Jason Dean At first Veronica is thrilleduntil she finds out that being one of the Heathers means bullying the same kids she used to call friends. The duo panics and covers up the "accident" by staging it as a fake suicide. Another look is donned by JD while he is at Veronicas, switching the overcoat to a blue-black flannel and a grey vest underneath with blue jeans. Can be mean on command if Heather Chandler orders it, but is actually quite vulnerable and fearful, especially when Heather Chandler's iron grip on Westerburg comes crumbling down. Westerburg High's local Mythic Bitch. When JD places a (blue) bottle of mineral water at the murder scene to make it look like a suicide; this is Ohio, he explains. The school and community look on Heather's apparent suicide as a tragic decision made by a popular but troubled teenager. It's obvious to see where J.D gets it from, with Big Bud Dean being very confident within himself. Now JD doesnt have as many variations in his closet as the rest of the characters, but he sometimes switches his all-black attire with shades of blue, so as to match the Bonnie & Clyde aesthetic with Veronica. Student at Westerburg High School was a happy accident that it was that easy. Concord Theatricals transposition services (US/UK) assisted as well, helping to transpose some of the music for J.D.s solo songs. Also as a production that is predominantly people of color.. of her problems and he helps her out, but the way he helps isn't really want she wants. break into Heather's house. They grow to be crazy, Psychopaths are born that way. mentions having lived in Las Vegas, Nevada, Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Dallas, Texas before he moved to Sherwood, Ohio. By 1988, Bob Stinson was out of the band, theyd released their most commercial record yet (Pleased to Meet Me) on a major label, and the band would break up a few years later. But JD was an emotionally abusive fuck to Veronica. Rise and Fall of Power Type of Villain For changes to the music, the shows co-creator, Laurence OKeefe, worked with the vocal range of their new J.D. J.D. The Civil War:Not literally, but rather the broader war between red states and blue states, conservatives and liberals, with a pro-blue state slant. The two meet again at a Snappy Snack Shack where J.D. Jason Dean's father, Big Bud Dean, has a construction/demolition company that often causes him to move to various places. A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the "in crowd" of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics: by killing the popular kids. Contents 1 Early Life 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Murders Jane has been friends with the Heather's since Elementary. One of the best Replacements songs from when Bob was still in the band is called Sixteen Blue (although it was written by Westerberg), and includes the line, and youre thinking to yourself that you might be gay, which ties in not just to Kurt and Rams fake romance, but to their constant homophobic jokes. With this red/blue framework in place, here are a few ways to interpret the films deeper message. Veronica replies by putting a cigarette in her mouth. The two basically go on a killing spree together. Aptly donned in green in the beginning of the movie, she follows the leader with all her plans and problems aside. Less than 15 minutes into 1989's dark comedy "Heathers," a rebel teenager played by Christian Slater pulls out a gun and fires blanks at two homophobic jocks, a move that would get him arrested. Red is also a bright, dominant color witch, again, matched Chandler's personality. One of JDs last lines is color me impressed, which is also the name of another great Replacements song from the Bob era (and theres a decent-if-lacking-any-actual-members-of-the-Replacements documentary, Color Me Obsessed, can be seen for free here). New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent 2020. Character JD (Jason Dean) Show Heathers the Musical Gender Male Age Range Late Teen Role Size Lead Dancing Non Dancer Voice Tenor High Note G#4/Ab4 Low Note C3 Vocal Technique Belting Time & Place sherwood, ohio, 1989 Tags dark violent intellectual charming attractive damaged boyfriend murderous outsider mysterious rootless warped Analysis Becca is a playwright and performer based in Brooklyn, New York. View All Characters in Heathers the Musical, THIS FEATURE IS ONLY AVAILABLE FOR PRO MEMBERS. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! However, JD is lying; the bullets are in fact real (Ich lge means "I'm lying" in German). chases Kurt back towards Veronica, who panics and shoots him dead. He is portrayed by James Scully. Genres Nonfiction Film Media Tie In Criticism Pop Culture 129 pages, Paperback First published June 1, 2011 He has a pet hamster, as shown in the scene where J.D is building a bomb in his bedroom. it'll be a Woodstock for the 80's! In a panic, Veronica shoots at Kurt, hitting him in the chest. The students believe the petition is to get the popular band "Big Fun" to play at their prom, among various other things, but it's really a mass suicide note for when the school blows up. ; Ditzy Genius: She's a gifted student who was . Get entertainment recommendations for your unique personality and find out which of 5,500+ JD often calls his father son and vice versa, which evokes one of the most famous Replacements songs, Bastards of Young, and its chorus, we are the sons of no one, Bastards of Young! seemed to have had a pretty average and happy childhood before his mother's death. Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Heathers (1988) Mature Major Character Death F/M, M/M Work in Progress 20 Apr 2022 Major Character Death Jason "J. D." Dean/Veronica Sawyer Jason "J. D." Dean/Kurt Kelly Jason "J. D." Dean Veronica Sawyer Kurt Kelly Ram Sweeney Heather Chandler (Heathers) Post-Heather Chandler's Death (Heathers) Heather Duke is In-between, not as bad as Chandler but meaner than McNamara, and gleefully takes over after Chandler dies, using her newfound power to show her more sadistic side. Although initially shaken by their act, J.D. You do not have to know the movie for this quiz, but it would be good if you know the musical due to questions that will include the names of songs. Three men attempt to rape Veronica at different times . We believe it is important to show that queer relationships can also be nuanced and complex and that women are also capable of causing harm towards other women, said Diana Khong and Gwyneth Phagnasay Le, the Rams Head co-directors. Big Bud Dean is one of the supporting characters within Heathers, as J.D's father. sure, I was coming up here to kill you, but first I was gonna try and win you back with my amazing petition! The bomb blows up, lighting Veronica's cigarette, and ultimately ending J.D. J.D. Yet I am here to mention how the outer appearance of the two characters justified the stereotype and the era they belonged to. Upgrade to PRO Sign Up for PRO to view suggested audition pieces! He was portrayed by Christian Slater, who also played Michael Griffin in Hollow Man 2, Edward Alderson and the title character in Mr. Deceased (suicide) Heathers, on the other hand, is a movie that made a huge impact on my life. Of course, these wont make much sense unless youve seen Heathers, but if you havent seen it, I can only assume youve had a brain tumor for breakfast. 3. Here is regular contributor Jason Cuthbart's background and analysis. Seems to be following in her predecessor's footsteps with Veronica by the end of the movie. I've learned a lot from my predecessors just about how to go about licensing shows, and the unspoken rule is that we all know you can't change a script, said Kaitlyn Khayat, Executive Producer of the show. J.D. Relationship Status involved with Veronica. In "Meant to Be Yours", he mentions that he thought about killing Veronica for breaking up with him. The days of ruthless leaders, red and blue, are over, and its time for a new world order. In the midst of the movie, when JD baits her into working upon his discreet plan by giving her the red scrunchie, she wears pastel greens, foreshadowing the transition she is about to withstand. Based on the cult classic film of the same name, Heathers is the story of Veronica Sawyer, a senior at the fictional Westerberg High. 4. ", "You say 'To-may-toe,' I say 'To-mah-toe. Text Lydia Morrish. Due to that, Jason had to take the role of a parental figure (the father) instead of seeking an actual parental figure. Moby Dick drank some bad plankton and smashed through a coffee table. to read our character analysis for JD (Jason Dean) and unlock other amazing theatre resources! Relatives I wanted someone strong who could protect me. And it's not that we weren't open to doing something else, it's just that that requires work., Changes like this do require the authors permission and, ultimately, playwrights get final say over the presentation of their work, not only because of the skilled labor that goes into rewrites, but because even minor changes to a staged work may change the shows overall meaning and messaging. He even says it: He has moved a lot of times and everywhere, in every school is the same. The initial scene has Duke wearing a printed green skirt and a summer cardigan, accompanied as a set with a printed white shirt underneath, showing her familys monetary stability. If you go further you may say I am reading too much between the lines, but considering the thought process that went behind color coding in this whole movie, its best to give me the benefit of the doubt. For Stanford University's Ram's Head Theatrical Society, Stanford's oldest and largest student theatrical organization, the first step to producing a groundbreaking, virtual production of Heathers The Musical (US/UK) was an email to the show's authors.. Synopsis - Veronica is friends with the clique at her high school called the "Heathers". 17 One thing to mention is that the sequence has her asking for signatures on a petition stating that the students of Westburg High will commit mass suicide, in which she is shown in her regular greens, as if she is trying to appeal her slaves. All characters throughout Heathers the Musical. Interests blowing up toasters with his gun and hanging out on his motorcycle. Jason Dean, the chaos-loving bad boy taken to the extreme, is associated with James Dean from Rebel Without a Cause. Full Name Veronicas last name is Sawyer, the best friend she abandoned in order to become popular/a Heather is Betty Finn. When they got to three, J.D. She committed suicide when he was young. Marital Status Red is the warmongering agendaas JD goes to kill Veronica and explains his plan to blow up the school, he wears a red shirt under his trademark black trenchcoatand the red hues in the final Westerberg pep rally turn it into a literal rallying of the troops, even though they dont know that theyre on the cusp of entering a losing battle as JD prepares to blow up the school underneath them. The following morning, J.D. She accepts and joins them in singing. Later, J.D. When JD explains his master plan to what he thinks is Veronica's corpse, he tells her exactly how he believes the world will receive the mass suicide at Westerburg High. no to his idea because Heather would never drink a mysterious blue liquid, he still fills a solid mug with the drain cleaner. That is, before he decided that everyone at school should die, believing that they are keeping him and Veronica from being together. The richest, hottest, and meanest girl in school. Little did Veronica know that ich lge actually means "I'm lying" in German, and that those bullets were very real. J.D. J.D. High intelligenceGunmanshipManipulation 9M, 9F. 1 / 4. Heather chandler is very aware of how people view her and has accepted that, She's very demanding, self-aware, cold-hearted and knows what she has to do to stay the so called queen bee. as a woman., They were also very receptive to any changes that existed outside of gender as well, beyond just the queerness of the show, said Diana. Although he's new at the school, it feels familiar. but worries that he wouldn't even want to be seen in public with her. ", "This'll be the kind of thing to infect a generation! Why can't you just be a friend? The skirt is paired with black (read JD) corset, stockings, heels and of course, the red scrunchie. follows her and makes the sacrifice himself. Heather Chandler - Mezzo Soprano - 17 - Richest, hottest, most magnetic, cruelest girl in town. Based on the classic 1989 film, Westerberg High is ruled by a shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing junta: Heather, Heather and Heather, the hottest and cruelest girls in all of Ohio. He later climbs into her room with his revolver to kill her but finds Veronica hanging from a noose. J.D. has moved seven times before, most notably to Dallas, Baton Rouge, Vegas, and Kansas before landing in Sherwood, Ohio. This is their time discussing the most important kill of the movie: the jocks, and manipulating Veronica into believing that he wont actually kill them would require JD to be in-tune with her, thus the blues and preppy accents. Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch? He meets Veronica at a convenience store, where they proceed to flirt with each other. Completed chandler reginageorge mean +19 more # 3 Please Don't Leave Me Alone || Hea. She doesnt want to hurt Kurt and Ram, either, but she has no problem making them look gay, or with homosexuality in general. 's bomb like in the musical and the movie, she actually sets it off, killing everyone in the school including herself and J.D. Veronica breaks it off with J.D. We only provide suggested audition monologues or songs for an individual character if our system finds content that matches a character's traits. Martha and Heather McNamara become this for Veronica. Professional Status Its inital tagline was "Love. Heathers quickly becomes a very different kind of film, though: namely, a brutally deadpan comedy about suicide, murder, school shooters, emotional abuse, and manipulation. Male When she nally becomes Queen Bee she wields power like a bulldozer. Since this letter is the only thing left behind, these haunting words are assumed to be Connor's last pleas to a dreadful world. In the email, they wrote of their affinity for Heathers, calling it a "thought-provoking musical" that had been "pivotal to them as . But misfit Veronica Sawyer rejects their evil regime for a new boyfriend, the dark and sexy . J.D. With the green monster ever-more evident in our comparisons of the person with that Tik-Tok on your screen, our generation has a big pool of Dukes who, quite frankly, should save themselves from burning red. Video unavailable Thank You For Watching.Music:After Glow - Karl Casey @ White Bat AudioSentimental - Karl Casey @ White Bat AudioMy Other Channel: https://bit.ly/38OqE9q#JD #. Heathers was supposed to be the teen film to end all teen films. making an effort not to stand out at school, as we first see him sitting in the back corner of the cafeteria. This is the part where we all unanimously were startled with the sudden change in color depiction for our lovely Duke. Veronica wants power, but remains a bleeding heartshe cannot be cruel to Betty Finn, nor can she turn her back on Martha Dunstock without a guilty conscience (Martha: also the name of our nations original first lady). He doesn't know what to do when things don't go according to plan, and his need to be right is unshakable. As he attempts to set up the dynamite in the schools boiler room under the sea of red above in the pep rally, theres blue light everywhere. Although it was never confirmed, it is speculated that J.D has schizophrenia, which was most likely brought on by the death of his mother and neglect from his father. Mainly because psychopaths can't form emotional attachments/bonds with people while sociopaths can with some people (JD's obsession with Veronica) but also because psychopaths pretend to feel emotions while sociopaths can feel theirs (JD's anger and sadness in the story). pulls his gun on school bullies Ram Sweeney & Kurt Kelly and fires blanks at them. Murder. New York, NY, Linda Ray Challenge getting rid of the annoying people at school. The entrance has him in a dark green shirt with black accents, an oversized worn out black coat, a small earring in his left ear, straight fit jeans and (although not too clearly shown) converse in black. Heathers Character Analysis: Abuse . Daniel Waters . *Our system only provides suggested monologues or songs for select characters if we have matching monologues and song information in our database. He owns Big Bud Dean Construction, but don't get fooled by the name. Lust. to finally be dead, leaves the boiler room and the school without being noticed. Heather Chandler is the queen bee of Westerberg high and thrives on her power. After a sold-out Los Angeles tryout, the show moved Off-Broadway in 2014. He owns Big Bud Dean Construction, but don't get fooled by the name. Character age 17 ! The Great Character theme for the month: High School Characters. in the Chandler's kitchen, Veronica mistakenly grabs the cup of drain cleaner instead of the milk and orange juice. (Christian Slater), she takes down the popular clique, including some of her closest friends, the "Heathers . After sleeping with him for the first time, her first concern is what others will think if they find out. Apathetic Duke meets Veronica at the latters home, bringing the news of suicide attempt by Martha Dumptruck as a moment to laugh about. Veronica longs to be cool like the clique of it-girls that runs Westerberg: the unaffected, unattainable Heathers. Not literally, but rather the broader war between red states and blue states, conservatives and liberals, with a pro-blue state slant. stumbles out behind her. this is all they wear for the duration of their time onstage. Today: Veronica Sawyer from the 1988 movie Heathers, written by Daniel Waters. She ridiculed it, hurt it, and recorded it covertly in others. Psychopathic Juvenile Delinquent. J.D. Wanting to be popular, she has also shown to be bulimic, yet slowly losing her urge to purge when she gains power. 2. When JD shows up to free Veronica was the jocks, hes a blue beacon of light, while the oppressive jocks wear red varsity jackets. Heather McNamara is Yellow. He continues to try to win her back with no avail and eventually decides to kill her, too. J.D. Afterward they would humiliate Kurt and Ram by planting "gay" materials, such as a Joan Crawford photo and mineral water, on their unconscious bodies. Pretend I did blow up the school, all schools. Sure, its fundamentally about high school, but to paraphrase Christian Slaters character, JD, as hes attempting to blow up the school, Westerberg high school is society. Born as near to the first line of Gen Z in a developing country did not expose me to Hollywood movies pertaining to high school and the drama underneath. The results are so successful that Veronica and JD, exhilarated with their newfound power, resolve to rid Westerberg of the cruelly popular elite forever. When asked about a hypothetical question about getting $5 million dollars while aliens are coming to blow up the planet, he takes the time to bring taxes to account. Music Personality Heathers Musical Which Heather Am I Which Character From Heathers Th . [1] The producers include J. Todd Harris, Amy Powers, RJ Hendricks, and Andy Cohen. Youve probably heard about Room 237, the new documentary about all the strange theories behind Stanley Kubricks The Shining (i.e., its really about the Native American genocide, or the Holocaust, or the faked moon landing, etc.). Personality smooth, sexy, rebellious and. He wears one silver loop earring, but is seen wearing a diamond stud in most promotional material. 's plot to blow up the entire student body, she confronts him in the boiler room below the gym where he is rigging timed explosives. follows her outside where he finally blows himself up using the bomb he had originally intended for the Westerburg High student body. After going to her room, Veronica finds that J.D. An outsider that Veronica takes an interest in after he pulls a gun on some bullies, and later gets romantically (and criminally) involved with. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. about his murders and her association with him, and even hurts Martha to prevent her finding out. Contents 1 Biography 2 Personality 3 Physical appearance 4 Appearances 5 Quotes 6 Trivia 7 Gallery 8 Navigation Biography This black comedy, which spans 103 minutes, stars Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. He is the yandere for Veronica Sawyer. Some productions of the musical have her looking horrified when Duke slut-shames Veronica, even reaching out to comfort her before being stopped by Duke. J.D. J.D.Jason Dean The next morning, Veronica and J.D. As the town's secrets start to unfold, her life begins to change. J.D. All the schools. The following day, Veronica finds J.D., shoots his middle finger off, deactivates the bomb, and finally shoots him in the chest, leaving his body in the boiler room. blackmails Heather Duke with a picture of her and Martha Dunnstock from when they were friends in their childhood. Veronica doesnt want to kill Heather C, just make her throw up, like she did to make like the liberal motto and level the playing field, as it were. They are enamored by the Heathers and are easily swayed by the possibility of sex. Ah, we all have that jealous, envious friend in the group. Now it's your turn to take the helm. Heathers is a 1989 American teen dark comedy film written by Daniel Waters and directed by Michael Lehmann, in both of their respective film debuts. J.D. she wants to make Heather puke her guts out. Heather Chandler is Mean, being the most actively cruel of the Heathers. Is that what you said, Little Miss Voice of a Generation? Her extra weight makes her pals with a girl named Martha, who is also bullied. When Heather Sawyer arrives with her parents in Sherwood, Ohio, she meets two other girls that are also named Heather. She is described by Kurt and Ram as "geeky and nerdy" and by H. Chandler as "a greasy little nobody". Since Westerberg Highs color is red, we can only assume that Paul is seen as the controlling one, wanting to put order and a horn section on his music, which would not jive well with a blue individual like Bob, who drank way too much and liked to wear tutus on stage. Find out how you match to him and 5500+ other characters. Maybe. Is that Pt? Her hair is something youd call curly rather than frizzy, and she has red hoops matched with a pair of ruby Mary Janes. ", "People are gonna look at the ashes of Westerburg and say: 'Now there's a school that self destructed not because society didn't care, but because the school, "Pretend I did blow up the school. collapses, he stabs the timer and it stops. Underneath is a white turtleneck, the color often denoting how nave she is to the working of the society, falling victim to it. The main colors in the movie are red and blue; everything in Heather Cs house is accented red, and shes even lit red at the Remington party (thanks to the fire accidentally set by Veronica, as she sits bathed in blue light). At the start of the movie, he's usually rather calm, and is more of an observer, even after Heather Chandler's death. (Jason Dean) is the main antagonist of the movie and musical Heathers. JD is an entitled white boy in a long coat who carries weapons to school. JD didn't talk a lot in the movie but Off Broadway, he was a little more energetic I guess. Chaos is great! Heathers, a 1988 film directed by Micheal Lehmann, takes a dark, satirical, more R-rated look at the iconic 'queen bee' trope. Sign up for The Airdrop, our weekly newsletter full of book giveaways, interesting article round-ups and fun event notices! Answer (1 of 15): I think in his own twisted way JD did love Veronica. for the right keys and recommended appropriate changes. At the end, Veronica swipes this from Heather Duke, saying "There's a new sheriff in town.". has killed prior to Heather Chandler's death. Nicknamed "Martha Dumptruck", the opposite of hot, condent, or popular. I mean, if you don't have a brewski in your hand you might as well be wearing a dress.. does not give an answer. She ends up falling for a mysterious guy named J.D. And I think that's worth doing, especially for show that appeals to young audiences and teenagers. It seems the main reason she gets so mad at Veronica at the party is because Veronica herself won't be pressured into sex. Heather Duke (Shannen Doherty), who herself had been bullied by Chandler, chases after every news camera to give an interview about how devastated she is. In "Fight for Me", she fantasizes about J.D. Feel free to take any information for your own use on credit. he gets up after being shot and carries the bomb away from the school so Veronica doesn't have to. The fathers and the sons! The song is on Tim, which is the last record Bob appeared on. Heather Chandler, the blonde, plays with a red ball, wears red clothes, and always wears a red scrunchie (as people did in 1988). I am an admin of this site. From what we can tell, J.D. However, unbeknownst to J.D., Veronica faked the hanging by rigging herself with a harness around her waist. 's father) and Mr. and Mrs. Sawyer. Characters -. He especially enjoys it when they play strip croquet together. . This is my very own Room 237. is jaded, and cynical. Dark Reprise: The first time she sings "Dead Girl Walking", it's because she's about to impulsively have sex with J.D. Being the third-famous girl at Westburg High and part of the renowned junior clique, Duke portrays the backstabbers, opportunists and the victims of the societal strata. I am JD Friendly. Veronica tells J.D. J.D. by Molly x 1.3K 27 4 Heathers, the 1988 film that spawned a genre about privileged high school mean girls, from Clueless to, well, Mean Girls, outdoes them all right out of the gate by focusing on the story of a psychopathic teenager on a killing spree. Gets it from, with Big Bud Dean is one of the cafeteria Fight for ''... To finally be dead, leaves the boiler room and the era they to! Extreme, is associated with James Dean from Rebel Without a Cause in fact real Ich. 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