decision at sundown filming locations

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decision at sundown filming locations

Later Lone Pine became a popular movie location as the area offered a wide variety of locations desert, sand dunes, hills, forested areas, prairies and grassland, rivers and river basins. There's a doctor character who serves as kind of a Greek chorus to handhold the audience through the morality play that enfolds. AFI champions progress in visual storytelling to empower storytellers, inspire story lovers and further the limitless power of the moving image. Bent on revenge, Bart Allison (Scott) rides into Sundown on the wedding day of the man he's been hunting. It is rather disappointing. Funded byThe Film Foundation and The Hollywood Foreign Press Association. Seven Men From Now (1956) for John Waynes Batjac Productions released by Warner Bros., The Tall T (1957) for the Randolph Scott-Harry Joe Brown production company under the banner of their Producers-Actors Corporation and released by Columbia, Ride Lonesome (1959) and Comanche Station (1960), both for the Scott-Brown company Ranown and also released by Columbia. View Map. So what about the female lead the love interest. And in Kimbrough, he finds an adversary who runs Sundown and everyone in it. The tight budgets on his films, especially the Ranown films, fostered his creativity the filming period for Ride Lonesome was a mere 13 days, from August 14 to August 28 (less Sunday) and Boetticher claimed that his other Scott films were filmed in 18 days or less. JustWatch. When Ruby declares that Bart "never really had a wife," and cannot revenge something that he never had, Doc agrees. Decision at Sundown 1957 Action / Drama / Romance / Western Available in: 720p.BluRay 1080p.BluRay Download Subtitles 6 76% - Audience 6.8 Keywords: sheriff livery stable Similar Movies Please enable your VPN when downloading torrents Although it is Kimbrough's wedding day, Allison makes it clear he blames him for the death of his wife and is out to kill him. The bleak, austere topography complemented Scotts grim, weathered visage. A masterpiece on its own, Boettichers first film starring Randolph Scott with a script by Burt Kennedy set the template for the Ranown cycle to follow. Great performances all round, and the last 25 minutes are simply awesome.Fellow Letterboxd friend Andy Summers says Randolph Scott is his favourite Cowboy. A gunman rides into Sundown for a showdown with the big shot he blames for stealing his wife. Warner Bros. Producer: Andrew V. McLaglen, Robert E. Morrison. 3520 Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX, 75206. More blows with words than guns. Sign up. At last the search was over.. Bart Allison arrives in Sundown after a three year search for Tate Kimbrough. Karen Steele Lucy Summerton Geoff Mayer was formerly Head of School and Chair of the Cinema Studies Department at La Trobe University. Although it is Kimbrough's wedding day, Allison makes it clear he blames him for the death of his wife and is out to kill him. Daniel and Roy return home with stolen horses, including a wild stallion, Black Midnight. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Now you can rate you favorite and least favorite Westerns, too. Directed by Budd Boetticher We have acquired the rights (at least for specific territories) from the rightholders by contract. Tate is a powerful man in town, and he has the local sheriff and his goons under his employ. I've has a few firsts this year, with my first Shirley Temple film for example, and I've gotten stuck in to both John Ford and John Wayne's filmographies, ticking off some old classics that I'd shamefully never seen. 9:09. The Good Lord really made this place [Lone Pine] for movies. Sundown (Trailer Ufficiale HD) . Among them Caleta Beach in Acapulco, Mexico. More at Hoping to convince Bart to forget Mary and start a new life, Sam heads back to the stable but is shot in the back by Spanish before reaching his destination. Angered, Swede tosses the coins into a spittoon, and Bart then hands him the spittoon and orders Swede to retrieve them. Buchanan Rides Alone (1958) had a semi-comical undertone, with Great saloon scenes with Randolph Scott as Bart Allison and his buddy Sam played by Noah Beery Jr. as they insist on paying for their drinks even though a sign proclaims all drinks are paid for by Tate Kimbrough played by John Carroll who has somehow become the major guy in the town of Sundown where everyone will be attending his wedding this afternoon to Lucy Summerton played by Karen Steele even though Kimbrough's been mostly in the arms of saloon girl Ruby James played by Valerie French. STORY Dcision Sundown - VO. It does have a nice performance by Noah Beery Jr. Black Midnight is a pleasant family melodrama and, for the most part, it is life affirming although Boetticher never allows the film to wallow in the sentimentality inherent in the script by Erna Lazarus and Clint Johnston. Seven Men From Now (Budd Boetticher, 1956). After strapping on his gun, Bart goes to the wedding, stopping along the way for a drink at the saloon. He is always a pleasure to watch. Three years. With his dying words, Sam beseeches Doc to tell Bart that Mary was no good. Outraged by Sams murder, Doc tries to rouse the town folk from their moral torpor. Kimbrough has plenty of guns on his side, not to mention a sheriff whos bought and paid for. To walk away, you gotta leave something behind, or a long story short: In the Cells of Fortress Europe: An Interview with Marianna Economou, director of, What the Hells a Nun Doin Out Here?: Budd Boetticher Revised in, A Full Woman Like That: Female Resilience in. Boetticher's films have a simplicity to them, and although there are moral conundrums for some of the citizens of Sundown to deal with, this film is all about Randolph Scott's Allison, a man who's actions will shake Sundown to its core, but will cost him more than he could have imagined. Bart and sidekick Sam arrive in Sundown on the wedding day of town boss Tate Kimbrough, whom Bart blames for his wife's death years earlier. Even Boetticher himself said this movie was mediocre. This film from 1957 was the third in the series, and one that Boetticher considered one of his lesser films, but from the moment that Randolph Scott and Noah Beery Jr entered the town of Sundown, there isn't a wasted second of film where something isn't happening. Doors 9:00pm, Start 9:30pm. To provide a rough estimate, and if you have a masochistic streak, check out Tall Man Riding (Lesley Selander, 1955), a revenge western starring Randolph Scott filmed on the Iverson Ranch or Shoot-Out at Medicine Bend (Richard L. Bare, 1957), another revenge western starring Randolph Scott filmed at Corriganville, to gauge the importance of Lone Pine. Lone Pine, Kennedy scripts and Randolph Scott brought the best out of Boetticher. Free Western Movie: Decision at Sundown - Spaghetti Western - Bart Allison and sidekick Sam arrive in the town of Sundown on the wedding day of town boss Tate Kimbrough, whom Allison blames. How could he? Prior to the opening credits, the following written statement appears onscreen: "This >>, The film opens as the name ROCKY pans across the screen, filling the frame. Based on the novel by Vernon L. Fluharty. If you love to travel and like to visit countries like Mexico or places like Caleta Beach in Acapulco. Decision at Sundown is a 1957 American Western film directed by Budd Boetticher and starring Randolph Scott. Show All, 77mins Lucy, unsettled by the turn of events, throws down her bouquet and rides off in her carriage, after which Kimbrough orders Lucys father Charles to bring her back. While it possible to interpret this action, following Brigades decision not to kill Boone, as a form of regeneration for Brigade, Boetticher has no such intention. What I would do that other directors did not do, I knew every inch of Lone Pine on horseback cause I went where people never went. Principal photography commenced on May 2, 1960, getting wrapped up shortly after that. He blames Kimbrough for seducing his wife; she eventually committed suicide. Theres everything there. Both men are excited by the return to the district of widow Martha Baxter (Fay Baker) and her daughter Cindy (Lyn Thomas) and the film focuses on Scotts awkward courtship of Cindy, a relationship that is threatened by the return of Bill Jordans long lost son Daniel (Rand Brooks) and his crooked partner Roy (Gordon Jones). Decision at Sundown (1957) Filming & Production Showing all 2 items Jump to: Filming Locations (1) Filming Dates (1) Filming Locations Edit Agoura, California, USA 2 of 2 found this interesting Filming Dates 1 April 1957 See also Full Cast and Crew | Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Technical Specs He seems to not like his own character. Film data from TMDb. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Over the years my comic collection grew (my dad had to keep building bigger and better shelves) and so did my interests. The feel of the movie is small almost as if it were a TV production instead of a feature film. None of us will ever forget the day Bart Allison spent in Sundown". Doc, if youd been tending bar as long as I have, you wouldnt expect so much out of the human race. Senses of Cinema was founded on stolen lands. Not that he has done anything particularly villainous. Letterboxd Limited. Anyone who has ever sat in a darkened theater and has had their heart start racing in excitement as the music to STAR WARS begins to play knows exactly what I mean. Bart believes that Tate killed his wife so it's ironic that the day he finds him just so happens to be Tate's wedding day. Producers-Actors Corp. Distribution Company Columbia Pictures Corp. Country United States Screenplay Information Based on the novel Decision at Sundown by Vernon L. Fluharty (New York, 1955). Letterboxd is an independent service created by a small team, and we rely mostly on the support of our members to maintain our site and apps. Movie Info. Ignoring the signs that announce all drinks are on Kimbrough, Bart tosses down some coins and orders a whiskey, but when Swede toasts Kimbrough, Bart sets his drink down. I rate the others I've seen so far higher, although that is no slight against this as it was still pretty good and I'll give it props for presenting a different sort of story (based on a novel) than expected. Sundown Western TV S S1 E2 OVERLAND TRAIL TO SUNDOWN. Randolph Scott Bart Allison Later, when Sam asks Bart why he refrained from killing Kimbrough at the church, Bart replies that he felt Kimbrough deserved fair warning. Shell get a smack on the bottom from an ungrateful Allison as a reward in Decision at Sundown (1957), Valerie French as Ruby James, the woman who loves Tate Kimbrough and is convinced he still needs her in Decision at Sundown (1957), Allison to rancher Morley Chase: Where I come from, we dont find it cause to celebrate when a man acts like a man., Bart Allison, about Tate Kimbrough: Glad to hear hes doing so well. This is explained late in the film when Brigade tells Mrs. Lane (Karen Steele), as they stand next to the imposing Hang Tree, that this is the spot where his wife was murdered, hung on the crucifix-like limbs of the tree, by Billy Johns brother, Frank (Lee Van Cleef). View all posts by The Beard. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Films of Budd Boetticher (Tall T / Decision at Sundown / Buchanan Rides Alon at the best online prices at eBay! American Film Institute 2021 North Western Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90027-1657. Be sure to vote on the main blog page, not an individual photo page, so theyll tabulate correctly. Karen Steele can act and she plays her part well. Maybe everything he says is on the nose, but it's just so damn well written that the bluntness of the delivery is forgivable. If Decision at Sundown is lesser Boetticher, then I have a lot to look forward to, and although this film didn't have Burt Kennedy's involvement with the script, a man that Budd considered to be "the best Western writer ever", this is still a pretty impressive Western that doesn't miss a beat during its brief 77 minute runtime. The endings of the earlier Boetticher/Lone Pine films are more conventional, more optimistic. A shoot-out in the church puts the wedding on hold . Laser World 4.0. When Bart rejects Kimbroughs proposal, Charles offers him money to leave, prompting Bart to accuse him of selling his daughter to Kimbrough. Randolph Scott is Bart Allison, a hardened man who arrives in the town of Sundown with his best friend (Noah Beery Jr. as Sam) intent on killing Tate Kimbrough (John Carroll). Boetticher directed two of these films, Black Midnight and Killer Shark (1950). The way this one plays with moral ambiguity was great and also the work with Scott's character is terrific. (Apparently, Boetticher himself cited this as one of the only two mediocre films he made as part of the Ranown cycle). After Confederate sympathizers during the Civil War named their mining claims after the sloop CSS Alabama, following victories against the North, the hills became known as the Alabama Hills, or the Alabams. Decision at Sundown ( 1957) 77 mins | Western | November 1957 Cast: Randolph Scott, John Carroll, Karen Steele [ More ] Director: Budd Boetticher Writer: Charles Lang Jr. Producer: Harry Joe Brown Cinematographer: Burnett Guffey Editor: Al Clark Production Designer: Robert Peterson Production Company: Producers-Actors Corp. HISTORY DETAILS CREDITS With tension filling the room, the crowd clears out to attend the wedding ceremony. The plot revolves around two men - Seven Jones and Jim Flood. While other kids dreamed of Mother Goose, the Old Lady who lived in a shoe, or Little Red Riding Hood, I dreamt of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. However, the film twists and turns in 77 minutes, as you understand quite how unlikeable Randolph Scott's Bart Allison is. With the odds now evened, Bart emerges from the stable for a showdown with the sheriff. This is okay he doesnt have to play a saint in every movie but he acts as if he doesnt even like himself. Made by fans in Aotearoa New Zealand. Romance. But under circumstances like these the truth will come out and the truth is seldom what we think. SecondsOut. And if you love movies and series in genres like drama, then SCEEN IT is the place to be. It is one of seven Boetticher/Scott western collaborations, including Seven Men from Now, The Tall T, Buchanan Rides Alone, Westbound, Ride Lonesome, and Comanche Station . 2:14. And Lone Pine. Just as Kimbrough is berating Swede for failing to kill Bart, Charles returns and reports that Lucy will not go through with the ceremony until Bart leaves town. However, at this stage Boetticher did not have a script by Kennedy, Randolph Scott nor a cinematographer such as Charles Lawton Jr.2 who exploited the austere setting of the Alabama Hills and, in the Ranown films, used cinemascope to great advantage. Change). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Im Eliseo Figueroa Jr. and youre not. At a restaurant, Sam tells Doc that Mary, unable to face life mated to only one man, killed herself one week before Bart returned home from the war. Andrew Duggan Swede Hansen Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Decision at Sundown 1957 Dvd Randolph Scott copy of public domain film disc only at the best online prices at eBay! Wow! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Twenty-year-old McDowall co-produced the films in an attempt to make the difficult transition from child star, often associated with animal films such as My Friend Flicka (Harold Schuster 1943), Lassie Come Home (Fred M. Wilcox, 1943) and Thunderhead Son of Flicka (Louis King, 1945), to more mature roles. A comment sometimes made with regard to Boettichers use of Lone Pine is that this location was as important to him as Monument Valley was to John Ford. Ignoring the signs that announce all drinks are on Kimbrough, Bart tosses down some coins and orders a whiskey, but when Swede toasts Kimbrough, Bart sets his drink down. A fear that takes over a whole town, by name of Sundown. If Decision at Sundown is lesser Boetticher, then I have a lot to look forward to, and although this film didn't have Burt Kennedy's involvement with the script, a man that Budd considered to be "the best Western writer ever", this is still a pretty impressive Western that doesn't miss a beat during its brief 77 minute runtime. This was all his fault and he knew it. Or westerns such as Horizons West (1952) starring Robert Ryan and Rock Hudson and The Man From the Alamo (1953) starring Glenn Ford. In the manner of Ethan Edwards. This review may contain spoilers. 1:17:14. This is a depressing movie. Armed with Randolph Scott, Burt Kennedys precise scripts, a colorful assortment of supporting actors including Lee Marvin, Richard Boone, Pernell Roberts, Craig Stevens, James Best and Claude Atkins, Boetticher reworked the same story, the same action and the same dialogue. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This tender moment concludes when Clayton quickly averts his eyes. So maybe you didnt lose anything that was really very worthwhile., Bartender: Doc, if youd been tending bar as long as I have, you wouldnt expect so much out of the human race., John Litel as Charles Summerton, trying to get Allison to leave town so his daughter man marry the richest man around in Decision at Sundown (1957), John Archer as Dr. Storrow, wondering if Bart Allison really can stand up to Tate Kimbrough while bartender Otis (James Westerfield) looks on in Decision at Sundown (1957), Ray Teal as Morley Chase, a rancher who might help Bart Allison even the odds in Decision at Sundown (1957), Karen Steele as Lucy Summerton, surprised to have her wedding interrupted as her father (John Litel) looks on in Decision at Sundown (1957), Valerie French as Ruby James, accompanied by Dr. Storrow (John Archer) and insisting on sitting in the front pew to watch her lover marry another woman in Decision at Sundown (1957), Randolph Scott as Bart Allison, taking cover in a stable as the hunter becomes the hunted in Decision at Sundown (1957). In the films best sequence Scott follows Daniel into the Hills, thereby providing the motivation for Boetticher and cinematographer William Sickner to board a camera truck and film Daniel riding swiftly through the Hills with the snow-capped Sierra Nevada mountains in the background. The climax of the film involves a prolonged fight between Scott and Daniel in the living room of Bill Jordans ranch. When I got older I asked him to give me the comic books. A perfect setting for Scotts character in these films. He also finds an adversary about to marry the prettiest girl in town, Lucy Summerton (Karen Steel). A weekly film series on the rooftop at Sundown every Wednesday. This is one of seven western collaborations between Randolph Scott and director Budd Boetticher. What Boetticher did do was select the appropriate location to match the mood of a scene. My dad spoke fluent English with an accent but hed had a stint in the army and had mastered the language. Library. Budd Boetticher directed 31 feature films, not counting documentaries such as Arruza (1972) and uncredited work on early Columbia films such as Submarine Raider (Lew Landers, 1942) and U-Boat Prisoner (Lew Landers, 1944). I mastered reading and went on to read books. I love you for it. Featured movie will be The Big Lebowski. This movie starring Tim Roth, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Iazua Larios was filmed at more than 2 locations. After a furious Bart orders Lucy to leave, Sam tells him that Mary had been unfaithful many times before she met Kimbrough. So what we are left with is a hero we dont particularly like facing off against a villain we dont particularly hate and were somehow supposed to care. Name the 2010 Western that featured Peter Dinklage of "Game of Thrones" and Jason Priestly of 90210 fame in supporting roles. Most of them are competent genre films such as The Missing Juror (1944), an intriguing mystery made on a miniscule budget for Columbia with an excellent performance by George Macready. Jefferson Codys (Randolph Scott) climactic shootout with Ben Lane (Claude Atkins) in Comanches Station is geographically very close to the shootout between Ben Stride (Randolph Scott) and Bill Masters (Lee Marvin) at the end of Seven Men From Now. Also read: Is Mulan A True Story? Noah Beery Jr. Sam At that point he stopped throwing them out and I had a comic book collection even though I still didnt know how to read. Report this film. As my dad was paying the man the owner commented on how much I was spending on comic books. Not the best collaboration between Budd Boetticher and Randolph Scott, but it was the most interesting. With tension filling the room, the crowd clears out to attend the wedding ceremony. Information Studio Columbia Pictures Corporation Genre Western Released 1957 Run Time 1 hr 17 min Rated PG Region of Origin United States Languages Original Audio English Audio and Subtitles . John Carroll Tate Kimbrough Taking refuge in the stable with Sam, Bart barricades the doors as Swede and his thugs fire at them. I was dying to learn how to read and had been told that you learn to read in first grade. That half is an excellent take on the age-old western story of a beaten down town rising up against its oppressor, and the performances of John Carroll as Tate Kimbrough (the oppressor) and John Archer as Doc Storrow, the only man in town who has retained his self-respect, are fantastic. Three of his films, Bullfighter and the Lady (1951), The Magnificent Matador (1955) and Arruza (1972), the documentary that nearly killed him, were productions that drew upon Boettichers fascination with bullfighting. Directed by Budd Boetticher. Boettichers protagonist was not interested in community only revenge and he moves easily in this bleak wasteland. Decision At Sundown HD (1957) Cita en Sundown | movie | 1957 | Official Trailer. Free shipping for many products! I remember being so excited the first day of school for the first grade. One cannot imagine Seven Men From Now, The Tall T, Ride Lonesome and Comanche Station at the Iverson Ranch or the studio backlot. Watch fullscreen . 1957, Cert 18651, American southwest, One armed gunfighter, Civil War veteran, Vengeance, Crooked sherff', Shot in the back, Revenge motive, Wedding interrupted, Filming Date April 01, 1957, Filming location Agoura, CA, USA Publisher This sequence, which would not have been physically possible at the Iverson Ranch, is filmed with the Alabama Hills in the foreground framed by the snow-capped Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background. John Litel Charles Summerton, Karen Steele as Lucy Summerton, preparing to give Bart Allison a lesson in women. As Kimbroughs men rush toward Bart, Bart warns Lucy that she will be a widow by sundown and then runs out of the church. The final shot of Scott watching the tree burn, combined with his refusal to accompany Boone and the others back to civilization, clearly conveys Brigades desire to remain in his desert prison. This powerful ending is matched only by John Fords celebrated final image in The Searchers (1956) when Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) returns to the desert to wander forever between the winds.. Decision at Sundown (1957) Directed by Budd Boetticher The Ranown Westerns scripted by Burt Kennedy tend to center on the journey. Factory. Most low budget westerns in the 1940s and 1950s were filmed at the Iverson Ranch or the Corriganville Movie Ranch, locations less than an hour drive from the studio. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Sundown at Granada. Editor: Al Clark. However, Scott gave a memorable performance as a gunman seeking revenge against the man (John Carroll) who stole his wife. Both films are representative of the strong cycle of Fifties westerns that focused on a protagonist alienated from a corrupt and/or weak western town, a cycle initiated by the surprising success of High Noon (Fred Zinnemann, 1952). And like to visit countries like Mexico or places like Caleta Beach in Acapulco Boetticher did do select. Of us will ever forget the day Bart Allison spent in Sundown '' topography complemented Scotts grim weathered. Travel and like to visit countries like Mexico or places like Caleta Beach in Acapulco ), you wouldnt so. Supporting roles out and the truth is seldom what We think takes over a whole town, by name Sundown!, Swede tosses the coins into a spittoon, and Bart then hands him the spittoon and orders to... 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