muzzle velocity 9mm

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muzzle velocity 9mm

He hits the nail perfectly on the head. If I did, I would either aviod the area or take a rifle. Maybe alternate .45 hollow point and hot buffalo bore or extreme penetrator (best of both worlds). American manufacture and the American firearms industry was able to restock and resupply them when no one else could have. My 2 primary guns are a Canik TP9SA 19 shot 9mm and a 7 shot Taurus TRACKER 357magnum. Comparisons of muzzle velocities of the 4-inch pistol and the 16.5-inch carbine revealed only a 6 percent increase in velocity with the carbine; any muzzle velocity gain depends on the powder's burning characteristics. I get that, but as you said, the same tech is applied to .45 and now the expanded .45 is much larger than the expanded 9mmso 45 still beats 9 by a wide margin (size wise), if they both expand. This way, I can make sure that he'll have some peace when I'm trying to fire some rounds on a practice target. Unless you through simple logic out the window, the 45 does more damage. I've seen A LOT of patients shot with numerous calibers. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. In such a case, the permanent cavity is stretched so far, and so fast, that tearing and rupturing can occur in tissues surrounding the wound channel, which were weakened by fragmentation damage. This cookie can only be read from the domain they are set on and will not track any data while browsing through other sites. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. click on the expand picture button on lower right hand corner. If you're a professional you should hit what your shooting at, or don't carry. The point that the wound tracks are almost the same according to the 2014 report is very surprising to me and frankly illogical looking at the bullet size, both uncollapsed and collapsed. I don't think the debate will ever be answered. By the end of the program, 9 out of us 12 participants said they were going to purchase a 45. If the latter is true, the .45acp is still a better round. guns & In my opinion 185 grain .45 Auto hollow points are a better pistol round than any 9 millimeter Luger out there. At 3-8 yards distance, which is the most likely scenario I would find myself in need to draw, if God forbid the situation arises, aiming would be instinctive and firing would be done with one hand. choot em. Shotguns, rifles, pistolshe's been collecting them all for over a decade. Great piece. This is an Alexa Analytics cookie that is used to track user behavior. So, if you only have a few seconds to fire, then you may not discharge any more rounds from the 9mm handgun than you did from a.45 ACP handgun. Advancements only apply to 9mm, apparently. and 45LC with one shot kills, both head shots. "My husband doesn't like the sound of loud guns"..For Christ sakes, get him a pellet gun. The bullet doesn't matter if you can't shoot it with some accuracy. I should know because I get all the girls. Or pick up some Federal HST 185 grain 45 ACP, 1140 fps! I am. I have played many scenarios in my head and I always conclude that the proximity of an assailant in the street would be greater than the proximity in a home. Contact Us. Whatever works for *YOU* is the best choice. If you notice, .40 S&W and .45 ACP have the same average energy, but as I showed earlier, .45 ACP penetrates more on gel tests. The upward recoil maybe lesser but 9mm has a twisting recoil motion. Hmmm, always been a 1911 45cal chap,although 38cal is certainly better than 9mm which has been known to bounce off suspects believe it or not.Good article,interesting points! Very accurate pistol setup. WIth that size gun/barrel you have lots of options. The fact of the high muzzle velocity will lower the enteral damage done to organs . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. They are not 'cheap' as in inexpensive, either. The Trijcon Laser/ Spot/ Flash is also bore sighted low to compensate for 300 yds with a 4x32 Leupold Huntsman Hi-Rise Mounted Scope on 1/2" QD Camlock to transfer to the Bulldog with the Bipod/ Foregrip. I also have a bull-pub style shotgun for home defense as well. We Americans are statistics addicted, any article without tons of statistics will probably go unpublished. Studies done on combat troops show similar hit ratios to these LEO stats. Good stopping power and less likely to penetrate walls and hit a bystander. To summarize: I once was like you, but since having been here I have become educated (not brainwashed) and a happy gun owner, because: 1. I thought this was going to get way uglier in the comments. My first thought is: .45 is better because it's bigger. The Glock is my every day carry. It's also recommended that you practise with a spray before you hit bear country, so you know how the spray works and how to spray effectively. The .45acp makes bigger holes, all else being equal. Can't argue with those numbers. Well then YOU become the weapon. Look up ballistics tests 9mm eats as much ballistics gel as a 45. And also i want 9mm both of them. This article is biased toward 9mm anyway. A 9mm rounds ballistics depend upon which of the three common bullet weights its equipped with: Bear in mind that these numbers vary by manufacturer. They hardly hit that number. I have them all. In a gunfight, the least acceptable hit percentage is 60% and less than 80% should be frowned upon, strongly. Threat is neutralized. When my wife got her concealed I insisted on that weapon. Loaded with +P rounds, they make a heckuva mess. Thankfully my training kicked in. Drop to a knee which will angle your bullet trajectory upwards and if the rounds exit his body they should be travelling in a safe direction. Overall, I'll carry 9mm when outside my home, eventually acquire a double stack .45 ACP for home defense, and will shoot the 1911 for fun :). It also delivers additional felt recoil and comes with slightly higher recoil velocity. Learn all the important stuff about handgunswith none of the attitude. It fires slow and heavy bullets at a lower muzzle velocity than the 9mm and can be suppressed to near-whisper levels. Yes you are right there is a lot more 9mm ammo than there are 45 ACP. CCW 9mm. They experience real world outcomes every day. I doubt that lady would have had time to reload. * Universal availability or AMMO--actually should be #1 !! The object then becomes to stop your adversary from firing bullets at you. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. He didn't even have a BRUISE where the 45cal bullet hit him!! Scenario: Armed burglar breaks in and is standing in the area in which your child/roommate's facilities is now based behind him. A 7" barrel with a 7" suppressor would still give an overall length of 14 inches, so going up to 10" for a little extra velocity would put you at just about 17" with a suppressor, which is still going to handle better than a 16" barrel, along with the benefits of being suppressed. Saying Islamic Terrorist attacks were really just another "gun violence incident" is a vile misrepresentation of reality. As one coroner I heard from said, he's never seen a .357 Magnum leave a body and he's never seen a .44 Magnum stay in one. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. This is criminal. Another benefit is that both are bottleneck cartridges dramatically lowering the chance of a failure to feed malfunction, an issue with both the 9mm and .45. And sure, you have to keep hitting which is much easier if they are close. If you are in a do or die situation and there is still one bad guy left you need to put down, and you only have one bullet left in your mag. Josh Wayner has been writing in the gun industry for five years. Both kills, but one kills instantly, the other allows for return fire from your attacker. I bet if a poll was done on best semi auto handguns glock would win by a landslide, H&K by far . lbs. Muzzle velocity is the speed of the bullet as once it leaves the barrel. What We Use You have seconds literally to get your gun on to the bear. Any cal will work depending on shot placement. BE SAFE!! It'll take all kinds of enthusiasm away from your intruder whether you use choked turkey shot or 00. Not always which round is bigger, faster, more powerful!!!! Yep. Typically, a 9mm gun muzzle velocity ranges between 950 and 1150 fps depending on the bullet load and grain of the round. I have both and like them both. Now when you factor in shootability, cost, and capacity you can make an argument that the 9mm is the better round but it is NOT as effective as a 45 when it comes to terminal ballistics. hands, it does have a MUCH snappier felt recoil. BTW, I like the 9mm and .45 pretty much equally and have both calibers. With modern ballistics the 9mm went from weak and unreliable to usable. Yea! And no the target is not shooting back so the stress level is low. But thats still a bit of a long shot for a sidearm in a firefight. Muzzle energy is important, however, whoever said that 9mm has more muzzle energy that .45 ACP is pulling numbers of of their ass unless they are making an unfair comparison of +P 9mm to normal .45 ACP. The 9mm is easier to conceal but when I am on my Harley I like to carry the 45. Wish you had more ammo brands like in the 45 acp test you did. Not to say they didn't die on the street, but once they made it to surgery they survived. We'll send you the latest guides and training tips geared Not just that - recent events with riots and looting shown total ineffectiveness of 9mm round as a defensive round, I like your comment,it make sense,so i will get bigger gun. That said, the. Lend-lease conditions were allegedly exorbitant but the US manufacturing base was undeniably a godsend), plus some of the other margins you refer to were, frankly, too close to argue, so I wont even try. 2. Youll do well to pick heavier bullet weights that convey a subsonic muzzle velocity. Any high penetration rounds for handguns beyond fmj are usually considered as "armor piercing" and therefore illegal in the us. Muzzle velocity is something youll see on boxes of ammunition and on ballistics stat sheets, but you may not know exactly how muzzle velocity impacts performance. I will always favor 45 Acp over 9mm. The 9mm earned international attention following WWI, partly due to its relatively small dimensions that permitted the design of high capacity magazines. been there done that.To quote a man who has shot some people"you can kill a man without stopping him and stop a man without killing him" shoot him with a hot 9 that fails to expand due to being plugged with leather jacket and rips through with only say 20% energy transfer or 70 pounds roughly and he is gonna be on you. Next, speed of follow-up shots doesn't come from the caliber. Does anybody have one of these that can state how their carrying experience has been? . If you have to reassess after every shot, then that first shot needs to count. These are FBI statistics. The G 17 is probably the most carried pistol in American LE. It isn't a miracle round. back in 1971, couple years ago! death) 92+%, 9mm is just over 50%. As a civilian I doubt the I will need an ammo dump under my gun to defend my life. The faster bullet will move an artery out of the way where a slower bullet like .45 will take the artery out . Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I say do your research and spend time on range with both weapons and carry them both! Velocity and barrel length data for 9x19mm Parabellum, also known as 9mm Luger and so on. 1350+ FPS in my 5 inch barrel Colt Gold Cup. ), 9mm (379 ft. Unfortunately for LEOs, the kind of training that can effectively simulate actual firefights is limited to our special forces folks, as most PDs dont have the budget or manpower to train well for actual gunfights. I am good with it, plenty of muscle memory and everything flows easily. Like working on a car, you have to have the right tools to get the job done. Some has been published here and I am working on other barrel length projects. With a wider selection of officers being able to shoot handguns chambered in 919mm, many departments choose this caliber so they can standardize around a single firearm and loading, making logistics and supply easier. For pure destructive power there's no contestnone. government .45 and several spare mags concealed. The Army, (of course), received them first. Left out (one) seemingly small but (very) important step when take action time arrives. 9mm loads frequently deliver a muzzle energy greater than 300 ft lbs. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Probably because it doesn't penetrate as far. And because 9mm ammo is so relatively inexpensive, it permits its shooter to practice longer and more often. Well, when it comes to home defense, the .45 ACP does hold, Well, this might rock your world but I recommend getting one of each, While there are a number of compact .45 ACP models on the market, as a general rule, you can expect the 9mm to be more, Ultimately, both calibers are great to have. All the advancement that improved the once weak 9mm have also been applied to the historically reliable and powerful 45. For one after police and FBI started using back 9mm amount of ammo that burned for arrested increased almost by 50%. I went along with more powerful is more effectiv and broke hammer struts on two N frames aka back to S&W factory. Due to the large amount of information gathered in this test, standard deviation and high/low velocities are not shown. Why? Ive loved the 45 since my Marine Corps days 50 years ago. Sentimental value does not are a round more lethal. There are really two types of gun owners who really want to focus on muzzle velocity. (Pew Pew Eric) Keep the awesome info coming, I love your emails and love your site! Bull!! Badda Bing, Badda Boom. It squirts so much flame out the sides it would scare an attacker half to death. But barrier's and body armor slows 45's down to BB gun effectiveness! Going to the store I take my 9 with 124 gr hst. That is why some like the 9mm short or .380. Just for amusement value (not scientific) I once fired a glock 17 with a fmj 115 gr bullet into a ten inch square creosoted fence post. I like the .45 Auto round. Every time. They need a lot more practice. Put several makes and models in your hand. My favorite round is a sig 200 g. I tested this as a defense round and appreciated the impact force on soft targets. (Here are more tips on how to shoot more accurately.). Had I not already had an investment in 9mm equipment and ammo I would have considered the 45. We won the Battle of Britain independently of the US but how long the commonwealth would have held out could be debatable. Let me know in the comments below! One thing I do like about 9mm ammo that wasn't mentioned is the weight especially in bulk. Good evening! Americans don't care what Europeans think. A .357 magnum round can have similar effects. New developments not only improved the 9mm, modern 45ACP can make a 1 hole and 50% more energy delivered on target. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Velocity did of course increase further with longer barrels, but to a much smaller degree. Its simple physics whats going to cause more damagea Federal HST 147gr 9mm going 1000 fps or a Federal HST 180gr 40 going 1010 fps? * Lighter gun There has to be an overall advantage in close to medium range combat. Then why is it when I shoot my 45 into a tree trunk I have to use a knife to dig the bullet out but when I shoot it with a 9mm the bullet just bounces off ? Tracy. Do you want to be shooting a bullet likely to go through a wall or a car door killing or maiming an innocent bystander? A 9mm fires . any lower powder grain ammo with a soft or no jacket on the led.. What the USA needs is a firearms amnesty where everybody just gives their guns back to be melted. For self defense close or far away. In fact, unlike the other calibers in this study, over half of the 9mm rounds from the 1800 bodies involved in shootings were FMJ. I see you thanked Sig Sauer and Black Hills at the bottom, but no results for either in the spread sheet and none for Sig in the graph. One ammo for all. I also like the .38 special. The Carbine has a TriDelta muzzle brake designed to stop any rise & to thrust away 2/3rds of the recoil. At Self-Defense ranges for a pistol, 50 fps will provide no positives or negatives. .45 ACP does have more advantages than stated in this article, namely that the .45 will not get deflected by bones nearly as bad as the 9mm (for example, pro bowlers, as they age, would rather stick with a 16lb ball and have less speed than drop to a 15lb ball and keep their speed high - the difference between a 15lb ball and a 16lb ball going through the pins is astonishing). That's out of over 100 different rounds tested. .45 being a nuclear bomb!!! You think that you can outshoot a cop? shoot him with a 45 that does not over penetrate and has 80+% energy transfer or 275 lbs minimum and the fight is over. Mostly for the reasons that 9mm is easier to carry, has more rounds without reloading and is probably much lighter. Stop trying to justify taking effective weapons away for less effective ones. Feel free to cite your real world experience that you keep vaguely referring to. I'm removing that link since it looks like it was redirected. Now to the .45 issue: one patient was shot in the back of the leg with a .45 hydro shock round mid way up the leg which lodged in the back of the knee. Hollowpoint should (mostly) negate over penetration. Brandon has spent the majority of his life hunting in the woods in Georgia and Alabama. BE SAFE!! I have been shot, it happened in the suburbs back in '74. To say that the 9mm Luger has been a success would be a severe understatement. "taken to hospital with life-threatening injuries" is a standard line because police and EMS cannot pronounce death. I've shot that in Battlefield where all the ballistics are fully verified by experts because it's a computer game. "Well, this might rock your world but Id recommend getting one of each." And its compact nature makes it easier to carry, especially when concealed carrying. Select what level shooter you are! .45 is, by nature, subsonic. Like I said I am a competition pistol shooter with mini trophies so I know what I am saying All handgun wounds will combine the components of penetration, permanent cavity, and temporary cavity to a greater or lesser degree. I have my shooting partner tell me which to shoot. Having two at hand, would beat reloading, like they did in the old days with two or three guns in the belt. On his last visit I shot his personal carry 45, and compared it with my Sig 320. I'm pretty sure the .50 AE can kill the soul. But personally I would have both a BIG gun like 44 Magnum and spray, not one or the other. Just keepin it real, and saying I'd like to see the testing that backs up a claim the 9mm has "way higher" muzzle velocities than the .45 ACP. yo prefiero una .45 acp de gran capacidad, p 14, una mega star, una glock en modelos 21 y 30; todas ellas por el gran poder de contundencia. Both in MY OPINION have similar kick to them. Yes! 250 plus opinions here and counting but for once I'd say they're not like A holeseveryone has one yet none stink. What ever cal. I still posses a .45 among my various handguns, and I still enjoy shooting with it. I've never had anyone die from being shot with any handgun round. Also buy a super bright flash light it will help you see and blind the intruder. The fastest muzzle velocity of a commercially produced round comes from .220 Swift and it was clocked in at 4,665 fps. Loads and bullet design are next factored into specific use, it is the icing on the cake to select a velocity to maximize that use. The 9mm has to have much higher velocity to have the same momentum as a 45. Statistically this is a dead heat and well within any reasonable margin of error; but remember, the 9mm and .45 ACP wound channels are essentially the same in size, so what is the difference? As a trauma room doctor pointed out in one article I was reading, bullets that leave the body are less effective than ones that stay in. As a retired LEO during the transition to semi-auto in the 80s, what is too politically incorrect and never mentioned is more females and smaller statured people entered the military and law enforcement. Not to mention the permanent fragmentation wounds are nasty in themselves. I'm sure when you wrote your "9mm vs .45 ACP" article back in April 2017, your link labeled "canceled out in some states" did go to "" where their information on gun laws was displayed. When comparing the two handguns, its important to note that the 9mm hasnt become better than the .45 ACPit just caught up to it. 2. Not true at all. Bigger holes are better ones. Youtube, ABOUT US If you have to shoot, common wisdom says shoot to kill, worry about it afterwards. Yes a 9mm may have less ft lb of energy going into your The best advice when employing these rounds in a true self defense situation is a follows: "Apply judiciously and generously until the threat has stopped". When you said buy both at the end I was thinking .45 for carry and 9mm for backup. Average muzzle velocity: 1132 fps Average muzzle energy: 327 fps. You can vaguely cite "muzzle energy" but it ultimately means nothing with so many variables. I'm not knocking the 9mm as a protection weapon. All this "muzzle energy" nonsense is for the clueless ones pretending to understand physics. Just saying, look it up. Youtube - Track the views of embedded videos. In dry practice, make it a habit to take a step to the left or right as the draw is occurring. So, caliber choice. Same debates have raged on Betamax vs VHS, mustang vs camaro, HD-DVD vs Bluray, etc etc. Regarding protection against tyranny, every empire in history has fallen (you know that as well as any). The correct bullet for the job Either expanding or hard cast for penetration. Must In my case it was no weapons displayed (but you must always assume present) against a $h!t brick linebacker. AR-9s and other like 9mm platforms. If capacity isn't a factor 45 rules the roost. of energy. Go out and shoot some pumpkins, you will see the massive difference between 45 and 9mm. Saying you can stop an attacker faster with a 9mm than a 45 is absolute ignorance. Even within AR-15s, muzzle velocity might be very different from gun to gun. I read most of the posts that preceded mine. My Browning 1911-380 actually has a longer barrel than my Kimber 1911 Ultra CDP. Most shootouts are long range. You can think of several reasons for this better than me probably. No, it's just wrong to tell half-truths & mythologize recent historical events. Plan. Either one will do the Trick unless it happens to be a VERY RARE ATTACKER who has a super tolerance for pain & Blood loss or is on some kind of super man DRUG!! I had thousands .45 230 grains hardball and some +Ps hallow points with my standard 1911 when I tested my friend's full size 9mm. I would and have felt safe with one. American lend-lease foodstuffs accounted for over 10% of Britain's over-all food supply during the war. But the .45 Auto does not have the power you are claiming it has. An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. I shot IPSC and IDPA 30 years ago. No matter how much you love than one 9mm you saved up for. I found, for my wife, the 380A worked best for her. Good show all. Both are valid points and very understandable reasons to prefer one over the other. Thats what I carry now.Always will.When that loud bitch goes off it gets everyones attention..especially the turd youre trying to ghost. 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