The Shark IQ RV1001AE series error codes are errors 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 14, 16, 21, 23, 24, and 26. WebRV1000AE Series Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Base - Troubleshooting Guide. Wait a few seconds before turning your Shark ION robot again. The probability of issues also increases when you have saved a great amount of data on your robot vacuum, making it harder for the main chip to process it properly. Shift the device to a new spot and keep the front bumper clean to ensure its moving fine. From the home screen of the app, select Clean. Solution: Open the Shark app> Type the correct email address and password> then connect the vacuum.Go to the website and change the password and then try again. Red LED light on The red replace battery light means your battery has served you for as long as possible. Wait 30 seconds, then power your phone back on. Push the tap to open the cover. Shark Robot Vacuum Spits Brush-less vacuums have a different cleaning system that does not need as much maintenance (but they also have their drawbacks ). Check the base indicator light (Blue) to confirm its charging properly. It is recommended that you clean or replace the bin filter. RV1001AEC, Shark Robot Vacuum Overheating 5. Step 3: Clean The Post-motor FilterLocate the filter door and press the button on the top side. Once the debris has been removed from the rollers, make sure to clean them out by following these directions. Take out the brush roll. So reboot your vacuum first. Copyright 2023 Make sure, the base indicator light turns blue to confirm your robot, Blockage in brush-roll. Cliff sensor error; try changing the place of the vacuum. Its always an excellent step to eliminating software glitches from the robots memory. prompt when the robot's power is turned on. This could be done by washing the filter under warm water or using compressed air. When cleaning out the rollers, make sure they are completely dry before replacing them with your device. Dock and Spot are flashing together: The main brush roller is clogged. + flashing of Wi-Fi red indicator (one after another). RELATED: Shark Ion Robot R85 Vacuum Cleaner Reviews: Awesome Facts You Need To Know. Clean solid blue: The vacuum went into sleep mode, and you can press any button to start again. If the issue still persists, a factory reset might be what you need. Cliff sensor error. There are several reasons why your shark vacuum cleaner could stop working, including a dead battery or fuse in the plug. So, try pressing the power switch repeatedly or connecting to a power source. So, try pressing the power switch repeatedly or connecting to a power source. So, try pressing the power switch repeatedly or connecting to a power source. Flip the device and locate the brush roll. Put it on top of the bin and press the empty button to clean the debris. Understanding the meaning behind the Shark IQ AV1002AE error codes and their fixes is something that users should know. Rub the sensors (bottom of base and vacuum) using a dry cloth. Shark ION Robots mobile app Via: Amazzon. Insert them back to their places. Reassemble. The brush roll jammed, blocked, clogged. WebGet support for your Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Base. Remember to clean them gently, or you may cause more damage to the charging contacts. If the issue persists, Botboundary error. Now Its just the Do you have a question about the Shark and the answer is not in the manual? All LED lights are off When you see this, it means your unit is off. This guide will answer you in a better way by breaking down each codes Secondly, it is possible that your cleaning systems battery got drained during shipping or storage. This is the officially recommended way to reset a Shark ION robot. Is your question not listed? This may be a confusing term for people who are new to smart devices like a robot vacuum. ! '+e); This can cause the device to clog and potentially burn out its circuits. (Red) Flashing: Drive wheel stuck or clogged that cause the axle to be jammed, so try to remove the wrapped stuff. When the sensors on the machine get dirty, they can send the wrong information back to the processing chip, leading to weird behavior of the machine. Battery is critically low and needs recharging. Resetting will give the device software and hardware a fresh start, and the unintentional errors will be stopped by proper runtime optimization. If something is stuck on one of the filters, then use a brush to clean it off. Reinstall it in its place. Put these out of the water and air dry them. Lift the cover. The good news is that most parts of the vacuum can be replaced easily, including both the batteries and the charger. document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { (RED) flashing CLEAN (RED) + DOCK (RED) + ! The device does not appear to be charging. These filters are made from high-quality materials and should not need to be replaced often. Even though software engineers from manufacturers have done a great job designing and programming their machines, it's virtually impossible to prevent glitches from happening in complicated real-life use. To start with, look at the surface. RELATED: Irobot Roomba E5 Reviews - Is This The Best Entry-Level Robot? Wash and air them dry. As an owner of any of the Shark ION vacuum cleaners, there are a number of error codes that you may encounter as you are using it. WebGet support for your Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Base. If youre not sure where to start or if your shark robot vacuum has stopped working correctly, then you should check out the Shark Robot Vacuum Troubleshooting guide to find any problems and get them fixed right away. And at some point, error 2 will occur when the brush roll can no longer spin freely. Can't find the answer to your question in the manual? And at some point, error 2 will occur when the brush roll can no longer spin freely. CAUTION: Turn off power before performing any maintenance. Blockage in dustbin. Open the official Shark ION app, then go to the Settings section. The main body of the vacuum (back of the unit) should have a rating label that features your model number. Previously I used to feel the air blow from the sides where the filters are on the dock. Keep the vacuum on a flat surface away from the magnetic boundary strip. Heres the troubleshooting. WebTroubleshoot Shark IQ Side Brush Error (Obstruction Error #2) Felice Debbage 90K views 2 years ago Shark Ion Robot 750 VS iRobot Roomba 980 - DETAILED Comparison Vacuum 5. If every solution has failed, a factory reset might work as a last resort. Try using compressed air on them or look at the guide found here to learn how to clean them. }, false) To fix this problem, try resetting the rollers and see if they move. 2. There are many Wi-Fi standards co-existing in the market, and as a result, manufacturers of smart devices must equip their products with the ability to work with as many standards as possible. First, you should make sure that it has a charge, and if it doesnt have any juice left in it, you will need to replace the batteries (which can be found here). Select Start Cleaning to begin. Remove any debris from around the side brushes. o reset your shark, just press and hold the power button for 30 seconds, and you will be done. It is also possible for this system to malfunction after being dropped, which will cause problems for the vacuum. How To Fix: Remove dirt from brush roll: Turn the device in the Off position. Empty the dust cup and clean filters. Shark Troubleshooting Guides. Its usual to struggle to connect to Wi-Fi when trying via the app or face rare issues on the AV1002AE. Powered by Advice Beast. If your map is complete, and you have defined and named the rooms on the map, a list of the rooms will appear. "?" Shark Robot Vacuum Not Picking Up Solution 4. My goal is to help people discover the best tools and equipment to make their projects successful. make sure it moves in and out freely. Your robot should automatically reconnect to Wi-Fi on. pull gently, it is full of fine dust and breaks off easily, so have a trash can to the side to shake it off into. If your vacuum is overheating, you should turn it off immediately and unplug it. Hold the handle to lift the foam filter out and detach the felt filter. Shark Robot Vacuum Red Light Flashing Solution 7. Empty the dust cup and clean filters. Make sure the robot's power switch is turned to the (I) ON position. I cleaned everything in the robot as well as all the filters in the dock. Error 26 is a lack of air flow and is an indication that the air filter in the dock station needs a good cleaning. (Taping then on a hard surface so it can loosen some sort) if not, do it for all the filters in the station and the robot. You can fix this issue by rotating its wheels 180 degrees before using it again (to find out how to do this, look at the guide here). Open the official Shark ION app, then go to the Settings section. Perhaps the vacuum will run for a few minutes but then suddenly dies. For allergy sufferers, vacuuming the house at least twice a week is recommended. First, you can come up with a way to remove hair and fibers regularly (for example, if your brush usually is getting tangled up in pet hair and other substances every time it runs, you might want to use tape or precise scissors to cut them). If so, then you will need to vacuum over a smaller area and do multiple passes. See more here, Address: 4150 Portillo Rd #29, Spring Hill, FL 34608, United States, (function () { 4. If not, shut it off. (Red) Flashing A Suction: motor error means a blockage in the dust bin or filter. While the overall design of the shark can make it seem like a complicated model to work on, you should be able to fix most problems with your vacuum without any problem. Solution: Turn the vacuum in the On position and long press the Power button for 10 seconds. When all 3 lights are solid blue, your robot is fully charged. Copyright 2023. Please, pick up your robot and place it on the base. If your shark vacuum cleaning system is flashing red lights while working, then there might be dirt stuck inside of its wheels that need to be removed. Move robot to a new, Front bumper may be jammed. Robot has encountered an error while charging. Check if its dirty or not. Shark Robot Vacuum Overheating 5. Get boiled water in a pot. Wiped all the sensors and emptys the bins. If the culprit is just the wrong time and date, your Shark ION Robot Vacuum R75 won't be triggered, and it could start vacuuming your room at 4AM in the morning again. It erases all the personal data you have added. Try to remove the stuff it accumulates during cleanings, like hair or dust. Wait 10 sec-. As the AV1002AE doesnt have an LCD display to show digits or a sound system to beep, youll see the weird flashing of the indicator lamps to indicate issues on the device. Its always a good idea to purchase any necessary replacement parts from a reliable source so you dont end up with a piece that doesnt fit your vacuum. Grab a brush to wipe out dirt. Even a customer support agent may suggest you do so if you contact them about the issue. To identify if its an error code or not, you have to look into the CLEAN, DOCK, and ! I would like to put the Shark RV1001AE IQ docking station in a pantry closet and open the doors when starting - is this possible? How Long Does Dry Ice Last, Presenting The Best Of All Shark Iq Robot Vacuum Reviews, Shark Rocket Pet Pro Reviews - The Best Vacuum For Pet Owners, Shark Vacuum Troubleshooting - Tips To Repair Common Shark Problems, Shark Vacuum Brush Roll Indicator Light Not On - A Troubleshooting Guide, Shark Ion Robot R85 Vacuum Cleaner Reviews: Awesome Facts You Need To Know, My Shark Vacuum Won't Turn On - How To Fix At Home, Irobot Roomba 960 Robot Vacuum Reviews - Wi-Fi Connected Mapping, Irobot Roomba E5 Reviews - Is This The Best Entry-Level Robot, How To Install Vinyl Plank Flooring Like A Pro, How To Cut Vinyl Flooring In 6 Different Ways - Simple Methods You Can Do At Home, How To Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles To Protect Your Textiles. For example, you can look at the Error Indicator Light and use the Shark ION robot error codes from the manual to learn which kind of problem your machine has. To fix an issue with the brush roll, reset it and try cleaning again. Reassemble. 5. Open the official Shark ION app, then go to the Settings section. its own. View the manual for the Shark IQ Robot RV1001AE here, for free. 3. If cleaning your brushes doesnt work, then you will need to replace that component altogether. enter PARTY30 in the coupon code box during checkout on If you notice that your shark vacuum is not picking up when using it, there is probably debris or something else stuck inside its dirt bin. (RED) flashing - Error number 24. When the process is done, the machine won't ask you to enter your account information again. Encounter an issue on the device when booting. Next, order a new set of batteries that will be compatible with your shark cleaning system. Robot's side brush got stuck while trying to clean. If things dont change, then there might be an issue with your battery pack itself. A factory reset is a powerful troubleshooting step that resets a machine, or the robot vacuum, in this case, back to its original state when you bought it, which is called the factory setting. The first step of doing so is to find the make and model of your vacuum. WebIf any error lights are illuminated or flashing on your Shark iQ Robot Self-Empty, see the error code chart below: ERROR CODE CLEAN (RED) flashing DOCK (RED) flashing CLEAN (BLUE) + DOCK (RED) solid CLEAN (RED) + DOCK (BLUE) flashing CLEAN (RED) + DOCK (RED) flashing DOCK (RED) + ! Wipe Dust around The Front Bumper: Take a small brush to clean the hairs on the front bumpers. If there is nothing wrong with the wheels, the issue may sprout from the navigation part of the operating system. Web(RED) solid - Error number 26. When everything is done, it will show you a success notification. While a robot vacuum is not a smartphone or a computer and usually doesn't contain any sensitive information, you should remove any data associated with you just in case. Resetting will give the device software and hardware a fresh start, and the unintentional errors will be stopped by proper runtime optimization. Once clean, then just replace, shut the lid, & redock the Shark so it can go through another vacumm cycle. If your shark vacuum is running hot and noisy, there might be an internal problem that needs to be addressed. All seems well and it is mapping alright but about 1 week on I've just started getting this error code that indicates a blockage in the dust bin, but there is no blockage - cleaned the whole thing out. WebIn some cases, even after troubleshooting your Shark Robot you might still have a problem. Clean (Red) + Dock (White) + ! Before trying the extreme method - a factory reset - there are plenty of things you can have a try first. Red Replace LED Light is on: battery needs replacement, new battery, Shark ION Robot error notifications Via: Amazon. You may explore Shark Vacmop Vs Bissell Crosswave Check Which One Is Best & Why. It may also need to be reset in the following situations: Issues with software, such as the Shark robot vacuum app not working. If the vacuum gets stuck while climbing up and down stairs, you should try adjusting the sensitivity of its sensors. Side brush stuck or unclogged due to hair or other wrapped around. This will work on the Shark ION, Shark EZ, Shark IQ and the Shark AI. WebPower-up Shark Ion Robot: Flip the Power switch located on the side of your Shark Robot to the on position and place your robot on the dock. WebIf any error lights are illuminated or flashing on your Shark iQ Robot Self-Empty, see the error code chart below: ERROR CODE CLEAN (RED) flashing DOCK (RED) flashing CLEAN (BLUE) + DOCK (RED) solid CLEAN (RED) + DOCK (BLUE) flashing CLEAN (RED) + DOCK (RED) flashing DOCK (RED) + ! If this still doesnt work, then youll need to replace your battery pack (which can be done easily by anyone). Another reason for this could be that your vacuum is slightly off-balance when cleaning. If after vacuuming your home, the robot vacuum can't find its way back to the base station to charge itself, the most common reason is that it doesnt recognize the station properly. On the bottom of your box, you should see the model number near the bar code. One common problem with shark vacuums is when they do not hold a charge. The device does not appear to be charging. Check for blockages in hose, accessories and inlet openings. Also, clean sensors. Youll have to visit the Shark vacuums website to get a replacement. Your robot may temporarily lose connectivity when it goes under furniture, moves far from your, router, or enters a zone that blocks Wi-Fi. Your robot vacuum must be connected to the mobile app in order to carry out this method. Then, try cleaning again. Step 3: Replace The Side BrushesTurn off the device and rotate it. All mapping data of your home will also be gone. If you have issues with keeping your shark vacuum on the floor while cleaning, there might be several factors to blame for this. Simply remove the brush roll and thoroughly clean it to solve the problem. All LED lights are off When you see this, it means your unit is off. Your robot vacuum will then be no different from any new machine in terms of configuration and settings. One of the most common solutions that can be applied to all kinds of issues is performing a factory reset. Empty the dust cup and clean filters. Dock and Spot alternate flashing: The side brush isnt moving because it might get clogged or something is stuck in it. You will have a better chance of solving it by checking the physical components of your vacuum to see if they are working properly, especially the brush roll. On top of those common problems, users of robot vacuums may also run into a wide range of miscellaneous issues. Your robot vacuum must be connected to the mobile app in order to carry out this method. The vacuum is facing an error in charging. If the error persists, please reboot the robot by holding the clean button for about twenty (20) seconds) Doing so should clear the error from the robot's memory. DOCK (BLUE) + ! So reboot your vacuum first. To ensure that your shark cleaner stays on the floor while cleaning, you should try vacuuming over a smaller area and doing multiple passes. Now Its just the See what is clogging it, remove it or unclog it. To reboot your shark vacuum: Locate the POWER button on the side of the Shark robot. Copyright 2020 Cleaner Adviser. Check if the Wi-Fi isolation in the router is turned off. The Shark robot has been rebooted. To perform a factory reset on your Shark Robot you will need to; WebManual. The better your problem and question is described, the easier it is for other Shark owners to provide you with a good answer. RELATED: Presenting The Best Of All Shark Iq Robot Vacuum Reviews. To fix this, all you need is a replacement fuse that will work with your device (you can find it here). To perform a factory reset on your Shark Robot you will need to; If this is not the case, then it might be necessary to clean out your devices brushes. Press and hold both the Dock and Clean buttons simultaneously until you hear the audio. The brush roll jammed. 3. Check base and robot dust bin for clogs. If your robot starts vacuuming at unusual times, maybe there is something wrong with the scheduling function of the machine. Talk to support. This supports the following product SKUs RV1000AE, AV1002AE, AV1010AE, RV1001AE, RV1001AEC, RV1001AEES, RV1001AEQ, RV1010ARCA, RV1100ARUS, Error 26 is a lack of air flow and is an indication that the air filter in the dock station needs a good cleaning. But smart appliances like robot vacuums also allows users to perform it on the companion mobile app as well. Common Reasons, Why Is My Roborock Offline - Let's Get All Possible Reasons, Where Do Shark Vacuum Filters Go?-Let's Find Out, How To Make My Shark Vacuum Smell Better? Open Wi-Fi settings and select your. If the Wheel motor encoder fails, take the bot to the customer support center. indicators beam in either red or blue light. Detach the dust bin and again insert it in the right way. Put everything back in its place. Clean flashing red and ! stays solid red: Charger issue means the base needs a new charger. Top 15 Problems & Solutions Of Shark Robot Vacuum 1. View the manual for the Shark IQ Robot RV1001AE here, for free. Reinstall the robot filter in its place. To perform a factory reset on your Shark Robot you will need to; This method reverts every customized setting that was performed from the moment you unboxed your machine, restoring it to its default state. View the manual for the Shark IQ Robot RV1001AE here, for free. Check if there is any hair, string, or other debris tangled in them too, which can hinder the machine. Lastly, if your shark vacuum is only running for an hour before its battery dies out and you think that the problem lies in the machines charging port, then there are replacement parts for sale here. Please turn it on or plug it in for charging to see a response. Avoid using VPN or a proxy server to connect the app as this wont work. Shark Robot Vacuum Keeps Falling Down or Off Ledges, 10. If this does happen it might be worth performing a factory reset on your Robot. So reboot your vacuum first. Its designed to be light and easy to use, which makes it an excellent option for cleaning your home while youre away. Check whether the vacuum works or not. for (var r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { The battery needs charging as it faces low charging. WebManual. If the. Clean ( Red) + Dock (Blue) + ! Find the 'Factory Reset' option, select and confirm it. Then try to run the robot again. Step 1: Clean The Dust Bin & BaseOpen the dust container. You probably have a bad sensor. I am John Jackson a cleaner advisor, run a cleaning service shop with my team. This article contains the Troubleshooting Guide for the RV1000AE Series Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Base. This guide will answer you in a better way by breaking down each codes Ad and Cookie Notice | Battery is low, and the vacuum needs to go back to the charging dock. The app will tell the machine to start the reset process, which usually takes only a few seconds. } I cleaned everything in the robot as well as all the filters in the dock. Please, make sure you are using the correct power cord for the. Any thoughts? This includes all preferences, time-zones and language selections, Wi-Fi connections, pairing with the official mobile app, other devices from the manufacturer, and other third-party devices. Clean (Red) + Dock (White) Flashing + ! How To Fix: Remove dirt from brush roll: Turn the device in the Off position. The app will tell the machine to start the reset process, which usually takes only a few seconds. Flip the device and locate the brush roll. AV1010AE, (RED) flashing )(), Copyright 2019 - 2023 by The King Live. All LED lights are off: It means the vacuum has shut down. It is recommended that you clean or replace the bin filter. Use a good power cord for the charging base to recharge properly. Charging error so carefully check power source. Then, try working with it. Coupon code can only be used once per order. Hey all - I've just gotten a Shark IQ (may have been duped by the RobotWars video, not sure yet). If this does happen it might be worth performing a factory reset on your Robot. Push the tap to open the cover. ! If your shark is not holding its charge long enough, or if it takes too long to recharge, then theres a problem with the battery. There are several reasons why your Sharkcleaning system might spit out dirt when youre trying to clean on a particular area. A drive wheel is stuck. Finally, when you see an error 26, there is a blockage in the dust bin compartment of your Shark vacuum. This article contains the Troubleshooting Guide for the RV1000AE Series Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with Self-Empty Base. A few years back we worked for several homes and companies to give advice about the cleaning process. Remove the side brushes by holding the tip to peg them. Wait for 5 10 seconds to retain the shape. The way to fix this is to clean out the dust bag and It is recommended that you clean or replace the bin filter. Then, turn it on to reboot the system. Shake as much as possible off in the trash & then use a vacuum hose like from a shop vac or hose attachment to remove all of the dust from the filter. Turn your machine upside down and find the power switch. Since last night, I started getting an error saying to clean the dust cup and the dock with error number 26. Wait for at least 10 seconds before turning the Shark robot back on. Put on the drive wheel in the right spot. The Wi-Fi network needs to be a 2.4 GHz brand. If it has been worn out, you should replace it with an official part from the manufacturer. Its always an excellent step to eliminating software glitches from the robots memory. Please turn it on or plug it in for charging to see a response. If you think that your shark vacuum is not picking up pet hair or other substances because they get stuck in its brushes, it will be necessary to remove the debris. issue persists, please contact visit Lets get familiar with all the error codes. This manual comes under the category Robot Vacuum Cleaners and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 6.9. 4. (Red) Flashing: Drive wheel error which is stuck or jammed. If they are too close together or sections of furniture in between them, this can cause the vacuum to keep going in circles. Coupon code can only be used once per order. WebVacuum Cleaners, Steam Mops & Irons | Home Cleaning Products by Shark Finally, when you see an error 26, there is a blockage in the dust bin compartment of your Shark vacuum. So carefully inspect and remove stuff from the side brush and make it free. Move your robot to a new location and, Robot dustbin needs to be reinstalled. prompt and the Wi-Fi light on the robot blinks. Press J to jump to the feed. Includes setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting details, as well as information on the SharkClean app. If your robot loses connectivity and does not reconnect: Make sure your phone is connected to your home Wi-Fi network before trying to connect, Typical home Wi-Fi networks support both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The air filter is located on the right side - open the top door-flap on the right side & take the filter out by just pulling up - it is a friction fit. var t = "refurl"; WebTroubleshooting. DOCK (BLUE) + ! (Red) + Dock (Red) + Clean (Red) flashing, ! If the surface is too dirty, use a piece of steel wool or an abrasive pad. While this robotic vacuum should work out of the box, there are many reasons behind this issue. Clear any debris and reinstall the dust bin, ensuring that it clicks into place. Shark provides users with two ways of performing a reset with their ION robots. The air filter is located on the right side - open the top door-flap on the right side & take the filter out by just pulling up - it is a friction fit. Check for blockages in hose, accessories and inlet openings. Robot has encountered an error while charging. There may be a difference in what kind of data the machine will delete depending on how you carry out the reset. i.href = i.href + (i.href.indexOf("?") Remember that the battery should be removed from the device before charging it (otherwise, you will burn out its circuits). 2. If the robot is stuck, try to move it to a new place or a new level. Step 2: Reinstall The Dust BinAttach the dust bin in its place. RELATED:My Shark Vacuum Won't Turn On - How To Fix At Home. In most cases, you should only change your filters when the cleaning system stops working correctly or if you notice that something is clogging them. It'd be a good idea to perform a factory reset when you plan to resell your robot vacuum or simply give it to your friend or family. It might be either a mechanical or a software issue. Put them back in place. } Doing this also clears any temporary data and frees the memory, which can help the machine perform in a normal way again. While giving our services, we observe that many of them dont know how to clean the house and office area properly. Takes only a few seconds. + flashing of Wi-Fi Red indicator ( after. Go through another vacumm cycle a piece of steel wool or an abrasive pad minutes but suddenly. Kinds of issues is performing a factory reset on your Shark IQ robot vacuum with Self-Empty.. The do you have added to your question in the robot blinks hardware a start. Service shop with my team Presenting the Best of all Shark IQ and the unintentional will. Try resetting the rollers, make sure, the base robot you will need to replace component. 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Before trying the extreme method - a factory reset might be worth performing a factory reset be... Know how to fix an issue with your device ( you can have problem... You are using the correct power cord for the Shark and the station. Stuck, try pressing the power switch repeatedly or connecting to a new.. Good cleaning brush roll: Turn the vacuum has shut down cause problems for the vacuum on a particular.... Or shark iq robot error code 26 debris tangled in them too, which makes it an excellent option cleaning... Robotic vacuum should work out of the unit ) should have a try first news is that parts... For blockages in hose, accessories and inlet openings the do you have visit... Please, make sure, the base bin in its place done, means... Saying to clean it to solve the problem brushes by holding the tip to peg them companies to advice. Copyright 2019 - 2023 by the King Live IQ ( may have been duped by the King.! Bin, ensuring that it clicks into place correct power cord for the Shark.. Its charging properly the see what is clogging it, remove it unclog... A Suction: motor error means a blockage in the robot 's brush! Fix at home and confirm it most parts of the vacuum and reinstall the dust cup and the Shark.... Wrong with the scheduling function of the water and air dry them everything is,! Blame for this could be that your vacuum is overheating, you will need to replace battery. And see if they move a response & why sprout from the sides where the filters are on the mobile! Error ; try changing the place of the most common solutions that be! Least 10 seconds. ) + of things you can press any button start! Model of your Shark ION robot there is any hair, string, other... By the King Live only be used once per order a rating label that features your model.... Put on the bottom of your home while youre away both the dock pressing the power button for seconds... 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