king ferdinand of naples death by eels

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king ferdinand of naples death by eels

With heroism they resisted their pressure, so they paid with blood thinking that martyrdom and faith were the most precious thing.[25][43]. Ferrante responded by contrasting the coalition with the State of the Church, stipulated in January 1475 and on the occasion of the Jubilee of that year, Ferrante went to Rome together with some barons of the Kingdom and the trip constituted an opportunity to further strengthen, through the alliance, the links between the Papal State and the Neapolitan kingdom. In fact, he constantly sought singers educated at the Burgundy school and expert organ builders who received a warm welcome in his court. [4] At that time it possessed the most powerful navy in the western part of the Mediterranean.[9]. When Marino's attempt to lead Ferrante to a more sheltered place failed, citing as an excuse not to be seen by the French camped on the Rocca di Teano, the two began to talk and an altercation arose. In the rapid game of alliances and account-alliances that characterized the era, on 2 November 1474 an alliance pact was signed between the Duke of Milan, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Florence and Venice. Finding it closed, according to the rite he then called the castellan Arnaldo Sanz, and said to him: "Open", and he replied: "Are you King Don Ferrante thirsty, son of the happy memory of King Don Alfonso?" The move did not have the desired effects: the Aragonese lineage was by now dangerously vacillating and the imminent arrival of the French sovereign pushed many Neapolitan nobles to take sides with the invader, facilitating the future fall of the royals from the throne. Returning to the war, finally the Prince of Rossano capitulated and through Cardinal Roverella the peace treaty was concluded with some conditions, including a new parental bond: Ferrante had to grant Giambattista Marzano, son of Marino, his own daughter Beatrice, who she was immediately sent to Sessa by her aunt Eleonora as a sign of peace. Although the Kingdom of Naples was ruled by Ferrante, locally the effective power was the prerogative of the noble families according to what was the feudal system. In December 1491 Ferrante received a visit from a group of pilgrims returning from the Holy Land. [13], His death, unfortunately fatal, led to ruin not only his progeny and the kingdom, but showered him of innumerable evils throughout the Italy.[12][63]. , which had patronage chapels there, allowing them to place their noble weapons on each pillar of the chapels to rebuild. In the 20112013 Canadian television series, In the 20132015 British-American fantasy series, In the 20162019 Anglo-Italian television series, A collection of letters in Latin was published under his name in 1585 with the title. Ferrante was initially defeated by the Angevins and the rebel barons in the battle of Sarno on 7 July 1460 . While in Naples, through numerous Catalan and Sicilian barons, he conspired to gain the crown, but both the Neapolitan people and many barons, remembering the oath and promises made to Alfonso, to Ferrante, who had not only been legitimized by his father, but also declared legitimate successor by the Holy See, proclaimed: "Long live Re Ferrante our legitimate King" as Ferrante then rode through the city. The new structure started from the Durazzo castle of the Sperone, of which the Brava tower is still recognizable today, with the Torre Il Trono. The Prince of Rossano, on the other hand, was at war in Sora, where the Pope's army, urged by Ferrante for the assault, did not want to move, claiming that the Pope had not sent him to help the king as there was none. [64] The death of this sovereign was preceded by huge earthquakes, which caused many buildings to collapse in Naples, Capua, Gaeta and Aversa and it is said that on the day he was buried, the Mint of Naples had largely collapsed. [13], The Cardinal Roverella, Apostolic Legate, who was in Benevento, he managed to bring the side of Ferrante Orso Orsini and after this episode even the Marquis of Cotrone and the Count of Nicastro reconciled with the king. All this, combined with Ferrante's centralist government and Alfonso's cruelty towards the barons, led in 1485 to a second attempt at revolt, in fact, the barons, who had conceived a great hatred towards Alfonso, terrified by these threats, began to think how to get rid of it. [33], Meanwhile, Lorenzo and Ferrante were negotiating in Naples, still in 1480, Mohammed II, followed by a powerful fleet, began to threaten the Kingdom of Naples. In Novello da San Lucano he entrusted him with the reconstruction of the basilica of San Domenico Maggiore, after the ruin of a large part of the building due to the previous earthquake. Maria, wife of Alfonso d'Avalos, Marquis of Vasto; of the homonymous tragedy "Ferrante" by Giuseppe Campagna (1842), inspired by the final events of the famous Conspiracy of the Barons of 14851486. The count gladly accepted the privileges that the king offered him, including the concession of the city of Salernowith the title of Prince and to be able to mint coins and many others. [25][55] Ferrante also imprisoned Francesco Coppola, Count of Sarno, the Secretary Petrucci, the Counts of Carinola and Policastro with his sons, Aniello Arcamone brother-in-law of the Secretary and Giovanni Impo Catalano. Nor is the increase and promotion of the fine arts and cultural life less innovative. Maria (1440 - 1460), wife of Antonio Todeschini Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi; Giovanna ( - 1475 ca. These united barons decided to urge King John of Aragon to come and conquer the kingdom that belonged to him by legitimate succession after the death of his brother Alfonso V; but King John refused. While the Turks were still barricaded in Otranto, in February 1481, Ferrante d'Aragona ordered the start of work for the construction of a fortress to guard the port of Brindisi: the Ferrante tower. He was gifted with great courage and remarkable political ability. The propitious moment was the celebration of the wedding of Marco, son of the Count of Sarno with the daughter of the Duke of Amalfi, nephew of the King, whose party took place in the great hall of the Castel Nuovo. If he suspected one of his subjects of plotting against him, he took him to visit the 'museum as a deterrent. Ferrante was solemnly crowned on February 4, 1459, in the Cathedral of Barletta and to thank the Pope, in 1461, he wanted Maria, his natural daughter, to marry Antonio Piccolomini nephew of Pius, giving her as a dowry the Duchy of Amalfi, the county of Celano and the office of Great executioner for her husband. Meanwhile, Alfonso Duke of Calabria, having discovered the conspiracy, suddenly took possession of the County of Nola and conquered Nola, incarcerating the two children and the Count's wife, then leading them to the prisons of Castel Nuovo in Naples. The peace, which was stipulated on March 17, 1480, provided for the alliance between Florence and Naples. In 1478 he had such confidence in the possibilities offered by the University of Naplesto prohibit his subjects from studying or seeking a doctorate outside the Kingdom . [13] Among the other Neapolitan books that were printed was also the Arcadia of the famous Sannazaro printed by Pietro Summonte, his dear friend. The Royal House of Naples in these times did not have to envy any court of the major princes of Europe, because one day in a feast celebrated in Naples more than fifty people of this royal family appeared, so much so that it was believed that they could never to finish.[12][37]. The most important attack was the Torricella bite: Marino Marzano deceived the Catalan Gregorio Coreglia, who had been Ferrante's tutor, confiding in him that he wanted to make peace with the sovereign and ask for his grace. [12][56], Ferrante and Alfonso, in fact, imperiously felt the need to take revenge on the two traitor rioters, Coppola and Petrucci. [80][81], His diplomacy was very expensive and to strengthen the finances, already proven by the patronage of Alfonso I, Ferrante introduced an austerity regime in the court and in the state apparatus,[5] to facilitate commercial traffic for his vassals, he opened it no less in east that in the west,[13] encouraged businesses and traders by launching a series of initiatives aimed at increasing trade exchanges with Venice, Pisa and Spain; it favored the migration from the countryside to the city and allowed the immigration of numerous Jews expelled from Spain through thedecree of the Alhambra issued by the Catholic kings. [5], Among the many graces and wide privileges granted to Brindisi, he also gave her, for the loyalty shown to him, the privilege of minting coins, a privilege that he also granted to Capua, Chieti, Sulmona and L'Aquila. He was king of Naples from 1458 to 1494. France and the Duchy of Milan unsuccessfully tried to thwart the alliance, potentially very dangerous for their Mediterranean interests. Alfonso then concluded with the Venetians that he would attack the Florentines and the Venetian the Sforza. These barons oppressed the population, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to hinder their power. With his death, the original plan of Alfonso V of Aragon to make Taranto the pivotal principality in his and his heirs'hands was realized . In these days in the greatest turbulence and strength of strong pain, I have written to Your Holiness, giving you news of the death of the glorious memory of the King my Father. of the novel " Of the forbidden amor - Neapolitan history of the fifteenth century " by Dino Falconio (2014), inspired by the alleged incestuous relationship that Ferrante would have entertained with his sister Eleonora. This work of modernization and the resistance he put up against them led to the outbreak of the famous revolt which was subsequently suffocated. Ferdinand I (2 June 1423 - 25 January 1494), also called Ferrante, was the King of Naples from 1458 to 1494. The Duke John was received by the Prince of Rossano and immediately pushed his army to the port of Naples, invading a large part of Terra di Lavoro. Overall, the Neapolitan population increased rapidly and it was necessary to expand the city walls. The Florentines had no choice but to come to terms with the king of Naples and an armistice was asked. The Convent was built with next to it, a church dedicated to San Luigi, called the church of San Luigi di Palazzo, for a chapel that existed at the time and dedicated to this saint. Faced with a huge supply of money and a proposal of ultimate prosperity and wealth, anyone would be able to be seduced; so it was not for the Saint. [12][22] The problems, however, were not over yet, in fact Ferrante's rival, John of Anjou, aspired to regain the throne of Naples, lost by his father in the war against Alfonso. Many barons, deceived, were reassured, but the Prince of Salerno, suspecting the king's deception, escaped secretly from the kingdom and went to Rome, here seeing that the Pope had no intention of renewing the war, if he went in France. [34], The peace was granted although the fate of the arms had been favorable to the Aragonese, and happy circumstances, such as the internal unrest in Milan and the neutrality of Venice, authorized us to consider that as the most opportune moment for Naples to attempt the conquest of an effective dominance over Italy, in any case, the alliance with Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici proved to be advantageous for Ferrante, so much so that in 1483 Ferrante appointed Lorenzo the Magnificent Chamber of the Kingdom. In 1460, he was defeated at the Sarno by John II, Duke of Lorraine, and he was nearly captured. To compensate for the tender age of the prince, who was also very young, he gave him as companions the Count of Fondi, Maddaloni and Marigliano , and also sent another army to Apulia, led by his son Duke of Sant'Angelo Francis, to control those lands.[12][53]. During the sixteenth century, in the viceregal period, the walls on the eastern side survived intact the renovation that took place under Pedro of Toledo, which led to the construction of a modern bastion wall to delimit the city. [12][36], Ferrante, therefore, placed himself in a placid calm, marked the same footsteps of King Alfonso his Father and did not neglect in these years of happiness and peace to reorganize the kingdom and enrich it with new arts and provide it with provided laws and institutes, also making at his court men of letters and illustrious in all sorts of sciences and above all professors of civil and canonical law. [25][55], Pope Innocent VIII, after the peace treaty, was a close friend of the king throughout his life, and pleased him in everything he asked of him. The side facing the countryside was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno . Pope Innocent terrified by the preparations for war, not seeing the appearance of Ren Duke of Lorraine invited by him to conquer the kingdom, asked for help from the Venetian who were powerful in Italy at the time, promising him that, after the conquest of the kingdom, he would offer him good part of that, but the Venetians did not accept the offer and still neutrally tried to support both the Pope and the King, suitably for their own interests. Answer: Alfonso is the son of King Ferrante of Naples. Many famous men of arms died in the war such as: Matteo di Capua, Count of Palena, Giulio Acquaviva, Count of Conversano, Don Diego Cavaniglia and Marino Caracciolo. She was mourned by everyone and her body was taken to the church of San Pietro Martire, where her sepulcher can still be seen today. On the throne he was succeeded by his son Alfonso II of Naples, who in turn abdicated very soon in favor of his own son Ferrandino due to the much feared invasion of Charles VIII of France, who in 1494 fell to Italy . St. Francis refused, took a coin, broke it and let out blood. [12][49], Frederick therefore entered Salerno with the firm hope of concluding the peace; but one day the Prince of Salerno, having summoned the barons to his Palace and had Frederick enter the Castle in an eminent room, began with much eloquence to persuade him to take the kingdom they were offering him so that, having chased Alfonso, he would rest under his clemency, and certainly the old King would not have been offended by this, on the contrary he would have favored the will of men and of God. [25][58] In this time almost the whole kingdom had a great shortage of food and everywhere people could be seen dying of hunger, but the providence of the King purely took notice, using every means to make the condition of his peoples less sad. The Neapolitans, grateful, by public decree struck medals in his honor, in which there was on one side the effigy of the king with the letters Ferdinandus DG Hierusalem, Siciliae Rex and on the other a woman dressed in long clothes, having in the right two ears of wheat and on the left a corba full of ears with the following inscription: "Frug. The whole company landed in Gaeta on 19 August, where Ferrante was reunited with his father, whom he hardly knew. Ferrante, then, exploited the weak point of the Sforza power represented by Genoa, fomenting the rebellion of the capital, where in 1476 there were riots and riots to the cry "long live the king of Naples and long live freedom".[34]. All souls were filled with immense jubilation when suddenly they were arrested and destined with the others to last torture. [23], The whole Principato Citra, Basilicata and Calabria up to Cosenza raised the Angevin flags and the rest of Calabria was rebelled by the Marquis of Crotone. Ferdinand I of Naples should not be confused with Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, a later king of Naples. Among the numerous personalities present in his court chapel we remember the Flemish music theorist and composer Johannes Tinctoris . The Prince of Taranto seeing the situation degenerate because of the king, who was reaching him to conquer it, asked him for peace. valiantly from the impulses of enemies. his daughter Beatrice (1457-1508), Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. In addition to the King, the Florentines and Ludovico Sforza, regent of the Duchy of Milan for his nephew Gian Galeazzo Maria Sforza took up arms to help Ferrara, with the resolution that the Florentines and the King harass the Pope and Ludovico troubled the borders of the Venetians, so than that Republic, having to defend the borders in many points harassed Ferrara with less impetus. The pious religious left his Calabria and was in Naples in 1481. [12][24], John managed to reach the walls of Naples and would have even entered if the prudence of Queen Isabella, who had the whole city armed in the absence of her husband, had not prevented him from entering.[25][26]. Having taken the city, Muhammad called Gedik to him, who left his Lieutenant Ariadeno Baglivo of Negroponte with 7000 Turks and 500 horses in the city, and he with 12 Galleys, loaded the resources of the sack of that city and sent them to Constantinople. [68] The Successes et tragic love by Silvio Ascanio Corona reports that she gave three children to Ferrante:[84], Other sources[89] say she is the mother of Cesare and Alfonso, whom the Successes indicate instead as children of Piscicella, as well as of Ferdinando, count of Arena and Stilo, and Leonora. At the top is depicted King Ferrante who witnesses the entrance of his vanguard into the city, which stands out in the background with its mighty fortifications. Ferdinand II (c. 1137 - 22 January 1188), was a member of the Castilian cadet branch of the House of Ivrea and King of Len and Galicia from 1157 until his death. After the coronation the trumpets began to sound, while the people shouted: "Long live the King Ferrante". On the other hand, King Ferrante, having understood the intention of the barons, immediately sent Turco Cicinello and Antonio d'Alessandro to Spain.To pray John not to lack love for his nephew the king, since he could say that the Kingdom of Naples was more his than the kingdoms of the Crown of Aragon. Furthermore, the magnificence of his court and the wealth of means at his disposal created him the reputation of a very rich sovereign; and finally his flashy diplomatic and war triumphs, his wise financial and administrative reforms, and the considerable aids given to writers and artists were able to give good hopes to the subjects who were favorable to his house. Two funeral prayers were celebrated, one inside the Castel Nuovo in the presence of the militias and the other in the Church of San Domenico Maggiore. On February 17, 1440, King Alfonso, by his own authority, legitimized and declared his son his heir to the throne of Naples and then, in January 1441, he secured the approval of the parliament of the barons of the kingdom that he had summoned in Benevento and which was then transferred to Naples. After this, the people continued to shout: "Long live the King Don Ferrando". Later he proposed the marriage of his niece Anne of Savoy with Frederick, son of Ferrante, but the proposal was accepted only in 1478. Due to his excellent knowledge of languages and law, King Ferrante also ordered him to draw up an Italian translation of the articles of the Order of the Golden Fleece (Articuli et ordinatione of the Order of the Golden Fleece). King Ferrante after long years of widowhood in 1477 married his cousin Joanna, daughter of his uncle King John II of Aragon.[12][32]. [12][59], Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the capital and after Naples he wanted only the city of L'Aquila to be granted the privilege of license to open a Studium. Marino was subsequently imprisoned by Ferrante, who had already taken possession of all his fiefdom. In fact, Calixtus aimed to usurp the crown from Ferrante, and grant it to his own nephew, Pedro Luis de Borja, newly installed as Duke of Spoleto. Under his reign the construction of the Castel Nuovo was completed, the magnificent palace of Poggioreale[13] was commissioned by his son Alfonso and the beautiful Palazzo Como was erected, now home to the Filangieri Museum (built between 1464 and 1490), Porta Nolana, the Palazzo Diomede Carafa (1470), the facade of the Palazzo Sanseverino, now the Church of Ges Nuovo (1470), as well as the Porta Capuana (defined as the most beautiful door of the Renaissance together with the door of San Pietro in Perugia[71]). He claimed that payment was excessive even for the Kingdom encompassing both Naples and Sicily, and that since Sicily was ruled by his uncle, King John of Aragon, Ferrante and Naples should not pay the entire amount. Venice and Naples immediately undertook unitary actions of the fleets in the Aegean, slowing down the Ottoman expansionism. Pathol. He organized numerous weddings of poor maidens and had a very rich tapestry that had been the property of Queen Giovanna II . He especially loved men of graceful mottos and poets and it is said that at their request he forgave those guilty of serious crimes. Ferrante, always distrustful of the barons, pushed his subjects to greater economic vigor with the introduction of new measures that effectively allowed the entire population of the kingdom to enjoy greater freedom in daily life. Ferdinand II ( Italian: Ferdinando/Ferrante; 26 August 1469 - 7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 1495 to 1496. Francis also fulfilled in this historical context the mission of spreading the Christian life. In order to increase their power, the princes of Taranto and Marino Marzano, prince of Rossano, asked the King to return Antonio Centelles, Marquis of Crotone, Giosia Acquaviva, Duke of Atri and Giulio Antonio Acquaviva, Count of Conversano, their relatives, to his state; Despite some initial refusals, the King wanted to please them. Calixtus had notices posted in various places in the kingdom, where it was reported that upon Alfonso's death, the Kingdom of Naples had devolved to the Papal state. In 1486, Ferrante commissioned the architect and military engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini to expand the fortress of Taranto built by the Byzantines, in order to replace the medieval type of towers conceived for the plumbing defense. Should not be confused with ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies, a later king ferdinand of naples death by eels... A later King of Naples from 1458 to 1494 7 July 1460 September... Company landed in Gaeta on 19 August, where Ferrante was reunited with his,! Up against them led to the outbreak of the fleets in the Aegean, slowing the. And destined with the others to last torture he was defeated at the Sarno by John II, Duke Amalfi! Thwart the alliance between Florence and Naples immediately undertook unitary actions of the famous revolt which was on. 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