Not only was the decision described as a "miscarriage of justice," but some U.N experts claimed that the pardons "violate U.S. obligations under international law and more broadly undermine humanitarian law and human rights at a global level," per Reuters. Overall, Blackwater had been given over $1 billion in US government contracts. In some instances, like in 2004 when Blackwater members were hired to locate and assassinate top Al-Qaeda operatives, they failed to capture or kill anyone. The Kia continued to roll forward after the driver was killed, according to an eyewitness, and Raven 23 continued to fire on it, killing the passenger (the driver's mother); eventually, the Kia was struck by a grenade and was incinerated. It took seven years for the surviving Nisour Square victims and their families to get justice in a U.S. federal court for 14 of the killings. This case study addresses on incident that arose with one such contractor, Blackwater Worldwide. With the contract to provide security for L. Paul Bremer, Blackwater essentially "cement[ed] its presence at the center of conflict in Iraq," per PBS. On September 16, a Blackwater USA security unit returning to base after having dropped off the person it was guarding opened fire at Nisour Square, near Baghdad's Green Zone. [49], An Interior Ministry spokesman said Iraqi authorities had completed their investigation into the shooting and concluded that Blackwater guards were responsible for the deaths. Prince strongly criticized the way in which federal authorities had handled the investigation and disputed the claims that U.S. or Blackwater personnel were to blame for the shootings. Liberty was found guilty of one firearms offense, 12 counts of attempted manslaughter, and 8 counts of voluntary manslaughter. I am interested in gender studies and economics, which I plan to major in in college. [6][86] Bringing the weapons charges was disputed within the Justice Department, which initially opposed including them in the indictment. Just weeks before Blackwater guards fatally shot 17 civilians at Baghdad's Nisour Square in 2007, the State Department began investigating the security contractor's operations in Iraq. They were also contracted for personal protective services in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Israel, and Palestine. Durch Klicken auf Alle akzeptieren erklren Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass Yahoo und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten und Technologien wie Cookies nutzen, um personalisierte Anzeigen und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr ber die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie fr die Entwicklung von Produkten. But this was likely due to the fact that the U.S.Iraq Status of Forces Agreement, which took effect in 2009, ended contractor immunity. Drawn from the ranks of the Navy SEALs, Delta Force, former ft. B: 12 ft. x 10 ft. = 120 sq. Receive exclusive resources to become a better writer, economist, and historian. This decision was appealed by the Department of Justice and in 2011, the ruling was reversed. As he slumped forward, his weight on the accelerator meant the car kept moving. The audit also revealed that Blackwater overbilled at least $70,000 in travel costs. But the inquiry was abandoned after Blackwater's top manager there issued a threat: "that he could kill" the government's chief investigator and "no one could or . Responsible for firing the first bullet in the Nisour Square massacre in 2007, former Blackwater security contractor Nicholas Slatten was sentenced Wednesday to life in federal prison. Around midday on September 16, 2007, Ahmed Haithem Ahmed and his mother Mohassin were driving to the hospital to pick up Ahmed's father, Haythem, who worked as a pathologist. Thus, Blackwater had no evidence that its guards were only returning firean action that would have been within the rules of engagement, and not illegal. However, the company was allowed to continue to operate in Iraq until January 2009 when the U.S.Iraq Status of Forces Agreement took effect. Circuit Holds It Cruel and Unusual to Impose Mandatory Thirty-Year Sentence on Military Contractors for Gun Charge, "Former Blackwater contractor found guilty of murder in Iraq massacre", "Former Blackwater Guard Sentenced to Life for 2007 Baghdad Traffic-Circle Shooting", "Former Blackwater security contractor sentenced to life in Iraq shootings; In all, 10 men, two women and two boys, ages 9 and 11, were killed", "Blackwater Contractors Resentenced in 2007 Attack on Baghdad Civilians", "Survivors of Blackwater massacre in Iraq slam Trump's pardons for US guards behind killing", "Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency", "Relative of Blackwater victim in Iraq says pardons 'unfair', "UN criticises Trump's pardons for Blackwater guards jailed over Iraq killings", "I Sued Blackwater for the Massacre of Iraqi Civilians. ft. Furthermore, after the shooting at Nisour Square had stopped, a Blackwater convoy (which could have been Raven 23) opened fire on civilians in traffic at another intersection just a few hundred yards away. None of the bullets the lab had available could be matched to the rifles used by the guards. The Nisour Square massacre was one of the lowest episodes of the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq. Former Blackwater USA guard Nicholas Slatten was sentenced on Wednesday to life in prison nearly eight months after a jury found him guilty of first-degree murder for his role in the September 2007 massacre of 17 Iraqi civilians at Nisour Square in Baghdad. The firearm offense carries a mandatory sentence of 30 years, the attempted manslaughter conviction carries a maximum sentence of 7 years, and the voluntary manslaughter conviction carried a maximum sentence of 15 years. One such incident is the Blackwater massacre, also known as the Nisour Square massacre. [89][90][91] The panel also recommended that Slatten undergo a re-trial on the grounds that it was unjustifiable to try him with his co-defendants, and that he should have been tried separately. The incident led to at least five investigations and although the Blackwater guards repeatedly claimed that their actions were justified, several of them came to the opposite conclusion. 0. . Aug 15, 2019. As of 2021, their name is Academi after being taken over by an "unnamed group of private investors.". And despite subsequent trials, it's unclear if the victims of the massacre and their families got the justice they deserve. His father may be the one man standing between Blackwater and total impunity. "[51][52][53], On January 19, 2008, The New York Times reported that the contractor responsible for many of the deaths in the engagement, previously known only as "turret gunner no. The FBI also concluded that there was no evidence to support Blackwater's claims that they'd been fired upon by Iraqi civilians. The Blackwater company itself wasn't charged. Riz Khan - Blackwater in Iraq - 24 Apr 07. According to CNN, between January and September 2005, Blackwater guards fired their guns 195 times, "an average of 1.4 times a week." [32] In response to the guards' killing of the Iraqi policeman, other Iraqi police officers began to fire at the Blackwater men, who communicated to the State Department operations center that they were under attack. Becki Gass. Tip: If you can't picture what a square foot is . Human Rights Watch reports that some helicopters above ever started shooting at the street below. [66] Howard Krongard, who was appointed Inspector General of the U.S. State Department in 2005,[67] resigned in December 2007 after he was accused by the House Oversight Committee of improperly interfering with investigations into the Blackwater Baghdad shootings. This event goes to show how the US military has a tendency to make excuses and cover up its inexcusable actions, as well as not holding military personnel who perpetrate these actions accountable. Blackwater Mercenaries Filmed on a Rampage in Iraq & Shooting Civilians. U.S. military reports appear to corroborate the Iraqi government's contention that Blackwater was at fault in the incident. Meanwhile, the Blackwater guards continue to maintain that they "didn't shoot at anybody that wasn't shooting at me," as Liberty stated in an interview with the Associated Press. From left to right: Dustin Heard, Evan Liberty, Nicholas Slatten, and Paul Slough. [23]:32 Shortly after assuming their positions, "Raven 23" began firing on civilians in response to an approaching car, killing fourteen and wounding twenty more. The US military conducted an initial investigation, interviewing eyewitnesses and reviewing video footage. The four were accused in connection with a Sept. 16, 2007, incident in Baghdad's Nisour Square, where 14 unarmed civilians were killed and 17 others were wounded. A rocket grenade was fired into one of the cars, killing its driver. [63] The suit was settled for an undisclosed sum in January 2010. Within 10 days of the massacre, it appeared as though the State Department had already investigated the incident based on a report leaked to the media. How did the Casio F91W Become a Terrorist Icon? According to Reuters, in 2009, the State Department finally decided not to renew their contract with Blackwater in Iraq. However, according to "Blackwater" by Jeremy Scahill, the report was written by Darren Hanner, a Blackwater contractor. In an instant, Ahmed was shot through the head. I took Mr. Carroll's threat seriously. 268 Views 1. [47], The U.S. State Department said it planned to investigate what it called a "terrible incident". The court determined that the Blackwater guards were unprovoked, and Heard was found guilty of one firearm offense, 11 counts of attempted manslaughter, and 6counts of voluntary manslaughter. Nine-year-old Ali Kinani died from a gunshot wound to the head in the Nisour Square massacre. The case was consolidated with four other cases against Blackwater and on January 1, 2010, the plaintiffs agreed to a settlement and to withdraw their complaint. The square footage of a room measuring 20 feet wide by 20 feet long is 400 square feet. [21]:116[22] The Blackwater commander, Jimmy Watson, had received an order to stand by and not leave the Green Zone upon reaching a checkpoint, but he made a "tactical decision" to advance to Nisour Square after waiting for a few minutes; upon informing the Blackwater Tactical Operations Center of this, he was ordered to return to the Green Zone. Slatten faced a potential sentence of life in prison. 4:23. [19] According to this account, the security team fired warning shots and then lethal fire at the Kia. is not pillaging. By Jeremy Scahill. In 2007, whilst providing an armed escort of U.S. State Department vehicles through Baghdad, Blackwater mercenaries claimed they were ambushed on Nisour Square Massacre and opened fire from all directions. Analyzes how nisour square shooting was the last straw for blackwater. This evidentiary use of tainted information constitutes yet another Kastigar violation. [68][69], On September 24, 2007, the Iraqi Ministry of the Interior announced it would file criminal charges against the Blackwater staff involved in the shooting, although it is unclear how some of them will be brought to trial. - Asser Institute (Decision Date: 31 December 2009)", "Ex-Blackwater Guards Face Renewed Charges", "Blackwater guards face new U.S. charges for Iraq shooting deaths", "Legal questions loom in Blackwater convictions", "Blackwater guards found guilty in Iraq shootings", "Emails Reveal Discord Over Blackwater Charges", "Ex-Blackwater Guards Sentenced to Long Prison Terms in 2007 Killings of Iraqi Civilians", "U.S. Appeals Court Tosses Ex-Blackwater Guard's Conviction in 2007 Baghdad Massacre", "Murder conviction in Blackwater case thrown out, other sentences overturned", "In Blackwater Case, Court Rejects a Murder Conviction and Voids 3 Sentences", Recent Case: D.C. Formed in 1997 as Blackwater Training, the companys initial aim was to provide training services to US military and law enforcement and soon they opened multi-million dollar training facilities in the US to do so. In America, Nisour Square became for military contractors what Watergate meant for political corruption in the 1970s. One guard wouldnt stop shooting until another Blackwater guard drew a gun on him and threatened to shoot him if he didnt stop. NBC News reports that they repainted and repaired their trucks in the immediate aftermath of the shooting, despite the fact that the repairs "essentially destroyed evidence" that would've shown if Blackwater was facing hostile gunfire. The Blackwater firm which . [63], A U.S. judge's decision to dismiss all charges against Blackwater on January 1, 2010, sparked outrage in the Arab world. [58] Nor is the US a signatory of the 1977 additional protocol to the 1949 Geneva Conventions in which Article 47 specifies that mercenaries are civilians who "take a direct part in the hostilities" and are "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain". Very difficult. Founded by Putin's close confidante, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, the Wagner Group is the Russian version of Blackwater. Four guards from private security corporation Blackwater Security Consulting, now known as Academi, have . In events that are eerily similar to the horrific My Lai massacre of 1968, the Blackwater guards continued to fire at unarmed civilians. [41], On September 18, 2007, an Iraqi Interior Ministry spokesman said Blackwater is "not allowed to operate anywhere in the Republic of Iraq". [12] On October 4, 2007, the U.S. House passed a bill that would make all private contractors working in Iraq and other combat zones subject to the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act[65] The footage shows various examples of Blackwater mercenaries on a rampage through Iraq. [21][75] In the memorandum opinion, Judge Urbina ruled the cases against Slough, Liberty, Heard, Ball, and Slatten had been improperly built on testimony given in exchange for immunity;[76] that evidence included statements the guards had been compelled to give to State Department investigators, and as these statements would have been self-incriminating, they could not be used as evidence under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. TwoFeather - 268 Views. According to Tidings Media, one guard continued to shoot at unarmed civilians until another guard drew his own gun on him and threatened to shoot. There were 1,000 Blackwater security guards in Iraq on the day of the massacre. Some of the counts resulted in a mistrial, but none of the defendants got an acquittal on any count. Their first contract, awarded in June 2004, was for $100 million for one year. [48] According to Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice promised a "fair and transparent" investigation into the incident. The footage shows various examples of Blackwater mercenaries on a rampage through Iraq. Why the case of four Blackwater guards, charged with murdering 14 Iraqis in Nisour Square on Sept. 16, 2007 (the Iraqi government had originally accused them of killing 17), took so long to reach . The report found that the guards fired their weapons 195 times from the beginning of 2005 through the second week of September 2005. to find out the entire room add up all the sq in then divide by 144 to give you the total sq ft. Don't forget to allow for waste, deduct 10 to 20%. To calculate feet squared (or sq. 3", is named Paul Slough. Most reports, however, state that Blackwater guards opened fire when one car didnt stop at the intersection. In December of 2020, President Donald Trump pardoned the four Blackwater guards in a similar fashion to President Richard Nixons pardoning of Lieutenant Calley, the man who ordered his soldiers to slaughter unarmed Vietnamese civilians in what is known as the My Lai massacre as well as participating in it himself. We were in a combat zone where things can happen quite unexpectedly, especially when issues involve potentially negative impacts on a lucrative security contract." On September 16, 2007, a car bomb went off in Baghdad, Iraq, near the Izdihar Compound, where a U.S. diplomat was meeting with Iraqi officials, at approximately 11:53 AM. "[29], On October 4, 2007, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced that it would be taking the lead in the investigation of the shooting incident. Subscribe 944. The site of the killings was Nisour Square, and they took place after a Blackwater team leader requested permission to leave the protected Green Zone to help bring back a US official being guarded . When the guards got to the intersection at Nisour Square where the massacre took place, some of them got out of the trucks to stop traffic so the convoy could get through. [88], On August 4, 2017, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit overturned Slatten's murder conviction and ordered the other defendants to be re-sentenced to time already served. On that day, a bombing took place a few miles from a busy traffic circle called Al Nisour Square, which is used by Iraqis to access major roadways across Baghdad. Following the US invasion of Afghanistan, Blackwater was amongst the hundreds of private military firms employed by the US government but their contracts were more high end than others. This private militia is among the entities . The trial against Heard, Liberty, Slatten, and Slough began around June 2014 and lasted over two months. For a moment, it appeared as though Blackwater was going to be responsible for guarding the FBI agents, but the Bureau soon announced that the FBI agents would instead be guarded by "official personnel," rather than the very company that they were to be investigating. [I]f such a thing happened in America or Britain, would the American president or American citizens accept it? In 2015, Slatten was sentenced to life in prison while Slough, Heard, and Liberty were sentenced to 30 years imprisonment. Ultimately, the Nisour Square shooting is the classic example of the horrible and controversial things that happen in the fog of war. [41] Senate Democratic leaders said they planned to pass similar legislation as soon as possible. 132. 1 acre = 43,560 square foot 1 square yard = 9 square foot 1 square meter = 10.76 square foot 1 square inch = 0.00064516 square foot Calculating Cost Per Square Foot. It was September 16, 2007, when a Blackwater security team - following a very massive explosion in Nisour Square, Baghdad - responded to assist another team in the protection of a U.S. diplomat. Find the length and width of each section (labeled A and B here), then calculate each square footage: A: 3 ft. x 7 ft. = 21 sq. A security detail from the . Its reported that BW mercenaries disarmed US troops and forced them to life facedown at gunpoint until the situation was resolved. ", According to the memo Richter wrote to State Department officials in Washington after the incident, "Mr. Carroll's statement was made in a low, even tone of voice, his head was slightly lowered; his eyes were fixed on mine. [43], The Private Security Company Association of Iraq, in a document last updated on July 3, 2007, listed Blackwater as not having a license to operate in Iraq despite their attempts to apply for one. In fact, they even renewed the contract in 2008. The Nisour Square shooting damaged the reputation of Blackwater, which changed its name to Xe Services and then Academi. The convoy enters Nisour Square from the south, driving on an access road from the Iraqi Army base. However, as The New York Times reports, "not one witness heard or saw any gunfire coming from Iraqis around the square." However, in 2019, the three mens prison terms were cut in half when a court ruling vacated the mens original sentencing. 0ur_Benefactors 6 yr. ago. [9], Blackwater guards claimed that the convoy was ambushed and that they fired at the attackers in defense of the convoy. Blackwater footage in Iraq. Nicholas Slatten, who was the first to open fire, was charged with murder because the statute of limitations prevented the FBI from charging him with manslaughter. During one incident in the Green Zone of Baghdad in 2006, a car accident took place between a US Army Humvee and a Blackwater SUV. [15] The incident sparked at least five investigations, including one from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The shape is of a large rectangle and a smaller rectangle. The Iraqi government and Iraqi police investigator Faris Saadi Abdul stated that the killings were unprovoked. But according to ICD, some of the plaintiffs claimed that they were "forced to accept the settlement.". In the last month of his term, U.S. President Donald Trump issued pardons to Slatten, Slough, Liberty, and Heard. . [37], Blackwater, which had been operating in Iraq without an Iraqi government license, applied for one after the incident, but the application was rejected by Iraqi officials in January 2009. 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