major turning points in the classical era

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major turning points in the classical era

Another successful step was the creation of the misthophoria or paid function where an exceptional salary was given to citizens who attended the courts as jurors. The Ancient Era (600 B.C.E to 476 C.E.) He became king after his fathers death in 336 BC. The Indian Sense of Duty B- an internal succession conflict that divided the government and led to the creation of a southern capital at kaifeng Later, in a movement known as the Counter-Reformation, the Catholic church censored artists and writers in response to the Protestant Reformation. B- lower mortality rates, which contributed to overall population growth Besides trade, art also flourished. This is the Post-Classical era. Shortly after this, his son was expelled by King Cleomenes I of Sparta in 510 BC. Buddhism's Diffusion Compared, These two sources are BEST understood in context of which of the following? A- The arrival of Islam in China in the pre-Tang era. Some of the most famous and groundbreaking Renaissance intellectuals, artists, scientists and writers include the likes of: Leonardo da Vinci (14521519): Italian painter, architect, inventor and Renaissance man responsible for painting The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. B- Indian religions granted higher benefits to women B- Maize D- individuals involved in political and social intrigues, A historian could utilize the excerpt above in order to make which of the following claims about classical Indian society? Direct link to Goldleaf's post Some American colonists s, Posted 5 years ago. By the early 17th century, the Renaissance movement had died out, giving way to the Age of Enlightenment. Direct link to David Alexander's post you might read this artic, Posted 2 years ago. C- Hindu merchants spread knowledge and culture from other parts of the world The turning point in the Hundred Years' War for 15th-century England that leads to the signing of the . C- The qualities of divinity are utilized as a means to promote the state A- China's merchant class experienced growth and vitality during the 12th century C- Innovations in agriculture brought by the Chinese led to greater urbanization D- China sought to protect localities within its sphere of influence from Western influence, The source illustrates a continuity in Chinese self-thought in which of the following way? Direct link to Sierra.S's post Based on your research, h. C- The beginning of the Little Ice Age, a time period of cooler global temperatures, which destroyed Chinese crops C- The cultural role of the Sapa Inca Among its many principles, humanism promoted the idea that man was the center of his own universe, and people should embrace human achievements in education, classical arts, literature and science. 9KsQ=}C!2oLHECh'){ypV{ Q!}sn{o2B:78TCmr(hnN `}=AxLp+`mQ;LVx5v *#dT (w)@DKt>'zPgY@+w~ArOE1r1&4. Image credit: Several ideas dominated Enlightenment thought, including, Born in Boston in 1706 to a large Puritan family, Franklin loved to read, although he found little beyond religious publications in his fathers house. Chinese and Korean Interactions D- A comparison of the Abrahamic religions' various paths to heaven, According to this passage and your knowledge of world religions, which of the following religions was the LEAST influential to islam? Greece has been through many changes in its history, and has moved from devastation to prosperity. Emotion was another quality that artists tried to infuse into their pieces. Beliefs in Islam, A historian would most likely use this selection from the Quran to demonstrate which of the following? The Classical Period (600 BCE-600 CE) - AP World History The Classical Period (600 BCE-600 CE) Key Concept 2.1: The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions. . C- The American empires of the Incas and Aztecs were dealing with internal weaknesses and may have dissolved on their own without European intervention B- a belief in a spiritual world forwhich correct Earthly practicewas necessary for salvation The emergence of Christianity, Buddhism, and other major historical faiths during the Classical Era suggests a turning point in spiritual practice because.? Despite repeated warnings by both Laocon and Cassandra not to take the horse into the city, the Trojan king let it in. D- to expose the military inferiority of the Native Americans, European Feudalism - Comparisons, Causes, and Effects, Which of the following labor systems was the most similar to the 14th century English system as described in this excerpt? Mathematics and music were the main subjects, and physical education was intense which allowed children to develop a sportsman-like spirit. C- The continuation of Confucian values within China's families throughout the 20th century. The king or wanax was the head of society. The tyrants often emerged from the aristocracy, and the force of public dislike of them varied from place to place. B- Seen as accessories to the desires and plans of men Spanish, French and German invaders battling for Italian territories caused disruption and instability in the region. Buddhism and Astronomy Based on your knowledge of world history, which of the following contributed MOST to the end of footbinding practices in 20th century China? period, pictured here, can BEST be understood in the context of which of the following? C- Mahayana Buddhism emerged, leading to Buddhism's first theological dichotomy from its origins. For the next nine years, the Greeks attacked Troy, its neighboring cities, and countryside. A- increased pressure by northern nomads, especially the Jurchens and Mongols Humanism encouraged Europeans to question the role of the Roman Catholic church during the Renaissance. Also, changing trade routes led to a period of economic decline and limited the amount of money that wealthy contributors could spend on the arts. Luther spent his early years in relative anonymity as a monk and scholar. 4 0 obj B- Cahokia Buddhism's Changes in 600-1450 CE -Benjamin Franklin, Which of the following events is MOST responsible for the creation of the feudal system in Europe,which flourished from circa 800 CE - 1500 CE? D- The use of river-based exchange networks, Upaniads and Karma to 1450 C.E.? Image credit: His career as a printer made Franklin wealthy and well-respected. However, the treaty was undermined by the renewed fighting between Athens and Sparta. Historical Utilization of Islamic Law A- Hinduism B- the fact that the writer of this excerpt might have been under some duress to promote his benefactors The Rise of the Greek Tyrants (650 BC), 7. In 1450, the invention of the Gutenberg printing press allowed for improved communication throughout Europe and for ideas to spread more quickly. A- A new strain of rice capable of producing two to three crops a year "use strict";(function(){var insertion=document.getElementById("citation-access-date");var date=new Date().toLocaleDateString(undefined,{month:"long",day:"numeric",year:"numeric"});insertion.parentElement.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(date),insertion)})(); FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. A- Christianity At Sicyon, Cleisthenes ruled from 600 to about 570 BC. A- The pantheon of gods C- Similar ideas of "attachment" influenced the Buddhist concept of nirva Agriculture not only changed how people got their food and survived , but more dramatically changed how human society was structured . A- similar, leading to the complete subordination of West African women to men. C- Borobudur C- Virtue (Daoism) To log in and use all the features of Khan Academy, please enable JavaScript in your browser. They were influential opportunists who remained in power with the help of mercenary soldiers. Where Sparta ignored the establishment of tyranny, Peisistratus was able to establish tyranny in Athens during the mid-sixth century. D- the Song government's abandonment of the Tang era policy of incorporating nomadic peoples into the empire, Comparing Islam, Christianity, and Judaism: In the Words of the Quran, Comparison of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity Turning point between 800 BCE and 200 BCE, is "a turning point between the Vedic religion and Hindu religions",[2] and a formative period for Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. However, colonists who relocated from other coloniesespecially South Carolinadisregarded these prohibitions. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> A- Many ancient Indians believed that fate could not be changed But, the major players in the Post-Classical era come from totally backwards places. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. If not I recommend getting biography's about the people you wish to know more about from yo local library. D- rebuilding national prestige through foreign tribute. But Petrarch viewed the writing and scholarship of the Middle Ages as inferior to the learning and languages of the classical* world. He saw Georgia as a place for Englands worthy poor to start anew. Some of the greatest thinkers, authors, statesmen, scientists and artists in human history thrived during this era, while global exploration opened up new lands and cultures to European commerce. The conflict began after Paris, the Trojan prince, took away Helen, the wife of Menelaus of Sparta. D- The spread of Christianity to China in the late Song era. His exploitation made him the most successful of the Orthagorid tyrants. 6shyhD%YE?/tebL3`CsrDt'G"wD =&aGFUrzg/Q[?gzf`,6/{ F [aUd(V O6q!Bz|M$`WHo:7SqD@qa@Ac#d'9RD'lT B- Mongol influence in the Pax Mongolia. D- The official statements of governors of Northern border provinces, Buddhist Concepts of Other Religions Which statement below would best explain why the Roman authorities sometimes persecuted followers of Christianity during the two centuries before the religion gained official acceptance with the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE? As a king, he spread Greek culture, thought, religion, and language from Greece throughout Egypt, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, and India. B-Women participated more in farm work as the new harness and three field system made the work less backbreaking D- principles that could be used by successive imperial administrators, The depiction of women in the excerpt is similar to that of most classical religions as women were? B- was ruled by the Roman Catholic Church which was determined to ease religious tensions between the Eastern Orthodox Church B- Hinduism As time passed, Athens plentiful supply of silver increased its dominance in trade and it was made the pre-eminent standard. Comparing World Religions to Islam Michelangelo (14751564): Italian sculptor, painter and architect who carved David and painted The Sistine Chapel in Rome. B- reinforcing the subservient nature of states within the Indian Ocean basin. From European discoveries of continents and shipping routes to new views of mathematics and astronomy to the advent of the printing press, the period of read more, Born in Eisleben, Germany, in 1483, Martin Luther went on to become one of Western historys most significant figures. In 415 BC, Athens sent a huge expeditionary force to attack the city of Syracuse. C- regarded Buddhas other than Gautama as the ritual foci of later Buddhist texts In this third and last stage, Sparta received support from Persia, and rebellions took place in the subject states of Athens. A- Southeast Asians were not particularly interested in Buddhism Artists strived to depict people and objects in a true-to-life way. Comparing Agricultural Systems, Which Statement best reflects the improvements in agriculture as depicted in this image? A- Vegetarianism <>>> 2. Click to learn more! In fact, it was a unique time when these fields of study fused together seamlessly. The terrible Plague of Athens was an epidemic which ravaged every corner of the city. historic periods do not start and stop at precise points on a map or a calendar. A- While the social status of women changed slightly. B- Both the Inca and Aztec empires were in the process of being replaced by other indigenous empires prior to the arrival of Europeans in the Americas Some areas of Alaska are so remote,\cancel{\text{,}}, that they can be reached only by plane. Agamemnon had the Greek heroes Ajax, Achilles, Odysseus, and Nestor with him, followed by a fleet of more than a thousand ships from all over the Hellenic world. The practice of footbinding in China was similar in its social and economic implications to all of the following EXCEPT His work demonstrated a blend of psychological insight, physical realism and intensity never before seen. Herodotus gives us an exhaustive account of the Persian War(s), arguably the point at which Greece leaves its Archaic period and enters the glorious Classical period. <> A- Christianity endobj What evidence supports your answer? Why do you think white settlers rebelled against early strictures on alcohol and slavery? D- the use of matrilineal descent. Direct link to Richard Gao's post What is the relationship , Posted 6 years ago. D- The social status of women was improved, but only within Buddhist circle's, The Womb Realm Maala and Japanese Buddhism During the Middle Ages, a period that took place between the fall of ancient Rome in 476 A.D. and the beginning of the 14th century, Europeans made few advances in science and art. A- the Japanese were heavily interested in astronomical concepts during the 9th century C.E. What was the Enlightenment, and how did it change views about nature and God? Based on the source and your knowledge of world history, Inca Builders? C- Textiles B- Iron metallurgy that made tools more effective A- Local authorities adopted Chinese cultural habits A- Buddhism experienced syncretism as it adapted to local religions, including Confucianism and Daoism. B- Zoroastrianism Enlightenment principles guided the founding of the colony of. D- mandates within Islamic theology that rulers had divine powers, Which of the following political philosophies most closely resembles the one described in the excerpt? C- Dharma B- The return of the dynastic cycle with the Tang Dynasty Frescoes depicted captured lions, plants, battle scenes, bull-leaping, and other popular Mycenaean activities. Sir Godfrey Kneller, portrait of John Locke, 1697. This is referred to as the Lonian War or the Decelean War. In a period known as the Age of Discovery, several important explorations were made. The actual existence of the Trojan War has always been ambiguous and debatable. With two World Wars, the 20th Century was a time of major social and political change, and it was inevitable that this . Summarize the major turning points or "game changers" of the modern era. <> Second Peloponnesian War: Athens versus Sparta (431 BC), 9. C- spiritual systems promoted the potential for salvation Facts About the Renaissance, Biography Online. They were without question a major turning point in ancient Greek history. Following this, the Romans began to invest heavily in the rebuilding of the destroyed cities. D- Angkor Wat, All of the following elements of Hinduism were transmitted to Southeast Asia EXCEPT? D- Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God." B- Incan 'mit'a' System Elements of Hinduism in Southeast Asia C- 20th century Russian cooperative farms A- A journal which tracked custom duties in major Chinese ports. C- The building of monumental architecture D- Ceaseropapism, Medieval Labor Romanticism, attitude or intellectual orientation that characterized many works of literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, and historiography in Western civilization over a period from the late 18th to the mid-19th century. Placed under house arrest for his views of a heliocentric universe. For Petrarch, this marked the end of the classical era and the beginning of a less civilized time. Geometric designs and decorative motifs were popular. D- increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in scientific and technological innovations, Early North American Trade Networks A- utilize the written word as a means to spread a prophetic message When he retired in 1748, he devoted himself to politics and scientific experiments. Do you think Ben Franklin was a representative American from his time period? D- recorded the history of the Inca empires, where as the others were primarily for accounting purposes, A historian researching record keeping in the ancient world could make which of the following conclusions based on de la Vega's account? The following is a timeline of major events in post-classical history from the 5th to 15th centuries, . D- rents and other fees were typically collected as a percentage of the harvest, Asian Cultural Diffusion from 600-1450 CE, Diffusion of Buddhism, 600-1450 CE All Rights Reserved. The first known coins were introduced in either Ionia in Asia Minor or Lydia some time before 600 BC, because the Greeks wanted a system of authenticated payment. A- religions became divorced from the context from which they emerged Direct link to Kimberly Noel's post SOOOO how exactly did the, Posted 3 years ago. Asceticism and Renunciation of the World This read more, Known as the Renaissance, the period immediately following the Middle Ages in Europe saw a great revival of interest in the classical learning and values of ancient Greece and Rome. Comparing Systems of Record Keeping B- Moka B- Christian Monasticism Desiderius Erasmus (14661536): Scholar from Holland who defined the humanist movement in Northern Europe. B- Quipus were a more efficient way of tracking religious ceremonies then hieroglyphs or pictographs D- Great Zimbabwe, Which of the following first disrupted China's economy soon after the time period pictured? C- the custom of female seclusion, or purdah. Best known for his paintings of the Madonna and The School of Athens.. The Minoan civilization (2700 BC1100 BC) which preceded the Mycenaean civilization, was a great influence on the development of the latter. William Byrd (1539/401623): English composer known for his development of the English madrigal and his religious organ music. C- Judaism A- ensuring a supply of Confucian converts to pilgrimage sites in China. Facts About the Renaissance Period, Generally speaking, contemporary art is defined as any form of art in any medium that is produced in the present day. C- Peasants were often conscripted into military service in times of war When Menelaus asked for her return, the Trojans refused to give her back. B- worship their prophetic leaders 1 0 obj The flurry of development in the Archaic era was followed by a period of maturity known as classical Greece. Where the events in the Archaic period were purely artistic, the Classical era moved towards a more naturalistic approach. Classical Era 1. Members of the powerful Medici family, which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, were famous backers of the movement. The Roman civil wars continued to devastate the land until 27 BC when Augustus made the peninsula the province of Achaea. to what extent was John Locks' ideas of liberty influential to the rise of the Enlightenment period. The dawn of Conceptualism in the late 1960s marks the turning point when modern art gave way to contemporary . C- Daoism Firstly, in a strict sense there was no 'Hinduism' before modern times, although the sources of . what are the major regions of the world in which these changes occurred. He died soon after the Corinthian tyranny fell in the 580s BC. A- The Mongol conquest of China and establishment of the Yuan Dynasty C- both are primary sources In 1718 he was apprenticed to his brother to work in a print shop, where he learned how to be a good writer by copying the style he found in the. The flurry of development in the Archaic era was followed by a period of maturity known as "classical Greece." Where the events in the Archaic period were purely artistic, the Classical era moved towards a more naturalistic approach. D- The spread of Buddhism in the Indian Ocean Basin, Which of the following contributed MOST to the diffusion of Buddhism throughout Asia from circa 600-1450 CE? Shakespearean plays especially are known for following this structure. D- quipus were implemented to inventory military personnel and supplies, while also documenting victories on the battlefield, Compared to cuneiform, hieroglyphs, pictographs, and alphabets the quipu differed primarily in that it they still had a significantly lower status than men. Changes and Continuities in Religious Practices A- European interference helped a process whereby American empires such as those of the Aztecs and Incas were growing closer to establishing a unified government linking Mesoamerica and the Andes Comparative Theology In this 1748 portrait by Robert Feke, a 40-year-old Franklin wears a stylish British wig, as befitted a proud and loyal member of the British Empire. He was just 32 when he died of malaria in 323 BC. They practically occured in the same period of time so there has to be some connections right? D- alike, leading to body modification rituals confining women to the home. D- Incorporation of religious leaders as gods, The emergence of Islam in the post-classical era could be seen as representing a continuity of Christianity and Buddhism because Islam encouraged? Athenian coins were based on the monetary standard, the Attic standard, which had a drachm equaling 4.3 grams of silver. - Voltaire What is the relationship between the Enlightenment and the Great Awakening? C- Zoroastrianism to 1450, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, World Civilizations: The Global Experience, Since 1200, AP Edition, Marc Jason Gilbert, Michael Adas, Peter Stearns, Stuart B. Schwartz. Famous journeys were taken by Ferdinand Magellan, Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci (after whom America is named), Marco Polo, Ponce de Leon, Vasco Nez de Balboa, Hernando De Soto and other explorers. The Strengths of Indian Society and Culture The most famous tyrant of Asiatic Greece was Thrasybulus of Miletus. are best understood in the context of which of the following? C- different, affording women a wider degree of freedoms in the home and in society. D- the practice of purposeful worship of prophetic figures, The emergence of Christianity, Buddhism, and other major historical faiths during the Classical Era suggests a turning point in spiritual practice because? Their religion included many deities that are also part of the Olympic pantheon. According to these sources, what aspects of German American culture did other Americans find threatening? A- Horse collars that increased plowing efficiency This Classical statue has evolved into a more naturalistic pose, while retaining the idealized beauty of the Archaic sculptures. A- Timbuktu D- neither source presents a purely Aztec view of their society, Based on your knowledge of world history and source 1, which of the following agricultural techniques to the Aztecs used to increase food production before contact with Spaniards? B- Some Buddhist temples were designed to replicate this maala D- Free peasantry, Compared to peasant laborers in China from 600CE to 1250, English laborers shared the following attributes EXCEPT: One such coin was the silver stater or didrachm of Aegina. Famous for stating, I think; therefore I am.. B- associated Gautama with one fo the four directions Most cities had their own coins which were used in inter-trade processes, and each city had its own symbols and signs carved on the coins. Art, architecture and science were closely linked during the Renaissance. A- Development of a monatic tradition With technological advances by the middle of the sixth century BC, the production of pure gold and silver coins became simpler. Alexander the Great Came to Power (336 BC), The 10 Oldest Ancient Civilizations That Have Ever Existed, Top 10 Most Worshiped Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greece, Top 11 Inventions and Discoveries of Mesopotamia, Top 10 Inventions and Discoveries of Ancient Greece, Top 12 Greatest Leaders in Ancient Greece, Top 10 Most Important People in Ancient Greece, Top 12 Surprising and Fascinating Facts about Ancient Greece, Top 12 Greatest Leaders in Ancient Mesopotamia, Top 7 Most Important Events in Ancient Persia, Top 11 Most Important Events in Ancient Babylonia, Top 23 Fascinating Facts about the Ancient Persian Empire, Top 19 Surprising and Fascinating Facts about Ancient Sumer. A- Territorial expansion relied on a single, unifying culture to facilitate its spread throughout Inca holdings B- Chinese exploration led to military conquest Previous American Networks, Mounds such as these located throughout North America were characteristics of which of the following trade networks in the period 600 C.E. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. This movement actually began over the course of a few centuries, occurring as the class and political structures of medieval Europe began to break down. B- New waterworks technology allowed for draining of swamps, control of floods, and the use of rice terraces It was a time of major human development in terms of knowledge and civilization. of government? D- with reconfiguring fields and a new way to harness draft animals, it was finally possible to use animal power to work the land, One long-term result of such a technological innovation was? is comprised of the Prehistoric Era and the Classical Era. stream Running, boxing, pankration, horse racing, wrestling, chariot racing, two stade races, a long jump, discus throw, and the javelin throw were some of the main events. - 500 C. Robert W. Strayer Studying world history has much in common with using the zoom lens of a cam- era. The Renaissance was a cultural and socio-political movement of the 15th and 16th centuries. As more people learned how to read, write and interpret ideas, they began to closely examine and critique religion as they knew it. Historian's Analysis of the Quipu Following the lead of other Greek cities, Athens held a revolt in 88 BC, but the Roman general Sulla succeeded in crushing all their aspirations to become independent. C- The diffusion of Buddhism to China in the pre-Tang era King Croesus introduced a double metal standard that allowed currencies of pure gold and pure silver to be traded in the marketplace. C- terraced fields that allowed mountain farming Concepts during the Renaissance, biography Online the Archaic period were purely artistic, the War! Best understood in the late 1960s marks the turning point when modern art gave way contemporary... Bc ), 9 when he died of malaria in 323 BC when he of! D- the use of river-based exchange networks, Upaniads and Karma to 1450 C.E. in context of of... Which ruled Florence for more than 60 years, the Trojan prince, took away Helen, the Attic,... Sicyon, Cleisthenes ruled from 600 to about 570 BC was John Locks ' ideas of liberty to! Present day so there has to be Some connections right to the home and in.. Were heavily interested in astronomical concepts during the Renaissance which Statement best reflects the improvements in agriculture depicted! 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