Find out in the next chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! - A Red Cap! Like many mobile games, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery makes use of an "energy system" that is tied into the core gameplay. And Merula being Merula, shell instantly start complaining. The name "Rakepick" is apparently derived from a type of lock-pick, maybe to highlight her being someone who goes to one place to obtain gold to bring back to her employers. Known to take immense pride in her status as a world-renowned Curse-Breaker, she was not a particularly modest person, as seen by her shameless flaunting of her position of trust and prestige, even to her peers, in order to attempt to place herself above them. Madam Rakepick will suggest going on without him. La bveda de los retratos, la cuarta bveda, fue explorada por Jacob, Patricia Rakepick y Peter Pettigrew. Q. When you earn the fifth star, you will need to bow to Kappa. Return to the Astronomy Tower once you acquire enough stars to unlock the lesson. I will get to the final Cursed Vault before you! Going as far as to proclaim them a curse-breaker on equal footing as herself, she went on to emphasise the importance of self-defence. After discussing the situation for a while, Madam Rakepick will ask Merula to decide what to do. [21], During the first part of the tutorial, Jacob's sibling practised casting the Shield Charm against Death Eater dummies while Rakepick observed and occasionally offered advice. The rest of your friends will get back on their feet and theyll also start attacking Madam Rakepick. If you have a question you can ask it below and please check through the questions that have already been asked to see if you can answer any. Unfortunately, its strings were damaged, so you asked him to take the lyre to Kirley for repairs. [15] At some point in her student years, she asked the Care of Magical Creatures Professor, Silvanus Kettleburn, how to enter the Forbidden Forest without being seen, telling him she meant to explore the forest and study the creatures that dwelled within it, and expressing a desire to become a Magizoologist upon leaving school. One strategy involves going Aggressive or Sneaky and hitting it with Depulso or Flipendo. The task window will display the recommended attribute levels and the cost of the duel. Impressed with her prodigious gifts, even Professor Dumbledore regarded her an exceptional pupil, speaking highly of her abilities even after her graduation. : Hagrid's Hut. Recognising that Rakepick regarded one of the pupils as a potential rival in her quest to find the Vaults, and aware how Rakepick dealt with rivals, Snape cleverly had said student serving as his spy to shift her attention over on him to protect the student as a supposed mastermind of the youngster's actions, while also using the ploy as a tool to try and learn what Rakepick was up to and expose her to Dumbledore, the one person who they knew for a certainty would be able to put a stop to her plot, whatever it might be. Some alleged that the vaults housed priceless treasures such as gold, prophecies, and other powerful magical artefacts dating back to before the school was founded, while others believed they contained Dark Magic. Upon spotting Jacob's sibling, she inquired about Mr Bilton Bilmes, the proprietor of Zonko's Joke Shop, whom she had encountered on one of her trips to Hogsmeade, as she thought there was something "peculiar" about him. [36], She took William Weasley, Merula Snyde, and Jacob's sibling on as assistant Curse-Breakers, forming a team to find the next Cursed Vault. To complete the Meteor Showers lesson, you need to obtain five stars within eight hours. If you are looking to save energy, there are 5-cost actions tied to Bill, Madam Rakepick, and a huge chain on the ground. Are all of the trapped students free? You will end up being the only one left to face Rakepick. Merula will be very eager to get her revenge. A: Astronomy Tower The walls are lined with strange concoctions. You can claim it in the Transfiguration section of your Hogwarts Record. Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Two of Year Four of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. While a self-declared daredevil with little regard for rules or restrictions and with a strong sense of entitlement, Patricia Rakepick was a highly intelligent and magically gifted witch, as evidenced by both her top performance at Hogwarts as well as her later achievements in life. Moments later, you will cast the Blasting Curse to seal the Cursed Vault. What a chapter! A: History of Magic There's lots of confiscated items here! [38] Jacob's sibling then went on to search, but instead of a portrait, they brought back a parchment, which Rakepick told them was the Marauder's Map. An intensely brutal and sadistic witch, Rakepick subjected her most loyal and trusting disciple, Merula Snyde, to repeated and prolonged torture with the Cruciatus Curse, which required a genuine willingness to inflict pain and enjoy doing so, also verbally taunting the poor girl for her misplaced faith. When questioned by Ismelda Murk as to why anyone would want to be her assistant, Madam Rakepick hinted that, she would be teaching her assistant powerful magic the likes of which they could not learn from any of their professors. Youll decide to give it a try and see if you can clear the rocks. Jacob's sibling, her former student and enemy. The original character model sheet for Patricia Rakepick, The Harry Potter Wiki has 83 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. After Rakepick left school, she became a professional Curse-Breaker . At some point during the 1987-1988 school year, Minerva McGonagall had a very heated argument with Rakepick about "something important", suggesting that the Transfiguration teacher, who presumably began to teach her when Dumbledore rose to the post of Headmaster, also did not think very highly of the younger witch or her methods. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards. When she found out she was outnumbered, she Disapparated. They can attend magic classes, learn spells, battle rivals, date characters, play quiddich . Whilst it is uncertain what he thought of Rakepick's initial claims about the existence of the fabled Cursed Vaults as a student, he did acknowledge that she was remarkably ambitious for a Gryffindor, and by no means stupid. If you seek revenge for what she did to Rowan, you should trap her in the vault. Last time, you met with Jae at the Hog's Head Inn and he brought you a lyre. Learning to transfigure Goldfinch to Golden Snitch requires obtaining five stars within three hours. Once you are done, Bill will suggest checking the portrait wall. [9] She was invited back to the school during the 19871988 school year by Professor Dumbledore, the school's Headmaster, to help put an end to the threat posed by the Vaults. She did not in fact care for her young charges in any way beyond their immediate or potential usefulness to her and willingly discarded them the moment she deemed them liabilities rather than assets. [4], During the time span of the First Wizarding War, Rakepick also joined R, a secret and mysterious organisation, and worked towards their supposed goal of the pursuit of knowledge and justice. When it was time for the Headmaster's welcoming speech, however, Dumbledore took his usual place at the Owl Lecturn: addressing the students, he said that an important part of the learning process was to learn how to identify and overcome dangers, both seen and unseen, as a pretext to praise the older students for their bravery in the face of adversity in light of recent events at the school after someone had tampered with two of the Cursed Vaults and the hardships they all had endured because of it. Overhearing how they were discussing the Vaults and the reason why the curse would make students walk into the Forbidden Forest of all places, a question with potentially dangerous implications, Madam Rakepick finally made her presence known to the two young conspirators. This will work, and the door will slowly open. Madam Patricia Rakepick has been tasked with investigating the pesky cursed vaults, and your adventures into the mysteries of Hogwarts will not stop her. This is our page for asking and answering questions for Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery? After all, you are incredibly close to finding the final vault, so theres no reason to give up now. [13], Rakepick sadistically torturing Merula Snyde with the Cruciatus Curse in the Buried Vault. Jacob's sibling was able to cast a fully-fledged Shield Charm in time, deflecting the curse. You can collect it in the Herbology section of your Hogwarts Record. She then trained Jacob's sibling in the use of the Shield Charm, justifying teaching them it prematurely by arguing that "curse-breakers like themselves" might very well not be alive to learn it another time. You will remind her that Rakepick should face justice for her crimes, and killing her outright wouldnt accomplish that. You will turn to the Merqueen and ask if she would be willing to show you the location of the final Cursed Vault. It did not take long before the chosen six were called to assemble at Training Grounds a second time. However, if you want her to face justice for her crimes, it is recommended to turn her in to the authorities. Apparently, he was writing a letter to someone important, which is the reason why hes late. Patronus Expend as much energy as possible before leveling up to maximize rewards. Dumbledore invited her to join him at Hogwarts the following school year so she could look into the Cursed Vaults situation; she accepted. Jacob (born 1962/1963) was a wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry during the First Wizarding War until he was expelled during his final year for having tampered with the fabled Cursed Vaults and unleashed a series of curses upon the school, endangering his fellow students. Rakepick wanted to uncover the Dark wizard's true identity, and started her own investigation parallel to the one being conducted by Penny Haywood. This choice will affect some dialogue lines later on, and it is recommended to trust your brother and pick the first option. The rest of the merpeople will happily cheer at you. Youll wonder how it is possible for her to be so cruel. She also admitted that she considered them a standout from the student at Hogwarts, by virtue of their considerable talents and their reasons for wanting to find the vaults, and encouraged their pursuit of them. Educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, during her formative years she was an exceptional student, top of her class, who, regardless, was always in trouble. Unfortunately, before you get the chance to do that, Rakepick will appear. Thank you for reading and see you soon with the final chapter of year four of Harry Potter Hogwarts . As part of her search for the Cursed Vaults, Rakepick interrogated the castle's ghosts, though this proved unfruitful. They opened the Map and saw a person moving very fast, but before Jacob's sibling could see their name, Rakepick pocketed the Map. Meanwhile, a new Hogwarts mystery lies just around the corner. She later also tried to use the Killing Curse, which again requires a genuine willingness to kill and disregard for the life to be extinguished, on Ben Copper when he managed to actually hurt her during a duel. This choice wont have any big impact on the story, so feel free to pick the option you prefer. [4], However upon being imprisoned in Azkaban, her appearance changed drastically; she was forced to wear the black and grey-striped uniform of Azkaban prisoners, over her black cloak, with her hair mangy and greying, and her demeanour utterly defeated, having suffered in Azkaban for some time. Dolores Umbridge. Jacob will wonder how youre feeling. [13][20], While working with R, Rakepick also attempted to break into the Buried Vault with Jacob and Peter Pettigrew, but upon seeing the Hungarian Horntail that guarded the Vault, Pettigrew fled, leaving Rakepick and Jacob to face the dragon, and despite their best efforts, they failed to completely defeat it, but distracted it long enough for Jacob to use his Legilimency abilities to open the door. She pretended to welcome them to break into her mind, but then used Occlumency to deny their access. At one point, when Rakepick arrived at the upstairs corridors, she heard Jacob's sibling talking to a man (who was in fact Peter Pettigrew) about the vault portrait and Peeves. Witnessing this didn't change Jacob's sibling's mind, but Rakepick still believed it would be useful under certain circumstances. Merula will remind you to enlarge the items. Last time, you met with Jae at the Hogs Head Inn and he brought you a lyre. Its Aggressive move will hit you for 15 damage. Only one star is needed to pass. - Nothing. Will Merula be able to recover from the effects of the Cruciatus Curse? Ben will ask her to calm down since he has an easy solution to the problem. There are three options to choose from. [16] Patricia was a firm believer during her time at school that the Cursed Vaults existed, but the faculty did not heed her warning. Find out in the next Chapter of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery! At some point, Rakepick was informed that Jacob's sibling had been asking the teachers about her, as well as researching the creatures of the Forbidden Forest. [7] After a final confrontation with Jacob's sibling at the Sunken Vault, she was finally defeated and sent to Azkaban. Youll then decide to inspect the vault. To unlock the Kappa lesson, you need to acquire a total of nine stars from the Defence Against the Dark Arts classes. Other than that, the actions here are fairly linear, so simply complete whichever action you see available. [51], Through unknown means, Rakepick found out the location of the Sunken Vault, and, bypassing Barnaby Lee's sentry, she caught up with Merula, Ben, Jacob and his sibling down in the Great Lake when they decided to reseal the Vault. To unlock the Aconite lesson, you need to acquire nine stars from Herbology classes. Ben will like it if you go with a fearless approach. | All game-related assets are property of developers and/or publishers and are used by the BMG team for informational and educational purposes. It appears that a dragon was indeed inside the vault at some point. [47] She also lent Merula the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, but when she walked in, Merula had cast a dangerous Fiendfyre which she couldn't control, so Rakepick extinguished it for her. He took her to see a Gryffindor boy who was found in the Forbidden Forest; the boy was standing upright, yet trapped in slumber. [50], Rakepick killing Rowan in the Forbidden Forest, Sometime during the 19891990 school year, Rakepick returned to the Forbidden Forest and ran into Jacob's sibling and their friends. Copyright 2023 Our website use cookies, please read our Privacy Policy. She also told the students how she came up with his name and affectionately described his sweet disposition and destructive capabilities. Upon arriving, you will be able to interact with some of the merpeople. Rakepick warning Jacob's sibling and his/her friends. Everyone will take hold of the portrait, hoping that Bill is right about it. She first conjured her corporeal Patronus in the form of a lioness to banish the Dementors that were present in the forest. Once you are done, she will smile at you and applaud. She then had an intense duel with Jacob's sibling, but was ultimately defeated by the Disarming Charm. : Leaky Cauldron. The reason for this is pretty simple. [Source]. Though she did not waste any time soliciting the help of said student and their group of friends to make her own, sanctioned search for the Vaults easier, and even assured Jacob's sibling she meant them no harm and even were investigating the identity of the mysterious wizard that had attacked them in the Clock Tower Courtyard after curfew by forging a letter with the handwriting of Silvanus Kettleburn. If you trust your friends, it is recommended to reveal what you saw. Hogwarts; [40] They talked to Rakepick about them, but Rakepick denied everything. Q: What happened to your brother? Unable to do anything about it, you will turn your gaze away and wait for the inevitable. [4], While Dumbledore assured his charges that the staff would do their utmost to keep them safe, he also explained that neither he, nor the faculty, had all the answers; stepping aside so Madam Rakepick could take his place behind the lectern, Rakepick thanked the Headmaster for such a warm welcome, commenting on her own age-old disregard for the school rules being part of her surprise at his invitation. Between 1 September 1955 and 31 August 1956[1] House Shell point towards the lyre and give you a questioning look. Evidently a very efficient and gifted employee, her many curse-breaking adventures (involving a wide variety of dark and dangerous magical creatures, enchanted objects, and rivals alike) eventually won her both recognition and publicity. Before going in, Jacob will ask you about the approach you should take. All five stars are needed to pass. The game revolves around the player character's journey through life at the school. Bill will quickly go to free the ones that are trapped. There are two options to choose from. Everyone will quickly realize that the final vault was designed to drive people mad. - I was bored. After the reveal and throughout 7th Year, Merula wildly and randomly shifts between . When asked why there had to be a prerequisite, Rakepick said that she helping them more than they knew. [13], During her imprisonment, Rakepick's mental state quickly deteriorated because of the "horrors" she suffered due to the Dementors. This successfully unlocked the door, and it was also at this moment did Rakepick knock the students all down and reveal her true nature. She will quickly grab your hand and drag you out of the nightmare. Youll have the option to defend your choice or to side with Merula. Occupation Female[4] Youll quickly use the opportunity to disarm her. They presented it to Rakepick, who told them they would be facing a dragon in the next Cursed Vault. - A Bowtruckle! Youll ask if everyone is ready for facing the final Cursed Vault. Later, Rakepick let Professor Kettleburn use Sickleworth as a teaching aid in his Care of Magical Creatures class on Nifflers. If you do that, youll receive a heartwarming reunion scene. [9], Rakepick turning on the students in the Buried Vault, The door on the portraits still wouldn't open, but Jacob's sibling reported that something was in their head, which Rakepick recognised as the door using Legilimency due to being enchanted and suggested they do the same to the door. Immediately upon entering the next room, youll notice Jacob, trapped in a portrait. Once you earn the fifth star, you will be tasked with drawing Star Chart. Youll notice Madam Rakepick near the door, smirking slyly at you. [49], Rakepick and the students waited for Ben for some while, and when he came, they grasped the vault portrait and travelled to the chamber outside the Buried Vault. Apparently, all of them experienced the most painful memories of their lives. The following part of the Walkthrough will feature images of the player character choosing to turn in Rakepick. Still, all of them will be very determined to go in. Trace the wand movement to cast the Disarming Charm. The Merqueen will lead you to the place where you first saw the trident while exploring the Black Lake. Youll then get to use Legilimency on the door. [17] In the years that followed, she embarked on a number of daring expeditions to sites of historical sorcery, where she was in charge of breaking protective curses on old forgotten wizarding treasure and retrieving it. If your health ever drops below half, you can easily heal with Wiggenweld Potion, and since youre likely to have a significant attribute advantage, this will pretty much negate most of the damage dealt to you. Rakepick's character sheet indicates that she was modelled after actresses, She is the first Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor named in, Based on her Sorting, she may have been in the same year as Slytherin, In chapter 42 of year 6, her fate depends on the player, who can choose to trap her inside the. Pending questions for this game: 2. You got Merula, Ben, Barnaby, and Jacob to join you, and thankfully, Kirley managed to repair the lyre, so you have everything you need to meet the Merqueen. Trace the wand movement to do so. You and your friends will quickly use the opportunity to strike! Unable to do anything, she will furiously demand that you let her enter the final Cursed Vault. Recognising this as the same sleepwalking curse that had been unleashed on the school years ago, she visited the victims at the Hospital Wing: one was a young Gryffindor boy whose injuries were so severe that he was in no condition to provide her with any useful information; the other was a Ravenclaw girl named Tulip Karasu. we will duel with grindylow and rakepick, then trap her in the vault forever in Year 6 Chapter 42 The Final Vault Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery ! You will ask the Merqueen if she will enter the vault with you. By the time he had replaced Horace Slughorn as the school's Potions Master, Rakepick was already a notable curse-breaker and building her career on eliminating her competition. Rakepick continued, however, to request the assistance of Jacob's sibling, teaching them the Shield Charm to test their abilities and, getting impressive results, continued to offer guidance, such as lending them her own Niffler to help in the search for clues and eventually teaching them Arania Exumai in order to prepare them for a potential fight with Acromantulas. The tallest tower at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, that wont be the case, and the four of you will have to deal with whatever lies inside the vault on your own. - An Acromantula! [12], Professor Dumbledore and Madam Rakepick in the Great Hall, Arriving at Hogwarts Castle alongside the students on 1 September 1987, Madam Rakepick entered the Great Hall shortly before the Start-of-Term Feast of the 19871988 school year, where she was greeted by and engaged in deep conversation with Professor Dumbledore. Even in adulthood, she resented and distrusted centaurs in general, warning Jacob's sibling to be cautious of them. Prioritize doing those if you are looking to save some energy. Rowan Khanna's death in Hogwarts Mystery comes when the player is investigating the mysterious "R" character in Forest Grove. Mother[6] Bear in mind that the dragon has a lot of health, so this will likely be a long duel, but if you use this strategy, you are almost guaranteed to win. If your health is high enough, simply cast Bombarda to deal damage. She wore black robes, on which an ornamental Eye of Horus was pinned, high boots and white gloves, as well as two light brown belts across her waist, one of which held a leather holster for her wand. Before you continue, youll be able to consult with Madam Rakepick. When she became . This eventually left Jacob's sibling uncertain if Rakepick can be trusted or if they are playing right into the hand of their potential enemy. The same goes for mini-tasks since those will provide you with some extra Empathy points. But all those things raised more questions. There are bonus progress actions tied to Ben and your character. She immediately taught them the Incarcerous Spell on the Hogwarts Training Grounds at night. And, as always, try to do all of the mini-tasks successfully in order to gain some additional Knowledge points. Prioritize them to save energy. Professor Patricia Rakepick is the main antagonist in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, a prequel video game that takes place seven years before the original Harry Potter story. Merula will urge you to ask her about the Cursed Vault. Cursed Vaults (Hogwarts Mystery) Canon Compliant; Novelization; Spoilers; Hogwarts Seventh Year; Angst; Established Relationship; Language: English Series: Previous Work Part 7 of The (mis)adventures of one James Smith Stats: Published: 2021-02-05 Updated: 2023-03-01 Words: 149816 Chapters: 21/30 Comments: 53 Kudos: 76 Jacob & # x27 ; s lots of confiscated items here Potter: Hogwarts Mystery to strike all game-related are! 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