This is why you should never go away and leave your hamster unattended for prolonged periods of time and make sure that their water bottle is always replaced with clean, fresh water. Just like us humans, hamsters do not like to be roused from their sleep. These animals are very friendly if handled correctly. On our drive home, he was busy in the little cardboard carrier that he was traveling in. The average lifespan of the Syrian hamster is 2-3 years as pets. Individual hamster can live shorter or longer depending on their lifestyle, diet, and care. Hamster Wet Tail How To Spot It And What To Do Hamsters Hibernate? The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity, and less time in the wild. There are different kinds of dwarf hamsters, and the longest living is the Robovoski that provides an expected lifespan of up to 4 many years. However, pet teddy bear hamster lifespan often reaches up to 3 years old. Syrian hamster mothers are known to sometimes eat their own young if they perceive themselves to be in danger. If in any doubt, then you should take your hamster to a vet who can determine the sex for you. One can find the Syrian Hamsters in different colours and patterns. Weve got one for you that you, Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Chinese hamsters are often mistaken as dwarfs because of their small size. Obviously, we want to care for our hamsters as best we can, so providing them with a large space to burrow and play and spending time cuddling them allows you to better understand their behaviors. Their coats might be of solid colour or a combination of colours, and bellies are mostly white. A normal litter for a teddy bear hamster will contain between 6 to 8 pups. There are over 40 color varieties of these hamsters. Hamsters should be fed a diet that mimics what they would naturally eat in the wild. One of the most important things to get when youre buying a hamster, is a safe, spacious home for it. Theyre responsible for feeding their hamsters, refilling their water and making sure that they get out of their cages when they want out. I bought a hamster too her name is bella she is very nice and curious. Syrian hamsters typically have short round bodies, stocky legs and feet, and have short silky golden brown fur. Teddy bear hamsters have the most wonderful personalities and temperament. Below is a list of teddy bear hamster equipment to help you budget. When he does that I have to comfort him. The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity and less time in the wild. However, the average weight varies from 5 to 6 ounces. The dense fur is all the same length on male animals but just long on the back and rear of females (but they still look beautifully fluffy). In fact, black bear hamsters also exist, and are another name for Syrian hamsters with black fur. Teddy hamsters are also lovingly referred to as teddy bear hamsters. They are sometimes called Angora hamsters. The longest-living scientifically . The best types of food you can give your hamster are those similar to what they would eat in the wild. If its your first pet, just having one can make things a lot easier, and less intense. Each teddy bear hamster is likely to be different, so there is no specific length of time that the taming process will take. Its been 3 weeks and my Teddy Bear hamster still wants to bite me. It lives alone in the wild too! As Syrian hamsters are the largest breed, the average lifespan for a teddy bear is two to three years. Hamster Wet Tail How To Spot It And What To Do. Male hamsters, in general, are larger in appearance than their female counterparts. Another great reason to get a golden hamster is their size. Technically, hamsters are not true hibernators, as they only go into such a state for periods (torpors) of 10-20 days, not for an extended period of time. After their domestication and breeding in the Middle East by biologists working in Jerusalem, Syrian hamsters were imported to the United States. I agree with Debi619, each of my kids have their own hamster in their room. You may also use treats to allow your hamster to gain trust. Their fast reproduction cycles and ease of raising have also made Syrian hamsters ideal model organisms to use in the lab. There is no foolproof method for extending a hamsters life. A teddy bear hamster's tail is very short at about half an inch long. To the unknowing eye, this little guy will send someone jumping, How does a hotdog-sized rodent from a Middle Eastern desert make its way into the homes of billions, Rats are becoming increasingly popular as pets, although they are still far outnumbered by cute hamsters. In the wild, these hamsters come out during the day, whereas pet hamsters are nocturnal. Wild teddy bear hamster lifespan ranges from 1 - 2 years on average. Despite their poor vision, hamsters have relatively good hearing and can distinguish between and communicate with sounds in the ultrasonic range. There is no foolproof method for extending a hamster's life. with a lifespan of 2-3 years. Just remember, however, that hamster are incredibly nimble and can move at quite a speed when they want too. Social: While Syrian hamsters are sociable with humans, they are solitary animals and should live alone. If the female is not introduced when she is in season, potentially fatal fighting will ensue. Syrian hamsters also known as teddy bear or fancy hamster are great pets for new owners. Their small pink noses constantly twitch whilst their short stumpy legs allow them to be fast and agile when needed. Pre-made pellet and seed mix from a pet store gives plenty of variety and is very nutritious. Syrian hamsters are the most common pet hamster. Roborovski Dwarf - much smaller than the Syrian, actually the tiniest of all the Dwarf types - only 2 inches/5 cm ! They typically weigh around 120 to 125 grams when fully grown. communicate with sounds in the ultrasonic range. It makes sense, too, because their original homeland, Syria, is quite hot during the day and much cooler at night. It is of course tempting to want to hold your hamster immediately after purchasing them, but they are likely to be scared and confused at first, so you should wait a few days to let them relax and adapt to their new surroundings. Wake him with your voice, not your fingers! Female teddy bear hamsters go into heat every four days, and there is a bad smell that comes with the heat cycle. Although your Syrian hamster may store food in its cheeks, a simple food dish is not expensive, generally costing around $5. There are several different species of hamsters, but the most common "Hamsters are small, rodent-like mammals that belong to the subfamily Cricetinae. The bigger one can be almost 12 inches long which is double than dwarf hamsters. The hair may be solid black, brown, gold, or dark grey. Teddy Bear hamsters are friendly, providing they have undergone proper handling. Body mass is usually in the range of 100-150 grams (3.5-5.3 oz), but Syrian hamsters from private breeders can be in the range of 175-225 grams (6.2-7.9 oz). Although red or pink eyes are considered rare, there is a very rare eye color that consists of two different colored eyes. The only difference with teddy bear hamsters is that they are often easier to handle. Their bellies are often white. No matter what age you are, youll love taking care of a teddy bear hamster. Individual hamster can live shorter or longer depending on their lifestyle, diet, and care. The item breakdown for a new hamster and necessary items dont come cheap. Fancy bear hamsters are curious and adventurous, so they will love wandering around, burrowing, and exploring! Once your hamster is happy to be held, you need to master the art of picking them up. What Do Teddy Bear Hamsters Like To Play With? and the commercial hamster industry was started in Mobile, Alabama. In the wild, hamsters would need to run to escape predators. Remember to do this during their active periods around dawn and dusk to not disturb their sleep. Thus, children can be very responsible and can derive a great deal of learning and satisfaction from caring for a pet. Syrian hamsters are undeniably cute on the outside. Wild teddy bear hamsters have been domesticated into wonderful little pets. But remember, although they are generally happy when being handled carefully, they can become skittish when startled or scared. Small cages with no enrichment can lead to stress, unhappiness, and sickness. Clean the water dish and meals bowl weekly. Originating from Syria they were first placed in captivity in the 1930s and quickly adapted to pet life thanks to their super sweet nature. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Black Bear Hamster: Is This The Ultimate Pet Your Household Needs? Syrian hamsters are native to Syria (hence its name) and parts of the Middle East. How Many Babies Do Hamsters Have In A Litter? You will, however, need to put in extra effort and care when you first bring home your teddy bear hamster as you will need to tame it and train it not to bite. And while they are generally quiet pets, their nighttime activity might keep you awake if you have their enclosure in your bedroom. Most young children are not responsible enough to look after a hamster and it will be neglected. The study found that chronic treatment of Syrian hamsters with low-dose selegiline extends the lives of female hamsters but not males. As teddy bear hamsters can grow to around 5-7 inches, you need to have a cage large enough for it to live and scamper around in. Syrian hamsters will either have a short, long, or rex coat (fur.) Teddys are great pets but like any pet, they need love,attention and everything else that involves owning a pet. So before taking a hamster home, its important to have their cage set up beforehand. Its a good opportunity for the kids to learn responsibility and love for animals. A zoologist named Israel Aharoni captured teddy bear hamsters in Aleppo, Syria, in 1930. Due to theirease of raising and fast reproduction cycles, hamsters have alsobeen used as a model organism in the laboratory. Why are you advocating hamsters as ideal pets for children? Once they are content to take them from your fingers, you should slowly start placing your hands inside their cage to offer them off the palms of your hand. Hamsters should have exercise and a clean cage. This species of hamster is the most common in the world. The hamster in the Guiness World Record book lived to an impressive 4.5 years old! Hamsters naturally burrow and delight in having the room and the bedding to do so. I LOVED HIM SO MUCH. But before you succumb to a moment of weakness, youll want to find out what goes into Teddy Bear hamster care. Lucky Block New Cryptocurrency with $750m+ Market Cap Lists on LBank. A teddy bear hamster is one of several names for a Syrian hamster. But, this is a great opportunity to watch them run around in a hamster-safe play area! They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. Teddy bear hamsters can make excellent companions, and you want to know how much time you will have with your special little friend. This is mainly due to their size as they are more robust than dwarf hamsters, especially if you buy your pet very young. She has a background in Broadcast Journalism & Political Science from CUNY Brooklyn College. In the long-term hamsters need very little, relying on us daily for the basics of food, water and shelter. Bigger cages allow you to add more fun things for your hamster to burrow in, climb over, and chew on, keeping your hamster happy. Small servings of fresh vegetables and fruits. This indicates that the hamster is sexually mature as well as having achieved or is very near to reaching its full length. In America the minimum cage size for all hamster species is 450 inches square 12 by 30 inches is only 360 inches square. I recommend you wait about a week before attempting to handle your hamster and you should start slowly. Their burrows also serve as useful protection from predators because they are built about 1 meter underground. Large cheek pouches allow the rodent to store extra food. The typical cleaning schedule for a hamster cage should involve spot cleaning every day. The golden hamster or Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) is a rodent belonging to the hamster subfamily, . My teddy bear hamster, Mr. Cakes, gives me such a dirty look when I wake him up. your own Pins on Pinterest The cost of a wheel will vary depending on the size required. So, this pet isnt a short-term commitment, but wont be with you for as long as an animal like a dog would. Whats your favorite thing about this little pet? I dont know of any parent that would just hand over an animal to a child and hope for the best. In the wild, they burrow and create tunnel systems beneath the ground. He is napping in his hut in his new habitat as I type this. Rodentia Family Cricetidae Genus Mesocricetus SPECIES Mesocricetus auratus Population size Unknown Life Span 2-4 yrs Top speed 6 km/h Weight 100-125 g Length 13-18 cm The golden hamster or Syrian hamster ( Mesocricetus auratus ) is a rodent belonging to the hamster subfamily, Cricetinae. When a Syrian hamster reaches the age of 12 weeks (3 months old), it is considered fully mature. Its known as heterochromia one eye is black, and the other is red. The teddy bear hamster is also known as a long-haired Syrian hamster. "So my hamster ate my other hamster, and I'm 8 years old. You should also ensure that there is plenty of bedding material at their disposal, as she will need it for making a nest for her and her young. Make sure that you remove any hamster wheels and other toys from the cage to prevent your hamster using up all of their energy beforehand. Teddy bear hamsters like wooden and cardboard chew toys. They're one of the most popular breeds. Here are some interesting facts, such as the average Syrian hamster lifespan, that may help you better bond with your pet hamster and learn more about their habits. I LOVE her!!!! The first British hamster club followed shortly after, in 1945! You want to know how long Teddy Bear hamsters live. In order to tame your pet hamster, you should use the same technique as you would for all hamsters. You may, however, take certain precautions to ensure that you are providing your hamster with the best possible life. The average lifespan of a teddy bear hamster is about 2-3 years in captivity, and less time in the wild. A typical teddy bear hamster will need a layer of around 6inches and paper-based bedding is best. Im in the San Diego area and am trying to find a local breeder so that I can buy a Syrian hampster that has been handled. Unfortunately, this is not a factor that can be controlled. But a hamsters friendliness also depends on their gender, how tame they are, and whether or not theyre being kept on their own. And, now you know all about them in terms of their history, biology, behavior, and personality, we are sure that youll agree too. While most are black, its not unusual for them to have blackish blue, blackish-red, dark red, or pink. If your hamster is tame, then another way to check is to look at its genitalia and the anogenital distance. For more details, click. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Try not to disturb the nest and when providing food and water, do so as quietly as possible. A male hamster has more prominent scent glands which are situated on either side of their flanks or in male dwarf hamsters they are situated near the middle of the belly. During the winter, they enter a state of hibernation where their body temperature drops to 20C and their metabolic rate is reduced to 5% of its normal levels, which allows them to conserve energy. Syrians are also not childrens pets, they need large cages, they are expensive and are a large commitment. Once your hamster feels happy enough to come towards you on their own accord, try to coerce them into a container so that you can take them someone safe and enclosed to hold them. Although your hamster will be fully capable of giving birth herself, you will need to be patient as it can take anything between 10 to 30 minutes between pups. Syrian Hamster Lifespan: How Long Do Syrian Hamsters Live? It goes without saying that hamsters love having a wheel to exercise and burn off excess energy. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. Make sure to section off an area, so there is no place for your little friend to escape. Teddy bear hamsters are incredibly cute and make great pets, the common name for whats known as the Syrian hamster. But there are key differences between male and female genitalia that are easy to detect and will allow you to determine the sex of your hamster. 1MobileMarket They even will create specialized rooms meant for sleeping, raising their young, using the bathroom, and hoarding food. In the wild Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to a loss of habitat and the effects of climate change. Hamsters actually have a relatively complex system of endocrine signaling that is responsible for displays of social dominance and submission. The care usuallytaker can control other environmental aspects. You may, however, take certain precautions to ensure that you are providing your hamster with the best possible life. We started this website to share our experiences with owning and looking after hamsters. Syrians reach maturity when they're between 8-12 weeks old. Golden hamsters are crepuscular animals, meaning that they are predominantly active during twilight. Hamster Age: 4 weeks Mixed. We will answer all of your questions in this post, so keep reading to find out more. Moreover, are long haired hamsters friendly? Hamsters are excellent diggers and are known to create rather elaborate underground burrows with multiple entrances and exits. Have some feedback for us? Make sure to tell us all about your experiences in the comments below! A normal teddy bear hamster size can range from 4 to 6 inches. 20. However, pet teddy bear hamster lifespan often reaches up to 3 years old. Hamsters do have tails, but they are very short relative to their bodies and so are somewhat hidden. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. They typically weigh around 120 to 125 grams when fully grown. Wondering how long do teddy bear hamsters live? If you have a female teddy bear hamster, then you may have noticed a funny smell emanating from their cage every few days? We will talk about whether teddy bear hamsters prefer to be held and whether male or female hamsters are better. The breeding season for Syrian hamsters in the wild occurs during the spring and summer, but domestic hamsters can be made to breed year-round. Chinese Dwarf Hamster: Exotic Hamster Breed Guide, Syrian Hamster: The Most Popular Hamster Type, Roborovski Dwarf Hamster: Breed Information and Care Tips, Dog And Hamster: Everything You Need To Know, Hamster Food Bowl: Tips for Selecting the Best One, Do Hamsters Get Lonely? The average life expectancy of Syrian hamsters is 2 to 2.5 years, although some can live up to 3 years. Animals and humans pass on genetic traits to their babies. There are several things that you can do to prevent and dissuade this behavior. Other names include Golden hamster, fancy bear hamster, short hair hamster, bear hamster, and angora hamster. Although a hamster carrier may not be essential straight away, it is good to have something that you can carry your hamster in if you ever need to take it out of the house for example to the vets. Mine hasnt bitten me yet but he squeaks every time I get close to his cage. Teddy bear is a term used to describe a Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) with long hair. The same applies for hamster snacks, especially the pre bought varieties, which although are great for keeping teeth in check, are often laden with honey, syrups and extra sugars. Volia Nikaci is a freelance copywriter and content editor with a passion and expertise in content creation, branding, and marketing. Theteddy bear hamsteris a colloquial name for the Syrianhamster (Mesocricetus auratus), also known as a golden hamster. Heres How To Find Out. Responsible hamster parents know that this little animal is totally dependent upon them. How long can a hamster go without eating or drinking? Teddy bear hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they sleep during the day and are active at night. In the wild, teddy bear hamsters will only live for 1-2 years on average. They have a stout, stocky body with little tails that are barely visible underneath their fur. The teddy bear hamster is a great choice for a first time pet, because their care and maintenance is really simple! You cant hand complete responsibility for a hamster over to a child to teach them responsibility. That is a recipe for disaster and the death of the hamster. The main threat to their lifespans are predators such as owls and other birds of prey. A good quality pellet food designed for hamsters. Underweight or overweight symptoms in hamsters are typical because of a poor diet, being fed too much or too little, or not having access to some form of exercise or exercising too much. Cleanliness is important for a hamsters health, which primarily requires you to keep the bedding clean. The Syrian hamster, also known as the golden hamster, is not only adorable but is also quite smart as well. Likewise, the tail can be stubbed and nearly non-existent, while others may be tiny in size. Syrians will either be one color (known as self) or have a crescent shape on their cheek and a light belly (known as agouti.). Read our blog for tips and advice to help make your hamster happy. Im scared hes terrified of me. Individual hamster can live shorter or longer depending on their lifestyle, diet, and care. We recommend a 10 gallon tank as an absolute minimum. Domestic hamsters do not require sand baths because they are not exposed to the elements of the wild. Best Cages for 2 (Or More!) The Syrian hamster, in particular, happens to be the most popular choice for pet owners. Syrian hamsters are solitary creatures and will aggressively defend their territory against others, especially males. I had tears streaming down my face because I couldnt stop laughing! How Long Do Teddy Bear Hamsters Live? Occasional treats from the pet store/vet. Teddy bear hamsters are territorial and will fight with any cage-mates, sometimes to the death. Ensure your pet has a comfortable temperature, ideally between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit. At first you could just put your hand in the cage and see what he does you could also put a treat such as a sunflower seed on your palm and see if he comes to take it. Don't see the answer that you're looking for? At one point, I looked over to discover that he had chomped his way out of the box. Exercise is vital for the teddy bear hamsters health, and an exercise wheel is a favorite toy of all hamster breeds. The Syrian hamster lifespan is about 2-3 years. This involves making sure that they are fed plenty of food that is rich in protein and that their water is constantly topped up. Look for any old food and remove it from the cage. A teddy bear hamster should live without any hamster roommates, or they will be very stressed. While in this period, they release a number of hormones that lower the males aggression and make them more receptive to mating. WATCH: Sharks biting alligators, the most epic lion battles, and MUCH more. If the smell is a concern for you, then the man teddy bear hamster is really a better choice. If you are thinking of getting a teddy bear hamster for your next pet, then there are number of things you should know. Djungarian/Winter White/Siberian Dwarf; Campbell's Dwarf; Chinese Dwarf The other most common form of hamster is the dwarf hamster. One main reason to choose a Syrian hamster as your pet is: theyre really fun! They just arent mature enough. They can crawl inside of them and chew on them. READY FOR NEW HOMES!! Choose one with plenty of burrowing space, running space, and lots of room for extra hamster accessories. All types of hamsters, including teddy bear hamsters, need a large enough cage to run around in. Well, the answer varies quite a lot! They are by far the most common variety of hamster and are kept as pets the world around. Most Dwarf hamsters . Our final reason that youll want to get a teddy bear hamster is simple theyre adorable! Know about your hamster and the primary causes of stress. The oldest recorded teddy bear hamster livedfor 8 years. So, try not to surprise your hamster when you want to handle him. Citrus (oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruit, etc. Testosterone and estrogen played key roles in determining how long males and female hamsters live. Dwarf breeds are more likely to get diabetes. Dr. Horatiu V. Vinerean at the Florida International University published an article on hamsters which includes some insight on handling hamsters. Although hamsters are relatively low maintenance, you should always do your research before bringing any new animal into your home. Depending on care and health however, it is possible for teddy bear hamsters to live as long as five years although this is unusual. We will talk about the differences between these hamsters and their lifespans. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the oldest hamster lived to be 7 years of age. And now you know that theyre quite fascinating in terms of history, behavior, and personality, too! Birds of prey more receptive to mating sometimes to the death and have silky... Get a golden hamster or Syrian hamster numbers are declining due to child! Not childrens pets, they release a number of hormones that lower the aggression... 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