Multiple determinants of health and basic data patterns are applied to assess the health and illness beliefs, assets and barriers to health and to explore historical, social, political and economic forces impacting the health of communities. Up-to-date Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) certification. Kansas has strict guidelines that registered nurses must follow in order to obtain licensure. The funding proposal will be developed in conjunction with the NRSG895 Grant Writing for Nursing Science course that provides information related to grant application structure and key issues. Prerequisite: Corequisite: NRSG919 and NRSG941, or consent of instructor. 14 among public institutions, and updated that there are 50 KU programs in the top 50 among public universities. Personal, genetic, and environmental factors affecting drug therapy are assessed in order to provide a comprehensive data base for therapeutic nursing interventions. Fundamental principles of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice will be explored. September 15, 2022 | Anne Christiansen-Bullers, 3901 Rainbow Boulevard, Kansas City, KS 66160 |, The University of Kansas School of Nursing was named No. This will include biostatistical considerations, the recruitment of study participants, regulatory issues, and data management, and defining measures and instruments. This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of pathophysiological changes that occur within the internal environment of the individual. For information about university regulations, see Regulations or visit the University of Kansas Policy Library. About School of Nursing and Health Professions: In 1948, the University of San Francisco, a Jesuit institution of higher learning, implemented a program so that nurses at nearby St. Mary's Hospital could earn their . Contemporary issues confronting the nursing profession are discussed and methods to advocate for patients and the profession are investigated. Only courses required for the nursing major (i.e., junior/senior course work) apply toward the required GPA average for removal from probation. The Student Admission and Progression Committee considers all available information regarding each applicant. Object-oriented techniques will be introduced, including Unified Modeling Language and Unified Modeling Methodology, to facilitate process analysis and design proposal development. Nursing practice in an evolving health care system is addressed with emphasis on the unique challenges in micro-environments of health care delivery. Knowledge management is the creation, communication, and leveraging of a healthcare organization's knowledge assets. Opportunities are provided in a laboratory setting for students to demonstrate cognitive and psychomotor competencies of therapeutic interventions and assessment of the individual patient across the life span. The program is fullyonline, accessible 24 hours a day, and can be completed inone calendar year of full-time study or up to five years of part-time study. The theoretical, clinical and role components of care as delivered by the advanced nurse-midwife student are implemented through an intensive supervised clinical practicum. 91% of, 2501 N 14th Ave, Dodge City, KS - 67801-2399, Dodge City Community College (DC3) is a student-centered educational institution founded in 1935. Prerequisite: NRSG975 Acute Care Practicum I: Adult-Gero NP or Consent of Instructor. Corequisite: NURS477, N URS 478, NURS 479, NURS480, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS331, NURS332, NURS333, NURS335, NURS336, NURS337, NURS338, NURS339, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NRSG754 or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NRSG754, and one core track course. Prerequisite: Admission to the PhD program, graduate level nursing theory course, or Consent of Instructor. This course includes a historical research application experience. The health care delivery system will be analyzed for cost effectiveness and sensitivity to women. The focus of this course is ongoing acquisition of CNS competencies: direct care, consultation, systems leadership, collaboration, coaching, research, and ethical decision-making related to patients, families, and patient populations. Emphasis is placed on interaction with active nurse researchers to enable the student to identify available research opportunities in ongoing studies. Inquiries regarding the University Sexual Harassment Policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at 913-588-8011. Additionally, health care professionals will acquire skills to appropriately apply error reduction strategies developed in high reliability organizations. Requirements and approaches to meet interoperability will be explored. Website High school students planning to enter the baccalaureate program in nursing are encouraged to follow a general college preparatory course of study. If your school or course is not listed, your evaluation will be completed when you are admitted to KU. It has built an international reputation for outstanding academic programs and as a . School of Nursing Degree Programs School KU Medical Center G020 School of Nursing Building Kansas City, KS 66160 913-588-1619 913-588-1615 913-588-7963 The role of the nurse within the interdisciplinary team is demonstrated. The patient population of the adult-gerontology CNS learner includes young adults (including late adolescents and emancipated minors), adults, and older adults (including young-old, old, and old-old adults). Nursing practice in an evolving health care system is addressed with emphasis on the unique challenges in micro-environments of health care delivery. External barriers that contribute to decrease in quality outcomes are analyzed and innovative solutions are proposed. Biological and behavioral dynamics of symptoms (e.g., dyspnea, fatigue, impaired sleep/insomnia, pain, depression) that can change the trajectory of chronic illnesses, and how the dynamics can be optimized and maintained to prevent symptom relapse, will be discussed. Our mission is to help educate the best nurses in the country, and we do this by providing accurate and meaningful information about earning a nursing degree. Skills necessary to perform basic patient assessment and clinical skills are discussed and demonstrated. Key data science methods, such as data wrangling and visualization, will be leveraged for decision making. Prerequisite: Admission to the School of Nursing or consent of instructor. System variations across the lifespan are addressed. Learners also examine how dissemination research and practice influences the generation, uptake, and spread of policy and guides healthcare decision making. KU School of Nursing 3901 Rainbow Boulevard Mail Stop 2029 Kansas City, KS 66160 913-588-1619 | TTY 711 The use of information systems including medical devices is paramount in achieving patient safety. Basic knowledge of concept analysis is expected prior to enrollment. In collaboration with healthcare information faculty, preceptors, students design an experience to facilitate application of theories and research related to health care informatics. Emphasis is on the application of the information system development life cycle. Political, legal, ethical and other issues that constrain and destabilize organizations and strategies to restore equilibrium are explored. Understanding and interpreting common laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures to identify potential or actual needs of individuals is the primary purpose of this course. The second of two core specialty courses using a systems approach that emphasizes a multi-dimensional and interprofessional approach to assessment, differential diagnosis and treatment formulation for the health care needs of adults across the life span in multiple care settings. This is the final practicum course in a series of three practicum courses that prepares the student for entry into practice as an acute care provider. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS332, NURS333, NURS334, NURS335, NURS336, NURS337, NURS338, NURS339, NURS471, NURS472, NURS474, NURS475, or consent of instructor. 1. Students complete simulated qualitative research activities to gain experience in data collection and analysis. This is the second practicum course in a series of three practicum courses that prepares the student for entry into practice as a primary care provider. Concepts of caring, professional identity and scholarship are examined. Prerequisite: NRSG901 or consent of instructor. Corequisite: NURS471, NURS472, NURS474, NURS475, or Consent of Instructor. The American Association of Colleges of Nursings (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice provide the framework for this first step in professional nursing education (AACN, 2008). Continuous quality improvement is introduced as a foundation for quality care and patient safety. Prerequisites: Completion of all doctoral course work. Prerequisite: NRSG946 Measurement Principles and Practice, NRSG934 Foundations of Data Science, BIOS730 Applied Linear Regression, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NRSG801, NRSG813, or Consent of Instructor. This course builds a foundation for doctoral students to understand how biomarkers can be used as targets for therapeutic and clinical interventions. Together they plan and implement appropriate strategies to influence positive community outcomes. Prerequisite: Corequisite: NRSG812: Advanced Pathophysiology, or permission of course faculty. Corequisite: NURS471, NURS472, NURS473, NURS474, or consent of instructor. Inquiries regarding the University Sexual Harassment Policy should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at 913-588-8011. Prerequisite: NRSG801, NRSG809, NRSG812, NRSG813, NRSG921, or consent of instructor. Due to this, the school was ranked #216 in popularity out of all colleges and universities that offer this degree. Moya Peterson, Ph.D., APRN, FNP-BC, was named the Distinguished Nursing Alumna award winner. Scholarly evidence from a variety of sources is used to develop educational processes, products, and evaluation strategies. Prerequisite: NRSG 940, or consent of instructor. This course is the first of three practicum courses. Epidemiology of psychiatric disorder is addressed. This course will assist students in understanding the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) pathway to precision science that focuses on personalized strategies to prevent and manage symptoms across diverse populations and settings. Drug development is reviewed and ethical and legal issues involved in prescribing across the lifespan are covered. Classical measurement theory and related measurement concepts are the focus of this course. Students will work with a faculty mentor on components of a research, quality improvement, or evidence-based practice project. The basics of genetics, common genetic disorders and genetic testing are discussed. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS331, NURS332, NURS333, or consent of instructor. Research concepts and methods are used in a systems context. The focus of this elective is to explore the relationship between spirituality and a person's health. Within this role, the family nurse practitioner student will synthesize theoretical, scientific, and contemporary clinical knowledge for the assessment and management of both health and illness states. Prerequisite: NURS331, NURS332, NURS333, NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, or consent of instructor. The course is designed to provide students with knowledge and research application experience in quantitative research methods. Identification of environmental and social determinates will be examined. We use cookies to analyze our traffic & provide social media features. The patient populations of the adult-gerontology provider includes young adults (including late adolescents and emancipated minors), adults, and older adults (including young-old, and old-old adults). Prerequisite: Pre or Co-Req: NRSG973 or Consent of Instructor. Prerequisite: NRSG981 or consent of instructor. Students will examine how their lived experience will impact their professional practice. 2010 Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045 (785) 864-4226. In this course, students will determine personalized strategies to identify, prevent, and treat the adverse symptoms of acute and chronic illness across diverse populations and settings. KU School of Nursing worked with the University of Kansas Medical Center's Office of Enterprise Analytics to complete surveys sent by U.S. News and World Report. Prerequisite: NRSG748, NRSG755, NRSG804, NRSG808; for Advanced Practice major, completion of NRSG801, NRSG812, and NRSG813, and one specialty course; for Leadership major, completion of IPHI820; NRSG826, NRSG880, NRSG885, NRSG948 or Consent of Instructor. Courses graded as Pass, S or Credit in which the school awards credit for grades of D or better will not be accepted. Many experienced nurses are reaching retirement and adding more to the nursing shortage. Critical appraisal of evidence will be employed to inform the delivery of safe and quality nursing care. This reflects the hard work of our entire faculty, staff and students. CredTran is a transfer course equivalency system that lists more than 2,200 colleges and universities from which KU has accepted transfer courses in the past. He studied theater at the University of Kansas and the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, before making his acting debut in 1991. . eHealth) will be reviewed that can be used to improve symptom management and change the chronic illness trajectory especially among individuals who experience disparate health outcomes. Prerequisite: Corequisite: RN-BSN student or consent of instructor. Advanced professional clinical skills and evidence-based practice in the assessment, management and care of women and newborns are applied. Hoffman also has spearheaded Postpartum Support International of Kansas, which officially became a nonprofit organization, and Hoffman serves as president. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS332, NURS333, NURS334, NURS335, NURS336, NURS337, NURS338, NURS339, NURS471, NURS472, NURS474, NURS475, or consent of instructor. Students will have the opportunity to enhance their existing advanced practice skills in one or more of the following areas: the diagnosis and management of ambulatory patients with complex diagnoses and comorbid conditions in the context of family, community and culture; the diagnosis and management of patients with complex diagnoses and/or comorbid conditions who present with acute changes in health status requiring interventions available only in an acute care setting; and the diagnosis and management of patients who are unable to function independently due to age related alteration in mental and physical status, developmental, perceptual and physical disability and chronic, degenerative illness. Prerequisite: NRSG917, or consent of instructor. The student and the Student Affairs advisor assess the situation jointly and make appropriate recommendations. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: NRSG922, or Consent of Instructor. This course will enhance the decision-making skills for choosing and using concepts and theories that guide practice. Prerequisite: NRSG973 or Consent of Instructor. For the academic year 2020-21, the online Master of Science degree in nursing ranked 47th among all public colleges and universities offering graduate nursing programs. September 15, 2022 | Anne Christiansen-Bullers The role of individuals within the interprofessional healthcare team is examined to determine the contributions of each to the achievement of healthy populations. Core human resource concepts are introduced and applied to optimize human capital within a variety of healthcare settings, including compensation and benefits, employee recognition, and employee/labor relations. Prerequisite: Admission to the Nursing Honors Program. Searching, critiquing and synthesizing sources of evidence as it applies to the nurse's clinical practice will be emphasized. The University of Kansas Medical Center's mission is to improve lives and communities in Kansas and beyond through innovation in education, research and health care. The patient population of the adult-gerontology provider includes young adults (including late adolescents and emancipated minors), adults, and older adults (including young-old, old, and old-old adults). Different methods, measures, and data sources relevant to these issues will be explored. Learning variables, including the environment context, interprofessional education, finance, policy, and the influence of those variables on technologies are examined. 2023 The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Continuous quality improvement is introduced as a foundation for quality care and patient safety. Corequisite: NURS472, NURS473, NURS474, NURS475, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS331, NURs 332, NURS333, NURS335, NURS336, NURS337, NURS338, NURS339, or Consent of Instructor. Prerequisite: Admission to the SON PhD program, Graduate level research course (NSRG 754 or equivalent), or Consent of Instructor. Application of concepts essential to understanding, influencing and leading change in health care delivery specific to advanced nursing practice is emphasized. Data to monitor the processes and outcomes of care are discussed. We use cookies to analyze our traffic & provide social media features. Nursing students pursuing their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) practice many hands-on skills in the KU School of Nursing's lab. Noreen C. Thompson, APRN, PMHCNS-BC, was named Honorary Nursing Alumna. He also served as a nursing ambassador and a formal N3 mentor to the junior class. During her career, Hoffman has advocated for infant safe sleep practices and mental health screenings and resources. Prerequisite: NURS333, NURS339, or consent of instructor. Candidates are required to provide verification of licensure. The need to exchange clinical information consistently between health care providers, care settings, researchers and other requires syntactic and semantic interoperability. Understanding these alterations is basic to providing quality nursing care. Relevant risk factors, epidemiology, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and clinical manifestations across the life span (fetuses, children, pregnant women, adults, and older adults) are discussed. Read 293 reviews. We offer valuable insights as you prepare for the GRE. Within this role, the adult-gerontology primary care nurse practitioner student will synthesize theoretical, scientific, and contemporary clinical knowledge for the assessment and management of both health and illness states. Students are introduced to direct and indirect biomarkers and the various methods for sampling. Frameworks that emphasize the meanings of health and healthcare; prevention and management; and related ethical, economic, and social justice concerns are introduced. Prerequisite: NRSG820 or consent of instructor. Instead, the curriculum makes it possible for students to complete the ADN and BSN simultaneously,through on-campus courses at the community college and online courses through KU School of Nursing. Prerequisite: NURS327, NURS328, NURS329, NURS330, NURS331, NURS332, NURS333, NURS334, NURS335, NURS336, NURS337, NURS338, NURS339, NURS471, NURS472, NURS473, NURS474, NURS475, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite/Corequisite: NRSG854, NRSG 855, NRSG898, or consent of instructor. Prerequisite: NRSG801, NRSG812, NRSG813 or Consent of Instructor. Different conceptions of broad topics such as knowledge, personhood, the body, and technology will be examined for the investigation of nursing phenomena. In that same year (and also for the academic year 2019-20), the Nursing-Midwifery program within the KU School of Nursing was ranked 11th overall among the public institutions. Staffing models and the staffing-quality equation are analyzed for the purpose of projecting human resource requirements. Corequisites: NRSG828 or consent of instructor. Students with grade-point averages of 3.5 who have completed at least 12 hours are recognized on the honor roll or deans list in fall and spring. Students integrate concepts discussed in the classroom with competencies learned in the clinical setting. The School of Nursing has an application fee of $75 for U.S. residents. The application of the information system development life cycle in the design, selection, and implementation of health information technology applications will be examined. Learners are introduced to the field of implementation science; theories and frameworks; research designs, measures, and analyses; implementation strategies; fidelity and adaptation; evaluation; and sustainability. TheOffice of Graduate Studies at KUMChandles matters related to graduate programs in Health Professions, Medicine, and Nursing. It is also ranked #1 in Kansas. Prerequisite: Admission to Doctoral Program or consent of instructor. Nurse-midwifery management practice provides experience in the role of care provider during normal labor, delivery, postpartum, and newborn periods. Inquiries regarding our non-discrimination policies should be directed to the Director for the Equal Opportunity & Academic Compliance Office, Mail Stop 7004, 4330 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Fairway, KS 66205, 913-588-5964, 711 TTY (for the Wichita, Salina, and Kansas City, Kansas medical center campuses). This 10-member advisory board makes policy recommendations to the ANA on ethics and human rights issues relevant to nursing practice, education, research and administration. By closing this window & browsing this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Hoffman, a nurse at Lawrence Memorial Hospital, founded a peer support group called Build Your Village of Douglas County for mothers who experience perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Prerequisite: Appropriate research methods and statistics courses in student's current graduate program (at least 2 statistics courses, one including content of multiple regression), and permission of instructor. 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