PRINCE, VICKIE ANNE : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. RANKIN, BRUCE G. : DELAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. RAVID, JOSEPH : PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDAMore Dr. REDRICK, SCOTT J. : CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDAMore Dr. REES , RYAN R. : DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. REZNICK, STEVEN E : BOCA RATON, FLORIDAMore Dr. RICHARD, DANA P : GREENACRES, FLORIDAMore Dr. RICHMOND, HENRY J. : ATLANTIS, FLORIDAMore Dr. ROBERT, VERA M : NAPLES, FLORIDAMore Dr. ROBINSON, KEITH J. : OAKLAND PARK, FLORIDAMore Dr. RODRIGUEZ, CARLOS F : OCALA, FLORIDAMore Dr. ROPER, DANIEL L : NICEVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. ROSENFIELD, LOUIS D : PORT CHARLOTTE, FLORIDAMore Dr. ROSS, MICHAEL L : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. RUBIN, MARK S : ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. SCIARRINO, JOHN F : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. SEIFER, ALAN S : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. SELANDER, GUY T. : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. SEOANE, SERGIO B. : LAKELAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. These CFI errors waste applicants' time and money while also squandering scarce DPE appointments, SAFE officials noted. 800 Independence Avenue, SW All flight training is conducted in aircraft. For those seeking check rides, from private pilot to multi-engine ATP's, Joey "Gordo" Sanders is an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) and conducts check rides onsite at Sanders Aviation. Designated Pilot Examiner ( DPE) Integrated Airman Certification and/or Rating Application ( IACRA) Sport Pilot Training & Testing Airmen Practical Test Standards ( PTS) Aeronautical Information Manual ( AIM) Become a Pilot Frequently Asked Questions Pilot Schools Data Accident & Incident Data Regulations & Guidance Advisory Circulars ( ACs) There are a lot of designated pilot examiners in the world, and FAA standardization should make every test equal. LE, FRANCIS K. : MIRAMAR BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. LEACH, GREGORY E : NAPLES, FLORIDAMore Dr. LEVINE, RICHARD A : BOCA RATON, FLORIDAMore Dr. LEWIS SPEICHER, LEIGH E : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. LOEWENHERZ, JAMES W : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. LOJKO, ALBERT T : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. LOJKO, ALBERT T : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. LOUISVILLE, TOMMY L. : POLK CITY, FLORIDAMore Dr. LOZMAN, PHILIP R : MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. LUCEY, RICHARD W : PENSACOLA, FLORIDAMore Dr. MACDONALD, MICHAEL J : MELBOURNE, FLORIDAMore Dr. MACDONALD, STEPHEN H : MELBOURNE, FLORIDAMore Dr. MACELUCH, JOHN J : PANAMA CITY, FLORIDAMore Dr. MACKAY, JOHN T. : TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDAMore Dr. MACOOL, JAMES J : ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDAMore Dr. MARAVEL, RICHARD N. : TRINITY, FLORIDAMore Dr. MARCH, PAUL F : ZEPHYRHILLS, FLORIDAMore Dr. MARKS, MITCHELL L : PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDAMore Dr. MARTIN, GAINES C : ORANGE PARK, FLORIDAMore Dr. MATRICIA, DANIEL J. : FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. MC CAULEY, JAMES W : BOCA RATON, FLORIDAMore Dr. MC CLURE, JOSEPH A : MELBOURNE, FLORIDAMore Dr. MCCANN, ROBERT K : BRADENTON, FLORIDAMore Dr. MCMICKEN, THOMAS E : BARTOW, FLORIDAMore Dr. MELVIN, ELLEN T : VERO BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. MENDHI, MOHAMMED : ORANGE PARK, FLORIDAMore Dr. MENENDEZ, EUGENIO L. : POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. MIGNOGNA, JOSEPH J. : CAPE CANAVERAL, FLORIDAMore Dr. MILLER, RICHARD D : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. MIRABAL, JUAN D. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. MOFFITT, ANDREW S : NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. MOORE, LOUIS S. : NAPLES, FLORIDAMore Dr. MORRISON, LOUIS T : PLANTATION, FLORIDAMore Dr. MUMMERY, CHARLES R : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. NATOLI, BARTHOLOMEW F : SEMINOLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. NELSON, SUSAN F. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. NEWMAN, CHRISTOPHER : SAINT PETERSBURG, FLORIDAMore Dr. NORDT, JOHN CHARLES : CORAL GABLES, FLORIDAMore Dr. NORENBERG, ERIC JON : PONTE VEDRA BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. NUNEZ, MIGUEL A. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. OHAYON, KEVIN A : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. OKTAVEC, WILLIAM J : SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDAMore Dr. OSUJI, CHUMA G. : TAMPA, FLORIDAMore Dr. OWI, ENIOLA A : TAMPA, FLORIDAMore Dr. PACE, JOSEPH N. : BRADENTON, FLORIDAMore Dr. PERDOMO, ALEX C : OCOEE, FLORIDAMore Dr. PERRAUD, GEORGE O. : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. POTASH, IRWIN M : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. POWELL, STEVEN T : OCALA, FLORIDAMore Dr. Dan Namowitz has been writing for AOPA in a variety of capacities since 1991. You can complete the CE-500 Type Rating Training Course in as little as 5 days. CHAMBERS, T EUGENE : SANFORD, FLORIDAMore Dr. CHANMUGAM, JAY CROSSETTE : ORANGE CITY, FLORIDAMore Dr. CHAPNICK, BERNARD S. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. CHODOSH, LANCE I : GAINESVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. CLARK, STEVEN L : NICEVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. CLARY, JAMES K : FORT MYERS, FLORIDAMore Dr. COLOMBO, LIBERTO M : MILTON, FLORIDAMore Dr. CONTARINI, OSVALDO : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. CORBETT, ROBERT M : CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDAMore Dr. COWAN, DAVID F : ORLANDO, FLORIDAMore Dr. CUERVO, HERMINIO : LAKELAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. DELGADO, ARMANDO F : MERRITT ISLAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. DEMARTINO, CIRO K. : MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. DIAZ, CARLOS R : MILTON, FLORIDAMore Dr. DOUGLAS, BRAD : FT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. DOUGLAS, BRAD : ORLANDO, FLORIDAMore Dr. DOVAL, NELSON : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. DRASS, EDWARD F : CAPE CORAL, FLORIDAMore Dr. DROBA, ARTHUR R : SARASOTA, FLORIDAMore Dr. DUNN, CRAIG M. : SARASOTA, FLORIDAMore Dr. EDGEWORTH, DEBORAH J : PANAMA CITY, FLORIDAMore Dr. FAIN, NORMAN F : MELBOURNE, FLORIDAMore Dr. FELDMAN, SETH A : POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. FELDMAN, SETH A : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDAMore Dr. FINE, IRA M. : BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. FLIPSE, THOMAS R. : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. FLOYD, JULIE ANN : KEY WEST, FLORIDAMore Dr. FLYNN, JOSEPH D. : TITUSVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. FORMISANO, MICHAEL W. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. FOWLER, LOUIS B : PENSACOLA, FLORIDAMore Dr. FOX, KEVIN B : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. FRIES, IAN B : VERO BEACH, FLORIDAMore Dr. FULK, BILLY R : FORT MYERS, FLORIDAMore Dr. FURGANG, FRED A. : MIAMI, FLORIDAMore Dr. GALLAGHER, THOMAS J. : GAINESVILLE, FLORIDAMore Dr. GAYLES, RICHARD E. : MERRITT ISLAND, FLORIDAMore Dr. GEBAUER, MICHAEL R. : APOPKA, FLORIDAMore Dr. GELDART, DONALD B : AVON PARK, FLORIDAMore Dr. GITTENS, CARL C.F. He has been a flight instructor since 1990 and is a 35-year AOPA member. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Can't say enough about CJ's patience and teaching ability. Per Year. The CE-500 Recurrent Training course satisfies the annual recurrent training requirements mandated by insurance underwriters, and the 61.58 Pilot Proficiency Exam, dictated by FAR 61.58(a). Alone at the controls was a highly experienced pilota former designated pilot examiner, in fact. Designated Pilot Examiner An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. DPE Reviews. An official website of the United States government Here's how you know. Pilot Services: Pilot Mentoring, Acceptance & Delivery, On Demand, Private, Commercial, or Airline Transport Pilot License, PIC Recurrent Training requires CE-500 Type Rating. the difference between FAR Part 23 vs Part 25 aircraft. Learn more about the Flight Service Station Operations. CHAMBERS, T EUGENE : SANFORD, FLORIDA, Dr. CHANMUGAM, JAY CROSSETTE : ORANGE CITY, FLORIDA, Dr. CHAPNICK, BERNARD S. : MIAMI, FLORIDA, Dr. CHODOSH, LANCE I : GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. CLARK, STEVEN L : NICEVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. CLARY, JAMES K : FORT MYERS, FLORIDA, Dr. COLOMBO, LIBERTO M : MILTON, FLORIDA, Dr. CONTARINI, OSVALDO : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. CORBETT, ROBERT M : CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDA, Dr. CUERVO, HERMINIO : LAKELAND, FLORIDA, Dr. DELGADO, ARMANDO F : MERRITT ISLAND, FLORIDA, Dr. DEMARTINO, CIRO K. : MARCO ISLAND, FLORIDA, Dr. DOUGLAS, BRAD : FT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, Dr. DRASS, EDWARD F : CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA, Dr. DROBA, ARTHUR R : SARASOTA, FLORIDA, Dr. DUNN, CRAIG M. : SARASOTA, FLORIDA, Dr. EDGEWORTH, DEBORAH J : PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA, Dr. FAIN, NORMAN F : MELBOURNE, FLORIDA, Dr. FELDMAN, SETH A : POMPANO BEACH, FLORIDA, Dr. FELDMAN, SETH A : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, Dr. FINE, IRA M. : BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, Dr. FLIPSE, THOMAS R. : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. FLOYD, JULIE ANN : KEY WEST, FLORIDA, Dr. FLYNN, JOSEPH D. : TITUSVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. FORMISANO, MICHAEL W. : MIAMI, FLORIDA, Dr. FOWLER, LOUIS B : PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, Dr. FRIES, IAN B : VERO BEACH, FLORIDA, Dr. FULK, BILLY R : FORT MYERS, FLORIDA, Dr. GALLAGHER, THOMAS J. : GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. GAYLES, RICHARD E. : MERRITT ISLAND, FLORIDA, Dr. GEBAUER, MICHAEL R. : APOPKA, FLORIDA, Dr. GELDART, DONALD B : AVON PARK, FLORIDA, Dr. GITTENS, CARL C.F. She also works as a waitress to help pay her expenses. She was an excellent student at Latta High School, Steven says, and earned a $20,000 yearly scholarship from Embry-Riddle. Some have even admitted they have never looked at the aircraft's AFM/POH. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS It is more usual for a student to require between 55-60 hours of training to be proficient in all areas of operation. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Files to assist your check ride prep. You should write your own review. Pass a practical test with an FAA Designated pilot examiner - the test comprises an oral exam and a flight test . Dismiss. Wally has been awarded the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award and is designated a Master CFI by the National Association of Flight Instructors. Zach Sweetser Buffalo, NY Phone: 425-503-0427 Find DPEs in Florida, see reviews, and contact them directly with CheckrideHQ's free platform and search engine. This is a commercial website for use by the General Public in selecting Pilot Examiners, for the purpose of obtaining Flight Checks. Search. Call us on +1 321 454 3090. Checkrides can be stressful, so we try to improve the experience by creating an environment that allows you to fly your best. . The basic steps for getting your FAA conversion are as follows: 1) Contact Sheppard Air for the study material. The Airplane Converted By This STC May Increase the Number of Passengers to the Maximum Limit without Installing a Cockpit Recorder. CheckrideHQ is a DPE search engine that makes it easy for pilots to find and connect with Designated Pilot Examiners for their checkride. (407) 487-7000. Florida. New site with reviews of DPEs from around the web - "FAA Designated Pilot Examiners (DPEs) serve an important role for the aviation community by examining applicants for pilot certificates when FAA employed examiners are not available. Designated Pilot Examiner at Bravo Zulu Aviation Services, LLC Orlando, Florida, United States157 connections Join to connect Bravo Zulu Aviation Services, LLC Embry Riddle Aeronautical. Further, I would like to personally invite you to reach out with any questions you may have regarding pilot certification or any topic . PRINCE, VICKIE ANNE : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. RANKIN, BRUCE G. : DELAND, FLORIDA, Dr. RAVID, JOSEPH : PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA, Dr. REDRICK, SCOTT J. : CRYSTAL RIVER, FLORIDA, Dr. REES , RYAN R. : DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA, Dr. REZNICK, STEVEN E : BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, Dr. RICHARD, DANA P : GREENACRES, FLORIDA, Dr. RICHMOND, HENRY J. : ATLANTIS, FLORIDA, Dr. ROBINSON, KEITH J. : OAKLAND PARK, FLORIDA, Dr. RODRIGUEZ, CARLOS F : OCALA, FLORIDA, Dr. ROPER, DANIEL L : NICEVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. ROSENFIELD, LOUIS D : PORT CHARLOTTE, FLORIDA, Dr. RUBIN, MARK S : ORMOND BEACH, FLORIDA, Dr. SCIARRINO, JOHN F : FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, Dr. SELANDER, GUY T. : JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, Dr. SEOANE, SERGIO B. : LAKELAND, FLORIDA, Dr. Thetypical AFM/POHcontainsthefollowing nine sections: General; Limitations; Emergency Procedures; Normal Procedures; Performance; Weight and Balance/Equipment List; Systems Description; Handling, Service, Maintenance; and Supplements. UK - The Wallgate Hangar (Hangar 2 . Therefore, training in your aircraft will prepare you to fly your specific set up and achieve mastery of your aircraft. You can find alist of designated pilot examinerson ourwebsite. A Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) is an individual, appointed in accordance with 14 CFR section 183.23, who meets the qualification requirements of the Order 8900.2, General Aviation Airman Designee Handbook, and who: A DPE for a rotorcraft/helicopter designation must hold the appropriate category, class, and, if appropriate, type ratings. Get your first taste of flying and see what its like to be inside the cockpit, Search our database of independent CFIs and contact them directly, CheckrideHQ makes it easy to find nearby DPEs for any checkride. $89,641. Join now Sign in . Find DPEs Find Instructors CheckrideHQ forInstructors and DPEs Create your Profile Everything you need All-in-one platform More students Increase your leads and reach out to more pilots in your area The FAA does not charge a fee for the so-called 709 ridesa reference to the FAAs authority to reexamine pilots under Title 49 of the U.S. Code 44709but pilots may incur costs of providing an appropriate, airworthy aircraft, which will be inspected prior to flight, and taking any flight instruction needed before undergoing the examination. Found 116 Designated Pilot Examiners in Florida (FL) Related: Lake Worth DPEsPalm Coast DPEsPort Orange DPEsMiami DPEsMelbourne DPEsFort Pierce DPEsWinter Haven DPEs Sven Samson Lake worth, Florida DPE AW Alfred Wacker Palm coast, Florida DPE AH Allen Harper Port orange, Florida DPE AG Alvin Guthery Miami, Florida DPE AM Amon Modine MyFlorida Okeechobee, FL Pay. A LinkedIn profile for Mike Puehler, which has since been taken down, listed extensive aviation experience as a flight instructor, as an assistant chief flight instructor for a Part 141 flight school, as a university aviation instructor, and as a collegiate flight team coach. After you complete the course, your pilot certificate will be reissued with the CE- 500 Type Rating. Search. Dismiss. It's my goal to assist you with your airman certification. Ive administered check rides for over 35 years; as an air carrier Check Airman, an FAA Inspector, and a Designated Pilot Examiner. Maps provided. updated at December 27, 2022. By Isabel Goyer Updated August 27, 2021 Save Article. Second in Command to Pilot In Command Upgrade I saw my DEP on there and he had 1 review and in a nutshell said don't go to him, steer clear. Pilot, Flight Instructor and Designated Pilot Examiner. Completion of the CE-500 Single Pilot Exemption Initial or Recurrent Training Course usually takes two to three days. The CE-500 Type Rating requires a checkride conducted by an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE). Florida State Name FL FSDO 116 DPEs 8 FSDOs. Our course consists of a comprehensive ground school, flight training and prep for the oral and practical test. Our course consists of a comprehensive aircraft systems review, flight training, and prep for oral and practical test. 2) Contact CATS at 800-947-4228, to set up a date and time to take your MCA, MCI or MCH test, FLAV generally offers these test Tues/Thurs 9am-3:30pm. As the Puehler probe continues, AOPA takes the position that the FAA should only resort to widespread 709 reexaminations under the most egregious circumstancesand the current case is not the first instance of the agency embarking on such a course. 2. Miami, FL; Chicago, IL; Boston, MA; New York, NY; Dallas, TX; Average base salary. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. SO15. Schedule Now Phone: 330 421-5902 Email: Hours: 8-5 Location: Northern Ohio; Cleveland / Akron, OH Area Northeast Ohio, OH 44256 I have been a Designated Pilot Examiner, DPE, for the FAA for over 18 years now, and I have had a great time working with so many pilots toward meeting their goals in aviation. Match the current selection # designated pilot examiner florida ; time and money while also squandering scarce DPE,! Designated Pilot Examiners, for the oral and practical test she was an excellent student at Latta High School Steven! And teaching ability the United States the Airplane Converted by this STC May Increase the Number of Passengers to Maximum. Cfi errors waste applicants & # x27 ; time and money while also squandering scarce appointments... This STC May Increase the Number of Passengers to the Maximum Limit without a. You with your airman certification a DPE search engine that makes it website belongs to an official website of the CE-500 Type Rating requires a conducted. 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