The lectionary then skips the next part of the story, when Boaz wakes up to find a strange woman in his bed, and asks her who she is, and Ruth practically proposes to him by saying ‘I am Ruth, your servant; spread your cloak over your servant, for you are next-of-kin.’ Boaz agrees, although there is a closer next-of-kin to Naomi who has first claim on Ruth in levirate marriage. About a hundred years down the road from our Ruth story – little David will sling-shot his smooth little stones -- and kill the Philistine giant Goliath. James Baldwin amazed me. So Hebrew culture may have seemed more respectful of life and Ruth was perceptive enough to want that. People eat cheese and milk (Did one of the Tribes of Israel end up in Wisconsin?). When he was done talking, I walked to get a drink at a building that was a distance away, behind some trees. After ten years in Moab, illness comes to the men in this family. Maybe Ruth was raised in an abusive family and it isn’t safe to go. b. Ruth chose to go with Naomi. The service was wonderfully received. But this Boaz isn’t just any random man favoring just any pretty woman. Maybe Ruth and Naomi have become lovers and partners. (By the way our American icon Oprah - was named for Orpah, except her mom misspelled it.). It started in respect, friendship, risk, and welcoming the stranger among them. The young Buddhist yelled over to the Teacher, "Oh Wise One, can you tell me how to get to the other side of this river?”. In the entire three-year lectionary we only have two readings from Ruth, and rather than have one last week and one this week, I put them together so you could hear as much of the story as possible. Yet scholars tell us this story originates somewhere around 550 BCE. It is a story probably three thousand years old about a family in trouble, and I guess it’s because of this, that this story has such fascination for us even today. Do you have to make peace with your past? Play! Do you have to keep working and dealing when all you wanted was barley soup, a couple beers, and a long night dozing in your Barcalounger? About 10 years before our story begins there was a famine in Judah. Maybe her family was so desperately poor she doesn’t want to burden them with her own hunger and needs. The two women move back to the heart of the Hebrew holy land where they work hard, think harder, live as upright lives as they can manage in desperate circumstances – which in turn catches the attention of a good and decent Hebrew man who welcomes them with respect - and extra grain. Naomi was not only in the right place, but she was also with the right people. Purity and spirituality grow out of living in loving-kindness in one’s family and community. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. An undocumented field laborer, as it were – yet he tells his men, for whatever reasons we want to ascribe to him; he tells them to leave plenty of barley on the ground for the Moab gleaner. Instigate sex. Ruth (1) Elimelech & Naomi Ruth Sunday - AM Droylsden Independent Church. All we know is that Ruth told Naomi she wasn’t going back home and Naomi assented to this. It's the church in which Len and I met and then married. The story of Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz encourages us. where you lodge, I will lodge; Like Esther, Ruth is a heroine, a woman who in the service of others behaves in a most indecorous and unladylike manner, and whose breach of propriety is blessed by God. But in seminary, when I learned it is not an “Aww Shucks, Ma’am” cowboy romance, I started liking it even more. Ruth 1:1-22 “Foolish Vows” INTRODUCTION Coping is an everyday experience and we all have various means of coping. In order to feed herself and Naomi, Ruth goes off to glean in the fields – Lev. Some things don’t change much. If this ruse doesn’t work, Boaz has the power to do what he wants to an unprotected female. He kidnapped Hebrews to export them as slaves to other lands. SERMONS ON RUTH. Disputes were not uncommon in our house. The book of Ruth offers readers great insight into the importance of women to Israel’s history and the strength found in steadfast love. It’s a very, very great pity that the lectionary skips over most of it. - of a new relationship? Many readers may have heard of Naomi when they heard a sermon on a person named Ruth in the Bible. Which character is you in the Ruth tale? The stories we are most used to have one predominant character with whom we will probably identify. Boaz knows there is a closer cousin/uncle in Bethlehem who ought to marry Ruth. When farmers harvest grain – it is custom is to drop some grain on the ground so that poor people can follow the workers to pick up that fallen grain. The Jordan River starts north of it, runs through this Sea of Galilee and then south out of it where is dead-ends in the Dead Sea. She is not doing what is normal. What I would really like to do, except that we don’t have the time to do it, would be to read you the entire book. by Rev. Knowing that gives me some clues as to how I would survive if I needed to move back. I preached this sermon at United Unitarian Universalist /23/2019. Dress nicely, put on your best perfume, and go to the threshing floor of Boaz. This is a trick to get the protection of Boaz who has money, power, and land in a place and time where women rarely have any. Naomi tells her two daughters-in-law to go back to their Moabite birth families, back to the protection of their fathers and brothers. Reflecting on Ruth’s passionate promise of commitment to Naomi she writes: From earliest childhood, I remember one or another version of these passionate words. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Ruth is also a wonderful part of the Bible for women to read and enjoy. In Ruth 3:2 Naomi tells Ruth that she knows where Boaz will be that night. Naomi, an Israelite by birth, has lost both her husband and her sons and is returning in absolute poverty. The Hebrews, only a couple hundred years past Moses leading them out of Egypt, were developing into a fairly cohesive culture of monotheistic Yahweh worshippers. Or they have become close, close friends. Priests condemn Hebrews who are not living strictly; they blame the difficulties of the modern era on the so-called lax morals and practices of the returning Hebrews. Yet her loyalty honors God and God moves powerfully as a result of Ruth’s proclamation. This leaves three vulnerable women in a dangerously patriarchal society (are there any other kind of patriarchal societies?) I know a lot about how that town and how people are related. your people shall be my people, No one is certain of the religion in Moab, probably they made sacrifices to the god Chemosh; there are rumors of occasional human sacrifice. They were voting that day on what to do with their building. But the harvest is almost over, and that’s all Boaz has done. Good for me. May the Lord do thus and so to me, This is the part with Ruth’s amazingly powerful words to Naomi, so beautiful that they are often used at weddings: ‘Do not press me to leave you November 8, 2015. was the Babylonian leader who conquered Judah about 600 BCE. Naomi tells Ruth to sneak very late in the night onto the threshing floor, find her way around sleeping men until she finds Boaz. Some priests actually instruct Hebrew men who married women from other nations -- to divorce their foreign wives and get remarried to proper Hebrew women. In verse 6 Naomi gets word that "the Lord has visited his people and given them food." or to turn back from following you! After the night on the threshing floor, Boaz goes to the town center, finds that particular man, says he Boaz wants to marry Naomi’s widowed daughter-in-law. There was one time … That guy agrees because he doesn’t want to have or leave his property to half Moabite children. Ruth and Naomi. September Sermon Series – Ruth, Chapter 4: This Is What Redemption Looks Like. The sting in the tail of this book comes at the very end of the reading: ‘They named him Obed; he became the father of Jesse, the father of David.’ In other words, David the greatest ever king of Israel, had a Moabite great-grandmother. I recognize the interconnections of most of the roads and street; I know the sounds one would hear – the car ferry horn coming in and out of the harbor, whippoorwills at night, and the sound of Lake Michigan’s waves slapping the breakwater when one walks out to the lighthouse. In a book in which the story’s action centres on losing and gaining husbands, it is the relationship between two women that holds the meaning of the story. Maybe she and Naomi have developed a mother-daughter relationship. Mine is Ludington, Michigan. about Sanctuary: Safety or Invitation? Sanctuary is Our Claim that Hope Can Become Truth. ( Log Out / She had a sincere spirit of servitude. a. Naomi had no more sons for her to marry. Scholars can tell by how the writer lays out the story, that he or she - I am fascinated that two out of three adults in this story are strong, brave women. She considered Ruth and Orpah as carnal as she was - 1:15. Ruth puts herself at some risk going gleaming alone, something that Boaz recognises when he tells her not to glean in another’s field, but to stay in his field where she’s safe because he has ordered his young men not to bother her. ( Log Out / Post was not sent - check your email addresses! She follows Naomi’s instructions even when they put her in definite danger, seeking Boaz out alone at night in extremely compromising circumstances. You might know, there was a time when I lived and worked in a transitional house for women in recovery from addiction and homelessness. However, they were photographers and they weren’t going anywhere. I promise it won't clog up your mailbox, and I'll never sell or share your email. The story of Ruth is not the particular romance of Ruth … We are not the first generation to live in a powerful reign of prejudice, discrimination, hatred of the immigrant, expulsion of the non-native. In Act 1 we meet some of the principle characters on the Highway, the road that leads from the country of Moab on the east of the Dead Sea to the town of Bethlehem in Judea. Hebrews did NOT esteem Moabite people at all. Euphemisms are used, but what I said is what she did. It is an example of the amazing providence of Almighty God. This sermon continues the story of Ruth and Naomi as they return home to Bethlehem brokenhearted and uncertain of the future. Boaz proceeds to legally protect both Ruth and Naomi. There is no such thing as a coincidence in the economy of God!) Chocolate is sometimes an … Posted on April 12, 2008 by admin February 7, 2017. The lectionary has cut out the part where Ruth, as widows were permitted to, has been gleaning among Boaz’s fields. Hesed - the loving-kindness that is the root of Hebrew culture and law - is lifted up as the heart of Torah. And here is another interesting thing. This is What Redemption Looks Like . Staring at the great obstacle in front of her, she pondered and pondered how to cross such a wide and mighty barrier. We might call a friend and vent, or go for a long walk. He did this for two reasons. Ruth would want to know about Naomi’s God, and Naomi would be only too glad to tell her all she knew. The little 4-chapter book of Ruth is squeezed into the historical books of the Hebrew story – Joshua, Judges, the Samuels, Kings, and Chronicles. Boaz wakes to discover he has spent the night with this woman – and he is not furious. Anyone can see the great danger that a bitter spirit poses to relationships. and your God my God. This was this last Sunday’s service in the United Unitarian Universalist congregation in my town. King David hits the scene about 1000 BCE; we are supposed to understand that Ruth is the great-grandmother of David. Ruth is a book that challenges religious, ethnic and cultural prejudice. Naomi and Ruth settle in Bethlehem - Ru 1:22 a. Naomi, a woman without husband and sons b. Ruth, the Moabitess living in a strange land CONCLUSION 1. Ruth says no, she’s not going back. What a remarkable group, together unexpectedly because Ruth was … The readings we give us begin by telling us how the Jewish Naomi and the Moabite Ruth end up together in Bethlehem, two widows trying to survive. And we see that her observations about Boaz were true. In the face of that prejudice, one of the most helpful things we can do is follow in the footsteps of Ruth and Naomi and make friends with people who are different from us. Ancient social services …. Check out these helpful resources Biblical Commentary Sermons Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. 82.). The park ranger described the paths one could choose to hike across the island. We don’t know: they, like Ruth, may end up being more to us than seven sons. Sermon Study # 237 – SERVANT SPIRIT Illustrate the life of Ruth. God had won Ruth's allegiance in Moab and so it was to God that Naomi owed the amazing love of her daughter-in-law. I rarely go back since my parents and siblings passed away, but I still have relatives there. That was written by Hebrews in exile. Orpah feels bad about this, but she leaves. This 500-year discrepancy is important and we will talk about it later. Then we have Naomi seeking to find some security for them, by telling Ruth to approach her kinsman Boaz, washed, anointed, and dressed up, and to do whatever he tells her. Judah is the mothership of modern Israel. She knows Bethlehem and its families; who they are and how they are related. The men would remain with the grain overnight, so watch where he lays down to sleep, but don't let him see you! So Naomi counsels Ruth to fix herself up--after all, the only way Boaz had seen her was covered in the dust and sweat of working in his fields. Fourth in the series, Ruth: A Handbook for Christians. 1 Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side, a man of standing from the clan of Elimelek, whose name was Boaz. Boaz sees her and recognizes that she is his cousin’s wife’s foreign daughter-in-law. Sanctuary isn’t the room where we wait for things to get better. 37:23. Sanctuary is more than a concept. There is plenty of such prejudice in the Scriptures, but in books like Ruth the Bible is having an argument with itself. • Ruth asked Naomi to let her go to the fields of someone who will allow her and work, that they might have something to eat. Maybe the Hebrew father-in-law and sons were wonderful husbands who opened Ruth’s eyes to better companions than she had ever known. Boaz showed her favour and protected her from being harassed by his workers. Ruth takes the initiative and Naomi responds with a short concise statement, “Go, my daughter.” o Ruth is active/Naomi is inactive o Ruth is hopeful/Naomi is hopeless o Ruth is determined/ Naomi is in despair • Verse 3 is remarkable in its irony. A sermon on Ruth 3:1-18 by Russell Smith. Sermon for Williamstown. First, the barley was a gesture of down-payment on Ruth, a type of bride price and confirmation that Boaz would be sure she was taken care of. There is no equivalently ardent declaration between Ruth and Boaz to compare with the one made by Ruth to Naomi; the word ‘love’ is only used of Ruth’s feelings for Naomi; and at the end of the story, when a male genealogy leading from Perez to David is given, in the midst of that masculinity, the women tell Naomi that Ruth ‘is more to you than seven sons’. He destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. He will be winnowing grain on the threshing floor. The women of the city rejoice with Naomi. One day a young Buddhist on her journey to find True Happiness, came to the banks of a wide river. The biblical story of David and Jonathan is a justly celebrated example of friendship; it is tempting to think that David inherited his capacity for inspirational friendship from his Moabite great-grandmother. They usually had rock floors. The Journey Back to Bethlehem Ruth 1:6-22 [6] Then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab, for she had heard in the country of Moab that the Lord had visited His people by giving them bread. Ruth Deciding (Ruth 1).Poignant words of Ruth to Naomi appear in verse 16, ''Entreat me not to leave thee, or to turn away from following thee; for where thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God, my God.'' A person Boaz was no coincidence Sunday ’ s not going back to their birth! 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