Ive recently bought a silhouette cameo and used it fine for the past couple of days but today I tried to click on the program and it brought up loads of error messages; runtime Error, Press OK to continue, Press Cancel to Quit. If your computer has a touchscreen, you have the option to navigate around the software by touching different areas of the screen, just like you would with a smartphone. As for the blade cutting a deep line on your mat: has this happened before, or is this the first time. power supply or camo machine in question. I have also tried this with the newest version and the version it came with without luck. Your problem is a new one! My husband un did the blade compartment completely and put it back in and it worked. I tried everything an ruined some material in the process. I got a replacement almost 2 weeks after they received my returned unit. , I had this problem then realised the grid was set to snap to line dahhhhh. I only use American Craft Card stock and also set it the same cut settings I have always used when using this card, but cant seem to resolve this. Good luck, Jenny, After the 3rd or 4th time, I just pull out the Exacto knife and finish the cut on my own, even thought its not perfect. make sure you group the image together before you weld it. Its a new mat, and a fairly new blade. Thanks, again, for visiting Globug Ideas. I am using the Silhouette for the first time. thankz, Hi, Im new to this machine! Can anybody help? Is there enough room behind your Cameo for the contact paper to move freely? I have restarted everything, made sure its all plugged in perfectly, the cutting mat is loaded, all of the settings, blade and images are correct. It just wont cut clean or all the way through. I hope this helps. ALSO It was working fine on the settings I had and this last two times I tried cutting out my image it would leave pieces of the picture on the cutting mat and mess it all up. Hey, I've been having this issue since at least 10.1 Shit, "crtl" and "z" all sometimes work to temporarily solve the problem. Go to the in screen settings at the top left [under the View tab], and pick Hidden, then scroll to the 2D Wireframe. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() );