My grandmother considered her family name to be "Antanaitis", but her brother considered his family name to be "Antonaitis". Church marriage record (if you know when and where she was married). I hope this is helpful. My Lithuanian family tree with Americanized names. [Contrary to the beliefs of some people, such name changes were not made at Ellis Island.] Popular Lithuanian Last Names on FamilyEducation: Adomaitis, Zukas, Lanka Image: Trakai castle in Lithuania Lithuanian Last Names Are the Registers of Ancestor's RC Parish in Lithuania Online? Are the Registers of Ancestor's RC Parish in Lithuania Online? You may already know it from family sources. A Lithuanian surname. Dec 26, 2020 6:00 pm By Robert Spencer 3 Comments. Rasa =Dew). Options: Who Will Search the Lithuanian RCC Registers? Jan 9, 2013 @ 4:16 pm. Find Ancestors in Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Birth Registers, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Marriage Registers, 6. Unmarried women typically changed to the American practice of having the same surnames as their fathers: Married women typically changed to the American practice of having the same surnames as their husbands: U.S. records that ask for names of the ancestor's parents (see. Church records, especially earlier records. 1913 ship passenger list: Czepules (and the name of her female cousin on the same page of the list is spelled "Czepulisk"). A lot of immigrants changed the spelling of their names after they arrived in the USA. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor and Any Immigrant Relatives, Application for Social Security (Form SS-5). Immigrant chef Ettore Boiardi got tired of Americans mangling his name, so he made it easier for them to pronounce. Perhaps this is the reason that various surnames share a coat of arms. After arrival in the U.S., Lithuanian immigrants typically changed their names to "sound more American". About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnames in Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings, About Older (Antiquated) Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, In modern Lithuanian, the conventions for suffix endings of female surnames (as described above) are now standardized, but you may find other forms in records because there apparently were once regional differences within Lithuania. To make such a search, you need to know the date of the event. Even if your ancestor used the same name throughout his/ her life in the U.S., you will probably find many variations of the name, and it seems that the number of variations increases as you go back in time. Female Lithuanian names end in "-ė" or "-a" wh… If the surname was a long one, an immigrant might change the ending to make it shorter: Gudavičius might become Gudas. {Example: stem "Čepul-"}. Our database of names is created by real name experts with a great passion for onomastics, the study of names. In U.S. culture it is customary that the mother and father in a family have the same surname (last name) and that their children also share that same surname. In present-day Lithuania, the conventions for spelling of surnames are now fairly well standardized, but in older records there are many more variations, and it is often difficult to know if the surname was simply misspelled in a particular record. March 28, 2014 – 11:20 AM – 0 Comments. This is a list of 10,000 Lithuanian last names and surnames. Identify Immigrant Lith Ancestor's Birth Parish in Lithuania. LAIMA f Lithuanian, Latvian, Baltic Mythology From Latvian laime and Lithuanian laima, which mean "luck, fate". In some cases, where the "Americanized" name evolved over time, the versions of the name in earlier U.S. records might be a clue to the original Lithuanian surname. Many Lithuanian immigrants did not adopt the English equivalent of their given names. Find Ancestors in Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Birth Registers, Search in 1848-WWI Russian-Language Marriage Registers, 6. My own is but one example. Lithuanian name generator for male and female characters. Noble families from Crimea 1390-1441. Example: Maiden Names That I Have Found for My Maternal Grandmother Stella Chepulis Miknis. Church death/funeral record of her child (if you know when her child died and her parish). If the surname was a patronymic one [-avičius; -evičius; -aitis] that had a U.S. "sort-of-equivalent" surname, the immigrant might use that approach: Some Lithuanian immigrants might have Polonized their names if they lived in a Polish community: Some Lithuanian immigrants with long complicated names may have made an extreme change to a short American-sounding name. This appears regularly in records originating during the Interwar Period., eg. In order to search U.S. records of your ancestor, you have to first locate them, and records are almost always found by using indexes of names. View Census Data for Lithuania. Collect Birth Data of Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor / Relatives, 2. Polish last names were most often derived from places, family patriarchs or nicknames. 10,000 Lithuanian Last Names and Surnames - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Find Ancestors in Non-Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, 7. 1898, Scotland) elementary school teacher in the Ireland. Within my grandmother's family, some were using the family name "Antanaitis" and others were using the family name "Antanavičius". In Lithuania, these surnames are mainly occupational: Soifer (scribe), Dayen (judge), Melamed (teacher) and Khait (tailor). Lithuanian last names starting with M Aaron = Aron, Aarin Aronbayev/Aronbayoff, Aarons, Ahrens, Aaronson, Aronov/Aronoff, Aronson, Aronovich, Aronowicz/Aronowitz, Arenstein, Arnstein, Baron, Barron, Hornstein/Horenstein/Gorenstein 2. Although virtually extinct following the Christianization of Lithuania, they continued to exist as surnames, such as Goštautas, Kęsgaila, Radvila or in their Slavicised versions, as well as in toponyms. [For reference, her actual name in Lithuania was "Čepulytė" (pronounced "Chepull-ee-teh"), with family name "Čepulis" (pronounced "Chepullis").]. I use the spelling "Antanaitis" because this name is a patronymic one derived from the Lithuanian given name "Antanas". (And these situations get even more complicated because the priests didn't always spell names correctly and they had multiple ways of converting surnames into Latin for the Latin-language records of the RC parishes.) Church baptism record of her child (if you know when and where her child was baptized). 1916 baptism record of her daughter: Čepulaite. Birth certificate of her child (if you know when and where the child was born). This was the name of the Latvian and Lithuanian goddess of fate, luck, pregnancy and childbirth. Melis (Greek origin) meaning "care for; honey". 4. In 1784, Slutsk belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth; by 1811 it was part of the Russian Empire. Share. 52. Salman Arshad . 5. Collect Birth Data of U.S. The existing surnames and written sources have allowed linguists such as Kazimieras Būga to reconstruct these names. Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor and Any Immigrant Relatives. In order to search for the ancestor's birth record in Lithuania, you need to know the ancestor's "original" Lithuanian name. Immigrants Who 'Americanized' Their Names Earned 14 Percent More, Study Says . The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings -aitis, -avičius, and -evičius are all patronymic suffixes. During this period Patronymic name usage became common for males and females, in addition to family crest. 1. The primary occurrence of this is for the baptism, marriage, and funeral records prepared by Lithuanian-speaking priests in U.S. ethnic Lithuanian RC parishes. Find Male Ancestors of Any "Noble" Ancestors, Church Marriage, Baptism and Death Records, Chicago (Lithuanian) RC Parish Registers Online, St Casimir (Lith) Parish (Chicago Heights), Lithuania RC Parish Registers (in the Lithuanian Archives and Online), View Online Lith RCC Registers [Preferred], Polonization of Lithuanian Names in Lith RCC Registers, Search Aids for My Ancestral Parishes in Lithuania, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuanian Surnames, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuania Place Names, Use of "De-Russified" Lithuania Place Names, About Male and Female Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. MANESS English (American) Probably a variant of MANES. Hereditary surnames (a surname passed down from a father to his children) were not in common use in the British Isles prior to about the fourteenth century. Like many other languages, Lithuanian is an inflected language in which the suffix endings are changed (according to rules of grammar) to reflect different grammatical cases. I use the spelling "Antanaitis" because this name is a patronymic one derived from the Lithuanian given name "Antanas". The first of these is onomastic in nature, providing the etymology of the surname and any Americanized variants from which they stem. About Lithuanian vs. "Americanized" Surnames in Lithuanian RC Parishes in the U.S. About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames, About Older (Antiquated) Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. The most popular Lithuanian names are Christian ones (Ona =Ann, Irena =Irene, Janina =Jane, Jonas =John, Antanas =Anthony) but the names of the medieval Lithuanian leaders and their wives are also common (Vytautas, Gediminas, Mindaugas, Birutė). Married women will always have a surname ending in 'iene'. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. Through these entries a researcher can find the date of birth, place of birth, other life facts important to ones family genealogy in Lithuania. Lithuanian surnames have a base which would be Mikalausk for this name. Yay, I’ve been waiting for something like this for a while now. Abel = Abelman, Abelson 3. On a related note, you might want to read about why your ancestor's name probably did not change at Ellis Island.. Applications for U.S. citizenship (Declarations of Intent; Petitions for Naturalization) [but most Lithuanian immigrant women didn't submit these]. Copyright © The creation of different and unique surnames among members of the same family who lived in the same household without surnames prior to the 1804 surname law, and in different households subsequent to the law, is demonstrated by the 1784 and 1811 Jewish censuses for the town of Slutsk. I know this could be a needle in a haystack kind of question, but then again there might be some simple answer! 1000's of combinations are possible, you're bound to find one you like. 1915 All Saints Church marriage record: Čiapulyte. NYC: Man Murders ‘Americanized’ Daughter Who Didn’t Want to Wear Hijab. One important variation occurs for records prepared by Lithuanian-speaking people within the ethnic Lithuanian community. Cemetery Headstones [for burials in ethnic Lithuanian cemeteries], Cemetery Interment Records [for burials in ethnic Lithuanian cemeteries]. I presume they changed their name to make it sound more American. Cavecreekmommy … 5. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Lithuania surname lived. Looking at it I thought they all had weirdly similar first and middle names until I realized they likely changed them when they immigrated over. If you are a male in the family your name would change to Mikalauskas. The influence of Orthodox Christianity on pagan Lithuanian culture is evidenced in about one-third of present-day Lithuanian surnames which are constructed from baptismal names are Old Church Slavonic in origin. I think the name Urbannavage is a typically Americanized form of a Lithuanian surname, in this case, Urbanavicius. Abraham = Aberke, Aberl/Aberle, Aberlein, Aberlieb, Aberlin, Abers, Aberzuss, Abraham, Abrahams, Abrahamson, Abram, Abrams, Abramovitch/Abramovich/Abramowicz, Abramoff, Abramov, Abramowitz/Abramovitz, Abreska, Abromo… First of all, in the Lithuanian language and culture, all persons in the family have the same surname "stem" (or "root") but different suffixes. We show the Lithuanian spelling of the names as well as the root which is the version you are more likely to recognize. Name List. You know him as “Chef Boyardee.” But most Italian immigrants didn't become famous. You need to understand the system at least enough to convert a female surname into the family name. So when the priest wrote down their names in a parish record, he probably wrote down the Lithuanian form of the name even if they were using an Americanized form everywhere else. By Vi-An Nguyen @vian_nguyen More by Vi-An. The surname Malloy is derived from the pre 10th century Old Gaelic name O'Maolmhuidh, meaning the descendant of the Great Chief. Lithuania Family OccupationsWhat did your Lithuania ancestors do for a living? There are Lithuanian families, which were already mentioned in the times of Lithuanian Grand Duchy of 14th century, in the dawn of Gediminids - Wikipedia / start of Jagiellonian dynasty - Wikipedia. When the daughter Jane Doe gets married to John Smith, she typically then becomes Jane Doe Smith or Jane Smith née Doe. 3. 53. conventions for spelling of surnames are now fairly well standardized, but in older records there are many more variations, and it is often difficult to know if the surname was simply misspelled in a particular record. If you don't know the Lithuanian surname, and the surname change was significant, nobody can make a good guess, so it would be critically important to find at least the surname in a record. Some examples of this are: About Variations of "Americanized" Surnames in U.S. Records. Fantasy surname generator . Whether you’re an author looking to name a character in your novel, or just a regular person looking for a name for your alter-ego, this list would help in choosing the best surnames that would add a dash of a special suave and elegance to your personality. This family name is associated with Lithuanian politician Antanas Mockus. In the Lithuanian culture and language, the males and females within a family have surnames that are similar but end with different suffixes. If the ancestor didn't change the name significantly, it may be possible for you or a Lithuanian genealogy researcher to "guess" the Lithuanian name from the U.S. name. Norbut (German origin) meaning "bright; north". They all mean "son of", but the -aitis suffix is considered to be "more Lithuanian", and the -avičius and -evičius suffixes are considered to be "more Slavic". This name generator will generate 10 surnames, which fit many types of fantasy settings. Note that the original Biblical name is given first: 1. Americanized surname. This surname is a variation of ‘beautiful’, as it has the French word ‘belle’ in it. 1920 baptism record of her daughter: Čepulaitė. ... Based on that ending, they will receive the father's surname with a specific new ending. Find Male Ancestors of Any "Noble" Ancestors, Church Marriage, Baptism and Death Records, Chicago (Lithuanian) RC Parish Registers Online, St Casimir (Lith) Parish (Chicago Heights), Lithuania RC Parish Registers (in the Lithuanian Archives and Online), View Online Lith RCC Registers [Preferred], Polonization of Lithuanian Names in Lith RCC Registers, Search Aids for My Ancestral Parishes in Lithuania, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuanian Surnames, Use of "De-Polonized" Lithuania Place Names, Use of "De-Russified" Lithuania Place Names, How Lithuanian Immigrants Typically "Americanized" Their, About Variations of "Americanized" Surnames in U.S. Records, Example: Maiden Names That I Have Found For My Maternal Grandmother Stella Chepulis Miknis. But surnames like Cohen, Israel, and Levi are specifically Jewish in nature. Due to differences in masculine and feminine endings, there are no "universal names" which could be used for both males and females. girl Girls boy Boys ; You can add names without registering. 15. 54. Many just “Americanized” them. 3. My latest in PJ Media: Kabary Salem is a former Olympic boxer who was arraigned Tuesday on murder charges over the strangulation death of his daughter, Ola Salem. Moreover, some ordinary words are today used as names (e.g. Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information, 1. On the 1900 US census, I found an Italian family named COOK. Top. 1916 birth certificate of her daughter: Chepulis. Discover the ethnic origin and meaning of last names. The Lithuanian consonants having diacritical marks (č, š, ž) would be replaced either by their unmarked English counterparts (c, s, z) or else the equivalent-sounding letters (ch, sh, zh). Save List Open list in full view. Lithuanian Names List (A-Z) - Page 3 - from "Orlin" to "Veronika" Sign in to my list | My Name List + Add name Download list. It is valuable for doing Lithuanian genealogy searches. This list should not count Lithuanian Jews because Jewish people are their own cohesive racial group who do not look like Lithuanians. Most born between the 1870s and early 1900s. Ieva on February 21, 2015: Jason Sudeikis not lithuanian :) He got this surname from his father which was mixed too. Lithuanian Roman Catholic (RC) Ancestor Search Information, 1. She was the sister of the goddesses Dēkla and Kārta, who were also associated with fate. There are Jewish surnames of Russian, Polish, or German origin. Miskinis meaning "forest; forest spirit". All rights reserved. Find Ancestors in Non-Online Registers of Lithuanian RCCs, 7. Jewish surnames are thus quite interesting due to their wide range of origins. The typical Lithuanian surname suffix endings -aitis, -avičius, and -evičius are all patronymic suffixes. 51. There's a couple of important things to keep in mind about the names below. ), Here are the "modern Lithuanian" suffix rules for surnames (These are based on information in "Introduction to Modern Lithuanian" by Dambriūnas, Klimas, and Schmalstieg (. Invite friends to vote on your list using & email. The same names are found everywhere in the Pale of Settlement, but they are most highly concentrated in Lithuania. For example, if the father's surname ends in 'ys', the daughter's surname would end in 'yte'. 1. In the early years of those parishes, the people often spoke in Lithuanian, and so often used the Lithuanian forms of their names in their conversations even though they were using the Americanized form everywhere else. They all mean "son of", but the -aitis suffix is considered to be "more Lithuanian", and the -avičius and -evičius suffixes are considered to be "more Slavic". Collect Birth Data of U.S. Here are the "modern Lithuanian" suffix rules for surnames (These are based on information in "Introduction to Modern Lithuanian" by Dambriūnas, Klimas, and Schmalstieg (Reference 10)): In most U.S. records of a Lithuanian immigrant ancestor, one will find the "Americanized" version of the ancestor's name. Any ideas what their Italian surname could have been? Applications for U.S. citizenship (Declarations of Intent; Petitions for Naturalization). This usually occurred in cases where there was no English equivalent or else there was an English equivalent but it wasn't a commonly used name in the U.S. There are additional considerations about names. Mahloy is a misspelling of Malloy by Charles Malloy's (b. Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. He started calling himself Hector Boyardee. People just don’t ask enough questions about Lithuanian for me to answer :( Anyway, I did a quick google, and got this at Wikipedia: List of most common surnames in Lithuania. The Lithuanian Language uses suffixes appended to the surname. 4. French last names are intriguing and stylish. Options: Who Will Search the Lithuanian RCC Registers? I have seen several instances where the maiden-name suffix ending is -ke instead of -te. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. marriage license; post-marriage portion (Jan 1915): Chepulaite. Mockus is derived from the personal name Motiejus. Identify Immigrant Lith Ancestor's Birth Parish in Lithuania. Internal Passports. Marriage license (if you know when and where she was married). So its far away.. :) Nicole Prashuk on February 19, 2015: I'm Lithuanian, my All the males in the family have the same suffix {Example: The mother in the family typically has the suffix, The daughter in the family typically has the suffix, You may also see other slight variations of these suffixes associated with differences in grammatical case. I have seen several instances where the maiden-name suffix ending is -. These variations are caused by misspellings and corrupted spellings by persons preparing the records and/or indexing them, and by the use of "nicknames", and also by actual changes made by the ancestor in attempts to "Americanize" the name. My grandmother considered her family name to be "Antanaitis", but her brother considered his family name to be "Antonaitis". In modern Lithuanian, the conventions for suffix endings of female surnames (as described above) are now standardized, but you may find other forms in records because there apparently were once regional differences within Lithuania. Find out how surnames are ranked in popularity, how many people in the United States of America bear a particular name, and how the statistics change between 1990 and 2000 US Censuses. If you don't know the maiden name of a female ancestor, but you know her married name, the U.S. records in which her maiden name might be found are: Copyright © (All of the above examples are in the Nominative Case. I was fortunate enough to have a distant cousin put together our family tree dating back to my great, great grandparents in Lithuania. This family name is considered to be one of the Americanized Lithuanian surnames. They changed the spelling or pronunciation of their names for different reasons. In the 1910 U.S. census, my grandmother's name was entered as "Antanaicziuke" where I would have expected "Antanaitis" or "Antanaityte". About Patronymic Forms of Lithuanian Surnames. Kernochan (surname) Kincheloe (surname) Kinchen; Kinsolving; Knickerbocker (surname) Krawcheck; Krisher Most Lithuanian immigrants typically adopted the English equivalent of their given names [e.g., Jonas became John; Viktoras became Victor; Barbora became Barbara; Paulina became Pauline]. The surnames are kept rather generic, which is mainly because surnames are heavily dependent on the culture and history of the language it belongs to. In this post, MomJunction shares a compilation of 200 Jewish surnames with their fascinating meanings and history. This page lists some names from the Bukowsko Triangle and their Americanized versions. For reasons such as convenience, or of misspelling by an Immigration Department staff member, many Lithuanian surnames in the USA vary from their original form. All rights reserved. If your ancestor was in an ethnic Lithuanian RC parish, there is a good possibility that the priest wrote down his/ her Lithuanian name rather than his/ her Americanized name in a baptism, marriage or funeral record. When Lithuanian surnames first became a tradition in the 14th century, they were reserved only for Lithuanian nobility. If the surname was a short uncomplicated one, it probably remained the same: The Lithuanian consonants having diacritical marks (. Collect Birth Data of Immigrant Lithuanian Ancestor / Relatives, 2. With respect to names in the pre-1926 Latin-language birth, marriage, and death registers of ethnic Lithuanian RC parishes in Chicago, I have encountered: various spellings by priests trying to "Latinize" the name, various suffix endings to indicate the maiden names of females, and questions about whether the ancestor was actually at that time calling himself/ herself by the Lithuanian version of his/ her name as entered in the register. Post by Tomil42 » 15 Nov 2009, 01:49. marriage license; pre-marriage portion (Dec 1914): Chepulite. With respect to Lithuanian surnames, there are some differences about our ancestors' Lithuanian culture that one needs to understand because those differences may have influenced how an ancestor's name is spelled in a U.S. record. There are lists of equivalent names given in books such as the Polish volume of the "In Their Words" books by Shea & Hoffman (Reference 1). Given names `` luck, fate '' a base which would be Mikalausk for this name is considered be! Within census records and voter lists to see where families with the Lithuania surname lived a... Language, the daughter 's surname with a great passion for onomastics the... Period., eg: Gudavičius might become Gudas: Jason Sudeikis not Lithuanian: ) got. You like not adopt the English equivalent of their names to `` more! 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