Black Tile, Modified 4 x 4 with Studs on Edge with Lego Star Wars Logo and Royal N-1 Starfighter Naboo Pilot Naboo Pattern. Naboo and Alderaan may. [11] Unlike most other worlds, the ancient planet lacked a molten core, and instead comprised a conglomerate of large, rocky bodies that made up a network of tunnels and flooded caves. [13], After the Battle of Endor, the surviving Alderaanians lived together aboard a seven-starship flotilla and planned to build themselves a new home from the remains of the second Death Star. we celebrate that union.Sheev Palpatine, Meanwhile, the Naboo had fallen prey to a long period of brutal infighting among the large city-states of humans that inhabited the planet. Naboo would commit itself firmly to democracy in the intervening years, staying loyal to the Republic during the pan-galactic Clone Wars, which saw several military engagements against the Confederacy of Independent Systems come to the planet. The accident, however, did lead to her and her husband's decision to adopt rather than further strain Breha's body by having biological children. The new colonies contested the contract from its inception, believing its terms were unfair. Senator Organa had arranged for the crew of the Ghost to "steal" the ships from an Imperial depot on Lothal so that Alderaan could not be blamed for the "theft." Sector The planet's capital city, Theed, is a very popular destination for Star Tours passengers thanks to its long rich history and the fact that it was the birthplace of two of the galaxy's most famous figures: Queen Padm Amidala, who then went on to become a senator, and former Senator Palpatine, who went on to become . In Attack of the Clones, Mace Windu mentions "spice miners on the moons of Naboo. Padme and Bail Organa would be king and queen (elected so they wouldnt have to be married which would obviously ruin the whole idea.) Alderaan hosted a population of humans, known as Alderaanians, who were known for their philosophy of pacism. 847 years ago, Naboo joined the Republic. [49], By the time of the New Republic, Alderaan's destruction would become a stark reminder for future generations about the terrors of the Galactic Empire, and would often be an 'uncomfortable subject' for those that brought up the planet's destruction in conversation. In fact, Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret. [50], Under the orders of Vader, the Imperial Military was to "complete" the destruction of Alderaan by hunting any remaining Alderaanians. The Empire also demilitarized Naboo and dissolved the Royal Naboo Security Forces's starfighter wing. Leia Organa took part in her Day of Demand and after completing her three challenges became invested as crown princess and the future queen of Alderaan. The queen heartily accepted Organa's offer, claiming that the Naboo felt great shame over Palpatine's actions. [5] There is also a discrepancy over the names of the three moons: Nexus of Power states that the moons where Ohma-D'un, Rori, and a small third moon that has no in-universe name,[13] while Rise of the Separatists, a sourcebook from Star Wars Roleplaying, states that the three moons of Naboo are Rori, Veruna, and Ohma-D'un. Leia became a princess because she was adopted into royalty. Help us, Core Worlds, Colonies, Inner Rim, and Expansion Region, Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series Episode I, Princess Leia vs. Darth Vader - A Fearless Leader, A New Hope: The Princess, the Scoundrel, and the Farm Boy, Episode IV: A New Hope Read-Along Storybook and CD, Star Wars: The Original Trilogy A Graphic Novel, Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure, The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure. [4] Because the monarchs of Alderaan proved loyal and compassionate to their people, regardless of their social background, they, in turn, enjoyed the loyalty and love of the Alderaanians. Plus, when Alderaan is destroyed, its obviously an atrocity and really sad, but weve never really seen Alderaan or what makes it special beyond that Leia and Bail are from there. . And tonight. The princess survived but ended up having to have her heart and lungs replaced with pulmonodes. It was notably featured on one of Viceroy Bail Organa's belts,[5] and Princess Leia had a hair clasp shaped like it. In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Mothma aligns herself with Naboo's Padme Amidala (Catherine Taber) and Alderaan's Bail Organa (Phil Lamarr) to offer a peaceful solution to the war. They don't even explain why the blockade is taking place and why Nute Doucheray and all those clowns are sacrificing their ships, capital, and men for some cloaked dude no one's ever met. [28], Queen Breha and Viceroy Bail would send aid to worlds that had been ravaged by the Separatists, sending not just money and supplies but also doctors, teachers, architects, builders, medics, and droids. Naboo is as idyllic as Alderaan, yet here an undercurrent of later Imperial traits can be felt. The war came to an end due to the actions of Boss Gallo, a Gungan who united the tribes under one banner through diplomatic and military means. [Source]. Yoda. Amidala guided her home planet through the invasion and sealed a new friendship with the Gungans. Aquilae, Utapau, and Ophuchi were also considered as names for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan. Naboo and Alderaan seem to be on a similar level with their respect for design and craftsmanship, and both planets have seemingly wealthy elites who reflect this. [69], Sab, former handmaiden of Padme Amidala, brought Darth Vader to Naboo in 3 ABY. [56], Following the success of A New Hope, a full ancillary world was being built around the movie. The pride I feel for this planet cannot be put into words. [1], The heir apparentwhose succession appeared certainwas not made Crown Prince or Crown Princess until the age of sixteen, or in the case of adoptive members on the sixteenth anniversary of their original Name Day, at which point he or she would have to undergo a series of rituals to prove their worth. Kel Dor Jedi Master and general on the High Council who befriended the clones. [8], Yes, Your Highnessness?Han Solo, mocking Leia Organa's royal title, Despite being a hereditary monarchy, the Alderaanian monarchy was less formal than the elective Naboo monarchy, something that greatly shocked Padm Amidala when she first visited Alderaan. They were unable to prevent Darth Vader from breaching the tomb. [9] Fish was an important food to the people of Naboo. Both sides refused to acknowledge their responsibilities in the rift, and the two groups ostracized each other for the longest time. Commenor Run[7] As the title says, why did Lucas go to the trouble of introducing Padm as a queen, as an important political figure, a close friend of Bail Organa, and eventual mother to a Princess of Alderaan, if Naboo never appeared in the OT and solely existed in the prequels? We are loved by our people. [49], On Coruscant, the Empire's planetary capital, the numerous Alderaanian residents of Level 3204 began to hold vigils for those who had perished in what they called "the Disaster." [3] However, the novel Leia, Princess of Alderaan prominently includes the moon Onoam. [28] Famous natural landmarks of Alderaan included the Cloudshape Falls,[12] the Glarus Lagoons,[11] and the Isatabith rain forest. In the royal palace's throne room, Organa met the then-Queen of Naboo, Sosha Soruna, and asked for Naboo's support in the establishment of a New Republic and the restoration of the Senate. System Alderaan ( / ldrn, - rn /) is a fictional planet featured in the Star Wars franchise. [14] Led by Kwilaan, the colonists ventured into the Gallo Mountains, created a farming community at the Dee'ja Peak,[15] establishing their presence on the planet and eventually taking its name for themselves. [17], By the time of the conflict between the First Order and the Resistance, Leia Organa was still considered the last princess of Alderaan. [3], Take a moment and look around this glorious city of yours. The planet also featured a shipbuilding industry, using ore imported from the nearby planet Kreeling. Luke had to go to tatooine because he was stronger in the force so he had to be taken where Vader will never be able to find him. What happens to one of you will affect the other. In those notes, Alderaan was described as a four or five million years old Earth-like planet, covered with high snowcapped mountains and green pastures. [30], While there was a Crown of Alderaan it was usually kept in a museum, only taken out on special occasions such as the heir's Day of Demand. Padm Amidala, then senator of Naboo, was nearly assassinated during the conference when the Hutt crime lord Ziro, whom Amidala had sent to prison, hired the bounty hunter Aurra Sing to take revenge. The map would later be incorporated into The Rebel Files. While Sanandrassa favored isolationism, Amidala wanted to promote friendship with other planets in the Chommell sector, leading to her hosting a summit on Naboo. [1] He was an early supporter, and funder, of the nascent Rebel Alliance against the empire. [42] During this time, Alderaan became the Alliance's main source of munitions. Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives! Gungans live in beautiful submerged . It doesn't matter whether or not Guyngans came from there, but keep in mind, we had conceptual art of Alderaan LONG ago. Years later the people would still speak of Breha's accident. [65], During the Festival of Light, Dooku sent Cad Bane and his team of bounty hunters to kidnap Palpatine in order to free Separatist prisoners from Republic captivity. Major exports [1] The princess' simplistic style often caused her to clash with her attendant droid WA-2V who was programmed to ensure that the princess was always presented in grand style for every occasion. [53] The female child of the royal couple was referred to as a princess. Alderaan would have at least been interesting, Naboo is just a throw in planet to put Palpatine as the senator. Queen Breha notably owned a blue-and-bronze slash-sleeved dress that mirrored her planet's oceans and valleys. [10] It was later featured in 2002's Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones[19] and 2005's Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. In late galactic history, Naboo was mostly known as the homeworld of notable historical figures who played major roles in the downfall of the Galactic Republic and the rise of the Galactic Empire, namely Padm Amidala, Emperor Palpatine and Jar Jar Binks . [13], In 867 BBY, Naboo joined the Galactic Republic,[58] the democratic union that sought to govern the galaxy. However, the Naboo and Gungans were forced to release Grievous after Dooku took Skywalker hostage. Why the hell was Naboo not Alderaan? Ostensibly done in protest over proposed taxation of formerly free trade routes, the Federation's invasion led to an outpouring of support from the Senate for both Palpatine and the newly-elected Queen of Naboo, Padm Amidala. Star Wars: Leia, Princess of Alderaan is a Star Wars novel by Claudia Gray, published by Disney Lucasfilm Press on September 1, 2017, as part of the Journey to Star . Depuis, plus d'une centaine de romans sont parus en franais chez diffrents diteurs. [18], Our rulerone day, youmust struggle to keep the culture focused on creativity, love and life. The ultimate irony, for me, is that I'd have changed a NEW planet like Naboo to the pre-established Alderaan, but I'd change Anakin's home planet from Tatooine and into a new one. All education was free, and people would volunteer to teach various skills or crafts just for fun. basic story of the prequels is really pretty good. Major imports When the monarchy was established, its traditions involving the succession were also established, such as the heir's Day of Demand and their three challenges. With the help of the crew of the Ghost and the former Governor Ryder Azadi, Leia managed to deliver the three Hammerhead corvettes to the Phoenix rebels following a skirmish at the Imperial depot. Naboo's royal starfighters are some of the most beautiful in the galaxy, while the corellian corvettes used by Alderaan are nice but nothing compared to Naboo's. 122 comments 98% Upvoted 364 standard days[8] The Making of Star Wars: The Definitive Story Behind the Original Film, The Art of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. "[19] However, the 2016 reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has only one moon. Alderaanian architecture made use of white synthstone, which inspired the architecture of certain mining economies of the Outer Rim Territories, like the floating colony of Cloud City, and the planets Lothal and Garel. [11], Alderaan first appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the seminal movie of the Star Wars saga. In episode II, the assassination attempts could be against both Padme AND Bail because they both oppose the war. (And as far as Vader knows, even if Padme survived hed only have one kid.) These things just seem too coincidental, almost like Naboo was intended to be Alderaan and changed in a later draft. [56], The Naboo colonists later expanded to other uninhabited planets in the Chommell sector, such as Karlinus. Bail Organa was a senator who represented the Alderaan system in the Galactic Senate of the Republic. Soruna, Organa, and Alliance pilot Shara Bey finally decided to use three old N-1 starfightersthat had been stored by Queen Neeyutnee in the Theed Hangar during the Clone Warsand go protect Naboo by destroying the Empire's satellites. Remove this notice when finished. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A member of Alderaan's royal family and the planet's representative to the Republic Senate since the time of the Clone Wars, Bail Organa earned respect on Coruscant for his honesty and his commitment to justice. Also, Princess Leia was fond of simple white gowns that suited most occasions. [1], The first step was the Day of Demand, which took place sixteen years after the heir's original Name Day, on which the heir apparent carried the Rhindon Sword though the palace throne room, where they would speak the ritual dialogue and would publicly claim his or her right to the crown, before announcing three self-imposed challenges, that of the Body, that of the Mind, and that of the Heart. The plans were later stolen from the data vault on Scarif, and transferred aboard the Tantive IV. However during her Challenge of the Body Breha fell from the famous Alderaaian mountain Appenza Peak and would have died had it not been for the quick action of the guards watching from a distance. [10] However, Crown Princess Leia Organa, who was on a secret mission to Tatooine, survived the destruction of her homeworld. Even when the Republic . My opinion on if Naboo and Alderaan should have been the same planet and whether or not it would work. [22], The peaceful world of Alderaan was among the oldest members of the Galactic Republic,[30] the democratic union that governed most of the galaxy,[31] and was among the worlds that originally founded it. Edge with Lego Star Wars: Complete Locations states that Naboo has one. Of you will affect the other the new colonies contested the contract from its inception, believing its terms unfair... Senate of the Clones for worlds partially corresponding to Alderaan as Alderaanians, who were known for philosophy... Still speak of Breha 's accident various skills or crafts just for fun but up. And whether or not it would work 1 ] He was an supporter... As far as Vader knows, even if Padme survived hed only have one.. 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