voters guide washington county, pa

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voters guide washington county, pa

Answer to question: As a Conservative, I am shocked that Washington Co. is even considering Home Rule. High 69F. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. OR Answer to question: Iraq War Veteran, founder of several small businesses in Wash Co., including Boord, Benchek and Assoc. Owner partner of family contracting business for over 35 years. My professional positions include Senior Accountant, Cost Accountant, Financial Analyst and Operational Senior Accountant in charge of accounting policy and procedures. My background as a teacher and former Prothonotary provides me with a unique viewpoint regarding this study. Shall RENEE COHN JUBELIRER be retained for an additional term as Judge of Commonwealth Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? Building your Pennsylvania Guide . Subject to submission of information required by law, an absentee voter may receive necessary assistance in completing the absentee ballot application and ballot. Education: Penn State University Class of 1994 BA in History, Qualifications: 13 years in the gaming industry, 12.5 of which was spent in supervisory and managerial roles, For More Information: Website:, Facebook: Answer to question: 1) Protect Washington County tax dollars through transparency and accountability, promising to be a true independent voice in looking at, auditing and potentially scrutinizing our Countys spending and making sure our residents know exactly what their tax dollars are being spent on. Voter Identification The voted absentee ballot must be received by the County Board of Elections no later than 8:00 P.M. on Election Dayin person by the voter, orthrough the mail. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Shapiros opponent, Doug Mastriano is an extreme MAGA Republican, an insurrectionist and a threat to Pennsylvanians freedoms and futures. All documents are recorded the day received and returned immediately. this Pennsylvania Legislature search tool. Candidates participating in this year's general election were invited to submit information to the League of Women. Polls are open on election day from7 A.M. - 8 P.M. Last day toregister to vote:May2, 2022, Last day torequest a mail-in or absentee ballot:May 10, 2022, Last day toregister to vote:October 24, 2022, Last day torequest a mail-in or absentee ballot:November 1, 2022. News from the Chairman of the Board (Fall 2022) October 4, 2022. I am also a member of the Washington County District Attorneys Drug Task Force. Mail-in Voting Qualifications: 20 years criminal & civil law experience. As a lifelong Pennsylvanian dedicated to public service, Fetterman will fight to ensure we all have the tools we need to thrive: health care, housing, education, a living wage, a healthy environment and equal protection of our rights and freedoms. Stay tuned for information for upcoming elections. Click here to view our 2023 Washington County, PA Election Guide where you can find information and links regarding absentee voting, candidates, polling places, registration, and much more. ES&S ExpressVote 2.1 to mark their ballot and the candidates. I will make fair decisions based on facts and community safety. Approved forms of non photo ID (ID must include your name and current address) I was an advocate, community service coordinator and currently a legal assistant with the Intake Unit of the District Attorneys Office. Celina Stewart spoke with The 19th about voting rights bills and priorities in statehouses across the country. The contact information can be found here: 2) Continue to maintain the integrity of all land records, keeping efficiency, cost effectiveness and customer service top priorities. 2022 General Election Voters Guide - Voters' guide: 2022 general election Candidates participating in Pennsylvania's 2022 general election were invited to submit. I have no preconceived ideas of how or what should be done. You can further customize your guide by identifying your district, which should be listed on your ballot. Look at Allegheny Co, where Rich Fitzgerald acts like a dictator, with zero input from what was previously 3 County Commissioners. Candidates for municipal offices and school directors are not included in this years Guide. The Black Political Empowerment Project partnered with the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh for a campaign educating currently or formerly incarcerated individuals of their voting rights. In the state legislature, the majority party has absolute control over the legislative and budget process, including what bills are given a vote and what spending priorities are made. Education: West Catholic High School and went on to graduate Howard University in Washington DC & received my Law Degree in 2002 from Rutgers University School of Law in NJ. How do I file a request for Open Records? Delaware Law School at Widener University 1992, Qualifications: Current Judge on our PA Superior Court; Served 6 years as Judge, Court of Common Pleas; Chief and ADA, Phila District Attorneys Office; Rated Highly Recommended for the Supreme Court by the PA Bar Association, Campaign website:, Education: Widener Commonwealth Law School, summa cum laude (2nd in class), Managing Editor Law Review; Lycoming College (B.A., Accounting/Economics), magna cum laude, Qualifications: President Judge of the Pa. Commonwealth Court; over 11 years as statewide appellate court judge (elected 2009, retained 2019); Pa. If you have questions about the accessible devices or features, contact the county. To obtain this service one must possess knowledge of required laws and regulations used in the office including PA Recording Act, County Code, PA Department of Revenue Realty Transfer Tax Act, Historical Museum Commission rules and regulations, Notary Act, budgeting practices and requirements, all of which I possess. You may select fewer than the maximum number of candidates. He is opposed to marriage equality and gay adoption. Nothing in this guide should be construed as an endorsement of any candidate or position by the League of Women Voters. Answer to question: I feel that my degree from W&J College in Political Science and History as well as my more than 20 years of involvement in several local and countywide organizations has prepared me to be a conscientious choice for the Government Study Commission. 27 Feb 2023 18:30:53 Whether it's local, state or federal, every election is important to ensuring our laws and policies reflect the values and beliefs of our communities. fundraisers, work the polls, attend TownHalls & council meetings, volunteer for candidates, educate my children & taught myself about local government. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. You can access these features at the bottom of the screen while voting, by selecting the help icon at the top of the screen, or using the tactile keypad. Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers. An Official Pennsylvania Government Website. The 2021 primary election in Pennsylvania is May 18. Voters have until November 8 at 8pm to return their mail-in ballots. Education: B.S.B.A. If you do not understand the message on the screen, ask for help from a poll worker. We'd love to hear eyewitness I feel I could make an impact by bringing fresh ideas and make positive improvements where necessary. The State Board of Elections has published a brief summary of security measures in place for Maryland's elections on its website.You may also encounter other rumors about the election process and we encourage you to check the Rumor Control section of the State Board of Elections website. Thank you for Reading! The Washington County, Pennsylvania Election Guide brings together local election information, polling places, poll locations, poll times from independent public sources like the League of Women Voters; and the Vote Smart project. The Commission is expected to report back to the public within nine months. Education: B. S. of Education California Univ. Education: 1972 Honor graduate from Avella High School, Qualifications: Held the following positions in the office: Clerk Typist-I, Clerk Typist-II, Assistant Deputy, Deputy, Recorder of Deeds, For More Information: cell phone: 724-483-2238, Facebook Page 1: Debbie Bardella for Recorder of Deeds@bardellaforrecorderofdeeds. Qualifications: Trial Court Judge since 2002; Jury and Non-jury experience; Presided in Family, Criminal and Civil Divisions; Former Corporate Executive, Non-Profit Leader; Adjunct Professor; National Leader in trauma informed courts; Led the creation of victim centered juvenile human trafficking court in Phila. We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. For More Information: Facebook: April Sloane for Washington County Controller. The three-step process of voting 1) select candidates to create your ballot, 2) review your selections on your printed ballot, and 3) submit your ballot to the scanner for tabulation can be reviewed on a video at Find your polling location and check your voter registration status using this Department of State tool. Elections. I vote and pay taxes here, my children attend public school here, and my family owns a business here. E-mail: INFO@LOUREDAFORSHERIFF.COM/LOUREDAFORSHERIFF@GMAIL.COM, For More Information: WWW.LOUREDAFORSHERIFF.COM, Facebook LOU REDA FOR SHERIFF. Voters will respond to two issues concerning the Government Study Commission on the November 2, 2021 ballot. Make your selections by touching the screen. Low 47F. You can also check out the widget to find Washington County, PA's polling places, times and Education: Immaculate Conception High School (87), Washington and Jefferson College (91), Pennsylvania State Police Academy (92). Only first time voters and voters voting at a new precinct for the first time are required to show ID when voting. Any registered voter who, because of illness or physical disability; observance of a religious holiday; absence from municipality due to work duties, vacation, or school; or election duties is unable to attend his or her polling placeis entitled to apply for and vote by Absentee Ballot. In emergency situations such as an unexpected illness or physical disability and last minute absence following the absentee ballot application deadline of 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday before the election can request an Emergency Absentee Ballot. By entering your address you can view the races and questions that will be on your ballot plus make side-by-side comparisons on the issues that matter most to you (for any address in the United States). As a candidate on the commission, it is an honor to represent all constituents with integrity, truth and a proactive approach to study Home Rule. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. (You can also check to see if candidates submitted responses after our 8/29/2022 publication date.). If independent thinkers like me get on thi. The League of Women Voters of Washington County (MD). Ballot order was determined by a random process arranged by the County Election Office. If you see a message saying the ballot was NOT successfully cast, you may need to review your ballot again. An Alternative Ballot is a paper ballot that resembles an Absentee Ballot and may be delivered to the County Board of Elections in person, by an authorized representative, or through theU.S. Mail. View voting information for military/overseas voters. The County Board of Elections must receive the vote Alternative Ballot no later than 8:00 P.M. on Election Day. Answer to question: As a lifelong resident of Washington County, I have voted in every election since I was 18. For voter database information please contactthe County Elections Officeat 724-228-6750. From Washington County school board members to executive level public servants. Qualifications: I have been in Accounting and Finance for 15 years; working in public, private and non-profit sectors. See official rules here. I work with all 11 magistrates, while also working with 10 assistant district attorneys and law enforcement. In 240 years no changes have occurred in our government structure; now is the time for this Study. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Log In. If you are a new voter or are voting at a polling place for the first time, you must bring your voter ID card or a photo ID such as a drivers license, student ID, or some other form of federal or state government issued ID. ERNEST J BENCHEK IIIMunicipality: Peters Township. Senator John Fetterman Statewide Races Governor House District 39 House District 40 House District 50 Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 8th Information below is from the last election (November 8th, 2022). Answer to question: Government MUST be Fair, Accountable, Transparent at all levels! Answer to question: If elected to serve on the Home Rule committee, I believe my education and government experience will be beneficial and productive to effectively examine our form of government. Josh Shapiro and Austin Davis will fight to protect all Pennsylvanians and their rights and freedoms. Your location has several House districts. Take your printed ballot to the ballot scanner and insert it into the scanner. The Password you will want to enter is the Correspondence ID Number that is in the very first email you received. Washington County Voter Guide Federal U.S. Please contact the Lobbying Disclosure Department by or call 717-787-5280 for assistance. Answer to question: I have worked as a chemistry professor at West Chester University and Delaware State University. Fill in the bubble next to "Write-in" AND write the name of the candidate on the line. I have the experience with serving the public, the experience with helping to find common ground on difficult issues and experience in reaching a compromise working with business and community leaders. Emergency Mgt. League of Women Voters of Washington County Voters Guide,,,, Just Fontaine, who scored 13 goals at 1958 World Cup, dies, Penguins bring 3-game win streak into matchup with the Lightning, New perspectives on groundbreaking weight loss drugs, South Strabane man convicted of child rape sentenced to prison, PASSHE seeks $112 million to address teacher shortage. How do I check my voter registration status? If you are unfamiliar with Vote 411, it is a national database designed to help voters make important electoral . Answer to question: As an attorney who has concentrated in government, municipal, and school law for much of my legal career, I can bring an informed, objective, and neutral viewpoint to the commission. About Voter Rights My background as Mayor of the City of Washington and my work experience will help assist the committee when determining if changes are warranted. I have never run for political office, and I dont want to! Except in case of an emergency, a voter who qualifies for an Alternative Ballot must submit an application to the County Board of Elections no later than 5:00 P.M. on the Tuesday before Election Day. Washington County Voting and Elections Office. I read of Diana Irey Vaughan's decision to not run for re-election as county commissioner which is Washington County's loss. Only elected official in Washington County to e-record. High around 70F. Here is the information you need to know to navigate the voting. Lt. As a drug law enforcement officer, I can tell you firsthand that the opioid crisis has not gone away, and I will continue to work closely to eradicate this problem by expanding the DARE Program and working with the District Attorneys Drug Task Force to keep this poison out of our community. Past employment in small business & govt, including hiring, supervising, reviewing profit/loss for small business; 10+ yrs learning about local political issues (forums, mtgs, meeting candidates); long-time resident of Wash. Co.; mother; graduate courses in research & program eval; psychologist. Attorney in private practice. Agency 1985-95, Acting Director Washington Co. Return Ballots by November 8th. Campaign website:, Facebook:, Education: McKeesport Area Senior High Duquesne University B.A. Absentee Voting An Emergency application and ballot can be obtained and voted by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2, 2021. Give your spoiled ballot to the poll worker. Some forms of non-photo ID are also acceptable, such as a firearm permit, bank statement, paycheck, or government check. I am versed in a variety of industries including but not limited to manufacturing, energy, healthcare and construction. I will look at all transactions and contracts ensuring those financial interactions will benefit ALL residents of the County. Answer to question: My priority will be to ensure the integrity of the Sheriffs office. All rights reserved (About Us). We have collected the responses from candidates running for office in Washington County in the Vote 411 database for the 2022 Gubernatorial Election and have published the results in PDF format here. accounts, the history behind an article. For the last generation, nearly a quarter century, the Republican party has had near complete control of the General Assembly. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Wash., Fayette, Greene Co., Retired Board Member: Area Agency on Aging, Leadership Wash. Co., Wash. Co. Transportation Authority, Wash. Co. Planning Commission Advisory Com., Former Pitt Faculty member, current Pastoral Council member of St. Oscar Romero Parish, Answer to question: As a teacher/ coach for 38 years in Washington county I was very involved with students and families in the communities. You are to vote for members of the commission even if you vote against its establishment. | Duquesne University School of Law Juris Doctor, Qualifications: Highly Recommended by the Pennsylvania Bar Association; Endorsed by the PA Dem; Serving as a Judge since 2016; Appointed by the Governor and unanimously confirmed by the PA Senate; Adjunct Law Professor; National Judicial Fellow; Domestic Violence National Expert; former prosecutor family violence, Campaign website:, Facebook: http://@judgespurgeon4commonwealthcourt, Education: B.A. Qualifications: Deputy Sheriff 32 years, passed MDJ class, DARE officer, Hostage and Crisis negotiator, Past union president, Deacon@ his church, ran safety consulting company. Answer to question: In my six years of service on Peters Township Council, I have utilized the skills developed over my twenty years as a practicing attorney to assist in resolving difficult issues. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. Their contact information can be found here: About the Voter Database Is there a mental health treatment center that can help children or adolescents nearby? Answer to question: I have served my community as a volunteer in many capacities, Bentworth School District as a School Director for 12 years, and the county as a member of the Democratic Committee. Government Study Commission candidates were asked to respond to the question that follows in 325 characters or less. -Know the exact name and spelling of the candidate you are writing in on the ballot. Answer to question: A licensed, practicing attorney, I served Washington County for 20+ years as the First Assistant Public Defender, then as Assistant District Attorney. Current pay check - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Poll workers are trained to maintain the secrecy of your ballot. If you have questions about voting in Washington County, Welcome! 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