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Chester Zoo in the North West of England has been given the green light for an ambitious new biodome project which is to be known as The Heart of Africa. The zoo’s £225 million Heart of Africa Biodome was given approval by Cheshire West and Chester Council in 2010 before it was eventually cancelled. }
imageUploadError: function(json, xhr) Katie Cordrey — January 29, 2010 — Eco. else
Themed retail and dining facilities will also be incorporated. { No one and nothing went in, and nothing and nobody got out for a set period of time. title: 'Chat Question', lineWrapping: true, indentUnit: 4 });
Similarly they continue to inform the current residential debate with focused research into the twenty-first century home, emerging lifestyles and the integration of sustainable technology.Out Now: Pattern Place Purpose data = $.parseJSON(data);
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Dec 12, 2012 - Europe's Heart of Africa Biodome in Chester zoo by Proctor and Matthews var id = arc_pathname($(point).attr('href'), true);
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Aafrika süda Biodome Chesteri loomaaias DISAIN; 2020; Meeskond Autorite Allen and Betty Harper Perekond Kuldne Käsi Hinnang: 5 Kontakt Tänapäevase insenertehnilise disaini ja tehnoloogia abil on kõik võimalikud, kaasa arvatud maastike integreerimine kontinendilt teisele kontinendile. minHeight: 200, Thanks the low weight of ETFE, we were able to design a gridshell structure using 0.35 -0.4 m deep members despite a longitudinal span of 165m and cross span of 75m. var ColBHeight = $('.ColContent').outerHeight(true); $("#featured_comments_section .comment_user_" + result.data.user_id).remove();
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/* Ideen om sådan vil snart blive realiseret i Chester Zoo of England, som projektet er kendt som "Africa of Africa". The ‘Heart of Africa’ bio dome will be home to animals including gorillas, birds, reptiles, chimpanzees, okapi (rare giraffe-like creatures), amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. }
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The Heart of Africa Rainforest Biome would have formed the flagship first phase of a radical new masterplan – Natural Vision – for Chester Zoo. {
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Heart of Africa Biodome England's weather is about as far from tropical as possible -- except within the bubble of this amazing "Heart of Africa" biodome coming soon to the … } //arc_filterform(form);
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Cross sectionWe asked Proctor and Matthews Architects to give us a few technical comments on their material of choice, ETFE: ↑ Click image to enlarge */ Ma newsletter personnalisée. title: 'Caption', /*if( typeof( arc_editor_423 ) == 'function' ) {
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