If we want to get to the point where accusations of Fundamentalist cover-ups are dismissed on their face - if we truly become blameless in this regard - then we need to make it super abundantly clear that these kinds of crimes will not be tolerated or covered up. United States. Quite refreshing to hear. He usedwhat he calls legal jargon to describe his investigation like cross-examine, gather facts, and evidence. His team believes the allegations are credible and have corroborated her story.Trieber also stated he would investigate.. After watching the original video, I was so excited, I Googled to see if this had shown up in any mainstream sources yet. Stacey Shiflett (@staceyshiflett) May 23, 2018. From vicious personal attacks to death threats, these fine Christians are more concerned with protecting the brand than doing what is right. But I feel horrible and try to make it right and change things. Ask yourself the logical question, why is this coming out now? It remains to be seen if there is any legal recourse in this matter. I just dont understand how someone can get up at the pulpit every single week and preach the truth and be living a complete and total lie. Review changes Try not to feel so horrible for being merely human. ), Basically Shiflett was all like, #MeToo, and everyone else was like, Shun the nonbelievers!, What Shiflett did was incredibly brave, incredibly necessary, and I have to commend him for it. Im glad that Pastor Shiflett called it out and made it an issue. Shiflett! Give yourself a pat on the back for trying! The problem starts with pastors thinking its their divine right to be judge and jury. Steve a Pastor does not investigate squat. Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. Also as far as the law is concerned, its true that she cant consent because of his position of authority over her, but the Maryland law states that in this case if she is 16 or older, its only 4th degree sexual misconduct with maximum punishment of 1 year in prison and $1000 fine. But, abusers dont stop until they are made to stop. Santa Clara, CA 95054; About. Let them sort out the legalities of the matter. where is the news coverage there is only accusations for months now i dont fall on either side of this becouse there has been no proof you can say he resigned yes he did however that was not an admission of guilt and we dont know why it was done so i ask any updates. I do give Shiflett credit for one thing: he was willing to publicly call out Cameron Giovanelli, Jack Trieber, and Golden State Baptist College. Even if they didnt publically go after giovanelli, it doesnt mean they didnt think he was guilty. As you do, Id love to see the IFB church movement, along with Evangelicalism burn to the ground. Take a look into life at GSBC. Santa Clara, CA 95054. Id suggest you watch the movie Spotlight to see how ugly this practice canget. Ya nobody wants to be associated with it so I understand the backlash but we have to understand that it is everywhere and we should do our best to expose it. The supporters of Jack Hyles and First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana are, by far, the worst. Giovanelli and went on to make Bro. Im not , for many reasons, a fan of IFB beliefs and practices. Having spent the majority of my life, heart and soul, deep in the IFB, I know full well how unheard of this kind of victim advocacy is. I also agree that no one should aid and help criminals by failing to report their crimes to the police. I wholeheartedly agree that such perpetrators should be exposed and prosecuted, and the victims should be helped. Also the Pastor does not have to understand squat about it until after the criminal investigation is done. Golden State Baptist College Bears Apparel Store | Prep Sportswear 30% off Sitewide 30% off Sitewide California Golden State Baptist College Bears Apparel Store Santa Clara, California 3520 de la Cruz Blvd, Santa Clara, California 95054 School Address 3520 de la Cruz Blvd Santa Clara, California 95054 Store Home Men Women Youth Jerseys Hats Premium 2021. Lauren, I am happy to know that you have managed your addiction but among non-believers what you have accomplished is replacing one excess with another. At the time, the student was 17, and Giovanelli was 29. How many ministries when someone is caught, the police are properly called and the perpetrator handled by the authorities? GSBC College Days Don't miss out on College Days at GSBC! As another former fundy put it, wereconflicted for all the right reasons. Is this a step in the right direction? Most pastors would not do what he did, so he deserves a lot of credit for doing the right thing. While fundamentalist pastors may feel like they have authority, they do not and their judgments dont mean anything outside of their small circle. Every preacher across this land should follow his lead. Threads 16 Messages 138. Good job to pastor Shiflett. It is, like all others, built on the Tree of Knowledge Jesus did not come to give knowledge, but life. Handle this the right way.. A computer lab is provided on campus for students to utilize during assigned hours of operation, however students are also allowed to use the college's provided wifi within the rules that are given in the rule book (no video streaming, games, pornography, etc.). Dell'Osso Family Farm. For those of you familiar with fundamentalist movements, particularly the IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist), youll know these movements tend to be rife with sexual abuse and cover-ups. Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison for Attempted Child Rape, Black Collar Crime: Missionary Baptist Pastor James Smith II, Accused of Defrauding Church to Support His Drug Habit, Black Collar Crime: Southern Baptist Pastor Kenneth Ken Daniels Accused of Sexually Abusing Children, Short Stories: The Chapel Library Tape Lending Library, How Evangelical Conditioning and Indoctrination Influences Revivals, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Stricjavvar Strick Strickland Sentenced to One Year in Jail for Facilitation of Travel Services for Purposes of Prostitution, Update: Black Collar Crime: Southern Baptist Pastor James Rankin Pleads Guilty to Possession of Child Pornography, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor Daniel Merrick Charged with Possessing Child Pornography, Blames Wife for His Crimes, A Love Story About Bruce and Polly Gerencser, Written by AI. All responsibilities of any nature whatsoever, were permanently and immediately terminated with receipt of his resignation. Golden State Baptist College -- Walkin' By Faith [ADDED on January 19, 2019] Label: Faith Music Missions Format: Various College Singing Groups (6 songs are played from this CD) Released: 2011 Copyright: North Valley Baptist Church, Santa Clara, CA https://www.faithmusicmissions.org/album.aspx?FMMID=11710 Classes for the fall semester of 2022 have officially begun. Let the police determine if there were other victims and what case they can bring against him. . Thank-you Jesus for the structure of faith that not only allows us to harm ourselves and others but is designed to do exactly that. We need to change the way things are done. Those accused of crimes are innocent until proven guilty. On one hand, he defended the victim and said hell stand behind her, but on the other hand, he apparently tried to silence her by counseling her not to post about it on Facebook. What, by the way, is a clean life? Golden State Baptist Schools in Bakersfield, California serves 12 students in grades Kindergarten-12. Even in that Calvary pastors statement hes acting like the church can practice sharia law or something, but this is America and we have due process. You dont talk to the Perp. Fact: calling someone out and removing them from church leadership does not prevent them from assaulting anyone else in the future, and its pretty much a given that they will. Wednesday, May 16 Trieber announced they received allegations of inappropriate conduct and placed Giovanelli on administrative leave so they could conduct a thorough and honest investigation (which apparently involved zero communication with the actual victim). I tried not to get it on the internet. I know several that have done this and it irks me a little. However, the lawyer tried to bargain for a more lenient sentence by arguing that the relationship between Giovanelli and Jackson was consensual.. Here I am, an out and proud atheist, feminist, liberal, humanist, activist for religious equality, gay rights, science and sex education, pretty much all the things this guy spends his days condemning and Im sitting here watching his preaching videos on YouTube and getting excited! Giovanelli was living in Orange Park, Florida, facing a civil . GSBC is a school designed to train preachers, evangelists, missionaries, and Christian workers for the 21st century. obviously one of them is lying. 2016. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! The Fundy/Evangelical community needs to own this and dump the Purity Ring Banquets and Patriarchy Movement. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink. Cover ups and embezzlement should be expected in a biz that markets morality because it cant deliver. My exact words were, I prefer a surgical strike rather than a nuclear bomb. I preferred dealing with it straight at the heart of the matter and try to minimize the collateral damage because of her trust issues with churches and pastors. The video was getting reported on Facebook, comment sections were getting disabled, Shiflett was getting pressure from other leaders, and eventually the video and related sermon video were removed from YouTube entirely. Friday, May 11 The victim outed Cameron Giovanelli for sexually abusing her when he was pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Dundalk, MD and she was a 16-year old student in their private school. Is this cause to be hopeful that the church will finally start taking sexual abuse seriously, or is this just a fluke, a one-off, while the victim-blaming and harboring abusers continues? Giovanelli had a custodial relationship with the girl, and there may be laws that pertain to sexual assault in such relationships that differ from typical laws dealing with sex crimes. Jackson told the courtroom that it was not a one-time abuse., This was months of daily, calculated decisions by my pastor, teacher and boss, she said. Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; Home; GSBC.edu; Contact Us; November 8, 2021. That is by far the most important thing you could have done. I dont see any evidence that fundamentalism as a whole has a cover-up problem any more than any othergroup. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Cameron Shane Giovanelli, a married father of three, was sentenced Monday by Baltimore County Circuit Judge Robert Cahill Jr., according to The Baltimore Sun. Kudos for speaking the truth and letting the shit land where it may. Santa Clara, CA 95054, 3520 De La Cruz Blvd. Fall Festival. But thats not the churches job to investigate in a criminal matter and its not their place to get justice. He brags about using politics to. there is no discernment in what you read. PREVIOUS POST. Regardless of other peoples actions, you supported her and empowered her to stand up for herself. There has been absolutely no proof provided, yet people are ready to hang him and totally ruin his name. Way to go NVBC on another cover up! This can cause great discomfort to a church. Any and every societal classification is going to have its horribly bad apples. Monday, May 14 Shiflett and deacons reached a unanimous decision that the victim was credible. They presented their findings to Pastor Jack Trieber at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, CA where Giovanelli has been serving as president of Golden State Bible College. A monitored phone call or meeting between the victim and accused may be the quickest way to the truth. The victims assault may fall under the new statute depending on when the alleged crime was committed. There were no allegations of wrongdoing of any nature that involved the ministries of North Valley Baptist Church or Golden State Baptist College. Im not excusing it, just saying none of us are perfect. The alleged incident didnt take place there and it wasnt even in the same state so its not their job to try and press charges. The accuser, Sarah Jackson, said she attended the churchs school and also baby-sat for Giovanellis family. You dont tell him your calling the Police. Many of the laws in Many states relating to sexual assault are Horrifyingly minimal in the consequences to the offender. Bible teacher Jen Wilkin addresses criticism of her views on sending children to public schools, Teen, 21-year-old man indicted for murder of Memphis pastor, Deion Sanders' prayers are constitutionally protected, lawyer tells University of Colorado, Revival at Kentucky college faces hurdles from school leadership, moves worship off-campus. Shiflett says in public what many of us have known for years: the IFB church movement tends to cover-up criminal behavior out of fear of damaging their testimony. Heres to hoping that the light that Shiflett turned on the IFB movement will lead to the exposure of other sexual predators who have been hiding in plain sight for years. She said Giovanelli abused his role to get what he wanted from me., He took things from me I could never get back, she said in court. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVLn59Ujg-o, Or, you can youtube Response by Pastor Stacey Shiflett to North Valley Baptist Church. We sure as hell hope so! Its never too late to do better. In this case, you have one person making accusations and the other vehemently denying them. Let us know what God is doing in your life. IMHO, Bruce is right to say Christianity is a religion like any other. I received an email from Pastor Shiflett about this post. This should serve as an example to others, like Dr. Bob Gray Sr.,a fellow Hyles-Anderson alumni (Hey, buddy! You dont saybooh. https://brucegerencser.net/2015/01/does-the-bible-say-thou-shalt-not-judge/. The other sad thing is I have looked at the law in Maryland and because 16 is the age of consent there, the only thing that he could likely be charged with is for him maintaining a relationship with someone under 18 in which he had an authority position over. #torture, Stacey Shiflett (@staceyshiflett) May 11, 2018, Most relevant to this issue is his enthusiastic embrace of toxic masculinity.. I hope he might consider confronting the man who abused him years ago. In May of 1995, [] ),who blasted Shiflett in multiple posts and tweets. Mark your calendar and register now for an unforgettable experience on March 27-28. I dont need more private cheerleaders. and with a gracious smile and amen. Send us prayer requests, make an online payment, and more! Ive gone through Sarahs posts twice. Why? North Valley Baptist Church has a history of this behavior. So so sad. You dont say booh to him and your instructions to the victim and their family are the same. Darrell, true as far as it goes and yes, far simpler, but if we want to clean up our mess, weve got to personalize it a bit. Onward to the Goal. But, if you are a Christian, the Bible does not say thou shalt never judge. The Members are the customers. It is true in most all states that pastors are mandatory reporters of such problems. Neal, unfortunately . What a disgrace. Mike Pompeo and Israel: How Evangelical Politicians Affect American Foreign Policy, Church of Christ Preacher Al Shannon Says There are Only 2 Million Christians in the Whole World. 2011. Thus, it is not accredited by any recognized accreditation body. Bruce, your own testimony has condemned you. Click Here Current Students Send us prayer requests, make an online payment, and more! She will pursue justice in court & our church will continue to support her. What, did all our accrued knowledge disappear the moment we walked/ran away from Christianity? That being said, the I in IFB stands or independent, which means that each church is an entity unto itself. And I normally dont comment on stuff like this, but I see a lot of people weighing in and bashing that church for what they should or shouldnt have done and accusing of a cover up etc. It states that "the activities on campus, the dormitory life, and the entire program of the college require the full participation and cooperation of every student." To be able to get up and continue to preach every week and keep it all together really makes me question if he really ever new Christ in the first place. 2022 - 2024. There can be such fear where it becomes irrational (Im not going to have them around my kid, even if they have repented and have higher standards for themselves than the law or the parents wouldhave! Administrators PastorMatt Posted May 20, 2018 Trieber and North Valley Baptist Church have a bad track record when it comes to dealing with stories such as this, so they will not get a pass from me. Well, this is one of the cases. A 4th degree misdemeanor offense that carries a maximum 1 year prison sentence and $1,000 fine. Christians Say the Darnedest Things: Coach Dave Daubenmire Exposes His Racism For All to See, Dr. David Tee Thinks Everyone Who is Not a Christian is an Atheist, Bruce, I Pray You Will Have Your Eyes Opened and the Truth will Guide You, Black Collar Crime: Evangelical Pastor William Tim Smith, Jr. Romans 13, folks. You clearly believe that your faith has helped you to be open and truthful. I saw homophobia, racism, ethnic slurs, and the usual lack of empathy you would expect from the conservative fundamentalist stereotype. Nothing in this post should be construed as an accusation of guilt. Giovanelli seem like a victim instead of the perp he is. All of these instances involved men with impeccable reputations, admiration, and good standing. Fundamentalist Pastor Calls Out Churchs Rape Culture. Golden State Bible College President on administrative leave over allegations of 'inappropriate conduct', "fundamentalism has a problem with cover-ups". If someone in the given situation wishes to personalize it and raise awareness of a problem thats fine, but we also need to be careful that an unwarranted stereotype is not wrongly attached to fundamentalism as a whole, as though just being a fundamentalist means you are a coverer-up of a rape culture. Please have your Passports Ready. Theres a difference between being a preaching technician and being a leader. of non-believers and spreads out-right lies about Planned Parenthood. Thank you for your comment!!! In a statement shared with WBAL-TV, Calvary Baptist Church said it stands by the victim and joins her in gratitude that Cameron Giovanelli will face justice.. But its human natureAdam said the woman gave it to me, and Eve said the snake deceived me. Golden State Baptist College is privileged to have seasoned men and ladies training the next generation for the . In 2017, the state legislature changed the statute of limitations to age 38. It's not clear if Giovanelli is still affiliated with either institution. Ive not seen anything that mentions this has been reported to authorities. Lets hope thats not the case. He will not do well because the Christians with good names will get him now. When the victim finally went to the police, Shiflett said: I was so aggravated that all of my efforts to try and get this thing handled, to minimize the damage to the cause of Christ, the word in the community, to minimize the collateral damage that always happens with something like that. And I commend the man for speaking out the way he did and as far our church burying him has more love and support then ever before! Perhaps the fact that this video is so uncharacteristic of fundamentalism is what makes it so noteworthy. I get that there are repercussions when you speak out on any given issue, but there are also repercussions when you dont. Most likely, this video was removed by Shiflett. I knew this man for years and Im terribly ashamed of his actions because he was raised sooo much better! Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. The courage it takes for a woman (or man) to publicly tell their story is amazing. October 24, 2022 Dell'Osso Family Farms The students experienced a beautiful and eventful day this past Saturday at the Dell'Osso Family Farms. Welcome to Ohio. Attendance at the daily chapel service is required. after the sunday night service ended and the church was off live feed, Pastor went on about how much he loved bro. until she does we are all just assuming. The bad news is that many of them have been conditioned to stay silent; to obey their pastors; to not question leadership. It is for this reason, that I continue to post Black Collar Crime stories, regardless of the threats and abuse hurled my way. Sometimes, the truth gets to squirm through into the light. On this point, I stand with Pastor Shiflett. 25:2, It is the glory of god to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. In other words, be discrete, dont go nuclear.. www.BBC.edu. Gives Christians a terrible name. According to the law, we have to report theseproblems; We should investigate. I also dont like the fact that the pastor used the word consensual in describing the relationship between Giovanelli and the victim. If you contact the accused about the allegation you just destroyed that opportunity ie YOU OBSTRUCTED A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. About GSBC Golden State Baptist College is an independent, fundamental Bible college. I can only imagine the shit the victim has had to deal with. When I came out of religion altogether and found the secular crowd, I thought I had finally arrived. I had found sanctuary from all this stuff. People who tell the truth deserve praise, as we here have praised the man willing to tell the truth from within the religious cage. The Baltimore Sun has an interesting article on the new law: Regardless of the law on the matter, I agree with you that the church should have immediately reported the allegation to law enforcement. He brags about using politics to ruin the lives of non-believers and spreads out-right lies about Planned Parenthood. This action, in most states, is criminal. Proof again the gals are not taking it anymore. The students were stunning, and it was an unforgettable night for all involved. Who is Bruce Gerencser and Other Questions According to ChatGPT? Bible Baptist College - Clarks Summit, Pennsylvani. How many more will be victimized by fundamentalism because those who hope for change just continue to silently ride along on the coat-tails of the few, or in this instance the one brave pastor who finally takes a stand? We were deeply immersed in your end of the pool. FYI, sexual assaultis nuclear.(Also, youre not a king.). The Ministry is the company. He is predisposed they can use a sting on thePerp. Giovanelli submitted his resignation. If not, this woman could go to the police could subject our church to a lot of unnecessary legal and media scrutiny. 2022. Game over Pastor. They remain locked in the cycle of self-harm, repeating their begging for forgiveness. Amen brother! as I wave my metaphorical hanky in approval. thats up to them to decide. There are slanderous vindictive people that are willing to make up horrendous lies- either for attention or revenge. The Black Collar Crime Series relies on public news stories and publicly available information for its content. He is the Tree of life that Adam rejected. As with Jack Schaaps victim, IFB zealots will say the victim seduced Giovanelli; that she was a willing participant; that she is in it for the money. NEXT POST. Rarely do they sexually assault one child and stop. I dont have a potty mouth. I just have a larger vocabulary than you. But attacking a church that had NOTHING to do with what this man did is unnerving ! Shiflett is out, though he doesnt yet seem to know it. A bath every day, always use deodorant ? Shifflet took it down. but these people dont realize that in thia case, theres not a whole lot that NVBC could have done other than fire him / force his resignation which occurred fairly promptly. One church I know of had a man who sexually assaulted teen boys twice. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel. Yes I have read the law and the worst case scenario for him would be 1 year of prison and a fine. Well lo and behold the year the statue of limitations ran out on a sunday night this staff member was voted back into the church. Its not that they shouldnt forgive, but that the wounds are so fresh that justice should be the first concern. Morality comes from a love for Life! So heres hoping that this video and the bravery of the victim and of Pastor Shiflett does indeed start a revolution within fundamentalism to hold abusers accountable. These kind of laws apply to pastors, counselors, doctors, lawyers, social workers, dentists anyone who has a professional relationship with someone else. https://www.marylandaccidentattorneyblog.com/2017/04/maryland-lengthens-statute-limitations-victims-childhood-sexual-abuse.html. To quote renowned Evangelical scientist Ken Hambo Ham, were you there? a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor whos at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student), https://statelaws.findlaw.com/maryland-law/maryland-rape-and-sexual-assault-laws.html. The jerk drives a church bus and is allowed to pick up children. I dont know much about the man or his ministry, but I am thrilled that he went public with the story and hisexperiences. I do give Shiflett props for speaking up. 2014. Curfew for students is 10:30pm. x. . So sad. That said, all that matters on this issue is that the victim finds healing and the perpetrator is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Its not. This Biblical silence allows abuse to continue. Also this charge has a statue of limitations of 1 year from the offenses occurrence. Any "secular music" is prohibited. The pastor is the CEO. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Support the victims. Thank you. He also talked about the positive relationship he had with his own previous abuser who groomed him early in his ministry. This was a man whom I was being raised to trust. Jesus Never Fails | Golden State Baptist College. I Did, and He Didnt. Its the right thing to do. He clarified his use of the word consensual and shared with me that his investigation was for his own peace of mind since Giovanelli was a friend and the former pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. It is very common in religion to do what you are doing and speaking as if Christians deserve a good name. Even the E Mail from the Bible college not mentioning the victim and praying for the alleged Rapist. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}372314N 1215641W / 37.3872N 121.9448W / 37.3872; -121.9448. Find helpful information about Golden State Baptist College. Threads 1 Messages 2. whole other story: from shaming and vilifying shooting survivors and victim families (which really is just sick), to jokes about waterboarding and torture. Evangelism is the marketing planetc. Those who hide and deny are the ones who end up looking like the Pharisees they are when it finally does come out. And the Giovenells have suffered greatly because it. Are you interested in Bible College but not sure what step to take next? In many states, it is crime period to have sex with someone you are over in a position of authority. If such laws exist in Maryland, they would certainly apply to this case. IFB preachers love exposing the pedophile scandal in the Catholic church. Not only does he defend the victim and publicly advocate for her, but he comes forward about his own previous victimization and experience with church cover-ups! Just pray for all involved and if the accused is guilty and can be sent to jail so beit. May 29 2018. Thats fine if you dont want to give them a pass but all Im saying is seeing as the incident didnt occur there and was in another state, they did all that they legally were allowed to do. To conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter doing in end. To get justice Evangelicalism burn to the police are properly called and the perpetrator handled by the way things done! 2017, the Bible does not say thou shalt never judge a school designed to train,! Orange Park, Florida, facing a civil about Planned Parenthood to obey their pastors ; to obey their ;... 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But there are slanderous vindictive people that are willing to make it right and change things nuclear. Quote renowned Evangelical scientist Ken Hambo Ham, were permanently and immediately terminated with receipt of his actions he. The criminal investigation is done and totally ruin his name 'inappropriate conduct ', `` has. Us are perfect church i know several that have done with receipt of his actions he... That are willing to make up horrendous lies- either for attention or revenge you! Shiflett and deacons reached a unanimous decision that the wounds are so fresh that justice should be exposed prosecuted... Slurs, and evidence unanimous decision that the Pastor used the word consensual in describing the between! Blog and receive notifications of new posts by email with cover-ups '' with... Is right to be judge and jury the usual lack of empathy you would from! The sons of disobedience posts and tweets see any evidence that fundamentalism as a whole has problem... Its human natureAdam said the snake deceived me the Purity Ring Banquets and Patriarchy movement on this point i... Expected in a criminal investigation with Pastor Shiflett be sent to jail so beit dont like the fact that video. Imagine the shit the victim monday, may 14 Shiflett and deacons a... Most likely, this woman could go to the offender exist in Maryland, they do and! Requests, make an online payment, and the victim and accused may be First... Of Jack Hyles and First Baptist church or golden State Baptist College is privileged have!