Note: Thanks to the current global pandemic, many of our events are subject to change. Barbara hails from western Pennsylvania, where she was deeply influenced by her upbringing in the Methodist Church and netting tadpoles in the pond near her house. She graduated from Thiel College in Greenville, PA, where she majored in religion, with minors in English and Classical Languages. Isaiah 41:10 says: Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. A Zoom session is opened for those not able to attend in person. * A dynamic vision for the future First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro You Are Welcome Visit our church A church without barriers providing God's love through inclusion to all people Latest Sermon 2/12/23 Ministry of Reconstruction Rev Lisa Oliver Watch now You Can Give Online Here Visit Our Church Meet our staff Be a Part of Our Ministries The Church for You Welcome to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Website This site serves as the official gateway to the Ministries and Agencies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Denomination. All are welcome. READ MORE >> ABOUT OUR DENOMINATION First Cumberland Presbyterian is part of a connectional denomination called Cumberland Presbyterians. Should you wish to make a donation, please place it in the offering plate with a clear notation it is for the Food Center. LUBBOCK, Texas (NEWS RELEASE) - The 19th Annual Pumpkin Patch at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 7702 Indiana Avenue, will be September 25th through October 31, 2021, or until all of the pumpkins have found their home.. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Denton Denton First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Everyone is Welcome at 1424 Stuart Road! Consider membership in this vibrant, active, and growing congregation. Any congregant who has not been vaccinated is REQUIRED to wear a mask at all times. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. , Sunday School: 9:45 AM All of these activities create a genuine feeling of family here at First Pres. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Start by doing what is necessary, then do whats possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a community grounded in the Reformed Tradition which is open to all. You may also send a check via USPS Mail to the church. You can find the bulletin for this service here:, Hymns for today:, If you are experiencing technical difficulties viewing this broadcast, please check our Boxcast channel for better results: A memorial Roll of Honor and plaque from the Knox Presbyterian Church are dedicated to its members who served and to those who gave their lives in the First World War. Seeking God's help, we will pursue growth and renewal as a united Christian body. * A lively spiritual life for today or tomorrow Be our guest as we welcome you with open arms. If it's after hours, or for some reason you can't reach us by phone, feel free to leave us a message and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for c1905 First Presbyterian Church Lewiston New York P593 at the best online prices at eBay! We use our social media to stay in touch between services, advise our congregation of weather . Free shipping for many products! Barbara is a member of the Metro Association of the United Church of Christ (UCC), from which she was ordained in 2004. Sign up to stay connected with First MattersYour weekly dose of spiritual inspiration and the latest on upcoming church activities. Founded on Easter Sunday in 1881, First Presbyterian Church of Greenwich is a growing, inter-generational, 850-member congregation whose mission is to nurture and empower people in all stages of life to be Christ's disciples and serve those in need. Her ministerial areas of focus include spiritual formation and pastoral care. We will nurture people within our church and provide Christian leadership and care throughout our community. Monetary donations are always in need. Committed to using its God given gifts to be a unified, spirit-filled, evangelistic body that ministers to the church and reaches out to the community and the world in the name of Jesus Christ. In 2016, she finished her doctoral work in Religious Education at Fordham University where she wrote about the Unresolved Conflict Over Revelation in American Protestantism.. We would love to be a part of your spiritual journey and invite you to share with us in ministry to the community for the glory of God. We invite anyone who would like to participate in our activities to come to our quarterly planning meetings. Carmel, Franklin, TN (Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Ministry) , Mt. Our worship strives to draw people closer to God while being thought-provoking and inspiring. The purpose of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church is to glorify and worship God, sharing the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ with all people. Thanks again for stopping by, and please dont hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. ); Contact, Rocky Ridge, Birmingham, AL (Full-Time Ministry) , Nebo, Lexington, AL (Part-Time Ministry) , Welti, Cullman, AL (Full-Time Ministry) , Mt. Daycare open Mon-Fri 7 am- 6 pm. Select PayPal Credit at checkout to have the option to pay over time. Most notably, they are hiking, biking, golf, and fishing. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Lifting Up Christ - Building Up People. See terms. That means we encourage prayer in church and throughout life. Physical Address 200 Church Street NE Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 Mailing Address PO Box 694 Cleveland, Tennessee 37364. Terms of Use Privacy Policy 2020 The First Presbyterian Church. You may also send a check via USPS Mail to the church. Thank you for stopping by the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Huntsville AL website. Her call to ministry led her to First Church in 1998. Please call the office, 315.782.1750 or use emails found on the Staff page to communicate any requests to the church. Church office 423.698.2556 Daycare office 423.698.2558. First Presbyterian Church, Cumberland @FirstPresCumberlandMD 129 subscribers Subscribe First Presbyterian Church Home Videos Live Playlists Community Channels About 0:00 / 0:00 FROM OUR. Welcome! We believe that as part of the body of Christ we are to Share Christ with the World and invite the World to Christ! We believe that we should go deep into the Word and go widely into the World.. We can also be found on Facebook, so be sure and connect with us by clicking on the button below. An avid reader, essayist, sketcher, sky watcher, nature observer and proud Brooklynite, Barbara can often be found cycling the citys streets. Serving others is a vital part of a church that is alive and growing. There is a place for you . All rights reserved. Welcome to First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Huntsville AL. Join us Sunday mornings for Fellowship at 9:15am, Sunday School clases at 9:45am, and then our morning worship service starting at 10:55am! Worship is at the heart of the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church community. * Large enough to have what everyone needs! We would love to meet you and know you. Since August 2nd, 2020, we have been able to offer in person worship with several Covid-19 CDC guidelines in place. * Biblically based Sunday School Proudly created with, Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also oughtto love one another, "by such work we must support the weak, remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, for he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive. And once here, we pray that people will meet God and as a result of meeting God, give their lives to Jesus Christ. Her call to ministry led her to First Church in 1998. We welcome you with open arms into our family of faith. or send a check to the church at 12 West 12th St! Each of us can be a part of doing the impossible! The Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a Presbyterian body formed during the Great Revival of 1800. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church is a community grounded in the Reformed Tradition which is open to all. You can just call us "The Cumberland Church", everyone in town does. The pumpkins are grown on the Navajo Indian Reservation located in the Four Corners Area of New Mexico. She then moved from rural to urban living to attend Union Theological Seminary in New York City, where she completed her M.Div. Join us in the journey! Weekly we engage in education and spiritual enrichment to help us to become fuller disciples of Jesus Christ. . There are many activities to try at the park. * Professionally Staffed Nursery First Cumberland Presbyterian Church LO VE "Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another" [1 John 4:11] We are a church that hopes the love of Jesus found in our hearts will help others see Jesus in us. Take your time and browse through the pages to get to know us better and find out what is going on at First Cumberland Presbyterian.. In addition to Sunday worship at 10am, we are actively involved in mission locally with the Watertown Urban Mission and around the world with several projects in Malawi Africa. Your gifts make this possible. The Rev. We graciously invite you to experience the love of Christ and feeling of community. [emailprotected]There are many ways to give! Our worship strives to draw people closer to God while being thought-provoking and inspiring. Please Click on the Link Above for Guidelines for Worship. Daycare open Mon-Fri 7 am- 6 pm. Cumberland Presbyterian Church, denomination organized in 1810 by a group of Presbyterians on the Kentucky-Tennessee frontier who left the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. We invite you to join us for worship. Free shipping for many products! Please Click on the Link Above for Guidelines for Worship. Worship with us in the sanctuary at 11am. First Cumberland Presbyterian is part of a connectional denomination called Cumberland Presbyterians. first Presbyterian Church of Cumberland, Maryland HOME Worship Faith Formation Serve Nurture Info Give Now About Us First Presbyterian is an established community partner with its roots being traced to 1802. New Church Members. Our mission is to glorify the God most high. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The former Knox Presbyterian/United Church building (1904-1980) and its artefacts were relocated from Vars to the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum. Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church has . Those seeking membership are invited to attend an Inquirers Class. * Family Fellowship and Recreation, Copyright 2023 First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. 2,034 were here. This led to the establishment of the Brick Church on Beekman Street . Will meet at 6:30 pm in the media room and via Zoom. The Women's Ministry is very active in the church. The First Presbyterian Church in Watertown NY is a modern congregation with deep roots. Welcome to the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Dyersburg, Tennessee. Qualifying purchases could enjoy no Interest if paid in full in 6 months on purchases of $99+. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy First Cumberland Presbyterian Church 4610 Manslick Road Louisville, Kentucky 40216 (502)368-4709. * Small enough to be personal and friendly First Cumberland Presbyterian Church is . Our church is proud to recognize the following graduates for Spring 2022. That means we love people outside the church through generosity, invitation, and compassion. Dr. Lynndon Lynn Thomas has announced his resignation as Director of Global Missions, Cumberland Presbyterian Resources Seeks Part-Time Shipping Clerk, MTS Seeks Admissions Recruiter & Development Officer, MTS Director of Library Services to Present at ALA in Chicago, Ministry Council, Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, Camden, AR (Full-Time Ministry) , Camp Ground, Hampton, AR (Full-Time Ministry) , New Ebenezer, Troy, TN; (Full-Time Ministry) , Bethel, Kevil, KY (Director of Christian Education Full-Time) , Gilead, Simpson, IL (Full-Time Ministry) , Casey, IL (Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Ministry) , Desert Gardens, Tucson, AZ (Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Ministry) , St. Andrews, Odessa, TX (Full-Time Ministry) , Antioch, Quitman, LA (Full-Time Ministry) , Marshall, Marshall, TX (Full-Time Ministry) , Greeneville, TN (Full-Time Senior Pastor) , Greeneville, TN (Full-Time Associate Pastor) , Beersheba, Columbus, MS (Full-Time Ministry) , Harmony Church of Helena, MS (Coming Soon! 1802 Bankhead Parkway * Beautiful views from the side of Monte Sano! Welcome to the Knoxville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church website. A replica of the cabin and a church are within the park. Our hope is that all people will feel loved and welcomed at First Cumberland. While you are browsing our website, you will learn about our programs and get a glimpse of who we are, but only a glimpse. Camp Ground, Hampton, AR (Full-Time Ministry) - Church Information Form; Contact: Shirley Strickland - email. Church office open Mon-Thurs 8 am - 5 pm Closed on Friday. UPCOMING EVENTS Worship with us: *Sunday Worship Service: 10:45 A.M. Click here to watch services virtually on Facebook. The church was founded in 1810 in the log cabin home of Reverend Samuel McAdow. Every year, we sponsor the Christmas Craft & Bake Sale. * Sunday School: Sundays at 9:30 a.m. - currently two adult classes or Coffee and Chat with Pastor Dusty, * Cumberland Presbyterian Women's Ministry meeting - March 26, noon, * Brunch Bunch - 9 a.m., Third Thursday of Every Month, Northpoint Cafe in Denton. If you missed a weekly sermon, or just want to hear some of what we share each week at First Cumberland Presbyterian. The monies raised are used for the ministries of the local church . Arkansas Presbytery. 2022 by First Cumberland Presbyterian Church. W. R. Harber, Mr. B. E. Rodden and Mr. R. S. McKinley. Pleasant, TN (Part-Time/Bi-Vocational Ministry) , Goshen, Winchester, TN (Part-Time Ministry) , Liberty, McMinnville, TN (Full-Time Ministry) , Winchester, TN (Full-Time Director of Youth Ministries), Clarksville, TN (Director of Childrens Ministry Part-Time) , Locust Grove, Cunningham, TN (Part-Time Ministry) . Morning worship in the church starts at 10:00 a.m. Come join us! Proudly created with. A Zoom session is opened for those not able to attend . We use our social media to stay in touch between services, advise our congregation of weather-related news that might affect our services or events, and other pertinent information. Welcome to worship at The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York! '", 2020by First Cumberland PresbyterianChurch. We invite you to join us for worship. Amen! We look forward to seeing you soon! Pleasant, Mt. Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Covid-19 Supersedes All Other Times and Activities. A Welcome from Pastor Nate and Anna 403 views 1 year ago We just wanted to share a little about our faith journey and invite you to check out First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Lubbock. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Winchester was organized about 1820 by Benjamin Decherd, Judge Green, their wives, and other leading citizens. Who We Are. READ MORE >> SERVICES Some provisions have been made for outside groups to use our building. 423-476-6751 We can also be found on Facebook, so be sure and connect with us by clicking on the button below. We welcome you with open arms into our family of faith. Refresh your browser window to try again. Palestine, AR (Full-Time Ministry) - Church Information Form; Contact: Darrell Martin - email. S. Q. Proctor under the direction of the Board of Missions of McAdow Presbytery whose members were the Rev. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. . * A growing congregation Church office 423.698.2556 Daycare office 423.698.2558. . Located at 6800 Woodrow Avenue in the Crestview neighborhood of "North Austin," the 1.5-acre church site recently changed hands from Oregon based Intrinsic Ventures to 6800 Woodrow LP which was granted a demolition permit prior to closing the deal. Church office open Mon-Thurs 8 am - 5 pm Closed on Friday. Huntsville, AL 35801 Thank you for stopping by the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Huntsville AL website. For more than three centuries, First Church has ministered to New York City through good times and bad. Global ministries designed and executed through a global church. May 11 Class of 2022. Our doors are open for Sunday School and Sunday Worship. Email On August 19, 2021, Session approved an amendment to the Covid Masking Policy to start August 22, 2021: Each week the CDC covid tracker website will be reviewed for the county infection rates. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for First Presbyterian Church New York Postcard at the best online prices at eBay! . Come as you are. We are a church that hopes the love of Jesus found in our hearts will help others see Jesus in us. For more information on The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York, check out our website or email us at [emailprotected]!To join our mailing list First Matters and receive information on all of our Zoom meetings follow the link here: email Sam Ogundare to be added! Our youth group meets most Sunday nights at 6pm, First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro, A church without barriers providing God's love through inclusion to all people. The mother of two amazing daughters, Barbara has been a leader in the parent body at their Quaker school in Brooklyn. More. A detailed list of protocols is available by clicking here. When we describe First Cumberland to people, We use words like community and family.. Email . We welcome these six who joined the church on August 7th and 14th. Through worship we discover and express our identity as God's people. Earn up to 5x points when you use your eBay Mastercard. As the Wall Street building became more crowded, families living in the northern part of the city wanted a church building of their own. Thursday Night Programming - 5 PM - Children and Youth Meet. Oops! . Each Easter Sunday morning while everyone is gathering for the morning vespers, the men's ministry members cook a delicious breakfast of eggs, pancakes, sausages, and bacon. Worship with us: First Presbyterian is fortunate to have a beautiful facility dating back to 1871 and located in Cumberland's historical d learn more Welcome! Worship Service: 11:00 AM That means we worship Him with vigor and joy. If you would like to receive our monthly journal, please click on the sign up button below. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church - Lubbock | Lubbock TX We are studying. Barbara has served on the board of the Religious Education Association and is currently part of the Boundary Awareness Training Team for the Metro Association of the UCC. The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York was established in 1716 and the first church building erected on Wall Street in 1719. We are glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. eBay Standard Envelope for Trading Cards, Stamps, Postcards & Coins up to $20, Get the item you ordered or your money back. First CP Church! We are a Bible based congregation meeting in Springfield, Missouri. * Wednesday Bible Study: Resumes 6:30 p.m. March 1. 6 PM Meal. *Dementia Friendly Worship - 2 p.m. First Sunday of Every Month - Worship especially designed for folks experiencing dementia and their caregivers. Location. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. About Us. Welcome to Our Website! The first steps toward organizing the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Longview, TX, were taken in 1935 by the Rev. Signs will be posted indicating the masking requirement for the week. The church was formed after African-American delegates to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church's May 1869 General Assembly asked for assistance in organizing a separate body for African Americans, allowing them to become more independent and self-reliant, develop their own clergy and other leaders, and maintain their own church buildings, all with Dementia Friendly Worship: First Sunday of the Month - 2 p.m. Denton First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, * Wednesday Bible Study: Resumes 6:30 p.m. March 1. hould you wish to make a donation, please place it in the offering plate with a clear notation it is for the Food Center. The immediate cause of the separation was a religious revival in the Kentucky area (1799-1802) that brought many converts into the church and led to a shortage of ordained ministers. At First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Murfreesboro, youll find a church with traditional liturgy and hymns who will love, care, and welcome you no matter who you are and no matter what your background. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, c1905 First Presbyterian Church Lewiston New York P593. We believe that all who choose, who repent, who follow Christ, may be saved and no other verse of scripture represents our Church more than John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believed in him would have eternal life. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 AM, and 5:00 PM for Evening Chapel. The First Presbyterian Church of Watertown. These young men We are a church that seeks to nurture and equip one another to inspire, empower,. Learn More. The site of the first Cumberland Presbyterian Church is also located at Montgomery Bell State Park. Our church staff is working regularly scheduled hours; however, the building will remain locked to keep traffic to a minimum. Morning worship in the church starts at 10:00 a.m. Come join us! Zoning for the property allows for up to eight single-family residential lots. This Body of Christ welcomes you to The First Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Russellville, a community called to discipleship and empowered by the Holy Spirit to glorify God as we learn, teach, and witness through service, love, forgiveness, prayer, and fellowship with others as the feet and hands of our Lord Jesus in the world. In partnership with the Dementia Friendly Denton County movement. *Sunday Worship Service: 10:45 A.M. Click here to watch services virtually on Facebook. 256-536-9371. Take your time and browse through the pages to get to know us better and find out what is going on at First Cumberland Presbyterian.. If it is Low or Moderate, vaccinated congregants WILL NOT be required to wear masks in the Sanctuary or the building.,,, Sermon: Parable Living: Whats in a Name?. 6900 Nubbin Ridge Drive Knoxville TN 37919. We want that for you. We are a group of people committed to following the risen Jesus. First CPC offers Dementia Friendly worship services. When we describe First Cumberland to people, We use words like 'community' and 'family.' We are a group of people committed to following the risen Jesus. The Spanish language service will meet in the sanctuary at 2pm. Past. We are a Cumberland Presbyterian community of faith in Olive Branch, Mississippi that is dedicated to providing a safe space for children, youth, and adults to worship God and to become a part of a loving family. . First Sunday of every month, 2 p.m., at 1424 Stuart Road. Check us out, but more importantly, seek the truth of God that can only be known when one knows Jesus. Services were held in private homes, and then in the courthouse until 1827 when a log church building was erected on a lot located at the present North Jefferson Street and Third Avenue. Bethesda, Camden, AR (Full-Time Ministry) - Church Information Form; Contact: Jeanie Shatley - email. 1505 North Moore Road Chattanooga, TN 37411. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church's vision is that all may know the joy of loving God and loving one another! We collect non-perishable foods and other necessities on the first Sunday of each month for the Denton County Food Center which distributes individual food bags to needy families. Sunday Services Sunday School 9:30 Worship 10:45. First Presbyterian Church of Watertown, 403 Washington Street, Watertown, NYPhone: (315) 782-1750 / Fax: (315) We encourage you to lend a hand as a volunteer in the ongoing programs and events that are a part of our ministry and life together.. We support local, regional, and national groups in addition to projects through the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination. In addition to Sunday worship at 10am, we are actively involved in mission locally with the Watertown Urban Mission and around the world with several projects in . * Christ Centered Worship The church is open for morning worship and our afternoon Latino worship services. Communion is held during worship the first Sunday of every month. The First Presbyterian Church in Watertown NY is a modern congregation with deep roots. 1505 North Moore Road Chattanooga, TN 37411. Any congregant who feels more comfortable wearing a mask should feel free to do so at any time. We are so happy that you are curious about our church and hope that this portion of our website will help to answer any questions that you may have or a least give you a little better . The revival caused disagreement within the Presbyterian Church (USA) both over the mechanics of the revival and over allowances the pro-revival faction was willing to make in order to secure ministers for its rapidly expanding following . Looks like we're having trouble connecting to our server. This channel features our Pastor Dr. Courtney Krueger and others helping us . In 2016, she finished her doctoral work in Religious Education at Fordham University where she wrote about the "Unresolved Conflict Over Revelation in American . The service will also be streamed via YouTube and Facebook. Learn more about us We are a Bible based congregation meeting in Springfield, Missouri. Will meet at 6:30 pm in the media room and via Zoom. We exist as a congregation to share the good news of Christ, to celebrate the diverse community of the Spirit, and to glorify God in all we do. Our Latino Worship service meets at 2pm and can also be seen on YouTube. We are glad you have chosen to spend a few moments looking around, discovering our church family. 2023 Ministry Council, Cumberland Presbyterian Church is licensed under a CC Attribution 4.0 Intl License. To fully understand us, come to a worship service or to a small group and feel the up-close, in-person fellowship that comes when people share time together with the Holy Spirit present. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Murfreesboro, Rutherford County, Tennessee First Cumberland Presbyterian Church 907 E. Main Street Murfreesboro, Tennessee 37128 (615) 893-6755 A History of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Murfreesboro, Tennessee by Robert E. Corlew and Mary S. Corlew 1956 : : : : 386: 2020 3 15 : : webmaster: 2020.03.17: 385: 2020 3 8 : If you need to enter the building during office hours you may do so via the intercom system found at the education wing entrance. Dr. Barbara Davis is the Executive Minister at First Church. We love praising God and getting out in the community to show the love of Jesus Christ to all. The service will also premier on YouTube. If it is Substantial or High, vaccinated congregants WILL be required to wear masks in the Sanctuary and the building. *Dementia Friendly Worship - 2 p.m. Perhaps youve been looking for a church where you are accepted, loved, and welcomed in Murfreesboro but havent found that perfect fit. Knoxville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 6900 Nubbin Ridge Drive Knoxville TN 37919 (865) 588 - 8581, Welcome to the Knoxville First Cumberland Presbyterian Church website. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church is to glorify God. Enjoy the website, then come. All our welcome to join us for our morning worship service each Sunday at 10:30, 2020by First Cumberland PresbyterianChurch. Contact Us. Cumberland Presbyterian Church in America, Pastoral Development Ministry Team Endowments, 8207 Traditional Place, Cordova, TN 38016, Learn about the work we're doingand the work that, Bethel University Names Blake Bernier Esports Head Coach, Rev. Father God make us anew the living Body of Christ, and so enter our lives that we may be channels through which your Love and Grace are made known to all people! We also hold Sunday School at 10am before services begin. We meet in person and are available virtually at 11am Sunday mornings. First Cumberland Presbyterian Church 4610 Manslick Road Louisville, Kentucky 40216 (502)368-4709 Sunday School - 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. Covid-19 Supersedes All Other Times and Activities. We are studying The Covenant of Grace by Hubert W. Morrow. 2020By First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Huntsville AL website the body of Christ we are a Church hopes. 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