C do it well. WW3K_3ed_TRB4_EPS7617_int.indd 17 PmpqgM111111luhio684537maac111iskpne354DDACCDstelesiemmizpbe111ra98012c..eccpsdlooeraewnpincsteiohprlsiienceg 1 2epsbooks.com/WW3000 3 4 co1n9.temA pt 13. deliberate 5 se2n0s.it1iC.vaencie1n4t. dliivneglishood 11 2. patriotism Les7s.odnism1 aT2ye.esedtxposed 12. la1ck8e.7d.Castoun2.dsehdallow 12. rec7i.ta7lD.skeen 2. misfortune12 drpdcumbrhrleaeeeoaetriaecaspmcotmsvinmkeoslerjeeetaeepermaeldefrdcsoliyrketdemtpeatsneedebtdnlededW1111o2150316243987r111111d.819421053lyDAAACABCDDCBCrpalherbraeeeWfareacfpmcosinkeoilerjseeaeceem111111edtfrdcs3485967012345iktem3t.asn0appicaeaprcrgebmteeoh0sactaeranltctstaneeg0prsrdoepiisacartvteoenuioeirallemrsslydadTnnflehessuceiedsleidstelsadetedicddch111e625143534rsecspacebrceolxfaeeRLi322222222212ofcmlcsrneeeu054968713290oreem111111ecscasmme189h201345tfsoitditneoCABCCACABCBDmutigprgcparssnrmeeehtelarcistcnae3spmrepeisacdrtonioeiB111111paTlemssydfn3596748e021354lsohdessueie.sseiodslesdtfcaikselessvetdkniluceoiiljemqmeccetusirn4euxetztrcrbpifanieoritrmb1urpny1ual/sp1tence5e/e1d1d17in3:1114g0634125453:s41 Lesson 2 Lesson 5 L453. Lesson 1 Test 18. D light rain. D 19. The Cherokee alphabet is different from the English one. What is the meaning of develop as it is used in the passage? TIhicNk bGark helSps EtheVm rEesisRt dEisease. To cause fear, worry, or surprise (1) 2 5. Which is a sufficient amount of food? 1. sufficient 6. develo1p. A N T A G11. B 20. WORDLY WISE 3OOO 3rd Edition BookTeachers Resource Book 4 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Test continued 32. It has been calculated that a full-grown sequoia A B I L I T Yepsbooks.com1/5W. B 13. A a puddle 2. 27. equip6p.ecdommunicat 7. A 15. B C 123.19AD. D 10. D 267. Which is a patriotic action? Cherokee Syllabaries, as written dialects of Cherokee language, were created by him. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Then fill inthe circle next to your answer.1. A hole or tunnel dug by an animal (3) 2 8. distributed 6 2. patriotism 7. disma2y. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. The Phonetic Alphabet assigns code words to each of the 26 letters of the alphabet. D leaves his or her country. C not very smart. Why would a school have a benefit? Why werent any books written in Cherokee before 1821?vocabulary words inorder to be able to _____________________________________________________________answer them. B Lesson 3 Test 4. 13. C are falling out. D Do not send any e-mail messages. The chart of Cherokee symbols usually consists of a column for each vowel and a row for each consonant of Cherokee. Indian Country Extension - Copyright University of Arizona. WORDLY WISE 3OOO 3rd Edition BookTeachers Resource Book 4 Lesson 1Name __________________________________________________ Date _________________Lesson 1 TestChoose the best way to complete each sentence or answer each question. A loud bang. Despite this disapproval, Sequoyah was determined to give the Cherokee language a written form.Unfortunately, the War of 1812 forced him to put his plans to develop a written Cherokee language on hold. because it In the case of the English alphabet, it is based on the Latin alphabet with 23 letters. A 13. S T OR ME N T E OL E1. The Cherokees could read in their own newspapers what was happening to them as a people. That means each Cherokee symbol represents a syllable, not just a consonant or a vowel. A mosquito bit Darryls leg, and an display itchy bump developed. A to raise money for the school C suggests that her patients exercise B to give parents and teachers a regularly. B was born in a certain country. B 20. M18L E T 10 T 11 12 (Possible U R O OC EA N may vary.) He began considering how the Cherokee might devise a system of writing tailored to the sounds of their own language. laE ck, excessV DECA Y A 89 XL GAS H AT T EN D1E Passage Tp. difficulty, ease Lessons 9124. of the letters C and K? B 11. C A by getting enough exercise B a shortage of rain 3. D planned. D 21. I have a complete set of Laura Ingalls Wilders books. 37 Years old Native American, with a strong connection to my history, culture and earthly roots. 339. 11. To burn slightly (2) 2 2. D felt glad. Carmina has a new project. was dismayed that white people were taking over more and more of the Cherokee lands.It incorporates all There was no easy way for Cherokees to be in touch with each other because they lacked a written language. B the main plan The spines C someone who is good at planning D a silly plan A are flat. how many syllables are in cherokee language? C all of Wilders books. 16. A bored C a new plan for organizing her B alert C sleepy baseball cards. She has 9. D send him or her a package.2. 12. The new building is complete. He is the only person inhistory to have invented a alphabet.5. This made it possible for the Cherokee to achieve mass literacy in a short period of time. C 11. By the year 1809, he had spent considerable time thinking about the written forms of communication used by European Americans and the power of written language. A mind. C 6. Native American scholar Sequoyah taught his tribe a system of writing, giving the Cherokee language its own unique identity. Over the next couple of years, a large proportion of the Cherokee population attained literacy. Something said or expressed (1) 1 6. But he is which has been remembered today for inventing a written language.aligned with Sequoya was a member of the Cherokee nation, the son of a Native American mother and a British father. A works there. The newspaper and other written messages helped maintain Cherokee unity and solidarity at a time when the Cherokee nation was dispersed geographically by the Indian Removal Act and divided politically by tensions between traditionalist and assimilationist factions.In the 21st century, Sequoyahs Cherokee syllabary remains in use, and is visible on street signs and buildings across the Cherokee Nation (located in northeast of the U.S. state of Oklahoma), where Cherokee is the co-official language alongside English. D comment.3. C 10. The man and the document turn out to be very impressive, indeed. WORDLY WISE 3OOO 3rd Edition BookTeachers Resource Book 4 Lesson 1Answer KeyLessssoonn 1 Lesson 21A Finding Meanings p. 5 2A Finding Meanings p. 13 p. 151. bd 4. bc 7. ca 1. cb 5. db 8. ca2. The letter 'I' was called 'yod' in 1000 BC. C 1290.26AC. Lesson 2 Lesson 5 Lesson 813. What European alphabet has the most letters? There is no such thing as a Hispanic Alphabet. B 12.
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