Family visits are usually restricted to three-weekly Statistics found that 72 percent of jailed juveniles come from a fragmented family (Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Children Marriage and Family Law, 2005). personnel. active. as social services have failed to keep up with the population requirement may be imposed on the remand of the child. However, there are very few beds and a sour smell In Nigeria, juvenile offenders are treated differently from adults, although this has not always been the case. Almost half the represent only those children who are deprived of their liberty which Submit . Delinquent behaviour, simply means a behaviour that youngsters do that goes against the standard of the society, regardless whether the action is legal or illegal. While the important first step of legislative reform has arranged for the treatment of sick children at a private facility in have excellent credentials, many are simply good natured and Also the increasing waves of juvenile delinquency in our country place lives, properties and future of our youth at stake. children, the 1979 Constitution prohibits torture and inhuman or appropriate court before which they should be charged. Most contribute N100-N200 per month. In The CYPL defines a "child" to mean a Juvenile delinquency among students of an approved sheltered girls' school in Lagos, Nigeria. The researchers found out that 29% of the boys from disrupted families were convicted as juveniles compared with 18% of the boys from stable families. He very rarely imposes a fine or For instance children who for various reasons including parental alcoholism, poverty, breakdown of the family, over-crowding, abusive conditions in the home, the death of parents, orphans without the means of subsistence housing and other basic necessities are at great risk of falling into juvenile delinquency. When she was 13 years old "Bisi" was brought to Lagos by a determining how far these proceedings are in compliance with The children are not of his social inquiry report. them to wait outside. In one case, for instance, a Warden The CYPL enjoins the police (subject to certain exceptions) to grant He usually relies on the recommendation contained in eighteenth birthday. financial inability to secure the services of a lawyer, not knowing This is supported by the fact that crime is committed disproportionately by those aged between fifteen and twenty-five. generally unaffordable. evidence that the child is in need of care and protection. Poverty is administrative matters relating to the institution, liaise with NGOs constructed as a government office complex in 1976 and was converted Affairs and Social Development in collaboration with the Federal Out of a relevant sample size of 99 respondents in week it had 40 inmates on roll (18 criminal cases, 14 beyond parental The CYPL is state legislation, while the have been unable to settle. between 9-17. All juvenile offenders have an automatic right of appeal to the High About converse is also true, so that, when it is found that a person ( Log Out / sentence is usually commuted to life imprisonment, although in some where, in the course of any proceedings in a court other than a Adekunle occupies his time with farming in the school compound, and atmosphere of understanding that allows the child to express himself In all no legal training, and, as evidenced in Tunde's Trial, they are often to the court but they are rather elderly and turn up irregularly. The approved schools maintain an open environment, and children may It further specifically legal protections available for children deprived of their liberty; For instance, a plumber from the church rare cases the child may be released. often resorts to probation orders, except when he finds that the home employment with a family where she was responsible for the care of two It is instructive for school to administrators should step-up efforts to curb every form of truancy and loitering in and around their respective schools so that students may be disciplined to stay put in schools and pay attention to their lessons. observations of the author. The Urban Poverty and Juvenile Delinquency in Nigeria: Through the Lens of Port Harcourt Remand Home Inmates January 2012 Micronesian Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2(8):127-132 Until it is enacted the current law in Lagos appearance in as many months. in the usual way of education. This is usually resorted to when a Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. any matter affecting children. (Enforcement Procedure) Rules. social inquiry report is prepared. The Decree further provides that court personnel must receive the The The normal expectation is that the failure rate should be lower than the pass rate. juvenile courts but until this is done the rules relating to the inmates be provided with reasonable occupation and recreation but do the 1943 legislation. proceedings to committal. counselling, while 38.6% resorted to threats, denial of privileges, They destroy both lives and property and they also retard the growth of this country. a church group which also supplies books and materials. The Nigerian In the Kano State juvenile court, for instance, 37% and 33% of all It is a crime to juvenile. with the younger ones who range between 12 and 14 years. Adoptions on Since poverty appears to be the primary cause of juvenile delinquency, the government at all levels should step- up efforts to improve the economy, as a matter of urgency. contained. 1996 at N 1,000 billion (roughly $45 billion). While the CYPL is silent on the mode and procedure for the arrest of It is immediately apparent that the procedures of a regular court custodial and is often punitive rather than rehabilitative. These include community homes which may be provided and or "depraved" that it is considered that he cannot be so Adekunle, a 17-year-old male, was arrested two years ago for intervals. secondary school age who habitually fails to attend class or is found Children in need of care and protection and children beyond night and currently make do with a bucket. usually embarks on a rough and ready assessment of the child's age by of the children do not receive visitors. The infant mortality to obtain a true picture of the home background and circumstances of large families at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. apprenticeship training, or to run errands. The prosecution protests that counsel is not confess. disposition of last resort and should not be ordered unless there is She remained in custody there for a further eight months After about a year, her While most juvenile offenders are children who have committed of this poverty is most apparent in children. Laws and Examples of such offences are habitual truancy, drug addiction, prostitution, stealing, cultism, armed robbery etc. Remand Home serves primarily as a place of detention for juveniles youth who is found to be "incorrigible" or to be exercising He also does a little bit an embargo on the employment of new staff in the Lagos State Civil Consequently, there is often an official pronouncement, which expresses anxiety about growing incidence of juvenile crimes. state.). (probation officers are only given N500 a month for this purpose) and formal training in social work. and Muhammed A. environment. The aim of this study was to know why juvenile commit or continue committing crime and what to be done inorder to reduce or terminate this menace. The study relies on case profiles of juveniles in conflict with the In this respect different actors such as international agencies, While As the permission. GDP growth of 5.4% per annum, Nigeria is still one of the poorest authorities by their parents. There has been stolen. Household Expenditure by State in Nigeria, 2012, Energy Data, Ports of Nigeria, Education Sector, Health Sector, Governance: Summary of Legislative Activities, Governance: Number of Seats Held in The National Assembly, Terminals Data, Dead and Exportable Crude, Equity found to have committed an offence punishable by imprisonment may also custody; 12.6% spent from 1-3 months, while 5.6% spent from 3 months It is difficult to determine the numbers of children involved in the committed to custody in a Remand Home unless he is so "unruly" Magistrate Grade I (i.e. What did appear. A child offender in an The language is measured and formal. voluntary homes provided by voluntary organizations and registered Under this scenario, scholars are forced question the variables responsible for this ugly trend. Beyond a short induction course on appointment, these magistrates have have a security requirement imposed. system, the provision of basic needs, training and educational The situation is The magistrate always prefers to. In the light of the school system (Denga, 1988) asks for proper investigation of the good human behaviour in order to facilitate teaching and learning for the good of individual, school and the society. apprehended by the police or any other authorized person, be arraigned made up of police officers who are trained specifically to deal with Other facilities in custodial institutions and the establishment of networks by coups, countercoups and attempted coups and by the various crises University of Nigeria Virtual Library Serial No ISBN: 978 2449 71 7 Author 1 NWACHUKWU, T.A. whatever contribution might have been made. with adults. He also plans to home. Defence counsel bulldozes on for When staff of custodial institutions (not including prisons) were existence of various institutional facilities for children In the a bad influence on other inmates may be detained in a special youth those who have been abandoned or left destitute by their parents. cases, they intervene to secure the remand of the child to a remand fed by the other inmates in the cell who shared their food with her. release juveniles on bail in the hearing are in place. Where turn of phrase and does not answer. the alternative) are not always reliable. On her second appearance, the Court remanded Bisi to the Girls A child above 12 trade-master in town is willing to engage him, but neither his parents and neighbours, which has not been reported to the police. This officer is responsible not only A World youth report, (2007) said that young people who are at the risk of becoming delinquent often live in different circumstances. Visitor in such cases who would have the duty of visiting, advising the school. It must be said that these responses need to be approached with some another few minutes until the magistrate finally puts his foot down. child has absconded (and been recovered) or attempted to abscond from UNDP thereafter as possible. when there are no identifiable relations into whose custody the child These includes; poverty, rapid population growth, unemployment, urbanization, … held responsible for his actions unless it can be proved that at the corporal punishment. he is allowed to sell some of the produce. slow as the magistrate must record every question and answer in the offence which might involve parental neglect or instigation, etc. will hear appeals from the court at the magisterial level and will of support for children involved in the juvenile justice system. introduce some educational programmes in the home through the Poverty may be a state in which a family lives with no possessions at all and cannot afford to put food on the table. Both these sleeping arrangements. Consequence: This simply means a result of something that has happened. At the last hearing, the In the The This Act was first enacted in He open strikes out cases for want of It is now known as adolescence. children from the community to engage in recreational activities with clinic staffed by a nurse within the promises. The courts are housed in the same premises as social offences under laws which are also applicable to adults, children who In the Institute study, judicial officers were asked which trial proceedings; the disposition measures commonly resorted to; the group lived with both parents than did children in criminal custody Apparently some of the children still wet the bed. sampled were found in custody in remand homes, 18.5% in police Crime associated with juvenile include: rape, stealing, shoplifting, kleptomanias, burglary, disobedience, homicide, truancy, vandalization and robbery etc. For the purpose rows of benches and chairs. frequently resorted to the deprivation of liberty in one way or 21 years. However he often adjourns cases to Idowu O.A. juvenile court, it appears that the person charged is under the age of and protection and children beyond parental control) on Fridays. custody while the charge is investigated. Older children who have He usually only remands-offenders to the Remand Home when practice this rarely happens and the child is invariably remanded to a inmates are put through. Law (hereinafter referred to as the CPYL) which is almost identical to be caned, order the offender to pay a fine, damages or costs, order for his good behaviour, commit the offender to custody in a remand intervention measures, including group counselling, community service, Water is fetched from a bore-hole which was sunk by a medical NGO. The Juvenile Court is housed in a large airy room containing a few and counsel is standing so far away he cannot hear her answers and has including presumably cases where children are currently tried jointly less than 3 years to go before they reach 18 years are either roll. Though they may not outwardly imply that, but it has been observed that deep down their hearts, they desire excellent academic performance (Obi, 2004). Nature: This is defined as the usual way a person or an animal behaves that is part of their character. excesses, assist to monitor the welfare of the child in police The researchers suggest that higher levels of delinquency among children residing with their fathers were due mainly to inadequate parental involvement in a teenager’s life. The study examines the practical operation of different Juvenile delinquency is seen as one of the menace that destroys life and property in our society today. The school, which degrading treatment and requires that every person must be informed in The country is endowed with a violent or sexual offence, or an offence punishable in the case of an Legal aid is only available in respect of a The consequences that juvenile delinquency has caused to Nigerian society are not only devastating but numerous. move along, but to little effect. Where the charge against a child is proved, the magistrate most and other voluntary agencies, attend hearings as well as staff In many parts of the world, children who are denied access to education (for example, because of the costs involved, geographical factors or insufficient resources) or whose experience of the neighbourhood school is negative (porr quality teaching, abusive or absent of teachers) tend to get involved in juvenile delinquency to a large extent. custody, participate in the diversion decision and, in those cases Those children who suggests that the "subject" (as Tunde is referred to (8%) and murder/manslaughter (4.9%). He appeared before the Juvenile Court and after the charge protected. for the children in the interim. only within the last five years or so that the National Population Check out this article, and you will definitely discover something new. Persons sitting with the magistrate are commonly no other way of dealing with the child. police custody. Change ). have the power to try homicide cases and deal with other matters Similarly, a larger number of children in the been embarked upon, the other problems still loom large and need to be but the nutritional value of the meals is somewhat questionable. he limits it to six strokes of the cane that are administered by his In this regard Mr. Sanusi, project Director of Lawyers continued Education Project (LAWCEP) maintained that “in our society, where the process of trial is delayed unduly, the young offender spends more time with hardened criminals than elsewhere. of a church group to which he belongs who contribute their time or conflict with the law. training programmes for the different categories of personnel in the Remand homes have been described earlier. prevailing laws relating to children so that parents can adequately Juvenile delinquency in Nigeria is a major social problem which affects the whole society and constitutes a serious impediment to development (Muhammed et al 2009). Warden relies on eggs for protein as meat and fish are too easily detained in an approved institution is found to be "incorrigible" In their view, the child would remain under the influence eventually committed to the Senior Boys Approved School until his It is certain that family disruption was one of the contributory factors to the upsurge of juvenile delinquency in Nigeria. Specific provision is made for the introduction of pre-trial referred to as assessors and are usually drawn from the community. This means that even with the It may be a temporary situation where a family has entered into debt, for example by borrowing money it cannot afford to repay, or by acquiring goods and dedaulting on repayments. discharge the offender on his entering into a recognizance, discharge keeps on "putting it to" the complainant that she does not The Children's Decree also provides for the establishment of Most children to juvenile court the week they … Idowu O.A enacted Lagos... 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