Their role is an important part of the Judicial System that generates written documentation (proof) of every process in a Oklahoma court hearing. This means many individuals enjoy the sites accessibility. Before the new rules took effect, online records for Tulsa County gave general information about court filings but left out images of documents such as affidavits, pleadings, traffic tickets, divorces and civil lawsuit petitions. A FAMILY LOAN CO OF EAST TULSA, Plaintiff, v. Terry D. Howard Jr, Defendant. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Open your internet browser and type the website www oscn net on the search bar. The court is composed of ten judges appointed by the governor, with the State Senates direction and approval. TTCU FEDERAL CREDIT UNIONI, Plaintiff, v. RODOLFO URBINA ANAYA, Defendant. Court Records - (918) 596-1625 Jail Booking . How to File a Case; Court CM/ECF Lookup; Get Ready for NextGen CM/ECF; Developer Resources; . The office is open to the public between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from Monday through Friday. A case number also eases the process of storing and accessing case information. A court record in Oklahoma is a file containing information and facts regarding a lawsuit. Armed with these details, visit the clerk's office in person during regular work hours and submit a request to obtain copies of the judgment record. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. To obtain a copy of a dissolution of marriage decree, come to the Court Clerk's Office at 500 South Denver Avenue, Tulsa. They serve either the remaining part of an unexpired term or a full six-year term if they are approved. Tulsa County Courthouse | $20 a day in addition to the current IRS mileage rate of $0.65 per mile effective January 1, 2023. Yearly, roughly Six million individuals visit the website and use it. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). SC-2021-5053: $0.45 ON AC65 STATE JUDICIAL REVOLVING FUND, INTERPRETER SVCS. Other 1016 However, trial transcripts will not be placed online, Smith said. Tulsa County Courthouse | Most times, once the briefing is complete, the Oklahoma Supreme Court will assign the case to an Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals division. It's when people are forced to work, often in . ADDISON MAY BETHEL, Plaintiff, v. CONNER SHERWOOD, Defendant. Questions can be achieved at The Oklahoma Workers Compensation Court of Existing Claims was created as a temporary replacement of the Workers Compensation Court to hear cases that occured before February 1, 2014. Procedures Local Court Rules Protective Orders Courthouse Phone Directory TCBA Lawyer Referral Service Law for People | Accountability Courts UPDATED TULSA COUNTY DISTRICT COURT COVID-19 PROCEDURES Tulsa, Oklahoma - May 5, 2021 Please see the full Administrative Order for complete details. Preliminary hearings, probation, and supervised release revocation proceedings, Misdemeanor pleas and sentencings, and other proceedings, District 1 - Beaver, Cimarron, Harper, and Texas, District 2 - Beckham, Custer, Ellis, Roger Mills, and Washita, District 3 - Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, and Tillman, District 4 - Alfalfa, Blaine, Dewey, Garfield, Grant, Kingfisher, Major, Woods, and Woodward, District 5 - Comanche, Cotton, Jefferson, and Stephens, District 15 - Adair, Cherokee, Muskogee, Sequoyah, and Wagoner, District 16 - Haskell, Latimer, and Le Flore, District 17 - Choctaw, McCurtain, and Pushmataha, District 20 - Carter, Johnston, Love, Marshall, and Murray, District 21 - Cleveland, Garvin, and Mcclain, District 22 - Hughes, Pontotoc, and Seminole, District 24 - Creek, Okfuskee, and Okmulgee. The Supreme Court approved it, and I will follow it.". Property SC-2021-5053: $5.00 ON AC58 OKLAHOMA COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES. If you do not agree with these terms, then do not use our website and/or services. Baker said that identity theft is not a common complaint. All tax review cases are directed to the Chief Justice of Oklahoma, who directs the claim to the presiding judge of the administrative district where the claim arose. 918-596-5000 The Tulsa Municipal Court is a Court of Record, authorized under City Ordinance, with jurisdiction in the City of Tulsa. The Court is responsible for misdemeanor traffic, parking, and criminal offenses, as well as code violations for health, fire, animal, and zoning violations. How long do I have to wait to be seen once I add-on? The director functions under the state courts authority to assist the chief justice in his administrative duties. | 11/05/2020, DISPOSITION; DISPOSED: DISMISSED - RELEASE AND SATISFIED; DISMISSED- SETTLED; PARTY DETAILS; DEFENDANT: HOWARD, TERRY D. JR, CODE: DISPDMRS; DESCRIPTION: RELEASE AND SATISFACTION OF JUDGEMENT; COUNT: 1; PARTY: HOWARD, TERRY D. JR, Tulsa County Courts | Those records include juvenile records, adoptions and mental health records. The Court on the Judiciary is made up of a nine-member Trial Division and a five-member Appellate Division. To search Oklahoma's two court records systems, go to and click on "court dockets" and then click on "search dockets." Choose which county you want to search, or search. Privacy Policy Oklahoma City, OK 73105, Tulsa Office Street Address: 440 S Houston Ave #601. The main purpose of the Kansas State Records website is to give the general public access to these records easily and effectively, as is their right. City: Tulsa. If this is your scenario, mail the Court Clerk named Marie Ramsey with a SASE or Self Addresses Stamp Envelope and $5 for the record search fee. .css-ssatc0{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#798796;font-weight:400;font-family:"Arial",serif;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;text-transform:none;font-style:italic;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}Considered open to citizens of the United States, public records are available through traditional government sources and third-party websites and organizations. Tulsa County Criminal Records 2101 North Lincoln Blvd. Please contact the Administrative Law Judge handling the case if you have questions about a docket notation, or it appears to be incorrect. Please contact the Court Clerk's Officefor corrections if documentation within Case Processing conflicts with the docket notes. Bartlesville Inmate Search 3400 N Martin Luther King Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73111-4298 or P.O. The festival is being planned for Oct. 13-14 at the Broken Arrow Events Park, 21101 E. 101st St. We took out any woke language. Please contact the Court Clerk's Office for records that are not listed below and are within one year subsequent to the hearing. The terms that the judges serve are not fixed, and they may be removed for cause by the Court on the Judiciary. Find Tulsa County, Oklahoma probate records by name, estate number, case number and party type. The Oklahoma State Courts Network or OSCN is a system which helps ensure public safety and judiciary system transparency. The e-supports team is always online to answer your queries. Tulsa County Courthouse | | 04/14/2021, EVENT: FD-2021-949 PO-2021-2218 PO-2023-156 HEARING ON PO-2021-2218 AND PO-2023-156 (IN PERSON, ROOM 348, DAY) RAFAEL GARIBAY REPRESENTED BY LUIS FLORES. For in-person requests, requestors may draft request applications in writing or complete the request form (if available) and submit them in-person at the court clerks office. Find a Case (PACER) Electronic Filing (CM/ECF) FAQs: CM/ECF; Court Records Schedule. | 07/19/2018, CODE: ER; DESCRIPTION: EXECUTION RETURNED PER WRIT 8/10/18. All inquiries will be undertaken to utilize the Federal, State, or Local court systems depending on the persons court records. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}. NEELY, EVELYN M Et Al VS BROOKDALE SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITIES INC Et Al, IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: JOHN EUGENE SMALLWOOD DECEASED. Records filed since Dec. 15 will be available online. Oklahoma landlords must provide the following mandatory disclosures: SC-2021-5053: $0.66 ON AC31 COURT CLERK REVOLVING FUND. WORLD ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, v. THOMAS SHELTON, Defendant. The District Court handles matters in the civil, criminal, and juvenile realms, while the Supreme Court hears cases of appeals and other matters as may be conferred by statute. By continuing to use this website, you agree to UniCourts General Disclaimer, Terms of Service, After the filing of the brief in chief is filed, the appellee must respond within 40 days, and after the response, the appellant has 20 days to answer to the appellees response. 1,385 Sq. Smith's office began placing imaged documents on OSCN, but numerous counties have been doing so for several years. 0. The Tulsa Municipal Court is a Court of Record, authorized under City Ordinance, with jurisdiction in the City of Tulsa. What is a Criminal Court Record Oklahoma criminal court records document the motions, pleas and case files generated during a criminal case. UniCourt uses cookies to improve your online experience, for more information please see our Privacy Policy. RESPONDENT REPRESENTED BY EMILY POTTER. is not a "consumer reporting agency" as defined by Fair Credit Reporting Act. Oklahoma Court Records | Docket Results are updated at least weekly and daily in some instances. Contract Abbreviations before case numbers identify the type of case, including CF for felony cases, CM for misdemeanors, CJ for large civil cases and CS for smaller civil cases. The EPA Public User Group's mission is to provide advice and feedback on the development, implementation, and enhancement of electronic public access services provided by the federal Judiciary, including but not limited to PACER, PACER Case Locator, Multi-court Voice Case Information System applications, and the availability of electronic court SC-2021-5053: $0.98 ON AC67 DISTRICT COURT REVOLVING FUND. You may click on the documents and there must be a print option, if you want it. Then cast your vote, Bruce Springsteen adds to mythology with three-hour show at Tulsa's BOK Center, State board approves new academic standards with Ryan Walters' last-minute revisions, More than 800 Oklahoma medical marijuana farms linked to organized crime, drug agency says, Bill Haisten: A massive event NCAA wrestling in downtown Tulsa, Gov. | 05/29/2018, DISPOSITION; DISPOSED: DISMISSED - RELEASE AND SATISFIED; OTHER; PARTY DETAILS; DEFENDANT: FRANCO, KAYLA N, CODE: DISPDMRS; DESCRIPTION: RELEASE & SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENT; COUNT: 1; PARTY: FRANCO, KAYLA N, Tulsa County Courts | Tulsa County Courthouse 500 South Denver Ave. Room 200 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-3832 918-596-5466 2023 - Tulsa County Court Clerk Accessibility News Open Records Act Privacy ADA Grievance This web site has been prepared for general information purposes only. Personal Injury PAYOR: ASSET RECOVERY MGMT TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: $ 50.00. Traffic Tickets can be paid online, at the Courts address above, or:City Hall175 E 2nd St.Tulsa, OK 74103Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Why or when would I need to be added to the docket? Several fields are optional so you will not have to complete them all. Tulsa County Courthouse | Nearby homes similar to 523 N PEPPERWOOD Ct have recently sold between $415K to $525K at an average of $325 per square foot. Customarily, a court record in Oklahoma is available to the public. Choose the name of the county first before clicking GO. In most cases, the judgment is an adjudication of an individual's legal rights, the appropriate remedy for infringing on those rights, or the penalties for violating state laws. CS-2021-2160: $10.00 ON AC89 COURT CLERK'S RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION FEE. ODCR tends to have older pleadings available online. In Re the marriage of SAMUEL CLIFTON, Petitioner, v. BROOKE CLIFTON, Respondent. You understand and agree that full search reports will only be available after you register for an account or purchase a report. Commonly used abbreviations on OCC Docket Results posted: Oklahoma Corporation Commission We highly recommend coming to Court Records at Municipal Court for further assistance. This system enables the public to check Oklahoma court records easily. Tulsa County Court Clerk Website employee screening. Right after picking Search Documents, you will then proceed on the county selection. Do not forget to write the case details, such as the names involved in the case. The main type of record the federal courts create and maintain is a case file, which contains a docket sheet and all documents filed in a case. "We had a local rule in place that required the filer to redact any sensitive information.". However, requestors are typically required to provide the information needed to facilitate record searches and pay a nominal fee to cover the cost of research and photocopies (if required). Get up-to-the-minute news sent straight to your device. New rules by the Oklahoma Supreme Court governing the use of personal information in public records is getting one of its first tests in Tulsa County. Anyone can visit ODCR com and OSCN net without paying anything. Log in | On Demand Court Records Log In Email Address Password Recover my password Remember me for two weeks. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our Oklahoma Municipal Courts are established to oversee the administration of justice within cities. The search criteria for accessing these records include the partys full name or their case number. Tulsa County Courthouse | It also shows select results from Municipal Court. often depends on the severity of the crime, the number of crimes, and other family matters. This is the appellants opportunity to point out to the appellate court the mistakes that warrant the reversal. Before you try, you need to identify what kinds of court records you are seeking. oklahoma court information system fee - effective 07/01/04: $25.00: lengthy trial fund: $10.00: ok court appointed special advocates: $5.00: 10% of casa to court clerk revolving fund: $0.50: ok council on judicial complaints revolving fund: $1.55: 10% of cojc to court clerk revolving fund: $0.16: state judicial rev. Law enforcement personnel work the scene of a crash following a chase by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol on 21st Street west of Garnett Road on Feb. 25, 2021, in Tulsa. View Tulsa County, Oklahoma child support warrants list, including names, photos and last known addresses. Other Tulsa County Courts | | 06/18/2018, CODE: ATG; DESCRIPTION: ANSWER TO GARNISHMENT BY EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. / 10-19-20 = 10-25-20 / $0.00; PARTY: BRADLEY, DARYL A, CODE: ATG; DESCRIPTION: ANSWER TO GARNISHMENT BY EXPRESS SERVICES, INC. / 10-26-20 = 11-1-20 / $0.00; PARTY: BRADLEY, DARYL A, Tulsa County Courts | services for any purpose covered by the FCRA, including but not limited to tenant or Please go back to the search page and start over . Tulsa County is following Supreme Court guidelines. Correction: A Tuesday Tulsa World story contained incorrect information for the date that Tulsa County District Court officials began placing an expanded list of records online. Property Free Search. Optional data may also be provided during the search if available. Small claims in Oklahoma refer to actions for retrieving money due to a breach of contract, for damage, or to recover private property, if the money involved is not more than $10,000. Oklahoma judgment records are court documents containing information about a court's determination of a matter filed in its jurisdiction. Countless Oklahoma courts offer admission to their files using a digital portal, and individual court documents are available to look over via the internet. LINE ITEMS: CS-2021-2160: $33.00 ON AC01 CLERK FEES. | 07/23/2021, CODE: EX; DESCRIPTION: LUDI LEITCH, DEBORRAH: PLAIN EXECUTION ISSUED (POST JUDGMENT)- SIGNED ORDER, CODE: JEJ; DESCRIPTION: JOURNAL ENTRY OF JUDGMENT, Tulsa County Courts | If this happens, the parties should inform the judge that the case has been resolved between parties. The Oklahoma Supreme Court hears civil appeals from the states trial courts, and all lower courts, except the Oklahoma Court on the Judiciary, and the Oklahoma Senate, when that body is sitting as a Court of Impeachment. You can choose the Help page located at They perform the duty of generating, maintaining, and responding to official court records requests. Sex Offender Records. Oklahoma Criminal Court of Appeals is the state's last resort court as regards criminal cases. In 1984, the .css-9c6ohv{font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-weight:400;font-size:14px;line-height:22px;font-family:"Arial",serif;color:#1b395e;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}.css-9c6ohv:hover{color:#d30000;}Oklahoma Open Records Act was passed and was later amended in 1988. Bixby Municipal Court Records Oklahoma also offers online access for court dockets and legal research for most county courts and all Oklahoma appellate courts. Once I get there, what can I expect to happen? "But it's not my job to agree with it 100 percent. Recorder, Clerk. uses public and private sources of information to supply you with search LINE ITEMS: SC-2021-5053: $73.00 ON AC01 CLERK FEES. Unfortunately, in many areas of the Tulsa County, Wagoner Family Law Cases: Oklahoma State Courts Network Tulsa, OK 74103, Sign up for GovDelivery and be the first to receive our latest news and events, = Protested and scheduled for the date listed, = The cause was "Ready" to be heard during docket call, = Interim Order Recommended with a Reopen Date, = The Cause was continued to the listed date, = (Applicant prepares order)(OAC 165:5-9-2(e)(2)), = Dismissed Motion of Applicant (Court Clerk prepares order)(OAC 165:5-9-2(e)(1)), Pipeline Accident/Incident and Excavation Report, Report an Inaccurate and/or Non-Functioning EV Charging Station, Report a Utility Operating Outside of OCC Regulation, Administrative, Judicial & Legal Services. The rules for the practice of law govern the conduct of attorneys and instill discipline when necessary. By clicking I Agree, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms of Service, and agree not to use any information gathered through this website for any purpose under the FCRA, including but not limited to evaluating eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or tenancy. You have many rights as a defendant in municipal court: None of this information should be considered legal advice and you should consult with an attorney to be fully advised of your legal rights. 500 S Denver St., Tulsa, OK 74103. In re the Marriage of: NICHOLS, SUMMER and NICHOLS, JERRY JR. SAMONE HUNTER, Plaintiff, v. MIDCENTURY INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. The Appellate Divisions is the last resort court on matters relating to judicial complaints, and even the Oklahoma Supreme Court can not change the courts decisions. The courts jurisdiction may be activated by the Governor, Attorney General, Oklahoma Supreme Court, the Oklahoma Bar Association, or the House of Representatives. Tulsa County Courthouse | . "We want to err on the side of caution and not allow the posting of a document with language in violation of the law, which prohibits the online public record of an offensive act outlined in the law," Rhodes said. Therefore no two cases have the same case numbers. CS-2021-2160: $0.66 ON AC31 COURT CLERK REVOLVING FUND. It is one of the two highest judicial bodies in Oklahoma and oversees the judiciary of the state. A lot of cases before 1994 are not included on OSCN net so you must expect that if the case that you are looking for is before OSCN, contact the Court Clerk immediately. Phone (918)596-5801 Fax (918)596-5819. results. Your efforts made a difference! The presiding judge is responsible for the functioning of the court. The six will remain seated and the trial will begin. CS-2021-59: $10.00 ON AC89 COURT CLERK'S RECORDS MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION FEE. GOODMAN & ASSOCIATES LLC, Plaintiff, v. NATIONAL AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant, and AMERICAN BANK OF OKLAHOMA, Defendant, v. MICHAEL GOODMAN, 3rd Party Defendant. Tulsa County Courts | Tulsa County Courthouse | These courts may exist at the Federal, Oklahoma State, Tulsa County, and local levels. are focusing on family therapy and relationships rather than punishment for juvenile crimes. . The Oklahoma court system comprises the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Court of Civil Appeals, District Courts, and Courts of limited jurisdiction. County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. Court records are frequently a matter of public record and accessible for public viewing. After initially proposing redaction of key identifiers, including dates of birth and home addresses, the Supreme Court reversed its own proposal Dec. 12, striking rules for redaction or partial redaction. Contract Tulsa County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Tulsa County Courthouse | Don't have an account yet? Can I get a confirmation of service for my employer?Yes, we can provide letters of confirmation for your service, What kind of cases will I possibly be a juror for?Misdemeanor criminal and traffic cases. To search Oklahoma's two court records systems, go to and click on "court dockets" and then click on "search dockets." Tulsa County Court Clerk Sally Howe Smith has begun posting civil pleadings, criminals charges and other court documents on the Internet, she said. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. You may decide to visit the location or contact through e-mail. Find Public Records in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma This page lists public record sources in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma. Perform a free Tulsa County, OK public court records search, including court dockets, files, transcripts, and case lookups & searches. It is a limited jurisdiction court of justice that handles cases involving injuries that occur while an employee is working within the scope of employment. Here are guidelines regarding the price of services you might need: The case search isnt supported in mobile format. Search public court records from Tulsa County Court in Oklahoma online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, filing date, courthouse, case type, party type, party representation, and more. BOTH PARTIES NEED A SPANISH INTERPRETER. LVNV FUNDING LLC, Plaintiff, v. JOHN RUSSELL, Defendant. In Re the marriage of RAFAEL GARIBAY, Petitioner, v. ADRIANA ALVIZAR, Respondent. Tulsa County Courthouse | However, a defendant must be accurately presented with the legal action in small claims and regular civil lawsuits. Tulsa County Courts | CODE: ACCOUNT; DESCRIPTION: RECEIPT # 2018-3807461 ON 08/06/2018. In contrast, a criminal case transpires due to acts allegedly conducted by an individual considered a danger to society. SOLD DEC 3, 2021. Tulsa County Courthouse | Location: Oklahoma Judicial Center 2100 N Lincoln Blvd, Send e-mail to E-mail: A small claim action may be settled before or after a trial. Mandatory Disclosure in Oklahoma. If a plaintiff files a small claim legal action and cannot locate the defendant, it may take two to three months before the court renders the judgment. Stitt expresses 'strong disagreement' with Oklahoma AG over Catholic charter school, A 'slow starvation of law enforcement' is why nearly half of murders go unsolved, Yosemite National Park closed due to deep snow, US-China hearings: Committee chair warns of 'existential struggle', A mystery object being dragged into the center of our galaxy is perplexing scientists. The Supreme Court also hears challenges to state laws and changes to the constitution. However, any persons convicted of a felony are subject to be disqualified if they have not had their civil rights restored. The Tulsa County Court Records Search (Oklahoma) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Tulsa County public records. A civil case typically includes a private disagreement involving two parties or institutions. Choose which county you want to search, or search all at once, in the drop-down box listing counties that are part of the OSCN system. All Rights Reserved. | 01/05/2021. You further agree not to use the information provided for any unlawful purposes and you understand that we cannot confirm that information provided below is accurate or complete. Oklahoma Court Records On Demand Search. Interested persons can find case numbers by performing a search on the courts case search portal with the partys name or company name of one of the parties to the case. Individuals or organizations filing for bankruptcy often engage the services of an experienced bankruptcy attorney, as the filing process can sometimes be complex. You can now request a on-street metered parking citation waiver if you park at an on-street parking meter and need to take alternate transportation (commercial or public) for safety reasons. The governor appoints the presiding judge among the courts judges to serve a two-year term. It is necessary to indicate the requested court records and the number of copies required if copies will be made. Property CODE: GSIMA; DESCRIPTION: GARNISHMENT SUMMONS ISSUED MAILED BY PLAIN OR ATTORNEY, Tulsa County Courts | If the counterclaim is filed accurately and not less than 72 hours before the time set for the defendants appearance, then the judge will try the counterclaim together with the original claim and give judgment in both. A defendant has the right to assert claims against the plaintiff in the form of a counterclaim when a plaintiff files a small claims case. TULSA County Court Clerk: Don Newberry Courthouse Address: 500 S. Denver Ave Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103 Hours of Operation: 8:00am to 5:00pm Phone: (918) 596-5000 Fax: (918) 596-5402 County Case Search Judicial District 14 There are 2 counties in Judicial District 14 Pawnee Tulsa District Judges Cantrell, Daman H. Tulsa County Courthouse There are many reasons for the rise in youth offenders. 201 West 5th Street Suite 540 CS-2021-59: $1.55 ON AC59 COUNCIL ON JUDICIAL COMPLAINTS REVOLVING FUND. Search Bixby Municipal Court violations record by citation number, driver's license, or social security number. 9 talking about this. Docket Results are updated at least weekly and daily in some instances. Lots of people come every day to search for cases. Anyone may initiate a search by visiting Oklahoma or another states court website. You can file, research, and track cases anytime, anywhere there's an internet connection. Notice: Your use of is conditioned on your full compliance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. And facts regarding a lawsuit available after you register for an account or purchase a report eases the process storing! Use of is conditioned ON your full compliance with our terms of Service and Privacy.! View Tulsa County Courthouse | However, a court record in Oklahoma a! Composed of ten judges appointed by the governor appoints the presiding judge is responsible for the functioning of the,. 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