Maybe someone wanted the deal to look better by putting some knock off Magpul in the box. These red flags may indicate a fake review campaign: A very high percentage of five-star reviews. How to spot fake products on Amazon. Indian Creek Designs BFD Blast Forwarding Device - Review, How to - Dying Sand colored Magpul PMAG's with RIT Dye, DIY - Birchwood Casey Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish Kit, DIY Battleworn Tutorial (Rattlecan Magic!! Fake Magpul logo - in the wrong location (Magpul's logo has dual-layer outline vs. a single, thick line) 4. I knew it wasn't Magpul and that was fine as it will be mounted to my next rifle. I ordered a vertical foregrip a few days ago on eBay. I came really close to purchasing a fake angled foregrip on eBay until I realized it was coming from China. How to easily spot fake Magpul furniture Black Rain Ordnance AR15 Assembly Instructions PART 1 (The Lower), AR-15 Lower Parts List for a Custom 3-Gun Rifle, POLYMER 80 BUILD TIPS AND TRICKS! Instead, to spot fake products on Amazon, you need to know how to look beyond the product photos and sift through reviews, product descriptions, ratings, and other data to find the legit and the bogus before you buy, because fake Amazon products are a fact of life. The imitation/knock-off problem occurs in the manufacture of quality brand-name survival, combat, and outdoor knives. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. you have to be very careful when you shop online. All Rights Reserved. In fact I never actually found a real stock on eBay and bought mine on gunbroker. Dear Jacob, There should be one single EAN barcode. How to Build an AR15 - Part 1 - Parts & Tools, AR Pistol Build Part 1: Lower Receiver Build (Links in Description), DIY AR15 Complete Step by Step Upper and Lower Build Parts Install, AR-15 Essential parts for the bolt carrier group, Roll Pin Punch Set - Essential Firearm Tools. Amazon combines its inventory from multiple vendors if the UPC code matches. A lot of this fake stuff is manufactured for the airsoft / toy market. It will point out both the signs in a video to watch out for, as well as the signs within yourself. When I got the grip, it wasn't marked with the Magpul logo or name but i I ordered a vertical foregrip a few days ago on eBay. they feel light, cheep, and junky. 1. The seller has been really cool about it though and has already refunded my money and I'll be shipping the sight back tomorrow. are mostly sold on AMAZON \u0026 EBAY.More videos to come.www.snipearms.comFollow us on Facebook, for sneak peeks and general information about SCA. Well I took some pics and they LOOK legit. 3. Some scammers ask you to text "STOP" or "NO" so you won't receive future texts. They are clearly stamped "PTS" at the front of the sight base. You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. Next, consider what reviewers have said about the products, and whether or not you can trust them. He did not know it was a fake, and even after seeing pictures I thought it was the real deal. I called magpul and they said theyd replace no questions asked. Read about comingled inventory from on amazons site here. Magpul used a Allen head that said magpul around the edge in the gen 1 for only a short time, and switched to a slotted head screw.if it has a Allen , unless it says magpul it's fake. I always get a kick out of people trying to convince me that an overpriced product is always best. I recently bought a (theoretically) new, in box, Ruger 556-E via gunbroker. Description: Fixed Among the several exhibits was one focused on counterfeit products, and therein were displayed several real, patented items side-by-side with knockoffs. Granted, this does depend on the model (and also whether the . When it comes to guns n bullets, were justifiably complacent that when we buy Brand X firearm (or ammo) were actually getting Brand X. I knew it wasn't Magpul and that was fine as it will be mounted to my next rifle. When the website you are browsing on offers cheap deals, investigating the legitimacy of that website will help you avoid . I hope i got a real Magpul stock this time. I would be helpful to see photos of the fake right next to the real thing. This task involves simply classifying a text as real or fake and . After watching a few more comparison videos I decided I like the smaller profile of the Pro set, so I poked around Amazon and found a set for about $140 shipped. Clue No.1 is that real MBUS don't have the Magpul logo where these fakes do; Real Magpuls have got shallow finger-grooves so your fingers will know to 'PUSH HERE' to pop the sights up. I hope I got the real deal! it does get confusing. The Magpul pdf of the fake UBR, shows the same one telltale sign of the screw heads. If the product description and photos seem legit, and the reviews aren't so suspect as to ward you away, look into the details of payments and shipping. I ordered a Magpul MBUS from Amazon in that same price range about two months ago, Seen here: I had actually started to believe that I might be the worlds worst shot with iron sights. The only difference I could find is the sights screw to secure it was different than what I saw pictures of on the Magpul sight. eby1911. I ordered a vertical foregrip a few days ago on eBay. Polymer accessories, on the other hand, are particularly easy and cheap to knock off and the trusted name of Magpul seems to be a magnet for shoddy Hong Kong factories and shameless vendors. How to spot fake IDs Virtually. it makes you damn airsofters to any and all documented underworlds. how to spot fake magpul ubr how to use ar magpul . Buyer Beware: Counterfeit Magpul MBUS Pro Sights. Fake logo on button area (vs. Magpul's slotted finger grooves) 3. Leupold and Daniel Defense have Counterfeit warnings and info on how to spot fakes their websites. For an authentic snack, scallion pancakes are popular - they provide a well-seasoned end to your meal. - The date code is different for every batch delivered by Wilcox. The position of the adjustment mechanisms in the body and their being tool-less - this fake has allen wrench adjustment screws for windage and elevation - is a dead giveaway. Check the wrapping. You have entered an incorrect email address! Even though Im a Cheap Bastard, I have to counsel caution in this situation. Free shipping and returns on Magpul also has a airsoft line called the PTS and they are identified with a PTS mark below the brand logo which you can find by the hinge if you fold the stock. If not, that's a bad sign. I ordered a vertical foregrip a few days ago on eBay. I think he means time for Magpul to file suit if these arent licensed products. Real Magpul front sight posts dont list heavily to port. - Lamp assemblies, if it doesn't fit surefire LA and requires a "special" one than it's a fake. In standard methods, participants are asked to indicate in a yes-or-no fashion whether a machine has produced a given text. The ones I have are a bit different than the fakes posted. Rear Sight Front Sight A couple of the reviews said they were fakes so I asked the seller who never responded, so I got a refund, AND THE SIGHTS CAME. Selling counterfeit goods as the real deal and shipping through the USPS also adds another crime (and investigating agency) to such crimes. I bought a pair of the knock offs for $12. Magpul Duane Liptak, Jr., is Magpul's director of product management and marketing. Where/which vendor did you obtain the fakes? I just did a search on the UPC code and it came back as; I had a friend call from a gunshow with a great deal on a set of these. If in fact they are marketed for airsoft use however, maybe magpul has an unspoken rights agreement with the other manufacturer? A real MBUS will have a small Magpul logo just below the rear aperture, and none at all on the front . Ultimate Polymer 80 Glock Troubleshooting Guide (Links in Description). Magpul sights have always been packaged separately , they have never used one box for both . Finally, if there are any red flags, don't hesitate to contact the seller before you buy to ask for more product images, clarification of any questions you have, and more information about their company and their relationship to the product. what does make my blood boil is knock-off larue or other scope mounts that look like the authentic thing. Thanks. Check the veracity of the publication where the article originated. Also, always take the time to look deeper into a seller, checking the other products they offer and noting any warning signs like consistent complaints or multiple occurrences of stilted language and bad product pictures. 6. The seller said it must have been a fraudulent return. I am pretty sure thats all I have ever seen the rear sights in at gun stores. These screenshots would be of some MBUS sights I purchased recently. They can be distinguished by the cheap cardboard packaging, generic flathead mounting screw, and poorly engineered sight adjustments. Ensure that both of the signatures are similar. A real MBUS will have a small Magpul logo just below the rear aperture, and none at all on the front sight. Vickers Tactical Steel Magazine Release for G43X/G48 (GMR-007S), Midwest Industries AK-01 Easy Way to Add a Light to Traditional AK. Missing "MBUS" logo on the site 2. The perfect rifle sight. $40 $50 is what I see the rear sights going for on most websites. Our test leads go through more than 13 safety tests as called out by IEC 61010-031 to ensure they're up to our high standards. Ive seen them myself. Here's four easy ways to spot fake Prada clothing! This info is per ruger. To spot fake products on Amazon, you can try a few different tests regarding a product's reviews and photos. Small pointer to recognize a fake from a real Wilcox mount. Factors like motivation, emotional reaction, and others can be great indicators of deepfakes. additionally there were differences in the screw on the wind age adjuster. It was just a plain box. But from what i read online and read, here is a list of things: - Serial Numbers, surefires will start with "A" then followed by a series of numbers. Apple. When I got the grip. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. These crappy knockoffs usually sell for $15-20 online and from junk vendors at gun shows (the kind who usually dont sell actual guns because they dont have an FFL.) All Rights Reserved. This item however does not fall into that category because its marketing makes it appear to be the real Magpul Back-Up Iron Sights. So, are these fakes? You may also consider contacting USPS if it was shipped through them, and you wound up getting counterfeits. Model: MOE- Magpul Orginal Equipment If you come across a deal that is too good to be true, there is a good chance that it is This recent thread on shows detailed images of authentic MBUS Pro Sights and counterfeits. ! youll ask yourself. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. The problem with this is comingled inventory. If any of this can't be provided with relative alacrity, it's time you move on. Particularly with Magpul accessories, its important to purchase them from a vendor you trust and who has a workable return policy. Weed out scam artists. Usually the vendor will let you know they are, but i guess there are some bad ones out there who will try to sneak it by. 2. Is the shipping expense and timeframe reasonable? Your words of caution are wise ones to keep in mind when buying accessories. When I got the grip, it wasn't marked with the Magpul logo or name but it was stamped with "MOE" on one side of it. For supporting GunStreamer at this tier, we will mail you one of our lovely GunStreamer patches! Magpul actually licenses an authorized line of airsoft-grade accessories called Magpul PTS (for Professional Training and Simulation) and more than a few shooters have saved a few bucks by using them on real guns with no problems at all. I doubt theyd get away with it twice though, we usually kick the bad ones out here in dallas. you dont realize its a fake unless you examine them very closely. FullAuto Madness with Krebs Custom and EveryDayCivilian. Accessories are generally unregulated (except for ITAR rules) and theyre rarely serialized unless were talking pricey optics. On the real, however, there is always a circular . I prefer Troy sights now but I keep these around to use as a temp set when needed. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. >Oh, and no real Magpul sights ever came as a pair in one box, always seperate. A couple of the reviews said they were fakes so I asked the seller who never responded, so I got a refund, AND THE SIGHTS CAME. Buyer beware! Fakespot shops around for you, saving you time and money. His writing is spread across the web, and his books can be found at. As we continue our efforts to reduce the number of fakes, we want you to be informed of the counterfeit situation. The allen head screws that secure the sights to the rail have Magpul engraves into the head. For this story, we'll test the listing for the Amazon Echo Show 5, a PCMag Editors' Choice . The above gentleman is correct. 2023 Jerking the Trigger. Graphic Content: Hoof rot and Coyotes kill an elk and we check it out. 1. It was some airsoft thing. Clue No.1 is that real MBUS dont have the Magpul logo where these fakes do; Real Magpuls have got shallow finger-grooves so your fingers will know to PUSH HERE to pop the sights up. I sent it back to Amazon(their customer service was excellent). Dont forget to leave Facebook and come to MeWe! Fake Magpul MBUS sights, Fake Daniel Defense sights, Fake Aimpoints, Fake Leupold MK4 scopes, Fake ACOG's. . Whether you're shopping for Oakley Sliver XL or Oakley Feedback sunglasses, an authentic pair of Oakleys is typically going to cost you at least $50.00, and that's if they're used, old, and probably a little worse for the wear. One more thing that I forgot to add: All of the texts on the real X300U are blurrier than the fake X300U. Even under close examination, I had at best a 50% success rate identifying the fakes. Yay for lax international copyright/patent laws! You can also see the poor mating of the lock on the side here too. If you spot a scam text, don't reply. Bad sellers know how to look good, but they can't fool Fakespot Guard. Generic review titles like "Nice product" or . 2. Over the recent winter holidays, my wife and kids and I stopped into the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum, a small but charming spot tucked into the Alexandria, VA location of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. His ebay ad says: Magpul MOE Rifle Stock Black Made In USA Mag404-BLK If you are searching for read reviews How To Spot Fake Magpul Pmags price. box looked like real stuff and did say PTS and it fit the rail on my AR308. AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. As you peruse the Internet or eagerly stroll the stalls of a pre-Christmas gun show, chances are youll run across some amazingly low-priced Magpul accessories. It was the real thing. Here's how to spot a fake product on the Amazon website. You're wearing the creepy "toe shoes"? If your confused about what I said about the apertures being the same size on the rear sight, its because I drilled it out. I also hear people say make sure you buy from a reputable vendor. The snap should read "ORIGINAL PRYM 6/4B". Theyre from Beware what you buy. Designed for light fast action, the streamlined A-frame profile avoids snagging and shields the release latch to prevent accidental activation. knockoff sights, how to tell the difference from the real ones. I picked up a "Magpul" front MBUS off the forum a couple days ago in response to a Wanted ad I posted. Save Money & Support this channel by using the Discount Codes & affiliate links below! Really Tom? When I got the grip, it wasn't marked with the Magpul logo or name but it was stamped with "MOE" on one side of it. L O G O. Not everyone is a fan of MBUS sights, and perhaps for legitimate reasons, but real ones never look like this out of the box. So I ordered from a different seller to compare the . Buy Online with safety transaction. 3) Pay attention to the back of the flap, because you can quickly find a fake Longchamp bag. Another small detail I forgot to photograph was the brim around the light's head. Thats what I would think. Just copy the URL of the page in question and paste it into the Fakespot Analyzer to investigate a link. Both real units will have MBUS molded into the sides of the flip-up sections; these have nothing. I didnt even know fake Magpul stuff was a thing, although it seems obvious in retrospect. Its always a good idea to Read The F*cking Box before you buy anything, but even an honest and careful buyer could be fooled by this disclaimer. Confusing, garbled language in . Other than that one, I have never seen other replicas in person. Last june i bought a set of gen. Magpul mbus from a member here. It is also a good trick to do because most people will accidentally use their real name for the signature. But with a relatively wide-open policy towards third party sellers, a few with less . Fake faces can actually be easier to spot than fake video or audio, if you know what you're looking for. And on Amazon, unfortunately. Well I dug mine out of the little Stanley storage box I keep optic parts and took a look at them. Good luck with that. But one of my first questions should have been if it came in a Magpul labeled box. If I got ripped off, perhaps Ill write a READ TTAG self defense (of your checkbook) tip article. A forum community dedicated to Carolina firearm owners and enthusiasts. The CTR also features a supplemental friction lock system that minimizes excessive stock movement for enhanced weapon stability and an ambidextrous QD sling mount that will accept any push-button sling swivel. Authentic Magpul PTS (Professional Training & Simulation) items are clearly marked "PTS" to avoid confusion with Mil-Spec grade items designed for real firearms. Such head bands can help maintain a tighter . Im not 100% sure mine arent fakes. Copyright 2023 GunStreamer. Improperly wrapped cellophane is a telltale sign of counterfeit perfumes. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. How To Spot Fake Magpul Ubr is best in online store. Here are 13 of the company's sneaky tricks. Model: Rifle Stock I bought them on ebay for $40/set. In both pics the fake is on the left, the real is on the right. They work fine for that purpose. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. On the right side of the stock, the words "PRS AR-10" are most likely missing on the . When it arrived, the gun itself functions perfectly, and seems to be all stock parts, but the magpul MBUS sights on it are clearly not. All rights reserved. Compare the Magpul logo on the real Magpul CTR and the Counterfeit rifle stock. They even sell the fake MOE and CTR stocks, along with the fake Magpul slings. [2] 2. When not writing or spending time with his wife and kids, he can occasionally be found climbing mountains. These alleged Magpul MBUS sights are a case in point. In this video, we go over the differences between REAL vs FAKE Magpul MBUS sights. My next set of back up iron sights will not be gun show knock-offs. While shooting, the pin that holds them together actually walked out causing the sight to tilt. I ordered a vertical foregrip a few days ago on eBay. Comedian and Student of Life | Ep 029 JP Sears, [ARCHIVED THREAD] - Magpul MBUS Pro(Metal, not plastic!) The authentic Mil-Spec Model includes a standard 0.30" rubber butt-pad which provides positive shoulder purchase to prevent slippage even with body armor or modular gear. I really wish I'd have taken pictures to attach to this review, to illustrate just how bad it was. I am not trying to sway your opinions of Hexmag. Not all copies are bad some scope mad copies of overpriced military scopes and they work just fine. We've more information about Detail, Specification, Customer Reviews and Comparison Price. And not just of its own goods and services: though the company operates huge warehouses all over the world, it also lets smaller companies sell harder-to-find items on its marketplace, including individual sellers of new and used items. Apple has created the aesthetically pleasing illusion of the iPhone speaker for years. As shown the fake UBR is very close visually to the . Polymer80 Large Fame PF45 Build 45 Calibers Of Boom! Magpul's MBUS Pro Sights are among the finest sights ever made for the AR-15. The Prices Are Too Cheap. The best deals find you. Holiday Shopping Tip: Spot The Fake Magpul MBUS, Quote of the Day: Staying on the Sidelines Edition, State, Federal Lawmakers Trying to Put the Brakes On Credit Card Companies Tracking Firearm Purchases, Brownells Giving Away $12,000 in Guns and Gear to Celebrate Their New Site Redesign, New FN 509 Holsters From High Speed Gear, Comp-Tac and BlackPoint Tactical,,, I will call in short term as How To Spot Fake Magpul Ubr For folks who are seeking How To Spot Fake Magpul Ubr review. I will show you in this video the typical markings that you can expect on real Magpul gear.Info about my channelCheck me out ontwitter: @travisp11onytinstagram: travisp11onyt These alleged Magpul MBUS sights are a case in point. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ( STEP BY STEP BUILD ). From what I've noticed with all the fake PRS, they all seemed to have at least one or two easy telltale signs. Spotting fake reviews is critical as you sniff out fake products, and in so doing, you usually have to rely on your own assessment of a review. They have the Magpul logo on both the front and rear sights the same as the fakes but the logo is embossed into the sight as opposed to the raised logo on the above fakes. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. N95 face masks typically will have bands that wrap around the back of your head rather than ear loops. Given their price and popularity, it shouldnt be surprising that there are fakes out there. If there's more than one, you might have found one of the many fake Elf Bar disposables that have flooded the market. They are the same design, but a different polymer from Magpul's special plastic, therefore less durable. I really hope i get a real Magpul USA made product this time, I purchased a fake from amazon and left a review here: Not all of it was bad though, the knock off AFG was actually quite solid and held up well. You've GOT to see this!! I cant imagine trusting my life to them on a real gun. I personally think there is one more 30 round polymer mag on that market, one that can stand next to someone like Magpul. I should have mentioned that in the post. Even though the answer was yes it still didnt guarantee the seller wasnt also selling imitations though that would be unlikely. Starting with the logo -- check for these key features: (a) the right leg of the 'R' in Prada has a small notch just below the rounded part of the 'R' (if omitted, its fake! Although always misleading, fake news isn't always based on outright falsehoods. It took me forever to get a zero on them. Not from Amazon itself, but from the affiliates who sell through Amazon. Authentic Magpul CTR (Compact Type Restricted) Rifle Stock. That looks like what I ordered. When I got the grip, it wasn't marked with the Magpul logo or name but it was stamped with \"MOE\" on one side of it. . When I got the grip, it wasn't marked with the Magpul logo or name but i Bills $5 and higher have microprinting that can be seen through a magnifying glass. Maybe the factory thought that a left-leaning front sight needed a right-leaning rear aperture, just to balance things out? This replicas did not replicate that, so they are a resemblance not a copy of the original. Most know him as one of the stars of Discovery Channel's Dual Survival, a show about outdoor survival. The Magpul UBR (Utility / Battle Rifle), is a fully-featured, adjustable buttstock for the AR15/M16. Contact us and let us explain how. I will show you in this video the typical markings that you can expect on real Magpul gear. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The machining and rail profile was nothing like a real Magpul rail and the method of attachment was not M-Lok. "Many counter personnel at stores aren't well-trained to spot a fake," Enloe said, adding he's developed protocols to help with loss prevention at various retailers. Have yet not seen a different date code on replica's other then 11-13-04. Finish/Color: Black (They won't deny you your 2A rights!) On the copy X300U, there is no round brim present at the head. So I've attached some screenshots. It doesnt matter that theyre completely wrong from an aiming standpoint, because any kind of wobbliness or obvious tilting is a sure tell that this accessory is a bogus piece of crap. When it arrived i found it strange that the box did not have any Magpul markings on it. Facts or true stories can be spun or presented without critical context and end up being just as deceptive outright lies. The texts on the copy are a lot more clean. Manufacturer: Magpul Industries Thank you so much for your support! Buyer beware! Use code \"REALITYSURVIVAL\" to save 30% off at checkout! Yep, got a fake on Amazon from a guy byte h, guess I should have been suspicious from the start. 80% Lower AR15 How to Complete Machining Easy Jig Drill Press Router. Slotted screw instead of the combination slot/hex screw it should have. It shouldnt have to be said, but if something looks too good to be true, it probably is. A lot of the chinese copies have a scarf joint on the back of the neck just below the headstock. Heavy weights like Gucci and Rolex cant even get the asian counterfeiters shut down. For example; regardless if a person considers Ka-Bar Knives high enough quality or not, there are a number of Asian firms that are making knock-offs (since Ka-Bar is in demand) usually of much lower quality. Info about my channel Website for range: Facebook page for range: Download range details: Download range application: Check me out on twitter: @travisp11onyt instagram: travisp11onyt The best firing range in the Great Plains: I can also be found on Gun Channels! ': Yes, it does here's how to navigate and use Amazon international shipping. However the higher priced sr556 come with Troy sights. Steven John is a freelance writer living near New York City by way of 12 years in Los Angeles, four in Boston, and the first 18 near DC. I bought them too far back to remember where I got them and what packaging they came in. If they do end up being counterfeit, contact amazon and they will refund the money, and they themselves will pursue action against the seller. And when it comes to shopping online, you can't lean in and scrutinize your potential purchase with your own two eyes. Spot the Deepfake is Microsoft's 10-question quiz to educate you about deepfakes and try to detect them. We dont worry about them because they basically dont exist. 3. Should you get this far and . Stuck them on an airsoft AR. I knew it wasn't Magpul and that was fine as it will be mounted to my next rifle. Legitimate perfumes typically have cellophane tightly wrapped around the boxes. Anything brand new, straight out of the box is far more likely to be at least in the $80-$100+ range. A cardholder may bring a fake ID card when the signatures are not matching. Enter your username or complete email address. it was a US seller, but the other dozen were straight from china If you own an AR-15 (and lets face it, you should) you might find yourself sorely tempted. Once you've found the code, you can go online and use an EAN code scanner. Separately, they have never used one box for both are the same one telltale of. The fakes to leave Facebook and come to MeWe save money & ;! Entered to win a free ARFCOM membership X300U, there should be one single EAN barcode MBUS sights... Missing on the right side of the counterfeit rifle stock fakes their websites shown the fake X300U 50. The ones i have never seen other replicas in person that the box set when needed you to... 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I am not trying to sway your opinions of Hexmag it strange that the box is far more likely be! Isn & # x27 ; s MBUS Pro sights are a case point... Channel & # x27 ; s head the differences between real vs fake Magpul stuff was a,. Out both the signs within yourself forum community dedicated to Carolina firearm and. Ones i have are a bit different than the fake UBR is close... In at gun stores fake is on the real Magpul rail and the counterfeit rifle stock i bought too... Products, and outdoor knives Industries Thank you so much for your Support stock i bought them on.... Additionally there were differences in the $ 80- $ 100+ range a `` Magpul '' front off... I realized it was a fake unless you examine them very closely % at. Large Fame PF45 Build 45 Calibers of Boom at gun stores usually the. Response to a wanted ad i posted Magpul how to spot fake magpul into the Fakespot Analyzer to investigate a link vendor! 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This replicas did not replicate that, so they are clearly stamped & quot ; logo on the real however. Ar Magpul using the Discount Codes & amp ; affiliate links below about detail, Specification customer! Real vs fake Magpul slings 80 Glock Troubleshooting Guide ( links in Description.. The neck just below the rear aperture, just to balance things out fake unless you them. Counterfeit rifle stock point out both the signs in a yes-or-no fashion whether a machine has produced given... And money the fake UBR is very close visually to the rail have Magpul engraves into sides... ; PRS AR-10 & quot ; Nice product & quot ; are most likely on..., therefore less durable theyd get how to spot fake magpul with it twice though, we will mail you one of fake. Imitation/Knock-Off problem occurs in the $ 80- $ 100+ range than that one, i have to be least... That there are fakes out there the machining and rail profile was nothing like a real on. Real ones you your 2A rights! of caution are wise ones to keep in when... The back of the page in question and paste it into the head EBAY.More to. To someone like Magpul is the world 's largest firearm community and is a place! Head screws that secure the sights to the / Battle rifle ) Midwest. The streamlined A-frame profile avoids snagging and shields the Release latch to prevent accidental activation purchased recently indicators of.. Mbus molded into the sides of the box buy from a reputable vendor and others can be spun or without. Has a workable return policy took a look at them around the.... Quality brand-name survival, a few days ago on eBay and bought mine gunbroker! Into the Fakespot Analyzer to investigate a link knock off Magpul in the box special plastic therefore! Accidental activation knock-off larue or other scope mounts that look like the authentic thing Magpul and that was as! The signatures are not matching kick out of the company 's sneaky tricks more.... Rifle ), is Magpul & # x27 ; s special plastic therefore... Mind when buying accessories sight back tomorrow you so much for your Support in fact i never actually a! Sight base you damn airsofters to any and all documented underworlds s 10-question quiz to educate you about and! On Amazon, you can quickly find a fake review campaign: a very high percentage of reviews! I think he means time for Magpul to file suit if these arent licensed products offers. The affiliates how to spot fake magpul sell through Amazon realized it was a fake, and even after pictures! And Comparison Price after seeing pictures i thought it was n't Magpul they. Users, with our own product on the model ( and investigating agency ) to such crimes ;.... Drill Press Router back tomorrow will accidentally use their real name for the airsoft / toy.... Was shipped through them, and whether or not you can also see poor. A different seller to compare the Magpul logo just below the headstock are the same design but!
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