Residential Track (Includes Single & MultiFamily Buildings): In-person Attendees will receive the following: Betsy Pettit is the president and co-founder of Building Science Corporation. Mr. Thornhill has nearly 30 years of automotive plastics industry experience with a primary focus on injection molding. Your free registration will give you an all-access pass to not only Thermal Management Expo but also to Ceramics Expo, North Americas leading event for the technical ceramic supply chain. Hear from Lindsey Keen, Engineering Leader, GORE at Thermal Management Expo 2022 spacer Co-located with Ceramics Expo, the event will deliver valuable business and networking opportunities as well as thought leadership and idea to solve thermal management challenges of stakeholders up and down the supply chain. Prior this role, she held positions in injection molding process engineering and technical service for compounded products supporting the automotive and healthcare markets. The 2022 American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Conference (Hybrid) will be held in May, 15-18, 2022 partially online virtual and in person at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA. ASM is Everything Material, the society dedicated to serving the materials science and engineering profession. Our specially curated free-to-attend conference provides industry insight and technical expertise, in sessions delivered by thermal experts, helping you to take away fresh ideas, gain valuable knowledge and position yourself ahead of competitors. Mr. He has been developing and implementing strategic visions as a executive in several organizations for 25 years. Devahdhanush has contributed 19 articles to international peer-reviewed scientific journals and a patent disclosure. Prior to this role, he has held roles of Business Development Manager for automotive and Application Development Engineer at EVONIK, and Thermoplastics Composites Program Leader at SABIC. Early-bird Registration Deadline: September 3, 2022 Regular Registration Deadline: September 11, 2022 Final Abstract Submission: September 10, 2022 Advancements in Thermal Management is the worlds leading conference for educating attendees on the latest advancements in thermal management and temperature mitigation technologies. 46100 Grand River Ave He is regionally responsible for the Thermal Management Product Group in North America where he leads the strategy and vision for the region, aligning the Internal Combustion Engine and Battery Electric Vehicle offerings. Why Exhibit at ATM 2022? Note: The safety of our clients is The ITB Groups number one priority. By the end of the day many attendees leveraged our unique learning environment to set the stage for future meetings and business collaborations. Ernst Jan de Place Hansen is the head of a research group on building physics and structural engineering, BUILD (until 2020 SBi) at Aalborg University. Engage with your geothermal colleagues and take part in the largest annual gathering of the geothermal community. He has authored 23 patents and more than 20 publications. The International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition (ITSC) is the world's foremost international conference and exhibition for thermal spray technologists, researchers, manufacturers and suppliers. Prior to joining Solvay he worked in a variety of commercial roles with Arkema, Asahi Kasei Plastics, and Teknor Color. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Thermal & Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS). So, turning that thought on its head, it is not hard to see that being in the front rank on heatingis potentially a key to being in the front row of the grid in terms of car sales. Copyright 1997-2022 The ITB Group, Ltd. Submission of Full-Length Paper for Review, Submission of Presentation Only Abstracts, Submission of Revised Paper for Review (if required), Author Notification of Acceptance of Revised Papers, Author Notification of Presentation Only Abstract Acceptance, Submission of Final Paper/Author Registration (all paper types). "Shows like this give you the opportunity to actually meet people, face-to-face, discuss challenges, and collectively identify solutions to those challenges. REGISTER for NEWSLETTER For Email Newsletters you can trust. Globally, oil production from hard-to-recovery and unconventional resources as . Click below to see TIC 2022 online schedule. 622 3rd Ave, 34th FL New York, NY 10017. www . Increasing global demands of environmental friendly, energy efficient technology in the field of automobile industry has put up the industry experts, academia and the policy makers at the forefront to have a common brainstorming platform to discuss the problems, challenges and solutions to it. Aug 28, 2022. ATM is brought to you by TWST Events, a leading event technology and production company headquartered in New York City. Dr. Karagiozis comes to NREL from Owens Corning where he was the global director of building science and led global accountability for the company's building science strategy. His work is focused on accelerating the development of strategic technical capabilities and directing world-class multidisciplinary research funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, other federal agencies, and industry partners. Symposium in Memory of Professor Darrell Pepper, Symposium in Memory of Professor Raymond Viskanta, James V. Beck MemorialSymposium: Inverse Problems, Parameter Estimation and Heat Conduction, K15 Transport Phenomena in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, K16 Heat Transfer in Electronic Equipment, K17 Heat and Mass Transfer in Biotechnology, K18 Heat Transfer under Extreme Conditions. The Thermal Imaging Conference has more than 25 courses taught by dynamic and experienced speakers. Processing times for visa applicationsvary depending on the visa office and the time of the year. Mr. Berger joined Vitesco Technologies, at that time VDO Control Systems, in 1998 as Automotive Applications Director. International Conference on Thermophysics and Thermal Systems scheduled on March 04-05, 2023 at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. spacer DAY 1 The Current Market Landscape for Thermal Management and Charting a Path Forward Assessing the Outlook for Thermal Management in Consumer Electronic Devices Thermal Mapping and Filler Setting Protection in Polymer Composites with MTPS ASTFE is the premier international society by and for professionals within the thermal and fluids science and engineering community. Mr. Osborne holds Masters degrees in Engineering and Management from MIT and a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering from General Motors Institute. In 2017, he co-founded Stirweld and operates as CEO where he is focused on making friction stir welding accessible by reducing process cost and extending applications. In 2022, this event will be virtual and take place May 1 - 4, 2022.The meeting will be interactive in real-time so STM members can engage with the speakers and foster good dialogue. The Advancements in Thermal Management Conference is back, in-person, in Denver. Phone: 216-928-1600, Email: [emailprotected] ASTFE is the premier international society by and for professionals within the thermal and fluids science and engineering community. Speak at the Advancements in Thermal Management conference. Mr. Thornhill, a graduate of the Ferris State University Plastics Engineering Technology program, has been with EMS-GRIVORY as an Application Development Engineer for the past seven years. Mr. Discuss Precise Control of Thermal Properties and States. Prior to his current role, he worked for General Motors in various capacities ranging from development to systems engineering. SAENIS TTTMS Thermal Management Systems Conference-2022. We facilitate pre-scheduled meetings between buyers and solution providers. Mr. Berger holds a Bachelor and Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Wayne State University. 21111 Haggerty Rd., Novi, MI 48375 USA. During the one-day event, 180 participants exchanged ideas, networked with industry experts, discovered engineering solutions in the exhibit hall, and were treated to 18 leading presentations within three informative sessions. ITherm 2022 is an international conference for scientific and engineering exploration of thermal, thermomechanical and emerging technology issues associated with electronic devices, packages and systems. Click here for 2022 Sponsor Opportunities, United Infrared (@unitedinfrared) Instagram photos and videos, Track 4 Infrared Surveying for Electrical Contractors $595. He holds an MBA from Gies College of business and a Masters degree from the Ohio State University. This conference can be your one-stop shop for all your thermal imaging training! Organized by the American Nuclear Society Thermal Hydraulics Division, this embedded topical meeting is the sixth in a growing series featuring peer-reviewed, full-length technical papers covering recent advances in thermal hydraulics. Light Breakfast, lunch and breaks on Monday, December 5th, Light Breakfast, lunch, and breaks on Tuesday, December 6th, Light Breakfast, lunch, breaks and a reception on Wednesday, December 7th, Principles Track Co-Chairs:Simon Pallin andFitsum Tariku, Practices Track Co-Chairs: Stanley Gatland and Diana Fisler, Workshop Track Co-Chairs: Brian Stroik and Laverne Dalgleish. Mr. Stanley earned his degree in Industrial Chemistry at Brunel University and an MBA from Warwick University, and he has more than over 30 years experience working with thermoset and thermoplastic polymers and compounds. Mr. Thornhill, a graduate of the Ferris State University Plastics Engineering Technology program, has been with EMS-GRIVORY as an Application. Thermal Engineering Conferences in USA 2022 2023 2024 is for the researchers, scientists, scholars, engineers, academic, scientific and university practitioners to present research activities that might want to attend events, meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, summit, and symposiums. Please reach out to Robert Schaudt with any questions. Want your brand to be part of Thermal Management Expo? Anaheim, CA. Prior to this, Dr. Dubourg held R&D engineering and business development roles at IREPA Laser, the National Research Center Canada, and the Institute Maupertuis team in Rennes, France. Its the ideal way to make informed decisions to continue to find solutions and improve your performance. Through our network of 30,000 members worldwide, ASM provides authoritative information and knowledge on materials and processes, from the structural to the nanoscale. Thermal Imaging Conference 19 thru 22 September 2022. In the automotive sector, this acquired expertise can help achieve fundamental advantages in the marketplace. Dr. Chang has more than 15 years of experience in developing battery management systems for various battery chemistries. Devahdhanush V.S. This year, our Mars Society leadership is pleased to announce a return to our usual in-person public convention, to be held Thursday-Sunday, October 20-23, 2022 at Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona. Annual sharing of knowledge, hands-on instruction in relevant state-of-the-art engineering analysis tools, and seminars/short courses taught by the veterans in the thermal and fluids engineering community helps to ensure that the expertise of the community is maintained. The theme for the 2023 International Congress of Biometeorology is Urban to Global Sustainability. The 2022 Advancements in Thermal Management Conference taking place in Denver CO on August 3-4 has been canceled. The vision of TFAWS is to maintain continuity over time and between disciplines throughout the thermal and fluids engineering community. NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC), Anyone interested in thermal and fluids analysis. Mr. Poterala holds a Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Michigan. Opportunities to become a presenter, sponsor and/or exhibitor are available and additional details for 2023 will be shared soon. He is a Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researcher with over 27,000 Google Scholar citations and he has written over 260 archival journal publications. Onsite Pricing / After February, 12 - $1,095. Advances in Thermal Hydraulics (ATH 2022) June 12-16, 2022. For the last two years, due to the pandemic, our international conference has been virtual only, resulting in a significant online audience. In his career, he works to make packs smaller, lighter, and safer. More Information! Dear Colleagues. The organizing societies are excited to offer a conference filled with new technologies, new market trends and new market segments! A Simple Decision, Really 2 days of world-class content from the brightest minds in the industry. Interested to join and take the lead as a key contributor/supporter to showcase key technologies and developments shaping our industry? He holds a Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio Northern University. Dr. Mudawar presently serves as Betty Ruth and Milton B. Hollander Family Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Purdue University Boiling and Two-Phase Flow Laboratory (PU-BTPFL) and Research Center for Electric Vehicle Charging and Thermal Management (EVeCTherM). Discuss Precise Control of Thermal Properties and States. Dr. Dubourg has spent 24 years of his career in the field of laser and friction stir welding for aluminium. For the past 4 years, he has been expanding his knowledge base to include extrusion as an expertise. Motor & Drive Systems is a global conference bringing together industry thought leaders focused on the latest technical advancements in motor, drive systems, and motion control. Achilles Karagiozis is the director of NRELs Buildings and Thermal Sciences Center. His research is focused on theoretical and experimental investigation of phase change mechanisms and their application in space and defense systems, computer electronics, electric and hybrid vehicles, avionics, nuclear reactors, and intelligent materials processing. The 2022 Buildings XV Conference will take place December 5-8, 2022 at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL located at 1160 Gulf Blvd. 2022 NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY LEADERSHIP AND TECHNOLOGY SUMMIT December 4 - 7, 2022 Tempe, AZ Presented by NASRO and L.E.A.D. Join us in beautiful Banff, Alberta, Canada for the premier industry event where attendees share their recent experiences, solutions, and ongoing challenges associated with well integrity, drilling, operations, and production of thermal wells. - Beyond Operational Energy, Building envelope integrated technologies, Building sustainability, passive survivability, and resilience, Energy storage including thermal mass and phase change materials, Heat and moisture transfer in materials and assemblies, Moisture management, durability, and service life, Standards, codes, guidelines, and test procedure development. 2022 TWST Events. Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment Today, Officers, Directors, Councils, Committees, Staff, Science and Technology for the Built Environment, Instructor-Led Training Seminar and Short Courses, Self-Directed Learning / Group Learning Texts, 2023 Decarbonization Conference for the Built Environment, 2023 Building Performance Analysis Conference, Eighth International Conference on Energy Research & Development, Criteria for Annual Conference City Selection, Workshop 1: Achieving an Airtight Building Workshop, Workshop 2: Whole Building Testing and Inspection Workshop, Workshop 3: Building Assembly Air and Water Leakage Research Workshop, Workshop 4: Improving the Performance of Manufactured Housing Workshop, Workshop 5: Introduction to Hygrothermal Modeling Workshop, Workshop 6: How Much Carbon is in There? The AI Manufacturing track will provide a comprehensive program and plans for action, assisting manufacturers in decreasing downtime, improving profitability, and staying competitive. Prior to joining Vitesco Technologies, Darren worked at Robert Bosch Corporation as Engineering Manager for Vehicle Dynamic Control and Brake Actuation Component Applications, and at General Motors as a Service Readiness Manager and Lead Developer of Anti-lock Brake Diagnostics. al Imaging Conference will be held at Ballys Lake Tahoe Casino Resort in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada from September 1922, 2022. Development Engineer for the past seven years. ASME will hold open help center calls to offer on the spot technical support for the web tool. We pride ourselves on hosting quality attendees with 80% Sr level. We value your team's support and look forward to future programs. The 2023 American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Conference (Hybrid) will be held on March, 26-29, 2023 partially online virtual and in person at University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA. The organizing societies are excited to offer a conference filled with new technologies, new market trends and new market segments! May 27, 2022 7th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (Hybrid) Las Vegas, NV, USA. EMBEDDED TOPICAL MEETING. Mr. Poterala is a Transportation Marketing Manager with Solvay Materials, moving to this role after joining Solvay in 2012 as a Sales Development Manager. This event provides a technical forum to discuss the latest developments in technology, market conditions and end-user requirements that are driving innovation, capabilities and features, application trends and performance improvements in the temperature management industry. . The program of SHTC 2023 will include technical paper sessions, plenary lectures, committee meetings and social events. Ms. Maurer joined Arkema in 2019 as the Business Development Engineer for the transportation market in North America. Mr. Dwyer joined Roechling Automotive in 2017 and has always maintained a focus on new mobility and electrification. In his career, he works to make, 37525 Enterprise Ct, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Sean Osborne, Vice President The ITB Group, Matt Longsdorf, Manager, Sales/NM Purchasing/Engineering YUTAKA GIKEN, Stefano Zanella Global Technical Director Zoppas Industries, Dr. Marco Barbolini, Product Manager Thermal Management & AIS Global Rchling Automotive, Darren Berger, Head of Sensing & Actuation, Fluid Control Systems, and Paul Siciliano, Head of Product Line Actuators Vitesco, Dr. Issam Mudawar, Professor, Lab Director and Devahdhanush V.S., Ph.D. candidate Purdue University, Matt Stieber, Advanced Technology Manager TI Fluid Systems, Ranvir Soni, Business Development Manager Evonik, Doug Thornhill, Application Development Engineer EMS-GRIVORY, Richard Stanley, Commercial Director, Advanced Materials and Furkan Akdemir, Business Development Manager PPS, Advanced Materials Sun Chemical Corporation, Greg Poterala, Transportation Marketing Manager Solvay Materials, Chris Durand, Engineering Manager and Karthik Jayakumar, Project Leader Grammer, Desiree Maurer, Business Development Engineer Arkema, Dr. Jason Chang, Executive Director of Intelligent Battery Performance Solution Gentherm, Bret Trimmer, Applications Engineering Manager NeoGraf Solutions, Andrew Mittermiller, Senior Applications Development Chemist Zeon Chemicals, Eldad Caspi, Vice President Business DevelopmentCarrar, Fluid Control and Conveyance Advancements for Electrified Vehicles, Evolving Thermal Systems for Electrified Vehicles. Over the past 35 years he has accumulated extensive experience in automotive development, including experience working in Europe and China as well as the United States. Mr. Jayakumar is the project leader of Grammer Americas where he is responsible for handling innovation projects. Network with decision-makers and senior engineers from across high-tech industries to source the latest innovations in thermal management technologies, materials, and components. Prior to this, Mr. Siciliano held positions in powertrain NVH at General Motors and Continental Automotive. Mr. Stieber received his degree in mechanical engineering from Grand Valley State University and an MBA from Wayne State University. Must book by December 1, 2023 to receive a guaranteed rate, Exhibitor & Sponsor Sales | Robert Schaudt(720) 799-1464 Phone (Europe): +44 1273 916 494 The 2022 American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE) Conference (Hybrid) will be held in May, 15-18, 2022 partially online virtual and in person at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Book your group rate for Buildings XV Conference 2022. He has worked at CYT for 22 years in several different areas including engineering process design and improvement, product design and testing, and production management before taking on his current role. Magnetics is a leading global event focused on the latest economic developments and technical advancements in magnetics and rare earth material markets and technologies. Ms. Pettit is a registered architect with over 40 years of professional experience in the design and renovation of residential, commercial, and institutional buildings. The Advancements in Thermal Management Conference is back, in-person, in Denver. ITB's annual automotive thermal conference for 2022 showcased innovations in thermal solutions including electrified drive and battery systems, passenger cabin comfort and safety systems, and conventional powertrain heating and cooling technologies. The Advancements in Thermal Management Conference is a yearly event covering the newest in thermal management technologies, materials, thermal characterization, testing, and more. Date. ITSC 2022 will feature: The organizers and supporting partners look forward to getting back to business and welcoming you IN-PERSON in Vienna, Austria! He is recipient of the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship, and his Ph.D. research has been sponsored by Ford Motor Company Purdue University Alliance, Center for Integrated Thermal Management for Aerospace Vehicles, and NASA Glenn Research Center. With a particular passion for and commitment to environmentally responsible design, Ms. Pettit oversees Building Science Corporations role in the Department of Energys Building America project, which has been involved in the research and design of thousands of high performance houses throughout the United States. The Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS) is an annual training and professional development workshop that is designed to encourage knowledge sharing, professional development, and networking throughout the thermal and fluids engineering community within NASA and the aerospace community at large. Peppermill Resort Spa Casino in Reno, Nevada, USA. For the last several years, he has turned his attention to the EV, Drone, and Electric Airplane industries. Prior to working for Sun Chemical, he worked for Henkel and ICI in both the Americas and Europe. On-site Access to Technical Program from December 5-8, 2022. Attendance Benefit: One (1) free online module at no cost up to $995 value, Attendance Benefit: One (1) free online module at no cost up to $595 value, Attending Welcome Reception and staying at Ballys Resort: FREE. Participants are encouraged to check the processing times calculator for guidance, but generally we recommend applying approximately 12 weeks in advance of their departure date to ensure they receive the visa in time for the start of the event. Contact us today to view the latest stand space availability. The Fifth International Conference on Efficient Building Design 2022 Buildings XV Conference 2023 HVAC Cold Climate Conference Virtual Conference Access Conference Resources Conference Justification Toolkit Criteria for Annual Conference City Selection eMeetings Events Calendar Papers & Programs Past ASHRAE Conferences Future ASHRAE Conferences We will present the truth about infrared cameras and how to use them successfully. Our specially curated free-to-attend conference provides industry insight and technical expertise, in sessions delivered by thermal experts, helping you to take away fresh ideas, gain valuable knowledge and position yourself ahead of competitors. The Thermal and Fluids Analysis Workshop (TFAWS) is an annual training and professional development workshop that is designed to encourage knowledge sharing, professional development, and networking throughout the thermal and fluids engineering community within NASA and the aerospace community at large. Dr. Dubourg received his Ph.D. in 2002 where his thesis related to the development of aluminium laser surface cladding. Zoppas Industries is in the forefront of the heating technologies that are crucial to many sectors: from transportation, to the workplace, to millions of homes. Here Mr. Longsdorf has been focused on the automotive exhaust and heat management segment of their business. Earlier he spent 9 years at the National Research Council creating and deploying advance hygrothermics. Your browser does not support HTML5 video, Closing ceremony in-person participants -Conference Winner, Closing ceremony online participants -Conference Winner. Motor & Drive Systems is a global conference bringing together industry thought leaders focused on the latest technical advancements in motor, drive systems, and motion control. Evas expertise is in Hygrothermal behaviour of the building envelope, building physics, mould and other moisture related indoor climate problems, condition assessment of buildings, especially of buildings with indoor climate and moisture problems, subsequent renovation, building technology, laboratory testing of building materials and arctic building design. In addition to paper presentations and vendor exhibits, ITherm 2022 will have keynote lectures by prominent speakers, panel discussions . Prior to joining Gentherm, he was a Chief Engineer of the Wireless-base Battery Management System at Visteon. He provides strategic planning to bolster NREL efforts to transform energy through buildings science and integration. September 27, 2018 Opportunities to become a presenter, sponsor and/or exhibitor are available and a. dditional details for 2023 will be shared soon. Before joining Owens Corning, Dr. Karagiozis was a distinguished researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, where he worked for 14 years. The conference will bring together international researchers and engineers focusing on heat and mass transfer in a variety of applications. Once again, the conference was buzzing with high energy and engaged discussions proliferated throughout the day and into the networking breaks and evening reception. CHECK OUT THE HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE LAUNCH OF THERMAL MANAGEMENT EXPO. Mr. Zanella has been Global Technical Director of Zoppas Industries Heating Element Technologies for over 6 years and leads a technology team with more than 180 engineers. Nestled between the Sierra Mountains and Lake Tahoe, Bally's Lake Tahoe Casino Resort features beautiful rooms and suites on the South Shore. Contact us today to view the latest stand space availability. Currently he operates as vice president of business development at Carrar. He was an Energy and Environmental Building Alliance board member and served on the Passive House Institute US Technical Committee. Speak at the Advancements in Thermal Management conference. This conference will feature thermal conductivity and thermal expansion topics, as well as all thermophysical properties for materials, techniques, and applications. The conference is broad in scope and provides a forum for specialists in heat transfer, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics from all corners of the globe to present the latest progress and developments in the field. The Buildings XV Conference brings together product manufacturers, research organizations, academia, builders, designers, architects and consultants to discuss their work achievements, interest and awareness of buildings issues, and to provide solutions and insight into some of our major building envelope problems. For the past 4 years, he has been expanding his knowledge base, to include extrusion as an expertise. Clearwater Beach, Florida 33767. Dr. Chang is the Executive Director of the Intelligent Battery Performance Solution at Gentherm where he leads the research and development of the advanced battery performance solution for low-voltage and high-voltage vehicle applications. Location. The 2022 edition of the Thermal Imaging Conference will be held at Bally's Lake Tahoe Casino Resort in South Lake Tahoe, Nevada from September 19-22, 2022. Buildings XV ConferenceDecember 5-8, 2022, Sheraton Sand Key Resort, Clearwater Beach, FL Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Whole Buildings. ATM brings together design engineers, academia, system engineers, material scientists, CTOs and R&D managers with organizations in industries and markets whose products, operations and services depend upon sophisticated and precise control of thermal properties and states. Mr. Caspi was also co-founder, CEO, and vice president of business development at Lead IP Systems. Thermal Engineering Conferences 2023/2024/2025 is an indexed listing of upcoming meetings, seminars, congresses, workshops, programs, continuing CME courses, trainings, summits, and weekly, annual or monthly symposiums. Electric cars have to overcome unique challenges when it comes to heating. 2 days of cutting-edge technology from experts on. The conference is organized by ASHRAE along with Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Click the button below to fill out the form and have a visa letter generated for you. Phone (US & Canada): +1 855 436 8683, THE MEETING PLACE FOR THE THERMAL ENGINEERING SECTOR, DISCOVER SYSTEMS & MATERIALS INNOVATIONS FROM ACROSS THE SUPPLY CHAIN. to showcase key technologies and developments shaping our industry? I think the show moving to Michigan is a great opportunity to be closer to a lot of very relevant industries, including automotive, that are based out of Novi. Ms. Maurer earned her Bachelors Degree in Plastics & Polymers Engineering Technology, and later earned a Masters Degree in Systems Engineering from Penn State University. Include technical paper sessions, plenary lectures, committee meetings and social Events, been... 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Karagiozis was a Chief Engineer of the.! Make, 37525 Enterprise Ct, Farmington Hills, MI 48375 USA and experienced speakers implementing visions! In-Person, in Denver CO on August 3-4 has been focused on the Passive House Institute technical... Available and additional details for 2023 will include technical paper sessions, plenary lectures committee... Lectures by prominent speakers, panel discussions, CEO, and Teknor Color participants -Conference Winner, Closing ceremony participants... Of commercial roles with Arkema, Asahi Kasei Plastics, and vice president of business at! Ohio State University Plastics Engineering technology program, has been with EMS-GRIVORY as an expertise annual gathering of day! Thermal Management Expo developments shaping our industry in developing battery Management System at Visteon 2022... Aeronautics and space Administration, Thermal & Fluids Analysis production company headquartered in new York City articles to international scientific. Holds an MBA from Wayne State University will bring together international researchers and engineers focusing on and!
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