Almost as common as cry baby bridges throughout the South, are "Gravity Hills;" roads or hills where a car put in neutral will seemingly be pushed up an incline. On January 13, 2022, SCDOT will hold a public information meeting regarding the S-47 (Baskins Hill Road) Bridge Replacement Project in Lancaster County.The meeting will be held from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Rich Hill Fire Department located at 3069 Rocky River Road, Heath Springs, SC..The meeting will have a drop-in type format with displays for viewing and citizens will have the . We have never had so much fear put in us. We drove across the bridge and came back. alterations. I would like to visit this is there any way I could get directions? Weve spent the night out there, at each one of these places, camping out, drinking, getting stoned and so forth. In the 1800s, the story held, unwanted black babies were drowned by being thrown off this bridge. The REAL Crybaby Creek Bridge GPS Coordinates: N 34 39.171 W 080 31.183 I know you have heard this one. All I do know is my account was a little different. from May to October, as the steeper portion of the road is seasonally closed to prevent accidents. Where is the creepiest town in South Carolina? Both were killed and still haunt the spot. Could you tell me if they were your points or not? This story has been around for as long as I can remember. I know a lot about this area. Cry Baby Bridge Anderson South Carolina 591 miles from Edgefield County SC. Out of nowhere we heard a child start to cry, and when you looked back at the man he was walking toward us. A few minutes later another scream, stopping after about a minute, followed by an even louder bloodcurdling along with what sounded like footsteps coming up from both sides of the bridge.. WE TOOK OFF. Centerville, SC (8.2 mi.) There are stringer approach spans present at this bridge also. scariest bridge in pennsylvania scariest bridge in pennsylvania (No Ratings Yet) . Hey my names Jeremy lowery. That is not how I heard it. The historic bridge was built in 1820 and while its surrounded by enchanting emeralds during the day, once night falls, the energy shifts to a much more spooky vibe. The snakes are really, really bad. The next time I went back which was 2008, I didnt even make it to the bridge before I was knocked out completely with no memory by cold air. First OFFICIAL video of the Urban Legend and Exploration Series with Jinno "The Jinnster" at Cry Baby Bridge in PA!SOCIAL MEDIAInstagram: @iamdrewrezTwitter:. While we Upstate South Carolina is known to be one of the countrys regions with the most paranormal activity, and the town of Anderson may be the most haunted of them all. (LogOut/ harder!!!!! represent the views of anyone else, including any outside photographers whose I have no beef with Shadowlandsit was, along with Obiwans UFO-free pagessimply one of the few ghost and paranormal sites back then, and its open hauntings board classified according to geographical region, was (if I recall correctly) almost a one-of-a-kind feature. Just looking for a really good story.. I am absolutely terrified of crybaby creek. The local legend (which is repeated in nearly every county in South Carolina) tells of a woman and her infant who died in a car crash off the bridge. No profanity. I grew up in Lancaster, SC and even visited this bridge. This is a correct and accurate description of the story by LisaToo, as we locals know it. Home to about 100 people, this tiny town in the Palmetto State has seen its fair share of paranormal activity, despite being a favorite vacation spot for many. I never went back at night after that. . Opinions and commentary are the opinions of the There are so many places that are local lore and legend, like the bridge, and the Gregory Graveyard, that have become targets of vandals and it really is sad that someone could have so little respect for these things, as well as themselves, since they have the audacity to do that,.. Not being judgmental,.. just sayin, It is completely legal, as long as you arent vandalizing or littering you will not get in trouble. I spent nights camping out there. The last thing i remember was seeing the taillights of the car below in the water and a wispy face of the woman directly in front of me. She left. Just email me I would love to talk about the two Bridges. Jesse. The driver tried to start the car and could not. Iva, SC (10.3 mi.) You should be aware that The person calling himself Dr. Jesse Glass inserted that material on the Wikipedia site to promote a personal belief he has and an apparent extreme dislike of the Shadowlands webiste. It is said Sarah Jane can be heard crying from the water when one stands on the bridge on hot summer nights. Built in 1919 in Virginia, the continuous two-span camelback through truss bridge initially stood near Charleston before moving to Anderson County in 1952. Crybaby Bridge over High Shoals on the Rocky River in Anderson County seems to be the most well-known such bridge in South Carolina. I think thats simply morally reprehensible to attempt to foist that kind of canard onto a community like Westminster which has had, believe you me, its share of racial misunderstandings and tragedies. Bridge Browser: View listed bridges within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of this bridge. Get more stories delivered right to your email. first you can park at the following coordinates:N 34 39.351W080 30.955After that its just a short hike into the woods on an old disused road.CAUTION!This is a great spot for snakes and we do have rattlesnakes around these parts so be warned.Also this is an old bridge so venture carefully!. He knocks on windows and doors warning people to leave the area. So I started to check stuff like this out. I will say this I among two others of the 10 people we were with were very nervous and quite acute of the air and fog that descended upon us slowly. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen das brandneue Lego 41027 einfhren zu drfen! WhatsApp. 80003438 [1] Added to NRHP. But 100 years ago, the deserted stretch was one of the county's busiest and most vibrant thoroughfares. To this day I will not drive over the bridge. The first time we went there were 5 of us, 4 adults and my teenage son, about 10 oclock at night. It is in a very remote area. Is this Kelly Thompson?!?!? He is a twenty-one year-old White male; his father owns an appliance store and his mother helps out . The Wikipedia business about conflict of interest was a misunderstanding by the anonymous editor with whom I was corresponding. can you e mail them to me so that we can go and visit? The legendary Sarah Jane is Sarah Jane Block, who lost no children and lived to the age of 99. Oklahoma we had "Cry Baby Bridge" .. almost the exact same story as the Catwoman's Bridge! Welcome to the both of you. I grew up there. In 2010, there was a murder of an elderly woman that was found, strangled to death, and burned just off the bridge. GeoHack (Additional Links and Coordinates), Android: Open Location In Your Map or GPS App, Directions Via Sygic For iOS and Android Dolphin Browser, Historical USGS Topo Maps (United States Only). At first glance, Van Sant (Crybaby) Bridge in New Hope simply looks like an enchanting covered bridge, a calming piece of Pennsylvania's past in the midst of a turbulent 21st century. Some people say that the tail isnt true that its a bobcat screaming! In the 1970s Glass interviewed elderly residents of Westminster and Carroll County, Maryland to compile the stories in Ghosts and Legends of Carroll County, Maryland, and though he talked to residents who could recall stories of what happened in the area pre-dating the Civil War, not one person mentioned anything remotely connected to the bridge in question. Well, I have to go by my little slogan of True or not! One more link: this is to teh apology article: The tragedy took place thirteen days after the birth of his daughter, Maya. The anonymous editor of the Wikipedia page redacted my points, true enough, but there was and is no conflict of interest. A bridge on Sleepy Hollow Road near the border between Jefferson and Oldham counties in Kentucky was known as Crybaby Bridge. We got there about the same time, 10 oclock. If someone gets hurt, you have to have a way to call for help, It would be quite a haul to have to lug someone out of there back to the main road, so keep a cell phone handy, Be safe, and happy trails! This bridge is a notable tourist attraction, noted for allegedly being haunted. have been built after 1915 and before 1930. I will delete them if they are not. I actually like the viewpoint of the good Doctor in this particular article and thought it a valuable opinion on the subject. Countless Haunt Hunters have been arrested, ticketed, and reprimanded by the authorities for trespassing. [6], "Crybaby Bridge", or "Spook Bridge", located about 25 miles west of Texarkana, runs across county road 4130, located 4 miles south of De Kalb, Texas. lol Ive got a picture for you that will force the truth in you. After exploring Underground Anderson with Alan Russell we decided to visit this haunted spot. Well, here is the story about the real Crybaby Creek Bridge. As you said in your area. ABSOLUTELY Crybaby Creek Bridge. The tale of cry baby creek, is Im afraid undoubtly true, beginning to end. Well the person driving the truck (I was on the back with 5 people) stalled the truck. The 1739 house is thought to be haunted by 2 families: The Hammonds, who lived here in the 1840s, and the Civil War-era Downins. Lancaster County School District Career Center 625 Normandy Road Lancaster, SC, 29720 Director Rodney Miller Secretary Katie Humphries 285-7404/Fax-285-2720 Website Profile Report to Parents. LANCASTER, S.C. (WBTV) - One person is in jail and another dead after an argument turned deadly Saturday afternoon in Lancaster, S.C. Police were called to the 2300 block of Caroline Court around noon. Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude): I went over and over the tape. and just stay there wandering where her child is. Built in 1875, the 86 foot, town truss span crosses the Pidcock Creek near Washington Crossing State Park. In fact, there are at least two other Crybaby Bridges in South Carolina, one near Andersonand the other in Pageland. I had a sheriff in the group with me the first night. I have lived in Chesterfield County all my life and have heard the stories all my life. The original bridge has been replaced by a newer one made of steel and concrete. So excited that she took the bridge over Flat Creek a little to fast. I was not attempting to sell that book or anything else Ive written by spoeaking up about this internet hoax. [2] The "baby cries" have been said to be heard at night or during the day. Story that I had heard was that she went over the right side of the bridge. OnlyInYourState may earn compensation through affiliate links in this article. Crybaby Bridge 2023 Thriller After being bullied at school, a pregnant teen's family sets out to move from the city to the countryside, unexpectedly revealing a coveted secret of her past that threatens the fresh start they seek. I have planned a visit to the bridge with some friends.I will not share the date of our visit..I do not want anyone to hide and try to scare us with fake haunting. My mother almost had a attack when she seen the photo. Map: 392340N 842438W / 39.394551N 84.410427W / 39.394551; -84.410427. but the story has been around for as long as I can remember, and infact, my father told it to me when I was young. The surrounding landscape being a piece of swampland really sets the whole thing off. This bridge is located on Galehouse Road, between Rogue Hollow Road and Hametown Road. The kids all had different experiences that day, everything from the noticeable change of temperature to one of their phones starting to receive a whole bunch of random calls, with weird noises on the other end. A babies face in the water. This historic hotel is believed to be haunted by a pair of dogs who drowned trying to save a young boy, and their phantom barks are often heard echoing throughout the property. And I just want to say that the picture that is posted above is not of Cry Baby Bridge. citizens. Disclaimer: South Carolina Haunted Houses does not endorse or support trespassing to visit real haunts. The Cry Baby Bridge is closed off for vehicles, but it is still accessible on foot. Sign up for our newsletter and receive Halloween event updates, discounts and more! I popped the hood, shook the cables, beat the fuse box, finally got it to start and drove away as fast as I could. I on the other hand had this as one of my first pieces of the supernatural history of my state. As Jesse Glass, author of Ghosts and Legends of Carroll County Maryland (Carroll County Public Library, 1982, 1998) and The Witness; Slavery in Nineteenth Century Carroll County, Maryland (Carroll County Historical Society and Meikai University Press) presents it, the Crybaby Bridge said to exist near Westminster, Carroll County, Maryland allegedly because of the hanging of runaway slaves, and the infanticide of African American babies there by the Ku Klux Klan, is a hoax because of these points: 1) The almost overnight appearance of Crybaby Bridges in Maryland and Ohio, which indicates seeding of selected Internet websites devoted to ghosts and the paranormal. The Ghost of Crybaby Bridge in Anderson South Carolina AndersonObserver 1.27K subscribers Subscribe 1.4K 163K views 3 years ago There are a lot of Crybaby Bridges across the country, but the. Graves from the 1600s-1800s. There have been numerous reports of mysterious sounds coming from the bridge, including disembodied voices and even on a few occasions, flashing lights with no clear source. So she asked a man to help her, And her husband found out and shunned her. [7], Jack Creek, a stream west of Lufkin, Texas, has for years been known as Cry Baby Creek, supposedly because a woman and a baby died when their auto veered off a wooden bridge and fell into the steep creek. v-lacing on top of its built-up end posts instead of cover plate, which is No crying babies or ghosts though. Just a note. HARDERR!!!! If you visit the bridge late at night, you can hear the cries of the child and sometimes you can see the apparition of the young mother, desperately searching for her baby. Again, the story here isnt from Anderson. The next thing she knew, she had been thrown from the car and was searching frantically for her baby whom she could hear crying in the dark. N 34 39.171 W 080 31.183 . Yes I understand this. After a couple legends he had seen in movies, he mentioned a haunted bridge about ten minutes away from downtown. on either side of the bridge there were guardrails and the one on the right was broken, crumbled away. Cry Baby Bridge In April I sat down with a friend at my house and asked about any urban legends or ghost stories he had encountered. View listed bridges within 0.5 miles (0.8 kilometers) of this bridge. I was with 7 people, and we all saw and heard the same thing. Apparently, there have been reports of a crying baby being heard at the bridge, and there have been reported sightings of a woman walking back and forth on the bridge looking for her lost child. I left the room for a few minutes to get some popcprn and some drinks when I hear this blood curdling scream from the bedroom. I live in Tampa, Fl now, but cherish my time growing up in Flat Creek. T his is for those who often wonder if some of the things experienced can ever be explained away. I remember how COLD it was there. We walked the trail armed with 2 flashlights, and a stun gun (after all 3 females alone in the dark) About halfway down the trail we started hearing footsteps, but didnt see anything. I know you have heard this one. large monumental cantilever bridges. Country: United States. I never really grew up around Cry Baby Bridge, but as a little girl I remember going over it and what happened to all of us. This story was passed around word of mouth to every kid who would listen. It's located in South Carolina, United States.If you're into ghost stories, this one is for you. One visitor supposedly found the imprint of a babys hand on her auto window after returning from the bridge. Flat Creek is in Lancaster County, South Carolina. Little kids should not be playing on the internet without parental supervision to begin with, so back to the story!! There it was. I chalked it up to the shadows of the flash. In the county of Lancaster, near hwy. Wikipedia is a public encyclopedia and it plays a valuable role on the net. The bridge is property of the Rogue's Hollow historical society, which also owns the adjacent Chidester Mill. Who ever says they have seen a baby on that bridge or a mom are either really bored, really want to sound interesting because your actually an average person, or need some serious help. After we got home we went through the pictures, and in one of my son there was a figure behind him, about the size of a toddler. During construction, a worker fell to his death. Its part of the mystique. In the early 1940s a young mother was on her way home on Hwy. [1], One of many purported crybaby bridges is located near Doylestown, Ohio, in an area known as Rogue's Hollow. Crybaby Bridge (Anderson County, South Carolina) Built 1919 in Virginia, relocated to its present site 1952, abandoned . This is Denise Rutledge's typewritten account of the legend of Crybaby Bridge in Morgan County near Martinsville, collected by Sharon Fryar. I live near the border of South Carolina and North Carolina. Thirdly, HOW could we know what the woman heard if she died there with no one else but her already dead child? Its on high shoals Rd in Anderson sc. Watching the same few seconds over and over again. Sometimes when you research these things youll always find the grain of truthand that grain can be a strange tale in itself. But I didnt realize until the advent of the internet just how many of these there were. That is an accurate picture above of the bridge. Regional newspapers, such as the American Sentinel and the Democratic Advocate, which usually covered racially motivated murders of the period, make no mention of the events described online. Facts Overview Crybaby creek has a little ghostly local history. Between the electrical malfunctions, the disembodied voices, and the shadowy apparitions, it's no wonder the Crybaby bridge in South Carolina is one of the most notoriously haunted places in the state. Keep in mind this accident happened years and years ago. Chris, I have many pictures of the bridge myself, and it is, in fact, the bridge that is the topic of this particular discussion, This is definitely NOT Green Hand Bridge . sounds of a mother searching for her baby, or a ghost of the mother approaching The next couple trips were during the day with all of my teenagers (4 of my own and 1 who is my daughters boyfriend) During one of these trips I got the nerve up to actually cross the bridge.. Out of the corner of my eye, to the left (which is the right side of the bridge if your coming from the road) I saw car taillights disappearing in the water. However, the bridge does include "[12] The text included from their informant makes no mention of escaped slaves but does repeat a familiar component of such legends: an out-of-wedlock birth. Your first left, after you turn. I know the bridge and the story very well. Wikipedia does not permit people to use its articles to publish origiinal research or to insert material of their own writing. The "Crybaby Bridge" is a common folklore motif in the Midwest, and although the bridges may be different, their stories are very similar. I first heard of this place in Jr. High. But she actually ran her car off the bridge on a rainy stormy night. Deep in Rogue's Hollow, this road previously led from the bottom of the hollow (Hametown Rd.) Known as the 'Crybaby Bridge,' the bridge is a popular fishing spot and a stop for those tracking paranormal activity. You can see my earlier post on June 21, 2009. Coming from Pageland, drive towards Lancaster on 601, before you get to Flat Creek, at the bottom of Flat Creek Hill make a right. I live in the area and know the story well. 2021 National Bridge Inventory: View listed bridges within 0.5 miles (0.8 kilometers) of this bridge. She now looks for her baby while crying in the river sadly. Im Dr. Jesse Glassnot a person calling himself that, and I have nothing against any website. Almost half of the Lancaster County bridges are in downtown Lancaster. LANCASTER, S.C. Mrs. Mary Hennis age 84 mother of Lori Myers died February 28, 2023 at her home. This particular spot is now DNR land and I dont know if you have permission to go here at night. On this particular bridge, the sounds of a crying baby, sounds of a mother searching for her baby, or a . Thats a given. Administrative use only. This is the FIRST time I heard this story. The Van Sant Covered Bridge (Van Sandt Covered Bridge), also known as the Beaver Dam Bridge, is a historic covered bridge located in Solebury Township, near New Hope in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. His material and clear conflict of interest was discussed at length on the Talk page and largely removed. Ive been to both also. When an Amish woodworker defies a Bishop's orders to burn a fallen tree and he unleashes a terrifying evil. replacement. [5] The closed road remains as an access way to high-voltage utility lines. Its a nice walk in the fall, the colors are beautiful!! Northlake, SC (9.5 mi.) South Carolina's Halloween Entertainment Guide, Not-So-Scary Haunted Houses (Kid Friendly). It's located specifically on Rockland Road, just off of Uniontown Road outside of Westminster's city limits past Rt. When the man returned, the girl was hanging on the bridge above the tracks. Copyright 2003-2023, Male bobcats while fighting other males, make a sound just like screaming baby. As for your own Crybaby bridge if you can document the stories, you should. The bridge spans Silver Creek. However, when I walked to the right, the next thing i knew it was like i was being transported back in time and I saw everything that happened to that lady. Visit Bucks County PA If you can come across any old newspapers stories or even personal correspondence that discusses the events that too is helpful. Copy Coordinates. SCott, this is NOT an internet hoax. All information on this page was submitted to South Carolina Haunted Houses and was believed to be accurate at the time it was posted. The one about the bridge where you go and hear the baby cry after you call out Crybaby, crybaby! Sure. The child's mother, a headless ghost wandering the woods nearby, can also be heard whispering "Sarah Jane" as she searches the forest with a lantern. I was attending college before I heard someone refer to the bridge I knew all my life as Crybaby Bridge, and taking their girlfriends there at night to scare them. It is a legit place. i live in tulsa oklahoma and we have like 3 crybaby bridges over here. Cry Baby Bridge Address: High Shoals Road, Anderson, SC, USA Location of Cry Baby Bridge: The Cry Baby Bridge is on High Shoals Road south of Anderson near Pine Lake Golf Club. In all my years, I never heard one person yell Cry Baby Cry Baby. Back in the day, it was good clean fun for 6 or 7 close teen friends. Although there are many haunted bridges located throughout the country, the legend behind Crybaby Bridge in South Carolina is truly terrifying and makes Anderson one of South Carolinas most haunted small towns. T his is for those who often wonder if some of the flash, 4 adults and my teenage cry baby bridge lancaster sc... The Hollow ( Hametown Rd. Yet ) accurate at the man returned, the 86 foot town. 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