pontiac g6 turns over but wont start

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pontiac g6 turns over but wont start

The most common reasons a Pontiac G6 won't start are a dead battery, an alternator problem, or failed starter. 2004 Pontiac Sunfire 2.2 liter No start! After youve ruled out battery issues, it is time to investigate the power cable for the starter motor and its connections from the battery to the starter motor in G6. The clicking noise is from the starter solenoid which is still under power as it has a separate circuit, but the starter motor isnt getting any power from the battery. Quick cleaning: There is a neat little trick with which you can clean corrosion on the battery terminals of your G6 in under a minute. I did get it jump started and managed to drive to the auto store where I had the vehicle's battery, which I got new 6 months ago from Costco, recharged for free. in the remote start but my alarm and trunk are the It makes all kinds of noise but eventually catches and starts. GuruDQDWG answered 5 years ago. 2. Over the past 10 years, Hans has been focused on building CarCareKiosk, which is visited by millions of drivers each month. This is particularly true if the window does not seem to have been struggling before it failed to go up. If the ground connection of the chassis or the engine goes bad in your G6 due to rust or corrosion, you will face all sorts of electrical issues, including clicking noises and no start problem. After cleaning, reconnect the cables in reverse order, positive first, then negative. 1 Answer 2006 Pontiac g6 Cranks but won't start. Its getting gas to fuel injector & fire to spark plugs. My car stated acting sluggish when it started. Can somebody please help me figure out what is wrong with my car? get my lock/unlock to work and the remote sta Pontiac g6 has anyone had a problem with it not thermostat be bad? If you get into your G6, turn the key, and your car doesn't start (you may hear nothing or a clicking sound from the engine bay), you have a dead battery and need a jump-start. To rule out dead battery, your best course of action is to jump start your G6 using jumper cables and a healthy battery from another vehicle, or using a battery booster if available.Requirements: The engine of both the vehicles should be off, and the transmission in Park. On the back of the assembly, unplug the harness that goes to the bulb. - Tech and Tips - Ohio Motorsports Group My boss is a girl when it comes to cars so I'm just going off what he's told me. Will not turn over. fuel pump/system replaced but engine wont turn over? The vehicle's computer then takes control and starts itself. I mostly have this happen when I start the car repeatedly when it's hot such as running errands going from store to store. At times I am even having to give the car a little gas as I turn the ignition to maintain the car crunk. It has only not started once. Content submitted by Users is not endorsed by CarGurus, does not express the opinions of CarGurus, and should not be considered reviewed, screened, or approved by CarGurus. Time for a Tune Up maybe? I know that this particular year (2006) has encountered the most problems. turns on and runs after a while and then I I Jumped The Car It Didn't Work. We have listed Shuts Off And Then Nothing. It would cause the symptoms listed, but it should trip a theft light on the dash during the crank/no start times. For months it would start fine in the morning. No communication to scan tool. I would drive to my destination and get back in and it would not start. . The engine wouldn't turn over if that were the case; happened in my WS6 a few times. He said it doesn't stutter at all while driving, just has a hard time starting it sometimes and other times it starts right up. Have been working on car for overheating problem got it fixed now this..HELP PLEASE https://www.2carpros.com/articles/how-to-reset-a-security-system, https://www.2carpros.com/articles/car-engine-will-not-crank-over. Then pull off the rubber sealer. the key, that it wasn't sending the right signal to the Need wiring diagram for ignition. So it makes me look stupid like I'm doing something wrong. Connect the black cable to the negative terminal of donor battery. I took it to a local shop last weekend and of course they were never able to experience the issue, started up every time. Thought fuel pump,..it's coming on and fuel to injectors. You must do a simple reset. Your previous content has been restored. We just had one in for similar problems this week. For the past 3 weeks I have been experiencing starting issues. Come join the discussion on performance modifications, accessories, troubleshooting, maintenance and more! Good luck! I'm pretty sure it isn't, there aren't any green leaf stickers or anything on it. fuel is getting to the engine but wont start. 2008 pontiac g6 automatic shifter light replacement. 2008 Pontiac G6 Asked by michellelee in Cuero, TX on May 05, 2012 Car will not start but the radio comes on, electric doors lock and open and windows work. wanting to crank after putting gas in it? I have had it happen to a couple vehicles on the lot where they would still crank, just no fuel or spark. Heres a great YouTube video on exactly how to do this from Tom A on how to test the switch and see if the motor is bad. Not Sure Of Repair Topic. Pictures if you have please and thanks. This video shows you how to use jumper cables to jump start a dead battery in your 2007 Pontiac G6. If not that is the first thing you need to do. If the fuse is blown, replacing it will get your power window to go up. Secondly battery voltage is 12 volts at battery and alternator. What more can I do? Some times giving it a little gas helps, some times it doesn't. Some times it starts up perfectly. Another symptom of weak battery in G6 is flickering dashboard lights and/or rapid clicking noise when you try to start the engine. never there before. What did I sign up for with this vehicle??? Its pretty easy to tell if a fuse is blown. turn it off and it will not turn on or click, I have an 07 G6 I put a new starter on and I had a 1998 oldsmobile cutlass before my G6 and that car did the same exact thing. to replace the fuel filter on a g6 (& most cars made in the last 10 years) u have to replace the fuel pump assy. Towed it to the shop by my work and he found that the connector on the ignition coil that goes from the coil to the computer was broke, The clip broke and it wasn't seated securely and making good contact, It started up but I still have a gut feeling it will happen tomorrow when I try to start it up again. what involves a tune up that would fix that problem? 2023 CarGurus, Inc., All Rights Reserved. There are many reasons why your Pontiac G6 makes clicking noise and wont start. We don't sell/share your email. The clicking noise can be from the relay in the fuse box or the starter solenoid. Additionally, it is recommended to check the voltage at the starter, and perform a continuity test from the battery to the starter using a multimeter. 90. Battery corrosion is a fairy common problem, especially if the installed battery is more than 2 years old. So I do not know what is the problem. This typically happens when engine suddenly dies with loud knocking noise and then wont turn over. This is particularly true if the window does not seem to have been struggling before it failed to go up. Wiring/Fuses. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. There are bullitens for dirty or clogged fuel injectors, carbon or sticking valves, and a couple places where the cars wire harness is prone to damage. and relay and good fuse ,,, still no fuel getting to When the ground is bad, the starter solenoid may still work and make clicking noises as it has low current requirement, but the starter motor may not turn over the engine due to high current requirement. Ask your Pontiac dealer. - Additional thoughts on jumping a dead battery. How can I 98 grand am won',t start. The easiest method to check the 12v battery in G6 is by measuring the voltage with a multimeter. There was a recall on this type of issue. Starter was good. This Service is not affiliated with the various automotive companies featured therein. Anyone have a fix for the 2006 G6 V6 model having trouble starting only when warm ex. Immediately tried to restart and nothing two more times. How Can I On The Expressway All Of A Sudden My Car Turned Off. One day while starting the car my hand slipped off of the key, yet the car started without me holding the key in the "start" position on the ignition. We took it to the dealer several times but they could never solve the problem because it always started for them. There's a wire clip that goes along the bottom side of the bulb to hold it in place. Clean the throttle body and that is the solution to this problem. He found out that the fuse box was bad and was causing a grounding problem for the starter. It does crank over, 2007 Pontaci g6, over heating, replaced water pump and thermostat, still no heat, Contains hate speech or attacks an individual, Nudity, pornography, or sexually explicit content. Ohio Riders, LLC If it goes bad, then the window can stick. I have had 3 or 4 people A simple "google" of the issue tells me that I am not the only individual experiencing this issue. Should of took it to him first, right? Access Battery - Learn where the battery is located, 4. My friend said it might be the fuel filter but Pontiac does not service fuel filters. They function very simply. Pontiac Mechanic: Dave Nova. Troubleshoot - If the jump didn't work, try these adjustments, 9. 2008 Pontiac G6 will not Start, turn over or crank issue and how to remove and replace the part yourself get it back on the road again.If you don't want to . Update from Sep 24, 2010: Attention all G6 owners!! Inspect the connectors of the ground cables (battery to body, body to engine) for any signs of rust or corrosion. Take a multimeter, change its settings to ohms symbol. The most common causes for clicking noise and no crank in Pontiac G6 are weak battery, corrosion on battery terminals, poor starter electrical connection, bad ground connection, and faulty starter motor. There is a small possibility of a battery exploding during the charging process if you don't connect the cables properly (causing a spark) and there is a bunch of hydrogen gas around the battery (car batteries emit hydrogen gas when they discharge) - this is much more of an issue with cars that haven't been driven for a long time than if you drive your G6 regularly and simply forgot to turn your lights off. For 6 months now I've had no issues starting the vehicle no matter what the engine temperature is. I just bought the car and had to change the battery I give up! Upload or insert images from URL. I recently replaced my fuel pump and relay for my 2006 G6. I had an intermittent starting problem with my 2006 G6. I had/have the same problem as the original poster. 0%. The Car Battery Is Fully Charged And There Is Gas In My 2009 Pontiac G6 Gxp Sedan We are a team of ASE certified mechanics that have created this guide to help Without the proper amount of fuel getting into the combustion chamber, the G6 will crank, but not start. RECALLS! The window guide is what guides a window through the door as it goes back up. Alfa Romeo Giulia Quadrifoglio windshield washer not working causes and how to fix it. There is an age old tested method of starting the engine with a failing starter motor. Anything simple I could check? for your G6. Unsubscribe any time. I've been keeping an Eye on it and it does it when it wants to not every time I go to start the car. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Get a helper disconnect a spark plug wire or two and ground it to the engine at least 3/16 away from ground-have helper crank engine over-do you have a snapping blue spark? - Suniti D., In this case, the engine wont crank and you will hear a single click from the starter solenoid when you try to start the engine. The Headlights Wont Turn Off. True but I'd guess those would show signs while driving too, not just starting. What else can I do. Any ideas? After a jump start I managed to get the vehicle back to the store where they checked the battery and alternator. However, it is possible that the starter is nearing the end of its life, so it is recommended that you have it inspected by a professional. Guess I will have to get a distributor ?!! If there is any life left in the motor at all, this may be enough to get it back up. The starter motor and its solenoid relies on the ground connection of the engine to function properly. Just having an extended crank really could be a lot of things, but if it starts I wouldn't waste any time worrying about it. had a co-worker that had same issue, turned out to be battery. I would suggest having a technician go over it, and possibly doing some preventative stuff like a good injector cleaning, plugs (if older), but just inspecting key things and checking for codes (not all codes turn on a light, nor can manufacturer codes be read by most). show any sign of power? If there isnt enough charge in the battery to power the starter motor, and you try to crank the engine, the battery voltage will get so low that it cant properly power the lights, accessories and of-course the starter. If all of the windows dont work, that is going to be a fuse or window relay that has gone bad. The engine also requires a ground connection to function, but the way the engine is mounted, it does not allow the electric current to flow between the engine and the body (due to non-conductive rubber insulated engine mounts). If all of the windows don't work, that is going to be a fuse or window relay that has gone bad. Saturday, April 1st, 2017 AT 6:13 PM Idling rpm's were around 1200. I have a 2009 Pontiac G6 turn over but not start. I bought a brand new battery and it still will not start. The starter should engage. However, I do not believe what I have found has been documented. crank til battery drains ..but will not run charge the battery replace the starter and check all ignition systems if that fails after which look at a new fuel Copyright 2010 - 2023 Flatsix, LLC. Warning: There is always a risk of burning up the alternator or other electrical components if the engine of the donor battery vehicle is running during jump start. air don't work, back lights, brake light stay on when driving this car is giving me hell. follow along as Will from Robinson's Auto takes you through some basic tests using basic tools to narrow down the issue, will it live another Day? Fuel economy suffered.Cleaning the throttle body myself, adhering strictly to the Hanes manual, did not solve the problem. What's next?? THE CAR WOULD NOT START THE DAY AFTER IT WAS PURCHASED FROM RUSTY WALLACE FORD IN NEWPORT TN. You can post now and register later. It builds itself back up sometimes and other times she has to hit the gas so that the idle works find. When the car is running it runs great, no hesitation, no check engine light, I'm getting 25mpg. Browse Pontiac G6 vehicles for sale on Cars.com, with prices under $30,000. its mainly going to be a bearing wear issue. It's common problem for a dirty throttle body to give us starting issues. Make sure that hasnt been pressed. If you get into your G6, turn the key, and your car doesn't start (you may hear nothing or a clicking sound from the engine bay), you have a dead . If youve verified that it is getting power with a voltmeter, but it is not working, its time to get a new one. LMAO at a It just had a time up and oil change as well. they think it may be the starter don't know yet I'm going to take it to the shop and see but after reading all the complaints I bet it's going to be something expensive I have to once again pay for on this car. If the rodents like rats, mice, or squirrels have chewed up the cable for the starter motor, it can cause poor or no flow of electrical current to the motor. I still average 28mpg's, so I haven't messed with too much. Intrigued by this I tried to start the car that way several more times and it worked fine. Your link has been automatically embedded. For this purpose, a ground strap/wire is used to connect the engine and the chassis. Some times giving it a little gas helps, some times it doesn't. The engine turns over but will fail to start. A healthy battery should have 12.6 volts or more when fully charged. At first they said it was my battery we changed that and still have the same problem. Also while driving it sometimes completely shuts off. I have had this same problem starting my car on several occasions. The design of the rear fuse panel is poor. Voltage drop test: You can also check the voltage drop at the battery when you try to start the engine. Sale on Cars.com, with prices under $ 30,000 a couple vehicles on the back of the rear fuse is... For the starter in and it still will not start harness that goes to the dealer several times they! Door as it goes back up to fix it wont start what the engine would n't turn over t.! There & # x27 ;, t start is getting to the bulb should... With this vehicle????????????... 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