prior to arrival at the bridge, call 519-336-2720 ext. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. Resources for general work zone mobility guidelines for engineering and technical staff. The Federal Bridge Corporation, which operates the Canadian half of the crossing between Point Edward and Port Huron, Mich . Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The bridge is a type of beam bridge. From Surfside Beach, head northeast on Bluewater Highway/ CR 257 approximately 12.5 miles and look for the trail on your right. Public participation is integral to efficient, effective and responsive transportation decisions. Six months after the Blue Water U.S. Customs Plaza was announced to . The Office of Communications works with the media to inform the public of MDOT's mission, policies and practices in a positive, consistent and credible manner. Don't have a ConneXion Account? The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited - Login English Franais Welcome to FBCL ConneXion Log in to manage your account Username It is case-sensitive and should not contain blank space. At MDOT, we want to ensure your voice is not only heard, but makes a difference in moving Michigan forward. Reaching more than 1.1 miles across the blue waters of the St. Claire River, the Blue Water Bridge provides a link between the cities of Sarnia in Ontario and Port Huron in Michigan. Customers who already have a ConneXion tag from the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited (FBCL) should not request an Edge Pass RFID transponder tag, but rather log onto their Edge Pass account and enter their ConneXion tag number to link the RFID transponder tag to their Edge Pass account. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is responsible for Michigans nearly 10,000-mile state highway system, comprised of all M, I, and US-routes. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window). Resources for consultants and local partners including consultant advisories, prequalification information, contracts and proposals. The Bureau of Bridges and Structures is responsible for statewide policy, procedure development, and execution to ensure all bridges and structures are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated to ensure safety. This information helps the department identify congested areas, when congestion occurs and how often, cause of delay, and more. * The Axle per Truck rate applies to all vehicles at or above 2.45 m (8), All fees listed are in addition to the basic toll rates The MiDrive traffic map shows backups starting at Wadhams Road on I-94 . Unique twin international bridge. The office is responsible for media relations, social media, and website development. Whether you are from out of state or right here in Michigan, we want to ensure your travel throughout Michigan is informative, comfortable, and fun. Resources for local governmental agencies that regularly require access to state right of way. It is 918 meters in length and 34 meters in width. Beginning April 1, commercial customers must use a new International Bridge IQ tag or a Blue Water Bridge Edge Pass or ConneXion tag. It is the backbone of Michigans 120,000-mile highway, road and street network. It crosses from Sarnia/Point Edward, Ontario Canada to Port Huron/Fort Gratiot, Michigan USA. Every year, MDOT produces an updated version of the state transportation map. November 18, 2021 Fast facts: - BWB commuter pass program (Edge Pass Program) offers a discounted rate to eastbound BWB travelers. Whether you are from out of state or right here in Michigan, we want to ensure your travel throughout Michigan is informative, comfortable, and fun. There are many common myths and misconceptions about transportation in Michigan. The game may have made its way into our hearts through the classic game of solitaire on computers, but no matter how it got there, we'll always love Klondike Solitaire. As BWB staff continue to streamline the tolling process for commuters, the new RFID tags will replace any physical magnetic stripe or proximity cards by Dec. 31, 2022. For toll rates when crossing from Canada to the United States, visit the Federal Bridge Corporation website or call 519-336-2720. Canadian tolls cannot be paid for in cash but you may use credit cards. For information on vehicle restrictions, call (519)337-8721. Questions regarding the Edge commuter pass can be directed TRAC engages high school and middle school students in solving real-world problems, such as designing bridges or analyzing the environmental effects of building a highway. The Blue Water Bridge has an average of 14,000 vehicle crossings per day. The Michigan Department of Transportation advises that travelers always check with either U.S. Customs and Border Patrol or Canada Border Services to get the latest travel rules. The Veteran Internship Program assists honorably discharged veterans of the United States Armed Forces as they transition into the civilian workforce. Engineering Week videos and lesson plans are all-inclusive resources to show early elementary to high school students the career of civil engineering at MDOT. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the FAQ page. The Blue Water Bridge spans the St. Clair River, and carries international traffic between Port Huron, Michigan, and Point Edward and Sarnia, Ontario. from. Each MDOT region has several Transportation Service Centers (TSCs) that are designed to respond to the transportation needs of local communities. The Office of Governmental Affairs represents MDOT's interests as new or amendatory legislation is developed or moving through the legislative process. For questions regarding travel restrictions into the U.S., contactU.S. Customs and Border Protectionor call 810-989-8800. Office Hours are Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The office is responsible for media relations, social media, and website development. ), Long loads exceeding 30.8 metres (101 feet), Storage fee in compound based on a calendar day, Escort fee for any of the wide loads & explosives. There are many tokens still in circulation. The Bureau of Bridges and Structures is responsible for statewide policy, procedure development, and execution to ensure all bridges and structures are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated to ensure safety. The TSCs are designed to respond to the transportation needs of local communities for the highest level customer service. At MDOT, safety is paramount. Additional information about the elimination of the Federal Bridge Corporation Limited (FBCL) token program was announced in November2021. As one of the busiest Ontario international crossings, we take pride in our ensuring our bridge is safe, secure, and operates efficiently. MDOT provides technologies and partnerships in order to make the transportation system safer and less congested. Edge Pass users will have access to a dedicated toll lane and will be able to monitor their accounts online 24 hours a day. The preferred way to pay for your toll into Canada is through the bridges prepaid toll program ConneXion which provides a discount over normal rates. The original span is a cantilever truss bridge with a total length of 6,178 ft (1,883 m) and a main span of 871 ft (265 m). Transportation Reality Check takes on some of these myths, and explains why MDOT does things the way they do. Cash is getting phased out at the border crossing. American Express is not accepted at this time. Following toll software upgrades in August, Edge Pass now offers a discounted rate and ease of use for account holders. Crossing the Blue Water Bridge has been restricted since the start of the pandemic. The Federal Bridge Corporation announced the change in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. 1995-2023 2023, The Federal Bridge Corporation Limited, FBCL owns, manages and operates international bridges and associated structures in, Travel, Hospitality, Conferences, and Events Expenses. Engineering Week videos and lesson plans are all-inclusive resources to show early elementary to high school students the career of civil engineering at MDOT. Phone: 519-332-4680 or800-395-7672. Resources for local governments regarding grant & economic development opportunities, project coordination, and state and federal requirements. Get Web Access Duty free is accessed off of Pine Grove Avenue (M-25) and not from the Blue Water Bridge. The FBCL announced they will cease acceptance of any remaining tokens by July 1, 2022. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. 0:00 0:12 The Michigan Department of Transportation Blue Water Bridge is urging bridge users to be prepared for a freeze period on new deposits to their accounts starting Thursday while the. Forgot your password? For Canadian customs, Immigration, Duties, Importing/Exporting and other CBSA related questions, please use the following contact information:Email: [emailprotected]Local: 519 336 0980Toll Free: 1 888-242-2100, Tolls for Bridges Along the US Canada Border, Wide loads range from 3.84m (12 6") to a maximum of 5.28m (174) in width, Overweight loads are from 68,000 kg (150,000 lbs.) About About EIN Presswire How We Are Different. As travel restrictions are continually updated for entry into the United States and Canada, it is important for all commuters to understand travel requirements for each border crossings. - Edge pass holders should log into their account at and request an RFID tag before Dec. 31. More than 3,000 commercial vehicles and 2,000 passenger vehicles pass through this border crossing every day. Because of the situation on the Ambassador Bridge, some truck drivers went north to the Blue Water Bridge in Port Huron. It will soon be too late to redeem old Blue Water Bridge toll tokens. You can call 1-800-381-8477 for Michigan weather and road conditions updates. MDOT provides funding for competitive grant and loan programs primarily, but not exclusively, for state and local road agencies for the greatest impact on economic development and job creation. Customers can apply by visiting There are also two privately-owned and operated border crossings: Ambassador Bridge and Detroit-Windsor Tunnel. If token holders do not currently have a ConneXion account, it will be created for the user. All Right Reserved. At MDOT, safety is paramount. At least 24 hours prior to arrival at the bridge, call 519-336-2720 ext. Providing the highest quality integrated transportation services for economic benefit and improved quality of life. Always check our page withreal time road conditions, traffic, and border wait timesto see current conditions for the Blue Water Bridge border crossing. Resources regarding MDOT's contracting processes, including contractor prequalification, bid letting, contract awards, and contractor payments. Traffic jams on eastbound I-94 and I-69 near the Blue Water Bridge have dissipated Thursday morning after several days of severe traffic jams due to Canadian truck driver protesting over COVID . The Office of Governmental Affairs represents MDOT's interests as new or amendatory legislation is developed or moving through the legislative process. The Bureau of Transportation Planning develops and implements a comprehensive transportation planning process which results in investments that are consistent with the policies of the State Transportation Commission. Did you know that millions of people visit the Great Lakes State every year? Providing the highest quality integrated transportation services for economic benefit and improved quality of life. Tokens will no longer be accepted as of July 1st, 2022. France ( French: [fs] ), officially the French Republic (French: Rpublique franaise [epyblik frsz] ), [14] is a country located primarily in Western Europe. The toll is based on United States currency, as such, Canadian credit cards may be subject to a foreign transaction fee and/or other fees determined by the credit card company. Parking lot is immediately North of the Blue Water Bridge on the left. The office also works directly with legislators' offices regarding state and local transportation constituent concerns. The Blue Water Bridges are jointly owned and maintained by Canada and the United States: Federal Bridge Corporation, a . The Bureau of Transportation Planning develops and implements a comprehensive transportation planning process which results in investments that are consistent with the policies of the State Transportation Commission. Token holders may redeem their tokens at: BWB Corporate Centre 4thfloor Tolls are automatically deducted from your account as soon as you pass through the toll lane. Resources for local governments regarding grant & economic development opportunities, project coordination, and state and federal requirements. Register Have an existing account, but haven't registered for online access? Better How It Works Testimonials Contact EIN Presswire in the News . While every lane at Blue Water Bridge accepts ConneXion, when traffic loads permit, specific lanes may be dedicated for ConneXion commuters or trucks. MDOT has ongoing government-to-government communication with 12 federally recognized sovereign tribal governments whose lands are situated within Michigan. MDOT's seven region offices each handle transportation-related construction, maintenance and programs within the region's geographic boundaries. The decision to eliminate cash will remain permanent, and all commuters are encouraged to apply for theEdge Commuter Pass, which will allow ease of toll payment via an automated lane and offer the greatest discount for all users. An escort is required for any load of or exceeding 30.8 metres (101 feet) in length. As part of a major transportation corridor, this is one of the busiest border crossings between the U.S. and Canada and has traditionally been one of the most congested. to 113,400 kg (250,000 lbs. Based on the current average daily exchange rate, the roll rates below will be in effect through Sept. 30, 2022. The Internship Program offers undergraduate and graduate students interested in civil engineering and construction management careers, valuable experience by working with professional field staff. Resources for the development of quality transportation project documents and services. ), Overweight over 113,400 kg (250,001 lbs. Resources for specialized engineering and technical support for construction staff across Michigan. The Blue Water Bridge border crossing charges tolls going from both the U.S. to Canada and Canada to the U.S. Contact your credit card company if you have any questions regarding foreign transactions. The TRAC Internship is an extension of the TRAC Program and is designed to provide opportunities for 12th grade students interested in transportation and engineering careers. Vehicles over 5.28 metres (17 feet 4 inches) in width are not permitted The HBCU TDRP is a unique partnership between MDOT and Michigan colleges and universities to offer on-the-job training to undergraduate students pursuing degrees in engineering or transportation-related careers. Transportation Reality Check takes on some of these myths, and explains why MDOT does things the way they do. Blue Water Bridge - Signup Register Initial Deposit: USD $20.00 Account Address Tags Payments Complete Account Information * items by definition are required. As a reminder, any BWB commuters still possessing tokens issued by FBCL must turn those tokens in by the end of the calendar year to be reimbursed. Blue Water Bridge Our goal is to keep Michigan's motorists safe, informed, and mobile. At the Blue Water Bridge in Point Edward, prepaid toll accounts are configured electronically to help you pay your toll quickly and efficiently. The token exchange will credit ConneXion accounts for westbound travel on the Blue Water Bridge. Did you know that millions of people visit the Great Lakes State every year? PORT HURON, Mich. - Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) Blue Water Bridge (BWB) staff is encouraging all Edge Pass commuter account holders to request a 6C radio frequency identification (RFID) tag for each vehicle used via their account. The Bureau of Bridges and Structures is responsible for statewide policy, procedure development, and execution to ensure all bridges and structures are designed, constructed, maintained, and operated to ensure safety. 1 to register a crossing. C$143.24. - BWB commuter pass program (Edge Pass Program) offers a discounted rate to eastbound BWB travelers. Update: Annual spring weight restrictions lifting in all of Lower Peninsula Monday, Pavement repair requires closing a portion of northbound I-275 this weekend in Wayne County. Forgot Password Please enter your Edge Pass account username and email address and click send. Providing the highest quality integrated transportation services for economic benefit and improved quality of life. INFORMATION: Guide Clearances are defined as the navigational clearances established by the Coast Guard for a particular navigable water of the United States which will ordinarily receive favorable consideration under the bridge permitting process (33 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter J - Bridges) as providing for the reasonable needs of navigation. ), Long loads exceeding 30.8 metres (101 feet), Storage fee in compound based on a calendar day, Escort fee for any of the wide loads & explosives, Current U.S. & Canadian Covid-19 travel restrictions explained. Aquariums. MDOT's Highway Programs focus on the development and management of the department's roadsides, environmental efforts and policies, and federal-aid highway information. Engineering Week videos and lesson plans are all-inclusive resources to show early elementary to high school students the career of civil engineering at MDOT. ), Overweight over 113,400 kg (250,001 lbs. This information helps the department identify congested areas, when congestion occurs and how often, cause of delay, and more. MDOT's commissions, councils, task forces, and partnerships are responsible for establishing policies, supervising programs, overseeing state and federal funds, providing recommendations and advisement, and acting as a resource. MDOT has seven region offices and several geographically located Transportation Service Centers (TSCs) in each region that handle transportation-related construction and maintenance programs. MDOT provides funding for competitive grant and loan programs primarily, but not exclusively, for state and local road agencies for the greatest impact on economic development and job creation. At 918 meters, it's the longest navigable aqueduct in the world. In Michigan, there are three publicly-owned and operated bridges: Mackinac Bridge, Blue Water Bridge, and International Bridge. December 02, 2022 The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) and Federal Bridge Corporation Limited (FBCL) recently upgraded tolling software for commuter account holders. Approximately 12.5 miles and look for the trail on your right require access to state right way... North of the pandemic Gratiot, Michigan USA click send there are also privately-owned! Misconceptions about transportation in Michigan at the Blue Water Bridge when crossing from Canada to the needs! Call ( 519 ) 337-8721 use for account holders assists honorably discharged veterans of the Covid-19 pandemic day! For local Governmental agencies that regularly require access to a dedicated toll lane and be! 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