mercari what if seller doesn 't ship within 3 days

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mercari what if seller doesn 't ship within 3 days

Well the total weight of what I SHIPPED was 175lbs freight. They arent a US Based company, so that really hurts the seller , because there is no recourse. And help out there?!? And you cant leave accurate feedback because of how Mercari works, so you dont know the crappy sellers ahead of time. There is no single scam associated with Mercari. Sellers do not get their money until you get your item and rate them. I work for ups. Were happy to help. Shipping Protection is included with all Mercari prepaid labels as well as items picked up and delivered with Mercari Now. Mercari submitted a claim and was paid but refused to reimburse me because I didnt use bubble wrap. I contacted Etsy and disputed her claim with all my pictures taken outdoors in natural light from all angles and all the correspondence between us. It also takes up to 5 business days for Mercari to transfer funds into your account. This is laughable, gemstones are hard as glass and its not possible for them to bend. After you complete your purchase, well create a prepaid label for the seller so they can ship your item hassle-free. Post office didn't receive the item until Saturday the 28th. You sound like a good honest person just trying to make an honest living thinking others will treat you with the same honesty and fairness but it doesnt sound like this is the site for that. The entire process has been a mess. Whether I get my money back will be anyones guess but such is Mercari. Amazon is my choice. But what I hate about this site is the buyers giving you likes and not buying the product. I gave him a discount on an original UK pressing of kind of blue and sent him the item. Not shipping within the 3 day window without a reasonable excuse or an acknowledgement from the seller before purchase is bad practice by the seller, you should rate them accordingly. To post a listing, all you need to do is click the large, orange "sell" button within the app or the (equally orange) "Sell on Mercari" button on the Mercari homepage. You wont get your money for that sale! No wonder eBay sellers hate people with PO BOX address. Customer service goes through a number of explanations that are incorrect, ineffective solutions, and it is finally explained my account has been locked because of that past 1time transaction. That was not or whom I thought I was buying the product from. Mercari takes a 10% fee off the total price listed. Well I guess he ran DIY nightclubs or club nights over in Hong Kong and had his business pages on FB with reviews open. Show more Is Mercari Legitimate? However, if the buyer doesnt rate the seller within three days, Mercaris system will trigger payment anyway. I sold a super rare vintage synthesizer on Ebay once for $6900. Yes, they side with the buyer so you are stuck taking the item back but your still not screwed. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The amount of time you should wait for a Mercari seller to ship your item depends on the seller's policy. But I guess because it had the words drugs in it they accused me of trying to sell prohibited item! If you dont submit the sellers Rating within 3 days of confirmed delivery, we will auto-rate the transaction for you so the seller can get paid. They were also very slow to respond to prior to sale messages. It's not like eBay. You need to call fedex and file a fraud claim. Long to travel the world, but dont have a trust fund or a pile of savings to do it? I placed an order and never received it. Shipped it and i hope i get paid Ill see the young lady didnt receive it yet. I sold a pair of 200.00 shoes that were in excellent condition for 40.00 after the lady talked me down from a much higher price. Mercari makes it easy to arrange shipping, and youll save money compared to options like traditional carriers. Psychology Infographic : A MUST READ BEFORE YOU GIVE BIRTH! this is done and then they want the last 4 of his social. Jeans and shorts that retail between $70-$100, Ive gotten for as low as $8, still with tags attached. Thank you for your input! Due to the nature of your return policies the process takes more steps, more time, costs the buyer more money, and more effort then it takes to return an item in store. This means that if the purchased item is not shipped within . YES! ago. It was returned to my house and the whole bottom layer of a vintage Dooney & Bourke bag had been ripped out mercari advised that they made a decision the case is closed and gave her a refund after I sent pictures of the entire bag with no lining in the bottom. Currently Mercaris new 30 Day listing restriction forces the seller to either accept Offers, take the time to delete and create a new listing for the product, or deactivate the product and make enough changes to by-pass the algorithm. T, I sold a pair of 200.00 shoes that were in excellent condition for 40.00 after the lady talked me down from a much higher price. It says they have three days but what happens after that? There are people who scam and and people who Will rob you online or off, so please be careful and stay one step ahead of the game. We had to replace a portable GPS due to ours being stolen. Will not bother again, seller still on and no way to leave review-no contact from seller as to my options as in fact the item was paid for already and charged!!!!! The calculator will then provide you with an approximate cost that you can expect to pay for shipping. This is a joke!! Oh my goodness I actually have the exact same situation going on at the moment! I had already used the money from it for bills. Your email address will not be published. Thats a huge no. It went well, so when shen offered on another, I agreed and she claimed it was not up to par with her standards. At Mercari, we strive to provide speedy and reliable shipping to our customers. i have read some negative on them as well and i am getting no real traffic there with my product. The buyer removed the triple layered protective foam sheets (which was more expensive than the $1 plexiglass sheet), took photos without the protective measures and. Watches sunglasses shoes clothes. I also took 4 additional photos time stamped minutes before packaging the ring. I responded with Why? Watch out for anyone calling themselves Grimbo, guy is a solid scam artist. 2nd vendor, 2nd fake .925 stamp and on the FOURTH day, all of the solid sterling silver came off of the top of the band (the part that doesnt touch anything at all). It isnt a lot of money (even though we are on a fixed income), it is of course the principle. As mercari is engaged in interstate commerce, I shall see about filing a complaint with ICC and/or FTC. All items sold on Mercari ship within two business days, and our system allows sellers to choose their shipping provider. I listed a ruby and gold bracelet from the late 1800s. [texts-excerpt] penalty for cutting mangroves in floridaFREE EstimateFREE Estimate I live remote and I cannot always make 3 day delivery schedule. I got $0. However, it was not noticed at the time it happened. The buyer removed the triple layered protective foam sheets (which was more expensive than the $1 plexiglass sheet), took photos without the protective measures and sent it to Mercari. Most of the times, one of them will buy it. Herein, Does Mercari report to IRS? just a sleazy way to get more money from you. All Mercari sales are final and should only be canceled if the seller cannot fulfill the order. If the package says delivered but you havent received it, reach out to us. Once your account is verified, you will be able to create your first listing and sell your first item. Hopefully you were able to get reimbursed at least. Think about it. As far as other concerns, slow down and read everything. I like this site for selling my stuff. After the first time I bought a fake products and went through the process of returning it which still is incomplete I discovered that there are no repercussions for vendors who sell false items nor does your app take any personal responsibility for allowing them to do so but rather it is the customer who is punished for using the app and receiving inaccurate product. Sometimes a seller forgets to update the tracking when they confirm shipment. Unscrupulous sellers, too, frequent the site just as unscrupulous buyers do. 'In honor of imnotlegolas for starting this subreddit. I am dealing with something similar the seller simply will not respond at all on a 400$ item!!!!! I have never had such a bad experience with a company as I did this one. Mercari will remind the seller to ship and offer the buyer an option to cancel, Mercari makes you wait, and sort of says, lets give the seller 7 days to see if the shit magically updates.. This is my third purchase from Mercari, so I don't know if I'm being unreasonable in my expectations, or if the seller isn't following the established rules. They dont give a fuck about BOTH buyers and sellers. Trust me, not worth it. I have been on Mercari since the start of the year. Stay alway as a seller o simply dont keep any balance on the platform, transfer as soon as possible to your bank to avoid been robbed . Their response to me was sorry you had a bad experience but we cant help you because it was rated and its past the time frame. now hes been trying to fix the problem by sending emails to Mercari but got no response yet. At first glance they looked real but after I had accepted them I sat down and started to really look at them and they are so fake. Sounds like a juicy lawsuit to me! I made a purchase and was sent the wrong item, I notified the seller the day it arrived (delivery +1), she told me the item I bought was sold to someone else and she could give me a partial return, I guess. When an order is placed on Mercari, it will usually be delivered within 4-14 business days, depending on what items were ordered and where they need to be shipped. She listed 3 more bras on Mercari she deemed just as pretty as the ones I bought and she wanted me to buy those bras; 5. I replied I didnt want the item she sent and wanted to return it she stopped communicating. I asked them if this was allowed, and it is. I'm glad I'm not just being impatient. You can typically find this tool on the website of a reputable shipping company. Weve got you covered. Its quick to set up your account simply upload photos and enter descriptions. If the app supports this type of behavior, Mercari obviously only cares about getting their share. They let me sell taking of course their share and never got any warning about my identity , I had everything on file already so I never thought I would have problems with this. What?! Their selling fees are getting higher by the day. 1000s of dollars down the drain I just accepted them without inspecting them. Its happened to me a few times bad sellers get you a cancellation. Mecari is in Tokyo Japan , how can the BBB do anything ? WRONG DECISION! Be kind and they will be kind back. People also dont read descriptions at all it seems. Clothing-wise, Ive been very lucky on Mercari. I tried to fix it and they told me they cant do anything about it. Im not a clothes snob by any means Ive always been a bargain shopper. I offer my products at an already rock bottom price, only expecting to make a modest profit after paying for their shipping. Not only that but the original deadline day for mailing the return was a holiday and USPS was CLOSED, anyway! I have bought many many many (Way too many) items from the site I have had three or four returns from items that arrived not as described ive had no problem with any of them (except for waiting quite a while for someone in customer service to get back to me) With the exception of one timeI had already hit the accept button And was told in email it was too late. He responded telling me he wasnt trying to rip me off and then proceeded to offer me an equally bad offer. However, if you have time and want the assurance of a reliable carrier, sticking with a traditional option may be the better choice. He claimed it was damaged in shipping, then blamed me and gave me a 2 star rating. Thank you for taking the time and try to warn others of the situation on Mercari. She would maybe mail me the original 3 bras if she could find them; 6. Well when I opened the box up I was in shock. You should file a claim on BBB. So the limit of 20% for offers doesnt really exist. Id rather give them to my teething puppy than sale them, even at fair market value, to what has to be some of the rudest people Ive ever encountered. She received them and said they were used shoes, which was clearly stated. I shouldnt have accepted. Run. She requested a refund and they gave it to her. Mercari refunded the buyer and cancelled the order WHILE THE BUYER KEPT THE MERCHANDISE. My $300 boots got lost in transit. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'remodelormove_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_20',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');The answer to this question will largely depend on the individual and their preference for selling. I tried to fix it and they told me they cant do anything about it. When it comes to shipping on Mercari, you have a few different options available. 2. We ask sellers to ship orders within 3 business days of purchase to make sure your item arrives on time. Depending on the item and its size, you may be able to choose between standard shipping or express shipping. Sellers are completely vulnerable to scams because the rating system is rigged. That one package that had been temporarily lost? I messaged the seller the 26th for a status update, since I was under the impression there was a 3 day rule. If your order hasn't arrived after 7 days, you can request a refund from the Order Status page. Listing seemed easy enough , got a message that it was sold- when I had the chance to get back to it there was sign it sold. I would NOT try to sell anything more than $10. People are stupid and its going to happen no matter where you go. Long story short, she was refunded and kept the black onyx and gold earrings. We recommend sending the seller a message to see if they can provide a tracking update. Medical writing: side hustle success story. I have great ratings. Backed entirely by Japanese venture capital, Mercari is now valued at more than $1 billion and is building an e-commerce empire in Japan to rival the likes of Amazon, eBay and domestic Japanese giants like Rakuten. If your item is lost or damaged in transit by the carrier, youre covered at up to $200 of your earnings (the items price minus selling and processing fees). You can also cancel the order by going to Profile . After waiting four days, sent a note to seller. So they have changed their return policy that buyers can make up any lie of a reason, they can intentionally damage your item and mercari will side with them despite clear photo evidence. After 3 days with no shipment notice, you can cancel. Im a jeweler and have been buying (and selling) Silver items online for decades, and over the last year and a half on Mercari. Buyers can repeatedly cancel for no reason and still be issued a refund. They released the money finally to me and canceled the buyers account and apparently banned his IP on ebay. It seems as though you failed to understand that although your app cover shipping it doesnt cover the time lost, gas cost, packaging for said return, and multiple steps that a buyer must go through in the meantime no repercussions fall upon the seller who is still enabled and allowed to continue selling faulty products to other customers. Moreover, sellers say its easy to hit the wrong button when accepting a return on the app. I specified a hairline crack in the listing with pictures. If you need your order quickly, we recommend choosing a faster shipping option during checkout. The shocked seller will get her ring back, after the reversal credits to my account (minus my postage cost). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Because with the snarky comments, entitled attitude, inability to understand supply and demand, and just general f@ckery, you also want me to sell them to you with free shipping?! Then I discovered that 8 KG = 17 lbs. Well a few weeks later since it was shipped to Hong Kong it took awhile. 98% of the fake crap I end up with came from some perfectly nice, honest, and super embarrassed/often offended/sometimes very defensive and angry person who HAD NO CLUE THAT IT WAS FAKE ..BECAUSE.. it HAS a 925 STAMP RIGHT ON IT !! Thank you very much for the solid advice!I sell stuff occasionally on Mercari and was worried I would be slapped with a cancellation mark if I did it like that, but you have cleared my doubts! Another guy bought a laptop from me and was happy with everything and that was the first thing he bought on Mercari. No, Sellers do not rate buyers on Mercari. A seller has three days to ship. Mercari does not sell any products but acts as the middleman between buyer and seller, ensuring successful transactions. Im beyond mad over this. Sounds like this seller isn't too concerned about ratings or being a good face for themselves, or might not have it on mobile. Mercari or any other company cant tell someone to keep the item and heres your money back! When I asked for a photo, she stopped communicating with me and just cancelled. So as it sits Im actively trying to figure out how to get you to give me the right information on a return for the correct seller and the correct product from the first claim only to have discovered a second faulty-vendor selling fake items as well. Im usually okay with knocking off a few dollars here and there within reason. So it's been 5 business days :(The seller ignoring my messages is my main reason for wanting the cancellation since im buying this as a gift and I need to get my money back asap before I end up being late with a gift :(. So, I got conned, and a rival seller got to trash me so he could look better. So, why on earth would I ever reach out to you for anything, ever again? I got crickets as a response. Certain tracking numbers (like DHL tracking numbers) are marked as unrecognizable, so if your buyer doesnt rate you and you submit a request to Mercari to have your money released, they mark the order as undelivered and refund the buyer. I have had nothing but good from Mercari, have had a few people not pay me but Mercari will pay for the item if the buyer doesnt pay. She got them to cancel my transaction ,so what I have no item back? This may include limiting your account access and/or taking other corresponding actions as determined by Mercari in its sole discretion. However, if there are any issues with delivery, it can take up to 14 days for payments to be released after the item has been marked as delivered. I sold a watch at a discount and the guy claimed the crystal was cracked. I contacted him and chewed him out a bit and he tried to laugh it off and wouldnt give a straight answer. I am a Buyer and Seller on Mercari. It is a shame too, because it is very easy to list on this site, and they only take a 10% fee. Disability income doesnt give me the luxury of buying new clothes at stores but the majority of the items Ive bought on Mercari are still brand new with tags. Now I sit and wait anxiously for what I already know will be an unsympathetic Bland unpersonalized Im so sorry but dot-dot dot AI written pre recorded response. I know I am taking a chance when my item goes to the mail, but have had a lot more good experiences than bad. If you make a sale some random person will send you a message and be like what were you thinking! And just a few days ago, ordered PJs, lady confirmed sale, had a tracking #, a week goes by, she never mailed it. Life is too short. Sometimes the tracking will update to show that the item was delivered before the package actually arrives. Why use Mercari? I cancelled my bank account because they were trying to do a reverse charge and tried to close my Etsy account, but they wouldnt close it because they say I have a balance of the charge. He buttered me up and told me it was for his private collection. Thats when I noticed that he only shipped 65lbs worth of crap back instead of the 175lb keyboard in a flight case that I sent him. Many sellers will include their shipping policy in the item description, so be sure to read through it before you make a purchase. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. She sent me the front and back of all except one and it didnt cross my mind at the time but that shouldve been a red flag. They sent me the same tracking number as I had. Theres no going back if you hit the wrong key. If you don't submit the seller's Rating within 3 days of confirmed delivery, we will auto-rate the transaction for you so the seller can get paid. The same terrible, immoral eBay scammers are on Mercari, but there are LESS protections than on eBay, and theirs are a joke. So I get notification that her return was approved and she will now be sending back a damaged and ruined ring that I sent to her in flawless condition! Overall, I like the app and ive had success, but Mercari needs to hold buyers accountable for not rating the selling within 24 hours of the item being delivered. within minutes his rating on his businesses was completely destroyed. All this site is about is letting people try to nickel and dime you to death. A super rare vintage synthesizer on eBay once for $ 6900 equally bad offer complaint with ICC FTC... Anything, ever again out for anyone calling themselves Grimbo, guy is a scam. Solid scam artist stopped communicating when accepting a return on the app supports this type of behavior, obviously! They have three days but what happens after that not rate buyers on Mercari within! Save money compared to options like traditional carriers it for bills sellers will include their.! Possible for them to bend sellers are completely vulnerable to scams because the rating system mercari what if seller doesn 't ship within 3 days rigged will to... 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