. . . . At its 1900 Imperial Session, representatives from 82 Temples marched in a Washington D.C. parade reviewed by President William McKinley. . Amend. . . . The departure airport, except as provided in subsection (c), is the airport served by a regularly scheduled airline which is nearest to his temple. 1996 (f) Imperial means an officer, past or present, or a Session of Shriners International when used as a part of the title. (12)For violation of Shrine law, for good cause, or upon request of a temple to consolidate, merge or surrender its charter, he may arrest the charter and suspend the work of any temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. 2023 Imperial Session Please join Imperial Sir Kenny Craven and Lady Jennifer Craven in Charlotte, North Carolina, July 2-6, 2023. 2900 N. Rocky . The Representative shall complete this form and he must present it at the time he registers for the Imperial Session. . . . They look forward to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Shriners International and the 100th anniversary of Shriners Hospitals for Children with you. . <>>><>>>] . Other Hillbilly events. . %PDF-1.6 % . Each Representative who attends an Imperial Session of Shriners International shall be paid a mileage allowance for himself, and also for his spouse if she accompanies him. . . . Amend. . . 2006 ARTICLE 3 Representatives, 203.3Representatives at Large. . . 101.9Offenses and Discipline of Nobles. Application for Past Commandress Degree. . ARTICLE 10 Amendments 10.1Procedure. . . . . . . . For violation of Shrine law or for conduct unbe- coming a Noble of the Order, a Noble may be suspended for a definite period of time or indefinitely or he may be expelled, as provided in 206.5(a)(11) and in Article 30 of Part III. Amend. The Shrine has often been called the "playground of Freemasonry.". . 42 Fee . . . It shall be for a round- trip comparable to, but not in excess of, the lowest discount airfare, or, if such is not available, the lowest coach or most economical airfare from the departure airport to the destination airport. . . . . The Imperial Chaplain shall be paid mile- age and per diem expenses as if he were a Representative. (4)He shall furnish uniform credential blanks to all temples for exe- cution and presentation by Representatives at all Imperial Sessions. 38 Obligation. . . ARTICLE 39 Visitors to Temples 339.1 Admission. . Each member of this temple shall receive a copy of these temple bylaws; and the Recorder of the temple shall allow each member . 0000002724 00000 n . The International Imperial Hillbillies was chartered by the Imperial Shrine in Tampa in 1980! . . . Dedication. . . . . . . . . "Being a Shriner has 100% made me a better man. 1985 101.10Forms. endobj . 10 Revision. Notice of each annual Imperial Session shall be given by mail or electronic format to all Representatives at least 30 days prior to the Imperial Session. . Members: Learn About Digital Membership Cards and My FezCard Viewer. . Any such action against a Noble must be initiated within two years of the date of the incident, within two years from the date the incident is or reasonably should have been discovered, or within one year from a final conviction for a criminal offense involving moral turpitude, whichever occurs later. . . Here is the response of Michael G. Severe, Imperial Potentate, Shriners international:-----November 30, 2011 To the Elected Officers and Nobles of Ahmed Shriners, Elf Khurafeh Shriners, Moslem Shriners and Saladin Shriners: . The Imperial Divan is the international governing body of the fraternity, consisting of 12 Imperial Officers who act as a corporate Board of Directors. ARTICLE 9 Bylaws 9.1Bylaws. . 47, PART IV TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF TEMPLES.. . . (c) Representative. NAME. 2013 101.6Revision. . . . . . . The bylaws of shriners international imperial bylaws or legislation which is an extended by an response has them. . 3 0 obj Amend. . . . No Unit, Club, Temple or Regional Shrine Clown Association may have more than one (1) elected officer in any one (1) year with the exception of the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. . a national or state flag as a "state" is defined in 101.3(n) of the bylaws of Shriners International, a temple flag as defined in Article 21 of the bylaws of Shriners International, or the Imperial Potentate's flag. 18 Commercial Activities. The name of this organization shall be the SOUTH CENTRAL SHRINE ASSOCIATION, thereafter referred to the Association. . ARTICLE 5 Purposes 5.1Purposes. . 11 Offenses and Discipline of Nobles . <<580B17BC5D3DA943880B9B4443730F84>]/Prev 484907/XRefStm 1197>> Band Concert 1:00 P.M. . and Past Imperial Potentates within the jurisdiction of the Association shall be Representatives at large with all rights and privileges. 0000007569 00000 n . ARTICLE 7 Directors 7.1. . Amend. . . . The Imperial Court, is an auxiliary of female family members of Prince Hall Shriners, and was formally organized at the annual session of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, held in Detroit, Michigan, on August 24, 1910. A proposed amendment may be modified by Shriners International while it is under consideration, but such modifica- tion must be germane to the subject matter of the proposed amendment and it may not go beyond the scope of the proposal submitted under 101.5(a). 106 ANNOTATIONS TO BYLAWS.. . . . 17 Forfeiture of Office. . Shriners - Part 13. . For access, try . <> . . . . . . . . . Relates to submit the shriners international bylaws responsibility to this public. . Imperial Council Education and Development (I.C.E.D.) . . Blank ballots or ballots containing any markings other than the name of a candidate nominated from the floor are not votes and are not to be considered for any purpose. . . . . . . . . . 1998 (11)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by these bylaws or the board of directors. These general provisions apply to all parts and throughout these bylaws. . . . . . . . . . ARTICLE 40 Temple Headquarters at Imperial Session of Shriners International 340.1Purpose and Limitation. . . 102 0 obj <> endobj 114 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<378A3BD41461F6EFE57B86B0EABFEA60><8CD90F78BA6B46AFB32C25A5C78FFE25>]/Index[102 27]/Info 101 0 R/Length 79/Prev 254910/Root 103 0 R/Size 129/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream 5 0 obj . . . . . . . ~fd=s3 B`7 . . . (i) Noble means any member in good standing of any temple. . Each Imperial officer at the time of his election must be a Representative to Shriners International. This corporation shall not have any authorized capital stock, and the incorporators, or their succes- sors elected to membership in accordance with terms and conditions of the bylaws of this corporation, shall be designated as members (repre- sentatives). . . He shall have the right to preside over meetings and sessions of temples. In most countries or jurisdictions, such as the United States of America, the position on the right . 204.4Notice. . . . . . . $16.00. . . 0000003249 00000 n Section 1. . ARTICLE 8 Officers 8.1Officers. . . . Association of Units. Add. . . . . . . 22 Vacancies . . 21 Oath of Office. For violation of Shrine law, a temple may have its charter arrested, as provided in 206.5(a)(12), or revoked by Shriners International. Section 1. . . . . . 626 0 obj <> endobj . . . . . (n) Shrine law means the articles of incorporation of Shriners International, these bylaws and any general or special orders at the time in effect, but it does not include the law of the land. . Protocol is important for every member of the Imperial Council (AEAONMS) and Imperial Court Daughters. . Insurance. There are probably many others who helped after Imperial Jim started and maybe in the next edition Jim . 0000006316 00000 n . 147 were here. . Directors. . . . ARTICLE 4 Sessions. thus attaining 23 members. The bylaws shall provide for annual and spe- cial sessions of this corporation. 1976, 1977. In most countries or jurisdictions, such as the United States of America, the position on the right . 16 Powers . . . 1971, 1974, 1978, 1979, 1984, 2014 (b) Temple Location. . . . . . (6)As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, he shall cause to be prepared from the records and books and shall submit to the board of directors: Amend. . . . . . 2010 202.2Jurisdiction. . Shriners International shall meet annually, at the time and place fixed by the Representatives at a previous Imperial Session. . . Appointed Representatives . . . . Amend. . . . (d) Void Ballot. . . . . . . . . . (4)The ballot of each Representative must be returned to the Imperial Recorder within 30 days after it has been transmitted to the Representatives, and it may be done by regular mail or electronically to the address of the Imperial Recorder. . . . . . This is a non-stock, non-profit corporation and no member (representative) shall receive any profits from its operations. . . . . The following words, terms and phrases mean: (a) Association of Units means regional, national or international organizations of temple uniformed units or of Nobles who, as a prereq- uisite for their membership in such organizations, are members of temple uniformed units. . Bylaws of shriners international Posted by on Aug 29 2020 in Uncategorized 0 comments If the right gig game up he would jump at it however at the same. . . . . . By Laws. . . The forgoing By-Laws have been reviewed and approved on the 12th day of November, 2007 by Shriners International . Find a Local Chapter. Audit Report Form for Constituent Courts. . (b) Form of Publication. . . . . . A temple or Noble may not vio- late Shrine law. Elections. . . . . . Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. . . . . . Shriner's Imperial Session 2022 will be held in Minneapolis, MN July 2-7, 2022 honoring. . . . . Training Courses Information. 200Hl2aS0q+S0?r mj!.`b E2c`~"(` 6tX endstream endobj 103 0 obj /Filter<>/PubSec<>>>/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>>>>/Type/Catalog>> endobj 104 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 105 0 obj <>stream . . (b) Imperial Chief Rabban. . . . Charity Fund Report. Time of Appointment. (f) To accept and receive gifts, devises, bequests, donations, annuities and endowments of real and personal property, and to use, hold and enjoy the same, both as to principal and income, and invest and reinvest the same, or any part thereof, for the furtherance of any of the objects, interests or purposes of the corporation as hereinbefore stated, or such as may hereafter be authorized. Salaam Shriners, Inc 114 Algonquin Parkway STE 1 Whippany, NJ 07981-1650 Phone: (973) 992-1111 Fax: (862) 210-8064 . . . Over the past years, this program has achieved high levels of acclaim, with ninety-five percent (95%) of the Deserts (individual states or specific regional areas) throughout the Domain (Jurisdiction . This Statement in its self is a Scary thing to some as read! Amend. . . . 2000 203.6Appointed Representatives. . . . 20 Method and Time of Payment. . . . . . 36 Associations of Shrine Clubs in Any State or Combination of States Where Temples Have Been Chartered. 26 Meetings. Rays extend outward from all sides of the pyramid. . . . . . . . . 11 Offenses and Discipline of Temples . . . . . . . . . . Any system, even vendor provided, used for electronic voting will be required to anonymize a voters information without the need for intervention. He shall sub- mit them to the chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence and Laws and the Imperial Potentate, who shall approve or disapprove the form of the revision and annotations within 10 days thereafter. . . ARTICLE 6 Members 6.1Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . (h) To use and exercise all of the powers, rights and privi- leges incidental to fraternal and benevolent corporations organized for purposes other than pecuniary profit, and which are usually exercised by the supreme or governing bodies of fraternal or benevolent organiza- tions operating as the representatives of a system of fraternal lodges or temples. . . . . . . . 26 Salaries. . . . If an Imperial Session of Shriners International lasts longer than that established pursuant to 204.1, a check or electronic funds transfer for any additional per diem expenses allowed shall be mailed to each Representative entitled thereto. . . . . . . . (6)Hear and determine all questions of disputes between subordinate lodges or temples and between members thereof. . (a) Amount. When by electronic voting, all information that could be used to identify the voter or how they voted, will be anonymized in all distributions of voting results to all indi- viduals. These jewels shall be owned by Shriners International at all times and shall be returned to Shriners International upon the death of such officer by his heirs, exec- utor, administrator or personal representative. Amend. (14)He shall submit all of his Orders and decisions at the next Imperial Session for the approval of Shriners International after refer- ence to and reports by appropriate Committees. . . . 2017 (m) Session means a meeting of the Representatives to Shriners International when used in Part II and means a meeting of a temple for ceremonial purposes when used in Part III. /Contents 4 0 R>> . . . . Bdl`] !00F0XCf . stream . . . . . . . (e) Imperial Treasurer. . The following Nobles were granted authority to open Kazim Temple to confer the Order and transact the business of the Temple: Robert . endobj . Shrine membership was well over 55,000. . . . . . 208.11 Proceedings before the Grievances and Appeals, Committee . . . . . If the board of directors cancels any annual meeting under the provisions of (a), above, and only one Representative is a candidate for an Imperial office, the board of directors may then elect that Representative to the Imperial office for which he is a candidate. Thorough reviews have two of . . . . . %%EOF . . . . . . . . 2020 Shrine Imperial. . . . . . 206.2 Elections. . . . . . . bylaws of Shriners International, a temple flag as defined in Article 21 of the bylaws of Shriners International, or the Imperial Potentate's flag. 2016 (2)He shall perform any other duties assigned to him by the Imperial Potentate. . . . . Imperial bylaws restrict Ladies from being in a Shrine parade. 204.2Special Sessions. D!2| &W]bYeH> ;29h"18uFOvGy Uhc&d)qtVv>fOc9%tySUu+( /E> DLEIEuTX+duh\qYb$"e . . . 32, Associations of Temples . . . bylaws of Shriners International, each of which shall be added to the annual dues. . 38 37 38 38 Budget. (3)He shall notify all Representatives of all Imperial Sessions of Shriners International; and shall notify all directors of all meetings of the board of directors. . . . xref . A proposed amendment to these bylaws may not be adopted by Shriners International unless it has been first sent by a Representative to the Imperial Recorder, in writing and in the form proposed, at least 60 days before the Imperial Session of Shriners International at which it is to be submitted; and every proposed amendment shall be published with the notice of the Imperial Session. Thereupon, he remains an appointed Representative until the adjournment of the next succeeding annual Imperial Session. . SHRINEDOM - The realm of the Shrine fraternity, including its members, governance, programs, activities, organizational atmosphere, etc. . . Unfortunately, the Elf Khurafeh Shrine and the Imperial Shrine (Shriners International) in Tampa didn't agree and kept the suspended Mason as a full member of the Shrine. . 40 Temple Dispensations . . This nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the state of Iowa, assuming all the powers and obligations granted to bodies corporate under such laws, is to exist per- petually, unless sooner dissolved in the manner provided by law or as prescribed by the bylaws of this corporation. "Temple" should not be used in the proper name as a group of Shriners. . . . . 46, ARTICLE 2 Name, Jurisdiction, Seal and Powers 202.1Name. . x(LAzzn$ Z#EG}a++[a?OE! . . . . . (k) Restoration means the return of all rights of membership. . . 0000004806 00000 n . . . At many of the Association conventions Shrine Chapter . . 203.4Emeriti Representatives. . Free shipping. . . . . . Bylaws (Iowa) (e) Imperial Treasurer. 27 Agents, Employees and Independent Contractors. . 28 Standing Committees and Their Duties. . . (4)Create, establish and preserve a uniform mode of work and lectures, and to publish and issue the rituals containing such authorized work and lectures. . Imperial Session 2022. Amend. . 0000002525 00000 n The Cabiri has started the planning for the 149th Imperial Session, 2-6 July 2023, in Charlotte, NC. . . 44 Checks and Payment or Transfer of Funds. . . affiliated or appendant organizations of Shriners International: a national or state flag as a "state" is defined in 101.3(n) of the bylaws of Shriners International, a temple flag as defined in Article 21 of the bylaws of Shriners International, or the Imperial Potentate's flag. . . . . hb```b``d`e``ff@ a+GTpzvC.'3i=!@k]2fGm=dZ @"E . (t) Vote when conducted in accordance with any provision of Part I or Part II of these bylaws shall be by raised hand, written ballot or elec- tronic voting at the discretion of the presiding chair. . I look forward to a great year and challenge you to do something for your Temple, Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children. . . . . . Add. 339.1Admission. . Elected Representatives . . . . . 19 Per Diem. . . . . . 43 Yacht UniformAdornment. . The street address of the registered office, which is also the address of the registered agent, is 400 East Court Avenue, Suite 110, Des Moines, Iowa 50309. . . . (c) To maintain, control, conduct and superintend any and all charities, benevolences and hospitals now established, maintained and controlled by Shriners International or which may be by it hereafter established. XfAEF5r+&NIAH&p5 7]4K&/eo=ZPLNvCWUA/F(`vAA+D!'{>>TlSu! . . . . GENERAL PROVISIONS. 0000006229 00000 n . . . . . . 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Sarah Jane Parkinson New Husband,
Articles I