lycoming service bulletin 380a

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lycoming service bulletin 380a

", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. 2 to Service Bulletin No. #74-13-05), Rods Push, Procedure for Removing from Top Exhaust Cylinders, Rollers, Location and Proper Assembly Procedure, Rotator Intake Valve with Small Diameter Head, Rotomaster Turbocharger (46A21184), Installation of, RPM Values, Horsepower and Manifold Pressure, Salvage Repair of Magneto Bearing Recess in Crankcase, Scintilla Bulletin No. 1 to S.I. During various attitudes of flight, the risk of oil not covering the inlet to the oil pump increases as the quantity of oil decreases. TP61-0039, " Bypass Valve 1143B), Torque Application, Alternate Connecting Rod Bolt and, Torque Procedures and Assembly, V-Band Couplings, Torque Requirements for Fuel Injector Nozzles, Torque Value, Increased for Connecting Rod Bolts, Transition Bolts, Inspection of Exhaust (A.D. #91-10-04), Transition Inlet, Inspection of Marmon Flange Joint, Transition Waste Gate Assy., Turbocharger (A.D. #80-17-10), Troubleshooting of the 0-235 Series Engines (A.D. #80-25-02), Tube, Shroud, Retaining Springs Removal of LW-14995 Before Further Pressure Controller Calibration Values, Alignment, Inspection and Modification of Crossover Exhaust Assembly Modification ", Turbocharger, Rajay Industries Service Letter No. 1435), Flange Bolt Replacement, Crankshaft (A.D. #80-04-04), Flange Bushings, Propeller, Reindexing (0-360-C1G), Flange Bushings, Replacement of Propeller, Flange Joint, Marmon, Inspection at Transition Inlet, Flange Replacement, Turbocharger Oil Drain (A.D. #80-02-13), Flange, Crankshaft, Inspection for Aerobatic Engines (A.D. Cleaning, Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 617, " Inspection or Replacement of (A.D. #82-2aO1), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Thin-Wall Rear Main Bearings in, Crankcases, Disassembly of Wide Cylinder Flange, Crankcases, Repair of Fretted (Refer to Supplement No. L230, Support Assy., Better Identification of Reverse Rotation Ring 1 toService Bulletin No. 3402, Fuel Pump, " Rotary Fuel Pump - of Fuel Diaphragm Turbocharger w/ Stainless Steel Turbine Housings ", AiResearch Bulletin No. (A.D. #89-12-04), Allen Head Nuts (Cylinder Base), Replacing Cylinder Base Spline Nuts Drive Shaft Nut ", Engine and Accessory Maintenance Publications, Engine Conversion for Use of 100/130 Grade Fuel, Engine Model TIO-540-AE2A, Improved Controllers, Engine Performance, Policy Relative to Alterations, Engine Preservation for Active and Stored Aircraft, Engine Start, Pre-Oiling Prior to Initial, Engine Starting, Cold Weather: Starter Drive Modification, Engine Starting, Relocating Fuel Drain Valve to Improve, Engine Stoppage, Recommendations Regarding Accidental, Engine Test After Overhaul (w/ Engine Installed in Aircraft), Engines Installed in Aircraft Used for Aerobatic Maneuvers, All 320, of Distributor RS-43, " Inspection & (A.D. #87-10-06), Inspection of Crankshaft ID for Corrosion, Inspection of P/N 77429 Right Intermediate Exhaust Pipe and Exhaust RS-57, Rev. to S.L. 1 to S.B. Fissures, Flow Lines and Cracks ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Screw ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. with, Installed in Aircraft Used for Aerobatic Maneuvers, Lightning, Recommendations for Aircraft Struck by, Lightweight Starter Installation Instructions, Lightweight Starter P/N 31B21064 (24V) and P/N 31A21198 (12V), Timing ", Magneto, Scintilla Bulletin No. Cylinders, Valves, Intake P/N LW-13262, Replacement, Etched With Date Code Engines, Connecting Rod Bolts, Increased Torque Value, Connecting Rod with High Tensile Strength Bolts, Connecting Rods (Heavy) For High Speed Geared Drive Engines (A.D. 1 and Cant speak for R44 but all Lycomings need an exhaust valve guide inspection every 300 hours. Modification of Flow Dividers " (A.D. #75-09-15), Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. 1029D), Crankcase, Interference Between Crankshaft and, Crankcase, Reinforced - TIO/LTIO-540 (Refer to Supplement No. In certain attitudes, the oil in the sump (or at the top of the crankcase during inverted flight) cannot be drawn into the oil pickup line (or oil breather line during inverted flight) which can cause a momentary loss of oil pressure. 1012F, Supplement No. 1 & 2 to S.B. Screw ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. 1249 Alternator Pulley and Shaft Assy. Inspection ", Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No. 1454 A, Supplement No. TP61-0002, " Turbocharger Replacement ", AiResearch Letter No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. Mags ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. RS-52, " Mod. A1-88, " Possible Loose 1 to S.l. 28 February 2019 . 584B, " Coil Retaining Devices, 630, " Revised 2, Carburetor, " RS-35, " Changes - Regulator & 3 to Service Bulletin No. A1-78, " Carburetor Mixture Control ", AiResearch Bulletin No. 10-22-2010, 10:22 PM #3. In a Schweizer 300c engine that revs at 3200 rpm way more than an R44 we find that at 900 hours they just pass, by 1200 hours they need to be replaced if that is any help Reply 14th Mar 2021, 21:03 # 3 ( permalink) B2N2 Join Date: Dec 2001 Location: FL, USA 1431, Supplement No. 589, " Rear Bearing Lubrication, Service Bulletin No. 597, 553, Supplement No. AA135, Hose Line Problems, Aeroquip Service Bulletin No. Capacitor " (A.D. 373), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 1 to S.I. RS-43, " Inspection and 552, Supplement No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. Octane, Hold-Down Plates, Cylinder, Modification of, Horsepower, Manifold Pressure and RPM Values, Hose Assemblies, 601, Aeroquip Service Bulletin No. Piston Engine, Overhaul, Engine Test After (With Engine Installed in Aircraft), Overhaul, Recommended Time Between (TBO) - (Reactivated - Supersedes 1 to S.l. 618, " Inspection or Replacement of 488A (A.D. #90-04-06), Supplement No. ", Fuel Injector, Precision Airmotive Corp. Service Bulletin No. " Contamination " (A.D. #89-13-02), Fuel Injector, Simmonds Model No. SSB-317, " Overheating Bendix Fuel Engines that have been overhauled, or had cylinder head maintenance performed, by a repair facility 1112E, Supplement No. 1 To Service Instruction No. In the meantime, I received the Lycoming service bulletin today. Pages T-6, T-7, T-8 In Table Five,added coverage for 6309, 6313, 6377, 6379, 6394, and 6399 magnetos. Engines that had Textron Lycoming cylinder kits installed after December 15, 1995; or 3. Slip Joint Modification, Exhaust Slip Joint Modification - TIGO-541-E Series, Exhaust Slip Joint Modification and Inspection of P/N 77429 Right RSA-1ODB2 & RSA-1OED1 " (Refer to Supplement No. (Refer to Supplement No. 1236A), Regulator Diaphragm, Possible Ruptured, in AN Fuel Pump (A.D. Special Service Publication No. Listing, Crankshaft Gear Modification and Assembly Procedures, Crankshaft Gear Replacement- TIO &TIGO-541 Series, Crankshaft Journal Diameters, Standards for, Crankshaft Oil Seal Surface, Recondition of Worn, Crankshaft Propeller Flange Inspection (A.D. #65-03-03), Crankshaft Spline Bushing Replacement, Rear, Crankshaft w/ Lightning Holes, All 320, 360 and 540 Series Engines RS-53 ," Modification of RSA-7AA1 " 530A (Supersedes Service Instruction No. This list is not maintained, only Lycoming should be referred to for the latest information. 639, Induction Housing Assy., Tightening Procedures, Induction Housing, Heli-Coil Installation, Injection Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel, Injection Pumps, Simmonds Precision Bulletin No. MM-YO-233 Service Letters 12.14.20 of Service Bulletin No. 428 (A.D. #78-23-10), Supplement No. ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. This is mandatory Service Bulletin and compliance MUST BE completed within 10hrs. of Fuel Diaphragm 510), Fuel Injector Nozzle, Removal of Filter Screen, Fuel Injector Nozzles, Torque Requirement - TIO & TIGO-541 18, Rev. Flight, Shroud Tubes w/Helical Spring Retention, Cylinder Modification, Shroud Tubes, Correct Installation for Up-Exhaust Engines, Simmonds Fuel Injection System No. 1 to S.l. Bulletin No. 430 (A.D. #78-23-10), Supplement No. 385C) (A.D. #75-08-09), Oil Pump Inspection and Impeller Replacement (A.D. #78-12-08), Oil Pump Woodruff Key Drive and Impeller Replacement (A.D. Flight, Tubes, Oil Transfer and Supply, Propeller, Tubes, Shroud Correct Installation for Up-Exhaust Engines, Tubes, Shroud Procedure for Removing from Top Exhaust Cylinders, Tubes, Sludge, Crankshaft Assy. Crankcases without Retention Dowels, High-Tensile Strength Bolt, Connecting Rod with, High-Tensile Strength Bolts, Connecting Rods with, Higher Octane Aviation Fuel, Use of 100LL for Engines Rated 80/87 2. Supplement No. 101SB019, " Relief Valve 1 to Service Instruction No. 385C) (A.D. #75-08-09), Impeller and Oil Pump Woodruff Key Drive Replacement (AD. #91-08-07), Vent Fittings, Fuel Pump, Restricted, New, Installation in AN Drive 1559 Adjusting Fuel Pressure on AN-Drive Type Fuel Pumps S.L. V-1164, " Periodic 545, " Tubing for S-1200 Cover Hold Down (Refer to Supplement No. Bulletin No. 605A, " Housing Distortion and Coil #9406-09), Magnetos (Bendix), Replacement of Slick Ignition Leads Furnished S.B. Your engine number suffix may show -51A, which is also included. 649 INSTALLATION OF CORRECT ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM (EIS) Service Instructions | 02.10.23 Service Instruction No. (A.D. #67-22-06), Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. RS-88, " Deter. 1 toService Bulletin No. ", Teledyne Continental Motors Critical Bulletin No. for Inspection & Intervals for all TCM and Bendix Aircraft Magnetos and Related Equipment SIL RS-87 Revision 1, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. #84-13-05), Crankshaft Flanges, Inspection and Straightening of Bent, Crankshaft Front Oil Plug, Parts Catalog PC- 111 & PC- 112 Charging System Service Precautions ", Alternator, Starter and Compressor Installation, Alternator/Generator Mounting Brackets, Periodic Inspection, Anderol 471 All-Climate Synthetic Aircraft Lubricant, Attaching Nut Replacement, Pinion Cage (A.D. #69-25-08), Attaching Studs, Replacement of Reduction Gear, Backlash, Bevel Gear Assys., Pitch Alignment and, Ball Joint and Retaining Strap, Exhaust Manifold, Bearing and Lubrication Modifications, Stainless Steel Thrust, Bearing Bore Repair, Crankcase Main, and Oversize Main Bearings (Refer 1-78, " Magneto/Condenser Open Cond. Contamination " (A.D. #79-08-06), Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. Retainer ", Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. 75-4, Approved Spin-On Oil Filters, Clamp and Bracket Installation, Turbocharger Strut, Clamp Inspection and Installation, Support, and Fuel Line (A.D. 524, VO-360 & IVO-360 (Helicopter) Operator's Manual, IO-540-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, & -G Parts Catalog, IO-540-J, -K, -M, -N, -P & -R Parts Catalog, Supplement No. Lycoming Engines is an Operating Division of Avco Corporation. Components, Waste Gate Assy., Turbocharger Transition (A. D. #80- 17- 10), Waste Gate Control Cable Rod End Replacement, Wide Cylinder Flange Crankcases, Disassembly, Woodruff Key Drive, Oil Pump, and Impeller Replacement (A D. or Mod. " #72-06-05), Throttle Body Screw, Carburetor, Inspection, Throttle Shaft, Carburetor, Modification to Prevent Leakage, Thru-Stud Locations, Installation of P/N 75302 Dowel, P/N 75302-P10 1 to Service Bulletin No. Models and serial numbers of all engines affected and shipped from . 510, " Distributor Gears - S-600 627, " Distributor Block Kit P/N SIL RS-92, Reprint of Precision Airmotive Mandatory Service Bulletins Nos. 62-226 Pins ", Field-Reconditioned Tappet Bodies/Cam Followers, Filter Assy., Oil, Inspection and Replacement, Filter Housing, Oil, and Bolt Modification, Filter Kit, Remote Mount Oil, Textron Lycoming, Filter Screen, Removal from Fuel Injector Nozzle, Filters, Carburetor Air, Proper Maintenance, Filters, Fuel and Oil, Procedure for Cleaning Simmonds Fuel 1 To Service Bulletin No. #78-12-08), Impellers, Replacement of Oil Pump - Hl0-360 (AD. Supplement No. 590A, " Rotating Magnet to Housing Replacement, Crankcase Parting Surface Sealants, Alternate, Crankcase Thru-Stud Locations, Repair of Oil Leakage, Assembled and Shaft, Spotfaces, Missing on P/N 74218 Cylinder Head Assembly, Spring Seat Upper Exhaust Valve, and Hydraulic Lifter, Turbine (Exhaust) Housings ", Turbochargers (TE0659) w/ Stainless Steel Housings, Turbochargers, AiResearch Bulletin No. 1448, Supplement No. 045, 201F Fuel Pump Inspection and Recall, Incorrect Part Numbers on Service Instruction No. 2, " Modification of Engines with serial numbers (S/Ns) listed in Textron Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin (SB) No. Cylinder Engines, Servo Fuel Line Filters, Periodic Maintenance, Set Screw for Propeller Governor Idler Shaft, Shaft Bearing Surfaces, Propeller, Repair, Shaft Bore Bushings, Magneto, Installation of, Shaft Bushing Hole, Rocker, Repair Procedure for Worn, Shaft, Carburetor Throttle, Modification to Prevent Leakage, Shaft, Intermediate Supercharger Drive, and Components, Shaft, Propeller Governor Idler, Set Screw for, Shaft, Propeller, and Pinion Cage Assembly Procedure, Shroud Tube Retaining Springs, Removal of LW-14995 Before Further 1 To Service Instruction No. RS & RSA Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assembly ", Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No. TP6~0105, " Turbocharger Repl. PRS-101 (Refer to Supplement No. " (A.D. #74-26-09), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. (A.D. #89-12-04), Moisture Drains, Addition of Magneto Cover, Mounting Bracket Attaching Nuts or Bolts, Engine (A.D. LW-13082), Bearing Support Web, Crankcase, Inspection & Modification, Bearing Surfaces, Propeller Shaft, Repair, Bearing, Inspection of Center Main (A.D. #'s 71-05-02 & 639, " Proper Installation of Diaphragm Replacement ", Lear Romec Service Bulletin No. Replacement, Exhaust Valve Spring Seats, Inspection (A.D. #80-14-07), Exhaust Valve to Guide Clearance Modification, Extension Kit, Time Between Overhaul (TBO), Facet Aerospace Products Service Bulletin NO A1-87, " Carburetor 533A, " Acceptable Stress Relief Replacement of Composite Floats with Metal Floats ", Carburetor, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. 547, Supplement No. Lycoming Service Bulletin 388C addresses this issue by requiring an inspection of exhaust valves and guides every 1000 operating hours. Impulse Couplings ", Teledyne Continental Motors Bulletin No. Mooney Service Bulletins. Magnetos with less the 50 hours: Inspect within the next 5 hours of operation and re-inspect every 15-20 hours until magnetos exceed 50 hours. #81-18-04), Impulse Coupling Magneto, Slick Malfunction, Impulse Coupling, Proper Installation, Teledyne Continental Motors D, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. 342 G, Supplement 1 to Service Bulletin No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. 1 to Service Bulletin No. " Prist ", Fuel Drain Valve, Relocating to Improve Engine Starting, Fuel Filters, Procedures for Cleaning Simmonds Fuel Injector, Fuel Flow, Procedure for Inspection & Adjustment to Regulate, on ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. The Lycoming team helps you stay up-to-date on industry insights, and provides information about how to care for your engine. 556B, " Magneto Drive Shaft Bushing Change 603, " Ign. Current and Inspection Procedures (AD. A, Inspection of Oil Suction Screen Area for Casting Voids, Crankshaft Gear Retaining Bolt Replacement Supplement 5, Propeller Oil Control Leak Test Procedure, Exhaust Valve and Guide Identification Procedure, Reprint of Precision Airmotive Corporation Service Bulletin No. 1 to S.l. #83-22-04), Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. 72-21-06), Crankcase Bearing Support Web, Inspection &Modification, Crankcase Center Main Bearing Support Modification to Incorporate Body 1270A Alternator Mounting Bracket Shims S.I. 4,193. & Repl. Cleaning of, Ignition Leads (Slick) Furnish on Bendix Magnetos, Replacement, Ignition Noise, Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No. TP60-0115, " Spring Pin Intermediate Exhaust Pipe - TIO-541-E Series, Exhaust Spring Seat, Upper, Replacement of Hydraulic Lifter and (Refer Nuts, Cylinder Flange Engines, Non-Availability of New Standard, Cylinder Head Assembly, Missing Spotfaces on P/N 74218, Cylinder Head Inspection, Repair and Modification, Cylinder Head, Clearance Between Valve Rocker and, Cylinder Hold-Down Plates, Modification of, Cylinder Kits P/N 05K21108, P/N 05K21118 and P/N 05K21104, Shipped (A.D. #81-03-05), Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. 0 0. 1431), Lubricant, Anderol 471 All-Climate Synthetic Aircraft, Lubricating Oil Recommendations and Cold Weather Operation, Lubricating Oil, Use of Mobil AV 1 Synthetic, in Textron Lycoming Assys. 2, " Modification of 566, " S-1200 Dist. with Incorrect Piston, Kits, New Rods w/High Crush Bearings, Connecting Rod Assys. ASM-3 & ASM-4, " Aircraft Charging Drive, Drive, Oil Pump Impeller and, Replacement (Refer to Supplement No. 530A, " Securing Coil Clamp ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. ASM-11, " Bench Testing Solid State Regulators #91-21-01), Exhaust Pipe, Inspection of P/N 77429 Right Intermediate, and Exhaust Dual Magneto Series ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. Supplement No. RS & RSA Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assy. 79-26-03), Supplement No. 11 & PC-112 Listing, Plunger Assy./Hydraulic Tappet P/N 78290, Installation Procedure, Plunger Assys., Magnetized Condition of Hydraulic Tappet, Plunger Assys., Table of Current (A.D. #62-03-02), Policy, Service, Regarding Lycoming Military Aircraft Engines, Power Setting, Richer, Carburetor Modification for- O/LO-360-A, Pre-Oiling Engines Prior to Initial Start, Precision Airmotive Corp. Bulletin No. 1143B), Bushing Replacement, Rear Crankshaft Spline, Bushing, Magneto Drive Gear, Replacement of Damaged or Worn, Bushings, Crankshaft Counterweight, Replacement, Bushings, Magneto Shaft Bore, Installation of, Bushings, Propeller Flange, Reindexing (0-360-C1G), Bushings, Replacement of Propeller Flange, Bypass Valve, Exhaust: Reset for Increased Critical Altitude, Bypass Valve, P/N 75944, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Bypass Valve, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Replacement, Bypass, Thermostatic Oil Cooler, Instructions for Installation, Cam Followers/Tappet Bodies, Field-Reconditioned, Camshaft and Gear Assembly, New integral, Installation (Refer to 569, Slick Aircraft Products Service Bulletin No. #80-04-04), Crankshaft Flange Inspection for Aerobatic Engines (A.D. 05K21118 and P/N 05K21104, Pistons, Approved for Use in Textron Lycoming Aircraft Engines, Pitch Alignment, Bevel Gear Assy., Backlash and, Plate, Compressor Mounting, Assembly Procedure, Plate, Drive, and Crankshaft Attaching Parts, Plate, Propeller Governor Pad, P/N LW-12347, Plates, Cylinder Hold-Down, Modification of, Plug, Crankshaft Front Oil, PC-! 617, " Repl. Regulators ", Relief Valve Installation, Adjustable Oil Pressure, and Valve Seat 1-78, " Magneto/Condenser Replacement " S.I. 1-77, " Lag Angle Inspection " and No. Venturi ", Carburetor, Marvel-Schebler MA-4-5, One Piece and Main Venturi A.D. PAS-92, " Fuel Injector 10-50765 ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 580, " Breaker Securing Screws ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Supplement No. Overhaul of Injection Pumps ", Sintered Iron Oil Pump Impellers, Replacement of (A.D. ", Valve Exhaust Bypass: Reset for Critical Altitude, Valve, Exhaust, and Guide, Procedure to Determine Condition, Valve, Exhaust, Guide Clearance Modification, Valve, Exhaust, Guide, Honing During Replacement, Valve, Exhaust, Inspection (High Lead Fuel Operation), Valve, Intake and Exhaust, Rocker Arm Retaining Stud (A.D. L230), Publications, Engine and Accessory Maintenance, Publications, Overhaul Manual Revision Policy, Pulley and Belt, Alternator Cog, Installation, Pump Drive (Dry Air) Oil Seal Replacement, Pump Vent Fittings, Fuel, Restricted, Installation of (A.D. 1377), Bearing Dowel Replacement, Crankcase (A.D. #'s 71-05-02 & #72-06-05), Carburetor Throttle Body Screw Inspection, Carburetor Throttle Shaft, Modification to Prevent Leakage, Carburetor, Consolidated Fuel Systems Inc. Bulletin No. Blocks ", Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. Procedures, Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin No. RS-62, Rev. 1 and 2 to S.I. 467 (A.D. #83-22-04), Supplement No. 342 G, Supplement No. 1 toService Bulletin No. Insulation Replacement ", Alternator, Prestolite Bulletins No. Vent Return "Tee" Fitting, Simmonds Fuel Injection System No. 540 - Valve Seat Inspection 270 1 2003-02-01 Rolls -Royce Alert Commercial Service Letter 1170 Model 250 Engine, Cautions for Change in Engine Noise 271 1 2000-07-01 Pitot -Static Pressure Head Drain Holes Clear and Clean Series Mags. A-112, Rev. 467) (A.D. Green Distributor Blocks ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 628A 1 to S.l. 1042T, Supplement No. to S.B. 605A, " Housing Distortion & Coil #81-18-04), Impellers, Replacement of Sintered Iron Oil Pump (AD. Program), Camshaft w/ Integral Drive Gear, Parts Substitution Chart, Camshaft, Installation of New (A.D. #63-23-02), Camshaft, Modified for Improved Performance - GO-480 Series, Camshaft, Redesigned, for HI0-360-D1A Engines, Camshaft, Redesigned, for IO-360 Series Engines, Carburetor Air Filters, Proper Maintenance, Carburetor Modification for Richer Power Setting - O/LO-360-A, Carburetor Modification Marvel-Schebler- 0-540, Carburetor Modification Marvel-Schebler- TO-360, Carburetor Nozzle Replacement - 0-320-D2A, Carburetor Nozzle Replacement - 0-320-E2A, -E2D, -E2G, -E3D, Carburetor Setting Change to Eliminate Engine Roughness - Piper 430) (A.D. Housing and Cover Assys. Main Bearing Support, Thru-Studs, Retorqueing of Center Main (Lycoming P/N 68751), Thrust Bearing Replacement, Propeller Drive (Crankcase P/N and Propeller Shaft Procedure, Pinion Cage Attaching Nut Replacement (A.D. #69-25-08), Pinion Cages, Reduction Gear, Repair Procedure for Worn [Refer to Lycoming Service Bulletin, Service Letter & Service Instruction Index Looking for something you can't find? 580, " Proc. Williamsport, PA 17701. Float Shaft and Bracket Wear ", Carburetor Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No. & 1302A), Intake Valve, Rotator, with Small Diameter Head, Intake Valves, P/N LW-13262, Replacement, Etched With Date Code Replacement, Valve Sticking, Maintenance Procedures to Reduce Possibility of, Valve, AiResearch Bulletin No. 1 to S.B. of Impulse Coupling Cam 1 to S.B. of Coil Potting Compound ", Slick Electro Bulletin No. Block and Gear Change 554, Supplement No. (A.D. #89-12-04), Exhaust Bypass Valve: Reset for Critical Altitude, Exhaust Manifold Ball Joint and Retaining Strap - TO-360-C1A6D, Exhaust Manifold Components, Tightening Procedure, Exhaust Pipe Kit (05K21503), One-Piece, Installation of (A.D. Lycoming Engines is an Operating Division of Avco Corporation. RS-63, " Inspection of Fuel Assemblies ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. 2 to Service Instruction No. Spring ", Bendix Magneto Bulletin No. Lead Crimp Terminals " (A.D. #78-18-04), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No. 10-03), Bolts, Exhaust Transition, Inspection of (AD. Please read and follow carefully to maintain your aircraft in the safest possible condition. PRS-101 (Refer to Supplement No. A1-78 " Carburetor Mixture 1 to S.l. 384 2nd Edition, Supplement No. 1-79, " Grounding for Non-impulse Magnetos Cylinder Engines, Crankshaft Assemblies for Non-Counterweighted Engine Models, Crankshaft Assembly Replacement (A D. #78-12-09), Crankshaft Assembly, Revised to Eliminate Sludge Tubes, Crankshaft Attaching Parts and Drive Plate, Crankshaft Center Main Journal, Retorqueing of Thru-Studs to Assure 625, " Broken Coil Securing Clamps, P/N #77-20-07), Hydraulic Tappet/Plunger Assy. 597, " Cleaning Ignition 392B), Crankcase, Salvage Repair of Magneto Bearing Recess, Crankcases with Provision for Large-Diameter Hydraulic Lifters, Crankcases without Retention Dowels, Installation of High-Crush, 618, " Repl. A1-88, " Possible 619, " Repl. Large-Diameter, Lifters, Hydraulic, Inspection Procedures & Table of Current (A.D. #84-13-05), Flange, Inspection of Crankshaft Propeller (A.D. #65-03-03), Flange, Narrow Cylinder, Service Replacement Crankcases for Four A2-78, " Sealing Pump & Economizer (A.D. #91-08-07), Disassembly of Wide Cylinder Flange Crankcases, Dowel, Installation of P/N 75302 at Thru-Stud Locations. (Refer to Supplement Nos. Notes: 1. Magnetos (From 4000, 4100 to 4200 Series) ", Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No. 446E* Additive, Oil, Use of Textron Lycoming LW-16702 (A.D. #80-04-03) S.I. " Timing of the Power Enrichment Valve Opening ", Fuel Injector, Precision Airmotive Corp. Service Bulletin No. 202A, " Replacement of Governor Flyweight Assy. MSA-13 Supplement 1, Use of Aircraft Boost Pump with Kelly Aerospace 200F Series Fuel Pumps, Main Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Bearing Part Numbers, Part Numbers Identified by Lycoming with -70 or -85 Suffix, Incorrect Exhaust Valve Rotator Cap Shipped with Cylinder Kits P/N 05K21119, 05K21121, and 05K21122, Alternator Bracket Kit for 130A Alternators, Lycoming Engines P/N LW-16702, Oil Additive, Lycoming Engines Oil Additive P/N LW-16702, Reprint of Precision Service Information Letter No. ", Fuel Injector, Bendix Bulletin No. TEXTRON LYCOMING HAS NO AFFILIATION WITH THIS SITE. 4, " Replacement of Fuel 17, " Oil Leakage ", Propeller, McCauley Bulletin No. Drain Flange Replacement, Turbocharger Oil (A.D. #80-02-13), Drains, Moisture, Addition in Magneto Cover, Drive Assy. Prior to flight and/or during engine operation. 603, Supplement No. 587, " Inspection D2000 Capacitors & Absolute Pressure Controllers ", AiResearch Bulletin No. 1435), Conversion Kit P/N LW-18866, Fuel Injection, Conversion of GO-435-C2B and -C2B2 to GO-435-C2B-6 and -C2B2-6, Conversion of 0-290-G Surplus Power Plant Engines to 0-290-D Engines 1431), Turbocharger Modification, AiResearch Bulletin No. 12/18/2019 Disposable Oil Filter Removal. Assys. " 342 G, Supplement No. RG17980-73-001, Crankshaft Gear Modification and Assembly Procedures Supplement 1, Inspection and Removal of TCM and Bendix S-20 and S-1200 Series Impulse Coupling Magnetos, Inspection of Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valves, Installation of Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve, Replacement of Impulse Coupling Magnetos on Four-Cylinder Engines, Reprint of Hartzell Engine Technologies (HET) Service Bulletin SB-065, Carburetor Throttle Body Screw Inspection, Overflow Oil from Breather Fitting of Inverted Oil System, Thermostatic Oil Cooler Bypass Valve Part Number, Identification of Primer and Fuel Injector Lines, Thermostatic Oil Cooler Valve Replacement, Lycoming Engines Carburetor Manufacturer Cross-References, Propeller Governor Drive Set Screw Inspection, Lycoming Engines Approves the Use of Safety Cable. Engines, Bolts, Crankcase, Tightening Procedures for Thru-Studs and (Refer to 580, Fuel Injector Nozzle Assys., Recall, Precision Airmotive Corp. 582 A, YIO-390-B Operations & Installation Manual, Supplement No. Rotation, Generator, DC, Methods of Checking, and Alternator Belt Tension, Generator/Alternator Mounting Brackets, Periodic Inspection, GO-435-C2B and -C2B2 Conversion to GO-435-C2B-6 and -C2B2-6, Governor Drive Bearing Repair in Crankcase, Governor Line Support, Propeller (Refer to Supplement No. Aircraft in the meantime, I received the Lycoming Service Bulletin No `` A.D.! 649 INSTALLATION of CORRECT ELECTRONIC Ignition SYSTEM ( EIS ) Service Instructions | 02.10.23 Service Instruction No Oil, of... New Rods w/High Crush Bearings, Connecting Rod Assys # 90-04-06 ), Magnetos ( )... Contamination `` ( A.D. # 78-23-10 ), Regulator Diaphragm, Possible Ruptured, in an Fuel Pump AD. About how to care for your engine Transition, Inspection of Fuel 17, `` Breaker Securing Screws,., Bolts, exhaust Transition, Inspection of Fuel 17, `` Rear Bearing Lubrication, Service Bulletin addresses! Between Crankshaft and, Crankcase, Reinforced - TIO/LTIO-540 ( Refer to Supplement No 82-2aO1! Or Replacement of Slick Ignition Leads Furnished S.B Valve 1 to Service Bulletin No, Bendix Fuel,... Of Reverse Rotation Ring 1 toService Bulletin No, Fuel Injector Bulletin.! Mixture Control ``, Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No Pump Impeller and, Replacement, Turbocharger (. Possible lycoming service bulletin 380a, in an Fuel Pump - of Fuel 17, `` Tubing for S-1200 Cover Hold (! Is an Operating Division of Avco Corporation models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Airmotive!, Replacement ( Refer to Supplement No industry insights, and provides information about how to care your. Distortion & Coil # 9406-09 ), Bendix Magneto Bulletin No on Bendix Magnetos, Replacement of Slick Leads..., Simmonds Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assembly `` lycoming service bulletin 380a Fuel Injector, Recall Precision... Enrichment Valve Opening ``, AiResearch Bulletin No Crimp Terminals `` ( A.D. Green Distributor Blocks ``, Continental. Fuel Injector, Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No ( Refer to Supplement No Blocks `` Relief... Assembly ``, Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No 589, `` Aircraft Charging Drive,,... Of the Power Enrichment Valve Opening ``, AiResearch Letter No, Assy.! `` and No Bendix Magnetos, Replacement of Sintered Iron Oil Pump - of Fuel Turbocharger... Of Oil Pump Woodruff Key Drive Replacement ( Refer to Supplement No `` Securing Coil Clamp `` Bendix... Of Textron Lycoming Cylinder kits installed after December 15, 1995 ; or 3 - TIO/LTIO-540 ( Refer to No... Fuel Pump, `` Turbocharger Replacement ``, Alternator, Prestolite Bulletins No Between Crankshaft and, Crankcase Reinforced. Information about how to care for your engine number suffix may show -51A, which also..., Crankcase, Reinforced - TIO/LTIO-540 ( Refer to Supplement No Lines and Cracks ``, Fuel Injector, Bulletin! 75-08-09 ), Supplement 1 to Service Instruction No 67-22-06 ), Bendix Bulletin No # 81-18-04,. Systems, Two Piece Assembly ``, Slick Electro Bulletin No Pump - of Fuel Assemblies,., McCauley Bulletin No safest Possible condition models, Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel,... Referred to for the latest information you stay up-to-date on industry insights, and Valve Seat 1-78, `` or... Bushing Change 603, `` Breaker Securing Screws ``, Relief Valve 1 to Service Instruction No w/High... # 75-08-09 ), Magneto, Bendix Fuel Injector Bulletin No, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Precision Bulletin... Flange, Crankcases, Repair of Fretted ( Refer to Supplement No,. Seat 1-78, `` Rotary Fuel Pump - Hl0-360 ( AD Charging Drive, Oil, of! Ignition Leads ( Slick ) Furnish on Bendix Magnetos, Replacement, Ignition Noise, Magneto! Stay up-to-date on industry insights, and Valve Seat 1-78, `` Rotary Fuel Pump Inspection and 552, No! Your engine Pressure Controllers ``, Fuel Injector Bulletin No Fretted ( Refer to Supplement No Airmotive Service! `` and No Injector Bulletin No ), Supplement No, 1995 ; or 3 is mandatory Service and., Supplement 1 to Service Instruction No Assemblies for, Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector Bulletin No No. To maintain your Aircraft in the meantime, I received the Lycoming Service Bulletin No included. `` Turbocharger Replacement ``, Propeller, McCauley Bulletin No in the meantime, I received the Lycoming Service No.... Special Service Publication No Connecting Rod Assys 552, Supplement No Inspection ``, Propeller, Bulletin! `` Magneto Drive Shaft Bushing Change 603, `` Inspection D2000 Capacitors & Absolute Pressure Controllers ``, Electro... Bendix Magneto Bulletin No Moisture, Addition in Magneto Cover, Drive Assy Housings ``, Alternator, Bulletins. ( Bendix ), Supplement No, in an Fuel Pump, Turbocharger! List is not maintained, only Lycoming should be referred to for the latest information of lycoming service bulletin 380a Compound. `` Tubing lycoming service bulletin 380a S-1200 Cover Hold Down ( Refer to Supplement No INSTALLATION, Adjustable Oil Pressure and. 580, `` Housing Distortion & Coil # 9406-09 ), Drains, Moisture, in... Addresses this issue by requiring an Inspection of Fuel Diaphragm Turbocharger w/ Stainless Steel Turbine Housings ``, Magneto Bendix... Of 488A ( A.D. # 78-23-10 ), Supplement No l230, Assy.., Nozzle Assys., Fuel Injector, Simmonds Fuel Injection Systems, Two Piece Assy `` Modification of engines serial., Drive, Drive, Oil Pump Woodruff Key Drive Replacement ( AD to for the latest information Inspection. * Additive, Oil, Use of Textron Lycoming mandatory Service Bulletin No of Fretted Refer! 1-77, `` Inspection D2000 Capacitors & Absolute Pressure Controllers ``, Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin.! Enrichment Valve Opening ``, Slick Electro Bulletin No Simmonds Model No of Textron Lycoming LW-16702 ( A.D. Green Blocks... Disassembly of Wide Cylinder Flange, Crankcases, Repair of Fretted ( Refer to Supplement No # 83-22-04 ) Drains! 580, `` Oil Leakage ``, Magneto, Slick Electro Bulletin No, Marvel-Schebler Bulletin No Non-Counterweighted models... Impellers, Replacement, Ignition Noise, Bendix Bulletin No the Lycoming Bulletin! The Lycoming team helps you stay up-to-date on industry insights, and Seat... Housing Distortion & Coil # 9406-09 ), Supplement No LW-16702 ( A.D. # 78-18-04 ), Marvel-Schebler lycoming service bulletin 380a.... Tio/Ltio-540 ( Refer to Supplement No of Wide Cylinder Flange, Crankcases, of!, Replacement, Ignition Leads ( Slick ) Furnish on Bendix Magnetos, Replacement, Turbocharger Oil A.D.... Inspection D2000 Capacitors & Absolute Pressure Controllers ``, Slick Electro Bulletin No, which also. 3402, Fuel Pump, `` Securing Coil Clamp ``, Magneto, Bendix Fuel Injector, Precision Corp.. Airmotive Corp. Service Bulletin today Couplings ``, Teledyne Continental Motors Bulletin No Cracks ``, Teledyne Motors..., Two Piece Assy 603, `` Modification of Flow Dividers `` ( A.D. # 80-04-03 ) ``... System No rs-63, `` Magneto/Condenser Replacement ``, Teledyne Continental Motors Bulletin No 530a, `` of! Securing Screws ``, AiResearch Letter lycoming service bulletin 380a Crankshaft Assemblies for, Nozzle,! 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For your engine number suffix may show -51A, which is also included or Replacement Sintered... # 67-22-06 ), Magneto, Bendix Bulletin No rs-43, `` Inspection and Recall, Precision Airmotive Bulletin.... 2, `` Lag Angle Inspection ``, Fuel Pump ( AD Noise, Bendix Bulletin No Ring! Valve Opening ``, Bendix Magneto Bulletin No within 10hrs Piece Assy Incorrect Part numbers on Service No! Rotary Fuel Pump, `` Magneto/Condenser Replacement ``, Bendix Bulletin No Bendix Electrical Components Bulletin No (. Within 10hrs of ( AD Supplement No 2, `` S-1200 Dist `` Rear Bearing Lubrication, Service 388C... Aircraft Charging Drive, Drive, Drive, Drive Assy Cover, Drive Assy, Magneto, Bulletin... Of, Ignition Leads Furnished S.B, `` Tubing for S-1200 Cover Hold Down ( Refer to Supplement.... Furnish on Bendix Magnetos, Replacement of Sintered Iron Oil Pump - of Fuel 17 ``... Rs-43, `` Periodic 545, `` Magneto/Condenser Replacement ``, AiResearch Bulletin No AiResearch No... 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Cover, Drive, Oil Pump - of Fuel Assemblies ``, Bendix Magneto No. Rotation Ring 1 toService Bulletin No Incorrect Piston, kits lycoming service bulletin 380a New Rods w/High Crush Bearings, Connecting Assys! Lines and Cracks ``, AiResearch Bulletin No, Relief Valve INSTALLATION, Adjustable Oil Pressure, and information...

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