SeeTrip Planner help for further instructions. In 2020, 337,500 Regional Seniors Travel cards were issued. It is pre-loaded with $250 for you to pay for travel-related expenses. Green Stamp is an environmental program that aims to help businesses achieve environmental compliance. You must activate your card within 45 days of the date shown on your card letter. The Regional Seniors Travel Card is a $250 voucher towards the purchase of fuel and taxis from participating providers in rural and regional NSW and pre-booked NSW TrainLink train and coach services. Where can I use my Regional Seniors Travel Card? You can further refine your results to show trips with, for example, the fewest changes, the least walking, the earliest departure times and your preferred mode of travel. It doesnt contain a chip which means it cant be inserted into a point-of-sale terminal or used for contactless payments including tap and go. We pay respect to traditional custodians and Elders past and present. [ February 26, 2023 ] Activate My Card Online: Activate New Capital One Platinum Card news [ February 26, 2023 ] Watch Yes Network Activate : How can I watch YES Network for free? Since its initiation in 2020, more than 690,000 cards of $250 value have been issued to seniors across the state. Select to sign in using "Card Number and 4 Digit Passcode" 4. NSW Seniors Cards are issued by the Department of Family and Community Services. If your balance falls below $5, you have 30 days to use the remaining balance before your account is closed. To join the Why Leave Town Gift Card Program in your town and to encourage more people to shop local, simply find the program you would like to join by clicking on the drop down box below. More than 300,000 seniors in the regions will benefit from reduced travel costs with the NSW Government committing $246 million to extend the Regional Seniors Travel Card for an additional two years. 4. There are arrangements in place with Service NSW and the banking partner to provide frontline customer services. 2. Important information before applying for a Gold Opal card: Concession fares are not available to holders of other types of seniors cards, such as: You must carry your Seniors Card or digital Seniors Card when travelling on a concession fare as proof of entitlement or you may be fined. The card is making it easier and more affordable for seniors to remain connected with family and friends. Buses in some regional areas now have real-time location tracking, so with the right app youll always know how far away your bus is. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You'll need your proof of entitlement card to apply and must carry it with you at all times. Note that as of November 2019, changes to Government legislation has meant that all gift cards sold in Australia will carry a 3 year expiry. THE Regional Seniors Travel Card program is to be extended for an additional two years in 2022 and 2023 at a cost of $246 million. The card will work at retailers or service providers using travel-related merchant category codes. Ex-members of Defence Force with disabilities, Carers or companions of people with disabilities. tap and go, payWave), set up recurring transactions such as Opal auto top up, pay for rideshare services including Uber. The card will work if you use it at service stations that include a convenience store or mixed businesses that are operating with a fuel category code. Your account will be closed. 0000001516 00000 n You will be able to contact card services to: Dispute incorrect transactions recorded against your card. You can use your card to pay for: It's worth it for your business. This PDS is issued by Westpac Banking Corporation, ABN 33 007 457 141, Australian Financial Services . Help with using the Trip Planner or tell us how we can help. The NSW Nationals in the state government have announced the hugely successful Regional Seniors Travel Card will be extended and expanded. function ml_webform_success_4658131(){var r=ml_jQuery||jQuery;r(".ml-subscribe-form-4658131 .row-success").show(),r(".ml-subscribe-form-4658131 .row-form").hide()}, Free Petrol for Pensioners Reapply for your Regional Seniors Travel Card for 2021, New dashboard to help manage disaster risk in Port Stephens, Karuahs Rowing and Aquatic Club Offers Rowing As A Competitive Sport, Tea Gardens: perfectly positioned, immaculately presented, No fixed address community appeal at Anna Bay, MidCoast 2 Tops announces Koala Paddock Tree Regeneration Project in an effort to preserve remaining koala habitat in the MidCoast region, Supermarket trolleys supermarkets should take responsibility. The best way to find details about bus services in your region isusingthe Trip Planner to plan a specific trip. You can also visit your nearest service centreto help you with this. east Pensioner travel vouchers launch If you hold a NSW/ACT pensioner concession card or a NSW War Widow/er transport concession card, you're entitled to 4 Pensioner Travel Vouchers each calendar year. To activate your card contact card services by phone or online and follow the prompts. Add value before you travel and tap on and off to pay your fare. You may need your PIN to complete transactions at retail outlets. A representative legally authorised to act on your behalf can apply for a regional seniors travel card and register to manage the card on your behalf. To obtain your balance for this card you need to ring 1800 569 070. Card means your Regional seniors travel card. The Regional Seniors Travel Card is a 2019 election commitment by the NSW Nationals in Government to assist seniors in regional, rural and remote NSW with travel costs. The Regional Seniors Travel Card is a $250 prepaid Visa card designed to ease the burden of travel costs for eligible seniors in rural, regional and remote areas. Find out about Opal orbook NSW TrainLink Regional train and coach services. Weve created this guide especially for seniors, pensioners and concession card holders living in regional areas of New South Wales who rely on public transport to get around, and who may need extra information and support navigating travel due to age, limited mobility or disability. Download your copy here . Eligible seniors, pensioners and concession card holders travelling on local bus services in regional areas of NSW are entitled to: Find out more about regional bus fares and the Regional Excursion Daily ticket. This includes: Checking transactions to verify purchases are for travel-related items and/or at approved retail outlets. This means $500 courtesy of our State Government for a married couple. Click on the button above that will take you to the check balance page. Travel in regional NSW for seniors, pensioners and concessions, regional bus fares and the Regional Excursion Daily ticket, half-price fares for individual bus trips, $2.50 unlimited daily travel with a Regional Excursion Daily ticket, 50% off ordinary Adult peak season Economy and First Class fares, $2.50 unlimited daily travel on Regional train and coach services with a pre-booked, NSW and ACT Pensioner Concession Card holders, NSW War Widow/er Transport Concession Card holders, Enter your departure location, destination and travel date/time, then select Go to see all available trip options, Refine your results by choosing Options then select Accessible services only, print out your trip plan or share it with someone via a link, be notified about planned travel disruptions. Applications for all seniors will open in late January 2020. G# (L"sX\BC;:D0iT,@d0QPzc!V&KY4cw-b)*;X The prepaid Visa card provides seniors with $250 to ease the burden of travel costs and assist them in getting to and from essential services. Increased funding will allow us to extend the card from 2022 to more seniors in the regions, including those eligible for the Age Pension and receiving either a Disability Support Pension or a Carer Payment from Services Australia.. Those eligible are aged pensioners and holders of Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards. 0000004271 00000 n PIN means the personal identification number which has been selected by you, or which has been allocated to you by us, for use with your Card in any Electronic Banking Terminal. In most areas you can hail buses from dedicated bus stops, but in some rural areas bus stops may not be signposted and you will need to contact the local operator to find out where buses pick up and drop off passengers. On 17 January 2022, application eligibility expanded to include seniors of Age Pension age who receive either a Disability Support Pension or Carer Payment from Services Australia. For those eligible, it was available in 2020 and is again available in 2021. 0000007868 00000 n hb```b``.a`g``gg@ ~V daP1yK s3i,ALE%4]m*XqW`S(Oq5i1fQWPuM' Your rating will help us improve the website. When travelling interstate on NSW TrainLink Regional services (entitlements vary from state to state). Its made a huge impact on our community and Im glad it is set to continue for two more years, Mr Singh said. Click on the next box. "The cards can be used at selected retailers to pay for booked tickets on . Just wondering, I am 63 years old in March this year,2021, so not of the Pension age, however I am a DVA Gold Card TPI holder so do I qualify for this benefit. Please note that Why Leave Town DOES NOT look after the NSW Government Regional Seniors Travel Card. The card will ease the cost of travel to access essential services, go to the shops or visit family and friends. Just wondering, I am 63 years old in March . Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said the extension and expansion of the Regional Seniors Travel Card is part of several cost saving measures aimed at seniors in the upcoming State Budget. 0000006274 00000 n 0000001352 00000 n In an effort to ease one of the most significant expenses for seniors living in regional, rural and remote areas of NSW, eligible residents will now be able to apply for a $250 Regional Seniors Travel Card. Nationals Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Sam Farraway said the initiative has injected more than $131 million into regional economies, benefitting local taxi operators and fuel stations. To find out if On Demand public transport services are available in your area, You can use the travel card at certain retailers across Australia to pay for fuel, taxis and pre-booked NSW Trainlink Regional trains and coaches. 0000015725 00000 n 0000005152 00000 n Please allow up to 20 business days from the time of application for your card and PIN to arrive., then under Filter by mode select Community Transport. Just ring 13 77 88 and all will be revealed. Motor Trades Cares (MTC) provides access to free industry WHS and workers insurance information and topical publications, webinars, management system resources, including policies, procedures and supporting checklist and forms. Such has been the success and the demand that the NSW Nationals in the state government are extending it for another two years and expanding it to even more seniors living in the regions. You can use the card at certain retailers to pay for pre-booked NSW Trainlink Regional trains and coaches, fuel and taxis. You can search for Community Transport in your area and find contact details for your local operator online. If you have purchased a card since November 2019 and it expires before 3 years have passed, please contact Why Leave Town and we will issue a new card to you with the funds of your old cards transferred across at no charge. There are many transport options in regional NSW. You will need to activate your regional seniors travel card within 45 days of the date shown on your card letter. The NSW Nationals in Government wanted to make sure seniors could use their card at any retailer using a fuel category code. Tickets and fares for metro, train, bus, ferry, light rail and coach within Sydney and around NSW. Contact Service NSW for more information. If calling is easier for you, contact our automated BasicsCard Balance Enquiry line. In the first box enter your card number. i want to renew seniors travel card please, Im 59yrs with a disability, for which has me in difficult hardships, was hoping that I could be eligible for Penision discount on fuel. We pay respect to traditional custodians and Elders past and present. Storm and flood support . Information about completing an application for a regional seniors travel card is available from Service NSW. Transport for NSW is administering the program and Service NSW and the banking partner are providing customer services directly to seniors. This will help if you need to visit family in different parts of Australia. If you need help managing your card, you can contact card services 24/7 by: Authorised representative registration form PDF, signingthe back of your card as soon as you receive it, not storing your PIN in your phone or wallet, at a retailer that does not use the appropriate merchant category code, for example, a retailer selling fuel under the supermarket code. Find out about fares and ways to pay. The expiry date is available on the front of the card. Please note: In remote areas a mixed business may be the closest place that seniors can buy fuel. Transport for NSW recognise and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and care of Country. We know what a difference this is making to the lives of our regional seniors, so weve committed $246 million to continue the program until the end of 2023, as well as expand the eligibility to include seniors who are carers and those with disabilities, Mr Toole said. 0000006803 00000 n Small regional communities in NSW now have more travel options and better connections to nearby centres with many new coach services gradually being introduced around the state. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); SUBSCRIBE for our FREE copy of the PAPER each week! In 2022, the NSW Regional Seniors Travel Card will be available to those eligible for the Age Pension and receiving either a Disability Support Pension or a Carer Payment from Services Australia. Check with local transport operators before you travel. We will email it to you every week as soon as it is released. Please try an alternative service station. We know these groups would also like to be eligible for the Regional Seniors Travel Card and were pleased to be able to make that happen as part of the next phase of this program.. . The travel card is valid for 14 months from the date of issue. Select to sign in using "Card Number and 4 Digit Passcode". 218 23 If prompted to enter your PIN at retailers, please take care to enter your PIN correctly. If your card is not activated within 45 days, it willbecancelled. The card, which puts $250 in the pocket of eligible regional seniors, was initially promised for two years at the 2019 election. Help with using the Trip Planner or tell us how we can help. Regional Map ; Discount Directory . 0000003577 00000 n Travel to and from Sydney Airport. 3. living in regional NSW outside Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong. A range of travel training learner and trainer materials are available online for anyone to access, and are a particularly helpful resource for family, friends and carers of travellers who find public transport challenging. Thanks Glen, I want to renew my seniors $250 travel card please, I want to upgrade my Regional seniors travel card. Concessions are generally not available on private ferries, event shuttle buses, chartered buses and Great Southern Rail services. A new card will arrive in the mail a couple of weeks later, it then has to be activated before use. You must be receiving one of the following: Or hold a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card. The definition of regional NSW is consistent with what is used for Restart NSW local government areas outside of Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle. Authorised by J Lundy, National Party of Australia NSW, Level 2, 107 Pitt St, Sydney, NSW 2000. Once you have checked the balance of your card it is also a good idea to write this amount on the back of the card so that you can keep track of how much you have left to spend. We know the cost of living is a big issue facing seniors and households, which is why the Regional Seniors Travel Card is being offered to even more people, Mr Perrottet said. Applications will open in late January 2020. 2. Cards can be used at certain retailers to pay for pre-booked NSW Trainlink Regional trains and coaches, fuel and taxis. Eligible NSW seniors are paying for fuel with a new travel card available from the NSW Government. Sydney is also excluded. The item or service youre trying to buy costs more than your card balance. All Regional coaches are air-conditioned and offer allocated Economy seating, large windows, reclining seats with headrests and lap sash seatbelts.NSW TrainLink fares and bookings. Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said it was fantastic to see the keen response to the card, which benefited more than . You can find your nearest Service NSW Service Centre location at Just ring 13 77 88 and all will be revealed. Community Transport is a government-subsidised scheme available in many regional areas that supports people with limited transport options to live happy, healthy and fulfilling lives by making it easier to get around and stay socially connected. Such has been the success and the demand that the NSW Nationals in the state . Is used for contactless payments including tap and go, payWave ), set up transactions... Public transport services are available in 2020, 337,500 Regional seniors travel card is valid for 14 months the... Using a fuel category code in place with Service NSW Service Centre location at.... The shops or visit family and Community services card will be able to card... 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